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Hydroxylapatite as an Alloplastic Graft in the Treatment

of Human Periodontal Osseous Defects

Roland M. Meffert,* Jeffery R. Thomas,f Kent M. Hamilton^ and
Carol N. Brownstein§

Accepted for publication 23 July 1984

Twelve patients, 32 60 years of age, received a polycrystalline ceramic form of pure

dense hydroxylapatite as an alloplastic bone implant material in intrabony defects following
reflection of full mucoperiosteal flaps, root planing and defect-curettment. The defects were
measured from an acrylic stent, using an endodontic silver point which was placed to the
base of the defect. Similarly, debrided and curetted defects in the same patients were not
implanted and served as controls. Recalls for documentation and plaque control were at 1,
2, and 4 weeks, and at 3, 6 and 9 months. Measurements relating to changes in defect-depth
were made upon reentry at 9 months.
The twelve defects, serving as controls, showed very little difference between the pretherapy
and 9-month measurements. The initial mean measurement from the base of the defect to
the highest alveolar crest was 4.27 mm and the 9-month mean measurement after curettage
only was 3.36 mm. In terms of resolution of the original defect this amounted to 19.49%
reduction, but a 0.46-mm mean loss in height of the alveolar crest provided an actual
percentage fill of the original defect of 9.91%.
Of sixteen experimental defects, the same initial mean measurement from the base of the
defect to the highest alveolar crest was 5.18 mrn and the 9-month mean measurement after
grafting was 2.43 mm. In terms of resolution of the original defect, this amounted to a
53.57% reduction, but in contradistinction to the curettage sites, a mean increase in height
of the highest alveolar crest of 0.61 mm gave a true percentage fill of the original defect of
At the 9-month reentry, the implanted mass seemed to be partially "calcified" and was
resistant to penetration with a probe or removal with a curette. The data and clinical
impression strongly suggest that hydroxylapatite has a potential as an alloplastic implant
with clinically apparent acceptance by the soft and hard tissues.

In the past few years, periodontists have used various composed of either HA [CAi0(PO4)6(OH)2] or trical-
alloplastic grafting materials in an attempt to regenerate cium phosphate, TCP, [Ca3(P04)2]. Virtually all cal-
bone lost from periodontal disease. There has been cium phosphate biomaterials can be classified as poly-
much confusion regarding the efficacy of such materials crystalline ceramics since their material structure is
and techniques. derived from individual crystals of a highly oxidized
The calcium phosphate system, and in particular substance which have become fused together at the
hydroxylapatite (HA), has been the subject of intensive crystal grain boundaries by a high temperature process
investigation because it is from this system that verte- called sintering.
brate tooth and bone mineral is derived.1 The most The factors which determine the rate and degree (if
widely investigated calcium phosphate biomaterials are any) of bioresorption of calcium phosphate bioceramics
can be summarized as follows:
Professor and Director, Postdoctoral Division, Department of 1. High density implants, be they HA, TCP, or mix-
Periodontics, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA 70119. tures of the two will show little tendency to bioresorb
t Graduate Student, Department of Periodontics, University of due to their small surface area.
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 2. Porous TCP implants will resorb much more rap-
t Private Practice. idly than porous HA implants of very similar struc-
§ Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics, The University ture.
of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. The hydroxylapatite is radiopaque and as the ma-

J. Periodontol.
64 Meffert, Thomas, Hamilton, Brownstein February. 1985

terial is already in its highest oxidation state, will not philic." In series of controlled experiments by Fer-
oxidize further or resorb. It was theorized that résorp- raro,17 surgically created defects were made in the or-
tion might lead to deterioration by-products which bital rims, mandibles and iliac crests of dogs. When left
might promote foreign body or immunological reac- unfilled, only minimal evidence of repair was observed
tions.2 during periods of up to 1 year. When similar defects
The histologie sequelae associated with implantation were filled with porous bioresorbable TCP implants,
of nonporous calcium phosphate materials in bone can total growth of bone across the prosthesis was observed
be generally characterized as being representative of 1 year postimplantation with bone being present from
normal bone healing processes on and around the im- one bone-prosthesis interface to the other. Some of the
plant.3"8 At the interface of both dense or porous ma- resorbable implant was still present at that time, how-
terials, bone is usually deposited directly on the surfaces ever.
without the presence of an intervening fibrous tissue Other authors have reported that empty control de-
capsule. Normal calcification also takes place at the fects repair more rapidly than calcium phosphate im-
implant sites. In one study of dense HA implants placed planted defects. This observation has been a fairly
in surgically created defects in dog femurs, the implant consistent finding in investigations using porous forms
sites were examined along with adjacent old bone sites of calcium phosphate (TCP) as the implant material.
for calcium and phosphorous content and Ca/P ratios In one study evaluating a porous nonresorbable HA
with the electron microprobe using point counts, line implant material in surgically created periodontal de-
ratemeter scans and pulse images. Normal calcification fects in dogs, the empty control sites were completely
processes were observed immediately adjacent to the filled with new bone after 16 weeks but the porous
implants, as evidenced by increasing Ca/P ratios (from blocks of HA in the experimental sites still contained
1.50 at 1 month to 1.62 at 6 months) and increasing significant amounts of proliferating fibrovascular tis-
calcium and phosphorous concentrations; at 6 months sue.18 Other investigators, using a porous paniculate
mineralization with the implant sites was comparable bioresorbable TCP implant in essentially the same
to that of surrounding bone.5 model, obtained similar results.19,20 In contrast to the
Calcium phosphate implants are inert, biocompatible above, surgically created periodontal defect implant
and evoke no inflammatory or immune response when sites containing dense HA implants in particulate form
implanted in osseous or nonosseous tissues.9"'1 In a dog appear to allow for healing rates more or less compa-
study determining the suitability of a porous TCP im- j, rabie to those observed in empty controls.21
plant for use in spinal fusions, most of the implants The difference between the two materials may lie in
became crushed and/or dislodged shortly after implan- the need for the résorption rate of the implant material
tation (3-6 weeks), indicating the mechanical unsuita- to match closely the tissue infiltration rate. If it is not,
bility of the material for this use. Histologically, how- it would be expected that healing with the porous
ever, examination of the implant sites revealed an ab- ceramic matrix, as evidenced by ultimate appearance
sence of inflammatory or foreign body response to the of mature bone, could be slower than an empty defect.
material.12 A study was reported in which the calvaría of rabbits
The osteogenicity of calcium phosphate implants has implanted with porous blocks of bioresorbable TCP
also been the subject of some investigation. Although material, demonstrated an uptake within the porous
it is not uncommon to read statements to the effect implant approximately 1/10 that of surrounding bone
that these materials may stimulate Osteogenesis,1314 the but 1 /2 that of surrounding bone at the periphery. The
origin of these claims may be due to the high biocom- results were obtained after 3 months postimplantation
patibility of the calcium phosphates relative to other and were determined by injecting the rabbit with radi-
materials. Examination of these materials in traditional olabeled calcium 24 hours prior to killing.22 In contrast
bone induction models15 produced negative results. In to porous implants, implant sites filled with dense
one millipore chamber study, a dense HA implant calcium phosphate particles impose fewer restrictions
material, in the form of plugs or particles admixed with to investing tissues which can grow over and around
hematopoietic marrow, was compared with control the particles according to their own dictates.5 6
chambers containing marrow alone. After 6 weeks of A wide variety of surgical models has been used to
implantation, more of the control chambers contained investigate calcium phosphate implants with many of
newly formed bone (90%) than did the HA-marrow them using autografts and/or empty defects as controls.
containing chambers (35%).16 Autogenous material consistently has outperformed
Although it is clear that calcium phosphate implants calcium phosphate implants with regard to histologi-
do not induce bone formation in the traditional sense, cally determined healing rates in such areas as perio-
they do sometimes display bone growth "guiding" prop- dontal lesions (dogs),19 spinal fusions (dogs)12 and seg-
erties, causing bone to grow into areas which it would mentai replacements (rabbits).23 In a study designed to
otherwise not occupy. This property of the calcium determine the time required to effect bony bridging of
phosphates has been characterized by various individ- rabbit tibia lesions, for example, a porous TCP material,
uals with terms such as "osteoconductive" and "osteo- in granular form, was compared to autogenous cancel-
Volume 56
Number 2 Hydroxylapatite as an Alloplastic Graft 65

lous bone as well as to mixtures of the two. The auto- 60 years of age, all in good systemic health, and having
graft effected bridging at 4 to 6 weeks, the ceramic at at least two or more advanced vertical osseous defects,
14 to 16 weeks, and a 50/50 mixture of the two at 6 as verified by radiographie and clinical analysis. The
weeks.23 While this study revealed the superiority of the defects were either 1-wall, 2-wall, wide 3-wall or com-
autogenous material, the results clearly point to the bination defects; narrow 3-wall areas were excluded
utility of the material as an autografi extender. from the study due to their relative predictability in
In terms of studies exploring the efficacy of the healing.
hydroxylapatite in the treatment of periodontal disease, Presurgical Evaluation. Full mouth radiographs were
Rabalais et al.24 implanted the material into intrabony exposed and study casts prepared; the location of each
lesions, using nonimplanted sites as controls. Measure- defect was noted as well as corresponding tooth mobil-
ments obtained at surgical reentry after 6 months in- ity (using the clinical assessment of 0-3 of S.C. Miller).
dicated greater fill in the experimental sites. As a result, The patient's oral hygiene was evaluated and graded at
they proposed that hydroxylapatite had a definite po- time of surgery, at réévaluation and at each réévaluation
tential in treating periodontal osseous defects. Boyne appointment, according to the index of Loe, 1967.
and Fremming25 placed ceramic particles in surgically An acrylic stent was prepared to fit over the teeth in
created wounds in the maxillary lateral incisor region the treated site and a hole cut in the stent so that an
of Rhesus monkeys. Again, the contralateral side was endodontic silver point could be inserted through the
the unimplanted control. Their results demonstrated hole and placed to the greatest depth of the defect. The
the lack of inflammatory response around the ceramic point was held by locking pliers with the beaks parallel
particles and a surrounding of the particles in the defect to the occlusal surface and a Boley gauge used to
by new bone. Particles superior to the defect and in the measure distances to the nearest tenth of a millimeter.
soft tissue aspect of the pocket were simply surrounded Intraoral radiographs and photographs were exposed
by connective tissue with no evidence of new bone of each defect site with the standardization of radi-
formation. ographs established with the Fixott-Everett grid.
Froum et al.26 in a case report to determine the Surgical Phase and Clinical Measurement. Each de-
clinical and histologie response to hydroxylapatite im- fect site was exposed by reflection of full mucoperiosteal
plants in intraosseous lesions, evaluated sections re- flaps, following sulcular incisions and retention of the
moved between 8 weeks and 8 months postgraft surgery marginal gingiva. The defects were cleared of granula-
and reported pocket depth decreased but no indication tion tissue (Fig. 1 ) and the exposed root surfaces thor-
of new periodontal attachment, Osteogenesis or cemen- oughly planed to a smooth hard surface. Upon debride-
togenesis adjacent to the graft particles. They felt the ment of the site, the stent was placed, the silver point
material was a biocompatible "fill." In another report, inserted through the stent to the depth of the cleaned-
Stahl et al.27 found that the allograft (hydroxylapatite) out defect (Fig. 2) and the following measurements (by
showed a similar regeneration of lost periodontal at- notching the silver point with a sharp instrument)
tachment to the sites treated with debridement and taken:
autogenous grafts but it was slower. Again, they theo- •
from bottom of stent to bottom of defect
rized the synthetic graft acted as a "filler." Finally, •
from CEJ to bottom of defect
Moskow and Lubarr28 in a case report, in which a •from highest alveolar crest to bottom of defect
combination of hydroxylapatite particles with autogen- Since each patient had to have at least two defect
ous bone chips was used to treat an extensive periodon- sites (for control and HA treatment), a coin toss was
tal defect, reported the ceramic particles were compat- used to determine which therapeutic modality would
ible with the periodontal tissues, showed no evidence be used for a given area. Upon such determination, the
of extrusion or rejection and were completely encap-
sulated by connective tissue fibers. But this was only 9
weeks after therapy and could be related to the earlier
reference of delayed healing around the ceramic parti-
The purpose of this reentry study was to evaluate the
efficacy of dense hydroxylapatite particles as an implant
material in human intrabony periodontal defects as
compared to control defects treated by debridement


Patients. Twelve volunteer adult Periodontitis pa-
tients, being routinely treated in the postdoctoral clinic
were selected: eight females and four males, from 32 to Figure 1. Osseous defect degranulated.
J. Periodontol.
66 Meffert, Thomas, Hamilton, Brownstein February, 1985

Figure 2. Measurements taken with stem, silver point.

Figure 4. Post implantation of hydroxylapatite particles.

The patients were seen at 1 -week, 2-week, 4-week, 3-

month, 6-month and 9 month intervals, with visual,
radiographie and photographic examinations accom-
plished at these times, along with oral hygiene indices
and mobility evaluation.
At 9 months posttherapy, a mucoperiosteal flap was
reflected at each site, the area cleared of granulation
tissue down to hard structure, photographs exposed and
measurements made, again using the same stent de-
scribed previously. After recording of the data and
completing any additional therapy deemed necessary,
îe flaps were reapproximated, sutured with 4-0 black
lk interrupted sutures, and the patient placed on a
.ecall schedule of 12, 18 and 24 months for documen-
Figure 3. Defect implanted with hydroxylapatile particles.
tation, observation and maintenance.
site either filled with HA (hydroxylapatite) parti-
was The / statistic for means of unpaired samples was
cles, 40-60 mesh,* or left empty after curettage as a used in the statistical analysis of HA grafted defects
control. The HA particles were transferred from the versus control (curettement only) defects. The defects
sterile vial to a dappen dish, moistened with sterile were also split into four subsets: those less than or equal

saline, and placed into the defect with a Woodson to 4 mm, control and experimental; and those greater
plastic instrument. The particles were placed into the than 4 mm up to 6.2 mm, control and experimental.
intraosseous wound to the approximate level of the These were analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance
crest or the remaining osseous wall(s) (Fig. 3). The and by the Newman-Keul's test.
operative site was closed with 4-0 black silk sutures and Since the study deals with continuous data, subtrac-
protected with a noneugenol dressing. Prior to dressing- tive procedures, division and use of t- tests with per-
placement, postoperative radiographs were taken of the centages are valid.
experimental and/or control sites as baseline data (Fig. RESULTS
4). Antibiotics were prescribed immediately prior to
surgery and for a minimum of 6 days postoperative. At the time of reentry at 9 months postimplantation
Medication for analgesia was administered on an "as or postcurettage, the following clinical findings were
needed" basis. evidenced. In the areas implanted with the HA particles,
At approximately 1 week following surgery, the dress- tissue health was excellent with no clinical evidence of
ing and sutures were removed, the area debrided and inflammation. Upon reflection of the mucoperiosteal
the dressing replaced. Each defect site was examined flaps in these areas, however, it was noted that the tissue
visually and radiographically for healing. Any sign of was very tightly bound down and careful reflection with
sloughing or particle-migration was noted. The dressing selective undermining was essential to separate the soft
was usually removed at 14 days postsurgery and oral tissue from the underlying bone. Upon reflection, there
hygiene instructions delivered and demonstrated to the was some evidence of particles embedded in the con-
patient. nective tissue on the inner surface of the flap and a very
distinct demarcation of the implanted site from the
Calcitite 4060. Calcitek, Inc.. San Diego, CA. surrounding osseous tissues (Figs. 5-10). Exposure of
Volume 56
Number 2 Hydroxylapatite as an Alloplastic Graft 67

the control sites demonstrated very little change in most

cases from the pretherapy defect.
The implanted mass seemed to be partially "calci-
fied" and was impossible to probe without marked
resistance. One could not probe between the radicular
surface and the implanted area. Instrumentation with
a curette failed to remove or dislodge any of the graft

Figure 8. Intrabony osseous defect after debridement.

Figure 5. Osseous defect after debridement.

Figure 9. Osseous defect immediately after implantation with hydrox-


Figure 6. Osseous defect after HA implantation.

Figure 10. Re-entry of osseous defect 8V2 months postimplantation.

Blending of the implanted material into the sur-

rounding bone occurred rather rapidly from a radi-
ographie standpoint (Figs. 11-14), but immediate
postimplantation and 9-month radiographs revealed an
estimated loss of less than one-fourth of the particles,
especially where the flap reapproximation was not op-
Figure 7. Re-entry of osseous defect 9 months after implantation. timum on the proximal surfaces. This always seemed
J. Periodontol.
68 Mejfert, Thomas, Hamilton, Brownstein February. 1985

Diagram I illustrates how the reentry measurements

were obtained at the time of surgery and it identifies
the symbols used in determining various measure-
ments, means and percentages in Tables 1, 2 and 3.
Table 1, analyzing the results of the twelve control
sites in which curettage only was the therapy employed,

Figure 11. Radiograph of osseous defects before therapy.

Figure 14. Radiograph 8 weeks postlherapy, showing gradual blend-

ing of HA particles into normal osseous structures.

Figure 12. Radiograph of defects immediately after therapy (premo-

lar-molar interdental test site, molar-molar interdental control site).

Figure 13. Radiograph 2 weeks positherapy.

to occur within the first few weeks postoperatively (Figs.

The mobility in all teeth seemed to decrease slightly
and was not directly related to the modality of therapy.
The decreased patterns seemed to be a reflection of
decreasing the inflammatory state rather than any sup-
port from the material. Figure 16. Mesial defect 1st molar immediately after augmentation.
Volume 56
Number 2 Hydroxylapatite as an Alloplastic Graft 69

Figure 17. Mesial defect ist molar two months post-augmentation. Figure 18. Mesial defect 1st molar 9 months after augmentation.


CEJ to base of defect
Alveolar crest to base of defect
{£ CEJ to base of defect
Alveolar crest to base of defect

Arithmetic Determinations
CEJ to alveolar crest C: CEJ to alveolar crest
(A' minus B') (A minus B)
D: Base of original defect
to Base of re-entry defect
(A minus A')
E: Initial alveolar crest to
re-entry alveolar crest
(C minus C)
Diagram I

shows a minor difference in the pretherapy and 9- defects. There were four patients who had two sites
month measurements. The initial mean measurement implanted, hence the difference in numbers of subjects
(± SEM) from the base of the defect to the highest between control and experimental. The initial mean
alveolar crest was 4.27 ± 0.39 mm and the 9-month measurement from the base of the defect to the highest
mean measurement after curettage only was 3.36 ± alveolar crest was 5.18 ± 0.44 mm and the 9-month
0.31 mm. Table 3 shows that this was a 19.49 ± 4.52 mean measurement after grafting was 2.43 ± 0.27 mm.
mean per cent resolution of the original defect. Table 3 shows this to be 53.57 ± 4.79% resolution of
Table 2 outlines the results of the 16 experimental the original defect. Means and standard error were not
sites in which HA particles were implanted into the included for A (CEJ to base of defect—initial) and A'
J. Periodontol.
70 Meffert, Thomas, Hamilton, Brownstein February, 1985

Initial Reentry Initial Reentry
Alveolar Crest Alveolar Crest
CEJ to Base CEJ to Base to Base of to Base of
Case No. of Defect of Defect Defect Defect
(A) ( ') (B) ( ')

5.4 4.5 4.3 1.9

6.3 6.2 2.3 2.1

8.6 8.2 4.0 3.6

9.7 7.3 6.2 4 0
7.3 7.0 5.2 5.1
10.0 9.8 5.7 4.2
7.2 7.0 4.0 3.4
7.2 6.5 5.5 3.7
8.4 7.8 4.0 3.3
10 6.4 6.2 2.8 2.3
11 4.5 4.3 2.1 2.0
12 6.1 5.5 5.1 4.7

Mean ·
S.E.M.: N.C. N.C. 4 27 ± 0.39 3.36 i 0.31
'Measurements in millimeters; reentry measurements 9 months later
**N.C: Mean and S.E.M. not computed as data in A and A' were used for individual
subtraction purposes only


Initial Reentry Initial Reentry

Alveolar Crest Alveolar Crest
CEJ to Base CEJ to Base to Base of to Base of
Case No. of Defect of Defect Defect Defect
(A) ( ') (B) ( ')
6.4 3.3 5.0 2.1
9.7 4.6 6.1 3.5
7.5 5.2 3.9 2 8

9.9 6.0 7.2 3 0

6.6 4.8 4.1 3.0
10.5 7.7 4.7 3.1
10.2 6.2 7.3 3.6
6.5 3.2 2.8 0.5
10.1 6.4 7.7 3.5
10) 7.9 3.9 62 2.7
11 ( »» 8.8 4.0 3 4 1.2
12 9.2 5.7 5.5 2.6
13 7.4 4.9 4.5 2.0
14 6.8 6.1 3.1 2.1
15 5.0 2.9 3.3 0.0
16 12.1 6.0 8.0 3.2

Mean ± S.E.M. N.C. N.C. 5.18 ± 0.44 2.43 0.27

•Measurements in millimeters; reentry measurements 9 months later

"Two experimental sites in same patient
***N.C: Mean and S.E.M. not computed as data in A and A' were used for individual
subtraction purposes only
Volume 56
Number 2 Hydwxylapatite as an Alloplastic Graft 71


HA Grafts Site Controls

Measurements (mm.) (n 16)=
(n 12)
or Percentages Symbols* Mean ± S.E.M. Mean ± S.E.M. (unpaired t test)
Initial Defect 0.44
5.18 ± 4.27 ± 0.39 0.144
Depth (mm.)
Reentry Defect B' 2.43 ± 0.27 3.36 ± 0.31
Depth (mm.)
Percentage B-B'
Original Defect (X 100) 53.57 ± 4.79 19.49 ± 4.52 <0.001
Amount of Defect
3.36 ± 0.34 0.45 ± 0.21
Fill (mm.)

Percentage Fil
of Original
Defect f (X 100) 66.89 ± 7.05 9.91 ± 3.50 <0.001

Change in Alveolar
0.61 ± 0.26 -0.46 ± 0.25** <0.01
Crest (mm.)
Percentage Change in I (X 100) 13.32 ± 6.39 -9.58 ± 3.46** 0.012
Alveolar Crest
Symbols are identified in Diagram 1 ; means of determining various measurements/percentages are noted above

**Negative numbers signify bone résorption

***Percentage is based on the depth of the initial defect in millimeters

(CEJ to base of defect—reentry) since it was data used 100 I Defects Less Than
I or Equal to 4 millimeters
for subtractive purposes only to obtain values for the Defects Greater Than
amount of defect fill (D on Diagram I). 80-1 4millimeters but Less
Than 6.2 millimeters
The same Table 3, however, shows a significant n=5
change in the height of the alveolar crest in relation to Percent 60
the original depth of the defect from the original alveo- Defect n=7
Resolution 40
lar crest. A 0.46 ± 0.25 mm mean loss in height of the
alveolar crest in the control areas, compared to a mean
increase in height of 0.61 ± 0.26 mm in the HA grafted =6

sites was observed. This would give a true percentage

fill of the original defect of 9.91 ± 3.50% for the control Control Hydroxylapatite
Defects Defects
sites and 66.89 ± 7.05% for the experimental grafted
Diagram III
sites. The per cent defect resolution, defect fill and
change in alveolar crest of the control and grafted areas [5^3 Defects Less Than
is depicted in Diagram II. Diagrams III and IV outline 100 V///A orEqual to 4 millimeters

100 80
n =
5 Defects Greater Than
4 millimeters but Less
Than 6.2 millimeters
n =
80 Percent 60
J Control Defects Defect
60- Fill 40-
40- 20-
n = 6 n=6

20 0
Control Hydroxylapatite
Defects Defects
0 Diagram IV

-20 Percent Defect Percent Fill Percent Change the per cent defect resolution and per cent fill, respec-
Resolution of Defect of Alveolar Crest tively, of 12 defects which broke the statistical base
Diagram II down into those defects less than or equal to 4 mm and
J. Periodontol.
72 Meffert, Thomas, Hamilton, Brownstein February, 1985

greater than 4 but less than 6.2 mm. A one-way analysis by many other investigators who have re-entered pre-
of variance and a Newman-Keul's test failed to dem- viously treated defects. Most of these prior reports have
onstrate a significant difference between the groups of consistently noted a loss of crestal bone height. The
experimental or the groups of control sites. findings of this study have shown a loss of crestal height
Table 3 demonstrates a significant difference in the in the majority of the control defects, as expected, but
percentage of the original defect resolved—53.57% to a surprising and significant gain in crestal bone height
19.49%, test and control, and in the percentage fill of in the HA grafted sites. In spite of the rather broad
the original defect—66.89% to 9.91%, test and control. range of values in the experimental group, the data
It also demonstrates a significant difference (P 0.012)
shows only four of the 16 sites as having a net loss of
between the change in alveolar crest height in controls crestal bone height. As Diagram I illustrates (symbols
and HA sites, a mean loss of 9.58% in controls and a C and C), these values are determined by measure-
gain of 13.32% in grafted defects. ments from the CEJ. The statistical results suggest a
After measurements were recorded, any residual de- positive effect by the HA particles on the peripheral
fects were treated with sound therapeutic techniques. crestal bone of the osseous defects. It can only be
speculated that the synthetic particles have a "bone
matrix maintenance" influence on the crestal bone
which allows regeneration of this bone, if it does indeed
The HA material was very well tolerated in the hard resorb, and possibly further allows bone to grow around
and soft tissues and does not seem to evoke any inflam- any adjacent particles. This is additionally supported
matory response; this has been confirmed by Jarcho et by the radiographie findings that show the material to
al,9 Moskow and Lubarr" and many other investiga- be most stable in areas adjacent to the osseous bound-
tors. The clinical appearance of the tissue covering the aries of the defects.
grafted sites was one of exceptional gingival health while When the defects are placed into subsets of less than
bleeding upon routine probing was absent during the or equal to 4 mm, and greater than 4 mm but equal to
course of the study. or less than 6.2 mm, control and experimental, the
At re-entry, the surface of the grafted areas appeared results are not consistent with previous reports.
pebbly and the HA particles were enmeshed in what Rabalais et al.,24 using slightly different values in
seemed to be a partially "calcified" matrix; the grafted groupings, found a decrease in per cent defect fill and
areas were hard to the touch and resisted penetration % slight increase in per cent defect resolved as defect depth
by the probe. This was in accordance with the study of increased in the grafted sites. The results of this study
Rabalais et al.24 when they reopened the sites in 6 show similar changes in per cent defect fill but a slight
months and reported the particles enmeshed in a soft decrease in defect resolution as defect depth increased.
tissue matrix but hard and resistant to probing. Since It should be noted that the differences in either param-
this study involved re-entry at 9 months postimplan- eter of these two groups in this investigation were not
tation, it is possible that a year or more is required for found to be statistically significant in either the grafted
optimum incorporation of the particles in the surround- or control sites. The debrided-only sites revealed an
ing osseous structures. Delayed healing has been re- exact opposite relationship as compared to grafted de-
ported around the HA particles in studies23 and im- fects. An increased per cent defect resolution was noted
planted sites have healed slower than empty controls in with increasing depth of defect as well as an increase in
animal studies.21 The dense HA particles might evi- per cent fill. The differences in this study and the
dently have to be surrounded by connective tissue Rabalais et al.24 study could be due to the differences
initially and then possibly be incorporated into an in groups, size of sample and measurement techniques
"osseous matrix" at some point in time. (e.g., multiple point measurement of defect vs. single
All results demonstrated a very definite advantage to point, and use of the nearest half millimeter measure
the utilization and implantation of the hydroxylapatite with a probe vs. silver points with a stent).
particles when compared to the unfilled controls. The The apparent radiographie disappearance of the im-
mean percentage in resolution of the original defect was planted particles may have been due to loss through
53.57% in the grafted sites and 19.49% in the control the sulcus because of the difficulty in reapproximating
areas; this compares very favorably with the figures of the flap to the radicular surface interproximally. Rela-
48.5%, experimental, and 11%, control, in the study of tive radiodensity changes, as have been described by
Rabalais et al.24 Of greater significance is the percentage Yukna,29 may also be, in part, responsible for this
fill of 66.89% experimental and 9.91% control of the apparent loss.
original defect because there was a concurrent loss in In conclusion, the clinical hard and soft tissue re-
height of the alveolar crest osseous wall in the control sponse to the alloplastic ceramic particles at 9 months
sites and an increase in height in the grafted areas. The is excellent and suggests that implantation of the ma-
finding of changes in alveolar crest height was also terial into periodontal osseous defects leads to signifi-
reported by Rabalais et al. and has been documented cantly better defect-elimination and fill than debride-
Volume 56
Number 2 Hydroxylapatite as an Alloplastic Graft 73
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