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E.C. Shin
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental System Engineering,
University of Incheon, Republic of Korea

ABSTRACT:In recent years, soil improvement works have been extensively implemented for the various marginal
lands development projects. A great amount soils are hydraulically filled by the dredging ship and various soil im-
provement techniques are being used for stabilization of soft ground. Some ground modifications are required for rein-
forcing the soil to have enough bearing capacity and confinement to support the load carried by the existing or super-
structures. The paper presents the current construction methods of sand piling including sand compaction piles, sand
drains, strong sand pile , mammoth compaction pile, compaction grouting, stone column, vibro-compaction, shallow
and deep dynamic compactions, vertical and horizontal vacuum consolidations, prefabricated vertical drains, and pro-
gressive trenching method. Design procedures, construction sequences, and quality control for various soil improve-
ment methods are presented. Finally, construction case histories of soil improvement are also discussed with construc-
tion process, field performance for both sandy and clayey soils. The selection of soil improvement method is depended
on geological formation of soil, soil characteristics, cost, availability of backfill material, and experience in the past.

1 INTRODUCTION additional confining pressure along required part of com-

pleted sand drain by means of flexible fiber sack.
In the past 40 years, various soil improvement methods
such as deep chemical mixing method, construction of Sand compaction piles on reclaimed land from the sea
compacted granular columns, grouting, prefabricated usually have diameters varying between 0.6-0.8 m with
vertical drains (PVD), shallow and deep dynamic com- an area replacement ratio, a s ≤ 0.3 – 0.5. Typical pile
pactions, vertical and horizontal vacuum consolidations, spacings range from 1.5 m to 2.5 m. Construction proce-
progressive trenching method (PTM), and preloading dures of the sand compaction piles are shown in Fig.1
have been used for onshore or offshore land development The steps for sand compaction pile construction are as
projects. Sand compaction piles have been extensively follows:
used in Asian countries like Korea, Japan, Singapore for
offshore development projects. While vibro-compaction Step 1. Installing a casing pipe having an outside diamete
and deep dynamic compaction methods are more r of 0.4 m and a wall thickness of 16 mm at a
frequently used in Middle Eastern countries as well as designated position on the ground with an allowabl
European countries. Grouting techniques are more
popular in Japan and USA, and South American e maximum horizontal deviation of 0.3 m .
countries. The vertical & horizontal vacuum consolida- Step 2. Driving the casing pipe into the ground by the
tions and PTM are mostly applied to an ultra soft clayey vibro-hammer with an allowable deviation of two d
soil for the land reclamation project. Installation of egrees with respect to the vertical. The vibrator us
compacted granular piles and PVD can accelerate the ed has the following characteristics: weight, 54 kN (
consolidation process of clayey soil and hence increase 6.1 ton); driven by a 90-kW (120 hp) motor and had
its shear strength. Construction of these vertical drains a vibrating force of 443 kN (50 ton).
also increases the load bearing capacity and prevents the
possible damages by earthquake. Vertical drain methods When a localized hard spot is encountered with
are fast and relatively inexpensive methods compared to SPT N-values greater than 20, water jetting is used
the other deep stabilization methods. Most of soil to facilitate the penetration of soil layer.
improvement works are for the construction of airport, If the possibility of mud to enter the casing, air
various storage tanks, embankment for roads, industrial pressure in the range of 294-392 kN/m2 is applied.
complex, port and harbor facilities, and so on. Step 3. When the casing pipe reaches the desired depth
(that is, penetrated the full depth of the soft clayeys
2 SAND COMPACTION PILE oil which varied from 20 m to 25 m), about 2 m3of s
and is filled through the upper hopper of the
Sand compaction pile technique was developed by pipe. The casing pipe is then drawn up at the speed
Murayama (1958) in Japan. Since then several different of 9 m/min through a distance of 3 m .
methods of making sand compaction piles such as sand Step 4. An air pressure of 588 kN/m2 is applied to the to
drain, packed drain, strong sand pile, and mammoth of the sand for extrusion from the tip of the casing.
compaction pile for different degrees of densification and
site condition have been developed. Sand compaction Step 5. The casing pipe is redriven through a distance of
piles are usually constructed in a soil which has2 an 2 m under vibration to compact the sand pile.
undrained2 shear strength varying from 5kN/ m to Step 6. Steps 3, 4 and 5 are continued until the sand pile
15kN/ m to provide enough confining pressure to the is built up to the ground level.
completed sand compaction pile. Packed drain method
can be possibly applied if the existing soil has less than Construction procedures of sand drain are Steps 1, 2, 3, 4,
the required undrained shear strength because it provides and 6 outlined above. The diameters of sand drains are
usually varying from 0.4 m to 0.5 m with a center-to-
center spacing ranging from 1.8 m to 2.5 m. Therefore, 1. The slope of the sand pile deviated more than two
density of compacted sand in sand drain is less than that degrees from the vertical direction.
of the sand compaction pile described above. 2. The pre-estimated length of the sand pile was not
achieved due to localized hard spots.
Construction sequence of strong sand pile is similar to 3. The casing pipe did not reach the required depth past
that for a sand drain with the exception of horizontal and localized hard spots due to the malfunctioning of wa-
circular vibration of the casing pipe in Step 4. Additional ter jet equipment.
compaction is also applied directly to the sand discharged 4. Horizontal deviation of the actual sand pile location
out of the lower end of the casing pipe by a horizontal vi- was more than 0.3 m from the designated location.
brator. The density of compacted sand in strong sand pile 5. The sand pile was broken during the construction
is much higher than that of the sand compaction pile. process. The reason for breakage are (a) malfunction-
Strong sand pile can be constructed on reclaimed land or ing of the lower end of the casing (shoe) and (b) care-
sea. less operation of the construction equipment.
6. The level of sand inside the casing drawn on the
Construction procedure of the mammoth compaction pile automatic recording graph was more than 0.3 m due
is similar to that in sand compaction pile outlined previ- to the incomplete extrusion of sand from the bottom
ously. This particular method is usually used in offshore end of the casing. This was due to insufficient air
construction as shown in Fig.2. Typical diameters and pressure.
area replacement ratio range from 0.8 m to 2.0 m and 7. Automatic recording graphs were not drawn well due
as ≤ 0.5 – 0.8. Generally 2 to 4 mammoth compaction to malfunctioning of the recording system.
piles are constructed simultaneously from a large barge. 8. The gradation of the sand was not in agreement with
the design requirements.


Grouting methods are categorized into : (a) permeating

grouting, (b) compaction grouting, (c) hydro-fracture
grouting. Among them, compaction grouting method is
commonly used for ground reinforcement. Compaction
grouting uses displacement to improve ground conditions.
A very viscous(low-mobility), aggregate grout is pumped
in several stages to form grout bulbs, which displace and
densify the surrounding soils. The high degree of soil im-
provement can be achieved by sequencing the grouting
work from primary to secondary to tertiary locations.
Fig.1 Construction sequence for sand compaction pile Compaction grouting technique can be applied in the ar-
eas of karstic regions, rubble fill and poorly placed fill,
loosened soil, liquefiable soils, and collapsible soils to fill
the void and to compensate for ground loss during tun-
neling work and reinforcement. The construction process
of the compaction grouting process is shown in Fig.3.

Fig.2 Construction of mammoth compaction pile

Shin, et al.(1992) reported the soil improvement case his-
tory of steel mill complex in Korea A total of 23,217
sand compaction piles and 27,224 sand drains were at- Fig.3 Construction of compaction grouting
tempted, out of which only 0.62% of the sand compac-
tion piles and 0.36% of the sand drains were not success- Several geotechnical considerations must take into ac-
ful. The cases for which sand pile construction was not count to form a good quality of compaction grouting
successful were due to one or more of the following rea- (Hayward Baker, 2005).
1. The in-situ vertical stress in the treatment stratum must Quality control of compaction grouting can be achieved
be sufficient to enable the grout to displace the soil by following the procedural inspection and documenta-
horizontally. In this case, the grout injection pres tion of the work activity, testing to ensure proper mix de-
sure should be carefully selected to prevent the uncon- sign/injection rates, and verification of ground improve-
trolled heave of the ground surface. ment where applicable.
2. The grout injection rate should be show enough to
allow pore pressure dissipation. Pore pressure dissipa- Ground improvement can be assessed by in-situ test like
tion should also be considered in hole spacing and standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test
sequencing. (CPT), and geophysical methods. Data recording system
3. Sequencing of grout injection is also important. If the for monitoring the important grouting parameters can be
soil is not near saturation, compaction grouting can used on sensitive projects to have a good quality control.
usually be effective in most silts and sands.
4. The loss of the shear strength of soil during remolding
for the case of saturated, fine-grained soils, and sensi- 4 COMPACTED STONE COLUMN
tive clays should be avoided.
5. The great amount of soil displacement could be oc- Compacted stone columns are stiffer than the surround-
curred in weaker soil strata. Exhumed grout bulbs con- ing soil which replaced. Because the stone column is co-
firm that compaction grouting focuses improvement hesionless, its stiffness depends upon the lateral support
where it is most needed. given by the soil around it. If that support is inadequate,
6. Collapsible soils can usually be treated effectively with the stone column fails by bulging. Compacted stone col-
the addition of water during drilling prior to compac- umn method is normally used the soil which has2 an
tion grout injection. undrained2 shear strength varying from 15kN/ m to
7. Stratified soils, particularly thinly stratified soils, can 45kN/ m to provide enough confining pressure to the
be caused for difficult or reduced improvement capabil- completed stone column. Densification of the soil with
ity. stone columns is accomplished by either top-feed or the
8. In case of compensation grouting, rate of tunnel ad- bottom-feed method.
vance and tunneling method must be considered to
avoid a void space in the grouted area. The stability of a soil-stone column composite system
The ade- also depends on whether skin friction develops between
quate range of grain-size distribution for various soils for the column and the soil surrounding it. Soft compressible
compaction grouting is shown in Fig.4. soils undergo much lower settlements when they are
stiffened by stone column. Bulging of the stone column
under the applied load causes horizontal compression of
the soil between columns which provides additional con-
finement for the stone. An equilibrium is eventually
reached resulting in reducing probable settlement, in-
creasing the shear strength of soil and hence the bearing
capacity, and mitigate the potential for liquefaction when
compared to unreinforced soil..
The two primary construction methods of compacted
stone column are practiced : (a) wet, top feed method, re-
placement and displacement method, (b) dry, bottom feed
method, displacement method.
In the first method, that is, replacement and displacement
method, jetting water is used to remove soft material,
stabilize the probe hole, and ensure that the stone backfill
reaches the tip of the vibrator. This is the most commonly
used and most cost-efficient of the deep vibratory meth-
ods. However, handling of the spoil generated by the
Fig.4 Adequate range of grain-size distribution for process may make this method more difficult to use on
compaction grouting. confined sites or in environmentally sensitive areas. The
latter method, that is, dry and bottom feed method uses
There are several advantages of compaction grouting the same vibrator probes as standard compacted stone
such as pinpoint treatment, fast installation, and wide columns, but with the addition of a hopper and supply
range of application. This technique can be effectively tube to feed the stone backfill directly to the tip of the vi-
applicable in a variety of soil conditions. It can be per- brator. Bottom feed displacement method is a completely
formed in very tight access and low headroom conditions. dry operation where the vibrator remains in the ground
Compaction grouting is non-hazardous and yields no during the construction process. The elimination of flush-
waste spoil disposal. There is no connection needed to ing water in turn eliminates the generation of spoil, ex-
the footing or column. This method is used in the manner tending the range of sites that can be treated. up to a
of non-destructive way and adaptable to existing founda- depth of 24 m and is not inhibited by the presence of
tions. There is no necessary to removal and replacement groundwater. The construction process of compacted
or piling, so it is cost effective ground reinforcement stone column is shown in Fig.5.
technique and minimized the surface environment.
The friction angle, may have a big effect on the horizon-
tal shear resistance of the stone reinforced
soil. Modulus
values in the range of 40 to 70 MN/ m . Settlement and
stability calculations were also performed using effective
stress parameters of the soil (Goughnour, 1983 ; Priebe,
1976 ).
Design values of 20 to 30 tons per column are typical for
columns in soft to stiff clays (Mitchell, 1981). Both limit
analysis (Hughes and Withers, 1974) and experience
(Thorburn, 1975) indicate that the allowable vertical
stress, on a single column can be expressed by
= N SC c u /F.S
Fig.5 Construction process of compacted stone column Where cu is the undrained shear strength of the soft
ground and F.S is the factor of safety. A value of 3 is
A blanket of sand or a semi-rigid mat of reinforced earth recommended for the F.S. Mitchell (1981) recommends
is usually placed above the stone column-reinforced soil. using an N SC of 25 for vibro-replacement stone columns.
This mat facilitates transfer of superimposed loads to the Barksdale and Bachus (1983) propose a range for cu be-
stone columns by arching over the in-situ soil. With time, tween 18 to 22, depending on the stiffness of the soil.
as the surrounding clay consolidates, further load trans- Brauns (1978) compared the results of a number of ana-
fer takes place from the native soil to the stone columns lytical approaches for determining ultimate capacity of
by negative friction resulting in additional reduction in stone columns which is reproduced by Greenwood and
soil settlement (Munfakh et. al. 1984). The critical depth Kirsch (1984) as shown in Fig.6. Estimated settlement of
(which does not contribute of bearing capacity) of stone stone column treated group as a function of soil strength
column is usually about four column diameters (Mattes and column spacing is shown in Fig.7. To theses esti-
and Poulos, 1969). mated should be added any anticipated settlements con-
Design of stone column-soil structure is subject to the tributed by the underlying strata. The installation of stone
several parameters such as column diameter, spacing, columns led to a reduction in settlement to about 30 to
stone size, internal soil friction angle, undrained shear 40% of the values to be expected on unimproved ground.
strength, degree of saturation, and permeation.
The diameter of stone column is depended on the desired
level of improvement, the method of installation, the
stone size and the strength of the in-situ soil. The column
diameters range from 0.5 to 1.2 m. Square or rectangular
grid patterns with center to center column spacing of 1.5
to 3.6 m are used. It is a function of the desired im-
provement, construction process, and the sensitivity of
the existing soil. Angle of internal friction of the stone is
depended on the size and shape of the stone, the installa-
tion process and the infiltration of the native soil between
stone particles. Greenwood (1970) assumed an angle of
internal friction of 35 degrees for evaluation of stone col-
umn horizontal resistance. High values of 40 to 45 de-
grees have been used, based on the results of direct shear
tests performed in the field on constructed columns
(Munfakh et. al. 1984. Fig.7 Effect of stone column on anticipated foundation
settlement (Greenwood, 1970)

Fig.8 shows that the soil improvement factor with the

Fig.6 Ultimate bearing capacity of stone columns area replacement ratio and the internal stone fric-
(Greenwood and Kirsch, 1984) tion angle.
The degree of soil improvement is proportional to the The quality control and quality assurance of this tech-
angle of stone friction in the stone column and reverse to nique is somewhat similar to the case of compacted stone
the area replacement ratio. Fig.8 shows these relation- column. Fig.11 shows the degree of soil compaction with
ships. respect to the site surface area per compaction probe in
sandy soils.
Quality control of compacted stone columns can be pro-
ceed by means of the stone column location, resistance
level as measured by amp meter (Vibrator draws more
current in denser soils), quality and quantity of stone
added – friction angle and diameter of completed stone
columns. Several field tests can be done for quality as-
surance such as, SPT, CPT, DMT(Dilatometer Test),
load test, and shear wave velocity test with respect to
the depth of stone column.


This technique was developed in Germany in the 1930s

and has been practiced in the United States since 1940s.
Fig.10 Treated and untreated soil profiles for granular
Vibroflotation also knows as Vibro-compaction is used to soil
densify clean, cohesionless soils. The performance of
this techniques in loose granular soil is excellent. How-
ever, it is marginal to good for silty sand and mine granu-
lar spoils. The action of the vibrator, usually accompa-
nied by water jetting, reduces the inter-granular forces
between the soil particles, allowing them to move into a
denser configuration, typically achieving a relative den-
sity of 70 to 85 percent. Compaction is achieved above
and below the water table. Fig.9 shows the process of soil
densification by vibroflotation method. The vibroflot
with a diameter of 350 to 450mm is lowered into the
ground with the help of water jetting at the bottom of the
vibroflot. Granular material is poured into the top of the
hole. The vibrating unit is lowering with a rate of 1 to 2
m per minute and gradually raised in about 0.3m lift per Fig.11 Soil treatment requirements for densification
minute and held vibrating for about 30 seconds at a time.


Deep dynamic compaction is the dropping of heavy dead

weights on the ground surface to densify soils at depth.
The degree of soil compaction involves a number of
blows and the weight of hammer, drop height, the spac-
ing of drop spot, and types of soil to be compacted. This
method is used to reduce the probable foundation settle-
ments and also reduce seismic subsidence. It can be used
in the area of garbage dumps, mine spoils, and collapsi-
ble soils. The typical weight of hammer, dead weight
which normally consisted with thin metal plates, ranges
from 10 to 30 tons and its drop heights of 15 to 30 m.
Impact grids are normally in of 2.1 x 2.1 m to 6.0 x 6.0 m.
Fig.9 Construction of the vibro-compaction process.

The 100-HP unit are normally used in the vibroflot. The Important geotechnical engineering parameters for deep
weight of a vibroflot is about 20kN and induced the dynamic compaction are such as soil conditions, ground-
maximum centrifugal forces of 160kN. The vibration water level, relative density of soil, degree of saturation,
amplitude can be up to 25mm with the operating fre- and permeability of soil to be compacted. The coarse
quencies of 30 to 50HZ. The use of vibroflotation method granular soils such as gravel and sand(PI=0) are excellent
on granular fills increases bearing capacity and hence re- material to be compacted and applied energy of 20-
duces foundation size. It can be reduced the foundation
settlement and mitigated the liquefaction potential during 25ton/m3 is normally required. The compaction effi-
earthquake ciency of fine grained soil like silty soil(0 PI 8) is
moderated to good and applied energy of 25-35ton/m3 is
The configuration of treated and untreated soil profiles normally required. For cohesive soil which has a plastic-
for sandy ground is shown in Fig.10. The important pa- ity index greater than 8, the deep dynamic compaction
rameters related to this technique are the type of soils in method is not applicable.
the ground and its gradation as well as relative density.
The maximum depth of improvement by this method can
be estimated as
D = 1/2 (WH)0.5
Where D is the maximum depth of influence in meter, W
is a falling weight in metric tons, and H is the drop height
in meter.
The compaction area should be 30-45 m away from any
structures and sensitivity of vibration must be evaluated.
The number of blows per per area is depended on the
type of soil and depth of improvement required. The
tamping is normally executed in square pattern and 2-
43overages of an area is required. Meanwhile the pore
water pressure is checked by utilizing the piezometer.
The standard penetration tests in the deep dynamic com-
pacted area for Incheon International Airport(IIA) in Ko-
rea is shown in Fig.12. The depth of soil improvement is (b) Ground condition after tamping
about 5.0 6.0 m
Fig.13 Equipment and ground condition of heavy
hydraulic hammer compaction for IIA site
The number of blow per one spot was 20 blows with the
drop height of 1.5 m. The spacing of tamping was 2.1 m
and the pore water pressure was measured during the
tamping period. Comparison of soil improvement effects
is tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of soil improvement effects
In-situ test Pre- After
investigation tamping
SPT N value 16 24 42 44
DCPT N d value 36 43 59 99
Degree of compaction 84 86 94 97
Void ratio 0.719 0.765 0.526 0.572


This method was first developed in 1937, Sweden, by

Kjellman. Since then it is very popular to use in soft clay
to improve the ground, particularly in South East Asian
Fig.12 SPT results for IIA site. Countries. Construction without soil treatment is usually
impractical due to unpredictable long-term settlement.
Dynamic compaction quality control can be made by Simple surcharging as a soil consolidation method can
measuring the crater depth, surface elevation monitoring, take many years. Soil consolidation using prefabricated
pore water pressure, SPT, CPT, geophysical monitoring. vertical drains (PVD or wick drains) can rapidly increase
settlement rates with dissipation of water and cut con-
The shallow dynamic or heavy hydraulic hammer com- struction period drastically. The prefabricated vertical
paction method was adopted in the area where the height drain core is made of high quality flexible polypropylene
of the hydraulic fill was 2.0 6.1 m. The diameter of which exhibits a large water flow capacity in the longitu-
rammer in this compaction equipment is 1.5 m and its dinal direction of the core via preformed grooves or wa-
weight are 10 metric ton for runway and taxiway area and ter channels on both sides of the core. Each vertical wick
7 metric ton for the rest of area (Fig.13). drain can provide a greater vertical discharge capacity
than a 15 cm diameter sand column. The prefabricated
vertical wick drain core is tightly wrapped in a geotextile
filter jacket of spun-bonded polypropylene which has a
very high water permeability while retaining the finest of
soil particles. Both the core and geotextile filter jacket
have high mechanical strength, a high degree of durabil-
ity in most environments, and high resistance to chemi-
cals, micro-organisms, and bacteria.
The width of drain board is 100 mm with its thickness of
3 mm. It can be installed in triangular or square pattern
with an anchor plate and quantity of installation is about
40 – 80 m per day. Fig.14 shows the installation of PVD
(a) Hydraulic hammer in a square pattern for the construction site of Incheon In-
ternational Airport. The approximate settlement trends
for various ground conditions are depicted in Fig.15.
Prefabricated vertical drains are installed vertically to
depths exceeding 65 m. The inclination of installed PVD
should be less then 5 % and the slope of ground level is
no more than 2%.The water, under pressure in excess of
hydrostatic, flows through the filter fabric of the prefab-
ricated vertical drain and into the channels of the vertical
drain core where it can flow vertically out of the soil.
This flow mat be either up or down to intersecting natural
sand layers or to the surface where a sand drainage blan-
ket of 50 cm thick (k=2.0 x 10-2 cm/sec) or prefabricated
horizontal strip drains are provided. The water in the soil
has only to travel the distance to the nearest prefabricated
vertical drain to reach a free drainage path. Fig.16 Schematic diagram of vertical vacuum consolida-
tion method
Typical layout of a vacuum-assisted prefabricated verti-
cal drain consolidation scheme is shown in Fig.16.
Construction process of the vertical vacuum consolida-
tion is described as below.
Step 1. Placing a free drainage sand blanket (60-80 cm
thickness) above the saturated ground in order to
provide for a working platform.
Step 2. Installation of vertical drains, generally of 5 cm
in equivalent diameter, as well as relief wells
from the sand blanket.
Step 3. Installation of closely spaced horizontal drains
at the base of the sand blanket using a special la-
Fig.14 Installation of PVD in IIA site ser technique to maintain them horizontal.
Step 4. The horizontal drains in the longitudinal and
transverse directions are linked through connec-
Step 5. Excavation of trenches around the perimeter of
the preload area to a depth of about 50 cm below
the groundwater level and filled with an impervi-
ous Bentonite Polyacrolyte slurry for subsequent
sealing of the impermeable membrane along the
Step 6. The transverse connectors are linked to the edge
of the peripheral trench. They are then connected
to a prefabricated module designed to withstand
future pressure due to the vacuum.
Step 7. Installation of the impermeable membrane on
the ground surface and sealing it along the periph-
Fig.15 Settlement versus time with or without PVD eral trenches. The membrane is delivered to the
site folded and rolled in elements of approxi-
The PVDs are usually placed in 1.0 -2.0 m interval de- mately 1000m2. The membrane elements are
pending on the desired consolidation time. As a result of welded together and laid in the peripheral trench
this method of accelerating the consolidation process, un- where they are sealed with the Bentonite Polyac-
evenpost - construction settlements can be virtually rolyte slurry. The trenches are backfilled and
eliminated. filled with water to improve the tight sealing be-
tween the membrane and the bentonite slurry.
Step 8. Vacuum pumps are connected to the prefabri-
8 VACUUM CONSOLIDATION cated discharge module extending from the
trenches. The vacuum station consists of specifi-
Vacuum Consolidation is an effective means for im- cally designed high-efficiency vacuum pumps act-
provement of saturated soft soils. The soil site is covered ing solely on the gas phase in conjunction with
with an airtight membrane and a vacuum is created un- conventional vacuum pumps allowing liquid and
derneath it by using a dual venturi and vacuum pump. gas suction.
The technology can provide an equivalent pre-loading of
about 4.5 m high conventional surcharge fill. The vacuum consolidation technique is often combined
Instead of increasing the effective stress in the soil mass with surcharge preloading either by placing an additional
by increasing the total stress by means of conventional surcharge by backfilling or using water placed on the top
mechanical surcharging, vacuum-assisted consolidation of the impervious membrane. The major practical advan-
preloads the soil by reducing the pore pressure while tage of the vacuum consolidation is that it generates in
maintaining a constant total stress. the granular layer an apparent cohesion due to the in-
crease of the effective stress and the granular layer pro-
vides a useful working platform to accelerate the sur- Once hard crust was made, the effectiveness of evapora-
charge backfilling process. Experience indicates that tion process was minimized by the presence of crust. To
within days after vacuum pump is turned on, construc- expedite the evaporation activity, a system of trench net-
tion vehicles can maneuver on the top of the membrane.
work was formed and later deepened for the drainage of
Yeocheon industrial complex extension project in Korea excessive water from the vicinity of surface. This trench
began in May 1996 and was completed in February 2002. turned out to be also useful for draining of rain runoff
Total area of this project was 8,485,000 m2. It is located (Fig.18).
on the South Sea about 300 km south of Seoul. The first
stage of this project was reclaiming the land from the sea The adopting of PTM in soil improvement work is to
with the construction of earth dikes and hydraulically fill- gain the shear strength of ground surface with a certain
ing the soil by dredging ship with a capacity of 12,000 thickness to support the soil improvement equipment.
HP. The filled soil was silty clay in a slurry state. Prior to Youlcheon industrial complex located on the South Sea ,
the soil improvement work, it was necessary to obtain the 300 km away from Seoul, was also constructed on land
trafficability of subsurface soil layer for soil improve- reclaimed from the sea. The dike is devided in several
ment equipment. Schematic diagram of horizontal vac- blocks and it is filled by means of the hydraulically fill-
uum consolidation technique was adopted by using a ing technique with utilizing the dredging ship. It has a
small barge-ship as shown in Fig.17 (Cheon 2000). The capacity of 12,000 HP cutter suction pump dredger with
depth of soil improved in this area is about 5 m with the dredging capacity of 1.2 mil. m3 per month.
natural water content of 80%.
When the self-weight consolidation of soft clay pro-
gressed for about 3-4 months after completion of soil par-
Vaccum Pump ticle sedimentation, PTM was applied over the soft
Drainage ground which had a water content of about 150 %. This
Head Pipe method is also one of the soft soil improvement tech-
Membrane Sheet
niques in the upper soil layer to obtain the trafficability of
deep soil improvement equipment. Perimeter trench was
constructed along the earth dikes and then shallow inte-
rior trench was constructed (Geotechnical Eng. 2000).
Earth Dike Soft Soil Earth Dike
The fundamental process of PTM is shown in Figure 16.
Normally, the contact pressure of soil improvement
Sealing Cap PBD
equipment is about 1 t/m2. Therefore, the required shear
strength of clay for obtaining the trafficability could be
Fig.17 Schematic diagram of horizontal vacuum 0.60 t/m2 with the corresponding water content of 70%.
consolidation method The natural water content on the surface ground with
elapsed time is shown in Figure 17. The required natural
water content of 70% was achieved 1 year after filling the
9. PROGRESSIVE TRENCHING METHOD dredged soft clay at the site.
Progressive Trenching Method(PTM) is executed prior PTM construction procedures are categoried into three
to any deep soil improvement work for strengthening the major parts: (1) construction of containment dyke and di-
surface of dredged clay fill layer by making a system of vision of the area inside dyke into several blocks, (2)
trench network. The dredged-extremely soft clay fill pumping dredged-clay material into blocks in two phases,
layer at the site had excessive water soon after pumping and (3) removal of extra water through the weir and leav-
ing the fill to rest for 3.5 months and shallow-trenching
activity. The success of this improvement method de- with Amfirol and deepening with disc wheel and ditch
pends on the effective removal of excessive water from cutter.
the layer. Heat energy of sun was one of main sources for
surface water removal from the dredged-clay fill layer by When the pumping work was completed, trenching work
the action of evaporation and eventually made the hard was started at the end of 3.5 month rest period. The depth
crust at the surface. of trenching was to deepen to 50 cm from the initial 20
cm as the strength of surface layer increased with time.
Different equipment combinations were used for the
deepening of trench. The main equipment Amfirol, which
could travel on land and water content of soil less than
Evaporation 150% was used at the site to form up the trench in the
beginning. Once the trench was formed in shape to about
Infiltration 20 cm deep, then disc wheel was employed to deepen the
trench to about 30 cm deep (Fig.19 a) and ditch cutter to
Drainage Dredged-Clay Fill (M arine Clay) Drainage
50cm deep (Fig.19 b). The spacing of trench constructed
at the site was determined due to mainly turning radius of
equipment at the end of each path travel. The surface
Original Subsoil (M arine Clay)
natural water content of clay soil with the elapsed time
for PTM is given in Fig. 20.
O riginal Subsoil (Sand)

Fig.18 Schematic diagram of working mechanism of


Soil improvement techniques have been practiced since

in the early 1960s with the exception of soil stabilization.
The primitive soil reinforced works were also practiced
in the pre-history period. In this paper, only recent devel-
opment of deep soil improvement methods are mostly in-
troduced. Chemical soil stabilization and geosynthetics
reinforcement technology, slope reinforcement tech-
niques such as soil nailing and micro-piles are not dis-
cussed. Several case histories of deep soil improvement
methods are also described with a specific construction
and design critera. It is found out that any marginal land
can be possibly used for the foundation soil of the struc-
tures as long as the water table is not so high. In the early
period of the soil improvement techniques, the soil and
rocks are the major sources for the ground reinforcement.
While the recent soil improvement technologies are being
used more artifical synthetics materials in soil. The ad-
vanced new soil improvement technologies are being de-
veloped with cost effective and environmentally sound
methods for the future generation.

(a) Amfirol + Disc Wheel


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