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Cell Phone: 917 617 5229 absolutely no calls from email:
recruiters please web site:
Location: New York City latest resume:

Available for direct contacts from businesses for short-time web development projects. Not interested in
permanent positions. Please no calls from recruiters.

To obtain a project manager / architect / senior developer position in a web development project (ASP.NET, C#,
VB.NET, SQL Server). Interested only in consulting positions in New York City.

More than 11 years of experience in full cycle of software development. Dozens of successfully designed
solutions and databases. Top Microsoft certifications in .NET software development (MCSD, MCAD, MCPD), SQL
Server (MCDBA) and engineering (MCSE); Master of Science.
Best expertise in ASP.NET/ASP.NET 2.0, C#/VB.NET, .NET Framework, SQL Server (T-SQL, Stored Proc,
DTS), UML, usability.
Skilled in XML/XSLT, XML Web Services, HTML/DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, OOP, SourceSafe, Java,
MTS/COM+, C++, ADO.NET, OLTP, OLAP, data warehousing, MySQL, FoxPro (VFP), Crystal Reports,
SQL Reporting Services and more.

Please refer to Smaller Projects section below for minor projects.
September 2003 - Present
New York, NY
Pranas.NET Corp , software development, consulting
Project Manager / Senior Developer
Pranas.NET is an IT consulting company

Developed an e-commerce web site , where users can search and buy historical condominium
sales information as ASP.NET (C#, VB.NET) web application with SQL Server 2000 back-end.
• Helped in formulating the business case for the site, individually designed the logical and physical
structure of the application
• Created sophisticated SQL Server database to responsively handle complex queries (T-SQL, DTS,
triggers, stored procedures, functions, optimization) and .NET data access components
• Implemented business logic as .NET Framework assemblies (C#, VB.NET)
• Envisioned and built front-end for the site written in ASP.NET, MS Visual Studio .NET, C#, VB.NET, XML,
VBScript, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Dreamweaver
• Performed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of the web site to increase traffic
• A number of "private labels" web sites (like were developed where a
different branding allows the sites to sell the data under their name. All sites are single code-base with
dynamically applied style.

Performed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for, and
Redesigned the home pages for and
March 2002 - September 2003
New York, NY
Yale Robbins, Inc , publisher
Project Manager / Senior Developer
Yale Robbins, Inc publishes real estate magazines, designs and hosts real estate web sites and supplies the
client web sites with data.

Converted legacy Residential Buildings FoxPro application into intranet ASP.NET Web Application written in C#
and VB.NET with SQL Server 2000 on the backend.
• Performed business and system analysis, designed application and database structure, converted
existing data into SQL Server using Data Transformation Services (DTS) and VBScript
• Created Web Forms using ASP.NET, MS Visual Studio .NET, C#, VB.NET, XML, VBScript, HTML, DHTML,
CSS, JavaScript.
• Used Crystal Reports to create reports based on SQL Server database

Supervised the development of - a web site for Cooperator magazine. The website provides
access to real estate articles and directory of companies.
• Was individually responsible for creating the web sites back-end as MySQL database and data
transformation services to load the articles and directory data from in-house databases
• Created data-driven pages in ASP, VBScript, ADO, InterDev 6.0, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript
August 2000 - March 2002
New York, NY
Butler International , Technology Solutions division
Project Leader / Senior Developer
Butler Intl Technology Solutions specializes in providing IT-based business solutions and technical services.

Butler Intl project for MCI-WorldCom International Network Operating Center

Built a data warehouse (SQL Server 2000), and a single point of management (Web Portal on MS SharePoint
Portal Server) to a set of external systems to insure high network uptime.
• Performed business and system analysis, designed in UML the structure of three-tier solution, defined
the hierarchy of classes to incorporate the business logic and implemented key components using COM+
architecture as ActiveX DLLs in MS Visual Basic 6.0
• Designed and took a leading role in implementing the presentation layer in MS SharePoint Portal Server.
Administered IIS 5 Server, performed coding of in ASP, ASP.NET, VBScript, VB.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML,
DHTML, XML documents transferred to HTML using XSL
• Designed the database in MS SQL Server 2000, created specifications of SQL Server stored procedures
and implemented most of them. Performed database administration
• In collaboration with WorldCom developers created components to communicate with various WorldCom
o Java adapter to exchange data with Oracle database
o Java/VB adapter to exchange XML documents with another ticketing system
o Adapters to several SQL Server databases
• Was responsible for writing a number of sophisticated Data Transformation Services (DTS) in T-SQL and
VBScript in SQL Server

Butler Intl project for CitiBank

Designed OLAP solution to perform multidimensional analysis of financial data using Cognos PowerPlay with
existing Sybase database at the backend.

Butler Intl project for MCI-WorldCom

Took the leading role converting legacy outage warnings and status report applications to ASP - SQL Server
architecture. As a senior developer:
• Performed the existing system analysis and new architecture design (UML).
• Coordinated and supervised the efforts of several other programmers.
• Individually designed MS SQL Server 2000 database, coded stored procedures (T-SQL).
• Coded ASP in MS Visual InterDev 6.0 using VBScript, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML/CSS, XML and ADO.
• Created components in MS Visual Basic 6.0, used CDO and Outlook 2000 for messaging.
• Deployed the solution, participated in testing and documenting.
Apr 1998 - August 2000
New York, NY
Yale Robbins, Inc , publisher
Senior Programmer Analyst
Programmed client-side (HTML, JavaScript) for .
Designed and built a number of data-driven applications to support publishing business using ASP, HTML,
MySQL, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, MySQL and Seagate Crystal Reports. The applications in
• Allow large number of concurrent users to manipulate MySQL database that serves as a back-end for (OLTP MS Visual FoxPro application through ODBC drivers).
• Automatically create various HTML pages, cache them in a database for use on the web site, making it
highly responsive.
• Contain OLAP applications with complete reporting tools (Seagate Crystal Reports)
• Send customized e-mails using Outlook CDO and send faxes using Symantec WinFax Pro API
St. Petersburg, Russia
Tropicana Marketing / World Traveler , travel company
Programmer Analyst
Individually created database application using Visual FoxPro and VBA to handle customer information,
bookkeeping, generating reports and statistical information, Word and Excel data-driven (VBA) automatic
document generation. The software is used in 5 company offices in Russia and Great Britain.
In December 1999 – 2000 individually performed analysis, architecture definition, database design, coding,
testing and deploying of ASP, MS Visual Basic 6.0, MS SQL Server 7.0 2-tier windows application to manage
customers, flights, resorts and reservations data.

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) - Web Developer (.NET 2.0), M a r c h 2 0 0 6
The Microsoft Certified Professional Developer: Web Developer (MCPD: Web Developer) certification
demonstrates that you have the comprehensive skills that are required to build interactive, data-driven Web
applications that use ASP.NET 2.0 for both intranet and Internet uses.

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications (.NET 2.0), M a r c h

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) (.NET), J u l y 2 0 0 3

The MCSD for Microsoft .NET credential is the top-level certification for advanced developers who design and
develop leading-edge enterprise solutions, using Microsoft development tools and technologies as well as the
Microsoft .NET Framework.

Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) (.NET), J u l y 2 0 0 3

The MCAD for Microsoft .NET credential provides industry recognition for professional developers who build
powerful applications using Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET and Web services.

Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4 , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 2

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) (Windows 2000), A u g u s t 2 0 0 1

Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) (SQL Server 2000), A u g u s t 2 0 0 1

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) (Visual Studio 6.0), M a r c h 2 0 0 0

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) , D e c e m b e r 1 9 9 9

M.S., Applied Mathematics and Information Technology,1 9 9 5
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Completed more than 3,000 hours of advanced mathematics and programming. Mastered OOP, C++, Basic,
FoxPro, Pascal.
B.S., Applied Mathematics and Information Technology,1 9 9 1
Siauliai University, Lithuania

Below are small part time projects for Pranas.NET
• Nov 2 0 0 6 Created - hunting web site
• Sep 2 0 0 6 Created - an official web site of Irina Dvorovenko and Maxim
Beloserkovsky - the principal dancers in American Ballet Theater. The site is loosely based on the ASP.NET
2.0 Club Site Starter Kit
• J u n 2 0 0 6 Recreated - a New York spa web site. Beautiful design with table-
less valid HTML and CSS
• D e c 2 0 0 5 Performed SEO for Wired New York ( ) - the number of visitors
increased 200% to 3000+ unique visitors a day.
• Aug 2 0 0 5 Created - a web site with a table-less CSS layout web design. is based on Telligent Community Server. Performed Search Engine Optimization
(SEO). The site is number one for "russian bath" search in all major search engines.
• J u l 2 0 0 4 Created LightBox JS Web Gallery Generator - a .NET windows application (C#) to create
html image galleries based on Lightbox JS .
• Jul 2 0 0 3 Created Pranas.NET - the official company web site.

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