DT - MGN - 09012019 - MGN

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From : E.Cros / M. Guesdon To : Whom it may concern

Subject : Freyssinet anchorage choice Copy : Ozgur Ozkul, Naçi Ozsoy

Ref : DT-MGN-09.01.2019 Date : 09/01/2019

1 Introduction

This document provides our analysis related to the possibility to use Freyssinet H2000-E anchorages
for Nkrumah St. Crossing Under Viaduct.

2 References

fib Bulletin 30, Acceptance of stay cable systems using prestressing steels, CEB-FIP, 2005.
Recommendations CIP, Setra, 2001.
Reference: NdC DSM-YME-BD-BR96X-I-CE-REP-1000-0
L18-013 E1-RFI_001
NF EN 1993-1-11

3 Bridge description and project specification

3.1 Bridge description

Main span length L = 70 m

Pylon height H = 15 m
Cable maximum length ~ 22m

Freyssinet International & Cie  280 av Napoléon Bonaparte  92500 Rueil-Malmaison  FRANCE  Tél : 33 (0)1 47 76 42 62
S.N.C. au capital de 1 067 143 €  RCS Nanterre B 333 912 764  SIRET 333 912 764 00102  APE 4213A  TVA FR 01 333 912 764 1/6


3.2 Project specification

Project specifications [3] section 3.3.4 requires a cable system in line with EN 1993-1-11 standard.
The required stay cable system shall deliver the following performances:
- Parallel strands system classified as Group C in accordance with EN 1993-1-11
- Fatigue full scale testing with:
o a stress range of Δσ =160 Mpa
o an upper stress σsup = 0.45 σuk = 0.45 x 1860 Mpa

3.3 Project design report

3.3.1 Cable strength

Cable strength verification done in [3] section 10.1 consider coefficient γr = 1 as a conservative
assumption. Coefficient γr stands for the presence or not of measures to limit bending stresses on cables
as per table hereinafter:

No specific device is expected in the anchorage to minimize bending stresses for ultimate cable angular
rotation over service rotations at least.

3.3.2 Cable fatigue resistance

Fatigue verifications performed in [3] section 10.2 indicates that the stress range expected for the viaduct
is Δσ = 89 Mpa << 160 Mpa criterion as per EN 1993-1-11.

3.3.3 Cable rotations during service

The maximum cable rotation at service is preliminary estimated around 4.5 mrad as per RFI001 [4]
answer by Designer Tec-4.

4 Project specification analysis

It can be highlighted from design report [3] that stress range for fatigue of 89 Mpa and angular rotations
around 4.5 mrad anticipated for anchorages are representative of extradosed-type cable state of art

Freyssinet International & Cie  280 av Napoléon Bonaparte  92500 Rueil-Malmaison  FRANCE  Tél : 33 (0)1 47 76 42 62
S.N.C. au capital de 1 067 143 €  RCS Nanterre B 333 912 764  SIRET 333 912 764 00102  APE 4213A  TVA FR 01 333 912 764 2/6


Extradosed cable being not directly covered by EN 1993-1-11 [5], French appendix EN 1993-1-11/NA
French [5] in Clause 1.1 (g) refers to French international recommendations CIP [2] (named CIP further
in this document) for extradosed cable state of art.

4.1 Cable frequent overtension depending on cable type

Regarding the fatigue stress range, CIP [2] indicates frequent overtensions depending on cable type in
table 1. On this basis, cables with stress variation of 89 Mpa are rather representative of extradosed
cable overtension (in the range of 30 Mpa to 100 Mpa) rather than cable stays.

Table 1. Usual overtension due to live load depending on cable bridge type

Vibration due to wind can be estimated as negligible in Nkrumah St. Crossing Under Viaduct due to
the short length of cable (maximum 22m) between anchor points (deck and saddle).

4.2 Cable angular rotation depending on cable type

Regarding angular rotations, 4,5 mrad of angular rotations is in the range of extradosed cables which
are usually into an envelope of +/-10 mrad due to:
- limited deck rotation under live load due to deck and cable stiffness
- negligible dynamic effect because of cable short length

5 Freyssinet anchorage choice

Freyssinet has two anchor possibilities for 43-strand cables.

1. H2000 FAB anchorage dedicated to stay cable bridge with large angular deviations, anchored
and tensioned at deck level,
2. H2000E anchorage dedicated to extradosed-type cables (frequently used with saddle at pylon

Freyssinet International & Cie  280 av Napoléon Bonaparte  92500 Rueil-Malmaison  FRANCE  Tél : 33 (0)1 47 76 42 62
S.N.C. au capital de 1 067 143 €  RCS Nanterre B 333 912 764  SIRET 333 912 764 00102  APE 4213A  TVA FR 01 333 912 764 3/6


Figure 1. 3D view of H2000E anchorage and H2000 FAB anchorage

We propose to use suitable H2000E anchorages for Nkrumah St. Crossing Under Viaduct. This range
of anchorage is usually dedicated to extradosed structures with short-span to medium-span (30m to 150m
long span), supported by cables, generally with a fairly flat profile and working mainly under a load with
limited variation. H2000E anchorages perfectly fulfill extradossed cable requirements, which are slightly
different from cable stays, but covers Nkrumah St. Crossing Under Viaduct cable behaviour and
performance requirements.

5.1 Angular rotations filtering

Freyssinet H2000E filtered angular rotation up to +/-10 mrad with limited bending stresses in the
anchorage zone.

5.2 Cable system full scale fatigue testing

As service load and traffic live loads are different than cable stays, specific full scale qualification have
been defined by CIP [2] to simulate representative service conditions of extradosed cables. Axial stress
and angular rotation to be used for full scale qualification of a cable system is defined in CIP [2] in the
table below for different cable type.

Freyssinet International & Cie  280 av Napoléon Bonaparte  92500 Rueil-Malmaison  FRANCE  Tél : 33 (0)1 47 76 42 62
S.N.C. au capital de 1 067 143 €  RCS Nanterre B 333 912 764  SIRET 333 912 764 00102  APE 4213A  TVA FR 01 333 912 764 4/6


Table 2. Fatigue full scale test parameters depending on cable bridge type

In accordance with limited overtension compared to cable stays, extradosed system fatigue test
requirements are:
o a stress range of Δσ =140 Mpa > 89 Mpa
o an upper stress σsup = 0.55 σuk > 0.45 σuk

Freyssinet H2000E anchorages successfully passed the fatigue full scale test Category A.
References of Freyssinet full scale fatigue qualification are detailed in table 3.

Test Active No. of Fmax test Number of
Bridge name Country Class Bending Protocole
date Anchorage strands (MPa) range cycles

KUMHOGANG Korea avr-11 27 1860 0,55.GUTS 140 None 2 000 000 CIP 2002

HANKYOCHEON Korea juin-12 19 H2000E 19 1860 0,55.GUTS 140 None 2 000 000 CIP 2002

Table 3. Fatigue full scale test references for Freyssinet H2000-E anchorages

5.3 Durability and water-tightness

As far as durability and watertighness properties are concerned, Freyssinet H2000E anchorages offer
identical performance to the well-known H2000 anchorages for cable stays as stuffing box design and
corrosion protection are similar. Both anchorage ranges are manufactured at FPC factory in France with
the same quality standard.

5.4 Cable tensioning and force adjustment

H2000E anchorage is designed with an injection chamber of 150 mm, long enough to guarantee that
after monostrand tensioning operations, the unsheathed length of each strand is carefully protected
inside the anchorage.

Freyssinet International & Cie  280 av Napoléon Bonaparte  92500 Rueil-Malmaison  FRANCE  Tél : 33 (0)1 47 76 42 62
S.N.C. au capital de 1 067 143 €  RCS Nanterre B 333 912 764  SIRET 333 912 764 00102  APE 4213A  TVA FR 01 333 912 764 5/6


H2000E also offers adjustment possibility thanks to a threaded anchorage block which allows to use
multi-strand annular jack with shims plates to proceed to fine tuning of cable force (re-tension < 25mm
of elongation or detension if anticipated). This allows multi-strand adjustments of cables, even after the
construction stage.

6 Conclusion

It can be highlighted from design report [3] that Nkrumah St. Crossing Under Viaduct intend to use cable
with similar requirements to extradosed cable, especially in terms of stress range for fatigue and small
angular rotations.
Freyssinet H2000E range of anchorages represent a well-suited technology for cable with such
performance requirements in the frame of extradosed cable while ensuring the same manufacturing
quality at French FPC plant, same durability and watertighness performance.

Freyssinet International & Cie  280 av Napoléon Bonaparte  92500 Rueil-Malmaison  FRANCE  Tél : 33 (0)1 47 76 42 62
S.N.C. au capital de 1 067 143 €  RCS Nanterre B 333 912 764  SIRET 333 912 764 00102  APE 4213A  TVA FR 01 333 912 764 6/6

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