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The Niprnuc Drarna Guild Presertt$, ,;

The Nipmuc Drama Guild Would Like

to Thank. , .
Superintendent Dr. Joseph P. Maruszczak
The 2017 One-Act
Prtncipal ]ohn Clements PIay Competition
Associate Principal Maryr Anne Moran

The Nipmuc custodial staff

Beth Crocker

Gail Luck

Rayna Meleedy
AA I Er;er Loae
The Filends and Family of our Guild Members for Their Patience and Support

Meet Our |udges
ane Blackwood lives in Uxbridgie and has a rowdy hound/wiippet iescue dog naried lake. She
volunteers with the Mendon Lions Club, and her local church..she lovds to read and is part of the
bookgroup,in Mendon at the Taft t,ibrBry. She. aiso loves sports and fottow the Pats and the Red

Sox. She enjoys crossword prJzzles; bad puns; and bad Jbkes. Shi works at Mllford. Regional
Medlcal Center as ttre Volunteer Services Assistant.,she get8 to work lvith over 500 volunt€ers;
'inclurling 100 or so teen volunleers. It's a wonderfirl job and a great place to work. Prior to the cra!tr tprar d@at
iob at the hospital she spent 30 years.or so as e retail store manager.for Barnes & Noble and thpn
Staples. Aner s(rccessfully surviving a retail caieer she feels like she tan Sutvlve any.thing.

Pam Hennessy has been teachii'rg at Milforcl High School for 33 yeais. For the pagt three years she
has been in the fole of Co-Dlrector:of the stdge crew for Milford High School's Theater Workshop.
Panr has enJoyed theater Since she was young and involved in her own high school performances. December 15,.2017
She recognizes the hard work and comrhiunent that students pirt into their performance and she
looks for the details in the set pieces as they l19lp the actors toiell their stories. Parn serverl as,a
7:00 pm
Judge in the 2016 Nipmuc one Aci PIay corirpetltlon. She ls lookingfbrward io ieeing what
stirdents have in store for.her thi5 season.
Nipmuc Regional High $chool Auditorium
Colleen Oneay is the owner of Mendon Greenhouse & Florist alrd has been.involved in designing
and teaching floral arranging and.ornamental landscaping for over 30 years. actlve in the
Order of the Eastem Star. which iniludes ftiany memorized ?arts" inits cerembnies, and often is'
called upon to speak publidy as a Vice District Governor in Lions Chibs Intetnational, While.iri
schools She feceived an All Star award at the Masbachirsetts State Diama Eesdvalrfor her role as
Beclcy in Tom Sawyer, and alio performed in Boston as Hirlen of Troy ih Persephone. She is Some Shows Contain Sensitive Content and Mature $ubjects
1o be invited to support those actors, directors, and set craftspeople who have made
tonight posstblo, Wes 13-+ recommended)
All I Ever Loved BoobyWap
By Katte Vennard By Ed Monk
Dir,ected By Katie Vennard Directed By Manny Galic}i and KyIe Myers

A dramatic, original play that deal with a the predicament five friends In the near future, an American soldier sits in a comhat zone, trapped
find themselves in when they get into a drunk driving car accident. by a landmine. As he waits to see what will happen to him, scenes
They are }eft on the side of the road to figure out what to do next. This ftomhis past, present, and future unfold a-round him,
is a story of conflict, friendship, and heartbreak that thematically
d.eals with important; everyday issues. Cast (in order ofappearance)

Cast (in order of appearance) Soldigr..,.,..;.i!.i.i...:.......r!;-r>j:;..ii.r-i.!r!;rr!i. Thomas Doyle

Caitlyn.,....;r...i.,......i.,..,r..,i........i.r.,...,i.... j,rr Nyah Gazda
Ver:onica... Abby Paul
Major Harris.,....r...,......,.i.., ....... Mikki Pisani
Lucy.,...,....r,.r-rir,.i!;..rir.,,.;..ri....i-;r...;....r. Katie Laurence Captain Gruss....... Julia Orff
Isaac.,..,,..-,riir.r.,,!rr...r;,.....!..,,1.,rr;.;...r!.r,.i,,i Mikg Evans Taylory....,.r:.,,,:i;r.........i.......,ri:...,r..,..,....,,.Bridget Clark
Sarah......,..;....r!r..!..i..i.i...r..Jrrr.....!r.,. Maggie MacDonald Cathy....... Maya Sirnpson
Ligutgn'ant,..,..,-........!r*i,r.,...,.,,,rrir..i;.. Christina McGann
Police ,....... Allison Shepherd
Drill Instructor..,...,... r..,..........ri !......... Jackson Desroches
EMT 1....... Nicole Bohan
Caitl-yn's Mother.,,..!;!r.,i.. Cicely Dunster
EMf 2........ .......,, Francine Lu-bin CorporalWagner... .,........iir....., Chet Simpson
Professor;!..r ......,, Jackson Desroches
Sister Anne.";..rii.-..r.,.1!rrr..rri!.. CiCeIy Dunster
,{bby,,,..... i.. }i.a...... !. ! rr..... ;.... i i r. !;.... i i..,.,.. ; nridget Clark

Mo11y........ ..............Maya Simpson

Mark........ Ryan Chase
Stephanie Mikki Pisani
Soldier's:Motlrer.... .,. Erin Toomey

Produceil By Sipecial Arrangement with Plays*ipts, Inc.

(www,plays cripts. c om)

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