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Mirangi Jaya

• Management Statement ......................... 1

• Code of Business Conduct ....................... 6

• Vision and Mission ....................... 8

• Core Business and Resources ....................... 9

• Company Social Responsibilities ....................... 10

• The Essence of Our Brands ....................... 12

• Akte Pendirian ....................... 13

• SK Menteri Hukum dan Ham ....................... 14

• SIUP (Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan) ....................... 55

• TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) ....................... 83

• Biodata Perusahaan ....................... 84

• Organization Chart ....................... 85

• Team Geology and Geofisika ........................ 86

• Lampiran Wilayah Tambang ....................... 88

• Alat-Alat Berat Yang Dimiliki ...................... 104

Epicentrum Walk Lt.6 Unit B 616 Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum

Jl.HR.Rasuna Said Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan -12940
Phone/Fax : 021 – 29912328 ‖ E-mail : mirangi.jaya2014@gmail.com 1

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