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The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide

Version 1.1

Basic information ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Quick facts on Helix:..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Helpful Resources: ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Global Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Incoming MIDI Messages ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Predefined MIDI Commands: ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Setlist, Preset and Snapshot Recall ........................................................................................................................... 4
Emulating footswitches and Expression pedals ......................................................................................................... 5
Looper Controls........................................................................................................................................................ 6
MIDI clock (receive) .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Tuner toggle ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Tap Tempo ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Custom MIDI Command Assignments:.......................................................................................................................... 7
Controlling Block Bypass States ................................................................................................................................ 7
Controlling Block Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 7
Outgoing MIDI Messages ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Default MIDI Messages When Recalling Presets ........................................................................................................... 8
Command Center ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Screen Layout........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Instant Commands ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Footswitch Commands ............................................................................................................................................12
Expression Pedals ....................................................................................................................................................13
Variax knobs............................................................................................................................................................14
Expression Pedal toe switch ....................................................................................................................................14
MIDI clock (send) ........................................................................................................................................................14
MIDI Thru....................................................................................................................................................................14

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 1

Basic information
MIDI is a means of communicating information between devices. It does not send or receive any audio, but only
control messages. Think of MIDI like a network, where multiple devices are sending and receiving message to
and from each other. Those messages can then be used to make things happen on the receiving devices.

Typical commands are Program Change (PC) messages, Control Change (CC) messages, and Note on/off
messages. These commands would then have {values} associated to the message for further control.

Some devices are very programmable, where the user can define what a MIDI message will cause to happen
when received; As well as define what message will be sent when a button/switch/knob/expression pedal is
operated. Other devices are more limited, where the MIDI messages are pre-set, in terms of what will happen
when a particular message is received; As well as what message is sent when a button/switch/knob/expression
pedal is operated.

A MIDI network uses a standardized 5-pin DIN connector and cables, or USB; and most recently, Bluetooth MIDI
devices have started to become popular for wireless MIDI communication.

Quick facts on Helix:

o Helix MIDI channels are numbered 1-16. Some other devices may number channels 0-15.
o Helix MIDI values for messages (CC, PC, Note) are numbered starting at 0, not 1
o There are three connectors to use for MIDI on the Helix:
o 5 Pin “MIDI In” DIN
o 5 Pin “MIDI Out/Thru” DIN
o By default, the Helix cannot send MIDI commands to itself. Outgoing MIDI message from the Helix are
not treated as incoming MIDI messages, and therefore you cannot use the Helix to send a MIDI message
to itself. Some folks have used a 5-pin MIDI DIN cable to physically connect the “MIDI Out/Thru” jack on
the back of the Helix to the “MIDI In” jack, to enable the Helix to send MIDI commands to itself.
o An iOS device (iPad/iPhone) can be connected to the Helix’s USB jack by using an Apple Camera
Connector Kit adapter to provide a MIDI interface between the iOS device and the Helix. This also
enables an 8x8 USB audio interface between the iOS device and the Helix.

Helpful Resources:
o Helix User’s Manuals
o Helix Rack
o Helix Floor
o Helix LT
o Helix Control
o HX Effects
o General MIDI Information
o Troubleshooting Tools:
o The iOS “MIDI Wrench” app, running on an iOS device connected to the Helix using the Apple
Camera Connector Kit adapter, can be very helpful when troubleshooting MIDI issues, as it
allows you to see all MIDI messages coming in and out of the iOS device.
o Equally good for troubleshooting is the “MIDI-OX” tool running on a PC. This also enables you to
see all MIDI messages being sent by the Helix, but also provides a control panel to send MIDI
messages back to the Helix. This can be very helpful for testing configurations.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 2

Global Settings
The “Global Settings” – “Preferences” screen has a setting called “Snapshot Edits”. This setting is important to
understand when setting up “Command Center” MIDI assignments for snapshots.
 If this is set to “Discard”, the preset must be saved by pressing the [Save] button twice, when
making adjustments to snapshot control assignments before changing to another snapshot.
 If this is set to “Recall”, changes made to “Command Center” values will be stored on the
snapshot, without needing to press [Save].

The “Global Settings” – “MIDI/Tempo” screen is where the remaining MIDI settings are found

 “MIDI Base Channel”

 This is where you set the MIDI channel for the Helix to use.
 Within other Helix menu screens, sometimes “Base” is an option for a “Channel”
parameter. This “Base” term is referring to whatever is set within the “MIDI Base
Channel” parameter.
 Commands sent to the Helix, on this channel, will be picked up and processed by the
 If this is set to “Omni”, the Helix will process commands on all 16 MIDI channels.
 “MIDI Thru”
 If this is set to “On”, the Helix will pass incoming MIDI messages back out to
downstream devices on the network.
 This is especially useful when daisy chaining MIDI devices together.
 “Receive MIDI Clock”
 If set to something other than “Off”, the Helix will allow an external device to control
the Helix’s BPM/Tempo.
 “Send MIDI Clock”
 If set to something other than “Off”, the Helix will send BPM/Tempo messages to other
devices connected to the MIDI network.
 “MIDI over USB”
 Determines if MIDI messages should be received and sent over the USB connection.
 “MIDI PC Receive”
 If set to something other than “No”, the Helix will respond to incoming PC messages and
recall the preset corresponding to the PC value received.
 “MIDI PC Send”
 If set to anything other than “Off”, the Helix will send default MIDI messages whenever
a Preset is recalled.
 “Duplicate PC Send”
 This setting controls how PC message assignments function in the Command Center.
 If a PC message is assigned to a function in Control center, and the value set for the PC
message is the same between multiple snapshots, then:
o The PC command will be sent each time the snapshots are loaded, but only if
“Duplicate PC Send” is turned “On”.
o If “Duplicate PC Send” is turned “Off”, then the PC message will only be sent
when a snapshot is loaded which has a different PC value assigned to the
command then the currently loaded snapshot.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 3

Incoming MIDI Messages
The Helix can receive MIDI messages over a USB connection, or from a 5-pin DIN cable plugged into the “MIDI
In” jack on the back of the unit. The Helix has many predefined functions for incoming MIDI messages, but also
allows custom assignment of MIDI messages to trigger various items.

Incoming messages must be sent to the Helix’s “MIDI Base Channel”, for the Helix to process the commands.
This is done by configuring the MIDI command on the sending device.

For example: If the Helix is set for “MIDI Base Channel 7”, then the sending device should be configure to send
messages on Channel 7 for the Helix to pick up and process. This is not to be confused with the sending device’s
MIDI base channel.

Each device on the MIDI network should have its own unique channel assigned, unless you want more than one
device to respond to the same message.

Predefined MIDI Commands:

Setlist, Preset and Snapshot Recall
“MIDI PC Receive” in Global Settings must not be not turned off for presets to be recalled with PC
messages. Snapshots can still be recalled with CC messages though, even when “MIDI PC Receive” is
turned off.

You can recall a specific preset, and snapshot within that preset, by sending three MIDI commands
to the Helix. One is for setlist selection, one is for preset selection, and the 3rd is for snapshot
selection. It’s important to send these 3 messages in that order, as the Helix will process them as
they are received. For example: If you send the snapshot message 1st, and then send a preset
message … the Helix will recall the snapshot of the currently loaded preset, and then recall the
preset you sent VIA the MIDI message afterward. This will cause the preset to be loaded with
whatever snapshot was selected when the preset was last saved.

All three of these commands can also be used independently as well. For example: If you just want
to change snapshots of the current preset, you can just send the snapshot MIDI command without a
setlist or a preset command.

As another point to consider: If you don’t send the snapshot command, the preset will load with
whatever snapshot was active when that preset was last saved. So if your presets already have the
starting snapshot you prefer, then there is no need to send the snapshot command in addition to
the preset command.

 Send a CC32 command for Setlist selection

 An incoming CC32{value} command will cause the Helix to change to a setlist. A value of
0 will change to setlist 1 and a value of 7 will change to setlist 8.
 This is typically used prior to sending a preset recall message, to ensure the correct
preset in the correct setlist is recalled.
 Send a PC command for Preset selection
 An incoming PC{value} message will recall a preset, in the current setlist. The preset
relating to the value will be recalled. A value of 0 will recall the 1st preset in the setlist, a
value of 127 will recall the 128th preset in the setlist.
 Send a CC69 command for snapshot selection
 An incoming CC69{value} message will recall a snapshot within the currently loaded
preset. A value of 0 will recall snapshot 1, while a value of 7 will recall snapshot 8.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 4

To identify what CC32, PC and CC69 values to send for recalling a particular preset, simply press
down on the [Preset] knob, then navigate to the desired preset. After the desired preset is
highlighted, you will see the CC32{value} the PC{value} and the CC69{value} displayed on the screen,
above encoder knob #2. Sending these three commands to the Helix will recall this preset &

Emulating footswitches and Expression pedals

There are predefined MIDI commands which emulate the controls on the Helix, allowing
external MIDI devices to remotely operate the Helix’s switches and pedals.

This can be beneficial if you want to automate activation of the Helix footswitches from a
computer, an iOS device, or a MIDI controller.

Expression Pedal Emulation:

 A CC1{value} command will emulate expression pedal #1
 A CC2{value} command will emulate expression pedal #2
 A CC3{value} command will emulate expression pedal #3
o In all three expression pedal messages, the value sent relates to the position of
the pedal. Where a value of 0 relates to 100% heel down, and a value of 127
relates to 100% toe down.
Footswitch Emulation:
 CC49{value} though CC58{value} commands will toggle the state of the Helix’s 1-10
o CC49 will control footswitch 1, CC50 controls footswitch 2, …. CC58 controls
footswitch 10
o The value here isn’t important, as any value will simply toggle the footswitch’s
state; just like stepping on the footswitch with your foot.
o There is no discrete MIDI command function for a footswitch’s on/off state; this
means you cannot send a footswitch “on” command, as any command sent on
these CC numbers will always toggle the footswitch to the alternate state.
Expression Pedal Footswitch Emulation:
 A CC59{value} command will emulate the expression pedal’s toe switch.
o Just like the footswitch emulation, there are no discrete MIDI commands for
on/off, and a CC59 command sent with any value between 0 – 127 will simply
toggle the EXP pedal toe switch on/off.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 5

Looper Controls

The Helix looper can be controlled with MIDI commands as well. This works by emulating the
Looper’s footswitches with MIDI commands. Essentially, by sending the correct MIDI command, the
same action is triggered as if you stepped on the footswitch.

The Looper mode does not need to be entered on the Helix to control the Looper functions with
MIDI. So an external MIDI controller can be connected, and MIDI commands configured on it, to
enable Helix Looper control without ever accessing the Looper mode on the Helix directly.

This means the Helix footswitches can continue to display Presets, Snapshots, and/or Stomps while
the Looper is being controlled though MIDI.

The following functions are available for Looper MIDI control:

 Record/Overdub switch (FS8)

o A CC60{value} command will trigger the “Record” function, when the value
being sent is between 64 – 127
o A CC60{value} command will trigger the “Overdub” function, when the value
being sent is between 0 – 63
 Play/Stop switch (FS9)
o A CC61{value} command will trigger the “Stop” function, when the value being
sent is between 0 – 63
o A CC61{value} command will trigger the “Play” function, when the value being
sent is between 64 – 127
 Play Once switch (FS3)
o A CC62{value} command will trigger the “Play Once” function, when the value
being sent is between 64 – 127
 Undo switch (FS2)
o A CC63{value} command will trigger the “Undo” function, when the value being
sent is between 64 – 127
 Forward/Reverse switch (FS11)
o A CC65{value} command will trigger the “Forward” function, when the value
being sent is between 0 – 63
o A CC65{value} command will trigger the “Reverse” function, when the value
being sent is between 64 – 127
 Full/Half Speed switch (FS10)
o A CC66{value} command will trigger the “Full Speed” function, when the value
being sent is between 0 – 63
o A CC66{value} command will trigger the “Half Speed” function, when the value
being sent is between 64 – 127
 Looper Mode on/off (This just changes the Helix to display the Looper controls)
o A CC67{value} command will trigger the “Looper Mode On” function, when the
value being sent is between 64 – 127
o A CC67{value} command will trigger the “Looper Mode Off” function, when the
value being sent is between 0 – 63

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 6

MIDI clock (receive)
MIDI clock is a way for devices on a MIDI network to all synchronize to the same tempo/BPM. This
is not a PC or a CC message, but is a stream of constant information being sent across the network.

The Helix BPM can be controlled by external MIDI clock messages, or by the TAP Tempo
functionality. The Helix cannot receive a CC or a PC message to set tempo to a specified value.

In global setting, the “Receive MIDI Clock” setting can be set to Off, USB, MIDI, or Auto. When set to
a something other than “Off”, and a MIDI Clock signal is detected on that connection, the Helix will
change its tempo to match the signal being received.

When the Helix tempo is being controlled by an external MIDI clock:

 The TAP LED on the Helix will flash blue instead of red
 The BPM no longer displays in the Tempo screen’s “BPM” parameter, but instead will show
“External”. You can access the Tempo screen by quickly touching the TAP/Tuner footswitch.
 You cannot tap in an alternate BPM by tapping on the TAP footswitch, as the BPM will be locked
to the external MIDI clock signal

Tuner toggle
 A CC68{value} command, sent with any value between 0 – 127, will toggle the Helix tuner on/off

Tap Tempo
 A CC64{value} command, sent with any value between 0 – 127 will emulate the TAP footswitch
being pressed a single time.

Custom MIDI Command Assignments:

In addition to predefined MIDI commands being used to control the Helix functions, custom MIDI
controller assignments can also be setup to control signal path blocks and parameters.

NOTE: You cannot assign CC numbers which are used in the predefined commands, to be used as
custom commands. For example: Because CC64 is used to emulate the TAP footswitch, CC64 is not
available for custom assignments to other functions.

Controlling Block Bypass States

o Just like a footswitch, A MIDI command can be used to control a signal block’s bypass state. You
can configure this by selecting a block in the signal path, then pressing the [Menu] button (what
many people call the ‘hamburger’ button because of the three lines printed on it), and then
pressing in on encoder knob #1. The “Bypass Assign” screen will display, and encoder knob #4
can be used to assign a MIDI CC command to the bypass function of the block.
o After assigning a CC to the bypass, whenever the Helix receives a CC message on that CC
number, it will toggle the bypass state of the block.
Controlling Block Parameters
 Also just like a footswitch, A MIDI command can be configured as a controller for block
parameters. To configure this, enter into the “Controller Assign” screen, use encoder knob #1 to
select the parameter you wish to control with MIDI, then use encoder knob #2 to select “MIDI
CC” for the “Controller”. Now use encoder knob #3 to select the CC# you wish to assign as the
 A quick way to enter the “Controller Assign” screen is to select the block, then press down and
hold the encoder knob corresponding to the parameter you wish to control.
 After making the controller assignment, the Helix will now toggle the controller whenever it
receives a MIDI command with the selected MIDI CC number.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 7

Outgoing MIDI Messages
The Helix can send MIDI messages over a USB connection, or through a 5-pin DIN cable plugged into the “MIDI
Out/Thru” jack on the back of the unit.

Outgoing messages are configured with a MIDI channel for the message to be sent across. If the outgoing
message is configured for channel “Base”, it means the message will be sent on the MIDI channel currently
selected in “Global Settings” for the “MIDI Base Channel” parameter.

Each device on the MIDI network should have its own unique channel assigned, unless you want more than one
device to respond to messages being sent. So when configuring Helix outgoing MIDI messages, you should
choose the MIDI channel of the receiving device.

Default MIDI Messages When Recalling Presets

Whenever a preset is recalled, the Helix can send out default MIDI messages. This default MIDI
messages consist of a CC32{value} message (where the value corresponds to the setlist the preset is
within) as well as a PC{value} message (where the value corresponds to the position of the preset within
the setlist).

Recalling a preset that doesn’t have a Looper block in the signal path, will also cause a CC61{0} message
to be sent, which is the Looper’s stop command.

These default messages are sent out on whatever channel is set for the Helix’s “MIDI Base Channel” in
“Global Settings”, and cannot be changed to send on a different channel.

These default messages are only sent when the “MIDI PC Send” setting within Global Settings is set to
something other than “Off”. It can be set to USB, MIDI, or Both. When set to MIDI, these default
messages are sent over the 5-pin DIN connector only. When set to USB, these default messages are sent
over the USB only, and when set to both, these default messages are sent over both the USB and the 5-
pin DIN connector.

Note that these default MIDI message are the only place in the Helix where you can configure a MIDI
message to be sent on only USB or only the 5-pin MIDI DIN connector. In all other cases where MIDI is
sent out of the Helix, it will always go over both connection types, assuming “MIDI Over USB” is turned
on in “Global Settings”.

This is important to know if you have one MIDI device connected VIA USB, and a 2nd MIDI device
connected VIA the 5-pin DIN connector, and you only want PC messages sent to one of those devices
upon preset recall. These default messages are the only way to accomplish doing this.

The default MIDI messages are:

 CC32{value} – representing the Setlist the preset is within, where value is between 0 – 7
 PC{value} – representing the preset location within the setlist, where value is between 0 – 127
 CC61{0} – This is the Looper’s stop command, and is only sent when the preset being recalled
doesn’t have a looper block in the routing path.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 8

Command Center
The Command Center is used to configure MIDI commands to be sent out by the Helix when
specific actions occur. All MIDI commands sent out from the Command Center will go over both
the 5-pin MIDI DIN connector, as well as the USB connection, so long as “MIDI Over USB” is
turned on in Global Settings. There is no way to specify a Command Center command to only
use USB or to only use the 5-pin DIN connection.

When viewing the Command Center screen, a small “Triangle” icon shown above any of the
items indicates a command assignment has been made on that item.

The Command Center is entered by pressing the [Menu] button on the Helix, then pressing
down on the 3nd encoder knob, labeled “Command Center”.

Screen Layout
Once entered, the Command Center screen will show various items to which commands can be
assigned. The top row shows 6 lightning bolts, which represent “Instant Commands”.

Below the Instant Commands are two rows of 6 footswitches. These represent the 12
footswitches on the Helix.

To the right of the Instant Commands, is another footswitch. This represents the integrated
expression pedal’s toe switch, which is activated by pressing hard on the toe end of the
integrated expression pedal.

Also on the screen are three expression pedals. They represent expression pedals 1, 2 and 3
(from left to right).

Lastly, there are two knobs above expression pedals 2 and 3. These knobs represent Variax
control knobs found on Variax guitars, and can only be utilized if you have a Variax guitar
connected VIA the “Variax Input” jack on the back of the Helix.

Instant Commands – identified by the lightning bolt icon

Instant Commands are MIDI messages saved on the individual Preset, and are sent out of the
Helix when Presets and Snapshots are recalled.

Instant Commands are sent under the following circumstances:

 When Presets are recalled, all assigned Instant Commands will be sent.
 When Snapshots are recalled, all, some, or none of the Instant Commands may be sent;
depending on the configuration of the commands.
 Reselecting the currently active Preset will retrigger the Instant Commands to be sent,
just as when the preset is initially recalled.

From a timing perspective, the Helix sends Instant Commands in order from left to right. So if
the order of commands is important to the receiving device, be sure to assign them in Command
Center accordingly.

To setup an Instant Command, access the Command Center screen and use the Helix joystick to
select one of the lightning bolt icons, then use the encoder knobs to configure the MIDI
command to be assigned.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 9

Available messages for Instant Commands are:

o Upon preset recall, the configured CC MIDI message will always be sent
o Upon snapshot recall, the configured CC MIDI message will only be sent if the
snapshot being recalled has a different value than the currently active snapshot
o The CC value can be changed across snapshots, but the CC number itself cannot

Bank/Prog – (PC Messages)

o Upon preset recall, the configured PC MIDI message will always be sent
o Upon snapshot recall, the configured PC MIDI message will only be sent if the
snapshot being recalled has a different value than the currently active snapshot.
The exception to this is if the “Duplicate PC Send” option in Global Settings is
turned “On”. In that case, the PC message will be sent when changing
snapshots, even if the PC value isn’t different between the 2 snapshots.
o Note this MIDI message has more than just a “Program” (or PC) parameter
available. In addition to encoder #4 (where the PC’s {value} is set) it also shows
two additional parameters of “Bank CC00” and “Bank CC32”. These are specific
to Bank and Program change message which some MIDI devices require to
successfully execute a bank or program change over MIDI. Without getting into
too much detail, the CC00 command represents the MSB (Most Significant Bit)
message for the bank change, and the CC32 command represents the LSB (Least
Significant Bit) message for the bank change. In many cases, these two
parameters can be left “Off”, but may need specific values depending on the
receiving device’s requirements.
o An MMC message is a “MIDI Machine Control” message. It’s typically used to
control playback of a DAW or external looper (ie: transport control).
o It sends out a predefined “Transport Control” message for the command.
o The available MMC messages are: Stop, Play, Forward, Rewind, and Pause
Ext Amp
o This command doesn’t actually send any MIDI messages out, but is used to
control the signal on the “EXT AMP” connection on the back of the Helix.
o The “EXT AMP” connection can be used to control amplifiers, or other devices,
where a ¼” signal cable is used to trigger specific functions. For example, trigger
the tremolo circuit on a tremolo equipped amplifier, or trigger a function on an
external pedal that supports expansion foot switches over ¼”, etc …
CV Out
o Like the “Ext Amp” command, the “CV Out” command also does not send any
MIDI messages out, but is used to control the “CV” connection on the back of
the Helix.
o The “CV” connection can be used to control devices which have a ¼” expression
pedal input jack. It’s essentially a simulated expression pedal. The “CV Out”
message type in Command Center is then used to define the simulated
expression pedal’s position.
o The “CV Value” parameter on the “CV Out” command relates to the position of
the simulated expression pedal.

Note that MIDI command types: “CV toggle”, “Note on”, and “CC Toggle” are NOT
available for assignment as Instant Commands, but ARE available for assignment to the
footswitch icons.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 10

How Instant Commands react with snapshot changes can be confusing. The simplest way to
think of this is: A MIDI message can be assigned to an Instant Command within a preset, and
the value of the message can be changed between the snapshots of that preset. But the MIDI
command type itself cannot be changed across snapshots.

So if a MIDI CC command is assigned to Instant Command #1, it must remain as a MIDI CC for all
snapshots within the preset; although the value of the command can be changed per snapshot.

When changing snapshots in a preset where Instant Commands have been configured, only the
Instant Commands where the value is changing due to being set differently in both snapshots,
will be sent out of the Helix when the snapshot is recalled; unless the “Duplicate PC Send”
option is turned on in Global Settings.

To configure different values between snapshots, simply change the value parameter in the
MIDI message, and then be sure the snapshot is saved. There is no need to press down on the
encoder knob to do this, and brackets [ ] will not appear around the value like they do when a
traditional controller is set up for snapshot control

It’s important to know how the “Snapshot Edits” setting in Global Settings is set when
configuring Instant Commands for snapshot control.
 If “Snapshot Edits” is set to “Recall”, then any changes made to Instant Command
parameters will be automatically saved for the currently loaded snapshot.
 If “Snapshot Edits” is set to “Discard”, then the [Save] button on the helix must be
pressed twice, to save the preset, and for the changes to be saved on the snapshot.

As a step-by-step for setting different Instant Command values on two Snapshots:

1. Select a snapshot within a preset

2. Access the “Command Center” screen
3. Create an Instant Command assignment, and adjust the values.
4. Remember to save the preset if “Snapshot Edits” is set to “Discard” in Global Settings
before changing to another snapshot.
5. Change to a different snapshot within the same preset
6. Adjust the value (and only the value) of the same Instant Command assignment setup in
step #2
7. Remember to save again if “Snapshot Edits” is set to “Discard”.
8. Now flip between the two snapshots, and the value will change to what was set for

To remove Instant Commands assignments, change the “Command” parameter to “none” and
ensure the preset is saved. Things can quickly become confusing if you have different values
across different snapshots. So if things start acting strange or unpredictable, clear the Instant
Command by selecting “None”, then save the preset, and start over.

If an Instant Command is setup to change values between two snapshots, but not the other 6:
Then when changing to a snapshot where a value has not been defined, the screen will continue
to show the last value which was sent, and the MIDI Instant Command message will not be

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 11

Footswitch Commands
Footswitch Commands are similar to Instant Commands, in that they are stored on the
individual Presets, but they are not sent when the Preset or Snapshot is recalled. There are a
few exceptions to this, where a MIDI command assigned to a Command Center Footswitch may
be sent upon Preset or Snapshot recall, but in general, they are not. Instead, since they are
assigned to a physical Helix footswitch, and are sent when that footswitch is activated.

It’s important to note that Footswitch Command assignments in Command Center will not be
sent if the footswitch the command is assigned to is in Snapshot mode. So if a footswitch is
displaying “Snapshot #”, and a command is assigned to that footswitch in Command Center, the
command will not be sent when that footswitch is pressed.

Footswitch Commands can be assigned to all 12 footswitches, and will be sent when the
footswitch is activated, in all cases, other than when the footswitch is in Snapshot mode. Even
the “Mode”, “Tap”, “Bank ^” and “Bank v” footswitch can have MIDI commands assigned to
them in the Command Center.

Another interesting point is if a footswitch is triggered remotely, through a MIDI command by an

external device using the “Footswitch Emulation” MIDI feature of the Helix, any commands
assigned to that footswitch in the Command Center will also be triggered; assuming the
footswitch is not in “Snapshot” mode.

Most other features of Footswitch Command Center assignments are the same as Instant
Commands, in that the values of the commands can be customized per snapshot, and the
“Snapshot Edits” setting within Global Settings impacts if the changes must be saved before
changing to another Snapshot. Even the state of the footswitch itself can be saved on a per-
snapshot basis.

Footswitch Commands are sent under the following circumstances:

 When the physical footswitch is activated

 When the footswitch is triggered through a MIDI command
 When Presets are recalled, the following command types will automatically trigger, and
send the appropriate toggle value corresponding to the state of the footswitch when
the Preset was last saved:
o CC Toggle
o CV Toggle
 When Snapshots are recalled, the following command types should be automatically
The “Snapshot Recall” sent, but only if the state of the footswitch to which the command is assigned is
function of CC Toggle different on the current state versus the snapshot being recalled.
has a bug in firmware o CC Toggle
2.54, and does work o CV Toggle
correctly at this time. o Note On (when in Latching mode)

To setup a Footswitch Command, access the Command Center screen and use the Helix joystick
to select one of the 12 footswitches, then use the encoder knobs to configure the MIDI
command to be assigned.

Available MIDI messages for Footswitch assignment are the same as Instant Commands, but also
include three additional types:

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 12

CC Toggle
o A “CC Toggle” is used to toggle the value of a CC message back and forth with
each press of the footswitch. The LED of the assigned footswitch will toggle as
well. This cannot be used to toggle the CC number itself, but only the value
assigned to the CC Toggle command.
The “Snapshot Recall” o Upon preset recall, the configured CC Toggle MIDI message will be sent
function of CC Toggle o Upon Snapshot recall, the value of the CC Toggle command, which was saved
has a bug in firmware with the snapshot, will be sent; but only if the current state of the footswitch
2.54, and does work does not match the saved state in the snapshot being recalled.
correctly at this time. o The CC value can be changed across snapshots, but the CC number itself cannot
o Note: In some cases, the footswitch’s LED for a CC Toggle command can
become out of sync when switching snapshots, where the Lit value is sent when
the footswitch is changed to Dim, and the Dim value is sent when the footswitch
changes to Lit.

CV Toggle
o Like the “CV Out” command, the “CV Toggle” command does not send any MIDI
messages out, but is used to control the “CV” connection on the back of the
Helix. The “CV Toggle” command type is used to toggle the value of a CV
command back and forth, with each press of the footswitch.
o The “CV” connection can be used to control devices which have a ¼” expression
pedal input jack. It essentially simulates an expression pedal. The “CV Toggle”
message type in Command Center can then used to define the simulated
expression pedal’s position.
o The “Dim Value” and “Lit Value” parameters on the “CV Toggle” command
relate to the position of the simulated expression pedal when the assigned
footswitch is Lit and when it is not Lit (or is Dim).
Note On
o The “Note On” command can be used to send MIDI note messages.
o This is useful when controlling a software instrument on a remote device.

Expression Pedals
The three expression pedals in the Command Center relate to EXP 1, EXP 2, and EXP 3. When
assignments are made to these, the messages will be sent when the expression pedals are

EXP 1 and EXP 2 can be controlled using the integrated expression pedal, and switching between
the two is done by activating the expression pedal’s toe switch. As an alternative, an external
pedal can be plugged into the EXP 2 jack on the back of the Helix for controlling Expression
Pedal 2.

EXP 3 can only be controlled by utilizing an external expression pedal plugged into the EXP 3 jack
on the back of the Helix.

Unlike Instant Commands and Footswitch Commands, the values set to Expression Pedal
Commands within the Command Center cannot be different between snapshots.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 13

Available commands for the expressional pedals are:

o Will send a range of MIDI CC messages when the expression pedal is operated

CV Out
o Will send a range of CV messages, through the CV connection on the back of the
Helix, when the expression pedal is operated.
Variax knobs
There are two Variax Knob Controllers in the Command Center. One is the Variax volume knob,
and the other is the Variax tone knob. These operate just like the expression pedals, and have
the same commands available.

Like the Expression Pedal Controllers, the Variax Knob Controllers also cannot have different
values for different snapshots.

Expression Pedal toe switch

The footswitch icon located above expression pedal 1 represents the toe switch of the
integrated expression pedal. This operates just like the other 12 footswitch controllers, and has
all the same command options and limitations as the other Footswitch Controllers.

MIDI clock (send)

The Helix has the ability to send MIDI clock messages to other devices. This can be configured to send
over the USB connection, the 5-pin DIN connection, or both. This option is controlled in “Global
Settings”, in the “MIDI/Tempo” section, on page 1. Turn encoder knob #4 to set this to “Off”, “MIDI”,
“USB”, or “MIDI + USB”.

The Helix can send the tempo/BPM signal out regardless on how the Helix is setting BPM. Regardless if
it’s set for global, or per preset, or per snapshot, or if it’s receiving Global Clock from an external device
over MIDI …. the Helix can still pass MIDI Clock to other MIDI devices.

For example, the Helix could be connected to a computer or an iOS device over USB, and receive MIDI
clock through this connection. Then the Helix could pass the MIDI Clock signal it is receiving over USB,
to other devices over the 5-pin DIN connection.

Since MIDI is a network of devices, sometimes devices will be daisy chained together. This means not all
messages being sent over the network are intended for every device on the network. The Helix has the
ability to pick up and process the messages intended for it, but also pass all MIDI traffic through to other

For example: If the Helix is connected to a computer running a DAW, over USB, and that DAW needs to
send messages to the Helix and a keyboard; the keyboard could be connected to the Helix’s MIDI
“Out/Thru” 5-pin DIN connector, and the “MIDI Thru” option switched on.

Even though the Helix and the keyboard would have different MIDI channels assigned to them, the DAW
on the computer could send messages to the keyboard, by having them pass through the Helix.

This option is found in “Global Settings”, the “MIDI/Tempo” section, on page 1.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 14

Other Key Details
Details which do not fit within other categories of this document

MIDI message order

When various MIDI messages are configured to be sent from the Helix, and a preset is recalled, the
messages are sent in a particular order. This is very important if you are configuring the Helix to control
an external device, and want the external device’s bank selection to be in sync with the Helix preset

When a preset is recalled, MIDI messages are sent in the following sequence:

1. Command center commands are sent 1st

a. Instant Commands are sent 1st, in order from left to right
b. Footswitch toggle commands are sent 2nd, in order of footswitch 1 – 12
2. The CC61(0) looper stop command is sent next, but only if a looper block doesn’t exist within
the preset being recalled
3. The default “Bank Selection” messages are sent last (if “MIDI PC Send” is not turned “Off”)
a. 1st is the bank MSB message which is CC0(0)
b. 2nd is the bank LSB message which is the setlist selection message of CC32{value}
c. Last is the bank PC message which is the preset location message of PC{value}

So if you are relying on the default PC messages to change an external device’s bank, and then also have
Command Center commands established in your presets; Those Command Center commands will not
be sent to the bank being recalled on the external device, but will be sent prior to the bank being
recalled. To work around this, turn the “MIDI PC Send” option off in Global Settings, and then use the
very 1st Instant Command to send the PC “Bank Change” message to the external device.

The “Unofficial” Helix MIDI Guide v1.1 15

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