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a Building language A 4))145 Listen. What does Carla think of the band? Practice the conversation. Alex. Listen. What do you think of this song? Carla. It's good ~ | Ike it. Who is it? Alex Anew band... some local guys. 00 you like them? Carla They're local? Really? They're pretty good. Who's the lead singer? | like her. She sounds like Mariah Carey. Alex Yeah, everybody says that. It's my friend Lori, Carla Who's the guy singing with her? I'm not sure about him, Alex. Uh... actually, that’s me. I'min the band, too. “SEI B Complete the questions with your own ideas. Circle the correct words in the answers. Then ask and answer your questions with a partner. Interests WUE 1. A What do youthink of __ (male singer)? like him /it / them. 2. A Doyou know (femalesingen)? 8 Yeah, |lovehim/her/ them 3. A Doyou like (band)? B Yeah, Everybody like / likes their music, @ Grammar object pronouns: everybody, nobody 4) 1s Object pronouns masinger.That'sme on the CD. t's nice song. You'te a musician? like to hear you. We play ina band, Come listen tus. She's pretty good. ke her. They/te local guys. Do you like them He's not local. | don'tknow him. eit. A Complete the conversations. Use object pronouns or the correct form of the verbs given. Then practice with a partner 1. A Hove classical music. Everyone in my family likes (like)__it_ B Really? Nobody in my house (listen) to classical music. 2. A. Like to watch talent shows. Do you like _? B Ido, actually. Do you know Javier Colon? He was a winner. Vike A Yeah, it's amazing. Nobody _ (know) these people, (love) __ and then the next day everybody 3. A Do you know Taylor Swift? She's great. | ike Oh yeah. My fiend and | saw in concert. She smiled at 4. & My favorite band is Coldplay. They're great in concert. Do you like __ lam everybody, nobody Everybody 52ys that Everyone lies pop. Nobody is a jazz fa. No one listens 10 rap. Everybody and nobody | everyone andno one | ME crer0o8y MEE everyone WI votody 8 Yeah. Noone (rite) music like they do. And Chris Martin ~ he's got a great voice. Too bad I can't sing like __! "yos | B_ Pair work Practice the conversations above with your own ideas. A Hove The Beatles. We listen to them aot. 8 Yeah. I think everyone likes them. 8

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