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New American

nsl_ e
Sue Kay Vaughan Jones
Adapted by: Peter Maggs Catherine Smith

Student's Book lntermediate

- --

Units & topics 0peaking & ~riting Oeading & Listening texts 0rammar, 0ocabulary, & Qronunciation

1 Friends 0 Friends o David Schwimmer: Q&A 0 Question forms. Tense review.

0 Getting to know you o Keeping in touch Questions with prepositions. Subject
questions. Adverbs of frequency
0 How people communicate @ Three people talking about keeping
Anecdote: A friend who is in touch with friends 0 Friendship expressions
page 4
different from you o That was then. This is now 0 Extra Using a dictionary

ID~ Emails Useful phrases: Meeting friends Q Fractions and percentages

- - -------
2 Adrenalin 0 Exciting experiences o 0 Present perfect. Simple past
• Three people talking about
and past progressive. Compara ti ves
and superlatives
page 12 Anecdote: A time when you were
in a dangerous / exciting situation
• Two people talking about sports
they do
Graciable and non-graciable adjectives .
Time expressions. Sports
Extra Adjectives: exploring synonyms
0 Describing a city/town Useful phrases: Giving advice about

fla ~ Story
complaints or injuries Q Intonation to show strong feelings

3 Relationships 0 Personal pictures o Who do you carry around? 0 Dynamic and stative meanings.
Fa mily
0 Family o Twenty-first century dating Present perfect: simple and
page 20
• Two people talking about their
relationships 0
Family. Relationships. Describing
m ~ Informalletter @ Six people talking about their
ideal mate 0 Extra Sounds and spelling

o What's your type? Q Word stress

Useful phrases: "Less direct" language

Review A Pages 28, 29: Grammar 1 Vocabulary 1 Pronunciation review

page 28 Pages 30, 31: Reading & Listening. Writing & Speaking
- - - - - - - --- ---------

4 Party 0 Festivals O Las Fallas 0 Phrasal verbs. Future forms. Pronouns:

Festivals 0 NewYear's @ An interview with someone about anybody, somebody, etc.
New Year's 0 Festivals. do and make. Parties
0 Parties the Chinese New Year

page 32 Anecdote: A party you've O How to throw the best party ever 0 Extra Phrasal verbs
been to (and enjoy it!) Q Connected speech: gonna, wanna
fla ~ Letters of thanks Useful phrases: Inviting; making
and apology excuses

5 Edible 0 Chocolate o Chocolate trivia 0 Countable and uncountable nouns.

Describing food
Eating habits
•• Sorne facts about chocolate
An interview with a person who
has ea ten sorne unusual food
Quantity expressions. used to 1 would
Partitives: a bar of, a bowl of .. ., etc.
Describing food. Taste and texture
page 40 Anecdote: Your childhood
memories o Memories of food 0 Extra Nouns and articles

fla ~ Letter of complaint Useful phrases: Ata restaurant: register Q Word stress

6 Time 0 Time management o Test your attitude to 0 Prepositions of time. Modals of

Time 0 Work and jobs time management obligation and permission
~ Business letters o Time-saving tips: lists 0 Time expressions. Phrasal verbs.
page 48 fla ~ Letter requesting
informa tion
• Three people talking about their jobs
Useful phrases: Time idioms and
Extra Words that are sometimes
Q Ordinal numbers
- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Review 8 Pages 56, 57: Gramrnar 1 Vocabulary 1 Pronunciation review
page 56 Pages 58, 59: Reading & Listening. Writing & Speaking • Song: Downtown

Lm = Workbook. Each unit of the Workbook contains a one-page section which develops practica! writing ski_·n_s_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____¡
Units & topics 0peaking & Griting ()eading & Listening texts 0rammar, 0ocabulary, & Oronunciation

7 News 0 Celebrities and the paparazzi ~ An interview with a paparazzo 0 Verb patterns. Passive structures
0 News stories () News in brief 0 Adjectives to describe celebrities.
News stories Crime. Headline language
Crime 0 Crime ~ A news bulletin
page 60 G Personal news () An email with personal news 0 Extra Verb patterns

IDG Essay Useful phrases: Personal news o ed end ings: /tJ, Id!, hd!
8 Travel 0 Traveling () Extract 1 from The 8eacl1 0 Modals of deduction. Past perfect
0 Describing places () Extract 2 from The Beach 0 Geographical location. Describing
Places places. Fixed expressions: now or never,
0 Vacations () Bondi/Portinatx beaches
page 68 An ecdo te: A trip you ha ve
been on
.- Two people discussing a friend's
travel web page 0
take it or lenve it, etc .
Extra Dictionary labels
ID G Describing a place () Coast to coast o English names for famous
geographical features
Useful phrases: Asking for and giving

9 Opinions 0 Men and women () Men and women: survey 0 Reported statements and questions
0 Books, movies, and music () Men and women: survey results 0 Books. Movies. Music. ed/ing adjectives
Anecdote: A movie you enjoyed ~ Seven conversations about books, 0 Extra Collocations
page 76 G A book review movies, and music
o Word stress
ID G Movie review () Mr. Nice Cuy
() Book choice
() Pride and Prejudice: synopsis
Useful phrases: Giving your opinion

Review C Pages 84, 85: Grammar 1 Vocabulary 1 Pronunciation review

page 84 Pages 86, 87: Reading & Listening. Writing & Speaking • Song: Tom's Diner

10 Childhood 0 Children and parents () Children's descriptions of a mother 0 Defining relative clauses. Real
Children conditionals (first conditional).
0 Bringing children up ~ Children defining things
Childhood lndirect questions
Anecdote: An activity you did () Líes, white líes, ... and
as a child psychologists 0 Phrasal verbs. Childhood. Verb-noun
page 88
ID e collocations. Proverbs. mnke and let
Letter of advice
" TV interview with "pushy parents"
Useful phrases: Describing objects
0 Extra Word families
o Words with silent letters
11 Age 0 Aging rockers () A conversation about a Rolling 0 Unreal conditionals (second and third
Regrets Stones gig conditionals). Wishes and regrets
0 Regrets
Age () Poem: Jf ...
0 Age 0 Adverbs of attitude and manner. Age
Dile mmas
page 96 0 Discussing dilemmas () Ageism turned me into a liar 0 Extra Idiomatic expressions

ID e Story ~ Conversation between a woman o Word stress

and aman about age
() Three situations and dilemmas St-t
Useful phrases: On the telephone

12 Style 0 Physical description () How I get dressed 0 Adjective order. Jzave/get something
0 Describing yourself @ Four people talking about their done
e Describing a moví e character favorite clothes 0 Clothes. Physical description.
Verb phrases
Anecdote: Somebody you met () Extract from Come Together
page 104
for the first time recently ~ Two friends talking about a TV 0 Extra Exploring meanings
ID e a person show, Ten Yenrs Younger o Sounds and spelling
() Morning routines
Useful phrases: Small talk

Review O Pages 112, 113: Grammar 1 Vocabulary 1 Pronunciation review

page 112 Pages 114, 115: Reading & Listening. Writing & Speaking • Song: Dedicated Fo/lower of Fashion

Pairwork: Student A page 116 • Pairwork: Student B page 121 • Grammar Extra page 126 • Test yourseif! page 149 • Glossnry page 150 •
Audioscript page 151 • Phonetic symbols & spelling page 158 • Irregular verbs page 159
Grammar Question forms . Tense review. Adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary Friendship expressions
Useful phrases Meeting friends unexpectedly

Speaking & Reading

1 Write down the names of three people who are important to you:
a) a relative; b) a friend; e) a famous person.
Ask a partner about the people they have chosen. Find out as much as you can.

2 Read the questionnaire about the American actor, David Schwimmer. According
to his answers, which of these famous people doesn't belong in this group?

Charlie Chaplin Leonardo d a Vinci Dostoevsky Mahatma Gandhi

Michael Jackson Sophia Loren Martin Luther King Jr.

David Schwimmer was born in New York and grew up in

Los Angeles. He appeared as Ross Geller in the popular
TV show, Friends. He's also a stage actor and a movie director.
When were you happiest? Where would you like to live?
Before I realized my parents, sister, Near the ocean, one day.
and I were all mortal.
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
What is your greatest fear? Pizza and TV, hopefully together.
Besides death? Standing on stage
Who would you invite to your
in front of thousands of people,
dream dinner party?
forgetting what happens next, but
Dostoevsky, Sophia Loren, Mahatma
knowing I'm supposed to be doing it.
Gandhi, Gene Kelly, Martin Luther
Also, being in the ocean alone and
King Jr., Leonardo da Vinci, Charlie
feeling something large brush against
Chaplin, Cole Porter, Sade, my family,
my leg.
my friends, my lady, and a translator.
What is your earliest memory?
When did you last cry, and why?
Diving off a piece of furniture and
Three days ago, when I saw the
onto my parents' bed.
movie La Vie en Rose. It reminded me
What or who is the greatest love how brief our time is here, and how
of your life? wonderful it is to fall in love.
The theater.
What song would you like played
Is it better to give or to receive? at your funeral?
I am always happier giving, rather Don't Stop Ti/ You Get Enough by
than receiving, a gift - and happiest Michael Jackson .
when I give anonymously.

3 Work with a partner. Look at the questionnaire and discuss what David Schwimmer
says about the following subjects.
a) The theater It's the greatest lave of his life.
b) The ocean e) Gifts d) Pizza and TV e) La Vie en Rose f) Love

4 Choose the five most interesting questions from the questionnaire and think about
your own answers. Work with a partner and compare your questions and answers.

4 U NJT m Friends
Speaking & Grammar
1 Work with a partner. Match the beginnings (a-l) with the endings (1-12) of these

About you: Q&A

Whe<e .... ~
a) 1 you do for a living?
b) How many ... 2 music do you listen to?
e) What does ... 3 been to an English-speaking country?
d) Are ... 4 you doing at this time yesterday?
e) How often do yo u ... 5 are you from?
f) What do ... 6 you last go on vacation?
g) What kind of ... 7 you studying for any exams right now?
h) How long ... 8 brothers and sisters do you have?
i) Ha ve you ever ... 9 do you admire most?
j) When did ... 10 your name mean?
k) Whatwere ... 11 have you been learning English?
1) Who ... 12 see your parents?

Ask each other the questions. How many of your answers are the same?

Question forms 2 Classify the questions (a-l) from the Q&A above in the following table of tenses.
Where is he from?
Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect progressive
Has he been here long?
What was he doing? Present a, b, ...
Who saw him first? Past

Which two tenses are not included in the Q&A?

3 Questions sometimes end in a preposition; for example, questions

a and g in the Q&A above. Rewrite these questions in the correct order.
a) learning 1 English 1 What 1 you 1 for 1 are 1 ?
What are you learning English for?
b) are 1 at 1 yo u 1 kinds of things 1 What 1 good 1 ?
e) kinds of things 1 What 1 in 1 are 1 interested 1 you 1 ?
d) money 1 you 1 on 1 do 1 spend 1 the most 1 What 1 ?
e) clubs or groups 1 What 1 to 1 belong 1 you 1 do 1 ?
f) What 1 about/ kinds of things 1 you 1 do 1 worry 1 ?
g) lunch 1 you 1 usually 1 Who 1 have 1 do 1 with 1 ?
h) in 1 you 1 do 1 confide 1 Who 1 ?
Ask your partner the questions.

4 Look at these questions and answers. In which question is Who the subject?
a) "Who do you confide in?" "1 confide in John."
b) "Who confides in you?" "John confides in me."

Do you use the auxiliary do when Who, What, or Which is the subject?

5 Grammar Extra
..., 1 page 126. Read the expla nation and do the exercises.

6 Look at these sentences. Write questions with Who.

a) Jenny talks the most. d) Becky texts me the most.
Who talks the most? e) David lives the closest tome.
b) Tom always remembers m y birthday. f) Rick has known me the longest.
e) Brad wears the best clothes.

Think about your close friends and answer the questions (a-f). Ask your partner.

Friends 5
1 " 1.02 Listen and repeat the fractions in the box.

2 Match each percentage with the equivalent fraction.

a) 5% = 1/ 2 e) 25% e) 33.3% g) 75%
b) 12.5% d) 30% f) 50% h) 80%

~ 1.03 Listen, check, and repeat.

1 Write down the names of five friends. When was the last time you were in touch?
How did you communicate (face-to-face 1 by phone 1 online messaging 1 ... )?
Tell a partner.

2 Work with your partner. Read the results of a survey about keeping in touch with
friends. Read each statement (a-j) and decide which altemative is most likely to be true.

a) The average yaung persan has 94 1 48 numbers in their eell phane.

b) On average, yaung peaple eammunieate regularly anline and faee-ta-faee with
5 1 53 friends.
e) The group with the largest number af friends are girls 1 boys aged 14-21.
d) Of all the peaple surveyed, thase wha spend the mast time anline {31 haurs per week)
are women 1 men aged 22-24.
e) Over half af yaung peaple said that they like messaging beeause they can talk about
more things than face-to-tace 1 it's cheap.
f) The tap messaging tapie is work or school 1 gossip.
g) Teehnalagy has resulted in yaung peaple having more 1 fewer clase friendships.
h) Teehnalagy has replaced 1 improved faee-ta-faee interaetian.
i) Teehnalagy makes yaung peaple happier 1 more stressed.
j) 59% 1 29% af yaung peaple prefer TV ta their eamputer.

':,T:_.,....;;;c-"= --~ - ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ -~.



@ 1.04 Listen and check your ideas. Which are the most/least surprising results?

1 Three people (Adam, Carole, and Sharon) were asked, "How
do you usually contact your friends?" Guess their answers
and complete their responses with the words in the box.

email letters online phone SkypeTM text

Adam Carole Sharon

1 (1) _ _ from time to I check my (4) _ _ I never send (7) _ _ .
time. 1 usually speak on once a week. I use I (8) _ _ all the time. I
the (2) _ _ . I check my (5) _ _ now and then. don't often speak on the
(3) _ _ twice a day. I rarely write (6) _ _ (9) _ _ . I'm always
nowadays. (10) _ _ .

2 @ 1.05 Listen and check your ideas for Exercise l. How many of the sentences
are true for you?

Adverbs of frequency 1 Add more adverbs of frequency from the sentences in the Listening section.
be + adverb Always Often Sometimes Not often Never
I'm always online.
normally occasionally hardly ever
auxiliary + adverb +
main verb regulad y
She doesn't often call me.
adverb + main verb 2 Look at the sentence below. Decide which adverbs in the table normally go in
I rarely write letters. position A and which ones normally go in position B.
Adverb phrases contact my friends by phone
I'm on the phone Position A: always, ...
all the time.
3 Guess which adverbs from the table would make these statements true for your
They contact me
partner. Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs you have chosen.
from time to time.
He uses Skype™ now and a) He/She writes letters.
then . b) He/She listens to classical music.
e) He/She is late for appointments.
d) He/She remembers friends' birthdays.
e) He/She goes to the theater.
f) He/She buys chocolate.

Ask your partner questions to check your ideas.

Do you ever write letters? How often do you listen to classical music?

4 Pairwork • ·r;, 116 Student B: page 121

Friends U N 1 T 1 7
1 Look at the pictures of Tina and Will in college and Tina and Will now. Discuss
whether you think the following statements are true or false.
a) Tina and Will had similar interests when they were in eollege.
b) They ehose similar eareers when they graduated.
e) They have similar jobs and lifestyles now.

Read the article and check your ideas.

Tina and Will met when they were both studying at the same college. Three
years later, we contacted them and asked them to take part in a survey to find
out how many people had stayed friends. Here is what we found out.

How did you meet Will?
I first met Will when I was loo king for someone to share the ho use I was
re nting. I put an ad in the local newspa per, and he answered it. Whe n we
met, we clicked right away, and I told him he could move in.
What was it like living with Will?
10 1t was fun. We soon fo und out that we had a lot in commo n and quickl y became
close frie ncls. We had the sa me ideas abo ut politics ancl othe r less impo rtant
things like cooking. We also liked the same music, ancl that's important whe n
yo u're sharing a ho use . We arguecl a couple of times about the housework. Will
thinks I'm messy, but I think life's too short to worry abo ut things like that.
15 What happened when you graduated from college?
When we graduated three years ago , we went o ur separare ways, and since the n
o ur lives have been ve ry differe nt. I went back to my hometown and got a job
as a production assistant for art exhibitions. I !ove my job, but I'm living with my
pare nts because I'm not earning very much. Will thinks I'm cra zy, because mo ney
20 is very important to him now, but I get a lot of satisfaction from my job . He 's
earning a lot of mo ney, but he cloesn't have time to spend w ith his family. O ur
lifestyles are so different now that when he comes fo r the weekend we have a
good time , but we do n't have ve ry much to talk abo ut.

25 What kind of relationship did you have with Tina in college?
Tina and I got alo ng very well togethe r. Whe n we first met, we hit it off
immediate ly and we ended up sharing a house fo r almost tlu·ee yea rs. We had
o ur ups ancl downs but we had the same attitude to the important things in life,
ancl the o nly thing we fou ght about was the housework. I'm a Virgo, so I'm very
30 neat, whereas Tina's the opposite. I clo n't think she ever fo und out where we
kept the vacuum clea ne r!
What did you do when you graduated?
Whe n 1 fini shed school, I moved to New York City and got a jo b in a fin ance
company. I have to wo rk lo ng hours ancl I don't reall y e njoy what I'm do ing,
35 but I earn a ve1y good sa lary. I'm very ambitious ancl I enjoy spe nding mo ney
on CDs, clothes, and a nice car. Tina's wo rking reall y hard as well , but she's not
earning much . I clo n't unde rstand why she 's clo ing it.
Are you still in touch with each other?
Our lifestyles are very differe nt now, so we've drifted apart. We still talk o n the
40 pho ne , and w hen I go clown to visir her, we have a good time. 1 know she'll
always be there fo r me.

2 Underline the correct name.

a) Tina 1 Will was looking for someone d) Tina 1 Will has a well-paid job.
to share the house with. e) Tina 1 Willloves her / his job.
b) Tina 1 Will is a very neat person. f) Tina 1 Will has a niee ear.
e) Tina 1 Willlives at home now.

1 Complete these expressions to talk about friendship from the article on page 8.
a) we liked one another as soon as we first met = we clicked _ _ 1 we hit it _ _
b) we had similar interests = we had a lot
e) we got to know one another very well = we became _ _
d) we fought = we _ _
e) we became 1 have become more distant from each other = we went our separate
__ 1 we've drifted _ _
f) we enjoyed each other's company = we got along _ _
g) we had good moments and bad moments = we had our _ _
h) I know I can count on her when I need a friend = I know she'll always be _ _

Look again at the text and check your answers.

2 The following is a summary of Tina and Will's friendship. Put the lines of the
summary in the correct order.

D met. They became close

D separa te ways and they've drifted
D friends and got along
OJ Tina and Will hit it
D in common. Now they have gone their
[IJ off immediately when they first
D a fight and they say that they are still
D there for each other.
D apart. They haven't had
D well together. They had a lot
3 How many friends have you stayed in touch with from:
a) elementary school; b) high school; e) college? Compare with a partner.

Speaking: anecdote
1 • 1.06 Listen to Antonia talking about a friend who is different from her and look at
the questions. Which two questions does she not answer?
a) What ie youc fciend'< name? >~ 1 In Guatemala.
b) How long have you known 2 Backgrounds, tastes,
each other? personalities, looks.
e) Where did you meet? 3 We're both Red Sox fans.
d) Why did you become friends? 4 Jackie .
.A. Antonia
e) In what ways are you different? 5 Three or four times a year.
f) What do you have in common? 6 We go out for lunch; talk
g) Have you ever had a fight? about baseball or Guatemala.
h) How often do you see each other? 7 Ten years.
i) What kinds of things do you do together? 8 We were both in the same
j) When was the last time you saw situation; both from the USA.
your friend?
.A. Antonia's friend Match the questions with the answers (1-8). Listen again and check.

2 You're going to tell your partner about a friend who is different from you.
• Ask yourself the questions in Exercise l.
• Think about what to say and how to say it.
• Tell your partner about a close friend .

Friends U N 1T 1 9
Useful phrases
1 @ 1.07 Listen to three conversations between friends. Are these statements
true or false?
a) Cathy meets her friends by ehanee.
b) The friends are all in a hurry.
e) Cathy makes plans to meet her friends again.

2 Work with a partner. Underline the most natural sounding alternatives (1-5).
Cathy: Hey! How's it going?
Harry: Not bad.
Cathy: What have you been up to lately?
Harry: (1) 1 haven't done a Lot really. f Nota Lot,
really. What about you?
Cathy: (2) Oh, I've been doing this and that./
Oh, this and that.
Harry: Hey, I have to run. I'll give you a call.

Cathy: Hello, stranger!
Ji m: Cathy! How's life?
Cathy: Great! What are you up to these days?
Ji m: (3) Oh, keeping busy, you know. f
Oh, I'm keeping busy, you know.
Cathy: You should come over for dinner sorne time.
Ji m: That would be great. Better get back to
the office. See you .

Cathy: Hi. How are things going?
Ed: Fine. What about you?
Cathy: (4) Oh, things are pretty good. f
Oh, pretty good. Are you doing
anything special this weekend?
Ed: (5) No, just taking it easy. f No, I'm
just taking it easy.
Cathy: Me, too.
Ed : Sorry, I can't stop. Take care.

Listen again and check.

3 Complete the table with the highlighted useful phrases from the conversations.

Greetings How's it going? a) How's lije? b) _ _

Saying things are OK Not bad. e) _ _ d) _ _
Asking for news What have you been up to lately? e) _ _
Saying you're in a hurry Hey, I have to run. f) _ _ g) _ _
Goodbyes I'll give you a eall. h) _ _ i) _ _

@ 1.08 Listen and repeat all the useful phrases in the table.

4 Work with a partner. Practice the conversations.

10 U N 1T 1 Friends
Vocabulary Extra
Using a dictionary
1 Work with a partner. What kinds of fre1!11encr . 281 fright
information about words can you find behavior: She was in afrenzy of rage. 2 a , . . .. f¡.·esti:wa:te¡. ·¡:fr~j,~;t~~/' ~dj. ú~{;¡g -~· \~3ter·
period when there is a lot of activity that does not contain salt
in a good dictionary? fre•quen•cy /'frikw;msi/ noun 1 [U] the fret /fret/ verb {1] to worry about something
number of times that something happens continuously
Look at this dictionary page and dur ing a period of time: We hope this freloful !'fretf(o)l/ adj someone who is fretful
treatment will reduce the f requency oj heart is worried and unhappy
discuss the questions. disease. 2 {Cj the WAVELENGTH on which a Fri. abbrev Fríday
radio pr ogram is broadcast fri•ar l'fra,~r/ noun (C] aman who is a type of
fre•quentl /'frikw~nt! adj happening often MONK (=a member of a Christian religious
a) How many different words are JNFRF:Q.UENT: Their arguments were community)
becoming more and more frequent. • He was fric·tion /'fr 1kf(;;¡)n/ noun [Ul l disagreement:
defined? 1(;1 afrequent visitar to our house. • Inspections
m ust be carried out atfrequent inter vals
There is somefriction between the various
departments. 2 the fact that one surface rubs
b) Which words are more frequent: (=regularly). against another
fre•quent 2 /frí'kwent/ verb [T]jormal if you Fri·day f'fra 1cte 1/ noun ¡ou¡ ***
the day after
the red words (e.g. friend) or the frequent a place, you go there regularly Thursday and befare Saturday: My
fre•quent•ly l'frikw~mtli/ adv
often birthday is on a Friday this year. • The
black words (e.g. frigate)? RArtELY, s~:-:woM: He has jrequently been
compared to Michael Jackson. • The ten most
museum clases Fridays (=every Friday). •
She leaves next Friday. • Let's go swimming
e) Which words do you already know? [requently asked questions are listed below. on Friday.
fresh lfreJI adj *** fridge /fn<\3/ noun [e] informal * a
d) Which words are completely new lnew 6 with feeling of energy REFRIGERATOR
2 food: not preserved 7 offlowers fried /fnud/ adj cooked in hot oil
to you (you've never seen them 3 food: stiU good to eat 8 water; wlth no salt friend / frend / noun {CJ *** someone who
4 replacing sth you know well and like who is not a
befare)? 5 recently do ne/made member of your fa mily: She's visiting
[riends in l llinois. • Helga is a closefriend
1 clearly new and different: We need a
e) Which new words can you completely f resh approach to the problem. •
oj mine. • May l introduce Peter Flint, a very
old friend of the family. • l'm having lunch
The program takes a fresh loo k at this
understand? dif]icult issue. • She regarded the birth o[
with an oldfriend (=someone who has been
a friend for a long time). • She has a wide
her children as afresh start (=a chance to circle offrieruls (=group of frie nds). + Thzy
f) In your opinion, which new words start living in a better way).
used to be friends (=with each other). •
2 fresh food has not been preserved in any
would be most useful to learn? They made friends with the children next
way: You can use [resh or canned tomatoes door ( =started to he their fr iends).
for this recipe.
3food that is fresh is still good to eat Words often used with friend
because it was prepared or prod uced Adjectives often used with friend
2 Match the following dictionary *"
recently STALE: Cooked meat will stay • best, close, dear, good, great, lifelong, old,
fresh Jor several days in the refrigerator. trusted + fRifND: someone w ho you know
abbreviations/symbols with their 4 replacing or adding toa previous th ing: verywell
The police made a f resh appeal for witnesses.
meanings. • l've pul fresh towels in your room. friend•ly l'fren(d)li / adj **
1 someone who is fr iendly is always
5 recently made or experienced: fresh
[ootprints in the snow • The details are still pleasant and helpful toward other people
a) abbrev adverb fresh in my mind. * uNPRlENDJ., v: He will be remembered as a
6 if yo u feel fresh, you ha ve a lot of energy kind, f rierully person. + The local people
b) adj uncountable noun 7 fres h flo wers ha ve been recently PICKED were uery friendly toward us.
<~taken from the place that they were -+ SVMPATHETIC
e) adv synonym growing in) 2 if you are friendly with someone, you are
8 fres h water is water in lakes and rivers their friend: Janet and 1 used to be very
d) no un [C] abbreviation that does not contain any salt friendly. • Doctors slwuldn 't gel too friendly
"'"PHRASI~ fresh from/out of sth if someone is with their patients.
e) noun [U] transitive verb fresh from a particular place or situation, ·friendly /fren(d)li / suffix 1 used for showin g
they have recently come from there: He was that something does not harm something
f) verb [1] adjective just a kid. jresh out of law school.
- fresh•ness noun [U]
else: wildlifefriendly farm ing methods +
environmentallyfrien.dly cleaning materials
g) verb [T] opposite ,fresh 'air noun ¡u] the air outsíde that is nice 2 appropriate for a particular type of
person: childfriendly restaurants
to breathe ~ nR~~A'I'H
h) sth countable noun fresh·en l'freJ(>)n/ verb [TI to make something
fresher, cleaner, or more attractive
friend•ship / 'fre n(d)Jlp/ noun [C/u] * a
relationship between people who are
i) intransitive verb PHRASAL~y uas .freshen 'up to wash your
hands and face and make yourself cleaner
friends: Whatever happened, l did not want
to lose Sarah 's friendship. • his f riendship
j) something and neater with a local businessman • S he formed a
* ,freshen sth 'up same as freshen: Freshen up
your walls and ceilings with a coat oj paint.
closefriendship with Vera Brittain.
fries / fra¡z/ noun !plural] FRENCH FRIES
fresh•ly l'fr ejli/ adv recently frig·ate /'fn g>t/ noun [C] a small fast ship that
Find an example of each abbreviation fresh•man /'frefm;;,n/ (plural fresh•men is used by a navy
/'frefm;:m/) noun !e} American a student who fright / fra1t/ noun {singular tU} a sudden strong
or symbol on the dictionary page. is in their first year at a IHGH SCHOOL or feeling of being afraid: He was shaking with
un iversity [right. • Kelly cried out infright.
a) abbrev - Fri. abbrev Friday
From the Macmillan Essential Dictionary for Learners of American English (reduced to 80%)
3 Refer to the dictionary page and discuss
these questions with your partner.
a) How many phrasal verbs are there?
b) What are the eight most frequent adjective collocations for friend?
e) ldentify the five words with the letter combination ie. Which two
of these vowel sounds - /ai/, le/, lei!, /¡/ -are possible ways of
pronouncing ie?
Write an example word for each of the two sounds.
d) What is the difference between friendship and friendly?

4 Check your own dictionary. How does it give the kinds of information
discussed on this page?

Friends 11
Grammar Present perfect. Simple past and past progressive. Comparatives and superlatives
Vocabulary Gradable and non-gradable adjectives. Sports
Useful phrases Giving advice about complaints or injuries

1 Read Mike's blog. Choose the best
description of his attitude towards skydiving.
a) Mike never wants to go skydiving again.
b) Mike ean't live without skydiving.
e) Mike thinks skydiving is too dangerous.

deadmike c m We climbed to 11,000 feet, and

then the instructor opened the plan e
door. Suddenly, it was time to jump, and as
I've just done my first jump since the accident that I pushed myself away from the plane, my mind
nearly killed me just over a year ago. As I was lying 25 went blank.
in the hospital after the accident, I wasn't feeling Words cannot describe the rush of adrenalin I
glad to be alive. Instead, I was wondering how I experienced while I was free-falling. At 5,500 feet I pulled
could possibly live without skydiving again. the cord, and the parachute opened immediately. Suddenly,
It all started one evening after another typical everything was silent and peaceful. Twice I shouted, "This
nine-to-five day. I was sitting at home thinking, 30 is absolutely incredible!" It was the most amazing four
"There has to be more to life than this," when an minutes of my life.
ad carne on the TV. "Try skydiving," it said. The next From the first jump, I was hooked. I started spending
10 day, I called my local skydiving center and booked my every free moment I had skydiving. It became my reason
first jump. At the end of a day's training, I signed a for living, and nothing else mattered.
document to say that I understood I was taking part 35 Things were going really well. Then disaster struck
in an activity that could end in serious injury. At that on my 1,040'h jump. Another skydiver collided with my
moment, I wondered if I was completely crazy. parachute. I fell and hit the ground at about 30 mph. I
15 I will never forget my first jump. Five of us broke both legs, my right foot, left elbow, right arm, my
walked to the runway and got into a tiny plane. I nose, and my jaw. I lost 10 pints of blood, 19 teeth, and
was beginning to feel nervous, but the others were 40 25 pounds of fat. I was lucky to survive.
talking and joking, and I started to feel more relaxed. People who have never experienced skydiving will find it
It was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just hard to understand that my only motivation to get better
20 going down. was so that I could do it again. All I can say is that for
me, skydiving is life, and life is skydiving.

2 These sentences summarize Mike's story. Corred the factual mistake in each sentence.
pint noun [C] a unit for a) Mike was reading a newspaper one evening when he saw an ad for skydiving.
measuring liquid
Mike was watching the TV ...
pound noun [C] a unit
for measuring weight b) A month la ter, he ealled the skydiving eenter and booked a jump.
mph abbrev miles per e) After a week's training, he wondered if he was eompletely erazy.
hour: a unit for measuring
the speed at which a
d) His first jump was unforgettable. It was a beautiful, cloudless morning.
vehicle is traveling e) When he jumped out of the plane, he was eonseious of everything.
foot noun [C] (plural f) After his first jump, he stopped thinking about skydiving.
feet or foot) a unit for
measuring Jength
g) On his 1,04Q'h jump, he hadan aeeident beeause his paraehute didn't open.
h) He almost died. His motivation to get better was so that he eould see his family.

3 Have you ever done a parachute jump? Would you consider doing a jump?
Choose a response from the box and tell your partner.

No way! Yes, for eharity. Yes, for fun. Yes, for money.

1 Look at the adverbs in the box and the sentences in the table. Answer the questions.

absolutely extremely fairly really very

With "gradable" adjectives With "non-gradable" adjectives

a) This is _ __ good! b) This is _ __ incredible!

1 Which adverbs can you use to complete sentence a?

2 Which adverbs can you use to complete sentence b?
3 Which adverb can you use in both sentences?
4 Which sentence did Mike use to describe his first parachute jump?

2 Find pairs of adjectives in the box that have similar meanings. List them in the table
under the appropriate headings. Use your dictionary if necessary.

~ astonished boiling cold dirty exciting exhausted fascinating

filthy freezing frightened funny ~ gorgeous hilarious hot
interesting pretty surprised terrified thrilling tired

Gradable Non-gradable
angry furious

3 Combine adverbs from Exercise 1 with adjectives from Exercise 2 to make five sentences
that are true for you.
The last time I went to Phoenix was in August, and it was absolutely boiling- over 40 degrees!

1 @ 1.09 Listen and repeat the exchanges. Copy the intonation.
a) "It's very cold." "Cold? It's absolutely freezing!"
b) "She's very funny." "Funny? She's absolutely hilarious!"

2 @ 1.10 Listen and respond to more prompts.

a) "It's very hot in here." "Hot? It's absolutely boiling!"

Make up similar exchanges. Use adjectives from Vocabulary Exercise 2 above.

1 Imagine you are in the following situations. What emotions would you feel? Use words !lo-t
in the box or your own ideas. Tell a partner.

angry bored embarrassed excited frightened nervous thrilled worried

a) Going on a rollercoaster at the fair. f) Giving a speech in front of an audience.

f d feel nervous. Oh, f d feel really excited. g) Talking to someone you like.
b) Galloping on a horse. h) Watching your national soccer team.
e) Being stuck in a traffic jam. i) Realizing that you have been robbed.
d) Being stopped by the police. j) Looking down from a high place.
e) Taking off in aplane. k) Taking an exam.

Check (.f) the situations you have experienced personally.

2 Work with your partner. How many experiences do you have in common?
Which experience was the most exciting?

Adrenalin U N 1T 2 13
Present perfect 1 Match each question beginning with the most appropriate endings.
We've swum with dolphins. a) Have you ever ridden ~ 1 a famous person? 1 a person from Japan
She hasn't been to Alaska. b) Have you ever given ~ 2 a competition? 1 a raee?
e) Have you ever met 3 a horse? 1 a motoreycle?
Have you ever ridden
d) Have you ever swum 4 a speeeh? 1 a leeture?
a camel?
e) Have you ever won 5 in a tent? 1 on a boat?
Ves, I have.
f) Have you ever slept 6 in a river? 1 with dolphins?
No, I haven't.
Choose the correct meaning of ever: a) usually; b) always; e) in your life.

2 Underline the responses in the box that are possible answers to the questions in
Exercise l.

No, I didn't. No, I haven't, but I'd like to. No, never, and I wouldn't like to.
Yes, 1 do. Yes, I have.

Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

3 Complete each sentence (a-d) with three different time expressions from the box.
Use each time expression only once.

already before for ages in 2004 last May lately many times ~
three weeks ago twiee yet

a) I've already 1 never been to Egypt.

b) I've been to Egypt _ _ 1 _ _ 1 _ _ .
e) I haven't been to Egypt _ _ 1 _ _ 1 _ _ .
d) I went to Egypt _ _ 1 _ _ 1 _ _ .

Which of the eleven possible sentences in a- d are true for you?

4 e 116 Student B: page 121

1 @ 1.11 Listen to Andy, Beth, and Cindy being interviewed about past experiences.
Connect the key information from each person's story.

A new topic The background The main events

Have you ever ... What were you doing? What happened?

Andy been really 1 was erossing a field. 1 twisted my ankle.

Beth had an injury? ----+- 1 was playing I almost drove into
basketball. the baek of a ear.

Cindy been in a dangerous I was driving in I ran away from a

situation? California. horse.

Work with a partner. What other details can you remember? Listen again.

2 When you tell a story, which tense can you use for each of these functions:
a) introduce a new topic; b) give the background; e) talk about the main events?

Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1 with your partner. Give as many details
as you can.

14 U N 1T 2 Adrenalin
Simple past and 1 Complete the rule with simple past or past progressive.
past progressive The (1) past progressive is almost always used in contrast with the (2) ___ .
He was playing basketball You use the (3) ___ to describe a "longer" activity that was in progress when other
when he fell heavily on past events happened. You use the (4) _ __ to describe single, completed actions
his left leg and twisted - usually the main events of a story.
his ankle.
2 Complete the sentences with the simple past or the past progressive.
a) We (move) moved several times when I (be) _ _ a child.
b) My parents (meet) _ _ when they (travel) _ _ abroad.
e) 1 (have) _ _ a small accident while 1 (learn) _ _ to drive.
d) When I (wake up) _ _ this morning, the sun (shine) _ _ .
e) While I (walk) _ _ to work, 1 (run into) _ _ an old friend.
f) 1 (break) _ _ my leg once while I (play) _ _ soccer for the school team.

Are any of the sentences true for you?

3 Grammar Extra 2, Part'h page 128. Read the explanations and do the exercises.
~ ·.~

Speaking: anecdote
@ 1.12 Listen to Jake talking about a time when he was in a dangerous situation.
Read the questions. Check (.-") the answers that are correct.
a) "What was the situation?" "A dog attacked me." .1'
b) "When did it happen?" "A few months years ago."
e) "Where were you?" "In the backyard."
d) "Who were you with?" "My older brother."
e) "What were you doing?" "Playing tennis."
f) "What happened?" "Someone kicked the ball through a window."
g) "What happened next?" "I climbed over the fence and saw a dog."
h) "How did you feel?" "I was very surprised."
i) "What were the consequences?" "1 climbed back over the fence with the ball."
j) "What happened in the end?" "My brother never found out about the ball."

Listen again and change the incorrect answers.

2 Stories are often told in five stages. Put the headings below in the appropriate places
to show the five stages of Jake's story.

The background How you felt Introduction The problem The resolution

The stages of a story The summary of Jake's story

1 Introduction Have 1 ever told you about the time a dog almost attacked me?
2 It was a few years ago. It was the weekend and it was summer. The sun was shining
and we were playing soccer. We were using m y older brother 's ball.
3 We were having fun, when suddenly one of my friends kicked the ball over the
fence . I had to climb over the fence. An enormous dog was running towards me.
4 I've never been so scared in m y life! I was absolutely terrified.
5 Fortunately, the neighbors carne home before m y brother did. In the end, he never
knew about the ball.

3 You're going to tell your partner about when you were in a dangerous or exciting
• Ask yourself the questions in Exercise l.
• Think about what to say and how to say it.
• Tell your partner about a time when you were in a dangerous or exciting situation.

Adrenalin U N 1 T 2 15
Vocabulary & Speaking
1 Work with a partner. List the sports in the box in different groups according to the
criteria (a-f). A sport might belong to more than one group.

badminton baseball basketball boxing bungee jumping cycling

fishing golf horseback riding ice hockey judo karate kite surfing
ping pong rock climbing running sailing scuba diving skating skiing
skydiving snowboarding soccer surfing swimming tennis track
volleyball windsurfing

a) Water sports fishing, ...

b) Team sports
e) Indoor sports
d) Sports that collocate with play
e) Sports that are hardly ever shown on TV
f) Sports that need special footwear

2 Work with your partner. Tell each other about the following.
a) Sports you have tried e) Sports you watch
b) Sports you do d) Sports you don't like

Listening & Vocabulary

1 @ 1.13 Listen and guess which sports Toby and Kate
are talking about.

2 Complete the table with words from the conversations.

Sport Place Equipment

Toby the ocean a board
Ka te

..á. the ocean ..á. a harness

..á. a wetsuit
..á. a board

..á. waterproof clothes ..á. climbing shoes ..á. cliffs ..á. rapes
..á. mountains

Listen again and check your answers.

3 Work with your partner. Choose five more sports to add to the table and complete ti
Place and Equipment columns for each one. Use your dictionary if necessary.

16 U N 1T 2 Adre nalin
Comparative and 1 Group the words in the box into four groups of three adjectives, according to how
superlative structures their comparative and superlative forms are made.
He's slightly taller than me.
She's much more mature eekl fat happy hlgR hot interesting lueky popular pretty tJ:Hief
than he is. relaxed sad
They're just as good as
we are. Group 1: cold- colder - coldest; high - higher - highest; quiet- quieter - quietest
It's by far the biggest one Complete these rules for forming comparative and superlative adjectives.
I've ever se en.
1 For most one-syllable adjectives and sorne two-syllable adjeetives, you add er 1 est.
2 For one-syllable adjeetives whieh end in one vowel + one eonsonant, you double the
eonsonant and add
3 For two-syllable adjeetives whieh end in y, you replaee y with _ _ .
4 For most other two-syllable adjeetives and for all three-syllable adjeetives, you use

What are the comparative and superlative forms for bad and good?

2 Look at the table and complete the sentences (a-j) to make true statements.

Sport Estimate of participants worldwide

Soeeer (242 million)
Badminton • • • • • (240 million)
Tennis (60 million)
Dragon boat raeing (60 million)
Judo 1 (2.5 million)

a) Soccer is mueh more popular than judo.

b) _ _ is slightly more popular than _ _ .
e) _ _ is justas popular as _ _ .
d) _ _ is a little less popular than _ _ .
e) _ _ is a lot less popular than _ _ .
f) _ _ is by far the most popular sport in the world.

3 Complete the following sentences with your own opinions about different sports.
a) is mueh than d) is the I've ever
b) _ _ isn't nearly as _ _ as _ _ . e) is mueh than
e) _ _ is justas _ _ as _ _ . f) _ _ is by far the _ _ in the world.

Now find other people in the class who share your opinions.

4 8. Read the explanations and do the exercises.

1 How well do you know the town/city where you are studying English? Discuss these
questions with your partner.
Where is ...
• the nearest ski resort? • the most diffieult street to park on?
• the nieest swimming pool? • the most fashionable clothing store?
• the biggest soecer stadium? • the tallest/ oldest/most famous building?
• the best-equipped sports store? • the best store to find books in English?

2 Note your answers down. Now discuss in groups and decide how well you know the
place where you are studying English.

Adrenalin U N 1T 2 17
Useful phrases
1 Read the conversations. Underline the injury or complaint in each case.

11 11 11

A: How did you get that black ~? C: Why are you limping? E: Did you have a good swim?
B: I was playing baseball yesterday, D: I've twisted my ankle. F: It was OK at first, but then I got
and the ball hit me in the face. C: Oh, no. It looks really painful. a cramp and I had to stop.
A: You'd better put an ice pack on it. E: Oh, that's horrible. You're probably
It looks terrible. dehydrated. _ _

11 a

G: My feet are killing me. I have I: How was the sailing? K: Are you OK?
terrible blisters. J: Great, but I think I got sunburned. L: No, I think I broke my thumb.
H: _ _ . And then you should My nose is really red. K: Oh, no. You probably need an
wear sandals for a while. I: X-ray. _ _
G: But it's winter.

2 Read the conversations again. Match the following useful phrases with the
appropriate conversations.
1 You' d better put an ice pack on it. a
2 You need to drink more water.
3 You' d better go to the hospital.
4 You need to put sorne cream on it immediately.
5 You really should lie down and keep your leg up.
6 You need to put sorne Band-Aids®on them.

@ 1.14 Listen and check.

3 @ 1.15 Listen and repeat the useful phrases.

4 Work with a partner. Discuss what advice you would give to these people.
a) I think my nose is broken.
b) M y wrist is swollen - I think I twisted it.
e) My two front teeth are loose.
d) I have a terrible headache.
e) A wasp stung me on my neck.
f) I've hurt my back.

Choose one injury/complaint. Write a short conversation like the ones in Exercise l.
Practice your conversation.

18 U N 1T 2 Adrenalin
Vocabulary Extra
Adjectives: exploring synonyms
1 Look at the table below. In each column, cross out the word that is not Words you can use instead of important
lmportant is a very general word. Here are some
usually a synonym of either important or nice. words with more specific meanings that sound
more natural and appropriate in particular
important !Im'p;:,rtnt/ adj *** = nice /nars/ adj *** = situations.
peopte influential, leading,
big essential key main major fine good great prominent, senior,
necessary significant top kind pleasant events key, historie,
sympathetic wonderful landmark, majar,
main, momentous
issues/problems critica!, major,
Check your ideas with the two dictionary extracts. significant
achievements/ groundbreaking,
discoveries historie, landmark,
2 Complete the diagram with headings from the dictionary extract for nice. significant
effects far-reaching, lasting,
main, major,
1 people facts notable, noteworthy,
sign ificant
things that are critica!, crucial,
6 easygoíng 2 important because essential, necessary,
fríendly you must have or do urgent. vital
good goodfun fine them

marvelous gloríous
wonderful pleasant Words that yo u can use instead of nice
Nice is a very general word. Here are some words
with more specific meanings that sound more
natura l and appropriate in particular situations.
people easygoing, easy to get
5 3 along with, friendly,
good fun, kind, sweet
delíghtful flatteríng behavior helpful, kind,
4 thoughtful
fantastíc smart
something that good, great, marvelous,
great helpful stylís h happens or wonderfu l
kínd something that you
thoughtful weather fantastic, fine, glorious,
good, lovely, pleasant
Make a similar diagram for important. clothes beautiful, flattering,
smart, stylish
foodlflowers/gifts/ beautiful, delightful,
3 Cross out the adjective that is not possible in each sentence. places fantastic, great, lovely

a) The president is the most influential/laadmark politician in

From the Macmillan Essential Dictionary
my country. for Learners of American English.
b) Global warming has very few far-reaching 1 senior effects on
the environment.
e) Traffic congestion is a major 1 top problem in my city.
d) The world wide web was the most main 1 significant invention
of the 2Q'h century.
e) 1945 was a/an historie 1 groundbreaking year in the development
of my country.
f) lt's major 1 vital that we find a cure for cancer.

Which of the above statements do you agree with?

4 Complete each sentence with an appropriate synonym of important

or nice.
a) M y mother is a/ an _ _ person.
b) We had really _ _ weather on vacation.
e) M y best friend always wears _ _ clothes.
d) I had a time last weekend.
e) M y favorite restaurant serves _ _ food.
f) lt's _ _ that I devote more time to learning vocabulary.
Check (.1) the sentences that are true for you.

5 Check your own dictionary. What information can you find about the "Thank you for holding. Your call is
words important and nice? important to us ... "

Adrenalin 19
Relationsh ips
Grammar Dynamic and stative meanings. Present perfect: simple and progressive
Vocabulary Family. Relationships. Describing character
Useful phrases "Less direct" language

1 Look at the pictures. What do you think the relationship is between the people
and the people in the pictures that they're holding? Discuss with a partner.

Read the article and check your ideas.

These are my twins. On the left is Ben, and on the right is Tony, both aged five. Ben is
looking at the camera and he looks pretty serious, but Tony's laughing and fooling around.
They're identical twins, but Ben takes after me, and Tony takes after his father. They're total
opposites, and I think this picture really shows that. It's my favorite picture of the boys, and
I carry it around all the time now.

I keep this picture on my desk at work, because it makes me smile every time I look at it.
It's a picture of my wife, Jenny, on a beach in California about six or seven years ago. I
remember it was just after breakfast, and she was sitting with her face in the sun. We were
the only people on the beach, and it was a nice moment. I like it, because she isn't frowning
at me for once.

This was taken a couple of months after I met my girlfriend. She's an actor too, and we were
working on a TV show. We were playing the part of a couple, so it was pretty interesting on
set! I have lots of pictures of her on my cell phone, but this is the only one with both of us
in it. I think everybody has pictures on their cell phones these days.

Ananda is a child in India who I'm sponsoring, and this is the first picture I ever saw of her.
I carry this picture because she isn't smiling in it. Every picture I've seen since I started
sponsoring her shows her smiling. To me, this picture is precious, because it reminds me of
why I'm sponsoring her.

2 Read the article again and match each person with their reason for carrying the pictun
a) It makes me smile. Bruce
b) It's the only one 1 have of us together.
e) It's my favorite picture.
d) It reminds me of why I'm sponsoring her.
Whose picture do you carry around with you and why? Tell your partner.

20 U N 1 T 3 Relationships
Dynamic and stative 1 Look at this sentence from the article on page 20. Match each example of look
meanings (1 and 2) with the correct meaning. Then answer the questions.
Dynamic meaning Ben (1) is looking at the camera and he (2) looks pretty serious.
(Use simple or progressive look = to have a particular appearance look = to direct your eyes towards something
a) Which example of look (1 or 2) describes an action- something "happens"?
He usually smiles all the
b) Which example of look (1 or 2) describes a state - nothing "happens"?
time but he isn't smiling
e) Can you use progressive tenses with verbs when they describe a state?
Stative meaning 2 Complete the descriptions using the simple present or the present progressive.
(Use only simple forms)
a) She (look) looks like a nice woman. She (not be) _ _ related to the child in the
She likes taking pictures. picture. The child (be) _ _ from India.
(NOT ~i:le's lil<iA§ ... ) b) He (pose) _ _ with his girlfriend. They (seem) _ _ very happy together.
Did you understand? (NOT e) She (smile) _ _ and (show) _ _ usa picture of her twin boys.
WeFe yo1:1 l:lnaeFstanain§?) d) He (hold) _ _ a picture of his wife. It (remind) _ _ him of a nice vacation.
Note: So me verbs (e.g.
Match the descriptions (a-d) with the people (1-4) on page 20.
hove, look, think) can
have both meanings:
3 Do these verbs describe actions or states? Underline the correct verb forms.
I think my camera is
a) I think 1 'm thinking pictures of friends and family are 1 are being important.
useless. (stative: think =
b) I ha ve 1 'm having lots of pictures on m y cell phone.
hove an opinion)
e) Pictures remind 1 are reminding me of special occasions.
I'm thinking of getting a d) I hate 1 'm hating pictures of me.
new one. (dynamic: think e) People think 1 are thinking that I look 1 'm looking like my mother.
=plan) f) I think 1 'm thinking that I take 1 'm taking after my father.

Are any of the sentences true for you?

1 Combine these words and part-words to form at least ten more family words.

aunt boyfriend brother child cousin daughter ex- father girlfriend

grand great- half- husband -in-law mother nephew niece only
parent partner second single sister son step uncle wife

great-aunt, ex-boyfríend, brother-in-law, stepchild ...

2 Which family words in Exercise 1 can you use to describe yourself? Draw a diagram.

/'m Angel's stepson.

/'m G/oría's ex-husband. /'m Rosa's half-brother.

/'m Anna's son-ín-law.

/'m Jaíme's stepfather.

/'m Lucínda's only chíld.

3 Refer to the people in your diagram in Exercise 2 and complete the following task.
• Underline the people who live closest to you.
• Cross out the people who you see least.
• ~ the person who you saw most recently.

Put an asterisk *by the oldest person and two asterisks
Put a check .1 next to the person who you get along best with.
by the youngest.

4 Tell your partner about sorne of the people in your diagram.

Gloria is in her Jorties. She lives in a small apartment in Lima with her husband, Carlos. She ...

Relationships U N 1T 3 21
1 Which of these "firsts" do you remember best?

your first broken h eart your first crush your first d ance your first d ate
your first English class your first friend your first hero your first home
your first kiss your first love your first vacation

2 Choose three "firsts" and tell your partner about them.

I remember my firs t hero- Andre Agassi. He won the men's singles fina l at Wimbledon in
After that, he ...

Reading & Listening

1 Read about these first dates. In your opinion, which relationship has the best
chance of success? Why? Tell your partner.

Bill It was Lave at first sight for Ruth and me, which was
Lucky because we met for the first time on our wedding
day! A radio station was running a competition called "Two
Strangers and a Wedding," and I won the title of "Most
Eligible Bachelor." Ruth was one of 300 single women
who offered to marry me! The first time we spoke to each
other was when I proposed to her on the radio with 50,000
people Listening. It wasn't exactly romantic, but she said
yes anyway. My mother was not amused; in fact, she told a
newspaper that she was shocked and appalled. But we kne w
we were doing the right thing.

Clare I've finally found the man of my dreams. We have so much in

common . We Laugh at the same things and we talk for hours. There's
only one problem: we've never met. Stan Lives in Canada, and I Live
in Florida.
We got in touch through an online dating site. In the first week, I
had about twenty-five responses, but there was nobody I was particularly
interested in . Then, two months ago, I received an email from this guy in
Canada. He sounded interesting , so I decided to write back. Soon I found
myself rushing back home after work to check my email. Stan made me
He challenged my opinions. We talked about everything, and I just knew
one was different. I'm really excited, because we've decided to meet!

2 Complete the sentences with Ruth and Bill or Ciare and Stan.
a) _ _ sp oke to each other for the first time on the radio.
b) _ _ m et on their wedding da y.
e) _ _ are sure they are doing the right thing.
Stan d) live in different countries.
e) _ _ started w ritin g to each other two months ago.
f) _ _ h aven 't actually met yet.

3 @ 1.16 Listen to Ruth and Ciare talking about the relationships one year later.
Which relationship d idn't work out? Why?

4 Work with a partner. What do you think are the secrets of a successful relationshi]

22 U N 1T 3 Relationships
1 Complete the statements with words from the box.

dating dreams kwe propose relationships sight split up

a) I don't believe in love at first

b) Online _ _ is the best way to find a new boyfriend or girlfriend.
e) Aman should toa woman. It isn't natural for a woman to as.k aman
to marry her.
d) A marriage is more likely to sueeeed if both partners ha ve had _ _ before
getting married.
e) People don't usually marry the man or woman of their _ _ .
f) Couples soon _ _ and go their separa te ways if they don't have anything
in eommon.

2 Work with a partner. Which statements in Exercise 1 do you agree with?

Present perfect: 1 Complete the table with these example sentences (a-e) from Ruth's story.
simple & progressive a) We've been together for a year now.
I've known her for a few b) We've been trying to live a normallife.
weeks. e) We've decided to move away from our hometown.
She's been going out with
my brother. What does the verb describe? Verb form Sentence a, b, or e?
He's asked her to marry 1 A eontinued or repeated aetion Present perfeet
him twice already. that started in the past and is progressive
still happening now.
2 A state that started in the past Present perfeet
and eontinues now. (simple form)
3 A finished action that happened Present perfeet
sorne time in the past. (You (simple form)
don't say when.)

2 Underline the correct verb form. What does the verb describe in each case? Refer to
the table in Exercise 1 and discuss your ideas with your partner.
a) I've learned 1 've been learning English for three years.
b) I've had 1 've been having the same hairstyle sinee I was a teenager.
e) My sister has gone out 1 has been going out with the same guy sinee college.
d) I've been 1 've been going to the USA three times.
e) I've known 1 've been knowing my best friend for over ten years.
f) I've stopped 1 've been stopping using online dating sites. They don't work!

Are any of the sentences true for you?

3 Make questions using the simple or progressive form of the present perfect.
a) ever 1 ery 1 at the movies? d) How long 1 have 1 your wateh?
Have you ever cried at the movies? e) How many times 1 go 1 to the USA?
b) How many times 1 travel 1 by plane? f) How long 1 go 1 to the same dentist?
e) ever 1 read 1 the same book twiee? g) ever 1 own 1 a pet?

Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

4 Pairwork ..,¡,' • dent B: page 121


5 Grammar Extra 3 ..;,,.

• e explanations and do the exercises .

Relationships U N 1T 3 23
1 @ 1.17 Read and listen to six people talking about the qualities they look for in an
ideal partner. Which person is most/least like you?

I like a man who can I couldn't live with a

take care of me. My ideal miserable, narrow-minded
man has to be athletic, person. The person I share
hard-working, my life with has to be
down-to-earth, reliable, cheerful, broad-minded,
and romantic. and optimistic.

Well, I'm pretty shy and I'm looking for a

sensitive. So I'm usually good-looking, nice,
attracted to women who faithful guy who can
are outgoing and cook really well.

I think the most M y ex-girlfriend was

important thing is a good big-headed, demanding,
sense of humor anda and self-centered. So
kind heart. My ideal next time I' d like someone
manis witty, generous, modest, easygoing, and
and thoughtful. considera te.

2 Complete the table with the highlighted words from Exercise l. Use your dictionacy
if necessary.

Words from Words with similar Words with opposite

the interviews meanings meanings
a) faithful lo y al =t unfaithful
b) considera te =t thoughtless
e) arrogant =t modest
d) realistic/ practica! =t unrealistic 1impractical
e) confident =t insecure
f) sociable =t shy
g) optimistic =t miserable
h) selfish =t unselfish
i) trustworthy =t unreliable
j) amusing =t dull
k) tolerant =t narrow-minded
1) relaxed =t demanding

3 What qualities do you look for in your ideal mate? List the six most important
qualities. Find someone else in the class who has chosen the same qualities.

1 @ 1.18 Listen and repeat the words. Underline the stressed syllable for each word.
a) loyal cheerful faithful impractical
b) interesting sociable miserable considera te
e) ambitious demanding creative intelligent

2 @ 1.19 Look again at the words in Exercise l. Circle the word in each group that h<
more syllables than the other words. Listen, check, and repeat.

24 U N 1 T 3 Relationships
Reading & Speaking
1 Complete the questionnaire. Choose only one answer (a-e) for each question.

What your
What's your type? score means

1 The quality you admire most in 5 On a Saturday night, you're most Mostly a: your ideal mate
other people is their ... likely to be ... is the artistic type . The
a) artistic talent. a) at the opening of a new art gallery. artistic type is sensitive,
b) ambition. b) making important new work creative, confident, and
e) love of nature. contacts. independent, but can be
d) intellect. e) halfway up a mountain. unreliable.
e) sense of humor. d) at home reading a novel.
Mostly b: your ideal mate is
2 In a relationship, it's important e) in a crowded bar or nightclub.
the career type . The career
to ... 6 You're most comfortable type is ambitious, sociable,
a) give each other space. wearing ... serious, and hard-working,
b) respect each other's career. a) black clothes. but sometimes dull.
e) enjoy the same outdoor b) stylish clothes.
activities. e) sports clothes. Mostly e: your ideal mate
d) discuss things. d) jeans and a T-shirt. is the outdoor type. The
e) laugh together. e) colorful clothes. outdoor type is down-to-
earth, rel iable, easygoing,
3 Your favorite place for dinner 7 On television you most like
and optimistic, but can
is ... watching ...
be demanding .
a) a cool new restaurant. a) foreign movies.
b) somewhere the rich and b) business news. Mostly d: your ideal mate
famous go. e) nature documentaries. is the brainy type . The
e) a barbecue in the backyard . d) political debates. brainy type is intelligent,
d) a quiet place where you e) comedies . witty, interesting, and broad-
can talk. 8 Which phrase best describes you? minded, but can be big-
e) a crowded place with loud music. a) 1don't like following the crowd. headed.
4 Your ideal weekend is ... b) 1live to work. Mostly e: your ideal mate
a) going toa jazz festival. e) My idea of heaven is sleeping in is the party type . The party
b) shopping in designer boutiques. a tent in the middle of nowhere. type is cheerful , funny,
e) walking in the mountains. d) 1love a good argument. sociable , and outgoing , but
d) going to the theater. e) Life's too short to stay at home sometimes selfish.
e) clubbing . - let's party!

2 What does your score mean? Do you agree? Compare with a partner.
Useful phrases
1 @ 1.20 Listen to the conversation. Are these statements true or false?
a) Mia and Rita know John very well.
b) Mia and Rita know Liz very well.
e) Mia is more critica! than Rita.

2 Read the conversation. Match the highlighted phrases (1-S) with their more direct
meanings (a- h) below.
Mía : So what do you think of Liz's new man?
Rita: John? He seems nice. I don't really know. (1) He wasn't very talkative.
Mía: Well, he's a little shy. And (2) Liz tends to domínate the conversation, doesn't
Rita: Yes, I guess so . But when John did say something, (3) it wasn't particularly
Mía: Oh, no. (4) You can be so mean.
Rita: I'm not mean - just honest.
Mía : But (5) he's not bad-looking, is he?
Rita: He's OK. Isn't he a little young for her?
Mía: Young? (6) Liz isn't exactly old.
Rita: That's true. But she looks older than she is.
Mía: Yes, I know what you mean. But she's so nice - she deserves someone really special
Rita: Actually, (7) she can be really difficult.
Mía: Really?
Rita: Yes, (8) she can be a little bossy.
Mía: Oh, no . Why can't everybody be perfect, like us?
Rita : And so modest. Ha, ha!

a) it was boring 3 e) she's controlling

b) You're awful f) she's impossible
e) Liz is young g) Liz talks too much
d) He was very quiet h) he's good-looking

3 @ 1.21 Listen and repeat the useful phrases (1-S) from the conversation.

4 Match the comments (a-j) with their less direct versions (1-10).
a) She never stops talking. d ~ 1 She isn't particularly 1exactly poli te.
b) The restaurant was awful. 2 He tends to get up pretty late.
e) He prefers older women. 3 They're not particular! y/ exactly friendly.
t• d) She's rude. 4 She can be a little bit talkative.
e) He's big-headed. 5 The restaurant wasn't very /particularly
f) They're unfriendly. 6 She can look a little tired.
g) He never gets up before noon. 7 They're not particular! y 1exactly poor.
h) Sometimes she looks exhausted. 8 He tends to go out with older women.
i) They're well-off. 9 She wasn't particularly 1exactly helpfuL
j) She didn't help me at all. 10 He's not particular!y/ exactly modest.

26 U N 1T 3 Relationships
Vocabulary Extra
Sounds and spelling
1 Say the words below. Look at the phonetic symbols and find the Phonetic symbols
symbols for the vowel sounds and diphthongs in red.
Vowel Diphthongs Consonants
beige /be13/ boy /b::H/ check /tfekl ju mp /d3Amp/
mother l' mAoar/ m outh /mau8/ ring /ni)/ shop !Sap/ 3r p 3
e1 b h
See the fulllist of phonetic symbols and spellings on page 158. e 31 t hw
re ::>I d X
2 Say the five words beginning with hea in the dictionary extracts. a ou k tS
What do you notice about the pronunciation of the letters ea? ;) au g d3
A lf f m
Complete the table with the words in the box according to the
pronunciation of the letters ea. Check your answers in a dictionary. u V n
u 8 1)

beal= break breath d ear dream great health learn

;) ow
m eat near search w ear S r
z l
/i/ ¡,¡
1 /e/ 1
1 h/ 1 /e>/
head / hed/ noun ***
3 Say the four words (bought- talk) in the dictionary extracts.
Which vowel sound do all the words have in common? What do you hear /hu·/ verb ***
notice about the spellings?
Connect the words according to their vowel sounds. Check your heard /h3rd/ verb ***
answers in a dictionary.
heart / hort/ noun ***
a) /a/ - - arrive --color - - husband ~ p eople
b) /i/ - - bean pretty niece p olice heat /hit/ noun ***
e) /u/ --blew fruit shoe through
d) Ir/ - - bu s y key gym w omen
bought /b:Jt/ verb ***
4 Read the six words (economical- politician) in the dictionary extracts. caught /bt/ verb ***
How is the main stress indicated? Underline the stressed syllables in
the noun phrases below and practice saying the phrases. draw /dr:J/ noun ***
a) an economical economist
b) a philosophical philosopher tal k /t:Jk/ verb ***
e) a political politician

economical /ib'noml k(;¡)l/ adj

5 Look at the phonetic transcriptions for six words from Units 1-3. Say
the words and complete the spellings. Check in a dictionary.
economist /J' kon:JmJ st/ noun
a) !:Jl'oou/ although d) /lref/ _ _ _ gh
b) /'d::>tar/ d __ gh_ _ _ e) /'ne1bar/ ___ gh__ _ philosopher /f¡'los:Jf:Jr/ noun
e) h'Mf/ e___ gh f) /'8::>tlas/ _ ___ gh____ _
philosophical /,fd:J'sof¡k(:J)I / adj
6 Check your own dictionary. Find six more words from Units 1-3 that
are difficult to spell or pronounce. Practice saying them. political /p;¡'!Jtlk(:J)I / adj ***
politician /,poi:J'tJS(:J)n/ noun **
From the Macmillan Essential Dictianary
for Learners of American English.

Relationships U N 1 T 3 27
Review A
, pages 126-131 S Underline the correct form of the verbs.
Last year, a group of friends (1) invited 1 were
inviting me to go skiing with them. They (2) were
Grammar were being very experienced skiers, but I wasn't.
I (3) had to 1 was having to go to boring ski schoo
1 Complete the sentences. Use about, at, in, on, with.
every day, while the others (4) had 1 were having
a) What sports are you good _ _ ? good time up in the mountains. One da y, after m1
b) What ha ve you spent the most money _ _ ? class, I (5) decided 1 was deciding to meet thema
e) Who were you having dinner _ _ yesterday? top of the mountain. While I (6) went 1 was going
d) What kind of music are you interested _ _ ? in the ski lift I (7) started 1 was starting to feel rea
e) What kinds of things do you worry _ _ ? nervous, but it was too late. I was at the top
of the mountain, and there was only one way lo
Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
get down!
The sun (8) shone 1 was shining, and everyo
2 Complete the questions for these answers.
(9) talked and laughed 1 was talking and laughi
a) "Who laves cooking?" "My father loves cooking." we started to ski down. Suddenly, one of m y frien
b) "What _ _ ?" "I saw the new George Clooney movie." (10) shouted 1 was shouting, "Look out!", becau~
e) "Who _ _ ?" "I spoke to m y brother yesterday." (11) went 1 was going towards sorne trees. I (12)b
d) "Who _ _ ?" "Josh gave her that watch." 1 was trying to stop, but 1 couldn't and when 1
e) "Which ?" "She chose the red car." (13) fell 1 was falling down into the snow, one o!
f) "What _ _ ?" "A package arrived this morning." my skis (14) carne 1 was coming off and (15) hit/
hitting me on the head. 1 (16) spent 1 was spendin
3 Write the sentences in the correct order.
the rest of the week in the hospital. Great!
a) from home 1 work 1 I 1 usually
I usually work from home. 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the
b) I 1 from time to time 1 travel abroad box and the correct form of the adjectives.
e) come 1 I 1 hardly ever 1 to my English class
d) I 1 a hat 1 all the time 1 like wearing by far the most most ~ not as
e) often 1 I 1 by car 1 cometo school 1 don't slightly the
f) I 1 very fast 1 always 1 walk

Check (.1) the sentences that are true for you. a) I'm 1.60 meters tall. Di is 1.80 meters. She's (~
much taller than me.
4 Complete with the simple past, present perfect, or b) Russia is (big) _ _ country in the world.
present perfect progressive form of the verbs. e) 1 don't like my new's (good) _ _ as
my old one.
d) Skydiving is (exciting) _ _ thing I've ever ~
o e) This book is (easy) _ _ than the last one ...
but not much.
f) What is the (popular) _ _ sport in the worli

7 Find the mistake! Cross out the incorrect senten,

1 a) Did you go shopping yesterday?
b) Have you been shopping yesterday?
Jed: Have you ever (1 go) been on a horse before? 2 a) Who does like chocolate?
Bob: Well, I (2 go) _ _ on a camel, but I b) Who likes chocolate?
(3 not ride) _ _ a horse. 3 a) They met while they taught together in B
Jed: Really? A camel? b) They met while they were teaching togetr
Bob: Yes. We (4 go) _ _ to Egypt a few years ago, in Brazil.
and we (5 do) _ _ a camel trek into the desert. 4 a) He is by far the most intelligent boy in
Jed: Wow! What (6 be) _ _ that like? the class.
Bob: Wonderful. We (7 sleep) _ _ under the stars. b) He is by far the more intelligent boy in
I (8 never see) _ _ anything so beautiful in the class.
all my life. What about you? 5 a) Why are you hating soccer so much?
Jed: Oh, I love horseback riding. I (9 do) _ _ it b) Why do you hate soccer so much?
since I was ten years old. My grandfather 6 a) I've known Olivia for two years.
(10 teach) _ _ me. b) I've been knowing Olivia for two years.

6 Complete the text with the words in the box.
1 Replace the underlined words with the expressions love at first sight meet online dating
in the box. proposed relationship split up with
the woman of his dreams
clicked right away drifted apart
gotten along 'Nell 'Nith have a lot in common

a) Have you always enjoyed the company of your

Have you always gotten along well with your sister?
b) He likes baseball. She likes reading. They don't
really have similar interests.
e) They got divorced because over the years they
found they had become distant from each other.
d) Don and I liked one another the very first time
we met.

2 Match the gradable adjectives (a-f) with their

equivalent non-gradable adjectives (1-6).
Four months ago, Rob (1) split up with his girlfriend,
good ~ 1
terrified Jane, after four years together. Rob felt lonely. He
b) funny 2 hilarious wanted to start a new (2) _ _ , but it was difficult to
e) dirty 3 boiling (3) _ _ anyone in the small town where he lived. So
d) tired 4 fantastic he decided to try (4) _ _ . During the first week five
e) scared 5 filthy women emailed him, but one woman, Rosa, sounded
f) hot 6 exhausted like (5) _ _ . They arranged to meet, and, as soon as
Rob saw Rosa, it was (6) _ _ . After only two months
3 Complete the sentences with adjectives from together, he invited Rosa out to a romantic restaurant
Exercise 2. and (7) _ _ to her.
a) That movie was absolutely hilarious. I laughed
so much! 7 Underline the corred word.
b) She doesn't like dogs . In fact she's very _ _ a) Jill is very considerate 1 confident. She always
of them. remembers m y birthday.
e) This wine is not bad. Actually, it's really _ _ ! b) I've never seen Cary sad. She's always smiling and
d) I need to wash the car. It's absolutely _ _ . miserable 1 cheerful.
e) I've been working very hard, and I'm extremely e) Is Brett late again? He's so unreliable 1 unfaithful.
d) Katy is so dull 1 shy. I almost fell asleep when she
f) Can we open a window? It's absolutely _ _ was telling me about her work.
in here. e) Joe didn't give me any of his chocolate. He's so
impractical 1 selfish.
4 Complete the words for sports with a, e, i, o, u. f) Ken didn't tell me he'd won that big prize for his
a) swimming h) skyd_v _ng book. He's very modest 1 arrogant, isn't he?
b) k_t_ s_rf_ng i) f_sh_ng
e) b_dm_ nt_n j) sk_ _ng
d) v _ll_yb_ll k) t_ nn_s
e) s _ _l_ng l) sn_wb _ _ rd_ng 1 Look at sorne words from Units 1-3. Say the words
f) s_ cc_r m) b_ sk_tb_ll and add them to the table.
g) p_ng p_ng n) _e_ h_ck_ y
aRSWel' appointment dirty exhausted
5 Put the sports in Exercise 4 into these groups. extremely friendship normally often
a) Sports you can play with a partner badminton, .. . personal really remember similar
b) Water sports somebody theater together
e) Sports you play on a team
d) Sports you do up in the air
e) Sports you can only do outside in the winter A:Do B:oDo c:Doo
answer appointment normally

2 Underline the stressed syllable in each word.

@ 1.22 Listen, check, and repeat.

Reading & Listening
1 Read about five young people who share a house talking about each other. Who is each
person's favorite housemate?

Pete I suppose the person in the house I get along best with is Ned. We
have a lot in common. We like the same kind of music - we both play the
guitar. We have the same sense of humor. We're the same age and we have
the same friends. We've known each other for three years, but it feels like
we've known each other all our lives. Ned's a good-looking guy, and women
lave him.

Alida I've lived in the house for four years. I get along well with everyone.
Grace and I are good friends. Ned and Pete are really nice but they're like
school kids. Pete thinks women lave Ned, but it's just not true. Ned thinks
he's really good-looking, but it's not true either. I think Leo is the greatest.
He's so cool. He's my favorite, although I don't see much of him, because he's
always away surfing or skydiving. He's an action man .

Ned It's a great house. We're all friends. Pete and I are really good friends.
We laugh about the same things. Leo's really funny, but you can't really have
intelligent conversations with him. The girls, Alicia and Grace, are a lot of
fun. Alicia has lived here the longest. I think Alicia may be interested in
me and, secretly, she's my favorite. Pete likes Grace, but I don't think Grace
feels romantic about Pete. I'm probably more Grace's type than Pete.

Grace I lave the house and I lave the people who live in it. I've been here
for almost a year. Maybe because we're the only two girls in the house, I'm
clase to Alicia . I really like Leo, although he's hardly ever there. Ned and Pete
are like kids. Ned thinks he's great, but the only one who agrees with that is
Pete. Ned is big-headed, but Pete is so cute. And he's generous, intelligent,
and sensitive. Don't tell anybody, but I think he's really good-looking. He's
my real favorite.

Leo I've lived in the house with the others for two years now. It's a coo l
house. We never argue. I'm really happy there. Alicia is my favorite - she's
like our mother.

2 Read the article again and underline the correct 3 ~ 1.23 Listen toa conversation between Ned and
words. Alicia. What is Ned's news?
a) Pete and Ned have similar 1 different interests.
b) Pete thinks Ned is confident 1 arrogant, while 4 Listen again. Are these statements true or false?
Grace thinks Ned is confident 1 arrogant. a) Alicia already knew about Ned's news.
e) Grace 1 Alicia has lived in the house longer than b) Pete and Grace ha ve liked ea eh other for
anyone else. a long time.
d) Leo spends the most 1 the least time in the house. e) Grace has a boyfriend named Dan.
e) Ned thinks Leo is amusing 1 intelligent. d) Ned says he's interested in Grace.
f) Grace likes Pete 1 N ed. e) Pete told Ned he was meeting Grace.
g) Leo gets along best with Grace 1 Alicia. f) Alicia is interested in Ned.

Writing & Speaking
1 Read the email and match the descriptions (a-f) with the paragraphs (1-6).
a) Opening phrase
b) Signing off(+ your narne)
e) Main rnessage
d) Greeting (+ narne) Paragraph 1
e) Extra inforrnation (often attaehments)
f) Closing phrase

CD Hi Leo,

@ How's it going in Ganada? ls there much

snow in the mountains?

@ l've got sorne shocking news. Pete and

Grace are together. 1 didn't know about it
until 1 saw them at the mall. 1was walking
out of a store when 1 saw them in a coffee
shop. They were holding hands across the
table! When 1 asked Alicia later, she said
they've liked each other for ages! 1 couldn't
believe it. Did you know? l'm thinking of
asking Alicia out. l'm sure she likes me.
What do you think?

® Anyway, see you next week.

@ All the best, Ned

® P.S. l'm attaching a picture 1took with my

cell phone of them (holding hands!).

2 In which paragraphs (1-6) in the email in Exercise 1

could you use the following words and phrases?
a) Best wishes, 5
b) Dear Leo,
e) Hello! 4 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions.
d) How are things going? a) How often do you send ernail?
e) I ean't wait to see you. b) How rnany ernails do you send and reeeive in
f) I hope everything' s going well. a da y /week?
e) Are your ernails rnainly work-related or personal?
g) I'rn really looking forward to hearing frorn you.
d) Do you ever reeeive unwanted ernail?
h) I'rn sending you the latest pietures.
i) Love, 5 Choose one of the emails below and write it.
j) Regards, a) Write an ernail toa friend .
k) Speak to you soon. • You are replying toan ernail frorn your friend.
• Thank thern for their ernail.
1) Thanks for your ernail.
• You have sorne exeiting news about another
friend . Give details.
3 Imagine you are Leo. Write an email replying to • Send a pieture with your ernail.
Ned. Use sorne of the phrases from Exercise 1 and
Exercise 2. Give Ned sorne advice about Alicia. b) Write an ernail to a friend.
• You went to dinner at your friend's house.
6 0 6 o • Thank your friend for the rneal.
• Make positive eornrnents about the food .
Hi Ned, ¡,
• Send sorne pietures with the ernail.
Thanks for your email ... l:!


Grammar Phrasal verbs. Future forms. Pronouns: anybody, somebody, etc.
Vocabulary Festivals. Collocations with do and make. Parties
Useful phrases Inviting; making excuses

Think of a festival you know or have heard about. How much do you know about it?
a) What is the name of the festival? d) What do you know about its history?
b) When does it take place? e) How do people celebrate?
e) How long does it go on for? f) How does the festival end?

Read this article about a big Spanish festival and find answers to the questions above.

It's March, and I'm in Valencia, Spain's third largest city, with my new friend,José.
It's one o'clock in the morning. All around us, fireworks are going off and the
streets are full of noisy people. "Welcome ro Las Fallas;' José smiles. "You're going
to see that Valencians real! y know how ro put on a good party!" Seven hours later,
I understood what he meant.
Las Fallas, Valencia's famous festival, takes place every March and runs for a
week. lt takes a whole year to organize, and everybody joins in the preparations.
The city is alive and buzzing all week, but, like all good parties, iris at nighr when
people real! y get clown ro so me serious celebrating.
10 The tradition ofLas Fallas began in the eighteenth century. At that time,
craftsmen used wooden candelabra ro light up their workshops. To celebrare the
end of the winter, they burned their candelabra on bonfires, and had a party. Later
they made the candelabra into lifelike statues, and then dressed them up ro look
like well-known but un popular local characters.
15 Nowadays, the lifelike statues are made of cardboard. So me of them are over
thirty meters high and are worth 200,000 euros, but they all go up in flames before
the end of the festival.
The Valencians like their guests ro enjoy themselves, but after only one hour
of sleep it's difficult ro keep up with them. Nobody's allowed to sleep during
20 Las Fallas! A brass band passes rhrough the streets in the morning and wakes
everybody up.
For many of the locals, rhe highlighr of the festival is the flower parade.
A procession of200,000 girls and boys, wearing traditional dress, march into the
city center, bringing flowers ro decorare the statue of the Virgin Mary.
25 The festival reaches its climax on March 19, a public holiday and Sr. Joseph's
Day. This is the night when the cardboard sratues are burned. Everybody looks
forward ro midnight. Firecrackers go off every second or rwo, and midnight passes
in a shower of explosions. The last statue burns clown, and the party is over. Well,
almost ... rhe bars fill up and people keep on eating and drinking until rhe early
30 hours of the morning. I have no idea how they keep ir up! So I say goodbye to José,
as he heads for the next bar. lt will take me weeks ro get over ir, but I've had the
time of m y life.

1 Complete this description of Las Fallas with the words in the box.

bonfires ~ firecrackers fireworks parade procession statues

traditional dress

Las Fallas takes place in March and runs for a week. The main feature of the
(1) festival is the enormous lifelike (2) _ _ which are burned in huge (3) _ _ on the
last day. The incredibly loud (4) _ _ that go off every lunchtime downtown make
Las Fallas the noisiest festival in the world. There is also a spectacular display of
(5) _ _ in the park at midnight. One of the highlights of the festival is the (6) _ _
of girls and boys in (7) _ _ . They (S) _ _ through the center of the city, bringing
flowers for the Virgin Mary.

2 Write a short summary of a festival you know. Read your summary to a partner.

Vocabulary & Grammar

Phrasal verbs 1 The nine phrasal verbs in the table are from the article on page 32. Find them in the
text and match each one to a word or phrase in the box with the same meaning.
Intransitive (no object)
go off come back
Intransitive Transitive
stay in
Separable Not separable
Transitive (takes an object)
a) Separable: go off put something on get down to something
put sth on take sth off join in dress something up look forward to something
wear sth out burn down keep something up get over something
b) Not separable:
get over sth head for sth
look into sth anticípate excitedly continue at the same speed destroy with fire e~cplode
organize participate put special clothes on recover start

go off= explode

2 Which of these sentences is grammatically incorrect? Cross it out.

a) You can look the word up in a dictionary.
b) You can loo k it up in a dictionary.
e) You can look up the word in a dictionary.
d) You can look up it in a dictionary.
Complete the rule with always, sometimes, or never.
When the object of a separable phrasal verb is a pronoun (me, you, it, etc.), it _ _
comes between the verb (look) and the particle (up).

3 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order to make phrasal verb sentences
with pronouns.
a) I ha te cleaning up the mess after I've had a party. (I ha te 1 it 1 cleaning 1 up)
I hate cleaning it up.
b) When m y boss has a party, I take care of her children. (I 1 of 1 take care 1 them)
e) I usually try on several outfits befare I go toa party. (I 1 try 1 on 1 them)
d) I always want to turn the music down at parties. (I 1 want to 1 down 1 turn 1 it)
e) It's difficult to come up with ideas for gifts. (It's difficult to 1 them 1 with 1
come up)
f) I'm looking forward to my next birthday party. (I'm 1 to 1 looking forward 1 it)

Party UNIT m 33
1 Think about last New Year's Eve. Work with a partner and ask and answer these quesb
a) Where were you? b) Who were you with? e) What did you do?

2 What do you know about the Chinese New Year? Decide whether you think the
statements below are true or false .
a) The Chinese New Year takes place in early January .
b) Just befare the New Year, people clean their houses to sweep away bad luck.
e) Sorne people also put up red decorations to scare away bad luck.
d) The traditional New Year's Eve dinner is Peking duck.
e) People usually spend New Year's Eve with their friends.
f) On New Year's Eve, people stay in and watch TV.
g) At midnight on New Year's Eve, people set off fireworks and firecrackers.

@ 1.24 Listen to Hua and check your ideas. Correct the statements that are false.

3 Work with a partner. Rewrite the statements in Exercise 2 with information about
New Year's Eve celebrations in your country.

1 Underline the correct verbs in the following extract from the interview about the
Chinese New Year.
I'm going to help my mother (1) do 1 make the housework. We're going to sweep
away all the bad luck and (2) do 1 make room for good luck to come in.

2 Complete the questions with the correct form of do or make.

a) Do you always _ _ New Year's resolutions?
b) Who usually _ _ the cooking in your house?
e) Have you ever _ _ a promise that you didn't keep?
d) Are you _ _ any sports right now?
e) When was the last time you _ _ a wish? Did it come true?
f) When you _ _ the shopping, do you usually _ _ a list first?
Ask your partner the questions.

3 Work with a partner. Decide whether the words in the box collocate with do or ma
Use your dictionary if necessary.

a comment a decision a job a mistake a noise a profit a suggestion

an excuse arrangements money progress sorne decorating
sorne exercise sorne research sorne skiing something clear sure
the ironing your homework

Choose six collocations and write an example sentence that is true for you for each 1
I haven't made any arrangements for New Year's Eve yet.

34 U N 1T 4 Party
Future forms 1 @ 1.25 Read and listen to Part 1 of a
Do you have any plans for conversation between two roommates.
the weekend? Why is Sandy unhappy?
A spontaneous decision: Zoe: Hi!
wi/1 Sandy: Oh, hello.
No, I don't. I think I'll call Zoe: You don't look very happy. Did something
Jan and see if she's free. happen at work?
Sandy: No, work's fine. David hasn't called, and
An intention:
we're supposed to be going to a party
(be) going to
tonight. What are you doing tonight? Do
Not yet. I'm going to call
you want to cometo the party with me?
Jan and see if she's free.
Zoe: I'd lave to, but (1) Steve's coming over,
An arrangement: and (2) we're going to plan our summer
present progressive vacation.
Yes, I do. I'm having lunch Sandy: Oh, well, what am I going to do? ...
with Jan on Saturday. I know - (3) I'Ll call James.

2 Three different ways of talking about the future are highlighted in the conversation.
Which form is used to talk about ...
a) a spontaneous decision (you speak at the moment you decide todo something)?
b) an intention (you speak after you ha ve already decided to do something)?
e) an arrangement (you speak after you have already arranged todo something)?

3 Read Part 2. Underline the most appropriate future form.

James: Hello.
Sandy: Hi, James, it's Sandy. What (1) will you do 1 are you doing tonight?
James: Nothing! Well actually, (2) I'll meet 1 I'm meeting Alex and Suzy downtown, but ...
Sandy: Do you want to come to a party? Alex and Suzy can come, too.
James: Yes, that sounds great. (3) I'm meeting 1 I'll meet them at the Star Bar at 8:30.
Sandy: OK, (4) I'll see 1 I'm going to see you there .... (Hangs the phone up.)
Hey, Zoe. (5) I'll go 1 l'm going to the party with James.
.A. James Zoe: Good idea .
Sandy: And next time I see David, (6) I'm telling 1 I'm going to tell him the relationship is
defi nitely over.
Zoe: Hmm. (7) I'll believe 1 I'm believing that when I see it.
@ 1.26 Listen and check.

4 Complete Part 3 by putting the verb in the most appropriate future form.
Zoe: Hello.
David: Is Sandy there, please?
Zoe: Yes, justa minute - I (1 get) _ _ her for you . ... It's David.
Sandy: Oh, hello, David.
David: Loo k, I'm really sorry I didn't call earlier, but I'm still at the office and ...
Sandy: Oh, that's all right. I forgot you were going to call anyway.
David: Listen, I'm afraid I can't come to the party. I (2 have) _ _ dinner
.A. David with sorne important clients tonight.
Sandy: It doesn't matter - I (3 go) _ _ to the party with someone else.
David: Oh, OK, well I (4 call) _ _ you.
Sandy: When? I mean, all right. Goodbye.
David: By e.
Zoe: So?
Sandy: Well, he apologized - and he (5 have) _ _ dinner with an important client.
Anyway, I have to go. See you later.

@ 1.27 Listen and check.

5 @ 1.28 Listen to Part 4. Is there a future for Sandy and David?

6 Grammar Extra 4 .. :_ ·,. d the explanations and do the exercises.

Party U N 1 T 4 35
Speaking &Reading
1 Work with a partner. Discuss when and why people have the following types of
• a housewarming party • an lS'h birthday party • an office party
• a farewell/leaving party • a surprise party • a costume party

What other types of parties can you think of?

2 What do you think makes a good party? Write a list and agree on the three most
important "ingredients."

Read the article and find out how many of your ideas are mentioned. Do you agree
with the other ideas?

Music First, you'll need somewhere to dance. So make

H6w t6 tJ-ir6w tJ-ie sure that couch is out of the way. Next, you'll need a

best p~rt~ ever

good variety of music - something for everyone. You may
be into old hardcore acid house techno rave music, and
it's your party so you can do what you like, but you may
find that nobody else is dancing.

c~·.,a e·.,_;~~ it!) Games Are you over twelve? So stop it.

Three golden rules

A theme A costume party can be a great ice-breaker, but only if
1 Delegate! You can't do everything. You'll need four
everybody dresses up. So if you want your guests to dress up, make
helpers: someone to meet and greet the guests;
it clear when you send invitations. Nobody wants to be the one
someone to take care of the bar; someone to take
dressed as a gorilla, if everyone else is in their most glamorous
ca re of the food ; and someone to do the music.
party clothes.
2 Don't worry about the mess! It's no fun for party
(reate a good atmosphere If you're having the party at guests to see the host running around holding a
home, you need to push back the furniture and change a few light dustpan and brush .
bulbs. Soft lighting is important to get people in the mood - and it 3 Enjoy yourself!
makes them look better, too. Balloons, candles, and decorations all
add to the party atmosphere.
The right people Invite more people than you want at the
party, and make sure you invite sorne party animals to get the
dancing started and sorne good mixers who'll mingle with the guests.
lry to avoid inviting ex-partners or people who dislike each other for
other reasons.
A warm welcome When your guests arrive at your door, a warm
welcome will make them feel special. They'll also need somewhere to
put their coats.
More than enough good food and drink There's nothing
worse than running out of food or drinks. And don't forget to stock
up on the carrots to keep the vegetarians happy.

1 Find words or phrases from the article above to complete the descriptions.
a) You can ask people to wear a costume for your party.
b) You are a g_ _ when yo u go to a party.
e) You receive an i_ _ from somebody who wants you to go to their party.
d) You try to create a good a _ _ to get people in the mood for your party.
e) You m _ _ so that you can talk toas many people as possible ata party.
f) You should g _ _ your guests with a warm welcome when they arrive at your pa
g) You are the h _ _ when you throw a party.
h) You can use a d _ _ and brush to clear up the mess after a party.

2 Have you ever thrown a party? What was it like? Tell your partner.

36 U N 1 T 4 Party
anybody, somebody, 1 Complete the table.
Somebody is coming. People everybody (1) somebody (4) - - (7) - -
I can't hear anything. everyone (2) -- (5) -- no one
I've looked everywhere. Things everything something (6) - - (8) - -
No one cares.
Places everywhere (3) -- anywhere (9) --

2 Underline the correct pronoun to complete the conversation.

Mom: Is that you, Dylan? You're late. Where have you been?
Dylan: (1) Nowhere. 1 Anywhere.
Mom: But you're an hour late!
Dylan: OK, I went to the park.
Mom: Who with?
Dylan: (2) Anyone. 1 No one. I went on my own.
Mom: Where's Sophie?
Dylan: I don't know. (3) Out somewhere 1 Nowhere.
Mom: What happened?
Dylan: (4) Nothing! 1 Anything! Stop asking questions.
Mom: What do you want for dinner tonight?
Dylan: (5) Anything. 1 Everything. I don't care.
Mom: We could try that new Chinese restaurant -
(6) everyone 1 someone says it's great.
Dylan: OK.
Mom: Good. Now, what did you do at school today?

@ 1.29 Listen and check. Do you know anybody like Dylan?

1 @ 1.30 Listen and repeat the sentences.
a) 1 wanna be famous . e) He's gonna have a party.
b) It' s gonna be good. d) D'ya wanna come over for dinner?

2 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 1 in full.

Speaking: anecdote
1 @ 1.31 Listen to Paul talking about a costume party he went to and look at the
T Paul - befare the party questions. Which question does he not answer?
a) Whose party was it? 1 It was a costume party.
b) Why did she ha ve a party? 2 At least seventy.
e) What kind of party was it? 3 At Maggie's house.
d) Was there a theme? 4 Everybody dressed up as something
e) Where was the party? beginning with M .
f) How many people were there? 5 It was fantastic.
g) How many people did you know? 6 My friend Maggie's.
h) What did you eat and drink? 7 Not everybody.
i) What was the music like? 8 Because she was moving abroad.
j) Did you dance? 9 Thai food and Thai beer.
k) Did you stay until the end? 10 Yes, a lot.

Match the questions with the answers (1-10). Listen again and check.

2 You are going to tell your partner about a party you've been to.
• Ask yourself the questions in Exercise l.
• Think about what to say and how to say it.
• Tell your partner about the party.
.A. Paul - in a costume

Useful phrases
1 @ 1.32 Read and listen to Rose speaking to four friends. Which friend
doesn't she know very well?
Rose: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?
Ian: Yes, good idea. What are you going to see?
Rose: The new James Bond movie.
Ian: Oh, no . I've already seen it.
Rose: Oh, what a shame. Is it any good?
Ian: No, it's terrible.

Rose: Would you like to come to the movies
Lucy: I'd lave to, but I'm working tonight.
Rose: Oh, too bad.
Lucy: I know. What are you going to see?
Rose: The new Bond movie.
Lucy: Oh, I've heard it's really good -
the best one so far.

Rose: Are you doing anything tonight?
Megan: No, why?
Rose: I'm going to see the new Bond movie.
Do you want to come?
Megan : No, I'm afraid I can't. I have to get up
really early tomorrow. Why don't you
ask Alan?
Rose: Alan? No, I can't. I don't know him
well enough.
Megan : Don't be silly. He'd be really happy.

Rose: Hi, Alan . It's Rose.
Alan : Hi, Rose. How are you?
Rose: Good, thanks. I was wondering if
you'd like to go to the movies tonight.
Alan : Yes, that sounds great. What's playing?
Rose: Well, I was thinking of seeing the new
James Bond movie.
Alan: Great. What time do you want to meet?

2 Read the conversations again. Look at the highlighted useful phrases. Find:
a) three ways of inviting somebody todo something.
b) two ways of accepting an invitation.
e) two ways of refusing an invitation.
d) one way of asking somebody if they are free to go out.
e) two ways of sounding d isappointed.

@ 1.33 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrases.

3 Work with a partner. Practice the conversations in Exercise l.

4 Work with a partner. Write a conversation based on the situation below.

• Student A: You want to meet up with Student B and go somewhere.
Make at least three suggestions.
• Student B: You don't want to go anywhere with Student A Make excuses.

Practice your conversation. Take turns being Student A and Student B.

38 U N1T 4 Party
Vocabulary Extra
Phrasal verbs
1 Work with a partner. Decide which particle in each list does not PHRASAL VERBS 'take ,after sb to look or behave

go with take to form a phrasal verb. Cross it out. like an older relati ve
,take sth a'part to separate an object into its
a) about after in on up pieces: Ben was taking apart an old bicycle.
,take sth 'back 1 to take something that you
b) apart at down off out have bought back to a store because it is
e) back over through to without broken or not appropriate 2 to admit that
something that you said was wrong: I'm
sorry - I take it back.
Check in the dictionary entry. Check (.1) the phrasal verbs you know. ,take sth 'down 1 to separa te a large structure
into its pieces 2 to write information on a
piece of paper: The police took down our
2 Complete the table with the dictionary entry for each phrasal verb addresses and phone numbers.
,take sb 'in 1 to allow someone to stay in your
in the box. house or your country 2 be taken in to be
tricked so that you believe something that
is not true
I don't take after my mom. Sorry, 1 take it back. ,take sth 'in 1 to understand and remember
The plane is taking off. Why did you take him on? something that you hear or read: I'm not
sure how much of his explanation she took
He took to them immediately. We've taken it up. in. 2 to make a piece of clothing more
narrow or more tight, so that it fits you
,take 'off 1 if an aircraft takes off, it leaves
lntransitive Transitive (separable) Transitive (not separable) *
the ground and starts to fly LAND2 to
become successful or popular very fast: Her
take after sb business has really taken off 3 informal to
leave a J¡>lace suddenly
,take sth off 1 to remove a piece of clothing
from your body PUT STH oN 2 to spend a
Where does the dictionary put the object (sblsth) when the phrasal particular amount of time away from work:
verb is: a) separable; b) not separable? I'm taking Monday off to go to the game.
,take 'on sth to develop a particular character
or appearance: Our website is taking on a
3 Many phrasal verbs have both literal and idiomatic meanings. new look.
,take sb 'on 1 to start to employ someone 2 to
Underline the idiomatic meanings of these phrasal verbs. fight or compete against someone
,take sth 'on to accept sorne work or
a) take back: retum sth you bought 1 admit that you said sth wrong responsibility
b) take down: write sth 1 dismantle a structure ,take sb 'out to take someone to a place such
as a theater or a restaurant and pay for
e) take in: understand and remember sth 1allow sb to stay in your home them: She's taking her parents outfor
d) take off: remove clothing, etc. 1 aircraft: start flying dinner.
,take sth 'out 1 to remove something from a
e) take out: get sth official from a bank, etc. 1remove sth from a pocket, etc. place: Henry took out his wallet. 2 to get
f) take up: fill space or time 1 start doing sth new something officially: When you take out an
insurance policy, read the small print.
,take sth 'out on sb to treat someone badly
Check your ideas in the dictionary extract. because you are angry, upset, or tired,
although it is not their fault
,take (sth) 'over to begin todo something that
4 Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from Exercise 3. someone else was doing: Jane took over as
director after Richard retired.
a) I'm a nervous flyer: 1 don't mind taking offbut 1 hate landing. ,take sth 'over to take control of something,
especially another company
b) I usually _ _ a travel insurance policy when I travel abroad. ,take sb 'through sth to explain something to
e) I'm going to _ _ jogging one of these days. someone in detail
'take to sth to start doing something as a
d) When I realize that I'm wrong about something, I always _ _ habit: Recently he's taken to wearing a hat.
it 'take to sb/sth to begin to like someone or
something: I took to John immediately.
e) 1 find that explanations in English are sometimes difficult to _ _ . ,take 'up sth to fill a particular amount of
f) If I don't _ _ sorne notes in class, I can never remember what the space or time: These files take up a lot of
disk space.
class is about. ,take sth 'up to start doing something
regularly as a habit, job, or interest: Chris
Are any of the sentences true for you? has taken up jogging. + The new teacher will
take up her position in May.
,take sb 'up on sth to accept an offer or
5 Look at the sentences. Decide which alternative is not possible in each invitation that someone has made: I'ue
decided to take yo u up on that job offer.
case. Cross it out. ,take sth 'up with sb to complain to someone
about a problem
a) People say I take after my mother 1 father 1 dag.
b) M y career 1 business 1 car never really too k off. From the Macmillan Essential Dictionary
e) !'ve never taken out a rent 1 mortgage 1 bank loan. for Learners of American English.
d) Recently, I've taken to wearing a suit 1 walking to work 1 having a baby.
e) I'd like to take up swimming 1 sleeping 1 yoga.

6 Check your own dictionary. What example sentences does it give for the
phrasal verbs in Exercise 5?

Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns. Quantity expressions. used to j would
Vocabulary Partitives. Describing food. Taste and texture
Useful phrases At a restaurant: register

Reading & Speaking

1 Read through the questions below and guess how your partner would answer.

1 Do you think about chocolate several times a da y?

2 Do you usually eat sorne chocolate before noon?
3 In a café, when your friends order coffee, do you usually order hot chocolate?
4 Is chocolate your favorite ice cream flavor?
5 Do you have a favorite bar of chocolate?
6 Can you name more than ten kinds of chocolate bars?
7 Do you find it painful to share your chocolate with other people?
8 Do you eat at least six pieces of chocolate per da y?
lf you answered yes to at least three of the questions,
you're probably a chocoholic.

Compare your answers. Who is the bigger chocoholic?

Could you live without chocolate?

2 Decide whether the statements about chocolate

are true or false.
Chocolate trivia
1 Chocolate is good for you.
2 White chocolate is not real chocolate.
3 Chocolate contains "happy chemicals."
4 Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate.
5 A piece of chocolate is a good treat for a dog.
6 Americans are the world's biggest per capita chocolate consumers.
7 The average person will consume 10,000 chocolate bars in a lifetime.
8 A fifty-gram bar of chocolate contains the same amount of caffeine as a cup of
9 American and Russian space flights have always had several bars of chocolate on b
10 In Alfred H itchcock's movie Psycho, chocolate syrup was used for blood in the
famous shower scene.

@ 2.02 Listen and check your answers.

3 Look at the first statement from Chocolate trivia. Replace chocolate with each word
in the box to make new statements. Use plural forms if the words are countable.
Chocolate is good for you. ~ Cookies are good for you.

eeekie fish fruit milk salt sleep sugar travel vegetable

vitamin work

Work with a partner. Discuss which statements you agree/disagree with.

Nouns and quantity 1 Complete the statements with either Countable or Uncountable.
expressions (1) _ _ nouns have a singular anda plural form. You can use a/an and numbers with
Countable nouns them. You use the plural form when you are talking in general.
Use: none, not any, a few, an apple 1apples -+ Apples are good for you.
severa/, some, many, a lot,
(2) _ _ nouns have only one form. You can't use ajan or numbers with them. Most
lots, plenty
(but not all) have a singular form.
Uncountable nouns
knowledge (NOTa Joqewledge)-+ Knowledge is power.
Use: none, not any, a little,
a bit, some, much, a lot,
lots, plenty 2 The uncountable noun chocolate can also be
countable (a chocolate). Which other nouns in
not enough = Less than
the box can sometimes be countable
you need
depending on the context?
too muchjmany = more
than you need
beer bread cake coffee meat
money nature pasta rice
salad yogurt

3 Complete the questions with many or much.

Four answers are given to each question.
Cross out the answer that is not possible.
So far toda y, ...
a) how many friends have you texted?
None 1 A couple 1 A-lime 1 Lots.
b) how _ _ time have you spent online?
None 1 Very little 1 Not enough 1 A lot of.
e) how _ _ phone calls have you made? .A. chocolate
Very few 1 Two or three 1 Lots 1 So much.
d) how _ _ beers have you had? a chocolate ~
None 1 Several 1 Not enough 1 Too much.
e) how _ _ money have you spent? Not many 1 A bit 1 A lot 1 Way too much.
f) how _ _ work have you done? None 1 Enough 1 Plenty 1 Lots of.

Underline the answers that are true for you or write true answers of your own.
Ask your partner the questions.

4 Grammar Extra page 134. Read the explanations and do the exercises.

1 Match words from columnA with words from column B to make common collocations.
a) abarof ~ l bananas 1 flowers
b) a bowl of 2 chocolate 1 soap
e) a box of 3 cigarettes / gum
d) a bunch of 4 honey 1 instant coffee
e) ajar of 5 chocolates / matches
f) a pack of 6 fruit 1 sugar

2 Work with a partner. Add the words in the box to column B to make more collocations.

cereal grapes keys mustard raspberry jelly rice seeds soup

spaghetti tea tissues tools

Tell your partner how often you buy, consume, or use these items.

Edible 41
1 Add the names of different people in the class. Try to make true sentences.
a) _ _ is a vegetarian. e) doesn't like fish.
b) _ _ is a good cook. f) _ _ always has lunch in the same place.
e) _ _ always has a big breakfast. g) often eats fast food.
d) drinks a lot of coffee. h) _ _ usually has wine with dinner.

2 Ask questions to check your ideas.

Veronica, are you a vegetarían?

Vocabulary & Pronunciation

1 Look at the picture. How many items of food can you name?

2 Look at the lists. What types of food do the colors represent?

a) veal cod limes trout beans tuna
b) leeks plums clams figs shrimp pea ches
e) turkey olives mussels melons mushrooms sardines
d) garlic cherries lobster onions grapefruits zucchinis
e) peppers bacon salmon spinach mangoes cauliflower
f) sausages lettuces cabbages oranges radishes potatoes
g) eggplants strawberries cucumbers celery raspberries tomatoes

@ 2.03 Listen, repeat, and mark the stressed syllable. What is different about the la'
word in each row?

3 Complete the questions with the most appropriate contrasting word from the box.

eeekea draft frozen heavy mild sweet weak white

a) Raw or cooked vegetables? e) Strong coffee or _ _ coffee?

b) Light meals or _ _ meals? f) Strong cheese or _ _ cheese?
e) Red meat or meat? g) Bottled beer or beer?
d) Fresh fish or fish? h) Dry wine or _ _ wine?
Ask the questions and find out your partner's preferences.

42 U N 1 T 5 Edible
Listening T grasshopper

1 Work with a partner. Look at the pictures of

different things that people eat around the world.
What do you imagine they taste like?

.A. cobra

.A. ant .A. cookies

2 _, 2.04 Listen to an interview with somebody who has tried all these things. Match
each dish (a-f) with the adjectives (1-6) he uses to describe them.
a) baked cobra in China 1 dry, bland
b) fried grasshoppers in Thailand 2 crunchy, sweet, fruity
e) roasted cockroaches in Indonesia 3 sweet, delicious
d) boiled and sundried caterpillars in Africa 4 crisp, tasty, greasy
e) roasted chocolate ants in Colombia 5 meaty, tough, chewy, delicious
f) Oreo®pizza 6 sweet, crisp

3 Have you tried any of the dishes he talks about? Would you like to? What is the most
unusual thing you have ever eaten? Tell your partner.

Vocabulary & Speaking

1 Add words to the table from Listening Exercise 2.

Ways of cooking food Ways of describing taste Ways of describing texture

boil bitter creamy
broil salty dry
bake spicy

2 Work with a partner. Take turns describing one of the items of food in the box for
your partner to guess what it is.

apples canned anchovies creme caramel curry dark chocolate cookies

fresh bread fried eggs meat which is over-cooked milk chocolate pizza
plain white rice raw carrots salted peanuts seafood strong coffee
your mother's cooking

"It's crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside." "Fresh bread?" "Yes, that's right."
"They're crunchy and salty." "Apples?" "No, apples aren't salty." "Peanuts?" "That's right."

3 What are the best and worst meals you've ever had? Describe them to your partner.

Edible U N 1T 5 43
1 Read the article. What was Emma Bunton's favorite food as a child? What food
didn't she like?

Both my mum and dad were great cooks when I was growing up. Well, m y dad was.
M y mum would try. As a family, we always used to try new things and experiment with
food. I remember being in Spain when I was about six, and all the kids wanted burgers
and chips, and I remember digging into prawns and garlic. I've always loved trying new
5 foods. The only things I really dislike are peas. And m y mum still gives them to me!
Restaurants were always a real treat when I was growing u p. M y brother and I would
share food because we couldn't really afford to splurge, and so now when I go out to
eat I treat itas a luxury and I feellucky. M y favourite food was the sort of thing that
I remember having a lot when I was younger- the classics that m y dad used to cook:
10 shepherd's pie, roast dinners, and spaghetti bolognese. He used to make a shepherd's pie
to die for, with a tiny !ayer of cheese and a bit of tomato.
When I was growing up, we always used to eat around a table, except for Saturday
night, which was a dinner in front of the TV as a treat. I think that's why I enjoy food,
because meals were, and still are, a family event. We used to go to m y nan's on Sunday
15 - she used to make these lovely cherry pies. Now on Sundays I go to my dad's house.
I think of him sitting at the table on a Sunday when I was little, and he
would eat half and then leave the rest for la ter.
I think a happy childhood gives you a balanced view of food and
of yourself. I eat what I fancy and I feel good about it. I feellucky
20 that I escaped all the size zero nonsense when I was younger.
I've had times with the press, especially during the Spice Girl
days, when they've called me fat. Of course it does hurt, but
having a great farnily and having normal, non-famous people
around me keeps me grounded.
Emma Bunton: "Baby Spice" ~

chips noun [C]: British fries
digging into: eating enthusiastically
prawns noun [C]: British shrimp
treat noun [C] : something that gives special pleasure
splurge verb [1]: spend a lot of money
shepherd's pie noun [C or U]: English dish made from minced meat covered
wi th mashed potato
to die for informal: so good that you real! y want it
nan's: grandmother's (house)
size zero: extremely thin. It refers to the US clothing size.
keeps me grounded: helps me remember what's importan! in life
what 1fancy informal: what 1 like

2 Look at the following statements about Emma's childhood. Are they true or false?
a) Emma's mother was a better cook than her father.
b) Her family enjoyed eating new things.
e) She went to Spain when she was about six.
d) Her mother still cooks peas for her.
e) She often went to restaurants with her family.
f) In restaurants, Emma and her brother always had one plate between them.
g) Her father often made shepherd's pie.
h) Her family ate around atable every night.
i) She had lunch at her grandmother's house on Sundays.
j) She eats whatever she wants these days .

3 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 2 in the first person. Change the information so 1
sentences are true for you.
a) M y mother was a better cook than my father.

44 U N 1 T 5 Edible
used to 1 would 1 Work with a partner. Look again at the statements (a-j) in Exercise 2 on page 44.
used to: for repeated Number each statement 1, 2, 3, or 4 according to the descriptions in this table.
actions or states in the a) 2 b) 1 e) . . .
He used to be very thin . Description Alternative verb structures
He didn't use to eat much .
1 Describes a repeated action in the past used to + verb or would (' d) + verb
Did he use to go running?
Yes, he did. 2 Describes a state in the past used to + verb
No, he didn't.
3 Describes a single action in the past None
would ('d) : for repeated
actions in the past 4 Describes an action or state in the present None
I'd walk to school every
morning. 2 Look at the sentences (a-j) below about childhood and answer the questions.
1 In which sentences can you replace the underlined verb with used to + verb?
2 In which sentences can you replace the underlined verb with would ('d) + verb?

When I was a child ...

a) I cycled to school every morning.

b) I played soccer after school every da y.
e) I went on a school trip to the USA.
d) I was afraid of the dark.
e) I didn't believe in ghosts.
f) My mother did all the cooking.
g) I didn't like vegetables.
h) I broke my leg skiing.
i) I started learning the piano.
j) I went to church every Sunday.

Are the sentences true for you? Rewrite all the sentences so they are true for you.
Use used to + verb or would (' d) + verb where possible.

3 Pairwork ¿;: ~
Stud~l\t 8: page 122

Speaking: anecdote
1 @ 2.05 Listen to Julio from Brazil talking ~bout his life when he was a child between
the ages of five and ten. Which two questions does he not answer?
a) How many people were in your family? ~ 1 At seven o' dock.
b) Who used todo most of the cooking? 2 Five.
e) Did you use to help in the kitchen? 3 In the kitchen.
d) Were there sorne things you didn't use to like eating? 4 My mother.
e) What time did you use to have lunch? 5 Pasta.
f) Where did you use to have lunch? 6 Rice and beans. ~~
g) What time did you use to have dinner? 7 Yes, I used to chop
h) Which room did you use to eat dinner in? the vegetables.
i) Did your family use to eat in restaurants much? 8 Yes,meat.
j) What did you use to eat on Sundays? 9 Yes, every Saturday.
k) What was your favorite dish when you were
a child?

Match the questions with the answers (1-9). Listen again and check.

2 You are going to tell your partner about your life when you were a child between the
ages of five and ten.
• Ask yourself the questions in Exercise l.
• Think about what to say and how to say it.
• Tell your partner about your life when you were a child.

Edible U N 1 T 5 45
Useful phrases
1 @ 2.06 Listen to a conversation in a restaurant. Match the conversation to picture a
picture b.

2 @ 2.07 Listen to another version of the conversation. What differences do you noti

3 @ 2.08 Listen and repeat the useful phrases from the conversation.
a) Excuse me. We're ready to order now.
b) Can we have two cups of coffee and the check, please?
e) Yes, a table for two in the name of Brown.
d) Yes, two gin and tonics, please.
e) I'll have the grilled salmon.
f) Do you have anything near the window?
g) No, I'm all right, thank you.
h) I'll have the lamb, please.
i) It was great, thank you.
j) Not quite. Could you give usa few more minutes?

4 Complete the restaurant conversation with the useful phrases from Exercise 3.
Waiter: Good afternoon . Do you have a reservation?
Man: (1) Yes, a table for two in the name of Brown.
Waiter: Oh, yes. Is this table OK for you?
Man: (2) _ _ ?
Waiter: Yes, of course. Follow me.
Waiter: Are you ready to arder yet?
Woman : (3) _ _ ?
Waiter: Of course. Would you like to arder some drinks?
Woman : (4) _ _ .
Woman: (5) _ _ .
Waiter: Very good. What can I get you?
Woman: (6) _ _ .
Waiter: OK. And sir?
Man: (7) _ _ .
Waiter: Would you like to see the dessert menu?
Woman: (8) _ _ .
Man: (9) - - ?
Waiter: Certainly. How was your meal?
Woman: (10) _ _ .

Listen again to the full conversation (" 2.07 ) and check your answers. Practice the
conversation with a partner.

46 U N 1 T 5 Edible
Vocabulary Extra
Nouns and articles
1 The table shows how articles combine with different types of nouns. behavior /bi'hei vj;¡r/ noun [U] ***
Complete the first column with the correct noun type from the box.
child /t.faiid/ (plural children)
Countable nouns Plural nouns Uncountable nouns noun [C] ***
clothes /klouoz/ noun [plural] ***
Noun type 1 Singular Plural
index /'m,deks/ (plural indexes or
no article with a/an with the no article with the indices) noun [C] **
a) - - book a book the book books the books
knowledge /' nali<!JI noun [U] ***
b) -- advice XX XXX the advice XX XXX XXX XX
e) -- xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx jeans the jeans pants /prents/ noun [plural] **
Copy the table and add the nine nouns on the right (behavior- sheep) research /n's3r\f/ noun [U] **
in the dictionary extracts. There are three examples for each type of noun.
scissors /'s¡z;¡rz/ noun [plural]
2 Check your own dictionary. How does it show you whether a noun is
countable, uncountable, or plural? Look up the nouns in the box. What do sheep /Sip/ (plural sheep) noun [C] **
they all have in common?

equipment happiness health luck luggage money news


3 Read the dictionary entry for the and classify the five examples given
The is used as the definite article before a noun.
under the following headings.
1 talking about sb/sth when you know
who or which used before a noun when
that person or thing has already been
The person or thing has The person or thing The person or thing mentioned or is known about, or when
there is only one: Have you locked the door?
already been mentioned is known about is "the only one" + I have to take care o[ the children. + She
brought me some cake and co[[ee, but the
cake was sta/e. + The sun was hidden behind
Have you locked the a cloud. + the best hotel in Paris

4 Complete this poem by asking yourself the questions about each noun.
If you know the answer, put the. If you don't know the answer, put a.

- Which young lady?

There was (1) a young lady from Niger
- Which tiger?
Who smiled as she rode on (2) _ tiger.
- Which ride?
They carne back from (3) _ ride
- Which lady?
With (4) _lady inside
- Which smile? Which face?
And (5) _ smile on (6) _ face of (7) _ tiger.
- Which tiger?!

5 Read the dictionary note about the use of the to refer to things or people
in a general way. Cross out the if it is incorrect in these generalizations. DO NOT use the when you are referring to things
or people in a general way: Children need /ove
a) +Re men are better drivers than tHe women. and attention.
b) The life gets harder as you get older.
From the Macmillan Essential Dictionary
e) The time is more important than the money.
for Leamers of American English.
d) The women are more careful with money than the men.
e) The children are getting fatter: they don't do enough exercise.
f) It's impossible to live without the music.

Do you agree or disagree with the generalizations? Discuss with a partner.

Edible 47
Grammar Prepositions of time. Modals of obligation and permission
Vocabulary Time expressions. Phrasal verbs. Work
Useful phrases Time idioms and expressions

Speaking &Reading
1 What do these expressions mean to you? Are there similar ones in your language1
a) The early bird catches the worm.
b) There' s no time like the present.
e) Better late than never.

2 Read and complete the questionnaire. Compare your answers with a partner.

attitude to time managemen1
1 You've arranged to meet a friend at 4 Which is the time of day when you wo1
the mal l. How long do you wait if your most effectively?
friend is late? a) Early in the morning .
a) Five minutes. b) Any time during the day.
b) Fifteen minutes. e) Late at night.
e) Half an hour or more.
5 During your vacation, ...
2 You have to do a job that's difficult a) you continue to get up early -
or unpleasant. you want to make the most of
a) You do it right away so that you every day.
can forget about it. b) you allow yourself to get up later and
b) You do it after you've cleaned go to bed later than usual.
your desk and organized your CDs e) you take your watch off and try
in alphabetical order. to forget what day it is.
e) You leave it until the last minute
because you need to feel the 6 Which is the best description of your
ideal job?
adrenalin rush produced by stress.
a) A nine-to-five office job that leaves tir
3 You have to catch a train or plane. for my hobbies.
a) You arrive early and have to kili b) A job llove, even if 1have to work
time at the station/airport. long or irregular hours.
b) You get there just in time . e) 1want to work for myself even if it
e) You don 't get there in time and means working eight days a week.
miss the train/plane, etc.

What your score means

Mostly a: You have a rigid attitude to time management. Have you considered a career in
the military?
Mostly b: You have a healthy attitude to time management. Your life is not ruled by the
clock, but you manage to meet your deadlines in good time.
Mostly e: You have a casual attitude to time management. Your stress levels are probably
pretty low- unlike your friends and co-workers (if you still have any!).

3 Work with your partner. Write down at least three activities that you think are
a waste of time.

48 UNIT m Time
Prepositions of time 1 Underline the correct preposition in these sentences.
at a) 1 work best at 1 during night.
night / five o'clock / b) We ha ve a big family dinner on 1 in Sundays.
2:45 p.m. , etc. e) 1 start work every morning at 1 on 9:00 a.m.
on d) 1 usually get home in 1 on time toread my ehildren a bedtime story.
Sunday / Monday, etc. e) 1 never take a nap at 1 in the afternoon.
Friday night / f) My birthday is at 1 in Mareh. In faet, it's in 1 on Mareh 6.
Sunday morning, etc. g) 1 swim in the oeean as mueh as possible during 1 at vaeations.
the weekend h) M y boss never starts meetings in 1 on time. She's always late.
May 1 / June 22, etc. i) 1 did a lot of sightseeing in 1 during my last trip abroad.
j) M y mother was born in 1 at the fifties .
the morning / afternoon / Are the sentences true for you? Are they true for your partner? Ask questions.
What time of day do you work best? What do you do on Sundays?
the spring / summer, etc.
January / February, etc.
the sixties
2 Grammar Extra 6, Part 1 ;\j¡ 6. Read the explanations and do the exercises.

a whole period of time Vocabulary
an event or activity (e.g.
the war 1 a visit 1 a flight) 1 Look at the calendar. Imagine
1 ~•ltilt"•lt&TI
today is February 15 and
on time (at the right time)
follow the instructions. Mon Tu e Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
in time (befare it's too late)
a) Cross out: St. Valentine's 1 2 3 4 5
Day and the leap year day.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b) Underline: the da y
before yesterday, the 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
weekend before last,
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
the day after tomorrow,
the Monday after next. 27 28 29
e) Circle: tomorrow, next
Saturday, a week from today, a week from tomorrow.
d) Put in parentheses: in four days, two weeks ago, all of last week
(Mon- Fri).
Apart from February 15, which other eight dates are still free?

2 Use expressions from Exercise 1 to tell your partner about sorne of the things
you've done recently or plan to do in the future.
The day befare yesterday I went out till4:00 a.m. The weekend after next is my birthday.

1 @ 2.09 Listen and write the order in which you hear these groups of ordinal
a) 1'' 2nd 3'd 4'" 5'" D
b) 1'' 4'" 5th 3'd 2nd D

e) 4'" 5'h 1' ' 2"d 3'd [TI

d) 5'h 1'' 4'" 3rd 2nd D
Dicta te the ordinal numbers 1' '- 5'11 in any order to your partner. Check what
they have written.

2 Practice saying these important dates in the US calendar.

a) 02 / 14 b) 04/01 e) 07/04 d) 10 /31 e) 12/31 f) 12/ 25

@ 2.10 Listen, check, and repeat. Why are they important?

Time U N 1 T 6 49
1 How do you remember all the things you have
to do each day/weeklmonth? Tell a partner.

2 Read the article and match each of the names

of the people mentioned with pictures a-d.

Making lists is relaxing . It makes you feel important- all True, but too many trips to the bathroom could have
those things to do . It calms you down (it's OK, it's on a disastrous results.
list somewhere) and it makes you feel good when you 25 Des O'Brien, a self-employed business consultant, uses
cross something off. another method for organizing his time. He writes a list
5 The world divides into two types of list-makers. Type of things to do and then organises them into categories:
A makes orderly lists, prioritizes, and calmly sets to things that have to be done right away; other things that
work on them. Type B waits until panic sets in, grabs would be good to do today; things that are important
the nearest envelope and scribbles all over it, sighs with 30 but don't have to be done immediately; and things that
relief, and promptly loses it. he can put off but that he doesn't want to forget . "Using
10 The more you have to do, the more you need a list, categories to arder the world is the way the human mind
and few people with high-powered jobs get by without works," he says.
them. It's all a question of what works best for you, whether
Julie Rost, chief executive of a large chain of grocery 35 it's a neat notebook, a forest of Post-it®notes, or the
stores, says, "Befare I go to bed, I have to write down back of your hand. Having tried all these, Kerry Johns,
15 everything that's going to stop me from sleeping. If I student, relies on her personal organizer. "My personal
write something down, I feel I won't forget it, so my organizer has changed my life." she says. "Up to now,
lists are a great comfort." !'ve always relied on my good memory, but now that I'm
Jane Levy used to write lists, but she would forget 40 working and studying, I find !'ve got too much to keep
where she put them and then waste precious time in my head."
20 looking for them. Then a couple of years ago, she ca me So what are you waiting for? There's no better time
up with a new system. Now she writes key words on the than the present to take control of your work and life.
back of her hand! "At least I can't lose it," she says. So, get out your pencil and paper and make a list.

1 Replace the underlined phrases with the correct form of phrasal verbs from the arti'
in the Reading section.
a) At the end of a stressful day, I find cooking relaxes me. (line 2) calms me down
b) At the grocery store, I delete things from m y list as I put them in the shopping car
(line 4)
e) I can manage on five hours' sleep, but I prefer at least seven hours. (line 11)
d) I'm very good at inventing excuses when I'm late. (line 20)
e) I always delay making difficult decisions until the last minute. (line 31)
f) I trust my mother to wake me up in the morning. (line 37)

2 Are any of the sentences true for you? Compare with your partner.

50 U N 1 T 6 Time
Modal verb structures 1 Look at the table and complete the explanation with must or should.
I must arrive on time.
I mustn't be late. Urgent Not urgent
You should go to bed Important 1 must do it today. 1 must do it soon.
Not important I should do it today. 1 should do it soon.
You shouldn't stay up so
(1) Must and (2) _ _ are modal verbs. You can use them to give advice. (3) _ _ is
He has to take a test, much stronger than (4) _ _ . (5) _ _ means it is important or necessary todo
but she doesn't have to something. (6) _ _ means it is a good idea todo something.
take it.
Copy the table and write things that you need to do in each square. Use must and
They can wait in here, but
should to tell your partner about your priorities for today 1 this week 1 this month.
they can't leave early.
2 Des O'Brien talks about the advantages and disadvantages of working from home.
Read what he says and underline the appropriate verb structures.

"I lave working from home. I (1) don't have to 1 have to

drive to work, I (2) mustn't 1 don't have to sit in
traffic, and parking is not my problem anymore.
I (3) can't 1 don't have to get dressed in the
morning - I (4) can 1 have to wear my sweatpants
all day. In fact, I (5) don't have to 1 mustn't get up in the
morning at all! If I want, I (6) must 1 can work all night.
It's up to me.
There's nobody to tell me, "You (7) can 1 must be punctual.
You (8) mustn't 1 don't have to make personal phone calls.
You (9) can't 1 don't have to do your shopping online ... "
There are only a couple of downsides. I (10) can 1 have to call
somebody if I want to talk, and I can't blame anything on anybody
else - I'm the only person here!"

@ 2.11 Listen and check. Talk to your partner about other

advantages or disadvantages of working from home.

3 Complete the table with an appropriate heading: It's necessary; It's permitted;
It's not permitted; It's not necessary.

A: It's necessary B: C: D:

have to don't have to can can't

must mustn't

4 Complete the sentences with a modal from the table in Exercise 3. Use an
appropriate tense.
a) 1 _ _ work tomorrow. It's a national holiday.
b) 1 _ _ renew my passport. I've gota foreign business trip coming up.
e) Yesterday I _ _ put on a suit. We had an important meeting.
d) 1 _ _ forgot to bu y a card for my boss. It's her birthday tomorrow.
e) 1 _ _ park near the office anymore. It's become a "residents only" zone.
f) M y parents weren't strict. 1 _ _ watch TV whenever I wanted to.

Are any of these sentences true for you?


5 Grammar Extra 6, ~art page 136. Read the explanations and do the exercises.

Time 51
1 Loo k at three people in their different work places. What jobs do you think they do
how do you think their working conditions compare?

@ 2.12 Listen and check your ideas.

2 Read about the working conditions for each job. Are the sentences true or false?
Listen again to check.

Job 1 Job 2 Job 3

a) You can get extra pay for a) You can work at home whenever a) You often ha veto work on
working overtime. you want. weekends.
b) Women are allowed to wear b) You aren't supposed to have any b) You can't work for more than
pants. breaks. twelve hours in a week.
e) You aren't allowed to have e) You can wear whatever you e) You're supposed to wear a ha!
relationships with other people want. all the time.
in the company.

3 Replace each highlighted expression in Exercise 2 with should, shouldn't, mustn't,

can so that the sentences have the same meaning.

Would you like to do one of these jobs?

1 Replace the underlined expressions with expressions in the box.

open-plan office qualifications shifts unsociable hours works flexible hou

work to a deadline

a) Ha ve you had a job where you had to work in the evenings and on weekends?
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of an office with no dividing walls?
e) Are you the type of person who works well when they have to finish a job by a
certain time?
d) Do you know anybody who can start and finish work when they want?
e) What is the job of your dreams, and what special diplomas or degrees do you n
todo it?
f) If the salary was high, could you work twelve-hour periods of time, sometimes
at night?

2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise l. What are your i
working conditions?

3 Pairwork · :;;...! · 117 Student B: page 122


52 U N 1T 6 Time
1 Here are sorne examples of phrases often used in business letters. Complete them
using the words in the box.

able apply appreciate complain confirm enclosing hearing May 16

response Unfortunately

a) Unfortunately, I am not available on the date you suggest in your letter.

b) Thank you for your letter of _ _ , which I received this morning.
e) I am _ _ my résumé for your attention.
d) I would _ _ it if you could send me sorne information about your school.
e) I would be _ _ to attend an interview at any time convenient to you.
f) I am writing to _ _ about the damage caused by your company when they
delivered a couch to my home last week.
g) We look forward to _ _ from you as soon as possible.
h) We would appreciate it if you could _ _ your reservation in writing.
i) I am writing in _ _ to your advertisement in The Washington Post.
j) I would like to _ _ for the position of IT assistant at your school.

2 Match each of the phrases (a-j) in Exercise 1 with one of the functions (1-10) below.
1 asking for information 7 complaining
2 applying for a job 8 responding toan advertisement
3 thanking someone for their letter 9 asking for confirmation
4 closing a letter 10 saying that you are sending something
5 giving bad news with the letter
6 giving good news

3 Antonia Clifford is interested in applying for the position of flight attendant. Do you
think her letter is a suitable letter of application? Why? Why not?

worldwide 156b East 49th Street

Washington, DC 20024
Worldwide Airlines Inc.
Flight attendants PO Box 2983
Chicago, IL 60622
Worldwide Airlines is currently seeking friendly,
service-oriented people who take pride in their
February 5, 2009
performance and appearance.
Dear Mr. or Mrs.:
• Applicants must be over twenty years of
age and have at least two years' post high Application for the post of flight attendant
school education or work experience. I saw your advertisement in the Morning Post and I want to
be a flight attendant.
• Physical requirements: able to lift, push, and
pull heavy articles as required . I am 21 years old and I just graduated from college. I have
put my résumé with this letter so that you can see what I've
• Minimum height 1m 60. Maximum height done and I'd !ove to come for an interview any time
1m 85. you like.
• Languages: able toread, write, speak, and How about sending me an application form and sorne more
understand English. Other languages an information about the job?
advantage. I can't wait to hear from you!
• lnterested candidates can write to the Lots of !ove,
following address for an application form and
further information: Worldwide Airlines lnc.,
PO Box 2983, Chicago, lllinois 60622, USA

4 Improve Antonia's letter by using sorne of the phrases in Exercise l.

Time U N 1T 6 53
Useful phrases
1 Read and match the conversations (a- e) with the pictures (1-3).
a) A: (1) We're ahead of schedule.
B: Yes, hopefully we'll be there (2) befare dinner.
A: Oh, yes, I think so. In fact, we may even (3) be early.
B: Well, that's OK. If we have sorne time befare dinner, we can go to the gym.
A: The gym? I'd rather (4) find something todo in the mall!
b) The Global Earth Party will put the environment at the top of the agenda. We've asked
the same question (5) repeatedly: when will the government do something about global
warming? (6) We don't have much time left- we need to act now. Vote for the Global
Earth Party today!
e) Teacher: Come on, guys. Stop running. OK, (7) one by one. Ruben, stop pushing.
Let's go back to class.
Child: But we didn't have time to finish our game.
Teacher: Yes, I know, (8) time goes very guickly when you're having fun. But we have
work to do.

2 Replace the underlined phrases in Exercise 1 with the time expressions below (a-~
a) We're running out of time e) one ata time
b) We're making good time f) in time for
e) have time to spare g) time flies
d) time and time again h) kill time

@ 2.13 Listen to the conversations and check your answers.

3 @ 2.14 Listen and repeat the useful phrases from the conversations.

4 Work with a partner. Choose three of the expressions from Exercise 2 and include
them in a short conversation.
Practice your conversation.

54 U N 1T 6 Time
Vocabulary Extra
Words that are sometimes confused
1 Read the information about the difference between job and work. • You can refer to what someone does in arder
What is the key grammatical difference between the words? to get paid as their work or their job: Do you
find your work OR your job interesting? + What
kind ofwork oRjob does he do?
2 Complete the questions with jobljobs or work. In which sentences • Work is uncountable with this meaning, so it
never has a in front of it and is never plural:
are both possible? He's lookingfor work. +lt's fascinating work. +
Has he found a job? +S he has had many
a) What kind of _ _ does your father do? different jobs.
b) Is it easy to find _ _ in your country?
e) How many different part-time _ _ have you had?
d) What time do most people start _ _ in your country? ***
actually / 'rek\fu:;, li / adv
1 used for emphasizi ng what is really true
e) Have you ever been offered a _ _ in a foreign country?
Ask your partner the questions. argue / 'or,gju/ verb ***
1 [l]to discuss someth ing that you disagree about,
usually in an angry way = QUARREL
3 Look at more words that are sometimes confused. Complete the
dictionary examples (a-g) with the correct alternative. Use the
dictionary definitions to help you.
borrow / 'borou/ verb **
1 [T] to receive and use something that belongs to
someone el se, and promi se to give it back
a) ~ctually 1 currently 1
• We've spoken on the phone but we've never _ _ met.
• This is the best recording _ _ available on CD. career1 / b 'nr/ noun [C] **
1 a job or profession that you work at
b) travel 1 trip 1 for sorne ti me
• The whole family went on a _ _ to Florida.
• Foreign _ _ never really appealed to hím until he retired. course 1 / brs/ noun [C] ***
1 a series of classes in a n academic
e) ~eer 1 course] subject ora practica! skill
• He has just started out on a _ _ as a photographer.
• She's on a management _ _ this week. currently / 'kt,rant(a) li/ adv ***
at the present time
d) :fun 1 funny l
• Our day at the beach was a lot of _ _ . discuss /dt 'skA.s/ verb [T] ***
1 to talk about something with someone
• Don't laugh; it isn't _ _ .
e) borrow 1 lend l fun 2 /fAni adj enjoyable
• Could you _ _ me your umbrella?
• Can I _ _ your umbrella? funny /'fAni/ adj ***
1 someone or something that is funny makes
f) ~rgue 1 discuss 1 you laugh
• Don't _ _ with me- you know I'm right.
lend / lend/ (past tense and past participle lent
• We're meeting to _ _ the matter next week. / lent/) verb***
g) [lose (lost) 1 miss (mis sed) 1 1 [T] to give someone something for a short
time, expectin g that they wi ll give ir back
• I _ _ the last train home again. to you later
• I _ _ my bag. Have you seen ít?
lose /luz/ (past tense and past participle lost
4 Complete the questions with an appropriate word from Exercise 3. / bst/) verb***
2 [T] ro be unable ro find someone
You may have to change the form of the word. or something
When was the last time you ...
miss 1 hms/ verb ***
a) argued with your parents? f) did a training _ _ ? 3 [T]to be too late for something such as a
!rain or bus
b) heard a reall y _ _ jok e? g) a bus?
e) went on a foreign _ _ ? h) _ _ sorne money toa friend?
d) sorne books from a i) _ _ your house keys?
travel 2 / 'trrev(a)l/ noun [U] ***
the activity of travel i ng
library? j) thought about changing your
e) read a book about ? ? trip /tnp/ noun [C] **
an occasion when you go somewhere and come
Ask your partner the questions. back again

5 Check your own dictionary. What example sentences does it give From the Macmillan Essential Dictionary
for the words on this page? for Learners of American English.

Time 55
Review B
Grammar Extra , . 132-137 S Underline the correct preposition.
We got married (1 in 1 on) a warm Saturday (2 al
the spring. We had a party (3 in 1 on) the evening.
Grammar (4 During 1 On) the party, we danced and everyo
had a great time. (5 At 1 On) ten o' dock (6 at 1in)
1 Correct the three sentences where the pronoun is in night, we drove to the airport to go on my surpru
the incorrect position. honeymoon. (7 During 1 In) the flight, my husbau
a) He had a cold but he got over it quickly. .1 told me we were going to Cuba. We landed
b) I've used these boots so much I've worn out them. (8 at 1 on) four o' dock (9 in 1 on) Sunday mornin
e) M y brother was sick last week, and 1 had to take (10 At 1 In) eight o' dock (11 during 1 on) Sunday
care of him. evening, the island experienced a terrible hurricill
d) If you don't understand the word, look it up. We flew out (12 at 1 on) Monday morning after th
e) Before you buy that shirt, you should try on it. shortest honeymoon in history!
f) 1 dropped the plant on the floor and had to clean
up it. 6 Make sentence B mean the same as sentence A.
Use the words in the box.
2 Complete the sentences. Use will, going to, or the
present progressive. can can't don't have to have to must
a) "lt's too hot." "OK, 1 (open) 'll open a window." sheYkl shouldn't
b) 1 (train) _ _ to be an actor when 1 graduate.
e) She (meet) _ _ Jon and Sue at eight o' dock. a) A lt' s a good idea for you to see a doctor.
d) 1 don't want to go out. 1 (stay in) _ _ and read B You should see a doctor.
mybook. b) A It's not necessary for you to come, but yo
e) "1 can't get through to Dave. Oh, 1 know, 1 (try) permitted if you want.
_ _ calling him on his cell phone." "Good idea." B You _ _ come but you _ _ if you warl
f) He (arrive) _ _ on the 11:15 train from New York. e) A lt's nota good idea to stay up so late.
B You _ _ stay up so late.
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. d) A I'm sorry, but you are not permitted to see
the manager.
anyone anything everywhere no one B I'm sorry, but you _ _ see the manager.
nothing nowhere someone e) A It is necessary for you to stop smoking
immediately, Mr. Smith.
Rod: Where have you been? I've been looking B You _ _ stop smoking immediately,
(1) everywhere for you. Mr. Smith.
Dana: Over there. 1 was talking to (2) _ _ . f) A M y wife says it is necessary forme to be
Rod: Who? ls it (3) _ _ 1 know? home by 8:00 p.m.
Dana: No, it's (4) _ _ you know- a new person in B 1 _ _ be home by 8:00 p.m.
m y office ... . Hey, is there (5) _ _ to eat?
Rod: No. There's (6) _ _ to eat or drink- and 7 Find the mistake! Cross out the incorrect sentell{
(7) _ _ to sit! ... I've had enough. Do you 1 a) Qe ye~:~ ha>;:e ye~:~r eeaf? ... f!~:~t eR it
want to go? b) Do you ha ve your coat? ... Put it on.
2 a) I'm calling you tomorrow.
4 Check (.1) the three correct sentences. Change the b) I'll call you tomorrow.
incorrect sentences. Use used to, didn't use to, 3 a) How much time do we have?
or would. b) How many time do we have?
When 1 was young, ... 4 a) He would be very fat.
a) I' d ha ve blond hair. I used to have blond hair. b) He used to be very fat.
b) 1 used to have a dog. 5 a) She can come anytime she likes.
e) 1 wouldn't believe in ghosts. b) She can to come anytime she likes.
d) I' d love everything m y mother cooked. 6 a) Shh! You don't have to talk in here.
e) I'd go swimming on Saturdays. b) Shh! You mustn't talk in here.
f) 1 didn't use to play a musical instrument.

Which sentences are true for you? Compare with

a partner.


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