Reform and Resistance in American Literature

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REFORM AND RESISTANCE IN AMERICAN LITERATURE by FRANK G. HERING A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL, OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OFTHE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, 2000 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In wha follows, 1 argue forthe need to culivat relationshipsin which frends (tc.) push and pul one ancther ot of comfortable postions by playing upon each other's imuliple and contradictory identifications. | was fortunate to have such relationships with the members cf my dissertation committe. From the beginning of gmduateschocl, Stephanie Smith and David Leverenz have generously offered sympathetic yet challenging comments on my wnitings. Without the many conversations Ihave had with them, I would never have asked the questions | explore in what follows. Phil Wegner and Louise ‘Newman challenged meto make stronger arguments about the problems with reform and the benefits of resistances while kindly offering suggestion forhow to do so, Maude Hines generously agreed tosit in on my defense ofthe dissertation and offered insights that have helped me to revise my undefended manvseript. Eventhough they were not members ‘of my committee, Susan Hegeman and Kim Emery shared with me theirinsightful and informed readings of Nella Larsen’s Passing and Fannie Flagg’s Fried Green Tomatces at the Whistle Stop Cafe. Last bat certainly not least, Lwould like to thank my parents, Frank and Sharon: my wife, Beth Braccio Hering: and my son, Zachary, forall their sacrifices and suppor, both emotional and financial. Without them, I would never have been able to take advantage ofthe edvecational opportunities | have encountered over the past ten years. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS pase ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii ABSTRACT y CHAPTERS 1 INTRODUCTION. 1 Foucault's Critique of Reform 5 Creating Reform in the Present 9 ‘The Role of Literary Criticism. 7 2. “IEYOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE, YOU DO WHAT WE DID": ‘TEMPERANCE AND ITS OTHERS IN WHITMAN'S FRANKLIN EVANS Sobering Up(wards).. Founding Stor Excessive Storytelling Good as Gold. Going Backstage 3. ALL ABOARD: CORPORATE LIBERALISM VERSUS ‘COFFIN-ING IN MOBY-DICK... 2 Reform and the Liberal Tradition. 2 Looming Doubt. %6 “Traps and Quits. 4 ‘The Personality and the “Personified Impersonal -..-sc.s. n “A Dumb Blankness, Full of Meaaing™ 8 Conceits and Confidence Games.. jSusinarcctiaue da 291 4. SNEAKING AROUND: IDEALIZED DOMESTICITY, IDENTITY POLITICS, AND GAMES OF FRIENDSHIP INNELLA LARSEN’S PASSING. 96 ‘The Politics of Safety. 96 dealized Domestiit) 101 eenity and Sneaking Around. 107 Games of Friendship 17

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