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TLT-5606 - Spread Spectrum Techniques

Matlab Exercises, Friday 11.5.2007, 12-15, TC221

1. Generate, first, two-user complex valued discrete time data given as

r = A1 b1 s1 + A2 b2 s2 + σn
= SAb + σn

where the chip sequence of user k equals

sk = [sk,1 sk,2 · · · sk,N ]T , (2)

user amplitudes Ak and noise samples are complex valued, S = [s1 s2 ], A =

diag(A1 , A2 ) and b = [b1 , b2 ]T . The SNR wrt. user k is now N |Ak |2 /2σ 2 .
Use random spreading codes of length N ≈ 10.
2. Implement decorrelating detector. For complex-valued data, decorrelating
detector operates as follows:

b̂k = sgn(R(ck )), ck = A∗k [R−1 y]k (3)

where R is the code cross-correlation matrix, i.e. [R]ij = ρij .

Compare its performance to conventional detection.

3. Consider then successive and parallel interference cancellation (SIC and

PIC, respectively).

(a) Starting from the 2-user (from previous exercises), implement SIC
receiver with decoding order ”decreasing MF output power”.
(b) Then, implement PIC receiver with 1 and 2 cancellation stages.
(c) Make a comparison with conventional detection.
(d) Compare PIC/SIC cancellation strategies wrt. user power profiles
(In 2-user case, just vary the level of MAI)
(e) Compare PIC, SIC and conventional detection in the case of chip
timing error. You can model the chip timing error as follows:
Suppose that the timing error in the receiver is δ ∈ [0, Tc ], that is,
less than duration of a chip. This error can be modelled in such a
way that the local code at the receiver is

ŝk = (1 − δ)[sk,1 sk,2 · · · sk,N ]T + δ[sk,2 sk,3 · · · sk,N sk,1 ]T (4)

which is a linear combination of two local replica codes. The matched

filter outputs in case of timing errors are thus

yk = A∗k ŝTk r (5)

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