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2-16  This large reactor for a nuclear power plant is

designed to withstand high pressure and high temperatures.
Wall thicknesses are typically over several inches thick and Fig. 2-17  A ‘Y’ branch shop fabricated undergoing NDE to assure
welding plays a critical role in their manufacture. Note the weld quality through soundness testing. GMAW root pass followed
large lifting eyes. Large crawler cranes can lift this type mega by FCAW fill and final beads.  © Piping Systems, Inc.
ton load into position in one lift.  © Frank Hormann/AP Images

these units. The production of nuclear energy would

not be possible but for the highly developed processes
of today.

High pressure pipeline work, with its headers and other
fittings, is a vast field in which welding has proved it-
self. The number of ferrous and nonferrous alloys used
as piping materials is increasing. Industry requires bet-
ter materials to meet the high heat and high pressure
operating conditions of power plants, nuclear plants,
oil refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, and
many other manufacturing plants where steam, air, gas,
or liquids are used. Pressure of over 1,000 p.s.i. and
temperatures ranging from –200 to +1,200° F are not Fig. 2-18  A high pressure flange SAW to a heavy wall pipe
uncommon in high pressure pipelines, Figs. 2-17 and 20 inches in diameter and 3-1/2 inches thick. GMAW was used for
2-18. Marine lines and generator stations have instal- the root bead and extensive visual, ultrasonic, and radiography
are used to assure weld soundness.  Location: Piping System’s Inc.
lations operating at 1,250 p.s.i. with 950° F at turbine © McGraw-Hill Education/Mark A. Dierker, photographer
throttles. Demands for equipment in the steel mills, oil
refineries, and other industries in which such lines oper-
ate emphasize reductions in size and weight and stream- systems can be eliminated. The absence of projections in-
lining the appearance of piping as well as the flow. The side the pipe produce less resistance to flow, Fig. 2-20.
lines are becoming increasingly complex: recirculation Because welded piping systems have permanently tight
units, boosters, headers, and miscellaneous accesso- connections of greater strength and rigidity, maintenance
ries and fittings are introduced into the lines, making costs are reduced. Other advantages of welded fabrication
them take on the appearance of complex electrical lines. include a more pleasing appearance and easier, cheaper
Small pipe is connected with large pipe; T’s, bends, re- application of insulation.
turn valves, and other fittings are introduced into the With the development of welded fittings, the pipe
lines, Fig. 2-19. fabricator realized the possibility of easily making
The design of fittings for welded pipe is flexible and any conceivable combination of sizes and shapes.
simple. Many fittings required by mechanically connected Practically all overland pipeline is welded, Fig.  2-21.

Industrial Welding  Chapter 2    21

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