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Assignment 2b (Individual Assignment) (2011)

Module Title: LEAN OPERATIONS (A-2011/12) Module No: 16-7120-00S

Assessor Dr D. Clegg

Individual Assignment. This is an individual task, which requires the submission

of a written piece of work.

Hand out date: Week 18; Week Commencing 7 November 2011.

Submission deadline: 06 January 2012
Return Date: Three weeks after submission.

To be wholly completed on an individual basis.

The customer's expectations

You have been employed as a consultant to implement Lean within Evenort, a

business providing bespoke flanges to the oil and gas industries. You have Eleven
weeks to consider all of the available material. After which you are required to
produce a written document detailing Lee's options. (Resigning is not one of them!)


 Review the literature giving detailed examples of where within industry Lean
has been applied, the strategies followed when implementing, the benefits
achieved and whether there are any lessons to be learned.
 Create a future state Value Stream Map.
 Propose approaches which can feasibly be considered when implementing
lean manufacturing principles within Evenort. Stating where the most benefit
would be gained. Are there any tools and techniques which you would not
 The key to successfully introducing Lean is to ensure buy-in from all
employees. To this end you are required to produce a detailed plan. State
what tools and explicitly where would implement them to ensure that the
maximum benefits were gained from implementing Lean within the business.
 Create an implementation plan including a discussion about how you would
implement the lean tools you have selected, as well as the anticipated

Conditions of Assessment

 To be completed on a wholly individual basis.

 It is expected that some of the information which you consider necessary
to complete this assignment has been omitted and as such you will need
to make a number of assumptions. State all of the assumptions you have
made in completing this assignment.

 Your work should be appropriately and correctly referenced. If you are
unclear of how to reference your work please seek guidance from the
Learning Centre.
 You are expected to write 3000-5000 words.
 This assignment is worth 40% of the total assessment load.
 Late submission will result in a zero mark being awarded in common with
standard university regulations.

Assignment 2b (Individual Assignment) (2011)........................................................................ 1
The customer's expectations .............................................................................................. 1
Conditions of Assessment ...................................................................................................... 1
Scenario.................................................................................................................................. 3
Context ................................................................................................................................... 4
General Company Background .............................................................................................. 4
The Production Process.......................................................................................................... 4
Examples of typical products (flanges).............................................................................. 5
Facility Layout ................................................................................................................... 6
Product route ...................................................................................................................... 7
Current Value Stream Map ................................................................................................ 9
Appendix .............................................................................................................................. 10
Current Value Stream Map .................................................................................................. 16
Flange Production: Saw Cutting Process Data .................................................................... 17
Administrative Process ........................................................................................................ 18
Marking Scheme .................................................................................................................. 19

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Aerial photograph of Evenort. (Building with white roof.) ........................................ 3
Figure 2 0.75" Diameter Flange ................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3 16" Diameter Flange .................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4 Shop Floor Layout. ...................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5 Production Route 1 ...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 6 Manufacturing Process and Product Route. ................................................................ 8
Figure 7 Current Value Stream Map .......................................................................................... 9
Figure 8 Product Route 1 ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9 Product Route 2 ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 10 Product Route 3 ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11 Product Route 4 ....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12 Some ideas for improving the site ........................................................................... 16


Manufacturing and logistics industries involve the movement of physical items

through a series of processes and acted upon by discrete resources. Being aware
that industry is under constant pressure to provide high quality, timely products while
utilising the minimum of resources you are required to research and apply
appropriate Lean Tools and techniques within Evenort, a small manufacturing
business situated based in South Yorkshire. Thereby helping the business better
identify and remove waste. Below, Figure 1, is an aerial photograph of Evenort's
premises. It should be noted from the photograph that there is little room for
expansion as there is a train track behind the factory and buildings on either side. It
may be possible to extend the building towards the main road if required.

Figure 1 Aerial photograph of Evenort. (Building with white roof.)

In 2009 as the world's economy was in the midst of recession Evenort, an SME
based in South Yorkshire, was seeking to increase efficiency within the business
through implementing a process improvement strategy. In conjunction with Sheffield
Hallam University a Knowledge Transfer Partnership was entered into providing the
opportunity to change. Lee, the Knowledge Transfer Associate having an
awareness of Lean, 6 Sigma, and discrete-event simulation has the opportunity to
make significant improvements to the bottom line of the business; but before making
any change to the business he must first identify what improvements could be made
and devise a strategy for making those improvements. What could, where would
you and in what order would you implement changes? Make your recommendations.

The Evenort Case is intended for using on a process improvement course. The
normal participant is recent graduate who may be taking this module on a full or part-
time basis and has little prior exposure to the practical side of process improvement.

General Company Background

Incorporated in Sheffield in 1982, Evenort is currently situated over two sites. The
Head Office and main manufacturing site is at Houghton Road, Dinnington, Sheffield,
S25 4JJ, UK. With its plasma cutting workshop based at: Shop 12, Robert Jenkins
Works, Wortley Road, Rotherham, S61 1LT, UK.

Evenort's commitment to manufacturing excellence has established the company as

a reliable partner in the processing of Stainless Steel. Evenort's business
proposition is to supply high value bespoke products, typically flanges, produced
within 24hours of order, to the highest quality standards and manufactured from
alloys appropriate to the environment, be it sour or acidic. As such their products are
often used in the oil and gas industries.

The Production Process

Evernort offers a range of products and services which includes:

 Steel & Alloy Flanges
 Bar Processing
 Advanced Manufacturing
 Deep Water Shipments
 Plasma Cutting

However, the focus of this case study is Evenort's Head Office where flanges are
machined, either from cut bar or semi finished castings.

Semi finished forgings are usually purchased from Hilton Metal Forging Ltd. based in
India of whom Evenort owns a substantial share of and is the official UK agent.

Examples of typical products (flanges).

The flanges come in a variety of sizes but typically range in size from 98mm Dia to
597mm Dia and are manufactured from stainless steel. Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate
and provide schematics of the products.

0.75" ASA 150LB RFSO 316/L

Dimensions in mm

D K L C N H B R O F No.Holes
98 69.8 15.9 12.7 38 15.9 27.7 3 42.9 1.6 4

Figure 2 0.75" Diameter Flange

16.00" ASA 150LB RFSO 316/L

Dimensions in mm

D K L C N H B R O F No.Holes
597 539.8 28.6 36.5 457 63.5 410.5 9.5 469.9 1.6 16
Figure 3 16" Diameter Flange

Facility Layout

The manufacturing facility has grown and expanded as demand for specific products
has increased. This led to equipment being purchased and located where there was
space, which Lee thinks may or may not be in the best location from a process
efficiency point of view. The current layout can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Shop Floor Layout.

Product route

Lee has spent several weeks collecting data and has been able to identify four
different routes through the factory. The first of which is shown in Figure 5 with the
remainder given in the appendix.
The generic process route consists of Sawing the bar to length (if manufactured form
bar and not from a semi finished forging), turning, drilling, inspecting, marking and

PRODUCT ROUTE 1 (Ø75-Ø340mm, Stainless Steel 304, 316)


Saw Cutting Operation

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Blade Band change Conditions for change
Day Night
Normally change per batch.
HA250 Ø75-Ø200mm 10mins ± 2 Batch size varies very much
see cutting depending on customer order
1 1 15mins±5 Assume after 500 cuts
process data quantity (could be from 1 to
HA400 Ø152-Ø355mm 10mins ± 2 200), make your own
1 person in charge all the saws

Turning Operation
Forged OP
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
CNC-T1 Ø75-Ø150mm 5mins ± 3 5mins ± 2 Make your own
1 0.5 CNC-T3 Ø125-Ø254mm 5mins ± 3 5mins ± 2 assumption. E.g.
CNC-T4 Ø125-Ø254mm 5mins ± 3 5mins ± 2 Your assumption for batch size 1 min change tip when finish
1 1 ML-1 Ø75-Ø340mm 15mins ± 5 5mins ± 2 50 items.
1 0 ML-2 Ø75-Ø340mm 15mins ± 5 5mins ± 2

Note: means at night shift 1 person on both turning and drilling machine

Drilling Operation
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
CNC-D2 Ø75-Ø400mm 3mins ± 1 5mins ± 2 Your assumption for batch size Make your own
1 0.5 CNC-D3 Ø75-Ø400mm 3mins ± 1 5mins ± 2 1 min assumption.
CNC-D4 Ø75-Ø400mm 3mins ± 1 5mins ± 2

Inspection, Mark & Pack

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover
Day Night
0.5 0 Inspect Station All jobs 30secs±5
2 operators
Mark 1
1.5 0 Ø75-Ø380mm 20secs±5 Assume no changeover
Mark 2
1 0 Pack Station All jobs 25secs±5

Figure 5 Production Route 1

An alternative representation of the process route can be seen in Figure 6.


Main Process

Bar Saw Turning (Boring, Facing, Taping, etc.) Drilling (Bolt Hole) Inspection Marking Packing

Mark 1
HA500 CNC-T1 (Ø75-Ø150mm) CNC-D1 (Ø300-Ø640mm)
Mark 2

CNC-T2 (Ø220-Ø457mm) CNC-D2 (Ø75-Ø400mm)

HA700 Mark 3 Parker Job
CNC-T3 (Ø125-Ø254mm) CNC-D3 (Ø75-Ø400mm)
Mark 4 Big Job
CNC-T4 (Ø125-Ø254mm) CNC-D4 (Ø75-Ø400mm)
(5 M/C)
CNC-T&D5 (Ø340-

HA250 CNC-D5 (Ø75-Ø580mm)

Machine and (5 M/C)
Product Route M-L1 (Ø75-Ø340mm)

M-L2 (Ø75-Ø340mm)

Manual Lathe-T M-C-L3 (Ø75-Ø340mm)

M-L4 (Ø300-Ø520mm)

M-L5 (Ø500-Ø700mm)

VAX-500 (Ø75-Ø380mm)
INT200 (Ø75-Ø200mm)
Adv. CNC–T&D
INT300 (Ø175-Ø380mm)

Main process 1. Jobs are scheduled daily when customer orders are received.
2. Generally, product route is determined by the size instead of type, but product with complicated shape only goes to advanced CNC
Product route machine.
3. and, duplex steel and nickel alloy product only goes to advanced CNC machine.
Second route

Figure 6 Manufacturing Process and Product Route.

Current Value Stream Map

From compiling the above data and direct observation Lee has created the following Value Stream Map, Figure 7.
Evenort Current Value Stream Map

Order as Reuqired
Daily Schedule Orders
Sandvik and etc.
1 month Schedule Pieces/wk= 1134
Pieces/Day =225
Takt= 231 secs

Forge Flanges
HMFL (India) and
SL, DSF (China)

EVE. (10%)

TNT (90%)


BAR SAW T1, T3, T4 D2, 3, 4
0.5 1.5 0.5
1 Day 1, Nigt 0.5 Day 1, Nigt 0.5 4 M/C 0.5 for dispatch
2 wks 12 M/C M/C Day 3, Nigt 1 M/C Day 3, Nigt 1
1.5 days C/T
0.4 days 0.2 days C/T 0.3 days C/T
C/O Uptime Uptime Uptime
Uptime Shifts=1 Shifts=1 Shifts=1
Shifts=2 Avail.=25920 secs Avail.=25920 secs Avail.=25920 secs
Avail.=25920 secs

ML1, 2 ML3 (center)

Day 2 Nigt 1
M/C Day 2, Nigt 1



Day 1, Nigt 0.4

4 mths 1 M/C

Figure 7 Current Value Stream Map


PRODUCT ROUTE 1 (Ø75-Ø340mm, Stainless Steel 304, 316)

Saw Cutting Operation

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Blade Band change Conditions for change
Day Night
Normally change per batch.
HA250 Ø75-Ø200mm 10mins ± 2 Batch size varies very much
see cutting depending on customer order
1 1 15mins±5 Assume after 500 cuts
process data quantity (could be from 1 to
HA400 Ø152-Ø355mm 10mins ± 2 200), make your own
1 person in charge all the saws

Turning Operation
Forged OP
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
CNC-T1 Ø75-Ø150mm 5mins ± 3 5mins ± 2 Make your own
1 0.5 CNC-T3 Ø125-Ø254mm 5mins ± 3 5mins ± 2 assumption. E.g.
CNC-T4 Ø125-Ø254mm 5mins ± 3 5mins ± 2 Your assumption for batch size 1 min change tip when finish
1 1 ML-1 Ø75-Ø340mm 15mins ± 5 5mins ± 2 50 items.
1 0 ML-2 Ø75-Ø340mm 15mins ± 5 5mins ± 2

Note: means at night shift 1 person on both turning and drilling machine

Drilling Operation
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
CNC-D2 Ø75-Ø400mm 3mins ± 1 5mins ± 2 Your assumption for batch size Make your own
1 0.5 CNC-D3 Ø75-Ø400mm 3mins ± 1 5mins ± 2 1 min assumption.
CNC-D4 Ø75-Ø400mm 3mins ± 1 5mins ± 2

Inspection, Mark & Pack

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover
Day Night
0.5 0 Inspect Station All jobs 30secs±5
2 operators
Mark 1
1.5 0 Ø75-Ø380mm 20secs±5 Assume no changeover
Mark 2
1 0 Pack Station All jobs 25secs±5
Figure 8 Product Route 1

PRODUCT ROUTE 2 (Adv. CNC Ø75-Ø380mm, assume 40% Duplex and Nickel Alloy, 60% stainless steel)

Saw Cutting Operation

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Blade Band change Conditions for change
Day Night
HA250 Ø75-Ø200mm see cutting 10mins ± 2 Depends on order quantity (1
1 1 15mins±5 Assume after 500 cuts
HA400 Ø152-Ø355mm process data 10mins ± 2 to 200), make assumption
1 person in charge all the saws

Turning & Drilling Operation

Forged OP
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
Make your own
1 0.4 Mazak INT 200 Ø75-Ø200mm 10mins ± 5 15mins ± 5
assumption. E.g.
Your assumption for batch size 1 min change tip when finish
1 0.3 Mazak INT 300 Ø175-Ø380mm 20mins ± 10 15mins ± 5 40 items.

Note: 1 OP on 3 machine at night, the figures are assumption work loading distribution.

Milling Operation (Optional depends on custmer requirment, assume 50% of parts needs milling opteration)
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
Make your own
1 0.3 Mazak VAX 500 Ø75-Ø380mm 45mins ± 15 20mins ± 5 Your assumption for batch size 1 min

Inspection, Mark & Pack

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover
Day Night
Inspect Station All jobs 30secs±5
Mark 1
Sampe Ø75-Ø380mm
Mark 2
For top face 20secs±5 Assume no changeover
with Route
Mark 3 marking, make
1 assumption
Pack Station All jobs 25secs±5

Figure 9 Product Route 2

PRODUCT ROUTE 3 (Ø380-Ø640mm stainless steel 304, 316)


Saw Cutting Operation

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Blade Band change Conditions for change
Day Night
HA500 Ø304-Ø457mm see cutting 10mins ± 2 Depends on order quantity (1 to
1 1 20mins±5 Assume after 200 cuts
HA700 Ø406-Ø640mm process data 10mins ± 2 50), make assumption
1 person in charge all the saws

Turning Operation
Forged OP
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
same OP on Make your own
CNC-T1, T3, CNC-T2 Ø220-Ø457mm 15mins ± 5 5mins ± 2 assumption. E.g.
T4 Your assumption for batch size 1 min change tip when finish
ML-4 Ø300-Ø640mm 25mins ± 5 10mins ± 5 30 items.
1 0
ML-5 Ø300-Ø640mm 25mins ± 5 10mins ± 5

Drilling Operation
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
Same OP on Make your own
CNC-D5 Ø75-Ø580mm 7mins ± 2 5mins ± 2 Your assumption for batch size. 1 min
CNC T&D5 assumption.

Inspection, Mark & Pack

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover
Day Night
Sampe Inspect Station All jobs 60secs±5
operators Ø400-Ø1200mm 30secs±5 Assume no changeover
with Route Mark 4
1 Pack Station All jobs 180secs±10

Figure 10 Product Route 3 13

PRODUCT ROUTE 4 (Ø400-Ø1200mm, majority stainless steel 304, 316)

Bar (Ø400-Ø640mm)

Saw Cutting Operation

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Blade Band change Conditions for change
Day Night
see cutting Depends on order quantity (1
1 1 HA700 Ø400-Ø640mm 10mins ± 2 20mins±5 Assume after 200 cuts
process data to 20), make assumption
1 person in charge all the saws

Turning & Drilling Operation

Forged OP
M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover Tool/Tip change Conditions for change
Day Night
Depends on order quantity, Make assumption. E.g.
1 1 CNC T&D5 Ø400-Ø1200mm 180 mins ± 60 10mins ± 3 1 min
make assumption after 20 items

Inspection, Mark & Pack

M/C Job Size Cycle Time Changeover Conditions for changeover
Day Night
Sampe Inspect Station All jobs 60secs±5
Ø400-Ø1200mm 30secs±5 Assume no changeover
with Route Mark 4
1 Pack Station All jobs 180secs±10

Figure 11 Product Route 4

Current Raw Material Inventory and WIP for Reference to Make Batch Size Assumptions

Bar For CNC-T1,T3,T4 For CNC-D2, D3, D4 For Inspect For Mark For Pack
79 parts, 1 to 7 types of
2 weeks stock Route 1 137 parts, 1 to 10 types of parts parts 20 0 45
Forge For M-L1, L2
4 months stock 64 parts, 1 to 10 types of parts
For Mazak INT 200 For Mazak VAX 500 5 10 10
77 parts, 1 to 5 types of
Route 2 40 parts, 1 to 5 types of parts parts
For Mazak INT 300
17 parts, 1 to 3 types of parts
For CNC-T2, M-L3, L4 For CNC-D5 4 0 4
Route 3 6 parts, 1 to 2 types of
16 parts, 1 to 5 types of parts parts
For CNC-T&D5 6 0 0
Route 4
6 parts, 1 to 4 types of parts

Note: This inventory and WIP is just for reference so that you have an rough idea when you make assumption on batch size.
The WIP of parts number for different operation and types number varies day by day. They are average figures based on my one week statistics.

Current Value Stream Map Evenort Current Value Stream Map

Order as Reuqired
Daily Schedule Orders
Sandvik and etc.
1 month Schedule Pieces/wk= 1134
Pieces/Day =225
Takt= 231 secs

Forge Flanges
HMFL (India) and
SL, DSF (China)

EVE. (10%)

TNT (90%)


BAR SAW T1, T3, T4 D2, 3, 4
0.5 1.5 0.5
1 Day 1, Nigt 0.5 Day 1, Nigt 0.5 4 M/C 0.5 for dispatch
2 wks 12 M/C M/C Day 3, Nigt 1 M/C Day 3, Nigt 1
1.5 days C/T
0.4 days 0.2 days C/T 0.3 days C/T
C/O Uptime Uptime Uptime
Uptime Shifts=1 Shifts=1 Shifts=1
Shifts=2 Avail.=25920 secs Avail.=25920 secs Avail.=25920 secs
Avail.=25920 secs

ML1, 2 ML3 (center)

Day 2 Nigt 1
M/C Day 2, Nigt 1



Day 1, Nigt 0.4

4 mths 1 M/C

Figure 12 Some ideas for improving the site

Flange Production: Saw Cutting Process Data
304, 316 Material Bar Saw Cutting Data
Bar Size (Ømm) Saw Type Used for Cutting Cutting Time (mins) Varation
76 3 ±1
101 5 ±1
120 HA250
152 10 ±2
200 17 ±3
228 HA400
254 25 ±4
304 38 ±4
355 59 ±5
381 HA500
406 75 ±6
457 100 ±7
520 HA700 150 ±8
640 220 ±10

Duplex Steel e.g. F44 and Nickel Alloy e.g. 625 Material Bar Saw Cutting Data
76 4 ±1
101 10 ±2
120 HA250
152 22 ±3
200 37 ±4

Administrative Process

Physical equipment in process

Order received

4 x PC for orders (4 staff)

PO required?
No 1 printer - job sheets (carbon paper)
1 printer - WRI cards, drawings, test
Raise PO
Input details into certificates (normal)
1 PC - Diana/Peter -digital filing,
Job sheet printed
WRI card & drawing
printed (Peter also has PC but not necessarily
required for this particular process)
Job written in job
sheet log book

Reprint or print No
drawing Drawing adequate?


Job sheet placed in

blue tray

Job sheets sorted into


Locate required No
Job complete?


Mark sheet to
indicate job complete

Jobsheet top copy to

dispatch / invoicing

Inspection note & test

certificate filed

Test certificate

Document pack out


Document pack
matched with
completed part

Locate part No

All correct documents with

finished part?

Print missing

Part dispatched with


White top sheet filed

Process customer
Marking Scheme
Indicative weighting: Each task will carry an equal weighting.

<40 40-50 50-60 60-70 >70

Task 1 One of two Some examples Many examples plus... plus...
Review the literature giving detailed examples of examples. of common applications many varied primary research
where Lean has been applied, the strategies applications. given. examples. A with discussion
followed when implementing, the benefits table of of the validity of
applications from the table.
achieved and whether there are any lessons to
a published
be learned. source.
Task 2 Does not Minor mistakes. Symbols used Redesigns the plus...
Create a future state Value Stream Map. understand the appropriate. process Indicates where
concepts. incorporating and what
Lean tools and changes are
techniques. required.
Task 3 Inappropriate Schedule Implementation plus... plus...
Propose approaches which can feasibly be schedule. provided but schedule, Difficulty of tools and
considered when implementing lean lacks weightings given implementing vs. techniques which
manufacturing principles within Evenort. Stating justification. for each activity. benefit gained. should not be
where the most benefit would be gained. Are
with appropriate
there any tools and techniques which you would justification.
not implement?
Task 4 Some tools Tools have been Detail plan Explicit plus...
The key to successfully introducing Lean is to stated. considered produced stating examples from identification and
ensure buy-in from all employees. To this end together with where and when other businesses quantification of
you are required to produce a detailed plan. State where they could tools would be of how and the metrics used
be applied. implemented. where the tools to quantify the
what tools and explicitly how, where and when
you are benefits of
you would implement them to ensure that the recommending implementing
maximum benefits were gained from have been your chosen
implementing Lean within the business. implemented. improvements.


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