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For this project you and your partner are going to compare Canada’s parliamentary
democracy to a government of a different country of your choice. There are multiple
steps that you have to follow for this project so please read this document carefully.

Advice: This project requires individual study outside of the classroom. You will need
access to the internet and will need to be able to work with your partner out of school
for this project to be done successfully. You will be graded on a number of things for
this project; research abilities, poster quality, presentation skills and quality of
government comparison.

Step One: Choose a country that you and your partner are both interested in and
agree with.

Step Two: Research some general facts about that country and complete page 2.

Step Three: Design a poster which includes all of the information from step two. This
will be used as a classroom display.

Step Four: Research about your chosen country’s government and complete the table
on page three.

Step Five: Present your poster and government research to the class (2 minute

Step Six: Hand in this project outline with your completed general facts sheet and
government comparison table. (All group members need to hand this in)

General Facts Sheet
The name of the country that we have chosen to research

Draw the flag of that country

The population of the country is ____________________________

The language of the country is ______________________________

The currency of the country is ______________________________

The capital city of the country is_____________________________

Explain why you chose this country:

Government Comparison Table


What type of government do they


What kind of leader is the head of

the government? (President, Prime
Minister, King/Queen, Emperor)
What is the name of that leader?
What date did it become a
How is the land divided?
(provinces, states, districts)
How many are there?
Is there a parliament?
How many branches of
What is the highest court in

Does it have a constitution?

(yes or no)
Who makes the laws?

Do they have a charter of rights? If

so, what is it called?

Name 3 rights that citizens of this - -

country have - -
- -

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