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Shannon Lawler

April 30, 2018

Lesson Title: The Vowels of Saturn Grade: Kindergarten

Learning Target: After this lesson, students are expected to know the vowels in the alphabet and their
importance. Students should be able to differentiate the vowels from other letters in the alphabet.
Students should also be able to produce a word that begins with the given vowel.

Grade Level Guide: Content Standards

Content Curriculum Focal Points Common Core State Interdisciplinary Connections

(ie: NCTM, IRA,…) Standards
Geometry: Describing shapes Ohio (Kindergarten-ELA) While learning about the alphabet,
and space (students should be CCSS.ELA- students will also learn facts about
able to describe the general LITERACY.RF.K.2 Saturn and be exposed to new
shape of the vowel). Demonstrate understanding academic language. Students are
of spoken words, syllables, also being exposed to different
and sounds (phonemes). textures when they feel the letters.

Academic Language: planet, Saturn, accelerated, enormous, intense, orbit, unsinkable, miles per hour,
hours, minutes. These words will be taught through group discussion and direct instruction.

Students’ Needs: Before being taught this lesson, students should have had exposure to the letters of the
alphabet. Students should know these letters and be able to identify them in the reading of the big book.
I will connect prior knowledge with the new content by engaging in conversation with the students. I
will remind the students of their knowledge of the letters, and explain a new category within them, also
known as the vowels.

Universal Design for Learning:

1. Hearing Impairment: I will give clear and concise directions and face the student when speaking
to him or her.
2. Orthopedic Impairment: I will encourage the student to participate in every aspect of the lesson
from start to finish. If the student is bound to a wheel-chair, I will re-arrange the classroom to fit
the chair and make sure the table is at the right height.
3. English Language Learner: When teaching the students with the big book, I will make sure to
use the students native language when giving examples of words that begin with the selected
Materials: “The Vowels of Saturn” Big Book, “Vowels of You and Me!” worksheet, pen/pencil.

Language Function: I will move my students from lower level thinking to engage them in the content
area of English Language Arts through the “Vowels of You and Me!” worksheet. This worksheet takes
the content that was previously taught and relates it back to the student. Instead of reading facts about
Saturn, the students will create facts about themselves. This activity will stress the importance of vowels
to the students and show them that the vowels relate to their person as well.
Analyze, Argue, Describe, Evaluate, Explain, Interpret, Justify, Synthesize

Lesson Plan (step by step sequence of the lesson)

Before: Before the lesson, I will ask the students to see their ABC’s and ask them if they know what
the two types of letters are called in the alphabet (vowels and consonants). I will then have each student
say their name and if their name starts with a vowel or consonant. This will make the lesson relevant for
each student.

During: After the introduction, I will read the big book to the students. After I read each page, I will
stress the importance of the vocabulary word on the page and use direct instruction to teach the
academic language. I will engage the students by asking questions about the facts of Saturn and
comparing it to planet Earth. Upon completion of the book, students will return to their seats and will
complete the “Vowels of You and Me!” worksheet.

After: Once students are finished with the worksheet, we will gather again in a circle to share their
answers. When a student shares his or her word, the remaining students will have to guess which vowel
the particular student chose to use. I will prompt the students by asking them why they chose the word
and why it describes them.


Type of Description of Modifications to Evaluation Criteria- How good is

assessment assessment the assessment so good enough to meet standards?
(formal or informal; What will students do that all students (related to the learning objectives)
formative or to show what they may demonstrate Include scoring guide, rubric or other
summative) have learned? learning criteria
Students will If a student needs 3: Student fills out all 5 vowels and
informal formative successfully complete help in filling in have appropriate words selected for
the “Vowels of You the worksheet, each.
and Me!” worksheet students may
with appropriate request a word 2: Student fills out at least 3 vowels
words that describe bank, which correctly.
them, using the contains words
appropriate vowels. that begin with A, 1: Student fills out at least 1 vowel
Students will be able E, I, O, and U. correctly.
to identify a vowel
from a consonant.
Analyzing Teaching: To be completed after the lesson has been taught.

What worked? The size of the book was great and the topic held the
What didn’t? For whom? students interest the whole time.

The academic language was a bit challenging, but proved

to be a good challenge for the students. The activity was
also challenging because the students’ academic
language was not as complex as I presumed.
Adjustments I think I would make this lesson for first or second grade
What instructional changes do you need to as opposed to kindergarten. While it was helpful to teach
make as you prepare for your next lesson? this to kindergarten students who were learning their
vowels, the activity was better fit for older students.
Proposed Changes Whole class: I would chose a more universal topic and
If you could teach this lesson again to this something that relates to their every day life.
group of students what changes would you
make to your instruction? Groups of students: I would give students a word bank
that they could choose words from.

Individual students: I would give each student a mirror so

they can view themselves while choosing adjectives to
describe themselves. This would redirect them to the
activity and the self-reflective aspect of it.

Justification These changes would improve student learning because it

Why will these changes improve student would bring the content into their zone of proximal
learning? development. Vygotsky proposed this idea because he
What research/theory supports these noticed that students learn best when the content is just
changes? outside of their comfort zone because it allows for
students to scaffold the new content onto their prior

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