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Has been accepted and authorized as Internship Report

Yogyakarta, November 2018

Lecturer of Internship Examiner Lecturer of Internship


Zuhud Rozaki, S.P., M.App.Sc., Ph.D. Muhammad Fauzan, S.P.,M.Sc.

NIK. NIK. 198890718 201507 133 059

Internship Manager

Muhammad Fauzan, S.P.,M.Sc.


NIK. 198890718 201507 133 059



INTERNSHIP REPORT........................................................................................i
VALIDATION PAGE............................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................iii
I. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................1
A. Background............................................................................................................1
B. Purpose..................................................................................................................3
II. COMPANY PROFILE...................................................................................4
A. Location..................................................................................................................6
B. Management of the company................................................................................7
C. The scope of Business............................................................................................8
III. INTERNSHIP ACTIVITY...........................................................................10
A. Main Program...................................................................................................10
B. Main Program...................................................................................................27
IV. CLOSSING....................................................................................................35
V. REFERENCE................................................................................................36
VI. ATTACHMENT............................................................................................37


A. Background

Malaysia is one of the main exporter countries of pineapple in the

world beside Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, Hawaii, Ivory Coast, Kenya,
Brazil, Taiwan, Australia, India, and South Africa. In 2008 FAO
announced the pineapple income in Malaysia. Malaysian occupies the 8 th
rank follows the value of USD 69.620 and 10th in the world.

Pineapples contain a very high vitamin C that are good for health
especially in assisting the healing of wounds or injuries, it is also able to
help the process of absorption of iron in the blood. The vitamin B,
especially B1 (Thiamin) which pineapples contain has function to assist
the process of digesting in the intestine. In addition, the vitamin B3
(niacin) in pineapples containing carbohidrates can manage the circulatory
system. The content of potassium and sodium in pineapple can balance the
content of water in the human body. Last but not least the substance of a
type of enzyme in pineapples is very useful in the field of the treatment
called enzyme Bromelin, which is able to reduce swelling () and helps the
process of blood clotting.

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant of the family

Bromeliaceae which is believed to come from the eastern part of South
America. Since 16th century, the history of the pineapple has been
introduced in Malay Land by the Portuguese. In 1921, pineapple began to
grow in Singapore, Johor, and Selangor. In Malaysia particuarly, there are
a pineapple plant width 16.850 hectares planted in 2010, and Johor is the
site of the largest pineapple plant field within this country.

Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan or well-known as

FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) is a marketing agency
under the Ministry of Agriculture and Industri Asas Tani Malaysia. FAMA

was established on September 30, 1965, for the purpose of supervising,

coordinating, organizing and developing Malaysian marketing agricultural
products, including import and export. Agricultural products included
under the supervision of FAMA are vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, farm,
and aquaculture. In the fruit sector, FAMA served to market various types
of fruit harvest, and one of them is pineapple.

Therefore, the author chose Malaysia, especially Selangor, Kampong

Raja Musa, as a place for internship because this location has abundant
pineapple plantation. Other than that, there are a lot of various
commodities grown in one vast land here that made this area became more
special for the author, because normally in Malaysia every each one of
land consists of one commodity only.

Pineapple planting and pinapple processing activities cannot be

separated from the marketing process, these two things has a high level of
dependency and effect to each other. On the other hand, in every market
activity, must be followed by marketing, and any marketing activities are
functioned to find or create a market. *(ini secara grammar sudah aku
betulkan tapi honestly aku ga paham kalo bca konteks Bahasa
Indonesianya) These proceses are what the community in Kampong Raja
Musa has carried out, and also related to the internship activities that the
writer has been doing. In this case, the author is doing and observing the
marketing process of products pineapple that coming from Kampong Raja
Musa which has not been yet processed to FAMA.

B. Purpose
Based on the background above, the author found some points that
can be a purpose of writing of this report, they are:

1. To find out the role of LPNM in the cultivation counseling of

pineapple in Kampong Raja Musa.
2. To find out the role of FAMA towards the marketing of pineapple
products in Malaysia


The Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (MPIB) is the legal entity

founded in 1957 formerly known as Lembaga Perusahaan Nanas Tanah
Melayu/Malayan Pineapple Industry Board. Where the Agency is
harvesting pineapple then do the canning to make it more durable so it can
be exported to different countries. In line with the development of the
industry, the Agency's name was changed to Lembaga Perindustrian
Nanas Malaysia/ Dewan Industri Nanas Malaysia in 1992 (Law-105-
revision 1990) under the Ministry of Primary Industries.

On 29 May 1996, the Cabinet made the decision to abolish the Board
of pineapple, and its functions were transferred to the Ministry of
agriculture, MARDI and FAMA. The removal practice was carried out
gradually for about 3 years in accordance with the dissolution of the
Pineapple Industry Act 1957 (revised 1990).

Canning pineapple commercially started by Chinese-Singaporean

community. Before any other commodities appeared, the pineapple
industry was the main revenue to the economy of the country. In 1957,
Lembaga Perusahaan Nanas Tanah Melayu (LPNTM) was established
based on the pineapple industry Act 1957, which is currently known as
Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM)/Dewan Industri Nanas
Malaysia that runs a role to manage and develop the Malaysian pineapple

Canning pineapple Industry in Malaysia is the second highest export

after the watermelon in the tropical fruit category. This industry plays a
role in contributing to the country’s economy and providing job
opportunities directly in the farm iand cultivation Industries, and indirectly
in the transportation and manufacturing Industries. With the existence of

those responsible institutions, Malaysia was able to produce high-quality

products that can survive in the market.

The pineapple industry was also supported by the Malaysia

Government in the land development policy aspect. The agricultural sector
is given a priority by the Government through the implementation of
industrial development and support programs. Several strategies have been
outlined based on long-term planning. LPNM/MPIB is foucing on the
clearing of the new land and increasing productivity and also dealing with
a scarcity of fruits supply faced by the factory.

In Malaysia, there are many fruit orchards which is teaming up with

FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority), which is a marketing
agency under the Ministry of agriculture and Industri Asas Tani Malaysia.
FAMA was established on September 30, 1965, for the purpose of
supervising, coordinating, organizing and developing marketing
agricultural products in Malaysia, including import and export. The
Agricultural products that is included under the supervision of FAMA are
vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, farm, and aquaculture. In the sector of
fruits, FAMA served to market various types of fruit plantation results, one
of the fruits that FAMA market is pineapple.

One of the farms that is in cooperation with FAMA and then

empowered by LPNM is the one that is owned by Mr. Saroji located in
Kampong Raja Musa, Selangor. Before, this village was known as
Pineapple Village because pinapples are the main commodity that mainly
planted by local community in this village. This pinapple farms were first
planted by Mr. Saroji’s father who was the first generation, which later
followed by Mr. Saroji himself as the second generation. This village is
also known as Java Village because the majority of the villagers are
Javanese who are originated from Indonesia who have lived in Malaysia
for a long time.

The farm cooperates with FAMA with a method called contract field
method, which means an agreement among supplier and producers in a
way FAMA guarantees the market through a direct-purchase which based
on the terms and condition that has been agreed, or FAMA manages to
become the facilitator *to the department? that guides participants who are
directly involved with the marketers, where the farmers have to provide
products in which their specifications has been set out in the agreement

A. Location

Figure 01. Location of Kampong Raja Musa

Mr. Saroji’s farm located in Kampung Raja Musa near the Ijok
Selangor Malaysia, which is a place where the author conducts the
Internship, is not really far from Kuala Lumpur that is well-known as the
capital city and also one of the business centre within the country. It only
takes about 30 minutes to find the Kampong Raja Musa from there. Since
it is nearby Kuala Lumpur, this location becomes strategic enough to be
made as agricultural business sector. Mr. Saroji’s farm has a total area of

approximately 2 hectares of plantation land and this was inherited from his

B. Management of the company

LPNM (Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia) is an Instituion

with the organizational structure that is divided into several divisions. This
Institution is headed by a Director, assisted by the Deputy Director of
Design and Development, and also the Deputy Director of Operation. And
then there are few other divisions led by The Head of Divisions. They are:

a. Crop Expansion and development division

b. Strategic Planning Division
c. Marketing & Agro-Based Industry Division
d. Management Service Division
e. Licensing & Inspectorate Division
f. Engineering Division
g. Product Development and Biotechnology Division
h. Pineapple Technology Development Division
i. Internal Audit Unit
j. Integrity Unit
k. Corporate Communications Unit
l. State Office

Figure 02. Carta Organisasi Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia

Besides, in the business field that is run by Mr. Saroji, Mr. Saroji
acted as The Chairman and only has one employee who assists him,
starting from planting the pinapples until harvesting them. The reason why
he only needs one employee because in the work Mr. Saroji has already
been using a machine (tractor) as a tool to make his job easier. All the local
community in this Raja Musa village, is the family of Mr. Saroji, who are
also pineapple farmers.

C. The scope of BusiSness

The Division is responsible for providing support to other divisions

under LPNM in making planning LPNM activities by providing
information as well as the latest industry data. The Division is also

responsible for carrying out the activities of market development and

promotion to ensure that the market share of fresh pineapple and cans can
be enhanced or maintained in the eyes of the world.

1. Provide support to other divisions in the preparation of planning

and preliminary survey before performing an activity.
2. Act as Coordinator for the work of the preparation of the working
papers LPNM development projects to be delivered to the Central
3. Provide reports of the progress of the implementation of
development programmes and assessment thereon.
4. Provides information and statistics about the data and pineapple
industry for use in management.
5. In charge of development in the promotion activities of fresh
pineapple and cans pineapple.
6. Responsible for registering and issue a certificate to the exporter
the exporter agent pineapple for the purpose of exporting pineapple
products abroad.

Malaysia also famous for producing quality pineapple cans yellow

golden. Pineapple Malaysia has characteristics that are different from
competitors and potential for enhanced quality. Currently, 95% of the
production on canned pineapple is for the export market and the surplus of
5% is for the domestic market while fresh pineapple contributed 3% for
the export market and 70% for the domestic market. Singapore is the
traditional export markets for fresh pineapple and followed by West Asia.
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei was Amiriah and Hong


A. Main Program

1. The development of the company

Kampong Raja Musa in Selangor, Malaysia since long ago to now

known as Pineapple village, in this village, there is an awful lot of
plantation with different commodities. One of the famous and biggest
commodities in this plantation than past to the present, namely the
pineapple plantation. Mr. Saroji has 2 hectares of land is divided into 1
hectare of land with a total of 15.000 fruit with different varieties. While
the 1 hectare of used for growing pineapple fruit with the total 17.250
fruit. Pineapple plantation belonging Mr. Saroji is planted by many
variants of the pineapple, one of them as much as 800 types of pineapple
fruit typical of village morris planted in his plantation. The beginning of
this plantation belonged to Mr. Saroji father then handed over this business
to Mr. Saroji until now this business has continued to evolve since 10
years ago started by Mr. Saroji. Many types of pineapple seeds are taken
from Philippine. As many as 20 types of pineapple there are swamp
pineapple, gandul, N19, morris, yankee, Josephine, MB2, etc. Pineapple
fruit seedlings MB2 is new pineapple fruit seedlings planted in Mr. Saroji
plantation, this is the new type of fruit are grown for 6 years. This is
pineapple seedlings MB2 seeds have the most expensive price among
other types of pineapple seedlings, namely the price range between RM
1,50 - RM 2. This includes pineapple fruit most warmly on the market. In
this plantation, Mr. Saroji planted the pineapple seeds in 2 ways: 1. Single,
this type of planting is just planting the seeds of the pineapple. 2. The
Mixture (Integration), this type of cultivation planting fruit commodities
include palm, banana, and pineapple in one land. The type of planting fruit
mixed (integration) is done Mr. Saroji with how to plant palm fruit first.

While waiting for the results of the palm for 4 years to bear, Mr. Saroji
palm plants to intervene by planting pineapple on the sides. This became
the income of Mr. Saroji for planting palm is waiting for the results.

An example of such integration on planting figure 02.

Figure 03. Planting of Integration System

In developing his business growing Mr. Saroji doesn’t work on its

own, but he has a lot of relations of cooperation with various government
agencies such as LPNM and FAMA. Both of these organizations were

instrumental in the development of businesses belonging to Mr. Saroji,

besides that it also plays a role in improving the quality and the quality of
the results of Mr. Saroji plantation.

2. The role of LPNM (Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas


When joining LPNM Mr. Saroji awful lot getting extension

associated with the planting of the fruit is good and effective and in
accordance with SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) from the start of
planting until harvesting process. The system of cooperation of Mr. Saroji
with LPNM done with training delivery how to plant pineapples in order
to produce quality fruit pineapple fruit so that it can compete in the global
market. This has been a boon for LPNM because it can boost earnings
through the export of pineapple fruit produced by a member who has been
granted the extension and sold to the world market.

Agribusiness enterprise development within the framework of the

pineapple and challenges facing competition in the free trade era, then the
market demands products that are of high quality, uniformity of results,
sustainability, safe against health, and eco-friendly. To anticipate the need
for a guideline or standard made a reference in the development of agri-
commodities pineapple. There is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
on the farming process that includes pineapple cultivation to post-harvest.
The application of the SOP is as follows:

A. Planting Process Pineapple Fruit

In this plantation pineapple seeds cannot grow when not paying

attention to three fundamental to the growth of pineapple, Air (a), Baja
(b) dan Cahaya (c) as of the step for planting pineapple according to
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure):

a) Area Preparation
In General almost all types of land used for agriculture suitable to
grow the pineapple. Although a plant like a pineapple, more suitable
on this type of soil antecedent contains fertile, loose sand, and many
contain organic ingredients as well as lime content, is low. The
pineapple plantations on the property of Mr. Saroji it, pineapple grown
in peat. Where is the peat are sour.
It turns out that the cultivation of the fruit of the pineapple in the
peat has a good prospect because the resulting fruit has a flavor that is
more sweets. In fact other than pineapple plants when grown in the
land of sour fruit and disorder will experience growth of yet another
case with pineapple fruit. In order for the results of the growth of
pineapple fruit being the maximum necessary settings in the system of
cultivation, as for the distance required to plant the seed of the fruit of
the pineapple that is 90 x 60 cm x30 with line 2 system in order to
facilitate the treatment of pineapple.
There is a difference in implementing soft and mineral soil area.
Peat Soil
a. Flow
1. A drains flow should be built initially to lower the water
level for the peat soil condition in Malaysia which constantly
traps water.
Type of drain Measurement (m)

Main 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.2

Second 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.9

Farm 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.6

2. Excessive flow will increase plant root decay and the

growth of the tree will be hampered.

Therefore, plant seeds fruit pineapple requires water in the

growth as well as to assist the process of absorption of nutrient

elements that can be dissolved in it. However, the moisture content

in the soil should not be too much or does not tarnish (Pooled).
This should be considered such as aeration and drainasenya must
be good, because the plants are submerged would be very
susceptible to rotting roots so need a trench to make the water flow
so that the pineapple plant is not submerged. In addition to the
water plant pineapple fruit also should not be a shortage of

b. Cutting and Cleaning of Area

1. Done in the hot season, 3-4 months and the wood will dry
c. Road & Lane Construction
1. Large pieces of wood are being cut into 5m long, arranged
vertically on suggested roads as a layer of support. Laterite is
compressed into 10-20 cm thick on top of it.
2. Lanes are constructed from laterite layers 10-20 cm thick
and 3-4 m wide.
b) Preparation of planting Components
A pineapple tree can be planted from sections such as the
head, root stem, root ventilation hole or soil.
1. Seed Options
Choose seeds from the main tree which contain the
following characteristics:-
1. Fertilized and healthy tree
2. Large fruit
3. Short stem and strong
4. A single head
Choices can increase production from 10-15%
2. Seed Intake
Collect the seeds after achieving a size of 30-60 cm
long which is around 4 months from the plucking date.
3. Seed Classification
Separate seeds according to the following sizes:
Small : 30cm
Medium : 45cm

Large : 60cm
4. Storing Seeds
When it is needed to be kept before planting, storage
steps should be followed to prevent damage and being
1. Seed is arranged in a layer with the position of the
base turned upwards.
2. Kept in a safe and well-ventilated place.
3. Ensure that storing is not done in more than 1
5. Seed Treatments
If there is a need to eliminate insects or algae, the seed
must be dipped in a concentrated insect or algae poison.
Insect poison : 24ml Malathion + 18l (4 gallons) water
Algae poison : Benlate 75C Concentration
c) Cultivation
The main or mixed cultivation system is much dependant on
the economy and environmental factors.
Each system is advised to be cultivated in a twin-row
1. Cultivation density
Cultivation density is dependent on the implementation
objective of the project, the type of seed and cultivation system.
In general, the main cultivation density for each seed is
43,500 trees/hectare or 17,424 trees/acre with a plantation
length of 90cm x 60cm x 30cm
High cultivation density, > 50,000 tree/hectare (20,000
tree/acre) fulfills the requirements of product increase.
2. Planting Method
A stake wood tied by a string or wire is used as a line
marker. The string or rope is marked for measuring the length
of plantation along the line.

Ditugalkan to build wooden tugal crop during the span

strap hole. The depth of hole 10-15cm is adapted to the size of
the seed of 30-60 cm long.
Root cultivation of the same size in the same area. One
root for each hole, soil surrounding is pressed in order to make
the root unmoved.
3. Planting Season
Small size – cultivation in the damp season.
Large size – cultivation for the whole year.
As for the planting of a pineapple fruit in doing is by
way of closing a pineapple plant with plastic before inserting
the pineapple into the ground, Mr. Saroji dipped pineapple fruit
seedlings with toxic toadstool and pesticides. It is aimed so that
the seeds of pineapple fruit is protected from insects. But
before in the lid with plastic, pineapple gave fertilizer food as
much as 20 kg. When the leaves have reached 30-40 strands,
then the age of pineapple can be estimated at 7-8 next month,
caregiving of ethral in the central part of the pineapple fruit
shoots are done every day for a month with the 7-8 way was
sprinkled. As for the variant of the pineapple fruit grows
fastest-namely the types of variants of Morris and Josephine
because, at the age of 12 months, the fruit of the pineapple can
already be harvested.
d) Weed Control
A few characteristics of soft soil in Malaysia encourage
certain types of weed growth.
1. High ability to trap water
2. High water level
3. The high amount of annual rain
4. High organic contents and low pH suitable with species of
certain weed.
1. Practice Control Culture Method:

Weed control by using a hand, pulling, cutting, digging and

2. Chemical Method:
Various brands of traditional poison require a control step.
3. Weed Control After Planting
1) Paraquat 50-100ml/18 liter of water to destroy grass
which is merely visible.
2) Glyphosate 80-100ml liter of water for tall grass. If
necessary, should be repeated in 4-6 weeks later.
Weed Control After Planting
Use premixed weed poison and is sprayed across the surface of the soil.

Poison Rate per 18l Rotation/ Control

Brand of water Cultivation Period(mth)
KROVAR 1 120g 2 times 4-6
COMBI 80 120g 3-4times 1 1/2-3
KIMEX 120g 3-4times 1 1/2-3
A few weeks after it is sprayed, a few weeds starts to
grow. With that, replanting the grass must be done before the
weed grows flowers or produces fruit/seedlings.

e) Fertilization
A fertilization, schedule, and rate of fertilization general
formula for pineapple cultivation on peat soil have been
Fertilization Spread Formulation

Water volume
Weight/acr 18l(4gal
Nutrients e ) 225/(50gal)

Dehydrated Powder 24kg 640g 8kg

Zinc Sulfate 1.5kg 42g 500g
Copper Sulfate 1.5kg 42g 500g
BS-1 Ferum Sulfate 0.75kg 21g 250g
All BS-1 nutrients above and
BS-2 Urea 24kg 640g 8kg

Spread Fertilization Formulation

1. Pineapple mixed fertilizer (BCN) is based on NPK in a
ratio of 30:1:32 which are suitable for pineapple cultivation of
various cultivars in soft soil.
2. For trees, the BCN requirement for each fertilization is
3. For an entire life-cycle, BCM pineapple cultivation is
needed as much as 42g/tree.

Nutrient Weight %


Ammonium Sulfate (SA) 72 kg 72

Christmas Island Rock
Phosphate (CIRP) 1 kg 1
Muriate of Potash (MOP) 27 kg 27

f) Blossming Flow (Hormone)

A pineapple tree in a normal situation experiences self bloom
on the 12-18 month after it is planted.

A few environmental factors such as temperature,

daytime period and the amount of sunlight reflection are able to
trigger the formation of the natural flower.
The rapid growth rate which is the result of the effects of
excessive nitrogen fertilization, water flow or rain will prevent
blossoming of flowers.
Pineapple is a plantation which is aware of the chemical
growth control ingredients.

Usage of Blossom Hormone

1. NAA Pill
1. 1 seed/tree
2. Inserted directly in the pineapple stem.
2. NAA Liquid (Plano fix)
1. 4.5 ml Planofix/18l water
2. 50 ml concentration is sprayed or poured on the center of
each tree.
3. Ethephon (Ethrel)v
1. 30 ml ETHREL + 180g Urea + 18l water
2. 40-50ml concentration of each tree. Sprayed or poured on
the center of each tree.
4. Asetilena (Calcium Karbaid)
1. 200g Calcium Karbaid + 18l water
2. 50 ml tree concentration. Sprayed or poured to the center
of the tree stem.
5. Flow Time
1. Night time is the most effective period.
2. The most suitable time is during early morning and late
6. Characteristics of Tree Suitability
1. Healthy and fertilized.

2. Have 35-40 functional fresh leaves.

3. 1 month after fertilization.
The success of blossoming flow is evaluated
through the blossoming percentage which occurs after 45-60
The blossom percentage calculation is conducted
when the pineapple tree stem has produced a red coloured
g) Fruit size manipulation
2-(3 chlorophenoxy) propionic acid or in short CPA
(3-CP) is a type of chemical hormone to generate fruit growth
especially for kv.gandul. In the market, an example of this
hormone is FRUITONE CPA.

1. Purpose of Usage
1) Increase fruit size.
2) Assist the top section growth of the
pineapple thus motivating the fruit growth.
3) Make the fruit skin thicker to prevent
damage during carrying and transferring to the
4) Compress the pineapple fillings to prevent
2. Rate of Usage
1) 1ml CPA (3-CP) + 1 litre of water
2) 50ml concentration of each seed by spraying
the whole section of the fruit when the flowers are
almost gone.

h) Harvesting

In general, pineapple fruit can begin harvested when

these fruits starts to ripe especially on its skin colour. Ripen
fruits are good quality and market guarantee.
Maturity Indeks
The Maturity Index is a guide which refers to skin
colour change which also changes the internal characteristics
of the fruit fillings and level of acid sugar contents.
Maturity Index (Gandul Pineapple)
1. Colour of braktea changes from red to pale white.
2. Colour of fruitlet changes from red to blackish
3. Between 146-152 days after the date of blossoming

Late harvesting will affect fruit quality. When 25% of

the fruit turns yellow, the fruit filling has become ferment and
is unsuitable to be canned.

Maturity Index of Various Cultivar of Fresh Pineapple

Subject Sarawak/N36 Josapine Moris

YOUNG Dark Green Pale Green Green


Skin Colour White Palr yellow pale yellow

RIPE Yellow Yellow Yellow

Early Pale Yellow Yellow Light green
Maturity Yellow
Skin at
section of
Center of
Fruit filing
Final Orange Completely Completely
Maturity Yellow Yellow
Red Yellow
Skin Colour Golden Golden
Center of More
Fruit Yellowish
Fruit filling

When pineapple fruit already harvested not only invalidated, but the
pineapple fruit pineapple fruit new seeds totaling 5-8 children by pineapple
fruit seeds.This new fruit seeds most sold and partly grown back.Price of 1
seed this pineapple sold ranged from 20-25 cents

A. Purpose of LPNM
LPNM functions as provided in the Pineapple Industry Act
1957 (Revised 1990) (Act 427) are as follows:
1. Carry out research on agronomy programmes and also
research on processing related to pineapple industry.
2. Discuss on pricing and grading of pineapple fruit for sale to
registered pineapple factories.
3. Control the production and marketing of pineapple fruit and
canned pineapple.
4. Manage quality control and health regulations at registered
pineapple factories.
5. Manage the cess fund and determine the cess rate.

6. Collect and store the pineapple industry statistical record.

7. Provide financial assistance, either in the form of a subsidy
or grant to the overall or part of the small farmers sector.
8. Provide attention to all matters related to the pineapple
B. Registration Qualifications
1. Open to manufacturers who process the pineapple kaleng or
factories that process the pineapple-based products.
2. For factory processing kaleng pineapple (Pineapple
Factory) Manufacturers shall have premises which comply with the
minimum requirements for the site, layout, construction, plant,
machinery and cleanliness of a factory as contained in the
Regulations Industrial Nanas (Canning Factory Control) 1959.
3. Manufacturers/companies shall have the area under
cultivation at least 600 hectares of which pineapple is equivalent to
1,500 acres. While for factory processing kaleng pineapple but not
cultivated pineapple will be registered under the registration of
small factories.
4. Manufacturers shall meet the requirements of quality
control at least Plan Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

3. The role of FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing


FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) is a marketing

agency under the Ministry of agriculture and Industri Asas Tani. FAMA is
responsible for the marketing of fruit and vegetables such as agrofood-
fruits industries and products-agro. Spurring domestic and international
marketing sector, FAMA role in the agrofood products marketing and
increase income producer. FAMA is also responsible for ensuring that the
products of agriculture and agro-based industry is available and can be
obtained at a price affordable by the user. To carry out this role, FAMA has
and is intensifying its efforts to increase the efficiency of marketing chains
along with focus on the follows:

1) Strengthening the supply through farm contract

2) Expanding market access; and
3) Increase local and export market promotion
A. Purpose of FAMA
As for some of the goals undertaken by FAMA:
1. The realization of the national vision and national
agricultural policy to make Malaysia a major food manufacturers
in the world through the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural
and food products;
2. Infrastructure development marketing and supply chain
system that is efficient and effective;
3. The development of marketing and the increasing demand
for food and agricultural products within and outside the country;
4. International human resource capabilities in knowledge-
based agricultural marketing and the latest technology.
B. Primary Functions
Besides having the purpose of FAMA also has several main
functions, among others, are:
1. To coordinate agricultural marketing activities involving
either the private sector or Department/Agency;
2. To coordinate agricultural marketing activities involving
either the private sector or Department/Agency, Improve and
expand the marketing system and developing a new market for
revenue – Malaysian agricultural products;
3. Collaborating with the private sector and Government
departments/agencies to establish agricultural marketing and
4. Develop and promote efficient management in agriculture
industry related marketing or processing revenue – agricultural
products; and
5. Involving directly in the agricultural industry, particularly
the processing or marketing activities yield – agricultural products.
In addition to partnerships with LPNM Mr. Saroji also helped
by FAMA in the marketing process with the working system uses
fields of the contract. Field contract is the system of cooperation where

FAMA help farm enterpreneurs small scale and simple through the
assurance of their agricultural spending in order to get the appropriate
Plantation Division works to help operators of agricultural
projects (fruits and vegetables selected) small-scale and medium to
increase the production of fruits and vegetables in guarantee marketing
agricultural produce besides increase their income. In addition, the
Plantation Division will assist and provide advice to the operators of
agricultural projects to produce agricultural products quality and meet
the needs of the market.

C. Objectively FAMA in the fields of contract

As for how to collaborate with FAMA contract through the fields as
1) Ensure the market and increase the income of producers
2) Increase production of fruits and vegetables.
3) Ensure the quality of production of agricultural products
and to meet the needs of the market.
4) Enhance technology transfer along the supply chain.
D. Contract fields FAMA can be submitted
Application to participate in tree Plantation can at all
departments and agencies under the Ministry of agriculture nearby:
1. Jabatan Pertanian (DOA)
2. Pertubuhan Peladang Kawasan (PPK) / Lembaga
Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP)
3. Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM)
4. Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA)
5. Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan Sabah (KPIM
6. Kementerian Permodenan Pertanian Sarawak (KPP
E. The benefits of contract fields for farmers and
1. Farmer:
a) Farmers got the guarantee of the market to the top
products that are issued

b) Keep and add revenue.

c) Warranty assistance informatization and farm
management more systematic than with the departments and
d) Guarantee credit line input to area farmers.
e) Enjoy opportunities for course and training for
menigkatkan motivation and knowledge in the field of
2. Consumen:
Get quality and continuous belie at the time required by
the specification market.

4. Development Potentil in Indonesia

The pineapple Industry Malaysia development of support and the

role of Government as well as society Malaysia, this is manifested by the
presence of FAMA and LPNM who serves to empower farmers and
entrepreneurs-small businessman in a way help give extension and help
the process of marketing results to improve the quality of plantation
production results in order to be able to compete with the global market.
Thanks to the existence of this cooperation system, pineapple Malaysia
became one of the world's pineapple exporting countries and indirectly
help boost the economy of the country. In addition to this cooperation
systems also create jobs for the community.
The system of cooperation like this of course could be applied in
the country of Indonesia, which is rich in natural resources such as fertile
soil, rich in fruits and vegetables. But to realize this certainly need
support and the role of the Government as well as the local community so
that the process can run smoothly and effectively.

B. Main Program
The activities of this internship was carried out on October 4 to
October 18, 2018. All activities carried out from 8.00 a.m. until 5 pm.Then
after a visit or implementation activities then there will be an evaluation of
what has been obtained by the student at the time of the day's activities and
what deficiencies should be corrected as well as how to maintain solidarity
students and also how to keep secure stance when the activity is running,
then proceed with the briefing for tomorrow will be just like what
pelaksaan activity.Internship activities implemented in kuala Selangor-
selangor, Malaysia.
1. Opening Ceremonial at FAMA Negri Selangor (5/10/18)
The first event was held on October 5, 2018 this internship was
the opening ceremonies with FAMA (Federal Agriculture Marketing
Authority) in the Office of FAMA Plaza Shah Alam Negri Selangor,
Malaysia. This event became an important activity in the process of
recognition between FAMA and UMY. FAMA is one of 13 institutes
under the rule of Malaysia and has been focusing on agricultural
marketing.FAMA Negri Selangor led by Datuk Abdul Gariff and
FAMA has several programs to enhance and develop the agricultural
marketing system especially in Malaysia such as Agrobazaar, Agro
Market Selangor, farmers markets, GBBS (Fresh Fruit Stalls), The
fields of contracts, etc.FAMA Negri Selangor had the vision for the
welfare of farmers and accelerate the process of sale of agricultural
products.FAMA also has several companies that produce a lot of food
or snacks each owner company under FAMA will get help from
2. Visiting Agrobazaar Kedai Rakyat at Shah Alam Section 9
On 5 October 2018, after the opening event, the next agenda is
to visit one of the Program i.e. Agrobazaar FAMA Tavern
folk.Agrobazaar is a great place for entrepreneurs agricultural products
that do not have capital but would like to open a business.FAMA gives

any purpose including shops and the need to open a

business.Agrobazaar Store also sells some agricultural products such
as wheat flour, chili sauce, eggs, chicken, and fruit.Agrobazaar equals
the market as usual, but the difference of Agrobazaar are all products
that are for sale here is a product of agriculture.Agrobazaar also
received treatment from FAMA Negri Selangor as a responsibility.
3. Excursion to IKS Masri and Program SAM Kuala Selangor
Regency (6/10/18)
The next agenda on 6 October 2018, visit SAM (Selangor Agro
Market).Selangor Agromarket held in Kuala Selangor Regency
especially in Sekinchan.Selangor Agro Market is one of the programs
held FAMA and this is one of the special events, because this only just
opening FAMA twice a month.Agro market Selangor provides
agricultural products from farmers directly, and agricultural
entrepreneurs who want to sell their agricultural products can directly
obtain the help of FAMA and facilities such as the canopy and
place.The agenda of the next internship with FAMA Negri Selangor is
a visit to the project entrepreneurs with the name IKS MH
Enterprise.This business project is the venture Bahulu Cake, then they
show you how to make the traditional way, Bahulu and they also have
a small shop that offer their own products like Bahulu, cracker, and
many kinds of traditional snacks, etc.
4. Excursion to the Pasar Tani Shah Alam (7/10/18)
The next day's activities was a visit to the farmers Market area
of Shah Alam, Selangor.Farmers markets Shah Alam is a market which
is only open on Sundays from 07.00 until 12.00 noon.This market
offers fresh farm products are sold directly by farmers from their
crops.FAMA offers land and tents for their business, farmers can only
bring their harvest every Sunday, but farmers have to open his shop at
07.00 with any conditions.If they are late they are not allowed to open
their shops that day.Farmers markets are a FAMA program aims to get
more consumers and bring consumers to shop at farmers markets than

the modern market exhibited farmers markets that were held between
the two shopping centres.FAMA persuaded the community particularly
Malaysia Selangor to buy agricultural products from farmers directly
from shopping malls and modern markets.So it can be concluded that
FAMA are cutting systems chain of middlemen (the middleman)
agricultural products and also keep the well-being of the local farmers.
5. Excursion Rock Melon Project at PSIS Politechnic Sultan Idris
Shah (8/10/18)
Internship activities on 8 October 2018, visit the project rock
melon. Rock Melon is one of the projects the student farm in
PSIS.They have the special soil in their Polytechnic for the cultivation
of rock melon.Rock Melon, this project has been running for a year
and have experienced several times of harvest.The difference about
this rock melon are they used as planting media and Cocopeat using
vertigasi irrigation system, they also let melons grow vertically.Rock
Melon project also is under the program of FAMA FAMA and can
become a marketer from a Rock Melon cultivation.
6. Excursion and learning at The Nandong Food (8/10/18)
Nandong Food is one of the projects of entrepreneurs in the
agricultural business of nata de coco which is managed by
FAMA.Nandong Food located in Kuala Selangor and the company is
led by a businessman.This location is one of the home-based factories
that produce nata de coco and pure coconut oil, they got coconut
farmers contract from fields around the plant Food Nandong.The
product was distributed to some areas of Malaysia and also exported to
some countries like Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines.Nata de
coco product also has a wide range of variants.
7. Excursion to Fresh Fruit Stall GBBS (Gerai Buah-Buahan
Segar) (8/10/18)
GBBS was one of a fresh stall run by FAMA and offer only
fresh fruit according to the season, for example, when we visited the
GBBS, the mango Season is going, so they only sell fresh mangoes

and food as well as Drinks that are made of Mango.Besides selling

fresh fruits, they also have mango farm alone to pick fruit.
8. Excursion and learning at PMMFKS Pusat Memprosesan
Makanan FAMA Kuala Selangor (9/10/18)
PMMFKS food processing center is located in Kuala Selangor
which is one of the factories run by FAMA, in their factory producing
Flour and seasonings of chips.Specifically in the plant it is they get the
chips (crisps) from businessman around their factories, so that they do
not process their own chip.They also produce a variety of flavored
crisps for differential products. In addition to flour and chips,
PMMFKS also produces sachets cach premix, drink cocoa and coffe
also premix with habbatus sauda. The brand, produced by PMMFKS is
Agromas and this brand became one of the few brands issued FAMA
and became a well-known brand in Malaysia.
9. Exercusion to FAMA Kuala Selangor Regency AMC Tanjung
Karang (10/10/18)
This location is one of the official FAMA Negri Selangor
Office, they also have entrepreneurs who produce their products there,
such as Pastel and Doughnuts, they also sell their fresh produce from
the oven, so consumers can instantly come to the store and try their
products directly.Entrepreneurs looking to joining program FAMA also
can sign up for this Office mainly to Kuala Selangor District.
10. Excursion to Cucumber Field Contract (Project Ladang
Kontrak) (10/10/18)
This Plantation is plantation cucumber. This plantation was one
farm project contract managed by FAMA.This project is located in
Kuala Selangor this Diperkebunan. They planted a cucumber with
different types, they also use a hanging system in cultivating cucumber
and let it grow vertical in order to ease the worker in the process of
harvesting. They also use cocopeat as a medium for planting.
Keistimewa of the project is a bold entrepreneur trying to plant
cucumbers among Palm oil plantations.
11. Excursion to the LPNM Pineapple Project in Ijok (11/10/18)

This Plantation is plantation pineapple. This pineapple

plantation was one farm project contract managed by FAMA with
LPNM (Institute of industry of pineapple Malaysia).FAMA has
responsibility in product marketing and LPNM have a responsibility in
developing a way of cultivation.The pineapple is grown diarea Palm
and also grown in peat soil.The planting system used is System
Integration because in one area they planted 3 commodities i.e.
bananas, saawit and pineapple. They have 2 of the best pineapple sales,
i.e., Morris and MD2. Besides selling fresh pineapple pineapple seeds
they also sell.
12. Clossing Ceremonial (12/10/97)
The last activity of the internship program with FAMA negri
Selangor is the closing event.The closing event was held at The Palm
Hotel Kuala Selangor, and started around 10.00 in the morning.This
became an important agenda of activities to celebrate the success of the
apprentice and also the time separation between students and FAMA
UMY Negri Selangor.In the event of closure is closed by the head of
FAMA Negri Selangor, Datuk Abdul Gariff, speeches from professors,
and students UMY UMY.The closing event is aimed to strengthen
cooperation and make a follow-up on the activities of the next
13. Excursion to Mee Kuning Juwita factory (13/10/18)
After a series of programs were carried out in Negri Selangor,
next activities moved to the Melaka State for continued internship
program. Mee Kuning Juwita factory is the first visited location. Mee
kuning is a Noodle Food that interested by consumer. For industrial
scale, this factory have a good management and the technology their
used was modern from the making process until the packaging.
14. Excursion to Ez Elyzhaf Enterprise Company (producting cake
lapis) (14/10/18)
Ez Elyzhaf Entreprise is company that producting cake lapis
and it became famous in Malaysia. This company loacted at PBU Lot
47, Tanaman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan (TKPM), Jalan Pulau

Gadong, Melaka Region. They have many variant flavor, starting from
modern flavor until traditional flavor. The traditonal flavour is various
such as original, pandan leafes, chocolate, etc. and modern flavour
such as green tea, red velvet, starbucks, and more. They help
housewife to be independent person. They only using online platform
for marketing. The most popular flavor variants of consumers are
redvelvet and starbuck.
15. Rezeki Toyyiban Enterprise (14/10/18)
Rezeki Toyyiban Entreprise is an agriculture company that
running on chicken farmer or livestock. Rezeki Toyyiban is company
on chicken farmer and they use technology of internet for their
marketing business. Rezeki toyyiban has several cages and several
chichken. The kind of chicken that they sell is village chicken,
fertilizer chicken, and more. This company became one of a lot of
chicken company farmers in Melaka.
16. Practical at Sebang Agrofarm (15/10/18)
Sebang Agrofarm leaded by young entrepreneur Azri Khairi bin
Juaher, and he has great management for his chicken livestock. Beside
focus on chicken, Sebang agrofarm also sale “Kambing Golek” as
alternative product. Some activities that have been tried by students in
daily activities in the company such as giving chicken feeds, cleaning
chicken cages, giving chicken drinks, buryng dead chickens, cleaning
incubators and burying offal goats. It is became memorable things at
Sebang Agrofarm for learning how to manage the cages, incubators
and chicken well everytimes.
17. Excursion to Ayam Percik (15/10/18)
Ayam Percik is a traditional food from Melaka and became one
of favorable food for tourism. Ayam Percik usually made from village
chicken because the size is quite large. Tourism should try for eating
Ayam Percik because this food is Malaysian culinary. Ayam open only
open twice in a week. If they open every day, their income will be
added a lot.
18. Clossing Ceremony in Melaka (15/10/18)

The Seconds clossing ceremony was held at students homestay,

My Pinewood Homestay at Kampung Arongan, Alor Gajah, Melaka.
This clossing ceremony was accompanied with Sebang Agrofarm
owners, Azri Khairi Bin Juaher because he is tour guide of internship
of Melaka Region. The essence of this clossing ceremony also make
strengthen cooperation between UMY college and Sebang Agrofarm
and aslo farewell time of internship programe at Melaka Region.


A. Conclusion

1. The development of industry of pineapple dimalaysia until able to

compete with the global market and become one of the world's
pineapple exporter is inseparable from the role and Government
support as well as agencies or institutions of special moves to improve
the quality Pineapple fruits growth and quality.
2. In malaysia there are special agencies to help farmers in providing
guidance related to the development and cultivation of pineapple.the
institution was known as LPNM, with the goal of IE so that farmers
get maximum production quality as well as increased sales results.
3. Besides LPNM in Malaysia there is another agency which is
helping a marketing of farmer to sell their agricultural product, as
known FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) is a
marketing agency under the Ministry of agriculture and Industri Asas
Tani. FAMA also responsible for the marketing of fruit and vegetables.
B. Advice

This internship activity really helping students to learn and develop

skill when facing the world of work, it would be better if the program is
continued and cooperation that intertwined can be improved


Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA). 2018. Ladang Kontrak

FAMA Diakses pada 26
Oktober-3 November 2018

Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM). 2018. Fungsi Lembaga

Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia Diakses
pada 26 Oktober-3 November 2018


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