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1: Which of the following is not one of Daniel's three friends?





2: What did Daniel and his three friends eat instead of the king's meat and drink?

Bread, fish and water

Pulses and water

Leftovers and vinegar

Bread and milk

3: Which king dreamt of a large statue of a man made from different metals?





4: What happened to the statue made from different metals?

It toppled over and the head and hands fell off

It came to life and walked the earth

A stone hit the feet and broke them into pieces

A man with a scythe came and chopped it down

5: What did the different metals of the statue represent?


Regions of Babylon
Babylonian artifacts

Kingdoms of the world

6: Why were Daniel's three friends thrown into the fiery furnace?

They wouldn't bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image

They continued to pray to their own God

They could not interpret the king's dreams

They would not eat the king's meat

7: Who was the fourth person in the fiery furnace?


An angel


The Devil

8: What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar?

He was assassinated by a servant

He was killed in a fierce battle

He went mad and lived as a beast before being restored as king

He handed over the kingdom to his son who later had him murdered

9: Which king had a feast using the gold and silver vessels from the temple in Jerusalem?





10: What did the writing on the wall "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" mean?

God has given your kingdom to the Medes and Persians

You will have a long and happy reign

You must stop worshipping the Babylonian idols

You will have a son who must be dedicated to the God of Israel
11: Who was thrown into the den of lions?





12: What happened to the lions in the den?

They fought with each other

They ate everyone who was thrown into the den

They went to sleep

An angel shut their mouths

13: What four beasts did Daniel see in a vision?

Eagle, Bear, Lion & Wolf

Lion, Dragon, Serpent & Bear

Lion, Bear, Leopard & Terrible beast

Cherubim, Eagle, Lion & Dragon

14: Who did Daniel see sitting in a throne in his vision?

An angel

The Ancient of Days

King Darius

The Lamb of God

15: How many horns did the ram in Daniel's vision have?

16: Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?




17: To what does the "seventy weeks" prophecy refer?

The coming of the Messiah

The destruction of Babylon

The fall of Jerusalem

The Kingdom of God

18: What did Daniel see by the river Hiddekel?

A great and terrible beast

A flaming chariot

A man clothed in linen

A spinning wheel

19: How did Daniel react to the vision by the river Hiddekel?

He felt ill and weak

He trembled with fear

He sang a song

He praised God

20: What did Daniel's final vision describe?

The destruction of Persia & Media

The life of the Son of God

What shall befall his people in the latter days

How his life would be ended by his enemies

Thank you for taking the quiz.

A summary of your answers and your final score are shown below...

1. Which of the following is not one of Daniel's three friends?

Shadrach ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was Belteshazzar)

2. What did Daniel and his three friends eat instead of the king's meat and drink?

Pulses and water ... CORRECT

Daniel 1:12

3. Which king dreamt of a large statue of a man made from different metals?

Darius ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was Nebuchadnezzar)

Daniel 2:1, 31-33

4. What happened to the statue made from different metals?

It came to life and walked the earth ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was A stone hit the feet and broke them into pieces)

Daniel 2:34
5. What did the different metals of the statue represent?

Kingdoms of the world ... CORRECT

Daniel 2:36-42

6. Why were Daniel's three friends thrown into the fiery furnace?

They could not interpret the king's dreams ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was They wouldn't bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image)

Daniel 3:12, 19-20

7. Who was the fourth person in the fiery furnace?

An angel ... CORRECT

Daniel 3:28

8. What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar?

He was assassinated by a servant ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was He went mad and lived as a beast before being restored as king)

Daniel 4:31-37
9. Which king had a feast using the gold and silver vessels from the temple in Jerusalem?

Darius ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was Belshazzar)

Daniel 5:2-3

10. What did the writing on the wall "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" mean?

You will have a long and happy reign ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was God has given your kingdom to the Medes and Persians)

Daniel 5:26-28

11. Who was thrown into the den of lions?

Abednego ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was Daniel)

Daniel 6:16

12. What happened to the lions in the den?

They fought with each other ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was An angel shut their mouths)

Daniel 6:22

13. What four beasts did Daniel see in a vision?

Eagle, Bear, Lion & Wolf ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was Lion, Bear, Leopard & Terrible beast)

Daniel 7:3-7

14. Who did Daniel see sitting in a throne in his vision?

An angel ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was The Ancient of Days)

Daniel 7:9

15. How many horns did the ram in Daniel's vision have?


(The correct answer was 2)

Daniel 8:3

16. Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?

(The correct answer was Gabriel)

Daniel 8:16

17. To what does the "seventy weeks" prophecy refer?

The destruction of Babylon ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was The coming of the Messiah)

Daniel 9:24-27

18. What did Daniel see by the river Hiddekel?

A flaming chariot ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was A man clothed in linen)

Daniel 10:5

19. How did Daniel react to the vision by the river Hiddekel?

He trembled with fear ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was He felt ill and weak)

Daniel 10:8

20. What did Daniel's final vision describe?

The life of the Son of God ... INCORRECT

(The correct answer was What shall befall his people in the latter days)

Daniel 10:14

1. Where did the prophet Hosea preach?

Correct Answer: Northern kingdom of Israel

2. Prophet Hosea was concerned about the idolatry of the people and:

Correct Answer: Their faithlessness towards God

3. Who was the wife of prophet Hosea?

Correct Answer: Gomer

4. Who was the father of Hosea?

Correct Answer: Beeri

5. How many children did Hosea and Gomer have?

Correct Answer: 3

6. According to the Book of Hosea, which city was full of evil peoples and murderers?

Correct Answer: Gilead

7. According to the Lord, the people of Israel were like:

Correct Answer: A half-baked loaf of bread

8. What was Hosea pleading with Israel?

Correct Answer: To return to the Lord

9. Who was the father-in-law of Hosea?

Correct Answer: Diblaim

10. Whose destruction does Hosea predict in his book, 14:1?

Correct Answer: Samaria

11. Hosea was a:

Correct Answer: Minor prophet

12. Which book immediately follows the Book of Hosea?

Correct Answer: The Book of Joel

13. who was offended in Baal then died 13:1

Correct Answer: ephraim

14. What was Hosea's personal problem, that he saw the same in the realtionship of Isreal
and God?

Correct Answer: Gomer was unfaithful to him

15. Which cannot be measured or counted like sand on the seashore what?

Correct Answer: Israelites

16. To which animal God has compared himself to Israel.

Correct Answer: Lion


1. The name “Joel” means which of the following?

a. Celebration b. God is Glorious c. Jehovah is God d. Sent one e. Great Locust

2. Which of the following describe the main theme of the prophecy of Joel?
a. Locust plague & devastation of the land b. repentance & the coming Day of the LORD
[1:15; 2:1-11, 30-32; 3:2, 9-16]
c. Beating Swords from plowshares & spears from pruning hooks d. Pouring out of the Spirit &
3. T/F. Joel sets forth the truth that joy and God’s blessing are dependent upon obedience to God’s
Word. True. [2:12-27]

4. Although no King is specifically mentioned in the book of Joel, but comparing it with Amos, Joel’s
prophetic ministry probably occurred during the reign of which of the following kings of Israel &
Judah? Refer to the Introduction to Joel notes.
a. Baasha & Asa b. Omri & Asa
c. Jeroboam II & Amaziah/Uzziah d. Hoshea & Ahaz
5. Joel was probably a contemporary of Hosea and Amos and he was therefore also a contemporary of
which pair of the following other prophets?
a. Jeremiah and Habakkuk b. Ezekiel and Daniel c. Malachi and Zechariah
d. Isaiah and Micah [see notes] e. Klaus and Wilfred f. Jesus and John the
6. The book of Joel begins with which of the following devastating events: [1:4-7]
a. global flood b. drought c. hailstorm d. locust plague e. foreign invasion

7. T/F. Joel’s prophecy ends with a promise of future deliverance, blessing and restoration
for everyone during the Millennium Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ on earth. False. This promise is
primarily for the Jewish remnant who trust in the LORD. [3:17-21].
8. Joel’s prophecy is directly authenticated by which of the following passages of scripture:
a. 1 Tim. 3:16,17 b. Rev. 22:18,19 c. Matt. 24:35-37 d. Acts 2:14-21 e. Heb. 4:12

1. Joel’s father’s name was:
a. Pethuel [1:1] b. Joseph c. Amittai d. Lemuel e. Hoshea
2. The story of the devastation happening in the land was to be passed down unto the peoples’
__________________ . Choose one from the following:
a. children b. grand-children c. great-
grandchildren [1:3] d. 7 generation
3. How many “stages” of locusts are described in Chapter 1?
a. Seven b. Three c. Four [1:4] d. Too many to number
4. In Joel chapter 1, Israel is described by which of the following symbols:
a. a brick and a stone b. vine and a fig tree [1:7] c. Partridge in a pear
tree d. a cedar & pine tree
5. T/F. Because of the devastating effects of God’s judgment upon the people, they
are told to mourn like a young bride over the death of her husband. True [1:8]
6. Because of God’s judgment, what specific items where “cut off” from the House of the
LORD – the Temple? (Circle all that apply).
a. grain offerings [1:9] b. olive oil c. drink offerings [1:13] d. animal sacrifices
7. Who is told to despair, wail & grieve and mourn because of the devastation caused
by the locust plague?
a. the Ethiopians & Egyptians b. the farmers & priests
c. bridegrooms & brides d. none of the above
[The farmers are told to grieve, despair & wail in {1:11} and the priests to mourn in {1:13}]

8. Because the ground, the seeds, the grain, the trees and the vines are destroyed,
what else is specifically mentioned as being withered up in the land?
a. cattle & sheep b. joy of mankind [1:12] c. hospitality d. human
9. What did the LORD tell the people to do?
a. declare a holy fast & call a sacred assembly b. summon the elders to
the Temple
c. cry out to the LORD d. all of the above. [1:14]
10. T/F. The priests were told to wash themselves and put on their priestly garments.
False. They were told to lament & put on sackcloth. [1:13]

1. Which one of the following adjectives best describes the Day of the LORD?
a. darkness b. blackness c. day of clouds d. all of the above [2:2]
The same words are used in Deut. 4:11 to describe the conditions at Mt. Sinai when the LORD
descended upon it.
2. The phrase “like the Garden of Eden before them and a desolate wilderness behind them” is referring
to what?
a. Philistines b. invading army [2:2,11] c. army ants d. locusts e. teenagers
Although this phrase could describe locusts, in context it is really referring to God’s invading
army during the great & terrible Day of the LORD. See 2:10,11.
3. The LORD exhorts people to turn to Him with all their heart and with
a. fasting b. weeping c. mourning d. all of the above [2:12]
4. T/F God told the people to tear their garments & wear sackcloth in a display of grief & repentance
of their sins. False. They were told to ‘tear’ their hearts, not their garments [2:13]. See also
Rom. 2: 29; Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 4:4.
5. List the five attributes of the LORD given in Joel 2:13:
a. gracious b. merciful c. patient

d. loving kindness e. relents from doing harm (forgiving)

6. In Joel 2:19 what does the LORD promise Israel in the future?
a. unlimited supply of manna b. scorn & disgrace for disobedience
c. grain & new wine d. a chicken in every pot
Grain and new wine will replace the grain & drink offerings cut-off because of God’s
judgment. Note that these represent the elements of the communion ordinance: the grain is
the bread or “body” and the new wine symbolizes the “blood” of Jesus Christ. Thus,
forgiveness & reconciliation follow God’s judgment for sin.
7. Why were the people told to rejoice in the LORD their God despite their circumstances?
a. all their wishes were to come true b. He was going to send
abundant rain
c. because He has done marvelous things d. both (b) & (c) [2:21,23]
8. Fill in the blank: To those whom the LORD loves, He offers the hope that in the
future He will restore/repay the years that the locusts have eaten [2:25]
9. What does God promise to pour out upon the people ‘afterward’?
a. showers of blessing b. the autumn rains c. prosperity d. the Holy
Spirit [2:28,29]
10. Complete the following verse: “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will
be saved .” [2:32] This is a key doctrinal truth. See also Acts 2:21; Rom. 10:9; Isa.

1. The Valley of Megiddo, where the battle of Armageddon will take place is also
a. valley of Jehoshaphat b. valley of slaughter
c. valley of decision d. both (a) & (c) [3:2,12,14]
2. Which foreign enemy of Israel is not mentioned in chapter 3? [3:4, 19]
a. Syria b. Tyre c. Sidon d. Philistia e. Egypt f. Edom
3. T/F The LORD causes the nations to reap what they have sown and judges them
in direct correlation to their offense. True. [3:3-8]
4. The Sabeans were renowned for worshipping the stars and planets and lived in
what modern geographical region? The religion of the tribes living in Arabia was based
on this.
a. Turkey b. Iraq c. Saudi Arabia d. Yemen [refer to
notes, p.4]
5. To who were the people of Judah and Jerusalem sold as slaves? [3:6]
a. the Philistines b. the Greeks (lit. Jevanites) c. the Babylonians d. New
6. Which of the following items are to be beaten into swords and spears? Circle
all that apply. [3:10]
a. chariot wheels b. plowshares c. golf clubs d.
pruning hooks
7. During the Day of the LORD what will be full and overflowing? [3:13]
a. the winepress of God’s judgment b. church basements
c. the Jordan River d. the cup of God’s blessing
8. To what animal’s sound is the LORD’s voice likened?
a. lamb b. eagle c. leviathan d.
lion [‘roar’, 3:16]
9. Fill in the blanks: “but the LORD will be a refuge/shelter for His people, and
the strength/stronghold of the children of Israel.” [3:16]
10. What will the LORD do for Judah in the “last days”?
a. remake them b. crush them c. give them credit d.
acquit them [3:21]

1. Was Joel 2:28-32 literally fulfilled at Pentecost as quoted by the Apostle Peter
in Acts 2:17-21? Why or why not?
The prophecy in Joel was not literally fulfilled at Pentecost since not all of it occurred at that
time. For example, the sun was not darkened and the moon did not turn ‘blood-red’, nor were
there ‘wonders in the heavens & the earth’ such as blood, fire and pillars of smoke. Peter was
using this as an example or ‘type’ of what would happen in the last days when the LORD
would put a spirit of grace and supplication into the hearts and minds of believers. It is a
fulfillment in ‘type’ of the promise of a New Covenant that would replace the old (see
e.g., Jeremiah 31: 31-34). It was used to validate the Pentecostal experience and the birth of
the body of Christ, His Church, using a prophetical precedent.

However, Joel’s prophecy’s ultimate fulfillment awaits the time of Jacob’s Trouble, the
Tribulation period also known as the ‘Day of the LORD’. God will pour out His spirit upon His
people during the time of great upheaval in the heavens and the earth. See Isaiah 13:10;
Zechariah 12:9,10; Revelation 8:12.

2. Which of the following is not a primary teaching of the Book of Joel?

a. The Day of the LORD is coming upon the earth to judge sin.
b. There is no escape for the wicked when God judges them.
c. God uses people to accomplish His purposes - despite their weaknesses.
d. Hope of deliverance & salvation depend on God’s promises.
e. Israel’s future glory when the Messiah returns.

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