Case 2 - People v. Atop (Pu)

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PEOPLE v ATOP (Pu) ● On Dec.

31, 1994 (4th rape): She was molested in the

PETIONER/s: People of the Philippines presence of her aunt and Atop’s two nieces. Regina
RESPONDENT/s: Alejandro Atop “Ali” and the two nieces kicked him so he stopped.
G.R. 124303-05 | Feb. 10, 1998 | J. Panganiban | Penal ● In January 1995: She forgot she had no classes so she
Statutes went to her other grandfather’s house (Lolo Geva)
when the accused came and tried to force her to go
DOCTRINE/RELATED STATUTES: Penal statutes are strictly home. He kept on pulling her until they reached a
construed against the State and liberally construed in favor of waiting shed where the accused smashed her to the
the accused concrete wall. This explained all the bruises and
abrasions in her body upon medical examination.
FACTS: ● She only reported such incidents in January 1995
● The accused, Alejandro “Ali” Atop is the common law because she was afraid Atop will kill her. She did not
husband of the victim’s grandmother, Trinidad Mejos. exactly tell the truth (in her sworn statement, she only
(A manghihilot) said that a finger was inserted) at first because Atop
It started sometime in 1991 when Regina was 10 years was still not apprehended (he was hiding). When
old, the accused started having lustful desires on her finally he was arrested, she requested the fiscal to re-
and inserted his finger into her vagina. She told her investigate and then told them what was really done to
grandmother about this but she did not believe her her.
and told her it was just a “manifestation of fatherly
concern” ● Version of Atop: He testified he personally knew
● The 1st time she was raped, Regina was then 12 years Regina because she was their adopted child and the
old and her grandmother was away attending to a reason why Regina filed a case against because she
delivery. She was called by the accused, when he was coached by her aunts who wanted him and
suddenly rushed towards her, removed her pants and Trinidad to separate.
inserted his male organ into her vagina. She was not ● He was found guilty of 3 counts of rape and was
able to defend herself because at that time the sentenced to 2 terms of reclusion perpetua and
accused was gagging her and carrying a knife. This death. In the other rape incident (Dec. 31, 1994), he
happened again sometime in 1993 (2nd rape) and was found not guilty for insufficiency of evidence.
1994 (3rd rape). Every time, she told her grandmother
but Trinidad wouldn’t believe her.
STATCON ISSUE: Whether the common-law husband of the be brought within them.
girl’s grandmother is included in the provisions of Sec. 11 RA
7659. PENALTIES IMPOSABLE: (since no common-law husband of
grandmother present in provision)
HELD: NO. - The 3rd rape incident occured after the effectivity of RA
7659 which imposed penalty on heinous crimes. Under this,
Sec. 11 of RA 7659, which amended Art. 335 of the RPC, the penalty for rape with the use of a deadly weapon is
provides that the death penalty for rape may be imposed if reclusion perpetua to death.
the “offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, - Since there was no modifying circumstance, and the
relative by consanguinity or affinity within the 3rd civil degree, attendant relationships enumerated under Sec. 11 of RA 7659
or the common-law spouse of the parent of the victim” (no is not applicable. The penalty imposable is reclusion perpetua,
common-law husband of grandmother) and NOT DEATH.
It is a basic rule in statutory construction that penal statutes
are to be liberally construed in favor of the accused. Courts WHEREFORE, Decision appealed is AFFIRMED, with
must not bring cases within the provisions of the law which MODIFICATIONS. Accused-appelant shall not suffer the
are not clearly embraced by it. No act can be pronounced penalty of DEATH but shall serve 3 terms of reclusion
criminal which is not clearly within the terms of a statute can perpetua.

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