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SONY. sovsson2t FD Trinitron WEGA Trinitron’ Color TV Operating Instructions KV-13FM12 KV-13FM13 KV-13FM14 KV-20FS12 (©2000 by Sony Corporation WARNING resluce the Fish of ior eletic shock, ont eypese the TY ta no m APSE A ATTENTION PRECAUCION “This symbol isintnded io ler the user the presence of isu AX “dangerous voltage” within the product's enclosure that maybe of suiient smagnitidetoconstate ark of lc shock persone This symbols intended tale the user the prsence of npotant operating A\ minsinensce crtng) worse nee eran ea appliance Note to the CATV Installer ‘This reminder i proved to call the CATV system intaller’s attention to Article 620-10 of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, species that the ‘able ground shall be connected tothe grounding system ofthe building se lose to the Point of able entry as practical, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operate the TV only on 120 AC _Onediade ofthe power plugs wider than the othe for safety purposes and wil ft int the pomer out oly oe way you ate unable eek a ag a ae ule contact your Sele Hany lgud rst objec fas ito the TV, unplugit and have checked by qualified Personnel before opeating farce ‘CAUTION When using TV games, computers and similar products with your TV, keep the brightness and contrast functions at low settings. Ia fixed (non-moving) pattern i lett on the econ {or long periods of ime ata high brightness or contrast seting the image can be ppermanentty imprinted onto the screen. Continuously watching the same channel cn couse {he imprint of tation logos onto the TV sereen. These types of imprints are not covered by {your watranty because they are the results of misise ‘To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not use this polarized plug with an \, extension cord, receptacle, or other outlet unless the blades canbe fully inserted to prevent blade exposure. 2 ou are cautioned that any changes or moficatons not expressly approved inthe manual coud vor your authorty to operate ths equipment NOTIFICATION This equipment has boon testa found to compl with the limits for Class B digital stevie pursuant to Par 15 of the FCC Rules. These nis ne esignes to provide reasonable protection against hasnt interfenence in residential installation, This ‘Squipatent yenerates, ses, and can radiate radi frequency energy and, it not installed an tise in accondance with the instrctions, may cause harmful interference with radio omminiitions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur ina particular installation. this equipment does cause harmful interference ta radio or felevision reception, which can be determined by turing the equipment off and on, the {ner i encourage to try ka cores the interference by one oF more of he Following | Reovint or telocate the receiving antennas 'Q.Increaue the separation Between the equipment and receiver Conn he equipment into ott ona iu silent om ha fo which the |G Concult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help, Protecting the TV To prevent internal heat build-up, donot block the ventilation openings. Doo install the TV in a hot or humid place, orn a place subject to excessive dust or anchanieal vibration Note on Caption Vision is television receiver provides display of television closed captioning in secordance with §15119 ofthe FCC rules Use ofthis television for other than private viewing of programs broadcast on UHF or VHF or tansmited by cable companies forthe use ofthe general public may requize {authorization from the brosdcaster-able company and/or program owner. ‘Owner's Record “The model and seria numbers are located on the front cover ofthis manual and the rear of your TV. Trademarks and Copyrights ENERGY STAR® is repistered mark “JR, Asan net 5a Partner, Sony has datrined that his produc or poduct Loneegg De Mii a

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