Philippine Clean Air Act

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vehicles, the DENR should make sure the country has sufficient resources for

such incentives.

Clean Air Act was created year 1999, if only it was enforced and monitored
accordingly, we need not Senate Bill 234 and Philippines will not be labeled as
“Most Polluted Air in the World.” According to an editorial in Philippine Star (July
1, 2011), the popularity of the Light Rail and Metro Railway Transit in Metro
Manila show that people want quick, efficient and relatively safe mass
transportation. But the MRT and LRT cannot adequately cope with passenger
volume particularly during peak hours. So people continue to use private vehicles,
investing in old cars especially for their children’s use, and for days when their old
cars are banned under the number coding scheme in Metro Manila.

I see efforts from DENR-EMB in terms of awareness programs through campaign

in partnership with Philippine Medical Association (PMA), the Kapisanan ng
Broadkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) and other government agencies and local
government units through Memorandum of Agreement signed December 9, 2011,
to strengthen the implementation of the program to reduce air pollution from
motor vehicular sources. PMA and KBP committed to help raise public awareness
on the urgency of addressing the country’s worsening air pollution problem;
emission testing (particular in EDSA where buses are randomly checked) that
PHILIPPINE CLEAN AIR ACT - A Push Forward requires vehicle to undergo regular maintenance check. But, majority of public
transportation owners (jeenpneys and buses) scrimp on expenses, thus, opted
sending their vehicles to services in case of breakdown only. Also, there are
Air is common good and a gift to humanity. Amongst Philippine Environmental
municipalities that bans smoking in public and used of social media in reporting
Laws, RA No. 8749 – Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 had marked best for me, as
smoke belchers. Quoting Jim Stewart (Canadian CEO) “the first law of successful
it recognizes the right of every individual to breathe clean air, to utilize and enjoy
implementation is that 70% of something is better than 100% of nothing.”
all natural resources according to principle of sustainable development. However,
this so called best environmental law of the land is yet implemented ineffectively.
Based on 2005 report of the World Health Organization (WHO), Metro Manila
Major Air Pollutants Monitored by Clean Air Act
ranks among the urban areas in the world with most polluted air – next only to
Mexico City, Shanghai, and New Delhi. Metro Manila, the country’s National
Carbon Monoxide (CO) – It is an odorless and colorless gas produced by the
Capital Region (NCR), has been climbing the air pollution charts for the few years
incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels, including gasoline, oil and wood. It can
previous to 2005.
also build up in high concentrations in enclosed areas such as garages and along
roadsides during heavy traffic.
Clean air essential to good health. Unfortunately, toxic air pollutants and
contaminants affect the air we breathe. Based on studies, about 80 percent of
Ozone (O3) – It is a gas that is variety of Oxygen. Ozone in the upper atmosphere
polluted air in the country comes from mobile sources such buses, cars and
is known as the ozone layer which shields the Earth from sun’s dangerous
jeepneys. The other 20 percent is emitted by industrial sources such as power
ultraviolet rays. However, at ground level it is considered a pollutant with highly
plants and factories and are sources such as open burning of garbage, smoking
toxic effects. Some of the major sources of ground-level ozone are vehicles and
and construction activities.
industries. Some of the ill effects of this pollutant include irritations in the
respiratory tract, chest pain, persistent cough and an increased susceptibility to
Senate Bill 234, also called the “Accelerated Retirement of Inefficient Vehicle Act”
lung infection.
authored by Senator Mirriam Defensor Santiago, encourages the establishment
of a five-year program of replacing old and fuel-inefficient vehicles for more fuel-
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) – Nitrogen oxides are produced from burning fuels,
saving models. This was supported by the Department of Environment and
gasoline and coal. It is a major contributor to smog and acid rain. In high doses,
Natural Resources to reduce air-pollution and improve air quality. Countries
smog can harm humans especially asthmatics and can cause general illness of
including Singapore have such program in place, but incentives needed to make
the respiratory system. Acid rain, on the other hand, can harm vegetation and
the program a success can be costly. In supporting legislation to phase out old
change the chemistry of the water thus affecting marine life.
and environmental preservation based on the notion of equity and the unique
Particulate Matter – It is any type of solid particles in the air in the form of capabilities of the participating countries. Article 3 of the Convention states that
smoke, dust and vapors. Particulate Matter is produced by many sources, states who have aligned themselves with the mandates set forth “should protect
including burning of diesel fuels by vehicles, fossil fuels, mixing and application of the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of
fertilizers and pesticides, road construction, industrial processes and operation of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but
woodstoves. Some microscopic particles in the air can be breathed into the lungs differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.” In 2000, the Philippines
causing increased respiratory disease and lung damage. forwarded to the UNFCCC its Initial National Communication which enumerated
the accomplishments of the country in meeting the objectives of the Convention.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) – It is an odorless gas at low concentrations, but can have The report presented the gains made in the fields of greenhouse gas abatement
a very strong smell at high concentrations. Sulfur Dioxide is a gas produced by and inventory. Also noted were significant achievements in strengthening
burning coal, most notably in power plants. Some industrial processes, such as institutions and processes in relation to the mitigation, prevention and adaptation
production of paper and smelting of metals, produce sulfur dioxide. It can harm initiatives in the country. Further, in adherence to the Kyoto Protocol,
vegetation and metals and can cause lung problems, including breathing the Philippines adopted the Clean Development Mechanism.
problems and permanent damage to lungs.
Also, the Philippines passed and implemented national measures that advance
Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) – These are organic chemicals that are the international community’s agenda pertaining to environmental preservation.
found in gasoline, industrial chemicals such as benzene, solvents such as toluene Some of the major legislations enacted were R.A. 8749 (Clean Air Act of 1999)
and xylene, and perchloroethylene (principal dry cleaning solvent). Vehicle that moves for an effective air quality management program that will mitigate the
emissions are an important source of VOCs. These chemicals are released from worsening problem of air pollution in the country, R.A. 8435 (Agriculture and
burning fuel, such as gasoline, wood, coal, and from solvents, such as paints, Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997) that establishes that the Department of
glues, and other products used at home or work. Agriculture together with other appropriate agencies, should into account climate
change, weather disturbances and annual productivity cycles in order to forecast
and formulate appropriate agricultural and fisheries programs, R.A. 9003 (Solid
Philippine Initiatives to Address Environmental Issues Waste Management Act of 2000) that aimed at providing a comprehensive
solution to the country’s garbage problem and R.A. 9275 (Philippine Clean Water
One of the earliest notable recognition by the Philippine government of the Act of 2004) that moves for a comprehensive water quality management scheme.
importance of sustainable development taking into consideration the environment
was set out in the 1987 Constitution which stipulates that “The State shall protect In 2007, Administrative Order 171 was issued to create a Presidential Task Force
and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord on Climate Change (PTFCC). The task force is mandated to address and mitigate
with the rhythm and harmony of nature.” the impact of climate change in the Philippines, paying special attention to
adaptation, mitigation and technological solutions. In particular, the task force
In 1991, the Philippines began to address the issue of climate change in its thrust focuses on improving compliance to air emission standards and acts to combat
to achieve sustainable development with the formulation of the Philippine deforestation and environmental degradation.
Strategy for Sustainable Development. As a result, the country officially adopted
the Philippine Agenda 21 which serves asthe nation's blueprint for sustainable More recently, R.A. 9729 (Climate Change Act of 2009) which aims to
development. During the same year, government agencies and the Philippine systematically integrate the concept of climate change in the policy formulation
Network on Climate Change were convened to create the Inter-Agency and development plans of all government agencies and units, to the end that the
Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) led by the Environmental Management government will be prepared for the impact of climate change was enacted also
Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The creating the Philippine Climate Change Commission (PCCC).
Committee aimed at harnessing and synergizing the various activities undertaken
by the national government and civil society in response to the crisis posed by The PCCC, an independent and autonomous body attached to the Office of the
growing problem on climate change. President, shall be the sole policy making body of the government to coordinate,
monitor and evaluate the programs and action plans relating to climate change.
The Philippine commitment to address global environmental issues was further The PCCC has drafted the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change
manifested by its support to the United Nations Framework Convention on 2010-2022 which is committed towards ensuring and strengthening the
Climate Change (UNFCCC) ratified on August 2, 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol, adaptation of our natural ecosystems and human communities to climate change.
which was ratified on November 20, 2003. As a signatory to the UNFCCC, the
Philippines expressed adherence to the principles of sustainable development
Toward a low carbon economy: challenge posed by coal-fired power plants systems and procedures necessary to monitor, compile and analyze data on
and related industry Part II ambient air quality; (c) Include a program to provide for the following: (1)
Posted: February 21, 2013 | Author: theColorOfRed | enforcement of the measures described in subparagraph [a]; (2) regulation of the
modification and construction of any stationary source within the areas covered
by the plan, in accordance with land use policy to ensure that ambient air quality
Continuing from Part I, another way to regulate carbon emissions from power standards are achieved…
plants (and related industries) is through the national Clean Air Act.
In addition
…the LGUs, with the assistance from the Department, shall prepare and develop
The State, as set in the Act and relative to this sort of regulation and principles, an action plan consistent with the Integrated Air Quality Improvement Framework
to attain and maintain the ambient air quality standards within their respective
Shall promote and protect the global environment to attain sustainable airsheds… submit to the Department a procedure for carrying out the action plan
development while recognizing the primary responsibility of local government for their jurisdiction…
units to deal with environmental problems.
National government or DENR for that matter
Recognizes that the responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment is
primarily area-based. …shall maintain its authority to independently inspect the enforcement procedure
adopted. The Department shall have the power to closely supervise all or parts of
Recognizes the principle, “polluters must pay”. the air quality action plan until such time the local government unit concerned can
assume the function to enforce the standards set by the Department. A multi-
Polluters must pay – clear as a hot summer day, right? sectoral monitoring team with broad public representation shall be convened by
the Department for each LGU to conduct periodic inspections of air pollution
In other words, the State, particularly EMB-DENR, derives its responsibility and sources to assess compliance with emission limitations contained in their permits.
authority to regulate carbon emission from this Act.
Where exactly can we find the emission standards and goals?
Perusing the Act, you’ll learn that there is mention of an Integrated Air Quality
Improvement Framework as the “official blueprint with which all government The general guidelines are found in and the subject of the DENR’s Administrative
agencies must comply with to attain and maintain ambient air quality standards”. Order No. 2000-82. Per guidelines, the “fundamental tool under this national air
It prescribes, among others, “the emission reduction goals using permissible quality management system will be the concept that all sources of air pollutant
standards, control strategies and control measures to be undertaken within a emissions will require a permit to operate”.
specified time period, including cost-effective use of economic incentives,
management strategies, collective actions, and environmental education and The standards and permit regulations on the other hand are found in the IRR
information”. here, from the DOE.

Let’s repeat that: Emission reduction goals using permissible standards. According to the IRR, “for any trade, industry, process, fuel-burning equipment or
industrial plant emitting air pollutants, the concentration at the point of emission
Where in the blizzard shall we find these? shall not exceed the limits” of the National Emission Standards for Source
Specific Air Pollutants – let’s provide some of the defined caps or limits here
The Clean Air Act says

…the Department (i.e. DENR) shall, with public participation, formulate and
implement an air quality control action plan… The action plan shall: (a) Include
enforceable emission limitations and other control measures, means or Source: RA 8749 IRR
techniques, as well as schedules and time tables for compliance, as may be
necessary or appropriate to meet the applicable requirements of this Act; (b) There are also standards for mobile pollutants such as motor vehicles
Provide for the establishment and operation of appropriate devices, methods,
(b) Description of the emission control system installed in the motor vehicle;
(c) Details of the fuel feed system;
(d) Vehicle Type Approval System test result by DOTC/LTO (while the DOTC/LTO
is developing inspection capability of the motor vehicle type approval system test,
Source: RA 8749 IRR
the previous emission test results of preproduction engine vehicle type duly
authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate of the country of origin or
Going further, the DAO guidelines and RA 8749 IRR defined the outline for how manufacture of subject motor vehicle shall be valid and sufficient); and
LGUs can set up a system of emission credits which if implemented nationwide (e) Other particulars which may be required by the Department.
and systematically could place the country in the global emission cap and trade
See? They have no right at all to stop and demand, in the middle of roads, without
considerable notice to and consent of car owners for emission violations.
Because on another plane of argument there is not a local Action Plan in place in
these cities and in its absence, discretionary application of the law is tantamount
Source: to violations of constitutional rights.

Yet despite this legal provision how come for instance in regional cities such as I’ve strayed from coal-fired power plants to emissions from motor vehicles but
Baguio City the police and not the LGUs think they are the frontliners in the goal anyway my point is, the current mindset and practice of not knowing the law and
toward a low carbon economy? By jumping at private citizens driving their applying onto others what we think is the law should be changed and a strategic,
proactive, and participatory implementation scheme conforming to the IRR put in
vehicles on highways and streets – and complaining if they’re side swept in the
place. Toward this, the first order is to know and understand the law and it’s
process – and brusquely commanding the drivers to have their cars’ emissions implications on how we go about de-carbonizing the economy.
checked – in the middle of the goddamned highway at the unholy hour of high
noon – and with a smirk like the devil’s itself proceed to lambast you and strip you R.A. 8749
of your license – emission violations isn’t about the driving license do they know Philippine Clean Air Act 0f 1999
that? no? god help us! – when the needle of their doubtful instrument – akin to
sidewalk vendors’ cheating scales – pings past what they allege is the The Clean Air Act was envisioned to fight air pollution by : (1) Reducing emissions
“maximum”. from motor vehicles (which account for 80 percent of the air pollution) from
factories and power plants (which account for the remaining 20 percent); (2)
Test procedure, according to the IRR, for carbon emission from motor vehicles Improving fuel quality to reduce or eliminate lead in gasoline and sulfur in diesel;
“shall be at idling speed as provided in the Emission Test Procedure for Vehicles (3) Reducing traffic congestion and improving traffic flow; (4) Strengthening
Equipped with Spark-Ignition Engines and the Free Acceleration Test Procedure
quality monitoring, evaluation and reporting through hi-tech equipment; and (5)
for Vehicles Equipped with Compression-Ignition Engines”. Idling speed, not
when the vehicle is not running, for goodness sake! Preventing other sources of pollution such as incinerators, garbage burning and
And, they should not even run after the drivers or vehicle owners, because
Studies show that air in Metro Manila is no longer in safe. Worsening air pollution
All newly-manufactured or imported gasoline-fuelled motor vehicles, including has caused more than 10,000 excess cases of acute bronchitis, almost 300
motorcycles and mopeds, to be excess cases of asthma and nine excess cases of chronic bronchitis. At home, I
introduced into the market or imported into the Philippines shall be designed to usually drink 500mg of ascorbic acid but if I have scheduled traveled to Manila, I
operate on unleaded gasoline upon the would always drink 1000mg of ascorbic acid just to keep my self healthy and
effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations; strengthen my immune system.

The application for a COC (i.e. Certificate of Compliance) shall be submitted to

In an article written by former Senator Alvarez, DENR destroys spirit and intent of
the Bureau by the motor vehicle manufacturer, assembler, importer or their duly
authorized representatives. It shall be accompanied by the following particulars in Clean Air Act, he mentioned that motor vehicles being registered must not exceed
triplicate copies: the 0.5 percent carbon dioxide emission to pass the emission test. This was
(a) Complete and detailed descriptions of motor vehicle and the engine; based on Euro 1 levels of 1991, a globally accepted emission standards. But the
DENR through Department Administrative order no. 51 dated October 2003, long been an important concern for civic administrators, but increasingly, air
lowered the Act’s allowable carbon monoxide emission from the Euro1 standard pollution has become an international problem.
of 0.35 percent to 0.5 percent by volume which according to Senator Alvarez is
way off the Act’s standard and violated some provisions of the law because The most characteristic sources of air pollution have always been combustion
congress has the exclusive power to amend the law. And worse, the relaxed the processes. Here the most obvious pollutant is smoke. However, the widespread
use of fossil fuels has made sulfur and nitrogen oxides pollutants of great
emission standards indefinitely, setting our anti-pollution program several steps
concern. With increasing use of petroleum-based fuels, a range of organic
backwards. But what is worst to me is that during emission testing, technician in compounds have become widespread in the atmosphere.
testing center can easily manipulate the results of the test by simply making
adjustment on the engine. And this had been the practice by most emission In urban areas, air pollution has been a matter of concern since historical times.
testing center here in Davao, and I have been a witness to this kind of practice Indeed, there were complaints about smoke in ancient Rome. The use of coal
being an owner of a private vehicle. throughout the centuries has caused cities to be very smoky places. Along with
smoke, large concentrations of sulfur dioxide were produced. It was this mixture
In the same column, according to Senator Alvarez that many may not know but of smoke and sulfur dioxide that typified the foggy streets of Victorian London,
paced by such figures as Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper, whose images
since May 25, 2001, the Clean Air Act calls for a nationwide ban on smoking but
remain linked with smoke and fog. Such situations are far less common in the
this has not been thoroughly implemented. Long time exposure to direct and side cities of North America and Europe today. However, until recently, they have been
stream tobacco smoke has been a leading cause of lung cancer and mouth evident in other cities, such as Ankara, Turkey, and Shanghai, China, that rely
cancer worldwide. In Davao City, an ordinance was passed and was enacted into heavily on coal.
law, prohibiting smoking inside public buildings, enclosed places including public
vehicles and other means of transportation, any enclosed area outside private Coal is still burned in large quantities to produce electricity or to refine metals, but
residences or private workplaces; and any duly designated enclosed area is these processes are frequently undertaken outside cities. Within urban areas, fuel
strictly prohibited. The initial implementation of the law was very good but it soften use has shifted toward liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons (petroleum and natural
gas). These fuels typically have a lower concentration of sulfur, so the presence
when certain personalities (a congressman and IBP president) were caught
of sulfur dioxide has declined in many urban areas. However, the widespread use
smoking. In one daily newspaper I’ve read, a picture of a lawmaker smoking of liquid fuels in automobiles has meant increased production of carbon
inside the session hall, with the caption, “A LAWMAKER a LAWBREAKER”. monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds.

How could we expect full and strict and implementation of the law when those Primary pollutants such as sulfur dioxide or smoke are the direct emission
who crafted and implemented it were the one’s breaking the law. But I am still products of the combustion process. Today, many of the key pollutants in the
hoping that as we celebrate the Clean Air Month this November, correct urban atmospheres are secondary pollutants, produced by processes initiated
implementation of the Act would be in full swing. through photochemical reactions. The Los Angeles, California-type,
photochemical smog is now characteristic of urban atmospheres dominated by
secondary pollutants.
Air and Water Pollution
Although the automobile is the main source of air pollution in contemporary cities,
there are other equally significant sources. Stationary sources are still important
and the oil-burning furnaces that have replaced the older coal-burning ones are
still responsible for a range of gaseous emissions and fly ash. Incineration is also
an important source of complex combustion products, especially where this
incineration burns a wide range of refuse. These emissions can include
chlorinated hydrocarbons such as dioxin. When plastics, which often contain
Air pollution is a general term that covers a broad range of contaminants in the chlorine, are incinerated, hydrochloric acid is found in the waste gas stream.
atmosphere. Pollution can occur from natural causes or from human activities. Metals, especially since they are volatile at high temperatures, can migrate to
Discussions about the effects of air pollution have focused mainly on human smaller, respirable particles. The accumulation of toxic metals, such as cadmium,
health but attention is being directed to environmental quality and amenity as on fly ash gives rise to concern over harmful effects from incinerator emissions. In
well. Air pollutants are found as gases or particles, and on a restricted scale they specialized incinerators designed to destroy toxic compounds such as
can be trapped inside buildings as indoor air pollutants. Urban air pollution has polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), many questions have been raised about the
completeness of this destruction process. Even under optimum conditions when Suddenly, wearing a gas mask seems like a wise thing for us to do. And while
the furnace operation has been properly maintained, great care needs to be taken we’re at it, we could help the government in saving the air.
to control leaks and losses during transfer operations (fugitive emissions).
The government, through the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the
The enormous range of compounds used in modern manufacturing processes Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), has long recognized
has also meant that there is an ever-widening range of emissions from both the the problem we have in air pollution, and has enacted Republic Act 8749, or the
industrial processes and the combustion of their wastes. Although the amounts of Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 to solve it, so that the country would achieve and
these toxic compounds are often rather small, they add to the complex range of maintain a quality of air safe and clean enough for us to breathe. Clean Air Act is
compounds found in the urban atmosphere. Again, it is not only the deliberate our weapon as we fight for clean air, as we fight for life. And, if we could just allow
loss of effluents through discharge from pipes and chimneys that needs attention. ourselves to make some sacrifices for cleaner air, wearing a gas mask would not
Fugitive emissions of volatile substances that leak from valves and seals often even need to be an option.
warrant careful control.
So, what has the government done for us so far?
Air pollution control procedures are increasingly an important part of civic
administration, although their goals are far from easy to achieve. It is also Air Quality Monitoring. From being one of the most polluted cities in Asia in
noticeable that although many urban concentrations of primary pollutants, for terms of suspended particulates, Metro Manila has attained a remarkable
example, smoke and sulfur dioxide, are on the decline in developed countries, improvement in air quality.
this is not always true in developing countries. Here the desire for rapid industrial
growth has often lowered urban air quality. Secondary air pollutants are generally Done through the Metro Manila Airshed Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network,
proving a more difficult problem to eliminate than primary pollutants like smoke. air quality is monitored by EMB-DENR to generate necessary information in
formulating a comprehensive air pollution management and control program for
the country. Having started its operations in October 2003, the Monitoring
Read more: Network consists of ten automatic stations that measure real time concentrations
Pollution.html#ixzz2u5fMDIYf of Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) – small solid and liquid particles suspended in the
air and include dust, smoke, metallic and mineral particles, soot, mist, and acid
Fight for Clean Air fumes. The Network also measures both criteria pollutants (sulfur dioxide,
January 23, 2007, 8:52 am nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particulate matter and ozone) and non-criteria
Filed under: air pollutants (benzene, toluene, and xylene).

How would you like to wear a gas mask? Emissions testing of motor vehicles prior to registration. The requirement for
motor vehicles to pass an emission test prior to registration has been
You don’t think so? Consider this. implemented in January 1, 2003. Since then, Certificates of Conformity for new
motor vehicles are being issued by EMB-DENR to manufacturers or importers of
motor vehicles to signify compliance with the numerical emission standards set by
Every day, millions of Filipinos, most probably including you, brave the danger of
the IRR of the CAA. EMB-DENR also issues certificates for emission test
having to breathe heavily polluted air. We could take our pick from a long list of
equipment to ensure that the equipment of Private Emission Testing Centers
diseases associated with dirty air – from headaches and visual impairment,
(PETCs) and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) emission testing centers
asthma and chronic bronchitis, decreased lung functioning and premature death.
conform with the specifications of the CAA. In 2004, the 377 PETCs nationwide
Air has become a silent killer and we have but ourselves to blame for it.
tested a total of 3,064,141 motor vehicles. Of all of the PETCs monitored in Metro
Countless smokers, plants and factories, cars, buses, and jeepneys – smoke-
Manila, 76% have been recommended for cancellation of authorization. To date,
belchers, all these contribute to the sad state of our air as these are widespread
DENR has suspended the operations of 25 unscrupulous PETCs, all of which had
across the country.
been caught red-handed issuing “no show” emission testing certificates.

Air pollution kills, with an estimated 230 to 390 deaths in Metro Manila, as
Anti-Smoke Belching. Remember crossing EDSA and not being able to
reported in the Department of Health’s June 2004 publication, “Public Health
breathe? Buses and cars line up in traffic filling the whole stretch of EDSA with
Monitoring: A Study under the Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement Sector
smog. Along EDSA, smoke literally gets in our eyes.
Development Program”.
In September 2003, the DENR, with other government agencies and NGOs Santiago, Tubay, and Remedios T. Romualdez; the Naga City airshed, covering
launched the Smoke-Free EDSA Campaign which aims to reduce the TSP level Abella, Balatas, Bagumbayan Norte, Lerma, Liboton, Bagumbayan Sur, Pacol,
along EDSA by 20 percent at the end of 2003. The LTO reported a total of 20,261 Sta. Cruz, Concepcion Pequeña, Sabang, San Isidro, Dayangdang, Dinaga,
apprehensions in 2003. In November 2004, the DENR intensified the Linis Hangin Triangulo, Del Rosario, Tabuco, Cararayan, Panicuason, Tinago, Igualdad,
Program with components on Bantay Tambutso, Bantay Tsimineya and Bantay Peñafrancia, Clauag, San Felipe, and San Francisco; the Cagayan de Oro City
Sunog Basura which seek to address the three major sources of air pollution: airshed, which covers the whole city and municipalities of Jasaan, Villanueva,
motor vehicles, factory, and area sources. A total of 37,391 diesel vehicles have Tagoloan, Opol, and El Salvador; the Zamboanga City airshed has been
been apprehended for smoke belching in 2003 and 2004. designated, covering the North-East-West Coast areas of the city; the Davao City
airshed; the North Cotabato geothermal airshed; and the South Cotabato airshed.
In 2004, there has been a 12% increase in compliant vehicles, and this year, from
January to July, 36% out of the 10,556 flagged down vehicles passed the Emissions Standards. The EMB set the maximum Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions
emission standards set in the CAA. from motorcycles and tricycles at 7,800 parts per million (ppm) for those operating
in urban centers and 10,000 ppm for those operating in rural areas or outside of
Emission test of stationary sources. It is not just motor vehicles that emit air the urban centers [DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2003 – 25]. The Bureau
pollution. Not too seldom have we known people, particularly children, also issued revised emissions standards for in-use gasoline-fed and diesel
complaining of health diseases out of the pollution emitted by factories in their vehicles (DAO 2003 – 51). At present, the DENR is working for the development
respective communities. In 2004, the DENR conducted emissions testing of 213 of a new Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon emission standard for motorcycles
stacks in 103 different facilities in the Metro Manila Airshed. and tricycles, upon recommendations to harmonize the Philippine emission
regulations for motorcycles with the standards of other countries.
The Bantay Tsimineya component of the Linis Hangin Program intensified the
monitoring of industries especially along CAMANAVA (Caloocan, Malabon, Fuels. In 2003, aromatics and benzene in gasoline have been reduced to 35%
Navotas, Valenzuela). Of the 74 stack sampling tests conducted in the area, 50 and 2% by volume, and sulfur content of automative diesel fuel to 0.05% by
have been issued Notices of Violations (NOVs) and four Cease and Decease weight in 2004. A Technical Committee on Petroleum Products and Additives was
Orders (CDOs). Nationwide, 5,996 firms have been monitored, 602 stack created by the Department of Energy, formulating standard specifications for
sampling tests have been conducted, and 839 NOVs were issued in 2004. This diesel, two-stroke (2T) lubricating oil, and Coco-Methyl Esters (CME) for blending
year, from January to June, a total of 7,650 firms have already been monitored, with diesel.
with 570 NOVs issued by the DENR.
Alternative Fuels. The use of alternative fuels such as the biodiesel, compressed
Airshed designation. The DENR has designated a total of 16 airsheds in the natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), alcogas, al-gas, at alco-diesel
country including the four geothermal airsheds. This is in support of the country’s are being pushed by the government, through the Clean Air Act. These fuels are
Air Quality Control Action Plan, to come up with a system in terms of air quality environment-friendly, controlling smoke emissions from motor vehicles. These
management. At present, sixteen airsheds have been designated: the Metro days, oil price hikes are becoming more and more rampant, making the use of
Manila airshed, which covers 17 cities and municipalities in Metro Manila, Region alternative fuels a very wise move to make. In fact, government vehicles were
III Central Luzon (excluding Nueva Ecija) and Region IV-A (excluding Quezon required to use diesel fuel blended with 1% CME by the Malacañang
province); the Northeastern Pangasinan airshed which covers Binmaley, San Memorandum Circular No. 55
Fabian, Lingayen, San Jacinto, Calasiao, Mangaldan, Binalonan, Malasiqui,
Laoac, Mapandan, Pozorrubio, San Carlos City, Sison, Sta. Barbara, Urdaneta Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Elimination Program. Advancement in
City, Dagupan City, San Manuel, and Manaoag; the Metro Tuguegarao (PIESTTA) science has brought about convenience for us in the fields of agriculture and
airshed; the Cordillera Autonomous Region (CAR) airshed covering Baguio City medicine, and even in the business. However, these conveniences took a high
and the municipalities of La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, and Tuba (BLIST); the Iloilo price. The accumulation of chemical substances in the market has been proven to
City airshed; the Naga City airshed; the Metro Cebu airshed, covering the have an adverse effect to us and to the environment.
municipalities of Naga, Minglanilla, Cordova, Consolacion, Liloan, Compostella,
and the cities of Talisay, Cebu, Mandaue, and Lapu Lapu; and the Geothermal The Philippine Senate through Senate Resolution No. 106 ratified the Stockholm
airshed which covers the geothermal areas in Leyte, Southern Negros, Bacon- Convention on POPs on February 2, 2004. The resolution was submitted to the
Manito. Stockholm Convention Secretariat on February 27, 2004 and became legally
binding on May 27, 2004. The Convention is our avenue to manage and
Also designated are the Agusan del Norte airshed, which covers Buenavista, eventually eliminate POPs.
Cabadbaran, Carmen, Jabonga, Kitcharo, Las Nieves, Magallanes, Nasipit,
LGU Initiatives. The effectiveness of all government projects lies upon the proper 1999 or RA 8749. The law primarily recognizes the right, duties and obligations of
implementation of the local governments. Best practices in terms of air quality the government and the citizens, as well, to protect the global environment by
management include the interest-free loan project of the City Government of San maintaining clean air. It also specifically expressed that pollutants must pay for
Fernando in La Union to operators of two-stroke tricycles for them to replace their their irresponsibleness and bringing detriment to the environment. The law
two-stroke tricycles with four-stroke. The city of Makati has banned smoking in all remarkably addresses one of the foremost rights of the citizens which is to have a
public areas since 2003. Marikina City has dedicated 1.36 kilometers of its roads clean and healthy environment. But at the same time obliges every individual in
for bikeways using local funding and a US$ 50,000 grant from World Bank. This making the objective of the law possible and attainable.
initiative is now being replicated all across the metropolis.
It has been ten years since the enactment of the law and, in fairness, remarkable
Tax Incentives. DENR extends assistance to industries installing pollution control changes can be observed. There has been reduction of CO2 emissions. Leaded
devices or retrofitting of existing facilities with mechanisms that reduce emissions fuels were also been eradicated and the lead-free oil products have been
with the issuance of DAO 2004-53. This is aside from the Voucher System being introduced. The law was also strengthened by other environment-related
implemented by EMB, intended to help fund for the Refrigeration and Aircon international laws and treaties where Philippines is a signatories. Several
Service Shop Owners in the country for them to purchase the necessary inventions has been introduced to reduce CO2 emissions.Among these includes
equipment which would ensure proper handling and maintenance of aircondition cars powered by electricity and by liquefied petroleum gas. Currently, biofuel are
and refrigeration equipments in homes and motor vehicles. being improved in order to supply more environment-friendly gas resources.
Many pollutants have also been fined and forced to convert their cars into
something powered by lead-free fuels. These changes, at least, have an
Air Quality Management Fund. The Air Quality Management Fund (DENR-
indispensable part in making our environment as a living place. For the following
Department of Budget and Management Joint Circular No. 2004-1) is a special
years, may the government exert more effort in designing and adopting ways that
account in the National Treasury to finance containment, removal, and clean-up
will improve the environment so tat the future generation will also enjoy what this
operations of the Government in air pollution cases, guarantee restoration of
present generation is enjoying.
ecosystems, and rehabilitate areas affected by CAA violators. The Air Quality
Management Fund is also needed to support research, enforcement, and
monitoring activities and capabilities of, as well as, to provide technical assistance
to relevant agencies. 1999.html

Public Awareness. The Public Affairs Office (PAO) of the DENR and the
Environmental Education and Information Division (EEID) of the EMB, in
cooperation with selected partners from the air-related institutions, developed
multi-media materials and conducted training courses and fora on clean air. They
also spearheaded the launching activities for the Smoke-Free EDSA Campaign in
2003 and the intensified Linis Hangin program in 2004. These are just some of
the public awareness campaigns the government has undertaken to promote the
importance of maintaining and having to breathe clean air. Information materials
are readily available at the EMB office, and lectures and symposia are regularly
conducted by the staff to ensure sustainability in terms of people’s knowledge of
the Clean Air Act. We still have a long way to go as we clean our air. The
government, as in all its projects, depends on the support of each and every one
of us. Now that we know what the government has done, we only have two
choices: to wear a gas mask, or, to help fight for clean air.Now tell us, which
would you choose?

Revisiting Clean Air Act of 1999

During the rising environmental concern and the perceived effect of pollution in
the health of the people and on the environment, the Clean Air Act was enacted in

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