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Larry Page, Google Founder

Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the creators Google.Inc, a search engine's most famous Internet.
Making Google as a search engine is not as easy as turning the palm of reliable hand. Starting with
minimal capital with offices in the garage in Menlo Park, California. I chose the profile Larry Page of
the two inventors who discovered google.

Larry Page

Lawrence Edward "Larry" Page is one of the founders of the most famous search engine, Google.
Page was born in Michigan in 1973 from parents Carl Vincent Page, is a professor of computer
science at the University of Michigan and Gloria Page, a computer
programming teacher at the University of Michigan.

He completed his high school in East Lansing High school,then

continued at the University of Michigan to obtain a Bachelor of Science
degree in computer engineering and a Master's degree mempeloreh at
Stanford University. At Stanford Page met Sergey Brin, who developed
a business relationship in the Google search engine. At the beginning of
the meeting they were not friends, they are more often opposed in every
subject, until finally they found a subject that really caught their

They began to write papers on information retrieval from large data,

titled "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual WebSearch
Engine". They sell the idea of a search engine, which later was named Google, but unfortunately that
idea did not sell. Then they started writing a business plan and bring total initial investment of nearly
$ 1 million to start their own company. Their efforts at originally started from a garage in Menlo Park,
California in 1998. The company grew so fast and get so many employees, so that some offices were
relocated due to lack of space and finally Google. Inc settled in what is now called Mountain View,

Google is widely known for its web search service, which is a major factor of success of this
company. Search engine is ideal according to Larry Page, co-
founder of Google, is to understand exactly what you mean
and give the results as you want.. In August 2007, Google is a
search engine on the web is most often used with as many as
53.6% market share, then Yahoo! (19.9%) and Live Search
(12.9%). Google indexes billions of Web pages, so users can
find information they desire, through the use of keywords and
operators. Google also has used Web search technology to
other search services, including Image Search, Google News,
the price comparison site Google Product Search, an interactive Google Groups Usenet archive,
GoogleMap sand others. In 2004, Google launched its free web-based email service, called Gmail.
Gmail features spam filtering technology and the ability to use Google technology to search email.
The service generates revenue by displaying advertisements from the AdWords service that are
included in the content of email messages displayed on the screen.
The interface of Gmail, Google's electronic mail service, in the Indonesian language. Google has
created services and tools for business and community environments, including Web applications,
advertising networks and solutions for businesses.

Google Inc Marketing Strategy, starting from just a smart algorithm, has developed a totally
new business model, has become in a few years the world leading search engine, has
developed winning applications as Google Earth, Google Video, Google Maps, Gmail, and is
enjoying a huge success. Google, starting from scratch, has won the challenge against a giant
like Microsoft and against the previous search engine market leaders Yahoo, Lycos,
Altavista, Excite.

Google became big and successful because search engines are made better and more quickly find
answer than other search engine today.And the product search engine is Google's main product as
well as the embryo of the establishment.Google search engine is very reliable, according to Larry
Page, to findainformation in a data set equivalent to the stack of paper as high as more than one
hundred kilometers in less than half a second. Business continuity will depend on two things, namely
internal factor and factor external.The internalfactor is related to its internal enterprise,such as
corporate vision, the ability of human resources,technology applied,strategy development, corporate
culture, comfort and size of awards and laborin come.While external factors such ascompetition-
related with competitors, popularity,global economic and political conditions, policies government
and user satisfaction. At Google,the owner anda lsoaboard of directors has a very significant role for
business continuity.

Lary Page as head of Google with Sergey Brin huge success. In 2006, the number of employees
reached 5000 people. In 2004, they announced their first quarter results as a public company has to
offer, with record revenue of $ 805.9 million. In 2005 Page had an estimated wealth of U.S. $ 12
billion and become the order of the sixteenth in the list of Forbes magazine and make it a person
the 27th richest person in the world. Various awards were received by Page, one of which is the
Marconi Prize in 2004. He became a member of the National Advisory Committee (NAC) to the
University of Michigan College of Engineering and became the guardian of directors of the X PRIZE.

The Business Operations and Strategy team thinks strategically and globally about entire
industries and helps Google define operational initiatives that contribute to the company's
growth. Our team of highly creative visionaries thrives in deconstructing and re-creating
businesses to meet changing strategic and operational needs, enable innovation, establish
more efficient practices and help the company continue to achieve its vast potential. Our
work includes such projects as developing and implementing next-generation advertising
products, defining strategies to optimize operations, and establishing initiatives in emerging
markets. Google measure the effectiveness by monitoring the concrete impact we have on
revenue, cost and operational efficiency.
Google Marketing Strategy.

Google Inc., starting from just a smart algorithm, has developed a totally new business
model, has become in a few years the world leading search engine, has developed winning
applications as Google Earth, Google Video, Google Maps, Gmail, and is enjoying a huge
success. Google, starting from scratch, has won the challenge against a giant like Microsoft
and against the previous search engine market leaders Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Excite.

Google Market Capitalization.

In nov 2007 Google Inc. was the 5th biggest US company, considering stock market
capitalization. In nov. 2007 Google shares had topped $700.
Google stock market capitalization in nov 2007 was $230 billion, in July 2008 was $170

By comparison in July 2008 Microsoft stock market capitalization was $240 billion, General
Electric market cap was $270 billion, Exxon stock market capitalization was $450 billion.

The key question is:

why the Google Business Model is a winning Business Model?
The answer is a complex one, and involves more factors. It's a mix of smart decisions,
excellent marketing strategy, great advisors, highly innovative and risky business model, and
great products.

These are the key resons why the Google Business Model won:

1.- Google had - and still has - a simple, clean, clear, minimalistic user interface. no frills, just
the logo and the search box - easy and fast to load. And this was a key feature with the slow
internet connections of the early years 1999 -2001 - while Yahoo and most of the other search
engines were more like generalistic portals, full of confusion, full of useless features and
useless links, full of annoying banner ads, heavy and slow to load.

Google had a clear understanding on psychology of perception, and how the interaction
eye/brain works, while the bigger competitors didn't.

Bottom line is: If the user visits a search engine, what he wants to get is simply that: just a
search engine.

A search engine which is fast and reliable. If the user wants a generalistic portal, he goes to a
portal, not to a search engine.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the Google Executives, understood this, and this was what they
delivered. And made their users happy.

2.- Google had - and has - reliable search results (not always, but most of the time). Page and
Brin's PageRank algorithm worked well.

3.- Google got good advice from VC's and from Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Larry
Page and Sergey Brin have been advised and assisted from the beginning by John Doerr, VC
Partner of Kleiner Perkins and by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, the leading law firm of
Silicon Valley

Insight on Google Business Model

4.- Google introduced a smart, innovative and quite risky business model - Adwords - and the
pay per click concept. The risk proved winning, and the innovative business model worked.
Still today Adwords is the main source of revenues of Google Inc.

5.- In the following years, Google became a powerhouse with an impressive pipeline of new
great products - Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Video, Gmail. And slim revenues.

6.- Google worked very hard on Brand Building. It seems that brand building was much more
important to them than just revenues and profits. The strategy worked. And it was a key asset
in the subsequent IPO at the Nasdaq.

7 - Google was an innovator of the Business Model. Google delivered all these great new
products basically for free, enticing and luring million of users worldwide, with the result of
building the Brand in an outstanding, quite unbelievable way - and did it so fast.
Eric Schmidt was made CEO of the company, David Drummond, an attorney of Wilson
Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati who had advised Google founders since the early days, joined
Google as Chief Legal Officer, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati took care of the IPO at

At the IPO in August 2004 Google share price was set at $85, which to many financial
analysts seemed eccessive and unreasonable. In nov. 2007 Google shares had topped $700.
And in nov. 2007 Google stock market capitalization reached $230 billion, while annual
revenues reached $16 billion and profits $4 billion.

An excellent return for Google shareholders

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