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“The Cats of Ulthar” by H.P.

Lovecraft (Total Value of all assignments: 75 points)

Note: For background information on this story, I would suggest looking up both “H.P. Lovecraft” and “The
Cats of Ulthar” on Wikipedia.

Directions: Answer the following questions on separate paper. Support your answers with textual evidence
when needed.

1. Vocabulary: Please provide a synonym or short definition for each of the italicized vocabulary words:
a. “… this I can verily believe …”
b. “For the cat is cryptic and close to strange things which men cannot see.”
c. “He is the kin of the jungle’s lords and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa.”
d. “… take it ill that cats should run stealthily about yards and gardens at twilight.”
e. “ … every cat which came near to their hovel …”
f. “ … as if in performance of some unheard-of rite of beasts.” (6 points)

2. What role do the “old cotter and his wife” play in the story? (Provide an answer plus an explanation.
This question is worth 2 points.)

3. Why do the villagers decide not to confront the “old cotter and his wife”? (Provide textual evidence.)
(2 points)

4. (a) What role do the “strange wanderers from the south” play in the story? (b) How does Lovecraft
make it clear that these people differ from the townspeople of the village? (Provide textual evidence
for the second question.) (3 points)

5. How does Lovecraft imply that Menes has special powers? (Provide textual evidence.) (b) Infer what
Menes prays for when he “stretched out his arms toward the sun and prayed in a tongue no villager
could understand”? (Provide textual evidence to support your inference.) (4 points)

6. Infer what happens to the “old cotter and his wife.” Provide a reason for your inference. (2 points)

7. Why may “no man … kill a cat” in Ulthar? Why did the townspeople decide to pass this law? (2 points)

8. What is the theme of this story? Provide an explanation as well as textual evidence. (4 points)

Answers to the above eight questions (worth 25 points) are due on ________________________.

9. Writing assignment: Narrate your own story about the cats of Ulthar. Minimum length: one page
typed/three paragraphs. Maximum length: three pages typed.

The rough draft of the above writing assignment (worth 10 points) is due ____________________.
(Please share your rough draft on Google Drive with Mr. Wenz and two of your classmates, and label
your paper “Cats of Ulthar rough draft your name.”)

The final draft of the above writing assignment (worth 40 points) is due ______________________.
(Share your final draft on Google Drive with Mr. Wenz and label your paper “Cats of Ulthar final draft
your name.”)

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