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Molecular Ecology (2014) 23, 5868–5876 doi: 10.1111/mec.


A phylogenetic perspective on species diversity,

b-diversity and biogeography for the microbial world
Integrative Freshwater Ecology Group, Department of Continental Ecology, Centre d’Estudis Avancßats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC),
Blanes, Spain

There is an increasing interest to combine phylogenetic data with distributional and
ecological records to assess how natural communities arrange under an evolutionary
perspective. In the microbial world, there is also a need to go beyond the problematic
species definition to deeply explore ecological patterns using genetic data. We explored
links between evolution/phylogeny and community ecology using bacterial 16S rRNA
gene information from a high-altitude lakes district data set. We described phyloge-
netic community composition, spatial distribution, and b-diversity and biogeographical
patterns applying evolutionary relatedness without relying on any particular opera-
tional taxonomic unit definition. High-altitude lakes districts usually contain a large
mosaic of highly diverse small water bodies and conform a fine biogeographical model
of spatially close but environmentally heterogeneous ecosystems. We sampled 18 lakes
in the Pyrenees with a selection criteria focused on capturing the maximum environ-
mental variation within the smallest geographical area. The results showed highly
diverse communities nonrandomly distributed with phylogenetic b-diversity patterns
mainly shaped by the environment and not by the spatial distance. Community simi-
larity based on both bacterial taxonomic composition and phylogenetic b-diversity
shared similar patterns and was primarily structured by similar environmental drivers.
We observed a positive relationship between lake area and phylogenetic diversity with
a slope consistent with highly dispersive planktonic organisms. The phylogenetic
approach incorporated patterns of common ancestry into bacterial community analysis
and emerged as a very convenient analytical tool for direct inter- and intrabiome biodi-
versity comparisons and sorting out microbial habitats with potential application in
conservation studies.
Keywords: bacteria, community ecology, environmental DNA, microbial ecology
phylogeography, phylogenetic diversity

Received 23 May 2013; revision received 12 October 2014; accepted 15 October 2014

1985). As ecological patterns are driven by evolution

(Margalef 1968), ecologists should recognize historical
To analyse microbial diversity within natural ecosys- constraints and incorporate the patterns of common
tems and assess its geographical distribution, an ancestry represented as phylogenies in community
approach that takes into account the fact that life forms analysis (Webb et al. 2002). For this purpose, a set of
are not independent entities is essential (Felsenstein tools that aims to bridge the gap between evolutionary/
phylogenetic analysis and community ecology has been
recently developed. Nowadays, ecologists can assess (i)
Correspondence: Emilio O. Casamayor, Fax: +34 972 337 806;
where most of the biological diversity accumulates
Present address: Cooperative Institute for Research in Envi- (Faith 1992; Barberan et al. 2011) and how it is intrinsi-
ronmental Sciences, University of Colorado, 216 UCB, Boulder, cally structured (Fierer et al. 2007a; Helmus et al. 2007;
CO 80309, USA O’Dwyer et al. 2012), (ii) how phylogenetic b-diversity

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(i.e. similarity between communities based on its predictions. The results were compared with marine
evolutionary history) is distributed along environmental (Pommier et al. 2007) and forest soils (Lauber et al. 2008)
gradients (Bryant et al. 2008; Barberan & Casamayor data sets to explore the potential of PD measures for
2010) and (iii) how the spatial scale modulates phyloge- interbiome comparisons.
netic diversity (PD; Morlon et al. 2011).
The study of the microbial world is, however, plenty
Materials and methods
of difficulties because of the small size, limited morpho-
logical traits, and low culturability of micro-organisms,
Study site and sampling
and microbial ecologists have had to efficiently incorpo-
rate molecular and bioinformatics expertises in the tool- The sampled lakes are located in the Limnological
box to study microbes in situ (Barberan et al. 2014). In Observatory of the Pyrenees (LOOP; Spanish Pyrenees;
addition, telling apart bacterial species is still a highly 42°330 N, 00°530 E) within the protected area of the
controversial and difficult task and a consensus defini- Aig€uestortes National Park (Fig. S1, Supporting infor-
tion of what should be the most operative and predic- mation). In this study, we investigated the spatial distri-
tive unit to measure biological diversity in the bution of bacterial communities inhabiting high-altitude
microbial world is still under discussion (range 97–99% lakes within a regional scale of <100 km from the
identity in 16S rRNA gene sequence, Kim et al. 2014). In detailed analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene. The cen-
the present investigation, we explore the links between tral mountain region of the Pyrenees contains the main
evolutionary/phylogenetic analysis and microbial com- freshwater lake district of southwest Europe and consti-
munity ecology applying a phylogenetic perspective on tutes a mosaic of highly diverse water bodies directly
species diversity, b-diversity and biogeography without related to the heterogeneous geological and environ-
relying on any particular operational taxonomic unit mental characteristics of the catchments (Catalan et al.
definition. 2009). The selected Pyrenean lakes covered a wide
We explored the planktonic bacterial communities range of environmental conditions of more than four
present in a high-altitude lacustrine district by detailed pH units, tenfold phosphorous concentration, 20-fold
analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences. High- chlorophyll content and one order of magnitude of con-
mountain lakes districts usually contain a large mosaic of ductivity, being a sample set representative of the land-
highly diverse small water bodies. This regional diversity scape heterogeneity found in this lacustrine district.
driven mostly by the geological characteristics of the Eighteen lakes were sampled during July 2008 within
catchments contrasts with an overall similarity in their a 2-week interval to minimize temporal variability. The
environmental characteristics at the global scale (Catalan lakes ranged between 1600 and 2452 m a.s.l. and were
et al. 2006) and conforms to a fine biogeographical model selected from different heterogeneous watersheds. The
of spatially close but environmentally heterogeneous eco- lowest lakes, in the subalpine region below the tree line,
systems (Reche et al. 2005; Catalan et al. 2009). Addition- were surrounded by meadows. The highest lakes were
ally, the relative simplicity of high-altitude lakes and mostly surrounded by rocky landscape, except Munta-
their sensitivity to external forcing due to both their ny 
o d’Arreu, which was surrounded by montane grass-
remoteness from areas of human activity and the pristine lands and shrublands. The water bodies differed in
nature of their waters, make them excellent sentinels and morphological and limnological characteristics, particu-
recorders of environmental changes (Catalan et al. 2002). larly in pH, and in phosphorous and chlorophyll a con-
One may expect low diversity within this ecosystem as centrations (Table S1, Supporting information). Samples
most of the existing high-mountain lakes originated dur- were collected with a Ruttner’s sampling bottle on a
ing the last glaciation and thus are young ecosystems, pneumatic boat placed at the deepest point of the lakes
and because high-elevation watersheds and mountain to prevent any interference from the littoral zone.
ranges restrict colonization from other habitats. How- Because these high-mountain lakes are usually small,
ever, despite the initial expectation, the large environ- shallow and well mixed by wind, we assumed low
mental heterogeneity of high-altitude lakes at the within-lake variability and took only one sample at the
regional geographical scale, altogether with their oligo- centre of the lake as representative of the pelagic zone.
trophic and isolated characteristics may enhance the Recent studies show that the greatest portion of the bac-
diversity of micro-organisms (Triad o-Margarit & terial sample variation is associated with the among-
Casamayor 2012; Auguet & Casamayor 2013) offering a lake variability (Yannarell & Triplett 2004; Reche et al.
very convenient landscape for phylogenetic microbial 2005). Because lakes were environmentally heteroge-
community ecology studies extending the traditional neous among them, samples were collected at the same
framework of island-biogeography theory on species ‘relative depth’ according to the water transparency
richness, including the amount of evolutionary history to and algal growth (1.5 times the Secchi disk depth, i.e.

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15–18 m). For lakes shallower than 12 m, samples were To correct for unequal number of sequences, we
collected 1 m above the undisturbed sediment (i.e. calculated the mean PD of 1000 randomized subsamples
4–8 m). The different environmental variables reported of each community. The subsample size was the num-
in Table S1 (Supporting information) were measured as ber of sequences present in the smallest data set (65
recently reported (Auguet et al. 2012; Auguet & Casa- sequences). Additionally, we characterized the meta-
mayor 2013). The data set was compared with two con- community phylogenetic tree using the edge-length
trasting systems, coastal marine communities at the abundance distribution (EAD), the phylogenetic ana-
global scale (Pommier et al. 2007) and heterogeneous logue of the classic taxonomic species abundance distri-
soils from an experimental forest (Lauber et al. 2008). bution (SAD). Edge-length abundance distribution is
defined as the sum of the branch length of all edges
with a given number of descendent tips, and it has been
DNA extraction, PCR amplification and cloning
shown to have a consistent power-law distribution
Water samples were prefiltered through a 20-lm net across habitats (O’Dwyer et al. 2012).
and then a volume of 200–300 mL was filtered in The phylogenetic structure of each bacterial commu-
0.2-lm pore polycarbonate membranes (Nuclepore Cor- nity was calculated with the phylogenetic species vari-
poration, Pleasanton, CA, USA), until filter clogging ability (PSV) index (Helmus et al. 2007). The value is 1
decreased flow rate to <0.5 mL/min. Filters were incu- when all species are phylogenetically unrelated (a star
bated with lysozyme, proteinase K and sodium dode- phylogeny, totally overdispersed) and approaches 0 as
cyl sulphate (SDS) in lysis buffer (40 mM EDTA, species become more related (clustered). To test
50 mM TRIS, pH 8.3 and 0.75 M sucrose), and phenol whether or not Pyrenean lakes were composed of bacte-
extracted as described previously (Gasol et al. 2004). rial members that are more or less related to each other
Bacterial 16S rRNA genes were PCR amplified with than expected, we compared the mean observed PSV
primers 27 forward (50 -AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCT- with the mean of null values using two different ran-
CAG-30 ) and 1492 reverse (50 -GGTTACCTTGTTACG- domization procedures. The first null model maintains
ACTT-30 ) and cloned as described (Ferrera et al. 2004), occurrence (randomizes community data abundances
and sequencing was carried out using external facilities within species), whereas the second null model main-
( tains richness (randomizes community data abundances
within samples; Helmus et al. 2007).
As lakes and ponds can be regarded as islands within
Phylogenetic analysis
a sea of land (Reche et al. 2005), we extended the frame-
For comparison with Pommier et al. (2007) and Lauber work of the theory of island biogeography (MacArthur
et al. (2008) clone libraries, a de novo phylogenetic recon- & Wilson 1967) using PD instead of species richness. A
struction was applied using QIIME pipeline (Caporaso power-law scaling between PD and area was assumed
et al. 2010). Sequences were aligned using PYNAST using
PDðAÞ ¼ cAz ;
Greengenes 16S rRNA database as a template, and the
multiple sequence alignment was subsequently where PD(A) is the expected PD contained in a sample
trimmed. Phylogenies were reconstructed using FASTTREE from a lake of area A, c is a normalization constant, and
(Price et al. 2010) using the midpoint method for root- z is the slope of the log-transformed function. For theo-
ing. For the rest of the analyses, an insertion method retical expectations of the relationship between PD and
was used. The 16S rRNA gene sequences from high- area under a random assembly hypothesis (i.e. random-
mountain Pyrenean lakes were quality checked for ization of species on a phylogeny while maintaining
nucleotide ambiguities, short sequences (<400 nucleo- species richness and turnover) see Morlon et al. (2011).
tides) and possible chimeras using Bellerophon (Huber Two approaches for ordination by nonmetric multidi-
et al. 2004). The resulting 2172 sequences were aligned mensional scaling (NMDS) were employed. First, with a
with the NAST alignment tool (DeSantis et al. 2006) and Bray–Curtis distance matrix from a table of taxonomic
added by parsimony to the ARB-formatted Greengenes abundances (see Fig S2, Supporting information for
backbone phylogenetic tree after applying a base details) after Hellinger standardization (Legendre &
frequency filter to exclude highly variable positions Gallagher 2001). Second, a distance matrix was con-
(Ludwig et al. 2004). structed using the UniFrac metric, which is a b-diversity
metric that quantifies community dissimilarity based on
phylogenetic relatedness (Lozupone & Knight 2005).
Data analysis
While phylogenetic b-diversity provides insights into
Phylogenetic diversity in each lake community was cal- overall community differences using evolutionary
culated as the total sum of branch length (Faith 1992). relatedness, taxonomic assignment allows a deeper

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understanding in terms of particular differences in means partition grouped Bassa Nera (BN) and Bassa Oles
abundance among communities. We used standard and (BO), both shallow and with high DOC concentration
partial Mantel tests to determine the correlation ponds, and taxonomically characterized by low relative
between the UniFrac matrix and spatial (S) and envi- abundance of Bacteroidetes and high abundance of Beta-
ronmental (E) Euclidean distance matrices. Individual proteobacteria, most of them closely related to the cosmo-
environmental predictors were assessed by vector fit- politan freshwater Polynucleobacter sp. and to the
ting to the NMDS axes and by permutational multivari- methanol-utilizing Methylophilus sp. Such shallow ponds
ate analysis of variance that fits linear models using also showed the lowest PSV values (i.e. more phylogenet-
categorical or continuous variables to distance matrices ically clustered bacterial assemblages; Table S1, Support-
(PERMANOVA; Anderson 2001). To estimate the degree of ing information). Finally, the remaining lakes formed
spatial autocorrelation of the environmental variables, two heterogeneous groups (Fig. 1A).
Moran’s coefficient (I) was calculated. While taxonomic assignment allows a deeper under-
All analyses were carried out in the R statistical envi- standing in terms of particular differences in abundance
ronment ( using vegan among communities, phylogenetic b-diversity provides
(Oksanen et al. 2009) and picante packages (Kembel insights into overall community differences using evo-
et al. 2010). The k-means classification algorithm using lutionary relatedness. To compare the performance of
the best Calinsky value (i.e. a diagnostic measure of both approaches, we run a NMDS plot of community
how many clusters fit the data) (Calinski & Harabasz similarity based on the phylogenetic b-diversity
1974) was run as implemented in vegan. approach (UniFrac metric) (Fig. 1B). Both bacterial taxo-
nomic and UniFrac distance matrices shared similar
patterns as both were strongly correlated (rM = 0.78,
P < 0.001, Mantel test). In addition, the phylogenetic b-
The environmental parameters, morphological character- diversity approach confirmed the importance of pH,
istics and geographical coordinates measured for the 18 especially structuring the first axis (R2 = 0.50, P = 0.009,
high-altitude Pyrenean lakes investigated in this study vector fitting, 13 variables tested) and DOC concentra-
are summarized in Table S1 (Supporting information). tion for the second axis (R2 = 0.38, P = 0.032, vector fit-
Although distributed over a relatively small area (Fig. S1, ting, 13 variables tested). Moreover, lakes with the most
Supporting information), the lakes covered a wide range extreme values of pH had reduced levels of PD (indi-
of environmental gradients (e.g. lake area from 0.6 to cated by point size in Fig. 1B). PERMANOVA analyses rein-
44.3 ha, from 1 m to 90 m depth, pH from 4.61 to 9.18 or forced the results of vector fitting and selected pH,
chlorophyll a concentration from 0.6 mg/m3 to DOC and conductivity as the most significant variables
11.99 mg/m3). Overall, members of the Betaproteobacteria, structuring community similarity patterns (P < 0.05, 13
Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria clades dominated the variables tested).
aquatic environment of these high-altitude lakes with Overall, the bacterial communities from the study
several other taxa present in lower abundance (Fig. S2, lakes showed a significant phylogenetic structure. The
Supporting information). Five groups of lakes were sepa- mean observed PSV value (0.47) was significantly lower
rated according to their taxonomic composition by the than the null model maintaining occurrence (0.51,
k-means classification algorithm in the NMDS plots of P < 0.05) and for the null model maintaining richness
community similarity (see five different colours in (0.52, P < 0.05) indicating nonrandom phylogenetic
Fig. 1A). Muntany 
o d’Arreu (M) was the lake with high- structure. The first null model suggested nonrandom
est pH (9.18; Table S1, Supporting information) and was associations between bacterial sequences among lake
dominated by Chlorobi spp. closely related to the anoxy- communities, with lakes containing more closely related
genic phototrophic green sulphur bacterium Chlorobium species than expected by chance (phylogenetic cluster-
phaeobacteroides, and Gammaproteobacteria mainly from the ing), while the second null model suggested that bacte-
methanotrophic family of the Methylococcaceae. On the rial composition represented nonrandom samples from
other extreme of pH, the acidic lakes Aixeus (A; the phylogenetic pool (i.e. significant pattern in species
pH = 4.97) and Pica Palomera (PP; pH = 4.61) showed prevalence).
absence of Bacteroidetes, otherwise very abundant in the To test for the existence of biogeographical patterns
whole data set, and a high proportion of Alphaproteobacte- without relying on any particular operational taxonomic
ria (Fig. S2, Supporting information). The metabolically unit definition but on whole community phylogenetic
diverse alphaproteobacterium genus Rhodobacter domi- information, we constructed a Euclidean distance
nated Lake Filia (F), while the acidic Lake Pica Palomera matrix with the environmental variables standardized
(PP) was dominated by sequences closely related to the (E) and a spatial distance matrix (S) following
nitrogen-fixing alphaproteobacteria Beijerinckia sp. The k- geographical coordinates. Environmental filtering was

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the most plausible mechanism structuring phylogenetic veyed Pyrenean lakes could be sorted according to the
b-diversity patterns based on Mantel correlations amount of evolutionary history contained in the bacte-
(rM = 0.65, P < 0.001; Fig. 2A) and not geographical dis- rial assemblages giving microbial ecologists a synoptic
tance (rM = 0.10, P = 0.307; Fig. 2B). The pattern did not view on their study systems. High levels of PD were
change after controlling for possible intermatrix correla- particularly found in lakes Podo (PO), Llauset (LA) and
tions ([E|S]: rM = 0.65, P < 0.001; [S|E]: rM = 0.08, Llong Lliat (LL), whereas lakes Aixeus (A), Bassa d’Oles
P = 0.359; partial Mantel tests). (BO) and Ibonet Perram o (IP) showed the lowest values
We also observed a significant relationship between (Table S1, Supporting information). For the interbiome
lake area (A) and PD of the bacterial assemblages as a comparison, we plotted the PD data of a marine survey
whole (r = 0.57, P = 0.014). The slope (z) of the log- at nine coastal sites distributed worldwide (Pommier
transformed relationship was 0.13  0.04 (Fig. 3). No et al. 2007) and of 12 soil samples from an experimental
significant relationship between lake area and PD was forest with contrasting land-use types (Lauber et al.
found for the two most abundant taxonomic groups, 2008) calculated applying the same sequence processing
that is Betaproteobacteria (r = 0.31, P = 0.206) and Bacter- and rarefaction approach using a randomization sub-
oidetes (r = 0.06, P = 0.839; Fig. 3). To assess other sampling to correct for unequal number of sequences
potential environmental factors influencing PD, we cor- (Fig. 4A). Bacterial members from the high-mountain
related the observed PD of bacterial communities from lakes accumulated higher PD per sequence
Pyrenean lakes with chlorophyll a concentration (as a (2.33 9 102) than marine members (0.84 9 102), but
surrogate of lake productivity), DOC and TDP (as sur- less than soil bacteria (4.07 9 102). Overall and stan-
rogates of resource richness). No significant results dardizing by total number of sequences and number of
were obtained in any case (Chl a: r = 0.18, P = 0.47; samples because the marine environment was sampled
DOC: r = 0.42, P = 0.08; TDP: r = 0.22, P = 0.39). more deeply (c. 336 sequences/sample) than Pyrenean
Finally, we explored the potential of PD measures to lakes (c. 120 sequences/sample) and soils (c. 80
direct intrabiome and interbiome comparisons. The sur- sequences/sample), aquatic bacterial communities from

(A) BO (B) Fig. 1 Nonmetric multidimensional scal-

ing plots of community similarity. (A)
Based on Bray–Curtis distances of
# sequences
taxonomic abundance after Hellinger
A standardization. Colours according to a
6 k-means classification at five groups par-
Axis 2

Axis 2

M IP 7
tition (best Calinsky value 5.79) and
point size proportional to the number of
P A 7
sequences retrieved from each lake. (B)
G PP 9 Based on UniFrac distances. Colours
according to pH values and point size
F F proportional to phylogenetic diversity
(PD). See Table S1 for abbreviations.

Axis 1 Axis 1

(A) rM = 0.65, P < 0.001 (B) rM = 0.10, P = 0.31 Fig. 2 Relationship between the UniFrac
distance matrix and (A) the environmen-
tal Euclidean matrix (E) or (B) the spatial
0.85 distance matrix (S). In the first case, a lin-
ear regression line is plotted.
UniFrac distance





1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Environmental distance Geographical distance (km)

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catchment, additional factors may be important in the

z = 0.13
assembly of local planktonic communities in high-alti-
r = 0.57, P = 0.014* tude systems, in particular, long-range dispersal of air-
borne micro-organisms that may colonize very diluted
waters (Herv as et al. 2009), survival to extreme physical
100.6 conditions such as low temperatures, low nutrients and
high UV exposure (Sommaruga 2001), and temporal
dynamics strictly governed by the ice pack that covers
Betaproteobacteria the surface of the lakes for several months along the

z = 0.04
r = 0.31, P = 0.206 year (Catalan et al. 2006). These aquatic islands embed-
100.2 ded in a sea of land conform an interesting biogeo-
graphical model of spatially close but environmentally
distant ecosystem (Catalan et al. 2009). In the present
study, we have surveyed 18 high-altitude lakes from
the Pyrenees mountain range with a selection criteria
10–0.2 Bacteroidetes
focused on capturing the maximum amount of environ-
z = –0.01 mental variation in the smallest area to explore phylo-
r = 0.06, P = 0.839
genetic b-diversity patterns.
100 100.5 101 101.5
Area (Ha) The effects of geographical distance and local envi-
ronmental factors on bacterial community similarity
Fig. 3 Relationship between phylogenetic diversity (PD) and were tested after teasing apart both effects because the
lake area. A linear regression line of the log-transformed rela-
spatial dimension may have a spurious correlation with
tionship is plotted.
the environmental component. Our results showed that
phylogenetic b-diversity patterns were essentially struc-
Pyrenean lakes were more phylogenetically diverse tured by environmental factors in agreement for what
(1.29 9 103) than coastal marine communities sampled accounted for the overall taxonomic composition here
worldwide (0.93 9 103) but again less than soils and in several other previously reported studies (Pros-
(3.39 9 103). All metacommunities compared (i.e. Py- ser et al. 2007 and references therein). In particular, pH
renean freshwater lakes, coastal marine samples and appeared as the strongest gradient controlling bacterial
soils) showed very similar power-law EADs but with community patterns for the two approaches. For
higher number of descendent tips with smaller branch instance, the alkaline lake Muntany 
o d’Arreu (M)
length in aquatic than in soil ecosystems (Fig. 4B). showed a high proportion of anoxygenic phototrophic
Chlorobi, and methanotrophic Gammaproteobacteria. These
are certainly not alkalophiles but rather specific popula-
tions enhanced by the anoxic and sulphurous condi-
The field of molecular microbial ecology has experience tions that develop in the karstic lake hypolimnion. Low
an exponential development as methodological pH values, in turn, constrained the presence of the
improvements have unblocked the limitations of the otherwise abundant clade of Bacteroidetes in the acidic
study of micro-organisms in situ. At present, there is a lakes sampled, Aixeus (A) and Pica Palomera (PP). pH
need for new views to deal with environmental genetic is recognized as one of the major drivers of bacterial
data and for the application of theoretical and macro- community composition (Fierer et al. 2007b), and it has
ecological concepts to the microbial world (Prosser et al. been shown to affect the distribution of lineages of
2007; Barberan et al. 2014). Although recent sequencing freshwater Actinobacteria (Newton et al. 2007).
efforts are revealing a large amount of once hidden The phylogenetic tree of bacterial members retrieved
microbial diversity, some ecosystems still remain lar- from Pyrenean lakes showed a power-law EAD. This
gely underexplored and can be potential targets for the general observed pattern is analogous to the taxonomic
discovery of new microbial diversity. The central moun- SAD, which takes a near-universal log-normal form in
tain range of the Pyrenees constitutes a mosaic of heter- microbial communities (O’Dwyer et al. 2012). Although
ogeneous water bodies at the regional scale. Besides the EAD was nearly identical to the EAD from both a
shaping the bacterial taxonomic composition and gen- global ocean survey (Pommier et al. 2007) and soils
eral b-diversity patterns, environmental conditions may from an experimental forest (Lauber et al. 2008), we
also modulate the amount of PD present in an environ- noticed that the bacterial communities from the studied
ment. Together with the heterogeneous and isolated Pyrenean lakes showed higher PD that marine commu-
nature of high-mountain lakes and the influence of the nities but less than soil communities. Although the

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(A) (B) Fig. 4 (A) Phylogenetic diversity (PD)

50 rarefaction curves. (B) Edge-length abun-
dance distribution (EAD) plots. On the y-

Log (Total branch length)

40 2 axis is total branch-length summed
1 across all edges with a given number of
30 descendent tips, and on the x-axis is the

number of descendent tips grouped into

20 0.2 log2 bins. As a comparison, a global sur-
0.1 vey of marine sites (Pommier et al. 2007)
10 and soils from four land-use types in an
experimental forest (Lauber et al. 2008)
0 0.02
are also plotted.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of sequences Log2 Bins

three systems are very different, we hypothesize that slope observed when we used operational taxonomic
this discrepancy in the level of diversity is due to envi- units (OTUs) as richness estimators instead of PD and to
ronmental heterogeneity rather than geographical scale. data of a previous study in a similar aquatic ecosystem
The heterogeneous landscape of high-mountain lake eco- (Reche et al. 2005). As discussed in Reche et al. (2005), the
systems as well as contrasting land-use types (i.e. culti- accumulation of more biological diversity in larger lakes
vated fields, pasture, pine forest plantation and mixed is more plausible due to higher niche availability rather
hardwood forest) in soil communities may trigger more than to the balance among immigration and extinction as
phylogenetically diverse assemblages compared to a originally proposed by MacArthur & Wilson (1967). The
homogeneous coastal marine environment although value of the slope is consistent with planktonic organ-
being sampled worldwide (Barberan & Casamayor 2010). isms with high dispersal rates (Reche et al. 2005; for a
This observation raises the question of sequencing effort review see Prosser et al. 2007). The relationship between
and incomplete sampling of microbial communities. It PD and ecosystem area may not only provide insights
has been shown that sequencing effort does not affect into the evolutionary and ecological processes driving
overall b-diversity patterns (Kuczynski et al. 2010). Thus, community assembly, but also inform conservation poli-
microbial ecologists should decide whether the efforts for cies (Morlon et al. 2011). The PD-area relationship can be
seeking novel microbial life, with its associated new met- used to estimate the potential diversity shrinkage follow-
abolic potential, focus on a deeper coverage of a particu- ing habitat loss, and how this reduced diversity may
lar environment, or to increase the number of samples affect the response of communities to environmental
and to explore isolated and heterogeneous environments change (Rodrigues & Gaston 2002). Incorporating phylo-
and other spatial axes, for example switching from the genetic information in conservational ecology is essential
latitudinal or longitudinal axes to the vertical axis (Bar- because extinctions are not random with respect to phy-
beran & Casamayor 2011). logeny (Purvis et al. 2000).
The species–area relationship is one of the few and old- In summary, we described the bacterial community
est general laws in ecology (Arrhenius 1921). The rich composition of a heterogeneous system of Pyrenean
phylogenetic information recovered from ribosomal envi- high-mountain lakes using an integrated phylogenetic
ronmental surveys permits the extension of the tradi- framework that does not need any particular OTU defi-
tional predictions of the theory of island biogeography nition. Phylogenetic information provides more resolu-
on species richness (MacArthur & Wilson 1967) to incor- tion for testing the degree of differentiation between
porate the historical patterns of common ancestry in com- communities (Martin 2002), and it can be a useful tool
munity ecology analysis (Webb et al. 2002). Using a for microbial ecologists to sort out microbial habitats
random community assembly model and a spatially according to their genetic richness and to accommodate
explicit flora data set from Mediterranean-type regions, microbes in conservation biology initiatives (Barber an &
Morlon et al. (2011) showed that PD increased with area Casamayor 2011; Griffith 2012). The PD index altogether
at a slower pace than species richness. Along these lines, with the analysis of the environmental constraints that
we observed a positive relationship between lake area shape phylogenetic b-diversity patterns seem very con-
and PD at the whole community level. This relationship venient tools for conservational studies. Moreover,
was not significant for the most abundant taxa (Betaprote- although not targeted in the present investigation, the
obacteria and Bacteroidetes) indicating that bacterial com- study of temporal dynamics in microbial ecosystems
munities conform a coherent ecological unit. The slope of can gain a richer perspective adding quantitative esti-
this relationship was not significantly different from the mations of the variation of genetic richness in time.

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Supporting information
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nees, Spain). Environmental Microbiology, 14, 2445–2456. sion of this article.
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