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How many times did you hear that the end of our world is near?
I am sure that you heard it many times, for example: I remember my grandmother
told me people believed that the 2000 year would be the last year of the earth’s life
and they were so worried because they thought that wasn’t the future that their
sons deserved. However, in 2000 nothing happened. Other example: at beginning
of this year the end of world had to occur, but nothing happened again.
With those examples:
Do you believe that the end of world is near, don’t you?
Well, let me give you a bad truth, it is right; our world like we know today will
change too fast!. Because each day we have been destroying it by using devasting
products which will cause the end of our world
That’s why today I would like to talk about how global warming which will produce
the end of world.
Since the late nineteenth century, scientists have observed a gradual increase in
the average temperature of the planet's surface which is estimated to have been
between 0.5 ° F and 1.0 ° F.
This warming has reduced the snow-covered areas in the northern hemisphere,
and has caused many floating icebergs in the Arctic Ocean has melted and as a
result it has been dying a lot of wild animals which are essential part of the life in
the earth.
This problem became due to the presence in the atmosphere of CO2 and other
greenhouse gases responsible for part of the solar radiation that reaches Earth is
retained in the atmosphere. As a result of heat retention, the average temperature
on Earth's surface reaches about 60 º F, which is conducive to the development of
life on the planet. However, as a result of burning fossil fuels and other human
activities associated with the process of industrialization that have considerably
increased the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere and this has caused
the atmosphere to retain more heat than it should, and is the cause of what we
now know as global warming or global climate change.
Well in this part I would like to explain how the atmosphere has been retaining
heat. Basically the sun emits ultraviolet energy which passes through the
atmosphere and enters the earth, a small part of this energy is absorbed by the
earth's surface and the other part is reflected but the pollution caused by
excessive emission of CO2 produced formation of a layer of gas, located in the
atmosphere, which alter the natural process and the opposite happens, I mean
when the sun emits ultraviolet energy which passes through the atmosphere and
enters the earth, much of this energy is absorbed by the earth’s surface and a
small portion is reflected because the gas layer prevents energy can be reflected,
that is why the retained heat causes the temperature rise.
That's why due to heating many effects are occurring in a dramatic way, for
Weather - Scientists
estimate that the
average temperature
of Earth's surface can
reach up to 4.5 º F
increase over the
next 50 years and up
to 10 º F during this
century. This increase
in the evaporation of
water will result in an
increase in the
intensity and
frequency of
hurricanes and storms
Health – there will be an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and
there will be infectious diseases caused by mosquitoes and pests tropical.
Mosquitoes and other pests responsible for dengue, malaria, cholera and yellow
fever in the tropics affect a larger portion of the world's population, increasing the
number of deaths from these diseases.

Surface water quality - Although increase the magnitude and frequency of rain
events, the level of water in lakes and rivers decrease due to the additional
evaporation caused by the increase in temperature.
The flora and fauna - Due to climate changes and changes in terrestrial
ecosystems, the habitat of the species might not be the ideal habitat for them,
causing their extinction.

Considering the problems for which the earth and we are going to seem hopeless
but it is not so because we can do something to reduce global warming
consequences. We could:
And finally as a conclusion: I considered this issue so important because
Global warming is a problem that is affecting us in different ways permanently, causing
human and material loss if steps are not taken immediate to stop it in about 100 years will
have major consequences for humanity and all living things so
It requires urgent attention of all governments of all countries of the world to implement
plans, and environmental measures to prevent this problem continues.
I hope you will talk about it with people in order to correct our mistakes and create

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