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Human Resource Management Group Assignment Details

1. Title : Exploring and Analyzing Human Resource Management Practices

Between TWO Selected Organizations

2. You are required to select TWO (2) well known organizations for this research
assignment. The first organization will be an organization which has a set of
exemplary and conducts best practices in Human Resource Management. The
second selected organization has poor Human Resource Management practices,
polices and system.

3. The objective of this assignment is to analyze the Key Differences of Human

Resource Practices between both these two selected organizations. Your
analysis shall cover the areas outlined below but you are also permitted to go
beyond what has been covered in the course outline. You are required to
elaborate how the good HRM practices in the first organization has improved the
performance of the company and also how the poor HRM practices at the second
selected company has contributed to the poor performance (example poor
profits, losses, high turnover, low employee morale etc.) In the recommendation
section, please provide FOUR (4) solutions that can be used to improve the
performance of the second organization. Your solution may include practices and
standards applied at other organizations.

4. Your analysis may encompass some of the areas mentioned below or exceed
the following areas:
 Strategic Human Resource Management
 The Legal Environment: Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety
 The Analysis and Design of Work
 Human Resource Planning and Recruitment
 Selection and Placement
 Training and Development
 Performance Management
 Compensation Structure
 Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay
 Employee Benefits
 Global Human Resource Management

5. The guide in enabling you to produce a good research assignment is to select

TWO organizations which are very different in their HRM practices. This will
enable to you to conduct an in depth literature review and analysis.

6. You are required to perform this assignment in a group consisting of a maximum

2 members each. Your minimum word count shall be 5000 words. Upon
completion of the assignment, you are required to carry out a class presentation
of 20 minutes in week 4 as part of the assignment requirement. In your
presentation, please place a strong emphasis on the Key Differences and the
Recommended Solutions

6. Your assignment write up should cover the follow areas.

 Table of Content (No Marks)

 Introduction (10 marks)
 Literature Review (10 marks)
 Comparative Analysis- Elaboration of Key HRM Differences (20 marks)
 Impact of Key Difference on Organizations Performance (20 marks)
 Recommended Solution to 2nd Organization (20 marks)
 Conclusion (10 marks)
 Referencing – Harvard Referencing (10 marks)

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