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Bar Bending Schedule for footings

|Estimation of Reinforcement in footings

Bar Bending Schedule for footings / Estimation of Steel reinforcement

in footings:-

Bar Bending schedule plays a vital role in the construction of High rise
buildings. It is very important to learn Bar Bending Schedule for finding out
the quantities of Steel reinforcement required for every component of the

For Suppose, consider the case of high rise buildings, It requires tons of
steel to complete 10+ floor building. It’s impossible to order all the steel
required for whole construction at a time it creates a problem of space and
also steel is prone to corrosion by the contact of water (rain). To avoid this,
high rise building orders reinforcement (steel) as per requirement. Firstly
they find the Estimation of Steel reinforcement in footings (steel
quantities) [Bar Bending Schedule for footings], required for the
construction of footings. After the completion of footings they go for next
order and so on.

Table of contents [show]

Quantity of Reinforcement (Steel) required for footings / Bar Bending

Schedule for footings:-

In this post, I am finding out the Estimation of Steel reinforcement in

footings / Bar Bending Schedule for footings. For this, I considered a
footing plan as below.
Steps for Finding the quantities of Reinforcement in footing:
Step 1: Identify the type of Mesh or Reinforcement
Step 2: Adopt dia of bars (X bars & Y bars)
Step 3: Deduct the Concrete Cover from all sides of footings
Step 4: Find the length of bars (X bars & Y bars)
Step 5: Find the No. of Bars
Step 6: Find the total length of bars
Step 7: Result: total wt of bars required for footing
Footing Details:-

F1, F4, F7 is Plain footing (1.5×1.5×0.8)

F2 is Stepped Footing (0.9×0.9×1.35)
F3, F8 is Isolated footing (0.9×0.9×0.5)
F5 is Combined Isolated footing (4.4×1.9×0.9)
(In this article I didnt added the details of above footing F5)
F6 is Shoe footing similar to Plain footing (1.5×1.5×0.8)
We use different types of mesh (reinforcement) in footings as per design.
You can refer different types of Reinforcement used in footings from here.

Footings F1, F4, F7:- (Plain Footings) or Bar Bending Schedule for
Plain footings:-

Plain mesh is adopted for F1, F4, F7 footings

*Remember, Proper Concrete cover should be adopted for the

reinforcement in Footings to resist it from corrosion.

The dimensions of Footing F1 are 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.9 (Length x Breadth x


Adopt Dia 16mm @ 100mm C/C in X Bars

Adopt Dia 12mm @ 100mm C/C in Y bars

Finding the length of X bars and Y bars (X bars are Horizontal bars and Y
bars are Vertical Bars)

To find out the length of bars we have to deduct the cover from footing
(Refer Fig.1)

As per the condition the concrete cover for the mesh is 0.1 from all the
sides of footing

So, The length of X bar is 0.8 and Length of Y bar is 0.8. (Deduct 0.1 from
both sides)
Footings F3, F8 (Isolated footings) or Bar Bending Schedule for
Isolated footings :-

Hook Mesh is used in Isolated footings

Remember Proper Concrete cover should be adopted for the
reinforcement in Footings to resist it from corrosion.

The dimensions of Footing F3, F8 are 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.5 (Length x Breadth x

Adopt Dia 16mm @ 100mm C/C in X Bars

Adopt Dia 12mm @ 90mm C/C in Y bars

Finding the length of X bars and Y bars (X bars are Horizontal bars and Y
bars are Vertical Bars)

As per the condition the concrete cover for the mesh is 0.1 from all the
sides of footing

So. The length of X bar is 0.7 and Length of Y bar is 0.7. (Deduct 0.1 from
both sides)

Remember , Hook length = 9D

Length of Bars: –

Length of X bar = L+9D+9D = L+18D = 0.7+18 x 0.016 = 0.988m

Length of Y bar = L+9D+9D = L+18D = 0.7 + 18 x 0.012 = 0.916m

Footings F2 (Step footings) or Bar Bending Sschedule for Stepped

Hook Mesh is used in Step footing.

The dimensions of Footing F2 are (0.9×0.9×1.35)

Adopt Dia 16mm @ 110mm C/C in X Bars

Adopt Dia 20mm @ 115mm C/C in Y bars

Finding the length of X bars and Y bars (X bars are Horizontal bars and Y
bars are Vertical Bars)

As per the condition the concrete cover for the mesh is 0.1 from all the
sides of footing

So. The length of X bar is 0.7 and Length of Y bar is 0.7. (Deduct 0.1 from
both sides)

Remember , Hook length = 9D

Length of X bar = L+9D+9D = L+18D = 0.7+18 x 0.016 = 0.988m

Length of Y bar = L+9D+9D = L+18D = 0.7 + 18 x 0.012 = 0.916m

Footing F5 (Eccentric footing) or Bar Bending Schedule of

Eccentric/Shoe footings :-
Type of Mesh :- Upto the depth of footing

The dimensions of Footing F5 are (0.6×0.6×0.4)

Adopt Dia 16mm @80mm X Bars

Adopt Dia 16mm @ 80mm in Y bars

Finding the length of X bars and Y bars (X bars are Horizontal bars and Y
bars are Vertical Bars)

As per the condition the concrete cover for the mesh is 0.1 from all the
sides of footing

So. The length of X bar is 0.4 and Length of Y bar is 0.4 (Deduct 0.1 from
both sides)

Length of X bar = 0.3+0.4+0.3 = 1.0m

Length of Y bar = 0.3+0.4+0.3 = 1.0m

Total Steel Required for Footings = 89.13 + 67.32 = 157Kgs.= 0.157ton

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