If Yes, Don't Answer Question 2 and Proceed To Question 3. If No, Continue To The Next Question

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Name: ____________________________ Sex: Female Male

Home Address: ____________________________ Age: ________

Years in Schooling: _____________

Civil Status: Single Married Widow/Widower


Student Teacher Manager Housewife Others (specify):____________

Monthly allowance: Php 500.00 or less

Php 501.00- 1,000.00

Php 1,000.00- 1,500.00

Php 1,501.00- 2,000.00

Php 2,000.00 above

Monthly Income (faculty and Staff):

Php 5,000.00-10,000.00

Php 10,001.00- 15,000.00

Php 15,001.00-20,000.00

Php 20,000.00 above

1. Have you ever heard of, read about or seen vacuum fried jackfruit?

Yes No

If yes, don’t answer question 2 and proceed to question 3. If no, continue to the next question.

2. MR/MS What product[s] similar to vacuum fried jackfruit do you know?

Vacuum fried sweet potato

Vacuum fried okra

Others, specify _______________

3. When did you first hear about vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products? (year)___________

4. MR/MS How did you come to know about vacuum fried jackfruit /similar product?

Colleagues/friends market outlets

Bakery others, specify________________
Trade fairs/food expo
5. Do you buy vacuum fried jackfruit/similar products?

Yes No

If no, proceed to question 6 only, then to proceed to test V. If yes, proceed to question 7 onwards.

6. MR. Why don’t you buy vacuum fried jackfruit/similar products?

Unavailability Inferior quality

Expensive Others, specify

7. MR. Where do you specifically buy vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products?

Department stores Bakery

Sari – sari stores others, specify_____________

8. How often do you buy vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products?

once a day once month

once a week others, specify

9. How many packs do you usually buy at a time?

1 pack 3 packs

2 packs more than 3 packs.

10. Where was the last time you have purchased vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products?

last day last month

last week more than a month ago

11. If you answered “more than a month ago”, why haven’t you consumed lately?

12. How long have you been consuming vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products?

More than a week

More than a month

More than a year

13. MR/MS Who influenced you in buying vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products?

colleagues/friends supplier

family/relatives others, specify___________

14. MR/MS. For what reason do you buy/consume vacuum fried jackfruit /similar products?

affordable price nice packaging

availability high nutritional value

good taste others, specify_________

VI. Price Sensitivity Analysis

Given the following price scale up to what price and quantity are willing to buy the product?
(Please Check)

Price Willing to Buy? Quantity per week

Php 20.00
Php 25.00
Php 30.00
Php 35.00

1. Are you willing to buy the “vacuum fried jackfruit” if they are available in the market or in your
Yes No
2. How many percent on your volume consumed on similar products are you willing to substitute with
vacuum fried jackfruit?
10% 40%
20% 50%
30% others, specify
3. Any suggestion to improve the …
a. Product:
b. Price:

c. Place of distribution:
d. Promotion strategy:
e. Others:

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