Teacherpdptemplate 1 Professional Development

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Optional Individual Teacher Professional Development Plan (PDP) Template

District Name School Name Date

Buffalo Public schools Houghton Academy 12/20/18
Teacher Name Assignment/Department/Grade Level Rating & Date of Most Recent Summative
Quinton Hunt SPE 6th 1/5/19
Supervisor Name Principal Name (if different) Plan Begin/End Dates
Mr. Stromenger Mrs. Vandi December 1, 2018- December 22, 2019

I. Areas Identified for Development of Professional Practice

No. Areas Identified for Development Rationale/Sources of Evidence

1 Student is having difficulties writing, speaking, and Student have difficulties spelling words with more then one syllable, thus, while
comprehending written text speaking does not use appropriate language for his grade level and Student can hold
a conversation but cannot articulate or comprehend fully the complexity of the
2 Student reads right below grade level When working with student in Direct intervention (DI) student can read flawlessly
smaller words, but when trying to read words or topics on grade level he struggles
3 Students have extensive behavior problems Student is diagnosed with Emotional disturbance He has difficulties controlling his
actions and behavior. The student sees two different phycologist 3 days a week for
30 minutes each. Student has to take a 15-minute break every few hours to assist
with behavior problems.

II. Professional Learning Goals and Activities

Area Professional Learning Goals Initial Activities Follow-up Activities Estimated Completion
No. (as appropriate) Hours Date
1 Differentiate instructions giving Set a goal for the student to have to  Use peer evaluations 1 ½ hours This will be
constructive formal assessments reach with each assignment while  Student receives 1 on 1 ongoing
making the informational text engaging  Student will work on assessed
and inviting. comprehension worksheets every 2
 Student will use reading weeks

New Jersey Department of Education 1 November 2013


2 Increase Direct intervention time while Work with students in the areas that he  Daily activity worksheet 2 HOURS Ongoing
monitoring students’ progress daily is struggling in align all resources and  Progress report weekly
assignments according to the state  Peer intervention
standards. Have an open formal  Collaborate using online
assessment with explanations. resources

3 Increase awareness of students’ ability to Attend a workshop so as the instructor N/A 4 HOURS 5/31/2019
use technology using digital resources. you can assist student with technology
Student will work with other students and when necessary. Have students work on
professionals in a team building exercise a few stress release techniques that will
to help with his behavior. help him focus.

III. District and School PDP Support

District/School Administrator Support Activities

The school district and principle with gather supplies to assist student in everyday activities through special programs. There are technological resources that
will be available for student when needed. The principal will meet with student at least twice a year but check his progress quarterly. There will be a pre and
post observation conference where a group of professionals including student and parents will discuss his progress.

My signature below indicates that I have received a copy of this Professional Development Plan and that I understand and contributed to its

Teacher Signature: _____Quinton Hunt___________________________________ Date: ____12/20/18__________

Supervisor Signature: _____________Daniel Stromenger________________ Title: ____cooperating teacher____ Date: __12/20/18________

New Jersey Department of Education 2 November 2013

IV. PDP Progress Summary
Interim Review of PDP Progress
Area Demonstrated Progress Sources of Evidence PDP Revisions (if applicable) Review
No. Date
1 Students are producing adequate writing samples and  Student was formally assessed on N/A 1/11/19
is learning to break down words sounding them out. 12/10/18, 12/21/18, 1/4/19
 Student work on syllables 12/14/18
 Student works on synonyms and
antonyms of weeks vocabulary
words 12/7/18, 12/14/18, 12/21/18

2 Student entered a reading competition where if he  Student joins a Saturday reading Student picks up an extra reading 1/11/19
reads 2 books on grade level in 60 days, he will class for extra credit 12/1/18, day on Wednesday evening from 4-
receive an award and be rewarded. 12/8/18, 12/15/18, 12/22/18 6pm

3 Student work within the Positive behavioral  Post observational behavior Student with seek outside 1/11/19
intervention support (PBIS) that helps reinforce conference w/parents 1/9/18 counseling to coincide with
positive behavior over bad ones  Student will read one book to counseling into to make progress
instructor 1/3/19, 1/10/19 with student ability to learn

My signature below indicates that I have reviewed the information recorded in the Interim Review of PDP Progress and that I understand its contents:

Staff Member’s Signature: _______Quinton Hunt_____________________ Date: _____1/8/19_________

Summative Review of PDP Progress

New Jersey Department of Education 3 November 2013
Area Professional Learning Goals Expectations Sources of Evidence Summative
No. Met (Y) or Review Date
Not Met (N)
1 Differentiating instructions with the use of the interactive Y  Student was evaluated on 1/9/19 by the 1/11/19
whiteboard and online educational games to help student read, state
write, and speak proper English.  Student is showing progress in the
struggling field.
2 Improve students Reading grade by modifying the rubric and Y  Student was observed on 1/3/19 1/11/19
have student read the rubric working on each expectation one  Student had a review and discussion
at a time. Increase student’s knowledge on digital resources and conference on 1/4/19
how to use the express reading applications.  Student was trained on technology tools
3 Improve students peer interaction and socialization skills along N  Student behavior was monitored on 1/11/19
with having more time doing group activities. Have student 1/2/19-1/9/19
successfully complete PBIS.  Student shows few improvements
 Student will have to repeat this phase of
behavioral intervention before moving on
to the next one.

My signature below indicates that I have reviewed the information recorded in the Summative Review of PDP Progress and that I understand its contents:

Staff Member’s Signature: _____Quinton Hunt_______________________ Date: ___1/11/19___________

New Jersey Department of Education 4 November 2013

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