Expectations and Proceduresact

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Hopper’s Class
Art I

Class Rules
1. Follow directions the first time given
2. Be in your seat when the bell rings and stay in your seat - NO ROAMING THE ROOM
3. Respect the art room and my procedures
4. Respect yourself and others
5. Work hard, stay on task and be proud of your work!!!

1. Come in quietly, get necessary materials/supplies and be seated
2. After warm up is complete - listen for daily instructions
3. Start or continue project - use inside voices, if talking is permitted
4. Clean your mess! Be sure all supplies are put away
5. Work bell to bell

1, You can’t learn if you don’t listen and you waste your time if you don’t follow directives
the first time given.
2. You can’t pay attention if you are roaming the room and you will distract others.
3. When you respect the art room and my procedures we are able to keep our room in
order and our supplies will last longer.
4. When you respect yourself and others the classroom will run more smoothly.
5. When you work hard and stay on task you will see great results.

1. Verbal warning
2. Name on board – call made to parent
3. Referral to office and/or Counselor

1. All assignments/projects turned in on time – 10 points added to lowest grade
2. Special privileges
3. No missing assignments and all assignments/projects turned in for the semester – student
will be allowed to substitute one project second semester to work on an independent project of
their choice

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