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September 17, 2013 - Standards minimum age and retirement or termination in special

 Why is there a need to declare judicial bankruptcy? So that creditors can occupation.
present their claims to the employer
- that includes the State claiming for unpaid taxes  When can the women use the seats provided to them?

 Preference vs Tax - Preference Prevail  Difference between seat and chair? Chair – something to lean at your back;
Seat just a stool
 Mortgage Credit - Special Preferred Credit - preferred than the workers
preference.  Family planning – Where required? In any establishments with more than
200 workers – in any locality
 What is Apprenticeship?
 Applicable provision of RH Law? – The employers cannot require his
 Apprentice? employer to use any method of family planning.
- Can they require the use? NO
 Who maybe hired as Apprentice?
RATIONALE: they have the right to choose what to use.
 Age? Apprentice = 14; Learner = 15
 Prohibited Discrimination (AR 135)
 Training period? - Payment of lesser compensation
o “work of equal value” – male or female
 What kind of employment arrangement where employer undertakes to - Favoring a male employee over female employee
employ the person? LEARNER o opportunities, scholarships
Who desires be employed? Learners, if he desires, the employers have
no choice but to hire him?  Consti SEC 14 ART II; SEC 14, ART XIII – basis for the prohibited discrimination
- What is the equality described here? In nation-building; fundamental
 When can a learner becomes a regular word? When he has finish the 3 equality before the law of women and men.
month period for learner training and he desires to work.
 What kind of protection does the state extend to women? Safe and healthful
 Another instances of employment? If the employer pre terminate the works, conditions taking in to account their maternal functions (SEC 14, ART
learner without the latter’s fault. XIII)

 Employment of Handicapped (spelling daw kuno oi!) Workers  What are provisions of law or any law that protects woman?
- What is a handicapped workers? - ART 137
- What is impaired? Earning capacity - ART 132
- Reason? Age, physical and mental, injury - Maternity leaves – ART 133; Social Security Act of 1997
- Age employment requirements
 Which is broader term? Handicapped worker or disabled worker?
- Disabled because if you are a disabled worker, it does not necessarily  Stipulation against marriage
that your earning capacity is impaired
- You maybe a qualified disabled person = with the same compensation  TREATY: International Convention on Elimination of All Forms of
of the regular worker Discrimination Against Women – part of the law of the land? YES, SEC 2 ART
- Whereas a handicap person – your earning capacity is always impaired 2 of Consti. GAPIL (Generally acceptable principles of international law) –
– you are paid lesser than the regular worker as long as it is not less Doctrine of Incorporation.
than 75% of the minimum wage
 Criminal liability to the discrimination – ART 288 and 289 of LABOR CODE
 Can you fix the period of employment of disabled person? Yes, you can fix - 1k to 10k or 3 month to 3 years, or both
even if he performs like the regular worker.
 ART 139 is there EE and ER relationship? NO – usually Independent
 If you hire an apprentice, what is the prescribed hours of work? Not Contractor
exceeding 8 hours
- EXCEPT: no regular EE is available, OT hours are credited as training  There is EE-ER relationship only in ART 138 - there is effective control or
hours supervision of the employer for a substantial period of time as determined
by the SEC. of LABOR.
 What instances be attorney’s fees be awarded? - there is a need of such law because nature of a club is usually
- Actions for the recovery of wages of household helpers, laborers and Independent Contractor with regards to women.
skilled workers. (ART 2208, CC)
o Does it require bad faith in the part of debtor? YES THERE September 24, 2013
IS. YOU MUST PROVE BAD FAITH FIRST TO BE AWARDED.  What is a nursing employee?
- In unlawful withholding of wages (ART 111) - any female worker, regardless of employment status, who is
- Arising from collective bargaining negotiations (charged against union breastfeeding her infant and/or young child.
funds) (ART 222)
 What is a young child?
 What kind of atty’s fees are we talking? The extra-ordinary concept – it is in - a child from the age of twelve (12) months and one (1) day up to thirty-
the concept of damages – it goes to the party litigant six (36) months.

 What is this limit of not more than 10%? It is the amount of wages  What is an infant?
- a child within zero (0) to twelve (12) months of age.
 What is this instance in Labor Code? Only in unlawful withholding of wages
(ART 111)  What is lactation station?
- But attorneys fees can also be awarded to other instances (ART 2208 - private, clean, sanitary, and well-ventilated rooms or areas in the
of CC) – in here the 10% limitation does not apply. workplace or public places where nursing mothers can wash up,
breastfeed or express their milk comfortably and store this afterward.
 Are non-lawyers allowed to appear?
GR: they are not allowed to appear, because only lawyers are allowed  Whenever an employer has nursing employees, does it mean he needs to
EXCEPT: if non-lawyer is the party litigant, represent themselves, represent provide them with lactation station? YES
the organization or members thereof. (ART 222 LABOR CODE)
- How? Certification from Bureau of Labor Relation; (SEC 6 IRR NLRC  Can employer apply for exemption? YES, take into account:
Rules of Procedures) - The number of nursing employees
- The practicability of providing lactation
 If the worker is represented by public lawyer, can attorneys fees awarded? - The nature of the place/ business
SEC 6 Par. 4 IRR NLRC Rules of Procedures
 If employer does not provide lactation station, what is the liability?
 What are the facilities provided for women? SEC 21 of Breastfeeding Act.
- Seats Fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00) but not more
- Separate toilet rooms than Two hundred thousand pesos (Php200,000.00) on the first offense.
- Dressing rooms
- Nursery rooms
On the second offense, a fine of not less than Two hundred thousand - Facilities for transportation and properly ventilated temporary
pesos (Php200,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos sleeping or resting quarters - separate for male and female workers
(Php500,000.00). o What is the opportune time for them to rest? That 1 hour
What are other things that employer must provide to nursing employees? Break break period.
Intervals – not less than 40mins.
On the third offense, a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand  EXCEPTIONS (SEC 4)
pesos (Php500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (Php1,000,000.00) - Existing company guideline providing for an equivalent or superior
and the cancellation or revocation of the business permits or licenses to operate. benefits
o What do you mean by this? Provide your own example
 So even if your child comes to you because he wants to breastfeed then you (suggested: transportation – basta e.defend lang ang imo
can ask your employer to take your break and breastfeed the child. example)
- Is this compensable hours work? YES - Where the start or end of the night work doe not fall within 12
o If the employer will make you work on those hours – THAT WILL midnight to 5 o’clock in the morning
BE OVERTIME WORK (SEC 13 Breastfeeding Act) - Where the workplace is located in an area that is accessible 24 hours
to public transportation
 SEC 10-SEC 13 – obligation of employers - Where the number of employees does not exceed a specified number
as may be provided for by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in
 EMPLOYEMENT OF NIGHT WORKERS subsequent issuances
- Sec1 ART 130 of Labor Code – EXPRESSLY REPEALED
- SEC 5 Transfer - Unfit to render night work – due to health reasons –
 ART 154-161 OF RA 10151 – NOW APPLICABLE. transferred to a job for which they are fit to work whenever practicable

 What is the purpose of the REALED LAW? It supposed to safeguard the  What if it is no longer viable to transfer? Par. 2. Terminate him lawfully BUT
health and safety of workingwomen. The night work prohibition prohibits HE SHALL BE GRANTED the same company benefits as other workers who
the employer to prevent the workingwomen to work at night. are unable to work due to illness. – MORE THAN 6 MONTHS OF BEING SICK
 The cannot be required by the employers
WHY? Who are the people awake on night? CRIMINALS, Drunkards, more prone  If night worker is pregnant, can the employer terminate her? NO
to accidents. - What law or provision is your basis? ART 137 Par 2 – To discharge such
woman on account of her pregnancy, or while on leave or in
 If that is the purpose of the REPEALED LAW, why did the Night Workers Act confinement due to her pregnancy
repealed those laws? FOR NON-DISCRIMINATION. - Other Law? RH LAW – Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Law
 What is the Convention? International Convention of Elimination of All
Forms of Discriminations of Women  SEC 6. Alternative measures to night work for pregnant and nursing
 IRR of RA 10151 - Transfer to day work
o Additional periods of assignment to day work during
 Who is a Night Worker? Employed person whose work covers the period pregnancy
from 10 o’clock in the evening to 6 o’clock the following morning provide  16 weeks to be divided equally before and after
that the worker performs no less than 7 consecutive hours of work (Sec. 1) delivery
o Extension of maternity leave
 ALL PERSONS – male and female o Clearance to render night work


 10pm – 6am
 no less than CONSECUTIVE 7 hours  Who are considered Children? Refers to any person 18 years of age.

 This law covers all establishments – whether for profit or not  How is a child employed – 15 above and below 18? Can be employed as long
- EXCEPT: as not hazardous and deleterious work places.
o Agricultural
o Stock raising  Hours of Work
o Fishing - Below 15 not allowed to work for more than
o Maritime Transport o 20 hours a week and
o Inland Navigation o 4 hours a day,
o from 8pm to 6am
 What is the obligation of employer to the night worker?
SEC 3. Health Assessment - 15 above and below 18 not allowed to work for more than
- UPON REQUEST o 40 hours a week
o Advice on how to reduce or avoid health problems – for o 8 hours a day
FREE “without charge” – BY COMPETENT PHYSICIANS o 10pm to 6am
 Before taking up an assignment as a night
worker  Violate – you are violating the WORST FORM OF CHILD LABOR.
 At regular intervals during such an assignment - Criminal liability to employers if violated.
 If they experience health problems during such
an assignment  Why criminal liability? It impairs his/her normal development, endangers his
- EXCEPT: unfitness for night work the finding of such assessment shall life, safety, health and morals
be confidential and shall NOT be used to their detriment, subject - they will be prone to abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation and
however to applicable company policies. discrimination and other conditions prejudicial to their development
(SEC 2)
 What health problems do you suffer if you work at this times? – WHAT YOU
THINK LANG. – immune system something2, etc.  EMPLOYMENT OF DOMESTIC WORKERS – Kasambahay Law

 SEC 4. MANDATORY FACILITIES  Does this law repeal the entire Chapter III of Labor Code Employment of
- Suitable First Aid and Emergency Facilities Househelpers? YES
o For injuries.
- Lactation Station  Domestic Worker – any person engaged in domestic work within an
- Separate Toilet Facilities for men and women employment relationship whether on a live-in or live-out arrangement, such
o WHY? Privacy. as, but not limited to:
o But what if Men-Men illicit acts? – based in this law, it does - General Househelp
not address these illicit acts. - Yaya
 How will you address this problem? IKAW NA - Cook
BAHALA HAHA (suggested: place the toilets in - Gardener
conspicuous places) - Laundry person
- Facility for eating with potable drinking water - Any person who performs domestic work on an OCCUPATIONAL BASIS
o What is potable? Suitable for drinking.
 Not Covered:
- Service providers  RA 8042
- Family drivers GR: There is a bond on direct hiring of foreign employer for overseas employment.
- Children under foster family arrangement - to secure the protection of immigrant workers - SEC 2 (g) State
- Any person who performs domestic work occasionally/ sporadically recognized that the ultimate protection to all migrant workers is the possession
of skills
 Domestic Work – work performed in or for a household EXCEPT:

 Household – immediate members of the family OR the occupants of the Illegal Recruitment – when there is no license – whether for profit or not. (SEC 6)
house who are directly and regularly provided services by the Kasambahay. Can it be committed to only 1 individual? YES, even if it only 1. As long as it has no
license for it.
 Employer – any person who engages and controls the services of a
Kasambahay and is party to the employment Contract. When can it be considered as large scale or syndicate? Large scale - If it is
committed against 3 or more. Syndicate if carried out by 3 or 4 person conspiring.
 Live-out Arrangement – arrangement whereby the Kasambahay works
within the employer’s household but does not reside therein. Illegal Recruitment – constitutes economic sabotage – prescriptive period of 20
 What is the minimum employable age? 15 years old. - normal – 5 years.

 Can we apply the Law on Employment of Children? YES – apply If somebody get himself injuries – ART 161 Labor Code.
abovementioned discussions Duty of any employer to provide all the necessary assistance to ensure
the adequate and immediate medical and dental attendance and treatment to an
 What is the prescribed hours of work for the domestic workers? It shall not injured or sick employee in case of emergency. - ONLY SAFETY AND HEALTH
exceed 16 hours a day. STANDARD PROVISION ONLY
 BASIS: SEC. 5 Daily Rest Period – employers to provide the domestic worker  If violated – QUASI-DELIC in civil code 1711-1712
an aggregate 8 hours of work. Employment of Students
Working Scholars - are students who work for the school in exchange for the
 24hrs a day – 8rest = 16 work hours privilege to study free of charge provided they are given the reasonable
opportunity to finish the course.
 Does the law require employment agreement? SEC 5  Reasonable opportunity – that time you are given related to units per
school year given
 What is the minimum wage? Monthly minimum wage
- NCR – 2,500 per month Employment of Studens during Summer and Christmas
- Cities and First Class Municipalities – 2,000  Establishment with 10 or more employees
- Other Municipalities – 1,500  age: not less than 15, not more than 25
 Time limit of employment:
Pay them AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH – with pay slip. o 10 – 15 days – secondary students (high school)
o Time limit: 20 - 52 working days
 Entitled to:  Wage: they are paid minimum wage
- Service Incentive Leave o 60% - in cash; 40% - voucher
- 13th Month Pay
- SSS, ECC, PhilHealth, PAG-IBIG – at least 1 month of service Agencies involved
 PAG-IBIG – Pagtutulungan Ikaw, Banko, Industria, Gobyerno
What is the role of LGUs? To fight against illegal recruitment –
October 1, 2013  dissemination of information to their constituents
 Who pays for the sss? The employer – part of salary  To provide venue of POEA
 What is recruitment and placement – governed by Migrant Workers and
Overseas Filipino Act of 1995? When can they be involved in recruitment What is the role of OWWA? Assistance they may need in the enforcement of
and placement? contractual obligation
- Sec 13 (b) - Refers to any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting,
transporting, utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers, and includes What is the role of DOH? Regulate operation of clinics to conduct examinations.
referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for employment,
locally or abroad, whether for profit or not. Provided, That any person What is the role of POEA? Participate in recruitment and overseas placement of
or entity which, in any manner, offers or promises for a fee workers by setting up a licensing and registration system.
employment to two or more persons shall be deemed engaged in
recruitment and placement. Guarantee: (Sec 4)
- Existing labor and social laws protecting the rights of workers.
 Recruitment and employment is different in recruitment and placement. - The receiving country must be a signatory of multilateral treaty.
- Former, you recruit then employ them. Latter you recruit then place - bilateral treaty with Philippines.
them where they can work.
Kasambahay – if solo parent
 Who is a non-resident alien? – A foreign national who seeks employment in (SEC 13) – entitled to other benefits in existing laws
the Philippines. - has right of maternity leave, etc

 If he marries a Filipina or Filipino then he seeks employment – EXEMPTED Dual System Law – delivery system to quality technical and vocational education
FROM ACQUIRING AEP and training that combine in-plant training and in-school training based on
training plan
 Exemption in EAP  Entitled to allowance – not less than 75%
- Sec. 2 of IRR of Employment permits of foreign nationals
o Members of the diplomatic service and foreign government Domestic workers Act – period of employment – it depends on the agreement.
officials  Requires written employment contract
o Officers and staff of international organizations of which If there is an employment agreement – there are valid ground in which
Philippines is member kasambahay can terminate the employment.
o Foreign nationals elected as members of the governing board
who do not occupy any other position – voting rights only in the IRR of 10361 RULE VII SEC 2 – SEC 3
o Companies allowed to be wholly owned by foreign national Replacement of Kasambahay by PEA – SEC 4
– NATURAL ???? – e.g. Petroleum Companies (Chevron),
Proctor and Gamble Termination of employer without valid ground – Kasambahay has remedy
o All foreign nationals granted exemption by law Can kasambahay sue the employer? YES, before the Regional Office of DOLE (RULE
o Owners and representative of foreigner principals whose 11 Sec 1)
companies are accredited by the POEA – for a limited period and  SEC 2 –
interviewing Filipinos for abroad o he is entitled to his unpaid salary
o Foreign nationals who come to Philippines to teach, present or o indemnity of damages equal to 15 days of salary
conduct research studies in universities.
o NO REINSTATEMENT – because of degree of trust between
the employer and Kasambahay

Can a foreigner organize and become the manager of a recruitment agency?

 NO, Illegal Recruitment includes - SEC 5 (n) To allow a non-Filipino
citizen to head or manage a licensed recruitment/ manning agency
foreigners are deemed to be loyal to their country.
 Filipino must manage a recruitment agency


Criminal – Who has jurisdiction? – REGULAR COURT

What is the role of DFA? To be a representative of other country where the OFW
will be sent.

Is OFW can be used interchangeably with migrant workers?

 SEC 2 IRR – YES – definition of terms

Seafarer –

Manning Agency –

SEC 5 – definition of terms – Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education

Non-Academic Personnel –

Academic Personnel –
 Not only teaching – they can also be in direct support

2 Manuals of Regulations
 Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education
 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education
Kindergarten – Basic Education

Divers and Conductors – entitled to rest period of at least 1 hour exclusive of Meal
Breaks, within a 12-hour shift.
 The 1 hour rest period is

In fixing of performance for compensation, consider:

 Based on safety requirements
 Based on number of passage/ Ridership/ Business Performance

Hiring of Senior Citizen – There is a tax incentive

 Deduction to 15% of the total amount paid as salaries and wages to
senior citizens subject to the provision of SEC 34 of National Internal
Revenue Code (NIRC)

Distinguish homeworks and domestic workers

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