Diamond Service Software

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GE Healthcare

Diamond Service Software

Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software
Installation and Adjustment Instructions
Copyright Code: 86537-5AA Date: 07/2004

© 2004 General Electric Company

Documentation, trademark and the software are copyrighted with all

rights reserved. Under the copyright laws the documentation may not
be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine readable form in whole or part,
without the prior written permission of Instrumentarium Imaging.

The original language of this manual is English.

General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in

specification and features shown herein, or discontinue the product
described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your GE
representative for the most current information.

Manufactured by Instrumentarium Corporation Imaging Division - Now part of GE

P.O. Box 20
FIN-04301 Tuusula
Tel. +358 10 394 6500
Fax. +358 10 394 6501

Internet: http://www.gemedical.com

Instrumentarium Imaging, a GE Medical Systems company, going to

market as GE Healthcare.

This manual applies to Diamond Service Software units with

software version R2.03 and up.

This manual applies to Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration

software units with software version R1.03 and up.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ....................................................................................1
2 General Use of the Service Software ...........................................3
3 Service Software Installation ........................................................5
3.1 Setup initiation ....................................................................... 5
3.2 Required software ................................................................. 5
3.3 Service software installation .................................................. 5
3.4 Service software uninstallation .............................................. 6
3.5 New Diamond software version uploads ............................... 7
4 Parameter Configuration ...............................................................9
4.1 Start up configuration ............................................................ 9
4.2 Configuration window .......................................................... 10
4.3 AEC compensation calibration ............................................ 11
4.3.1 Sensitometer data ................................................... 11
4.3.2 Thickness compensation......................................... 12
4.3.3 kV compensation..................................................... 15
4.3.4 Calibration report..................................................... 16
4.4 Load and save parameters.................................................. 16
4.5 Checksum recalculation ...................................................... 17
4.6 Exit parameter configuration................................................ 17
4.7 Offline parameter configuration ........................................... 17
5 Diamond software upload ...........................................................19
5.1 General ................................................................................ 19
5.2 Diamond software upload with RS-232 ............................... 19
5.3 Diamond software upload with JTAG .................................. 22
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software ........................23
6.1 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software installation . 23
6.1.1 Setup initiation......................................................... 23
6.1.2 Required software ................................................... 23
6.1.3 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software
installation ................................................................. 23
6.1.4 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software
uninstallation ............................................................. 24
6.2 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration .................................. 25
6.2.1 Sensitometer data ................................................... 25
6.2.2 Thickness compensation......................................... 26
6.2.3 kV compensation..................................................... 29
7 Software license...........................................................................31

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ii GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Diamond Service Software is a PC/Windows application for service personnel maintaining
Diamond mammography X-ray devices. The Software is used for to update embedded
Diamond software as well as a user-friendly means to configure Diamond parameter

Diamond Service software CD includes also a separate installation module for AEC
calibration of Performa and Alpha units. Refer to section 6 for instructions.

Assembly, calibration and repair work can be carried out only by a service technician
authorized by the manufacturer.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 1
1 Introduction

In addition to this software provides means for:

Fast AEC Calibration

• Calculation and optimization of optical film densities
• Visual monitoring and data printing of the calibration
• Evaluation of film-processing

Easy Parameter Handling

• User friendly PC interface
• Modification and saving of parameters
• Utilization of previous parameters in new installations

Reliable Software Loading

• RS-232 and JTAG cable connection

This Parameter Configuration software can be used for Diamond units with software
R.1.02.5 and up. The software supports Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT (NT 4.0 with
Service Pack 3 installed) and XP operation systems. Diamond Service Software Kit
(87502) includes:

– JTAG cable
– RS-232 serial cable
– software CD
– operation instructions for software
– box for the items

2 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
2 General Use of the Service Software

2 General Use of the Service Software

After the Service Software installation is complete, a launch icon and a list item will be
added to Desktop and to Start Menu-list. Double-click on the Desktop icon or selection of
the Service Software list item in the Start Menu-list launch the software.

When the Service Software is started up the first time, a dialog for selection of used COM
port used for Diamond serial communications may be displayed. Select the COM port you
use to connect with Diamond. If your computer only has one serial port, the dialog is not

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 3
2 General Use of the Service Software

After the COM port selection, a start page opens up. The page contains two push buttons
to access the main features of the Service Software, i.e. Diamond software upload and
parameter configuration. A check box below the Upload Diamond Software-button allows
offline parameter edition. Two radio buttons below the Parameter Configuration-button
let the user to select upload protocol.

Online help is always available with F1 key on the keyboard and through Help in the menu
bar. The File-menu contains two entries: Exit to close down the application and Set COM
port to select COM port, if the port must be changed from the initial selection to another
one. Another way to exit the Service Software is simply to close off the window.

Drag the edges of the dialog screen to resize the Service Software as you want. If some
controls have too little space, modify the dialog screen.

4 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
3 Service Software Installation

3 Service Software Installation

3.1 Setup initiation
Before using the Service Software, install it on your computer.

1 Switch on the computer and log on.

2 Insert the Diamond Service Software installation CD into the computer CD-
ROM drive. The Setup application for the Diamond Service Software and
Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software starts automatically.
3 Click on Install Diamond Service Software. The Setup application will then
continue with the installation.

You must not remove the Service Software installation CD from the CD-ROM drive at any
point during the setup.

3.2 Required software

If you are using Windows NT 4.0 as operating system, you need to have Service Pack 3 or
later installed. If this is not the case, the Service Software setup will not proceed.
Additionally, Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer is required to complete the setup.

3.3 Service software installation

Installation of the actual Service Software starts with a dialog prompting for the installation
directory. The default directory is usually a good choice. Click Install-button to continue.

Service Software files are copied onto your computer and finally another dialog is
displayed indicating a successful installation. Click Finish-button to finish setup.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 5
3 Service Software Installation

3.4 Service software uninstallation

If necessary, the Service Software can be uninstalled in Control Panel/Add/Remove
Programs-utility. Highlight the Service Software entry and click on the Change/Remove-
button. Note that the outlook of the Change/Remove Programs utility varies in different
Windows versions.

6 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
3 Service Software Installation

When the uninstallation is complete, you will be informed about this.

3.5 New Diamond software version uploads

The Parameter Control functionality (refer to Chapter 4) is based on a specific parameter
setup file of each Diamond software version. The parameter setup is located in the file
paramconfig.1.02.xx. When a new Diamond software version is being uploaded, please
verify that a new parameter setup file is also added to Service Software folder (specified
during the installation).

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 7
3 Service Software Installation

8 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
4 Parameter Configuration

4 Parameter Configuration
4.1 Start up configuration
Diamond parameter settings can be viewed and altered with the Diamond Control Panel.
Alternatively, it can also be done with the Service Software in a very smooth manner. Click
Parameter Configuration-button in the main menu screen to access the Parameter

An instruction page is displayed that describes how to connect Diamond with your PC for
the parameter configuration. A RS-232 serial connection cable (85102) is connected to
serial communications port (usually COM1 or COM2) of the PC. Use only the cable
delivered with this software to ensure successful upload and reliable operation of the
software. This port must be the one specified in the serial port configuration; the
configured serial port can be changed with the Set COM port-option in the File menu.

1 Connect the cable to back panel of the Diamond unit and to PC serial port.
2 Switch Diamond power on.
3 Click Next-button.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 9
4 Parameter Configuration

4.2 Configuration window

Click Next in the instructions dialog to connect the Service Software with Diamond. When
the connection is being established, a banner is displayed. When the connection is active,
the parameter configuration window becomes active.

The software asks first whether you want to save current parameter settings. If you are
going to make major changes to a unit in operation, it is worthwhile to save the parameters
now: In case you make a mistake and misconfigure the device, the original settings can be
retrieved from the file. Saving current parameter at this point takes several minutes. The
default file name convention is DSSSSSYYMMDD.dpf and .txt where SSSSS stands for
Diamond serial number. If you think you will not need the original settings, you can click
Cancel to proceed straight to the parameter configuration.

This window is divided into two parts. The left side displays a parameter tree. Parameters
are hierarchically grouped and the resulting tree can be viewed and browsed. When a
branch in the tree is selected, the corresponding parameters are listed at the right side of
the dialog, where the values can be viewed and changed. The values displayed in gray
background do not affect the operation of the Diamond unit and cannot be modified. The
values are displayed though.

Apply and Revert buttons below are available after changes in the parameter settings
have been made. Apply uploads the changed values to Diamond, while Revert resets the
dialog values to original ones. If you switch to another branch in the parameter tree, the
software prompts whether to revert or apply recent changes. Click Exit Parameter
Config-button to return to the main menu screen.

The bottom line of the window displays information about the software status.

10 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
4 Parameter Configuration

Diamond BRAM contains hundreds of parameters. Retrieving them may take a while.
They are retrieved all the time in the background, but when you click a tree’s branch to
view a group of parameters, they have not necessarily yet been retrieved. In this case, a
wait dialog is shown on top of the parameter configuration window. After the parameter
values have been retrieved, the parameter configuration window becomes active again.

The same dialog is also displayed when loading or saving parameter data takes longer
than a couple of seconds.

4.3 AEC compensation calibration

Required tools: Sensitometer, Densitometer, Acrylic blocks, film processing system, film
and cassette.

This section describes how perform automatically the thickness and kV compensation
parts of the AEC calibration. Check Diamond Installation Instructions (86501) for more
detailed description on whole AEC calibration such as gain setting, detector levels, initial
kV, target times, Auto kV densities etc. Naturally, these parameters can be modified with
this Service Software, refer to Chapter 4.2.

Place acrylic blocks carefully so that they cover detectors completely.

4.3.1 Sensitometer data

The AEC compensation parameters (P, r1, r2, S1, S2 for thickness compensation and
distinct factors for kV compensation) can be calibrated interactively with the calibration
tools included in the Service Software. The calibration is initiated with Calibration-button
on the parameter sheet with parameters to be calibrated.

Calibration begins in the sensitometer dialog. In this dialog, the optical density values
measured from a sensitometer-exposed film are entered. The dialog also displays a graph
of entered values.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 11
4 Parameter Configuration

The Sensitometer dialog is displayed only once during parameter configuration session.
The same values are used in all calibrations. These values can also be saved into a disk
file and retrieved from an earlier save. The default file name convention is

4.3.2 Thickness compensation

Before you initiate exposures for thickness compensation, check exposure times with one
empty cassette. Use min./max phantom thicknesses: min. (e.g. 2cm) to max (e.g. 6 cm)
and verify that with selected kV no underflow and overflow errors appear and also that
times are about in range of 0.1 to 5 seconds (with large focus). If not, try again and select
new kVs until the before-mentioned requirement is fulfilled.

Click the Calibrate-button in one of the thickness compensation sheets of the parameter
configuration dialog to start thickness compensation calibration procedure. Calibration
must be performed once for every cassette holder/filter pair. For the Bucky/Molybdenum
pair, the common gain parameter is used for adjusting the height of the curve; for other
holder/filter pairs, the density adjustment values are used. For this reason, Bucky/Mo must
always be calibrated first.

12 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
4 Parameter Configuration

When an estimation for the parameters for thickness compensation (e.g. earlier installation
for the same site using the same film & developing) is made, only fine-tuning with
Recalibrate-tool (started with the Recalibrate-button) should be necessary. Do not use
Recalibrate-tool to adjust the P-value more than ±10%. Calibrate-tool should be used for
adjustments more than ±10%.

After the sensitometer dialog, the actual calibration dialog is shown. The dialog contains
sixteen entries for input data. For thickness compensation, the entries consist of fields for
thickness (in centimeters), time (in seconds) and optical density values.

When you reach the calibration dialog, you can start with exposures. Use the kV selected
earlier, AutoTime-mode and fixed detector C1. Make exposures with varying thicknesses,
starting from 1 centimeter or so, and increasing by a half or one centimeter steps upward
until the exposure times approaches 5 seconds. A successful calibration needs at least
five reasonably spaced exposures with at least three of them in the valid P range (0.3 to 2
seconds). More exposures make the calibration more precise. The exposure order is not
crucial i.e. an ascending order by thickness is not required.

Every time an exposure is made, the exposure time appears in the next unused entry in
the dialog. The optical density field is also enabled, so that you can enter the O.D. value
there after the film has been developed and the density measured. You can continue with
exposures, development and measurement of films later, develop and measure each film
before taking the next image (if you only have one film cassette), or simultaneously make
exposures and develop films. If more than one cassette is used, check prior to the
calibration that differences in cassette screens fall within ±0.02 O.D. in relation to each

When you enter an O.D. value, the new data point is added to the graph window. The red
curve shows the measured data. When there are enough data points, the compensation
parameters shown at the right side of the dialog are calibrated, and a blue curve appears;
this curve is an estimate of how the proposed correction would affect the measured data.

After you have made enough exposures to ensure that the calibration is based on realistic
data, you can click Next to continue. You can also turn off the calibration of the parameters
(P individually or together with the others) and manually adjust them. The blue curve will
reflect your adjustments.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 13
4 Parameter Configuration

After you click Next in the calibration dialog, a verification/recalibration dialog opens up. It
is similar to the previous one; the difference is that the newly calibrated compensation
parameters are now the actual, effective Diamond parameters. When you remake the
exposures, the values should remain on the light green area (target O.D. ± O.D. limit). If
necessary, you can adjust the parameters; in this case, the red curve shows the input data
and blue curve estimates the changes in parameters.

Use all clinical thicknesses to verify the AEC Thickness calibration. At least 3 exposure
points are required to activate Finish-button.

If you do not adjust the parameter values in the verification/recalibration dialog, you can
end the calibration procedure with Finish. Otherwise, click Next to open up a new
verification/recalibration dialog. You can continue the adjustment until the results are
satisfactory. When the curve is acceptable, click Finish to end calibration.

14 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
4 Parameter Configuration

4.3.3 kV compensation
1 Click on Calibrate-button in one of the kV compensation sheets of the parameter
configuration dialog to start kv compensation calibration procedure. Calibration must
be performed once for every cassette holder/filter pair. During kV compensation, the
dialog after sensitometer input contains up to sixteen kilovolt-O.D.-factor triplets. The
kV fields are fixed, but you can edit the O.D. values.
2 Expose at the same thickness, but with various kV parameters (e.g. low (24 kV),
medium (28kV), high (32kV)), Auto Time-mode and fixed detector C1. The
calibration will be more precise if you expose several images.
3 Enter values in the dialog. A graph based on those values appears. Red dots signify
entered data points, while lighter red ones are interpolated and extrapolated from the
given data. The compensation factor is automatically calculated and the estimated
compensated curve is plotted in blue.

Use all clinical kVs to adjust the AEC kV compensation calibration. At least 3 exposure
points are required to activate Finish-button.

4 Remove the check mark from the automatic calibration check box if you wish to alter
manually the compensation factors.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 15
4 Parameter Configuration

If you click Next, a verification/recalibration dialog is displayed. The compensation factors

are now the actual, effective Diamond parameters. If you retake the exposures, the results
should remain on the light green area (target O.D. ± O.D. limit). If not, you can still change
the compensation factors.

Use all clinical kVs to verify the AEC kV compensation calibration. At least 3 exposure
points are required to activate Finish-button.

If the factors were changed, click Next to proceed to another verification/recalibration

dialog. You can adjust the values as many times as you like; when the values are
acceptable, click Finish to exit calibration.

4.3.4 Calibration report

When you exit the AEC branch in the parameter configuration after making at least one
calibration, the software prompts for a file name to save a calibration report. The report is
in text format (check Samples-folder on Service Software CD for sample reports) and can
be imported to the Microsoft Excel worksheet shipped along with the Service Software.

The Excel calibration report produces two separate reports from the Service Software text-
format report. One more complete (sheet Calibration Report) for service provider in-house
reporting purposes and one more like an inspection report (sheet Inspection Report) for
reporting to customer or inspecting medical physicists. It also provides templates to
include Auto kV evaluation in the same reports. Furthermore, a simple calculation sheet
for identifying the AEC detector with worst reproducibility is attached.

In order to use the Excel Calibration Report follow these steps

– open the Excel report generator CalibrationReport.xls

– save the report with an appropriate name (e.g. ASSSSSYYMMDD.xls)
– open the text-format calibration report with any standard text editor (e.g.
– select and copy the full report (e.g. using Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C)
– paste the text report to the sheet Service SW Calibration Report in Excel
Calibration Report
– fill in the general site information on sheet Calibration Report

4.4 Load and save parameters

In the Parameter Configuration window, the File menu also contains entries to load
Diamond parameter configuration from a disk file and to save the configuration into one.
When activated, these entries bring up a file selection dialog, with which the parameter file
name can be entered. Click OK to begin with load or save.

Parameters are always saved in both Service Software internal format and plain text. The
internal format (*.dpf) files can be loaded back to Service Software whereas text files are
for later viewing only.

16 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
4 Parameter Configuration

However, parameter load or save is not possible if current settings have not been
retrieved. In this case, you need to wait for the parameter data from Diamond. A wait
dialog is displayed to indicate the time remaining before completion. This may take several

4.5 Checksum recalculation

Another new entry in the File menu allows recalculation of checksum of Diamond BRAM.
This is necessary if an error message appears during at Diamond start-up indicating that
the checksum is wrong.

Click the Recalculate Checksum entry in the menu to read checksum values from
Diamond BRAM. Checksum values are calculated and sent back to Diamond. As this
takes awhile, a wait dialog is displayed.

4.6 Exit parameter configuration

Exit Parameter Configuration with Exit Parameter Config-button at the bottom of the
window. The software prompts you to disconnect Diamond and PC. After this dialog, the
software returns to the main menu screen.

While you are in Parameter Configuration, you can also safely exit the Software (select
from the File menu or close off the window) .

4.7 Offline parameter configuration

When you want to start up Parameter Configuration at the Main Screen, you have the
option to place a check mark to the option box for offline parameter configuration. If the
box is checked, a connection to Diamond is not established. Instead, a parameter file is
searched and loaded, and you can view the contents of this file. Parameters can also be
adjusted and the adjusted values saved into another parameter file. AEC Calibration
function is not available in Offline mode.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 17
4 Parameter Configuration

18 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
5 Diamond software upload

5 Diamond software upload

5.1 General
The embedded Diamond software in Supervisor Board memory can be uploaded with PC.
The serial communication link needs also some software to operate, so the first
communication layer of software will be uploaded using a JTAG connection from PC
parallel (printer) port to the Flash memory. In case of corrupted software, or no software at
all on Supervisor Board, this JTAG upload must be completed before upload the actual
software using serial (RS-232) communication.

The Service Software serial communication protocol differs from the protocol used
previously by Diamond Flash Loader, so a JTAG upload is needed before serial
communication upload on all units:

– with factory installed software up to and including 1.02.5

– with previous download made using Diamond Flash Loader

5.2 Diamond software upload with RS-232

Usually Diamond software (v.1.02.7) is uploaded to Diamond with a serial connection
cable (85102). This cable is connected to serial communications port (usually COM1 or
COM2) of the PC. Use only the cable delivered with this software to ensure successful
upload and reliable operation of the software. This port must be the one specified in the
serial port configuration; the configured serial port can be changed with the File/Set COM

Serial upload initiation:

1 Select RS-232 radio button on the main menu screen (selected by default).
2 Click Upload Software-button and search with the Browse-button on the dialog for
folder that contains the with package of Diamond embedded software binaries, then
click Next to proceed.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 19
5 Diamond software upload

The next dialog page provides instructions on how to connect your computer and

3 Follow the connection instructions. Note that Diamond power is not turned on yet.
Click the Next-button.
4 Before you start to upload, verify that your laptop battery has enough power to
complete the upload and configuration process. It is highly recommended to close all
unnecessary active application that might interfere with the upload process.

The upload is ready to start. The Software starts connecting with Diamond. Switch
Diamond power on at the request.

20 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
5 Diamond software upload

While upload is underway, do nothing. The screen displays information about the upload
progress. When the upload is completed, a click of the Main menu-button brings you back
to the Service Software main menu window.

If the software upload is interrupted for some reason, the software in Diamond flash
memory might end up corrupted. In this case, it may be necessary to resort to JTAG
upload (refer to Chapter 5.3) to restore the unit.

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5 Diamond software upload

5.3 Diamond software upload with JTAG

If the contents of the Diamond flash memory has for some reason become corrupted, the
RS-232 upload may not be possible. In this case, JTAG upload is required. JTAG upload is
also required to upload new Diamond software for units with existing software up to
version 1.02.5, if the JTAG upload with this Service Software has not been done before.
One end of the JTAG cable (85105) connects direct to Diamond Supervisor Board, the
other end to the PC parallel (printer) port. If you encounter problems with JTAG upload,
check that the printer port in computer BIOS has been set as ECP.

1 Select JTAG from the radio buttons in the main menu screen.
2 Click Upload Software to start JTAG upload. The Software verifies that you did not
choose JTAG accidentally with an additional prompt. After the confirmation, the
software binaries selection dialog appears (refer to Chapter 5.2).
3 Click Next in the binaries selection dialog to view JTAG setup instructions page
(differs from that of RS-232).
4 Remove the Diamond clam shell covers to access the Supervisor Board.
5 Disconnect all cables, except the power cable at connector X10.
6 Change the jumper at J1 to J4.
7 Connect the JTAG cable to the connector X15 on the Supervisor Board, and the
other end to your PC. A photo of the Supervisor board, with connectors X10 and X15
and the jumper highlighted, is displayed below.

J1, J4



8 Switch on Diamond power and click Next to start the upload. Note that JTAG upload
takes significantly longer than RS-232 upload.
9 When the JTAG upload is completed, remove the JTAG cable and change the
jumper back from J4 to J1.
10 Then upload the full software on the unit with RS-232 upload.

22 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration

6.1 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software
6.1.1 Setup initiation
Before using the Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software, install it on your

1 Switch on the computer and log on.

2 Insert the Diamond Service Software installation CD into the computer CD-
ROM drive. The Setup application for the Diamond Service Software and
Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software starts automatically.
3 Click on Install Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software. The Setup
application will then continue with the installation.

You must not remove the Service Software installation CD from the CD-ROM drive at any
point during the setup.

6.1.2 Required software

If you are using Windows NT 4.0 as operating system, you need to have Service Pack 3 or
later installed. If this is not the case, the Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software
setup will not proceed. Additionally, Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer is required to complete
the setup.

6.1.3 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software installation

Installation of the actual Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software starts with a dialog
prompting for the installation directory. The default directory is usually a good choice. Click
Install-button to continue.

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6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software files are copied onto your computer and
finally another dialog is displayed indicating a successful installation. Click Finish-button
to finish setup.

6.1.4 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software uninstallation

If necessary, the Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software can be uninstalled in
Control Panel/Add/Remove Programs-utility. Highlight the Performa and Alpha AEC
Calibration Software entry and click on the Change/Remove-button. Note that the outlook
of the Change/Remove Programs utility varies in different Windows versions.

24 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

When the uninstallation is complete, you will be informed about this.

6.2 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration

Required tools: Sensitometer, Densitometer, Acrylic blocks, film processing system, film
and cassette.

This section describes how perform automatically the thickness and kV compensation
parts of the AEC calibration. Check Performa and Alpha manuals for more detailed
description on whole AEC calibration such as AEC frequency adjustments, gain setting,
initial kV, target times, Auto kV densities etc.

Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software can be used for all Performa units and
Alpha units with software v.7.29 and up.

Place acrylic blocks carefully so that they cover detectors completely.

6.2.1 Sensitometer data

The AEC compensation parameters (P, r1, r2, S1, S2 for thickness compensation and
distinct factors for kV compensation) can be calibrated interactively with the Performa and
Alpha AEC Calibration Software.

Calibration begins in the sensitometer dialog. In this dialog, the optical density values
measured from a sensitometer-exposed film are entered. The dialog also displays a graph
of entered values.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 25
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

The Sensitometer dialog is displayed only once during parameter configuration session.
The same values are used in all calibrations. These values can also be saved into a disk
file and retrieved from an earlier save. The default file name convention is

6.2.2 Thickness compensation

Before you initiate exposures for thickness compensation, check exposure times with one
empty cassette. Use min./max phantom thicknesses: min. (e.g. 2cm) to max (e.g. 6 cm)
and verify that with selected kV no underflow and overflow errors appear and also that
times are about in range of 0.1 to 5 seconds (with large focus). If not, try again and select
new kVs until the before-mentioned requirement is fulfilled.

Click the Thickness Compensation-button with a selected combination (e.g. B/Mo) to

start thickness compensation calibration procedure. Calibration must be performed once
for every cassette holder/filter pair. For the Bucky/Molybdenum pair, the common gain
parameter is used for adjusting the height of the curve; for other holder/filter pairs, the
density adjustment values are used. For this reason, Bucky/Mo must always be calibrated

26 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

After the sensitometer dialog, the actual calibration dialog is shown. The dialog contains
sixteen entries for input data. For thickness compensation, the entries consist of fields for
thickness (in centimeters), time (in seconds) and optical density values.

When you reach the calibration dialog, you can start with exposures. Use the kV selected
earlier, with semi-AEC and detector in center position C1. Make exposures with varying
thicknesses, starting from 1 centimeter or so, and increasing by a half or one centimeter
steps upward until the exposure times approaches 5 seconds. A successful calibration
needs at least five reasonably spaced exposures with at least three of them in the valid P
range (0.3 to 2 seconds). More exposures make the calibration more precise. The
exposure order is not crucial i.e. an ascending order by thickness is not required.

Thickness, Time and O.D. fields are also enabled, so that you can enter the O.D. value
there after the film has been developed and the density measured. You can continue with
exposures, development and measurement of films later, develop and measure each film
before taking the next image (if you only have one film cassette), or simultaneously make
exposures and develop films. If more than one cassette is used, check prior to the
calibration that differences in cassette screens fall within ±0.02 O.D. in relation to each

When you enter an O.D. value, the new data point is added to the graph window. The red
curve shows the measured data. When there are enough data points, the compensation
parameters shown at the right side of the dialog are calibrated, and a blue curve appears;
this curve is an estimate of how the proposed correction would affect the measured data.

After you have made enough exposures to ensure that the calibration is based on realistic
data, you can click Next to continue. You can also turn off the calibration of the parameters
(P individually or together with the others) and manually adjust them. The blue curve will
reflect your adjustments.

Enter manually the calibration parameters suggested by software into Performa or Alpha
unit and expose again to verify that these values are correct.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 27
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

After you click Next in the calibration dialog, a verification/recalibration dialog opens up.
When you remake the exposures, the values should remain on the light green area (target
O.D. ± O.D. limit). If necessary, you can adjust the parameters; in this case, the red curve
shows the input data and blue curve estimates the changes in parameters.

Use all clinical thicknesses to verify the AEC thickness compensation calibration. At least
3 exposure points are required to activate Finish-button.

If you do not adjust the parameter values in the verification/recalibration dialog, you can
end the calibration procedure with Finish. Otherwise, click Next to open up a new
verification/recalibration dialog. You can continue the adjustment until the results are
satisfactory. When the curve is acceptable, click Finish to end calibration.

28 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

6.2.3 kV compensation

kV compensation is possible for units with software rel v.7.31/7.71 and up.

1 Click on kV Compensation-button with a selected combination to start kV compen-

sation calibration procedure. Calibration must be performed once for every cassette
holder/filter pair. During kV compensation, the dialog after sensitometer input con-
tains up to sixteen kilovolt-O.D.-factor triplets. The kV fields are fixed, but you can
edit the O.D. values.
2 Expose at the same thickness, but with various kV parameters (e.g. low (24 kV),
medium (28kV), high (32kV)), Semi-AEC mode and detector in center position C1.
The calibration will be more precise if you expose several images.
3 Enter values in the dialog. A graph based on those values appears. Red dots signify
entered data points, while lighter red ones are interpolated and extrapolated from the
given data. The compensation factor is automatically calculated and the estimated
compensated curve is plotted in blue.

Use all clinical kVs to adjust the AEC kV compensation calibration. At least 3 exposure
points are required to activate Finish-button.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 29
6 Performa and Alpha AEC Calibration Software

4 Remove the check mark from the automatic calibration check box if you wish to alter
manually the compensation factors.

If you click Next, a verification/recalibration dialog is displayed. If you retake the

exposures, the results should remain on the light green area (target O.D. ± O.D. limit). If
not, you can still change the compensation factors.

Use all clinical kVs to verify the AEC kV compensation calibration. At least 3 exposure
points are required to activate Finish-button.

If the factors were changed, click Next to proceed to another verification/recalibration

dialog. You can adjust the values as many times as you like; when the values are
acceptable, click Finish to exit calibration.

30 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
7 Software license

7 Software license

By installing the software, you agree with the conditions of this software license. If you do
not consent to the software license, do not use or install the software, but return the
software and the accompanying items to the place of purchase for a refund.

1. Subject-matter of the Software License

This Software License governs the use of the Software. Software means the software
product specified above including new versions or updates of the Software made generally
available to other licensees of such Software free of charge, if any.

2. Software License Grant

2.1 Licensor hereby grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use during
the term of this Software License (i) the Software, in object code form only and in
accordance with the terms of this Software License and (ii) manuals and other
documentation related to the Software. You have no right to sublicense the Software and
you are under the obligation to return the same to Licensor upon the expiration or
termination of this Software License.

2.2 You are entitled to use each licensed Software only on a single computer or terminal at
any one time and, if necessary for use on such computers or terminals, to modify the
Software or merge them into another program, all portions of the program continuing to be
subject to this Software License in full. Licensor shall not be held liable for any damages
resulting directly or indirectly from a modification or merger of the Software made by you,
even if such modification or merger was approved by Licensor.

2.3 You are granted no rights hereunder other than those expressly set out hereinabove
and, consequently, all other activities related to the Software are prohibited. Such
prohibited activities include but are not limited to (i) the deleting, adding to, copying,
modifying or transferring the Software or any part thereof, or any copy or merged portion
thereof, in whole or in part, except as expressly provided for herein or authorized in
advance by Licensor in writing and (ii) the renting or leasing of the Software to another

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 31
7 Software license

3. Software License Limitations and Conditions

3.1 You hereby expressly agree that Licensor and its software suppliers own throughout
the world all right, title and interest in the Software, any copies thereof and all intellectual
property rights contained or embodied therein including the ownership to any modifications
or translations of the Software and that such ownership or rights shall not be transferred to

3.2 With respect to any software of third party suppliers contained or to be contained in the
Software, you agree to the ownership of Licensor’s suppliers hereunder and accept that
Licensor’s suppliers are direct and intended third party beneficiaries of this Software
License with rights solely against you, including (without limitation), on reasonable prior
notice to and consent of Licensor, the right to directly enforce and/or terminate your
license to use the Software. Further, you agree that Licensor’s suppliers have no liability or
obligations towards you arising out of or in connection with this Software License. You
agree to execute any such amendments to this Software License as may be required from
time to time in order to comply with terms and conditions of any third party software

3.3 Your license to use the Software shall commence upon the execution of this Software
License, and shall thereafter remain in effect unless you fail to comply with the terms and
conditions of this Software License, including any amendments thereto. Upon termination
by Licensor or its suppliers of this Software License, you shall, within two (2) business
days thereafter, certify to Licensor that in accordance with instructions from Licensor or its
suppliers, all copies of the Software have been either destroyed or returned to Licensor,
whether same is in tangible or intangible form and you shall further certify that all use
thereof is and shall remain terminated.

3.4 You agree to comply with all export and re-export restrictions and regulations imposed
by the government of the United States or of the country to which the Software is shipped
to you. You shall not commit any act or omission which will result in a breach of any such
export requirements.

3.5 Should you receive any copy of the Software to upgrade a previous version of such
Software such upgraded version of the Software shall be the only version you are entitled
to use unless otherwise agreed and, unless expressly otherwise permitted by Licensor,
you shall destroy or erase all program material and related documentation, including all
copies and modifications, relating to the previous Software.

4. Copyright

4.1 The Software shall be delivered subject to all restrictions and protections provided for
under the applicable copyright and other laws and treaties. Except as otherwise may be
agreed by Licensor in writing, you have no right to reproduce or otherwise duplicate the
Software or any part thereof for any purpose or to allow any third parties to do the same
without the prior written consent of Licensor. Notwithstanding the above, you may make
one copy of the Software for back-up purposes provided that such copy and the media
thereof shall include the same copyright and other proprietary notices or legends included
on the Software when it was shipped to you. You agree not to remove any Software
identification, copyright notices or other notices or proprietary restrictions from the

32 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
7 Software license

5. Confidentiality

5.1 The Software contains proprietary and confidential information of Licensor and its
suppliers and is considered by Licensor and its suppliers to constitute valuable trade
secrets. You agree to hold the Software in confidence and protect the Software with at
least the same degree of care with which you protect your own similar confidential
information but in no event less than a reasonable standard of care. You agree that your
officers and employees shall protect the confidentiality of the Software and all confidential
and non-public information relating thereto and shall not disclose such information to any
third party. This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination of the Software

5.2 You agree not to decompile, reverse assemble or reverse engineer the Software or
otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software. The prohibition in the
foregoing sentence shall apply only to the extent permitted by applicable law. When
information of the internal structure of the Software is necessary in order to obtain
interoperability of the Software with other software programs, you shall immediately
contact Licensor.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties

6.1 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Licensor and its suppliers provide
the SOFTWARE <as is> and hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions, either express,
implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties or
conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, compatibility, of lack of
viruses, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, and of lack of negligence or
lack of workmanlike effort, all with regard to the SOFTWARE and any part thereof, and the
provision of or failure to provide support services. There is also no warranty or condition of
correspondence to description or non-infringement with regard to the SOFTWARE or any
part thereof. Licensee shall bear the entire risk as to the quality or compatibility of or
arising out of use or performance of the SOFTWARE.

6.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Licensor or its
suppliers be liable for any actual or special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages
whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or confidential or other
information, for business interruption, for personal injury, for loss of privacy, for failure to
meet any duty including of good faith or of reasonable care, for negligence, and for any
other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to the use of
or inability to use the Software, the provision of or failure to provide support services, or
otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this Software License even in the
event of the fault, tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of contract or breach of
warranty of Licensor or any of its suppliers, and even if Licensor or any of its suppliers has
been advised of the possibility of such damages.

86537-5AA GE Healthcare 33
7 Software license

7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

7.1 This Software License to be construed, governed by and interpreted in accordance

with the laws of Finland, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods.

7.2 Disputes arising from or in connection with this Software License are to be settled by
arbitration by one arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the Board of Arbitration of
the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland and the Rules of the said Board are to be
followed in the arbitration proceedings. The arbitration shall be held in Helsinki, Finland
and conducted in the English language.

7.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensor and its suppliers shall have the right, but not
the obligation, to undertake legal proceedings in a court of your domicile, principal place of
business or other appropriate court to: (i) settle any issue or dispute arising out of or
relating to monies due by you to Licensor; (ii) protect or enforce any patent, trademark,
copyright or other intellectual property right, confidential information or trade secrets; or (iii)
proceed with litigation commenced by a third party.

7.4 Judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction or
application may be made to such Court for a juridical acceptance of the award and an
order of enforcement, as the case may be.

8. General

8.1 This Software License (together with license terms of third party suppliers of Licensor,
if any) constitute the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof between
you and the Licensor and supersedes all previous oral or written communications or
agreements relating to the same. This Software License may be modified only by a written
instrument expressly agreed to by the parties hereto.

8.2 The failure of Licensor to enforce any provision of this Software License shall not be
considered a waiver of any subsequent breach of that provision or as a waiver of any other
provision hereof.

34 GE Healthcare 86537-5AA
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© 2004 General Electric Company
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