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Columns Reviews

re vie w s
columns questions used to assess problems in adoption of EIP services in England would
Camberwell Assessment of particular domains of need in the past make a fascinating case study in applied
Need - Forensic Version month, and the exploration of interven- social policy. Understandably, A Window
tions provided and their efficacy. It covers of Opportunity does not dwell overlong
Thomas, S., Harty, M., Parrott, J.,
the different versions of the CANFOR, the on the ‘why’ of EIP, either in terms of the
et al
forensic research version, the clinical intellectual argument for early interven-
London: Gaskell, 2003, »75 spiral,
version and the short version. tion or the reasons for its adoption within
127 pp., ISBN: 1-901242-98-6
The book is a straightforward manual the Policy Implementation Guide (PIG)
The Camberwell Assessment of Need - on the use of the CANFOR. I would (Department of Health, 2001). Rather, it
Forensic Version (CANFOR) is an individual recommend it to all clinicians and offers a well-written and attractively-
needs assessment scale designed to researchers contemplating measuring produced guide to service managers and
identify the needs of people with mental need in mentally disordered offenders. clinicians faced with the task of imple-
health problems in contact with forensic menting policy, supplementing the
services. The book under review is a COHEN, A. & EASTMAN, N. (2000) Assessing Forensic abbreviated service description in the PIG
manual for the use of the CANFOR. Mental Health Need. Policy,Theory and Practice. with details drawn from the experience of
The NHS and Community Care Act 1990 London: Gaskell. some of those services in England that
(Department of Health, 1991) recom- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (1991) The Care Programme have already developed EIP services.
mended that care and treatment for Approach for People with a Mental Illness Referred to By drawing on existing practical experi-
people with mental health problems Specialist Mental Health Services. London: ence the authors gently underline some
should be based on the assessment of Department of Health. deficiencies in the PIG. Four issues
individual need. Needs assessment also SHAW, J. (2003) Needs assessment for mentally deserve particular mention. First, the
assists the planning and development of disordered offenders is different. Journal of Forensic Department of Health requires commis-
services. Although the social and clinical Psychiatry & Psychology, 13,14-17. sioners to develop services assuming an
needs of mentally disordered offenders SLADE, M.,THORNICROFT, G., LOFTUS, L., et al (1999) incidence rate of psychosis (15/100 000
are in many ways similar to general CAN: Camberwell Assessment of Need. London: per year) that is far too low for many
psychiatric patients, there are also differ- Gaskell. catchment areas. Second, the PIG
ences, with more emphasis on certain promotes a ‘one size fits all’ model of an
domains such as comorbid personality EIP service as a free-standing entity
(2000) Reliability and validity of CANDID - a needs
disorder, substance misuse and offending assessment instrument for adults with learning covering a population in the region of
behaviours. There are also additional disabilities and mental health problems. BritishJournal 1 000 000 people, therefore relating to at
dimensions of need to consider in of Psychiatry, 176, 473-478. least 25 community mental health teams.
mentally disordered offenders, such as the Third, the PIG mandates a separation
level of security required and political Jenny Shaw Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, between EIP services and existing child
need, where consideration is given to the Guild Lodge Secure Services, Lancashire Care NHS and adolescent mental health services. As
effect of the index offence, for example if Trust the experience in Croydon (p. 46) shows,
it was a high profile case (Cohen & this is unnecessary and probably undesir-
Eastman, 2000; Shaw, 2003). able. Finally, there is no statement in the
Structured needs assessment measures PIG about how to achieve a reduction in
are useful in clinical practice and research duration of untreated psychosis, and
to provide a baseline measure of need to A Window of Opportunity: hence no funding by commissioners to
inform care planning and subsequently, at A Practical Guide for achieve what is now a target for local
intervals, to determine the effectiveness mental health services.
Developing Early Although far from definitive, A Window
of interventions.
The CANFOR is an assessment scale for
Intervention in Psychosis of Opportunity will be read with profit by
clinical research use, designed to measure Services commissioners, service managers and
needs in forensic mental health service Brown, M., McGowan, S., Powell, clinicians alike. It rightly encourages
users. R., et al emerging EIP services to contact estab-
The manual for the CANFOR provides a London: The Sainsbury Centre for lished ones so that the neophytes can
brief overview of the principles of needs Mental Health, 2003, »15, 87 pp., learn from the successes (and occasional
assessment and the range of needs ISBN: 1-870480-59-7 failures) of their predecessors, and
assessment instruments available. It provides a useful if not comprehensive
includes a description of the development Early intervention in psychosis (EIP) has reading list.
of the Camberwell Assessment of Need moved from the status of an interesting
(CAN) (Slade et al, 1999), the Camberwell idea to being a novel, rather rare, service DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (2001) The Mental Health
Assessment of Needs, Development and innovation, and onwards to firmly estab- Policy Implementation Guide. London: Department of
Intellectual Disabilities (CANDID) (Xenitidis lished Government policy in England in
et al, 2000) and the CANFOR. It then little over a decade. The pace and scale of
concentrates on the structure of the this change demonstrates the power of Frank Holloway Consultant Psychiatrist and
CANFOR and how need is assessed in 25 good ideas that are significantly evidence- Clinical Director, Croydon Integrated Adult Mental
domains. It describes the structure of the based and persuasively marketed: the Health Service


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