Website Task 1

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1. Go to www.weebly.

2. Click on “Don’t have an account, click here.”
3. Enter name, email, and a password.
4. Click “Create your site”.
5. Click on the left that says “I just need a website”.
6. Click on the tab that says “Personal”.
7. Choose “J Simms” theme or choose the theme that works for you.
8. Click “Start Editing” in top right of screen.
9. Type aehman19 or whatever you would like your domain to be in search bar and click
10. Choose subdomain at bottom of screen and click done.
11. Click pages at top of page
12. Change About to Print by typing print in the box
13. Click back arrow
14. Click Journal
15. Change Journal to Graphic by typing Graphic in the box
16. Click back arrow
17. Click Get in Touch
18. Change Get in Touch to Multimedia by typing Multimedia in box
19. Click back arrow
20. Click Home
21. Click My Site
22. Change the title of your page. To do this, click on My Site. Change My Site to April
Ehman’s E-Porfolio by erasing My Site and typing whatever title you would like.
23. Click on Edit Image to change the background picture.
24. Click on Change Image
25. You may either search for an image, or you may upload your own. I chose to upload a
photo of myself.
26. If you choose upload your own, then you would choose Upload a photo from your
27. Find the photo you would like on your computer and choose Open.
28. Choose Save to All Pages by clicking the green down arrow in the right hand side of the
page and highlighting Save to All Pages.
29. Erase the title “Jay Simms” by hovering over it and clicking on the X. This should make
it disappear.
30. Erase Independent Film Director by clicking inside the box. Choose whatever title you
would like for this page. I chose to type April Ehman: Student at WGU.
31. I chose to make the title larger by clicking on the plus arrow that appears in the top box.
32. Click on the box that starts with Edit this text to make it your own. I erased what was said
in the box. I typed what I wanted into this box. I changed the size by clicking the plus
sign and I underlined it by clicking on the U that is underlined.
33. Click the X and delete to delete the Queen T Quote that was included in the template.
34. Choose the Build tab at the top and click image. This will then insert an image into the
home page.
35. Click on Upload image and then upload image from your computer.
36. Choose the photo you would like and click open.
37. Click on the X to delete the Contact Me button that was inserted into the template.
38. Click on the build tab, and then drag over text. I typed “The following link will take you
to the WGU website. I clicked on Create Link which is a little link icon located beside the
A. I clicked website URL and I typed in the URL I wanted to include.
39. Click on Pages and click on the Print page.
40. Erase the title of About and change it to say Print by typing into the box.
41. Change the color of About by clicking on the underlined A and choosing the color you
would like.
42. There may be several things you need to delete on the page. Delete them by clicking on
them and choosing the X.
43. Add text by clicking Build and dragging over text. I choose to type “This page will have
info added in a future task.”
44. Highlight the words and click the plus sign to make it larger.
45. Click on Pages and click on the Graphics Page.
46. Erase the title by clicking into the top box and typing the title you would like. I chose to
type Graphics.
47. There may be several things you need to delete on the page. Delete them by clicking on
them and choosing the X.
48. Add text by clicking Build and dragging over text. I choose to type “This page will have
info added in a future task.”
49. Change the color of the title by highlighting Graphics and clicking on the underlined A.
You can then choose the color you would like.
50. Click on Pages and choose the Multimedia Page.
51. Change the title by clicking on the current title and typing in Multimedia
52. Change the color of the title by highlighting Multimedia and clicking on the underlined
A. You can then choose the color you would like.
53. Add text by clicking Build and dragging over text. I choose to type “This page will have
info added in a future task.”
54. When finished, click the Publish in the top right hand of the page.
55. In order to access my website, the following page can be used.

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