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SC grants Cebu lawyer’s bid to be delisted from ‘corrupt’ profession

When he returned to the prosecutors’ office, Cañete said the case Cañete passed the Bar Examinations in 1960 and was a member of the

folders of these cases could no longer be found. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) the next year.
By: Ador Vincent Mayol - Senior Reporter / @adorCDN
Inquirer Visayas / 02:58 PM February 25, 2017
The actions of prosecutors and judges, he said, convinced him that the In 1981, he was elected vice president of the IBP Cebu Province
CEBU CITY–The Supreme Court (SC) has granted the request of a
criminal justice system in the Philippines is “like a spider’s web, Chapter. The following year, he assumed the presidency when the
Cebuano lawyer to strip him of his title and functions to protest the
wherein only the mosquitoes and flies are caught, but the wealthy and elected president resigned and ran for an elective post.
alleged corruption in the profession, particularly in the prosecution
government officials simply go through it.”
service and the judiciary.
In 1983, Cañete ran and was elected IBP President Cebu Province

“With all those cruel and brutal injustices heaped on me, I feel that Chapter—a position he held until 1985.
“Please take notice that the court en banc issued a resolution dated
being a lawyer does not anymore deserve respect and courtesy from
January 31, 2017. The court resolved to grant the Petition for Voluntary
his own brothers in the legal profession; that there is no more logical At present, he is the chairman-emeritus of the World Eskrima Kali Arnis
Delisting in the Roll of Attorneys filed by the petitioner,” said the High
and cogent reason for me to remain as a lawyer,” he added. Federation. CDG
Court’s Clerk of Court Felipa Anama in a Notice.

ADVERTISEMENT Cañete said he’s hoping that his voluntary resignation from the Roll of

Attorneys would lead to a meaningful reform and reorientation in the

prosecution service and the judiciary” in order to minimize corruption.

Lawyer Dionisio Cañete was elated upon receiving the Notice last


“I have no regrets whatsoever. I am happy that I am now out of the

He said lawyers are very much aware of the ongoing corruption in the
profession so that I will not be in the same association with corrupt
prosecution service and the judiciary but have been silent or indifferent
prosecutors and judges,” he said.
toward it.

Cañete, 78, expressed dismay over the “unspeakable injustices” he

Cañete cited an example wherein a lawyer loses a case because the
suffered while practicing the profession for 56 years.
opposing party had all the money to “buy” the prosecutor or the judge.

He said he was extremely disappointed when nine of the 10 cases he

“Filing the petition was based on my disillusion, frustration, utter
filed before the prosecutors’ office from 2014 to 2016 were
disappointment as well as humiliation and embarrassment inflicted by
“maliciously dismissed” despite having presented strong evidence.
the highly unfair and brutally unjust actions of my brothers in the legal

Three of the nine dismissed cases were overturned by the Regional profession who are members of the prosecution and judiciary…” he

State Prosecutor. said.

(hereinafter referred to as the Court Rule) 1 — in accordance with The case at bar is not the first one that has reached the Court
which the Bar of the Philippines was integrated — and to the relating to constitutional issues that inevitably and inextricably come
provisions of par. 2, Section 24, Article III, of the IBP By-Laws up to the surface whenever attempts are made to regulate the
A.M. No. 1928 August 3, 1978
(hereinabove cited). practice of law, define the conditions of such practice, or revoke the
license granted for the exercise of the legal profession.
In the Matter of the IBP Membership Dues Delinquency of Atty.
The authority of the IBP Board of Governors to recommend to the
MARCIAL A. EDILION (IBP Administrative Case No. MDD-1)
Supreme Court the removal of a delinquent member's name from The matters here complained of are the very same issues raised in a
the Roll of Attorneys is found in par. 2 Section 24, Article Ill of the IBP previous case before the Court, entitled "Administrative Case No.
The respondent Marcial A. Edillon is a duly licensed practicing By-Laws (supra), whereas the authority of the Court to issue the 526, In the Matter of the Petition for the Integration of the Bar of the
attorney in the Philippines. order applied for is found in Section 10 of the Court Rule, which Philippines, Roman Ozaeta, et al., Petitioners." The Court
reads: exhaustively considered all these matters in that case in its
On November 29, 1975, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP for Resolution ordaining the integration of the Bar of the Philippines,
short) Board of Governors unanimously adopted Resolution No. promulgated on January 9, 1973. The Court there made the
SEC. 10. Effect of non-payment of dues. — Subject to the provisions
75-65 in Administrative Case No. MDD-1 (In the Matter of the unanimous pronouncement that it was
of Section 12 of this Rule, default in the payment of annual dues for
Membership Dues Delinquency of Atty. Marcial A. Edillon) six months shall warrant suspension of membership in the Integrated
recommending to the Court the removal of the name of the Bar, and default in such payment for one year shall be a ground for ... fully convinced, after a thoroughgoing conscientious study of all
respondent from its Roll of Attorneys for "stubborn refusal to pay his the removal of the name of the delinquent member from the Roll of the arguments adduced in Adm. Case No. 526 and the authoritative
membership dues" to the IBP since the latter's constitution Attorneys. materials and the mass of factual data contained in the exhaustive
notwithstanding due notice. Report of the Commission on Bar Integration, that the integration of
the Philippine Bar is 'perfectly constitutional and legally
The all-encompassing, all-inclusive scope of membership in the IBP is
On January 21, 1976, the IBP, through its then President Liliano B. unobjectionable'. ...
stated in these words of the Court Rule:
Neri, submitted the said resolution to the Court for consideration
and approval, pursuant to paragraph 2, Section 24, Article III of the Be that as it may, we now restate briefly the posture of the Court.
SECTION 1. Organization. — There is hereby organized an official
By-Laws of the IBP, which reads:
national body to be known as the 'Integrated Bar of the Philippines,'
composed of all persons whose names now appear or may hereafter An "Integrated Bar" is a State-organized Bar, to which every lawyer
.... Should the delinquency further continue until the following June be included in the Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court. must belong, as distinguished from bar associations organized by
29, the Board shall promptly inquire into the cause or causes of the individual lawyers themselves, membership in which is voluntary.
continued delinquency and take whatever action it shall deem Integration of the Bar is essentially a process by which every member
The obligation to pay membership dues is couched in the following
appropriate, including a recommendation to the Supreme Court for of the Bar is afforded an opportunity to do his share in carrying out
words of the Court Rule:
the removal of the delinquent member's name from the Roll of the objectives of the Bar as well as obliged to bear his portion of its
Attorneys. Notice of the action taken shall be sent by registered mail responsibilities. Organized by or under the direction of the State, an
to the member and to the Secretary of the Chapter concerned. SEC. 9. Membership dues. Every member of the Integrated Bar shall integrated Bar is an official national body of which all lawyers are
pay such annual dues as the Board of Governors shall determine with required to be members. They are, therefore, subject to all the rules
the approval of the Supreme Court. ... prescribed for the governance of the Bar, including the requirement
On January 27, 1976, the Court required the respondent to comment
on the resolution and letter adverted to above; he submitted his of payment of a reasonable annual fee for the effective discharge of
comment on February 23, 1976, reiterating his refusal to pay the The core of the respondent's arguments is that the above provisions the purposes of the Bar, and adherence to a code of professional
membership fees due from him. constitute an invasion of his constitutional rights in the sense that he ethics or professional responsibility breach of which constitutes
is being compelled, as a pre-condition to maintaining his status as a sufficient reason for investigation by the Bar and, upon proper cause
lawyer in good standing, to be a member of the IBP and to pay the appearing, a recommendation for discipline or disbarment of the
On March 2, 1976, the Court required the IBP President and the IBP offending member. 2
corresponding dues, and that as a consequence of this compelled
Board of Governors to reply to Edillon's comment: on March 24,
financial support of the said organization to which he is admittedly
1976, they submitted a joint reply.
personally antagonistic, he is being deprived of the rights to liberty The integration of the Philippine Bar was obviously dictated by
and property guaranteed to him by the Constitution. Hence, the overriding considerations of public interest and public welfare to
Thereafter, the case was set for hearing on June 3, 1976. After the respondent concludes, the above provisions of the Court Rule and of such an extent as more than constitutionally and legally justifies the
hearing, the parties were required to submit memoranda in the IBP By-Laws are void and of no legal force and effect. restrictions that integration imposes upon the personal interests and
amplification of their oral arguments. The matter was thenceforth personal convenience of individual lawyers. 3
submitted for resolution.
The respondent similarly questions the jurisdiction of the Court to
strike his name from the Roll of Attorneys, contending that the said Apropos to the above, it must be stressed that all legislation directing
At the threshold, a painstaking scrutiny of the respondent's pleadings matter is not among the justiciable cases triable by the Court but is the integration of the Bar have been uniformly and universally
would show that the propriety and necessity of the integration of the rather of an "administrative nature pertaining to an administrative sustained as a valid exercise of the police power over an important
Bar of the Philippines are in essence conceded. The respondent, body." profession. The practice of law is not a vested right but a privilege, a
however, objects to particular features of Rule of Court 139-A privilege moreover clothed with public interest because a lawyer
owes substantial duties not only to his client, but also to his brethren and Section 1 of Republic Act No. 6397, which reads: only compulsion to which he is subjected is the payment of annual
in the profession, to the courts, and to the nation, and takes part in dues. The Supreme Court, in order to further the State's legitimate
one of the most important functions of the State — the interest in elevating the quality of professional legal services, may
SECTION 1. Within two years from the approval of this Act, the
administration of justice — as an officer of the court. 4 The practice require that the cost of improving the profession in this fashion be
Supreme Court may adopt rules of Court to effect the integration of
of law being clothed with public interest, the holder of this privilege shared by the subjects and beneficiaries of the regulatory program —
the Philippine Bar under such conditions as it shall see fit in order to
must submit to a degree of control for the common good, to the the lawyers.9
raise the standards of the legal profession, improve the
extent of the interest he has created. As the U. S. Supreme Court
administration of justice, and enable the Bar to discharge its public
through Mr. Justice Roberts explained, the expression "affected with
responsibility more effectively. Assuming that the questioned provision does in a sense compel a
a public interest" is the equivalent of "subject to the exercise of the
lawyer to be a member of the Integrated Bar, such compulsion is
police power" (Nebbia vs. New York, 291 U.S. 502).
justified as an exercise of the police power of the State. 10
Quite apart from the above, let it be stated that even without the
enabling Act (Republic Act No. 6397), and looking solely to the
When, therefore, Congress enacted Republic Act No.
language of the provision of the Constitution granting the Supreme 2. The second issue posed by the respondent is that the provision of
6397 5 authorizing the Supreme Court to "adopt rules of court to
Court the power "to promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice the Court Rule requiring payment of a membership fee is void. We
effect the integration of the Philippine Bar under such conditions as
and procedure in all courts, and the admission to the practice of see nothing in the Constitution that prohibits the Court, under its
it shall see fit," it did so in the exercise of the paramount police
law," it at once becomes indubitable that this constitutional constitutional power and duty to promulgate rules concerning the
power of the State. The Act's avowal is to "raise the standards of the
declaration vests the Supreme Court with plenary power in all cases admission to the practice of law and the integration of the Philippine
legal profession, improve the administration of justice, and enable
regarding the admission to and supervision of the practice of law. Bar (Article X, Section 5 of the 1973 Constitution) — which power the
the Bar to discharge its public responsibility more effectively." Hence,
respondent acknowledges — from requiring members of a privileged
the Congress in enacting such Act, the Court in ordaining the
class, such as lawyers are, to pay a reasonable fee toward defraying
integration of the Bar through its Resolution promulgated on January Thus, when the respondent Edillon entered upon the legal profession,
the expenses of regulation of the profession to which they belong. It
9, 1973, and the President of the Philippines in decreeing the his practice of law and his exercise of the said profession, which
is quite apparent that the fee is indeed imposed as a regulatory
constitution of the IBP into a body corporate through Presidential affect the society at large, were (and are) subject to the power of the
measure, designed to raise funds for carrying out the objectives and
Decree No. 181 dated May 4, 1973, were prompted by fundamental body politic to require him to conform to such regulations as might
purposes of integration. 11
considerations of public welfare and motivated by a desire to meet be established by the proper authorities for the common good, even
the demands of pressing public necessity. to the extent of interfering with some of his liberties. If he did not
wish to submit himself to such reasonable interference and 3. The respondent further argues that the enforcement of the
regulation, he should not have clothed the public with an interest in penalty provisions would amount to a deprivation of property
The State, in order to promote the general welfare, may interfere
his concerns. without due process and hence infringes on one of his constitutional
with and regulate personal liberty, property and occupations.
rights. Whether the practice of law is a property right, in the sense of
Persons and property may be subjected to restraints and burdens in
its being one that entitles the holder of a license to practice a
order to secure the general prosperity and welfare of the State (U.S. On this score alone, the case for the respondent must already fall.
profession, we do not here pause to consider at length, as it clear
vs. Gomez Jesus, 31 Phil 218), for, as the Latin maxim goes, "Salus
that under the police power of the State, and under the necessary
populi est supreme lex." The public welfare is the supreme law. To The issues being of constitutional dimension, however, we now powers granted to the Court to perpetuate its existence, the
this fundamental principle of government the rights of individuals concisely deal with them seriatim. respondent's right to practise law before the courts of this country
are subordinated. Liberty is a blessing without which life is a misery,
should be and is a matter subject to regulation and inquiry. And, if
but liberty should not be made to prevail over authority because
1. The first objection posed by the respondent is that the Court is the power to impose the fee as a regulatory measure is recognize,
then society win fall into anarchy (Calalang vs. Williams, 70 Phil. 726).
without power to compel him to become a member of the then a penalty designed to enforce its payment, which penalty may
It is an undoubted power of the State to restrain some individuals
Integrated Bar of the Philippines, hence, Section 1 of the Court Rule be avoided altogether by payment, is not void as unreasonable or
from all freedom, and all individuals from some freedom.
is unconstitutional for it impinges on his constitutional right of arbitrary. 12
freedom to associate (and not to associate). Our answer is: To
But the most compelling argument sustaining the constitutionality compel a lawyer to be a member of the Integrated Bar is not But we must here emphasize that the practice of law is not a
and validity of Bar integration in the Philippines is the explicit violative of his constitutional freedom to associate. 6 property right but a mere privilege, 13 and as such must bow to the
unequivocal grant of precise power to the Supreme Court by Section
inherent regulatory power of the Court to exact compliance with the
5 (5) of Article X of the 1973 Constitution of the Philippines, which
Integration does not make a lawyer a member of any group of which lawyer's public responsibilities.
he is not already a member. He became a member of the Bar when
he passed the Bar examinations. 7 All that integration actually does is 4. Relative to the issue of the power and/or jurisdiction of the
Sec. 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following powers: to provide an official national organization for the well-defined but Supreme Court to strike the name of a lawyer from its Roll of
unorganized and incohesive group of which every lawyer is a ready a Attorneys, it is sufficient to state that the matters of admission,
xxx xxx xxx member. 8 suspension, disbarment and reinstatement of lawyers and their
regulation and supervision have been and are indisputably
Bar integration does not compel the lawyer to associate with anyone. recognized as inherent judicial functions and responsibilities, and the
(5) Promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice, and pro.
He is free to attend or not attend the meetings of his Integrated Bar authorities holding such are legion. 14
procedure in all courts, and the admission to the practice of law and
the integration of the Bar ..., Chapter or vote or refuse to vote in its elections as he chooses. The
In In Re Sparks (267 Ky. 93, 101 S.W. (2d) 194), in which the report of
the Board of Bar Commissioners in a disbarment proceeding was
confirmed and disbarment ordered, the court, sustaining the Bar
Integration Act of Kentucky, said: "The power to regulate the
conduct and qualifications of its officers does not depend upon
constitutional or statutory grounds. It is a power which is inherent in
this court as a court — appropriate, indeed necessary, to the proper
administration of justice ... the argument that this is an arbitrary
power which the court is arrogating to itself or accepting from the
legislative likewise misconceives the nature of the duty. It has
limitations no less real because they are inherent. It is an unpleasant
task to sit in judgment upon a brother member of the Bar,
particularly where, as here, the facts are disputed. It is a grave
responsibility, to be assumed only with a determination to uphold
the Ideals and traditions of an honorable profession and to protect
the public from overreaching and fraud. The very burden of the duty
is itself a guaranty that the power will not be misused or
prostituted. ..."

The Court's jurisdiction was greatly reinforced by our 1973

Constitution when it explicitly granted to the Court the power to
"Promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice ... and the admission
to the practice of law and the integration of the Bar ... (Article X, Sec.
5(5) the power to pass upon the fitness of the respondent to remain
a member of the legal profession is indeed undoubtedly vested in the

We thus reach the conclusion that the provisions of Rule of Court

139-A and of the By-Laws of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
complained of are neither unconstitutional nor illegal.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is the unanimous sense of the

Court that the respondent Marcial A. Edillon should be as he is
hereby disbarred, and his name is hereby ordered stricken from the
Roll of Attorneys of the Court.

Fernando, Teehankee, Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio, Muñoz Palma,

Aquino, Concepcion, Jr., Santos, Fernandez and Guerrero, JJ., concur.
LETTER OF ATTY. CECILIO Y. AREVALO, JR., REQUESTING considering that he has been in an inactive status and is without imposed as a regulatory measure, designed to raise funds for
EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF IBP DUES. income derived from his law practice. He adds that his removal from carrying out the noble objectives and purposes of integration.
nonpayment of annual membership dues would constitute
This is a request for exemption from payment of the deprivation of property right without due process of law. Lastly, he The rationale for prescribing dues has been explained in the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) dues filed by petitioner Atty. claims that non-practice of law by a lawyer-member in inactive status Integration of the Philippine Bar,[9] thus:
Cecilio Y. Arevalo, Jr. is neither injurious to active law practitioners, to fellow lawyers in
inactive status, nor to the community where the inactive For the court to prescribe dues to be paid by the members does not
In his letter,[1] dated 22 September 2004, petitioner sought
lawyers-members reside. mean that the Court is attempting to levy a tax.
exemption from payment of IBP dues in the amount of P12,035.00 as
alleged unpaid accountability for the years 1977-2005. He alleged Plainly, the issue here is: whether or nor petitioner is entitled
that after being admitted to the Philippine Bar in 1961, he became to exemption from payment of his dues during the time that he was A membership fee in the Bar association is an exaction for regulation,
part of the Philippine Civil Service from July 1962 until 1986, then inactive in the practice of law that is, when he was in the Civil Service while tax purpose of a tax is a revenue. If the judiciary has inherent
migrated to, and worked in, the USA in December 1986 until his from 1962-1986 and he was working abroad from 1986-2003? power to regulate the Bar, it follows that as an incident to regulation,
retirement in the year 2003. He maintained that he cannot be it may impose a membership fee for that purpose. It would not be
assessed IBP dues for the years that he was working in the Philippine We rule in the negative. possible to put on an integrated Bar program without means to
Civil Service since the Civil Service law prohibits the practice of ones defray the expenses. The doctrine of implied powers necessarily
profession while in government service, and neither can he be An Integrated Bar is a State-organized Bar, to which every carries with it the power to impose such exaction.
assessed for the years when he was working in the USA. lawyer must belong, as distinguished from bar association organized
by individual lawyers themselves, membership in which is voluntary.
On 05 October 2004, the letter was referred to the IBP for Integration of the Bar is essentially a process by which every member The only limitation upon the States power to regulate the privilege of
comment.[2] of the Bar is afforded an opportunity to do his shares in carrying out law is that the regulation does not impose an unconstitutional
the objectives of the Bar as well as obliged to bear his portion of its burden. The public interest promoted by the integration of the Bar
On 16 November 2004, the IBP submitted its responsibilities. Organized by or under the direction of the State, an far outweighs the slight inconvenience to a member resulting from
comment[3] stating inter alia: that membership in the IBP is not based Integrated Bar is an official national body of which all lawyers are his required payment of the annual dues.
on the actual practice of law; that a lawyer continues to be included required to be members. They are, therefore, subject to all the rules
in the Roll of Attorneys as long as he continues to be a member of prescribed for the governance of the Bar, including the requirement Thus, payment of dues is a necessary consequence of
the IBP; that one of the obligations of a member is the payment of of payment of a reasonable annual fee for the effective discharge of membership in the IBP, of which no one is exempt. This means that
annual dues as determined by the IBP Board of Governors and duly the purposes of the Bar, and adherence to a code of professional the compulsory nature of payment of dues subsists for as long as
approved by the Supreme Court as provided for in Sections 9 and 10, ethics or professional responsibility, breach of which constitutes ones membership in the IBP remains regardless of the lack of
Rule 139-A of the Rules of Court; that the validity of imposing dues sufficient reason for investigation by the Bar and, upon proper cause practice of, or the type of practice, the member is engaged in.
on the IBP members has been upheld as necessary to defray the cost appearing, a recommendation for discipline or disbarment of the
of an Integrated Bar Program; and that the policy of the IBP Board of offending member.[5] There is nothing in the law or rules which allows exemption
Governors of no exemption from payment of dues is but an from payment of membership dues. At most, as correctly observed
implementation of the Courts directives for all members of the IBP to The integration of the Philippine Bar means the official by the IBP, he could have informed the Secretary of the Integrated
help in defraying the cost of integration of the bar. It maintained that unification of the entire lawyer population. This requires Bar of his intention to stay abroad before he left. In such case, his
there is no rule allowing the exemption of payment of annual dues as membership and financial support of every attorney as condition sine membership in the IBP could have been terminated and his
requested by respondent, that what is allowed is voluntary qua non to the practice of law and the retention of his name in the obligation to pay dues could have been discontinued.
termination and reinstatement of membership. It asserted that what Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court.[6]
petitioner could have done was to inform the secretary of the IBP of As abovementioned, the IBP in its comment stated that the
his intention to stay abroad, so that his membership in the IBP could Bar integration does not compel the lawyer to associate with IBP Board of Governors is in the process of discussing the situation of
have been terminated, thus, his obligation to pay dues could have anyone. He is free to attend or not to attend the meetings of his members under inactive status and the nonpayment of their dues
been stopped. It also alleged that the IBP Board of Governors is in Integrated Bar Chapter or vote or refuse to vote in its elections as he during such inactivity. In the meantime, petitioner is duty bound to
the process of discussing proposals for the creation of an inactive chooses. The only compulsion to which he is subjected is the comply with his obligation to pay membership dues to the IBP.
status for its members, which if approved by the Board of Governors payment of his annual dues. The Supreme Court, in order to foster
and by this Court, will exempt inactive IBP members from payment the States legitimate interest in elevating the quality of professional Petitioner also contends that the enforcement of the penalty
of the annual dues. legal services, may require that the cost of improving the profession of removal would amount to a deprivation of property without due
in this fashion be shared by the subjects and beneficiaries of the process and hence infringes on one of his constitutional rights.
In his reply[4] dated 22 February 2005, petitioner contends that regulatory program the lawyers.[7]
what he is questioning is the IBP Board of Governors Policy of This question has been settled in the case of In re Atty.
Non-Exemption in the payment of annual membership dues of Moreover, there is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits Marcial Edillon,[10] in this wise:
lawyers regardless of whether or not they are engaged in active or the Court, under its constitutional power and duty to promulgate
inactive practice. He asseverates that the Policy of Non-Exemption in rules concerning the admission to the practice of law and in the
. . . Whether the practice of law is a property right, in the sense of its
the payment of annual membership dues suffers from constitutional integration of the Philippine Bar[8] - which power required members
being one that entitles the holder of a license to practice a profession,
infirmities, such as equal protection clause and the due process of a privileged class, such as lawyers are, to pay a reasonable fee
we do not here pause to consider at length, as it [is] clear that under
clause. He also posits that compulsory payment of the IBP annual toward defraying the expenses of regulation of the profession to
the police power of the State, and under the necessary powers
membership dues would indubitably be oppressive to him which they belong. It is quite apparent that the fee is, indeed,
granted to the Court to perpetuate its existence, the respondents
right to practice law before the courts of this country should be and
is a matter subject to regulation and inquiry. And, if the power to
impose the fee as a regulatory measure is recognize[d], then a
penalty designed to enforce its payment, which penalty may be
avoided altogether by payment, is not void as unreasonable or

But we must here emphasize that the practice of law is not a

property right but a mere privilege, and as such must bow to the
inherent regulatory power of the Court to exact compliance with the
lawyers public responsibilities.

As a final note, it must be borne in mind that membership in

the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions,[11] one of which is the
payment of membership dues. Failure to abide by any of them
entails the loss of such privilege if the gravity thereof warrants such
drastic move.

WHEREFORE, petitioners request for exemption from

payment of IBP dues is DENIED. He is ordered to pay P12,035.00, the
amount assessed by the IBP as membership fees for the years
1977-2005, within a non-extendible period of ten (10) days from
receipt of this decision, with a warning that failure to do so will merit
his suspension from the practice of law.

PETITION FOR LEAVE TO RESUME PRACTICE OF LAW, Adherence to rigid standards of mental fitness, maintenance of the admission to the bar, loss thereof terminates membership in the
BENJAMIN M. DACANAY, petitioner. highest degree of morality, faithful observance of the rules of the Philippine bar and, consequently, the privilege to engage in the
legal profession, compliance with the mandatory continuing legal practice of law. In other words, the loss of Filipino citizenship ipso
education requirement and payment of membership fees to the jure terminates the privilege to practice law in the Philippines. The
This bar matter concerns the petition of petitioner Benjamin M.
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) are the conditions required for practice of law is a privilege denied to foreigners.16
Dacanay for leave to resume the practice of law.
membership in good standing in the bar and for enjoying the
privilege to practice law. Any breach by a lawyer of any of these
The exception is when Filipino citizenship is lost by reason of
Petitioner was admitted to the Philippine bar in March 1960. He conditions makes him unworthy of the trust and confidence which
naturalization as a citizen of another country but subsequently
practiced law until he migrated to Canada in December 1998 to seek the courts and clients repose in him for the continued exercise of his
reacquired pursuant to RA 9225. This is because "all Philippine
medical attention for his ailments. He subsequently applied for professional privilege.4
citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not
Canadian citizenship to avail of Canada’s free medical aid program.
to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the conditions of [RA
His application was approved and he became a Canadian citizen in
Section 1, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court provides: 9225]."17Therefore, a Filipino lawyer who becomes a citizen of
May 2004.
another country is deemed never to have lost his Philippine
citizenship if he reacquires it in accordance with RA 9225. Although
SECTION 1. Who may practice law. – Any person heretofore duly
On July 14, 2006, pursuant to Republic Act (RA) 9225 (Citizenship he is also deemed never to have terminated his membership in the
admitted as a member of the bar, or thereafter admitted as such in
Retention and Re-Acquisition Act of 2003), petitioner reacquired his Philippine bar, no automatic right to resume law practice accrues.
accordance with the provisions of this Rule, and who is in good and
Philippine citizenship.1 On that day, he took his oath of allegiance as
regular standing, is entitled to practice law.
a Filipino citizen before the Philippine Consulate General in Toronto,
Under RA 9225, if a person intends to practice the legal profession in
Canada. Thereafter, he returned to the Philippines and now intends
the Philippines and he reacquires his Filipino citizenship pursuant to
to resume his law practice. There is a question, however, whether Pursuant thereto, any person admitted as a member of the
its provisions "(he) shall apply with the proper authority for a license
petitioner Benjamin M. Dacanay lost his membership in the Philippine bar in accordance with the statutory requirements and
or permit to engage in such practice."18 Stated otherwise, before a
Philippine bar when he gave up his Philippine citizenship in May 2004. who is in good and regular standing is entitled to practice law.
lawyer who reacquires Filipino citizenship pursuant to RA 9225 can
Thus, this petition.
resume his law practice, he must first secure from this Court the
Admission to the bar requires certain qualifications. The Rules of authority to do so, conditioned on:
In a report dated October 16, 2007, the Office of the Bar Confidant Court mandates that an applicant for admission to the bar be a
cites Section 2, Rule 138 (Attorneys and Admission to Bar) of the citizen of the Philippines, at least twenty-one years of age, of good
(a) the updating and payment in full of the annual membership dues
Rules of Court: moral character and a resident of the Philippines.5 He must also
in the IBP;
produce before this Court satisfactory evidence of good moral
character and that no charges against him, involving moral turpitude,
SECTION 2. Requirements for all applicants for admission to the bar.
have been filed or are pending in any court in the Philippines.6 (b) the payment of professional tax;
– Every applicant for admission as a member of the bar must be a
citizen of the Philippines, at least twenty-one years of age, of good
moral character, and a resident of the Philippines; and must produce Moreover, admission to the bar involves various phases such as (c) the completion of at least 36 credit hours of mandatory
before the Supreme Court satisfactory evidence of good moral furnishing satisfactory proof of educational, moral and other continuing legal education; this is specially significant to refresh the
character, and that no charges against him, involving moral turpitude, qualifications;7 passing the bar examinations;8 taking the lawyer’s applicant/petitioner’s knowledge of Philippine laws and update him
have been filed or are pending in any court in the Philippines. oath9 and signing the roll of attorneys and receiving from the clerk of of legal developments and
court of this Court a certificate of the license to practice.10
Applying the provision, the Office of the Bar Confidant opines that, (d) the retaking of the lawyer’s oath which will not only remind him
by virtue of his reacquisition of Philippine citizenship, in 2006, The second requisite for the practice of law ― membership in good of his duties and responsibilities as a lawyer and as an officer of the
petitioner has again met all the qualifications and has none of the standing ― is a continuing requirement. This means continued Court, but also renew his pledge to maintain allegiance to the
disqualifications for membership in the bar. It recommends that he membership and, concomitantly, payment of annual membership Republic of the Philippines.
be allowed to resume the practice of law in the Philippines, dues in the IBP;11 payment of the annual professional
conditioned on his retaking the lawyer’s oath to remind him of his tax;12 compliance with the mandatory continuing legal education
Compliance with these conditions will restore his good standing as a
duties and responsibilities as a member of the Philippine bar. requirement;13 faithful observance of the rules and ethics of the legal
member of the Philippine bar.
profession and being continually subject to judicial disciplinary
We approve the recommendation of the Office of the Bar Confidant
WHEREFORE, the petition of Attorney Benjamin M. Dacanay is
with certain modifications.
hereby GRANTED, subject to compliance with the conditions stated
Given the foregoing, may a lawyer who has lost his Filipino
above and submission of proof of such compliance to the Bar
citizenship still practice law in the Philippines? No.
The practice of law is a privilege burdened with conditions.2 It is so Confidant, after which he may retake his oath as a member of the
delicately affected with public interest that it is both a power and a Philippine bar.
duty of the State (through this Court) to control and regulate it in The Constitution provides that the practice of all professions in the
order to protect and promote the public welfare.3 Philippines shall be limited to Filipino citizens save in cases
prescribed by law.15 Since Filipino citizenship is a requirement for
The Court reiterates that Filipino citizenship is a requirement for 3. Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of the
admission to the bar and is, in fact, a continuing requirement for the Philippines;
practice of law. The loss thereof means termination of the
petitioner’s membership in the bar;ipso jure the privilege to engage
THE PHILIPPINES, EPIFANIO B. MUNESES, Petitioner, 4. Identification Certificate (IC) issued by the
in the practice of law. Under R.A. No. 9225, natural-born citizens who
Bureau of Immigration;
have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization
On June 8, 2009, a petition was filed by Epifanio B. Muneses as citizens of a foreign country are deemed to have re-acquired their
(petitioner) with the Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC) praying that Philippine citizenship upon taking the oath of allegiance to the 5. Certificate of Good Standing issued by the
he be granted the privilege to practice law in the Philippines. Republic.1 Thus, a Filipino lawyer who becomes a citizen of another IBP;
country and later re-acquires his Philippine citizenship under R.A. No.
The petitioner alleged that he became a member of the Integrated 9225, remains to be a member of the Philippine Bar. However, as 6. Certification from the IBP indicating updated
Bar of the Philippines (IBP) on March 21, 1966; that he lost his stated in Dacanay, the right to resume the practice of law is not payments of annual membership dues;
privilege to practice law when he became a citizen of the United automatic.2 R.A. No. 9225 provides that a person who intends to
States of America (USA) on August 28, 1981; that on September 15, practice his profession in the Philippines must apply with the proper
authority for a license or permit to engage in such practice.3 7. Proof of payment of professional tax; and
2006, he re-acquired his Philippine citizenship pursuant to Republic
Act (R.A.) No. 9225 or the "Citizenship Retention and Re-Acquisition
Act of 2003" by taking his oath of allegiance as a Filipino citizen It can not be overstressed that: 8. Certificate of compliance issued by the
before the Philippine Consulate General in Washington, D.C., USA; MCLE Office.
that he intends to retire in the Philippines and if granted, to resume
The practice of law is a privilege burdened with
the practice of law. Attached to the petition were several documents In compliance thereof, the petitioner submitted the following:
conditions.1âwphi1 It is so delicately affected
in support of his petition, albeit mere photocopies thereof, to wit:
with public interest that it is both the power
and duty of the State (through this Court) to 1. Petition for Re-Acquisition of Philippine Citizenship;
1. Oath of Allegiance dated September 15, control and regulate it in order to protect and
2006 before Consul General Domingo P. promote the public welfare.
Nolasco; 2. Order (for Re-Acquisition of Philippine citizenship);

Adherence to rigid standards of mental fitness,

2. Petition for Re-Acquisition of Philippine maintenance of the highest degree of morality, 3. Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines;
Citizenship of same date; faithful observance of the legal profession,
compliance with the mandatory continuing 4. Certificate of Re-Acquisition/Retention of Philippine Citizenship
3. Order for Re-Acquisition of Philippine legal education requirement and payment of issued by the Bureau of Immigration, in lieu of the IC;
Citizenship also of same date; membership fees to the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) are the conditions required
5. Certification dated May 19, 2010 of the IBP-Surigao City Chapter
for membership in good standing in the bar
4. Letter dated March 13, 2008 evidencing attesting to his good moral character as well as his updated payment
and for enjoying the privilege to practice law.
payment of membership dues with the IBP; of annual membership dues;
Any breach by a lawyer of any of these
conditions makes him unworthy of the trust
5. Attendance Forms from the Mandatory and confidence which the courts and clients 6. Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) for the year 2010;
Continuing Legal Education (MCLE). repose in him for the continued exercise of his
professional privilege.4 7. Certificate of Compliance with the MCLE for the 2nd compliance
In Bar Matter No. 1678, dated December 17, 2007, the Court was period; and
confronted with a similar petition filed by Benjamin M. Dacanay Thus, in pursuance to the qualifications laid down by the Court for
(Dacanay) who requested leave to resume his practice of law after the practice of law, the OBC required the herein petitioner to submit 8. Certification dated December 5, 2008 of Atty. Gloria
availing the benefits of R.A. No. 9225. Dacanay was admitted to the the original or certified true copies of the following documents in Estenzo-Ramos, Coordinator, UC-MCLE Program, University of Cebu,
Philippine Bar in March 1960. In December 1998, he migrated to relation to his petition: College of Law attesting to his compliance with the MCLE.
Canada to seek medical attention for his ailments and eventually
became a Canadian citizen in May 2004. On July 14, 2006, Dacanay 1. Petition for Re-Acquisition of Philippine
re-acquired his Philippine citizenship pursuant to R.A. No. 9225 after The OBC further required the petitioner to update his compliance,
Citizenship; particularly with the MCLE. After all the requirements were
taking his oath of allegiance before the Philippine Consulate General
in Toronto, Canada. He returned to the Philippines and intended to satisfactorily complied with and finding that the petitioner has met
resume his practice of law. 2. Order (for Re-Acquisition of Philippine all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications for
citizenship); membership in the bar, the OBC recommended that the petitioner
be allowed to resume his practice of law.
Upon this favorable recommendation of the OBC, the Court adopts
the same and sees no bar to the petitioner's resumption to the
practice of law in the Philippines.
SC allows ‘dual’ law practice
WHEREFORE, the petition of Attorney Epifanio B. Muneses is
hereby GRANTED, subject to the condition that he shall re-take the posted November 05, 2014 at 12:01 am by Rey E. Requejo
Lawyer's Oath on a date to be set by the Court and subject to the 
payment of appropriate fees.
Filipino lawyers who became naturalized American citizen can again
Furthermore, the Office of the Bar Confidant is directed to draft the
practice law in the country upon acquiring dual citizenship, according
necessary guidelines for the re-acquisition of the privilege to resume
the practice of law for the guidance of the Bench and Bar. to the Supreme Court.
In an en banc resolution promulgated September 23, 2014, but
SO ORDERED. released only this week, the Supreme Court granted the petition of
Marcos Del Rosario to practice his legal profession in the country
after losing his Philippine citizenship by reason of naturalization as
US citizen.
“The Court resolved to allow petitioner Del Rosario to resume
practice of law in the Philippines, subject to the conditions that he
re-takes his lawyer’s oath on a date set by the Court,” the resolution
The high court also required petition to pay “the appropriate fees,
and (submit) the original or certified true copy of the proof of
payment of the professional tax for 2013.”
The SC cited Article XII, Section 14 of the Constitution, which
provides that “the practice of all professions in the Philippines shall
be limited to Filipino citizens, save in cases prescribed by law.”

Before moving to the US, Del Rosario passed the Philippine Bar
exams after finishing his law degree from the University of the
Philippine in 1995.
He then obtained his Master of Laws in International Business from
Fordham University in New York, NY, U.S.A in 2003 and was admitted
to practice law in the State of New York and the US District Courts for
the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York after becoming a
naturalized American citizen.
Del Rosario filed the petition in the SC, saying he wanted to continue
practicing law in the country.
IN RE: PETITION TO SIGN IN THE ROLL OF ATTORNEYS MICHAEL A. After a judicious review of the records, we grant Medado’s prayer in acts as “neither willful nor intentional but based on a mistaken belief
MEDADO, Petitioner. the instant petition, subject to the payment of a fine and the and an honest error of judgment.”22cralaw virtualaw library
imposition of a penalty equivalent to suspension from the practice of
law. We disagree.
We resolve the instant Petition to Sign in the Roll of Attorneys filed
by petitioner Michael A. Medado (Medado).
At the outset, we note that not allowing Medado to sign in the Roll While an honest mistake of fact could be used to excuse a person
of Attorneys would be akin to imposing upon him the ultimate from the legal consequences of his acts23 as it negates malice or evil
Medado graduated from the University of the Philippines with the
penalty of disbarment, a penalty that we have reserved for the most motive,24 a mistake of law cannot be utilized as a lawful justification,
degree of Bachelor of Laws in 19791and passed the same year’s bar
serious ethical transgressions of members of the Bar. because everyone is presumed to know the law and its
examinations with a general weighted average of 82.7.2cralaw
consequences.25 Ignorantia facti excusat; ignorantia legis neminem
virtualaw library
In this case, the records do not show that this action is warranted. excusat.
On 7 May 1980, he took the Attorney’s Oath at the Philippine
For one, petitioner demonstrated good faith and good moral Applying these principles to the case at bar, Medado may have at
International Convention Center (PICC) together with the successful
character when he finally filed the instant Petition to Sign in the Roll first operated under an honest mistake of fact when he thought that
bar examinees.3 He was scheduled to sign in the Roll of Attorneys on
of Attorneys. We note that it was not a third party who called this what he had signed at the PICC entrance before the oath-taking was
13 May 1980,4 but he failed to do so on his scheduled date, allegedly
Court’s attention to petitioner’s omission; rather, it was Medado already the Roll of Attorneys. However, the moment he realized that
because he had misplaced the Notice to Sign the Roll of
himself who acknowledged his own lapse, albeit after the passage of what he had signed was merely an attendance record, he could no
Attorneys5 given by the Bar Office when he went home to his
more than 30 years. When asked by the Bar Confidant why it took longer claim an honest mistake of fact as a valid justification. At that
province for a vacation.6cralaw virtualaw library
him this long to file the instant petition, Medado very candidly point, Medado should have known that he was not a full-fledged
replied:chanrobles virtua1aw 1ibrary member of the Philippine Bar because of his failure to sign in the Roll
Several years later, while rummaging through his old college files,
Mahirap hong i-explain yan pero, yun bang at of Attorneys, as it was the act of signing therein that would have
Medado found the Notice to Sign the Roll of Attorneys. It was then
the time, what can you say? Takot ka kung made him so.26 When, in spite of this knowledge, he chose to
that he realized that he had not signed in the roll, and that what he
anong mangyayari sa ‘yo, you don’t know continue practicing law without taking the necessary steps to
had signed at the entrance of the PICC was probably just an
what’s gonna happen. At the same time, it’s a complete all the requirements for admission to the Bar, he willfully
attendance record.7cralaw virtualaw library
combination of apprehension and anxiety of engaged in the unauthorized practice of law.
what’s gonna happen. And, finally it’s the right
By the time Medado found the notice, he was already working. He
thing to do. I have to come here … sign the roll Under the Rules of Court, the unauthorized practice of law by one’s
stated that he was mainly doing corporate and taxation work, and
and take the oath as necessary.16 assuming to be an attorney or officer of the court, and acting as such
that he was not actively involved in litigation practice. Thus, he
For another, petitioner has not been subject to any action for without authority, may constitute indirect contempt of
operated “under the mistaken belief [that] since he ha[d] already
disqualification from the practice of law,17which is more than what court,27 which is punishable by fine or imprisonment or both.28 Such
taken the oath, the signing of the Roll of Attorneys was not as urgent,
we can say of other individuals who were successfully admitted as a finding, however, is in the nature of criminal contempt29 and must
nor as crucial to his status as a lawyer”;8 and “the matter of signing in
members of the Philippine Bar. For this Court, this fact demonstrates be reached after the filing of charges and the conduct of
the Roll of Attorneys lost its urgency and compulsion, and was
that petitioner strove to adhere to the strict requirements of the hearings.30 In this case, while it appears quite clearly that petitioner
subsequently forgotten.”9cralaw virtualaw library
ethics of the profession, and that he has prima facie shown that he committed indirect contempt of court by knowingly engaging in
possesses the character required to be a member of the Philippine unauthorized practice of law, we refrain from making any finding of
In 2005, when Medado attended Mandatory Continuing Legal
Bar. liability for indirect contempt, as no formal charge pertaining thereto
Education (MCLE) seminars, he was required to provide his roll
has been filed against him.
number in order for his MCLE compliances to be credited.10 Not
Finally, Medado appears to have been a competent and able legal
having signed in the Roll of Attorneys, he was unable to provide his
practitioner, having held various positions at the Laurel Law Knowingly engaging in unauthorized practice of law likewise
roll number.
Office,18 Petron, Petrophil Corporation, the Philippine National Oil transgresses Canon 9 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
Company, and the Energy Development Corporation.19cralaw which provides:chanrobles virtua1aw 1ibrary
About seven years later, or on 6 February 2012, Medado filed the
virtualaw library CANON 9 – A lawyer shall not, directly or
instant Petition, praying that he be allowed to sign in the Roll of
indirectly, assist in the unauthorized practice
Attorneys.11cralaw virtualaw library
All these demonstrate Medado’s worth to become a full-fledged of law.
member of the Philippine Bar. While the practice of law is not a right While a reading of Canon 9 appears to merely prohibit lawyers from
The Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC) conducted a clarificatory
but a privilege,20 this Court will not unwarrantedly withhold this assisting in the unauthorized practice of law, the unauthorized
conference on the matter on 21 September 201212 and submitted a
privilege from individuals who have shown mental fitness and moral practice of law by the lawyer himself is subsumed under this
Report and Recommendation to this Court on 4 February 2013.13The
fiber to withstand the rigors of the profession. provision, because at the heart of Canon 9 is the lawyer’s duty to
OBC recommended that the instant petition be denied for
prevent the unauthorized practice of
petitioner’s gross negligence, gross misconduct and utter lack of
That said, however, we cannot fully exculpate petitioner Medado law. This duty likewise applies to law students and Bar candidates. As
merit.14 It explained that, based on his answers during the
from all liability for his years of inaction. aspiring members of the Bar, they are bound to comport themselves
clarificatory conference, petitioner could offer no valid justification
in accordance with the ethical standards of the legal profession.
for his negligence in signing in the Roll of Attorneys.15cralaw
Petitioner has been engaged in the practice of law since 1980, a
virtualaw library
period spanning more than 30 years, without having signed in the Turning now to the applicable penalty, previous violations of Canon 9
Roll of Attorneys.21 He justifies this behavior by characterizing his have warranted the penalty of suspension from the practice of
law.31 As Medado is not yet a full-fledged lawyer, we cannot suspend
him from the practice of law. However, we see it fit to impose upon
him a penalty akin to suspension by allowing him to sign in the Roll of
Attorneys one (1) year after receipt of this Resolution. For his
transgression of the prohibition against the unauthorized practice of
law, we likewise see it fit to fine him in the amount of P32,000.
During the one year period, petitioner is warned that he is not
allowed to engage in the practice of law, and is sternly warned that
doing any act that constitutes practice of law before he has signed in
the Roll of Attorneys will be dealt with severely by this Court.

WHEREFORE, the instant Petition to Sign in the Roll of Attorneys is

hereby GRANTED. Petitioner Michael A. Medado is ALLOWED to sign
in the Roll of Attorneys ONE (1) YEAR after receipt of this Resolution.
Petitioner is likewise ORDERED to pay a FINE of P32,000 for his
unauthorized practice of law. During the one year period, petitioner
is NOT ALLOWED to practice law, and is STERNLY WARNEDthat
doing any act that constitutes practice of law before he has signed in
the Roll of Attorneys will be dealt with severely by this Court.

Let a copy of this Resolution be furnished the Office of the Bar

Confidant, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the Office of the
Court Administrator for circulation to all courts in the

DONNA MARIE S. AGUIRRE, complainant, vs. EDWIN L. mayoralty candidate George Bunan (Bunan) without the latter of the MBEC proceedings show that respondent actively participated
RANA, respondent. engaging respondents services. Complainant claims that respondent in the proceedings. The OBC likewise found that respondent
filed the pleading as a ploy to prevent the proclamation of the appeared in the MBEC proceedings even before he took the lawyers
The Case winning vice mayoralty candidate. oath on 22 May 2001. The OBC believes that respondents
misconduct casts a serious doubt on his moral fitness to be a
Before one is admitted to the Philippine Bar, he must possess On 22 May 2001, the Court issued a resolution allowing member of the Bar. The OBC also believes that respondents
the requisite moral integrity for membership in the legal profession. respondent to take the lawyers oath but disallowed him from signing unauthorized practice of law is a ground to deny his admission to the
Possession of moral integrity is of greater importance than the Roll of Attorneys until he is cleared of the charges against him. In practice of law. The OBC therefore recommends that respondent be
possession of legal learning. The practice of law is a privilege the same resolution, the Court required respondent to comment on denied admission to the Philippine Bar.
bestowed only on the morally fit. A bar candidate who is morally the complaint against him.
unfit cannot practice law even if he passes the bar examinations. On the other charges, OBC stated that complainant failed to
In his Comment, respondent admits that Bunan sought his cite a law which respondent allegedly violated when he appeared as
specific assistance to represent him before the MBEC. Respondent counsel for Bunan while he was a government employee.
claims that he decided to assist and advice Bunan, not as a lawyer Respondent resigned as secretary and his resignation was accepted.
The Facts but as a person who knows the law. Respondent admits signing the Likewise, respondent was authorized by Bunan to represent him
19 May 2001 pleading that objected to the inclusion of certain votes before the MBEC.
in the canvassing. He explains, however, that he did not sign the
Respondent Edwin L. Rana (respondent) was among those pleading as a lawyer or represented himself as an attorney in the
who passed the 2000 Bar Examinations. pleading.
The Courts Ruling
On 21 May 2001, one day before the scheduled mass On his employment as secretary of the Sangguniang Bayan,
oath-taking of successful bar examinees as members of the respondent claims that he submitted his resignation on 11 May 2001
Philippine Bar, complainant Donna Marie Aguirre (complainant) filed which was allegedly accepted on the same date. He submitted a copy
of the Certification of Receipt of Revocable Resignation dated 28 We agree with the findings and conclusions of the OBC that
against respondent a Petition for Denial of Admission to the
May 2001 signed by Vice-Mayor Napoleon Relox. Respondent further respondent engaged in the unauthorized practice of law and thus
Bar. Complainant charged respondent with unauthorized practice of
claims that the complaint is politically motivated considering that does not deserve admission to the Philippine Bar.
law, grave misconduct, violation of law, and grave
misrepresentation. complainant is the daughter of Silvestre Aguirre, the losing candidate
Respondent took his oath as lawyer on 22 May 2001. However,
for mayor of Mandaon, Masbate. Respondent prays that the
the records show that respondent appeared as counsel for Bunan
The Court allowed respondent to take his oath as a member of complaint be dismissed for lack of merit and that he be allowed to
prior to 22 May 2001, before respondent took the lawyers oath. In
the Bar during the scheduled oath-taking on 22 May 2001 at the sign the Roll of Attorneys.
the pleading entitled Formal Objection to the Inclusion in the
Philippine International Convention Center. However, the Court
On 22 June 2001, complainant filed her Reply to respondents Canvassing of Votes in Some Precincts for the Office of
ruled that respondent could not sign the Roll of Attorneys pending
Comment and refuted the claim of respondent that his appearance Vice-Mayor dated 19 May 2001, respondent signed as counsel for
the resolution of the charge against him. Thus, respondent took the
before the MBEC was only to extend specific assistance to Bunan. George Bunan. In the first paragraph of the same pleading
lawyers oath on the scheduled date but has not signed the Roll of
Complainant alleges that on 19 May 2001 Emily Estipona-Hao respondent stated that he was the (U)ndersigned Counsel for, and in
Attorneys up to now.
(Estipona-Hao) filed a petition for proclamation as the winning behalf of Vice Mayoralty Candidate, GEORGE T. BUNAN. Bunan
Complainant charges respondent for unauthorized practice of candidate for mayor. Respondent signed as counsel for Estipona-Hao himself wrote the MBEC on 14 May 2001 that he had authorized Atty.
law and grave misconduct. Complainant alleges that respondent, in this petition. When respondent appeared as counsel before the Edwin L. Rana as his counsel to represent him before the MBEC and
while not yet a lawyer, appeared as counsel for a candidate in the MBEC, complainant questioned his appearance on two grounds: (1) similar bodies.
May 2001 elections before the Municipal Board of Election respondent had not taken his oath as a lawyer; and (2) he was an
On 14 May 2001, mayoralty candidate Emily Estipona-Hao also
Canvassers (MBEC) of Mandaon, Masbate. Complainant further employee of the government.
retained respondent as her counsel. On the same date, 14 May 2001,
alleges that respondent filed with the MBEC a pleading dated 19 May
Respondent filed a Reply (Re: Reply to Respondents Erly D. Hao informed the MBEC that Atty. Edwin L. Rana has been
2001 entitled Formal Objection to the Inclusion in the Canvassing of
Comment) reiterating his claim that the instant administrative case is authorized by REFORMA LM-PPC as the legal counsel of the party
Votes in Some Precincts for the Office of Vice-Mayor. In this pleading,
motivated mainly by political vendetta. and the candidate of the said party. Respondent himself wrote the
respondent represented himself as counsel for and in behalf of Vice
MBEC on 14 May 2001 that he was entering his appearance as
Mayoralty Candidate, George Bunan, and signed the pleading as
On 17 July 2001, the Court referred the case to the Office of counsel for Mayoralty Candidate Emily Estipona-Hao and for the
counsel for George Bunan (Bunan).
the Bar Confidant (OBC) for evaluation, report and recommendation. REFORMA LM-PPC. On 19 May 2001, respondent signed as counsel
On the charge of violation of law, complainant claims that for Estipona-Hao in the petition filed before the MBEC praying for
respondent is a municipal government employee, being a secretary the proclamation of Estipona-Hao as the winning candidate for
of the Sangguniang Bayan of Mandaon, Masbate. As such, mayor of Mandaon, Masbate.
respondent is not allowed by law to act as counsel for a client in any OBCs Report and Recommendation
All these happened even before respondent took the lawyers
court or administrative body.
oath. Clearly, respondent engaged in the practice of law without
On the charge of grave misconduct and misrepresentation, being a member of the Philippine Bar.
The OBC found that respondent indeed appeared before the
complainant accuses respondent of acting as counsel for vice MBEC as counsel for Bunan in the May 2001 elections. The minutes
In Philippine Lawyers Association v. Agrava,[1] the Court True, respondent here passed the 2000 Bar Examinations and
elucidated that: took the lawyers oath. However, it is the signing in the Roll of
Attorneys that finally makes one a full-fledged lawyer. The fact that
respondent passed the bar examinations is immaterial. Passing the
The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases
bar is not the only qualification to become an
or litigation in court; it embraces the preparation of pleadings and
attorney-at-law.[8] Respondent should know that two essential
other papers incident to actions and special proceedings, the
requisites for becoming a lawyer still had to be performed, namely:
management of such actions and proceedings on behalf of clients
his lawyers oath to be administered by this Court and his signature in
before judges and courts, and in addition, conveyancing. In general,
the Roll of Attorneys.[9]
all advice to clients, and all action taken for them in
matters connected with the law,incorporation services, assessment On the charge of violation of law, complainant contends that
and condemnation services contemplating an appearance before a the law does not allow respondent to act as counsel for a private
judicial body, the foreclosure of a mortgage, enforcement of a client in any court or administrative body since respondent is the
creditor's claim in bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, and secretary of the Sangguniang Bayan.
conducting proceedings in attachment, and in matters of estate and
guardianship have been held to constitute law practice, as do the Respondent tendered his resignation as secretary of the
preparation and drafting of legal instruments, where the work done Sangguniang Bayan prior to the acts complained of as constituting
involves the determination by the trained legal mind of the legal unauthorized practice of law. In his letter dated 11 May 2001
effect of facts and conditions. (5 Am. Jur. p. 262, 263). (Italics addressed to Napoleon Relox, vice- mayor and presiding officer of
supplied) x x x the Sangguniang Bayan, respondent stated that he was resigning
effective upon your acceptance.[10] Vice-Mayor Relox accepted
In Cayetano v. Monsod,[2] the Court held that practice of law respondents resignation effective 11 May 2001.[11] Thus, the
means any activity, in or out of court, which requires the application evidence does not support the charge that respondent acted as
of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training and experience. To counsel for a client while serving as secretary of the Sangguniang
engage in the practice of law is to perform acts which are usually Bayan.
performed by members of the legal profession. Generally, to practice On the charge of grave misconduct and misrepresentation,
law is to render any kind of service which requires the use of legal evidence shows that Bunan indeed authorized respondent to
knowledge or skill. represent him as his counsel before the MBEC and similar bodies.
Verily, respondent was engaged in the practice of law when he While there was no misrepresentation, respondent nonetheless had
appeared in the proceedings before the MBEC and filed various no authority to practice law.
pleadings, without license to do so. Evidence clearly supports the WHEREFORE, respondent Edwin L. Rana is DENIED admission
charge of unauthorized practice of law. Respondent called himself to the Philippine Bar.
counsel knowing fully well that he was not a member of the Bar.
Having held himself out as counsel knowing that he had no authority SO ORDERED.
to practice law, respondent has shown moral unfitness to be a
member of the Philippine Bar.[3]

The right to practice law is not a natural or constitutional right

but is a privilege. It is limited to persons of good moral character with
special qualifications duly ascertained and certified.The exercise of
this privilege presupposes possession of integrity, legal knowledge,
educational attainment, and even public trust[4] since a lawyer is an
officer of the court. A bar candidate does not acquire the right to
practice law simply by passing the bar examinations. The practice of
law is a privilege that can be withheld even from one who has passed
the bar examinations, if the person seeking admission had practiced
law without a license.[5]

The regulation of the practice of law is unquestionably

strict. In Beltran, Jr. v. Abad,[6] a candidate passed the bar
examinations but had not taken his oath and signed the Roll of
Attorneys. He was held in contempt of court for practicing law even
before his admission to the Bar. Under Section 3 (e) of Rule 71 of the
Rules of Court, a person who engages in the unauthorized practice of
law is liable for indirect contempt of court.[7]
RE: PETITION OF AL ARGOSINO TO TAKE THE LAWYERS OATH a. He still believes that the infliction of severe physical injuries which petitioner has purged himself of the obvious deficiency in moral
led to the death of his son was deliberate rather than accidental. The character referred to above.
offense therefore was not only homicide but murder since the
Petitioner Al Caparros Argosino passed the bar examinations held in
accused took advantage of the neophyte's helplessness implying
1993. The Court however deferred his oath-taking due to his Before anything else, the Court understands and shares the
abuse of confidence, taking advantage of superior strength and
previous conviction for Reckless Imprudence Resulting In Homicide. sentiment of Atty. Gilbert Camaligan. The death of one's child is, for
a parent, a most traumatic experience. The suffering becomes even
more pronounced and profound in cases where the death is due to
The criminal case which resulted in petitioner's conviction, arose
b. He consented to the accused's plea of guilt to the lesser offense of causes other than natural or accidental but due to the reckless
from the death of a neophyte during fraternity initiation rites
reckless imprudence resulting in homicide only out of pity for the imprudence of third parties. The feeling then becomes a struggle
sometime in September 1991. Petitioner and seven (7) other accused
mothers of the accused and a pregnant wife of one of the accused between grief and anger directed at the cause of death.
initially entered pleas of not guilty to homicide charges. The eight (8)
who went to their house on Christmas day 1991 and Maundy
accused later withdrew their initial pleas and upon re-arraignment all
Thursday 1992, literally on their knees, crying and begging for
pleaded guilty to reckless imprudence resulting in homicide. Atty. Camaligan's statement before the Court- manifesting his having
forgiveness and compassion. They also told him that the father of
forgiven the accused is no less than praiseworthy and commendable.
one of the accused had died of a heart attack upon learning of his
It is exceptional for a parent, given the circumstances in this case, to
On the basis of such pleas, the trial court rendered judgment dated son's involvement in the incident.
find room for forgiveness.
11 February 1993 imposing on each of the accused a sentence of
imprisonment of from two (2) years four (4) months :and one (1) day
c. As a Christian, he has forgiven petitioner and his co-accused for
to four (4) years. However, Atty. Camaligan admits that he is still not in a position to
the death of his son. However, as a loving father who had lost a son
state if petitioner is now morally fit to be a lawyer.
whom he had hoped would succeed him in his law practice, he still
On 18 June 1993, the trial court granted herein petitioner's feels the pain of an untimely demise and the stigma of the gruesome
application for probation. manner of his death. After a very careful evaluation of this case, we resolve to allow
petitioner Al Caparros Argosino to take the lawyer's oath, sign the
Roll of Attorneys and practice the legal profession with the following
On 11 April 1994, the trial court issued an order approving a report d. He is not in a position to say whether petitioner is now morally fit
dated 6 April 1994 submitted by the Probation Officer for admission to the bar. He therefore submits the matter to the
recommending petitioner's discharge from probation. sound discretion of the Court.
In allowing Mr. Argosino to take the lawyer's oath, the Court
recognizes that Mr. Argosino is not inherently of bad moral fiber. On
On 14 April 1994, petitioner filed before this Court a petition to be The practice of law is a privilege granted only to those who possess
the contrary, the various certifications show that he is a devout
allowed to take the lawyer's oath based on the order of his discharge the strict intellectual and moral qualifications required of lawyers
Catholic with a genuine concern for civic duties and public service.
from probation. who are instruments in the effective and efficient administration of
justice. It is the sworn duty of this Court not only to "weed out"
lawyers who have become a disgrace to the noble profession of the The Court is persuaded that Mr. Argosino has exerted all efforts to
On 13 July 1995, the Court through then Senior Associate Justice
law but, also of equal importance, to prevent "misfits" from taking atone for the death of Raul Camaligan. We are prepared to give him
Florentino P. Feliciano issued a resolution requiring petitioner Al C.
the lawyer's oath, thereby further tarnishing the public image of the benefit of the doubt, taking judicial notice of the general
Argosino to submit to the Court evidence that he may now be
lawyers which in recent years has undoubtedly become less than tendency of youth to be rash, temerarious and uncalculating.
regarded as complying with the requirement of good moral character
imposed upon those seeking admission to the bar. irreproachable.
We stress to Mr. Argosino that the lawyer's oath is NOT a mere
The resolution of the issue before us required weighing and ceremony or formality for practicing law. Every lawyer should at ALL
In compliance with the above resolution, petitioner submitted no
reweighing of the reasons for allowing or disallowing petitioner's TIMES weigh his actions according to the sworn promises he makes
less than fifteen (15) certifications/letters executed by among others
admission to the practice of law. The senseless beatings inflicted when taking the lawyer's oath. If all lawyers conducted themselves
two (2) senators, five (5) trial court judges, and six (6) members of
upon Raul Camaligan constituted evident absence of that moral strictly according to the lawyer's oath and the Code of Professional
religious orders. Petitioner likewise submitted evidence that a
fitness required for admission to the bar since they were totally Responsibility, the administration of justice will undoubtedly be
scholarship foundation had been established in honor of Raul
irresponsible, irrelevant and uncalled for. faster, fairer and easier for everyone concerned.
Camaligan, the hazing victim, through joint efforts of the latter's
family and the eight (8) accused in the criminal case.
In the 13 July 1995 resolution in this case we stated: The Court sincerely hopes that Mr. Argosino will continue with the
assistance he has been giving to his community. As a lawyer he will
On 26 September 1995, the Court required Atty. Gilbert Camaligan,
now be in a better position to render legal and other services to the
father of Raul, to comment on petitioner's prayer to be allowed to . . . participation in the prolonged and mindless physical behavior,
more unfortunate members of society.
take the lawyer's oath. [which] makes impossible a finding that the participant [herein
petitioner] was then possessed of good moral character.聽 1
PREMISES CONSIDERED, petitioner Al Caparros Argosino is hereby
In his comment dated 4 December 1995, Atty. Camaligan states that:
ALLOWED to take the lawyer's oath on a date to be set by the Court,
In the same resolution, however, we stated that the Court is to sign the Roll of Attorneys and, thereafter, to practice the legal
prepared to consider 聽 de novo 聽 the question of whether profession.
SO ORDERED. criminal case against the petitioner and his co-defendants that they Petitioner Arthur M. Cuevas, Jr.'s discharge from probation without
are liable not only for the crime of homicide but murder, since they any infraction of the attendant conditions therefor and the various
took advantage of the neophytes' helpless and defenseless condition certifications attesting to his righteous, peaceful and civic-oriented
B.M. No. 810 January 27, 1998
when they were "beaten and kicked to death like a useless stray dog", character prove that he has taken decisive steps to purge himself of
suggesting the presence of abuse of confidence, taking advantage of his deficiency in moral character and atone for the unfortunate
IN RE: PETITION TO TAKE THE LAWYER'S OATH BY ARTHUR M. superior strength and treachery (People vs. Gagoco, 58 Phil. 524). death of Raul I. Camaligan. The Court is prepared to give him the
CUEVAS, JR. benefit of the doubt, taking judicial notice of the general tendency of
the youth to be rash, temerarious and uncalculating. 5 Let it be
3 — He, however, has consented to the accused-students' plea of
Petitioner Arthur M. Cuevas, Jr., recently passed the 1996 Bar stressed to herein petitioner that the lawyer's oath is not a mere
guilty to the lesser offense of reckless imprudence resulting to the
Examinations 1. His oath-taking was held in abeyance in view of the formality recited for a few minutes in the glare of flashing cameras
homicide, including the petitioner, out of pity to their mothers and a
Court's resolution dated August 27, 1996 which permitted him to and before the presence of select witnesses. Petitioner is exhorted to
pregnant wife of the accused who went together at his house in
take the Bar Examinations "subject to the condition that should (he) conduct himself beyond reproach at all times and to live strictly
Lucena City, literally kneeling, crying and begging for forgiveness for
pass the same, (he) shall not be allowed to take the lawyer's oath according to his oath and the Code of Professional Responsibility.
their sons, on a Christmas day in 1991 and on Maundy Thursday in
pending approval of the Court . . ." due to his previous conviction for And, to paraphrase Mr. Justice Padilla's comment in the sister case
1992, during which they reported that the father of one of the
Reckless Imprudence Resulting In Homicide. The conviction stemmed of Re: Petition of Al Agrosino To Take Lawyer's Oath, Bar Matter No.
accused died of heart attack upon learning of his son's involvement
from petitioner's participation in the initiation rites of the LEX 712, March 19, 1997, "[t]he Court sincerely hopes that" Mr. Cuevas,
in the case.
TALIONIS FRATERNITAS, a fraternity in the SAN BEDA COLLEGE OF Jr., "will continue with the assistance he has been giving to his
LAW, sometime in September 1991, where Raul I. Camaligan, a community. As a lawyer he will now be in a better position to render
4 — As a Christian, he has forgiven the petitioner and his legal and other services to the more unfortunate members of
neophyte, died as a result of the personal violence inflicted upon him.
co-defendants in the criminal case for the death of his son. But as a society" 6.
Thereafter, petitioner applied for and was granted probation. On
loving father, who lost a son in whom he has high hope to become a
May 10, 1995, he was discharged from probation and his case
good lawyer — to succeed him, he still feels the pain of his untimely
considered closed and terminated. ACCORDINGLY, the Court hereby resolved to allow petitioner Arthur
demise, and the stigma of the gruesome manner of taking his life.
M.. Cuevas, Jr., to take the lawyer's oath and to sign the Roll of
This he cannot forget.
In this petition, received by the Court on May 5, 1997, petitioner Attorneys on a date to be set by the Court, subject to the payment of
prays that "he be allowed to take his lawyer's oath at the Court's appropriate fees. Let this resolution be attached to petitioner's
5 — He is not, right now, in a position to say whether petitioner, personal records in the Office of the Bar Confidant.
most convenient time" 2 attaching thereto the Order dated May 16,
since then has become morally fit for admission to the noble
1995 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 10 of Antique discharging
profession of the law. He politely submits this matter to the sound
him from his probation, and certifications attesting to his righteous, SO ORDERED.
and judicious discretion of the Hon. Court. 3
peaceful and law abiding character issued by: (a) the Mayor of the
Municipality of Hamtic, Antique; (b) the Officer-in-Charge of Hamtic
Police Station; (c) the Sangguniang Kabataan of Pob. III, Hamtic, At the outset, the Court shares the sentiment of Atty. Gilbert D.
through its chairman and officers; (d) a member of the IBP Iloilo Camaligan and commiserates with the untimely death of his son.
Chapter; (e) the Parish Priest and Vicar General of St. Joseph Nonetheless, Atty. Gilbert D. Camaligan admits that "[h]e is not, right
Cathedral, San Jose, Antique; and (f) the President of the Parish now, in a position to say whether petitioner since then has become
Pastoral Council, Parish of Sta. Monica, Hamtic, Antique. On July 15, morally fit . . ." and submits petitioner's plea to be admitted to the
1997, the Court, before acting on petitioner's application, resolved to noble profession of law to the sound and judicious discretion of the
require Atty. Gilbert D. Camaligan, father of the deceased hazing Court.
victim Raul I. Camaligan, to comment thereon. In compliance with
the Court's directive, Atty. Gilbert D. Camaligan filed his comment
The petition before the Court requires the balancing of the reasons
which states as follows:
for disallowing or allowing petitioner's admission to the noble
profession of law. His deliberate participation in the senseless
1 — He fully appreciates the benign concern given by this Hon. Court beatings over a helpless neophyte which resulted to the latter's
in allowing him to comment to the pending petition of Arthur M. untimely demise indicates absence of that moral fitness required for
Cuevas to take the lawyer's oath, and hereby expresses his genuine admission to the bar. And as the practice of law is a privilege
gratitude to such gesture. extended only to the few who possess the high standards of
intellectual and moral qualifications the Court is duty bound to
prevent the entry of undeserving aspirants, as well as to exclude
2 — He conforms completely to the observation of the Hon. Court in
those who have been admitted but have become a disgrace to the
its resolution dated March 19, 1997 in Bar Matter No. 712 that the
profession. The Court, nonetheless, is willing to give petitioner a
infliction of severe physical injuries which approximately led to the
chance in the same manner that it recently allowed Al Caparros
death of the unfortunate Raul Camaligan was deliberate (rather than
Argosino, petitioner's co-accused below, to take the lawyer's oath. 4
merely accidental or inadvertent) thus, indicating serious character
flaws on the part of those who inflicted such injuries. This is
consistent with his stand at the outset of the proceedings of the
RE: 2003 BAR EXAMINATIONS Thereafter, petitioner focused on his studies, taking up Bachelor of Meanwhile, as part of his Petition, petitioner submitted the following
Arts in Political Science and eventually pursuing Bachelor of Laws. In testimonials and endorsements of various individuals and entities all
his second year in law school, he was elected as the President of the attesting to his good moral character:
Student Council of the Institute of Law of the Far Eastern University
(FEU). Here, he spearheaded various activities including the conduct
1) Resolution No. 101, Series of 2007, "Resolution Expressing Full
This treats the Petition for Judicial Clemency and Compassion dated of seminars for law students as well as the holding of bar operations
Support to Danilo G. De Guzman in his Application for Judicial
November 10, 2008 filed by petitioner Danilo de Guzman. He prays for bar examinees.
Clemency, Endorsing his Competence and Fitness to be Reinstated as
that this Honorable Court "in the exercise of equity and compassion,
a Member of the Philippine Bar and for Other Purposes" dated 4
grant petitioner’s plea for judicial clemency, and thereupon, order
Despite his many extra-curricular activities as a youth and student June 2007 of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, City of Taguig;
his reinstatement as a member in good standing of the Philippine
leader, petitioner still managed to excel in his studies. Thus, he was
conferred an Academic Excellence Award upon his graduation in
2) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-Taasang
Bachelor of Laws.
Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga Kasapi ng
To recall, on February 4, 2004, the Court promulgated a Resolution,
Southeast People’s Village Homeowners Association, Inc. (SEPHVOA)
in B.M. No. 1222, the dispositive portion of which reads in part:
Upon admission to the bar in April 1999, petitioner immediately kay Danilo G. De Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong Magawaran ng
entered government service as a Legal Officer assigned at the Kapatawaran at ang Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa Kanyang
WHEREFORE, the Court, acting on the recommendations of the Sangguniang Bayan of Taguig. Simultaneously, he also rendered free Kakayahan Upang Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang
Investigating Committee, hereby resolves to — legal services to less fortunate residents of Taguig City who were Abogado" dated 1 June 2007 of the Southeast People’s Village
then in need of legal assistance. Homeowners Association, Inc. (SEPHVOA), Ibayo-Tipas, City of
(1) DISBAR Atty. DANILO DE GUZMAN from the practice of law Taguig;
effective upon his receipt of this RESOLUTION; In March 2000, petitioner was hired as one of the Associate Lawyers
at the Balgos and Perez Law Offices. It was during his stay with this 3) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-Taasang
xxxx firm when his craft as a lawyer was polished and developed. Despite Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga Kasapi ng
having entered private practice, he continued to render free legal Samahang Residente ng Mauling Creek, Inc. (SAREMAC) kay G. Danilo
services to his fellow Taguigeños. G. De Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong Magawaran ng Kapatawaran at
The subject of the Resolution is the leakage of questions in ang Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa Kanyang Kakayahan Upang
Mercantile Law during the 2003 Bar Examinations. Petitioner at that Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang Abogado" dated 1
time was employed as an assistant lawyer in the law firm of Balgos & Then in February 2004, by a sudden twist of fate, petitioner’s
June 2007 of the Samahang Residente ng Mauling Creek, Inc.
Perez, one of whose partners, Marcial Balgos, was the examiner for flourishing career was cut short as he was stripped of his license to
(SAREMAC), Lower Bicutan, City of Taguig;
Mercantile Law during the said bar examinations. The Court had practice law for his alleged involvement in the leakage in the 2003
adopted the findings of the Investigating Committee, which Bar Examinations.
identified petitioner as the person who had downloaded the test 4) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-Taasang
questions from the computer of Balgos and faxed them to other Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga Kasapi ng
Devastated, petitioner then practically locked himself inside his
persons. Samahan ng mga Maralita (PULONG KENDI) Neighborhood
house to avoid the rather unavoidable consequences of his
Association, Inc. (SAMANA) kay G. Danilo G. De Guzman sa Kanyang
Petisyong Magawaran ng Kapatawaran at ang Boluntaryong
The Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC) has favorably recommended Pag-susulong sa Kanyang Kakayahan Upang Maibalik sa Kanya ang
the reinstatement of petitioner in the Philippine Bar. In a Report On March 2004, however, petitioner was given a new lease in life mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang Abogado" dated 1 June 2007 of the
dated January 6, 2009, the OBC rendered its assessment of the when he was taken as a consultant by the City Government of Taguig. Samahan ng mga Maralita (PULONG KENDI) Neighborhood
petition, the relevant portions of which we quote hereunder: Later, he was designated as a member of the Secretariat of the Association, Inc. (SAMANA), Sta. Ana, City of Taguig;
People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB). For the next five (5) years,
Petitioner narrated that he had labored to become a lawyer to fulfill petitioner concentrated mainly on rendering public service.
5) "An Open Letter Attesting Personally to the Competence and
his father’s childhood dream to become one. This task was not Fitness of Danilo G. De Guzman as to Warrant the Grant of Judicial
particularly easy for him and his family but he willed to endure the Petitioner humbly acknowledged the damaging impact of his act Clemency and his Reinstatement as Member of the Philippine Bar"
same in order to pay tribute to his parents. which unfortunately, compromised the integrity of the bar dated 8 June 2007 of Miguelito Nazareno V. Llantino, Laogan,
examinations. As could be borne from the records of the Trespeses and Llantino Law Offices;
Petitioner added that even at a very young age, he already imposed investigation, he cooperated fully in the investigation conducted and
upon himself the duty of rendering service to his fellowmen. At 19 took personal responsibility for his actions. Also, he has offered his
6) "Testimonial to the Moral and Spiritual Competence of Danilo G.
years, he started his exposure to public service when he was elected sincerest apologies to Atty. Balgos, to the Court as well as to all the
De Guzman to be Truly Deserving of Judicial Clemency and
Chairman of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) of Barangay Tuktukan, 2003 bar examinees for the unforeseen and unintended effects of his
Compassion" dated 5 July 2007 of Rev. Fr. Paul G. Balagtas, Parish
Taguig City. During this time, he initiated several projects benefiting actions.
Priest, Archdiocesan Shrine of St. Anne;
the youth in their barangay.
Petitioner averred that he has since learned from his mistakes and
has taken the said humbling experience to make him a better person.
7) "Testimonial Letter" dated 18 February 2008 of Atty. Loreto C. Ata, and was sentenced to be imprisoned for a period of two years, Petitioner was barely thirty (30) years old and had only been in the
President, Far Eastern University Law Alumni Association (FEULAA), eleven months and eleven days of prision correccional. On appeal, practice of law for five (5) years when he was disbarred from the
Far Eastern University (FEU); this decision was affirmed in a judgment handed down by the second practice of law. It is of no doubt that petitioner had a promising
division of the Supreme Court. future ahead of him where it not for the decision of the Court
stripping off his license.
8) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-Taasang
Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga Kasapi ng xxxx
Samahang Bisig Kamay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. (SABISKA) kay G. Danilo G. Petitioner is also of good moral repute, not only before but likewise,
De Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong Magawaran ng Kapatawaran at after his disbarment, as attested to overwhelmingly by his
When come next, as we must, to determine the exact action which
ang Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa Kanyang Kakayahan Upang constituents, colleagues as well as people of known probity in the
should be taken by the court, we do so regretfully and reluctantly.
Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang Abogado" dated 8 community and society.
On the one hand, the violation of the criminal law by the respondent
July 2008 of the Samahang Bisig Kamay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. (SABISKA);
attorney cannot be lightly passed over. On the other hand, we are
willing to strain the limits of our compassion to the uttermost in Way before the petitioner was even admitted to the bar, he had
9) Board Resolution No. 02, Series of 2008, "A Resolution Recognizing order that so promising a career may not be utterly ruined. already manifested his intense desire to render public service as
the Contributions of Danilo G. De Guzman to the People’s Law evidenced by his active involvement and participation in several
Enforcement Board (PLEB) – Taguig City, Attesting to his Utmost social and civic projects and activities. Likewise, even during and
Petitioner promised to commit himself to be more circumspect in his
Dedication and Commitment to the Call of Civic and Social Duty and after his disbarment, which could be perceived by some as a
actions and solemnly pledged to exert all efforts to atone for his
for Other Purposes" dated 11 July 2008 of the People’s Law debilitating circumstance, petitioner still managed to continue
Enforcement Board (PLEB); extending his assistance to others in whatever means possible. This
only proves petitioner’s strength of character and positive moral
There may be a reasonable ground to consider the herein Petition. fiber.
10) "A Personal Appeal for the Grant of Judicial Forgiveness and
Compassion in Favor of Danilo G. De Guzman" dated 14 July 2008 of
Atty. Edwin R. Sandoval, Professor, College of Law, San Sebastian In the case of Re: Petition of Al Argosino to Take the Lawyer’s Oath However, still, it is of no question that petitioner’s act in copying the
College – Recoletos; (Bar Matter 712), which may be applied in the instant case, the Court examination questions from Atty. Balgos’ computer without the
said: latter’s knowledge and consent, and which questions later turned
out to be the bar examinations questions in Mercantile Law in the
11) "An Open Letter Personally Attesting to the Moral competence
After a very careful evaluation of this case, we resolve to allow 2003 Bar Examinations, is not at all commendable. While we do
and Fitness of Danilo G. De Guzman" dated 5 September 2008 of Mr.
petitioner Al Caparros Argosino to take the lawyer's oath, sign the believe that petitioner sincerely did not intend to cause the damage
Nixon F. Faderog, Deputy Grand [Kn]ight, Knights of Columbus and
Roll of Attorneys and practice the legal profession with the following that his action ensued, still, he must be sanctioned for unduly
President, General Parent-Teacher Association, Taguig National High
admonition: compromising the integrity of the bar examinations as well as of this
School, Lower Bicutan, Taguig City;

12) "Testimonial Letter" dated 5 September 2008 of Atty. Primitivo C. In allowing Mr. Argosino to take the lawyer’s oath, the Court
recognizes that Mr. Argosino is not inherently of bad moral fiber. On We are convinced, however, that petitioner has since reformed and
Cruz, President, Taguig Lawyers League, Inc., Tuktukan, Taguig City;
the contrary, the various certifications show that he is a devout has sincerely reflected on his transgressions. Thus, in view of the
Catholic with a genuine concern for civic duties and public service. circumstances and likewise for humanitarian considerations, the
13) "Testimonial Letter" dated 21 October 2008 of Judge Hilario L. penalty of disbarment may now be commuted to suspension.
Laqui, Presiding Judge, Regional Trail Court (RTC), Branch 218, Considering the fact, however, that petitioner had already been
Quezon City; and The Court is persuaded that Mr. Argosino has exerted all efforts, to disbarred for more than five (5) years, the same may be considered
atone for the death of Raul Camaligan. We are prepared to give him as proper service of said commuted penalty and thus, may now be
the benefit of the doubt, taking judicial notice of the general allowed to resume practice of law.
14) "Testimonial Letter" dated 28 October 2008 of Justice Oscar M.
tendency of youth to be rash, temerarious and uncalculating.
Herrera, former Justice, Court of Appeals and former Dean, Institute
of Law, Far Eastern University (FEU). WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, it is respectfully
xxxx recommended that the instant Petition for Judicial Clemency and
Citing the case of In Re: Carlos S. Basa, petitioner pleaded that he be Compassion dated 10 November 2008 of petitioner DANILO G. DE
afforded the same kindness and compassion in order that, like Atty. Meanwhile, in the case of Rodolfo M. Bernardo vs. Atty. Ismael F. GUZMAN be GRANTED. Petitioner’s disbarment is now commuted to
Basa, his promising future may not be perpetually foreclosed. In the Mejia (Administrative Case No. 2984), the Court [in] deciding suspension, which suspension is considered as served in view of the
said case, the Court had the occasion to say: whether or not to reinstate Atty. Mejia to the practice of law stated: petitioner’s five (5) year disbarment. Hence, petitioner may now be
allowed to resume practice of law.

Carlos S. Basa is a young man about 29 years of age, admitted to the The Court will take into consideration the applicant’s character and
bars of California and the Philippine Islands. Recently, he was standing prior to the disbarment, the nature and character of the The recommendation of the Office of the Bar Confidant is well-taken
charged in the Court of First Instance of the City of Manila with the charge/s for which he was disbarred, his conduct subsequent to the in We deem petitioner worthy of clemency to the
crime of abduction with consent, was found guilty in a decision disbarment and the time that has elapsed in between the extent of commuting his penalty to seven (7) years suspension from
rendered by the Honorable M.V. De Rosario, Judge of First Instance, disbarment and the application for reinstatement.
the practice of law, inclusive of the five (5) years he has already positive impact on society at large since the unfortunate events of
served his disbarment. 2003.

Penalties, such as disbarment, are imposed not to punish but to Petitioner’s subsequent track record in public service affords the
correct offenders.2 While the Court is ever mindful of its duty to Court some hope that if he were to reacquire membership in the
discipline its erring officers, it also knows how to show compassion Philippine bar, his achievements as a lawyer would redound to the
when the penalty imposed has already served its purpose.3 general good and more than mitigate the stain on his record.
Compassion to the petitioner is warranted. Nonetheless, we wish to
impart to him the following stern warning:
In cases where we have deigned to lift or commute the supreme
penalty of disbarment imposed on the lawyer, we have taken into
account the remorse of the disbarred lawyer4 and the conduct of his "Of all classes and professions, the lawyer is most sacredly bound to
public life during his years outside of the bar.5 For example, in uphold the laws. He is their sworn servant; and for him, of all men in
Valencia v. Antiniw, we held: the world, to repudiate and override the laws, to trample them
underfoot and to ignore the very bands of society, argues recreancy
to his position and office and sets a pernicious example to the
However, the record shows that the long period of respondent's
insubordinate and dangerous elements of the body politic."8
disbarment gave him the chance to purge himself of his misconduct,
to show his remorse and repentance, and to demonstrate his
willingness and capacity to live up once again to the exacting WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Petition for Judicial
standards of conduct demanded of every member of the bar and Clemency and Compassion is hereby GRANTED IN PART. The
officer of the court. During respondent's disbarment for more than disbarment of DANILO G. DE GUZMAN from the practice of law is
fifteen (15) years to date for his professional infraction, he has been hereby COMMUTED to SEVEN (7) YEARS SUSPENSION FROM THE
persistent in reiterating his apologies and pleas for reinstatement to PRACTICE OF LAW, reckoned from February 4, 2004.
the practice of law and unrelenting in his efforts to show that he has
regained his worthiness to practice law, by his civic and humanitarian
activities and unblemished record as an elected public servant, as
attested to by numerous civic and professional organizations,
government institutions, public officials and members of the

And in Bernardo v. Atty. Mejia,7 we noted:

Although the Court does not lightly take the bases for Mejia’s
disbarment, it also cannot close its eyes to the fact that Mejia is
already of advanced years. While the age of the petitioner and the
length of time during which he has endured the ignominy of
disbarment are not the sole measure in allowing a petition for
reinstatement, the Court takes cognizance of the rehabilitation of
Mejia. Since his disbarment in 1992, no other transgression has been
attributed to him, and he has shown remorse. Obviously, he has
learned his lesson from this experience, and his punishment has
lasted long enough. x x x

Petitioner has sufficiently demonstrated the remorse expected of

him considering the gravity of his transgressions. Even more to his
favor, petitioner has redirected focus since his disbarment towards
public service, particularly with the People’s Law Enforcement Board.
The attestations submitted by his peers in the community and other
esteemed members of the legal profession, such as retired Court of
Appeals Associate Justice Oscar Herrera, Judge Hilario Laqui,
Professor Edwin Sandoval and Atty. Lorenzo Ata, and the
ecclesiastical community such as Rev. Fr. Paul Balagtas testify to his
RE: 1999 BAR EXAMINATIONS, have the opportunity to check the veracity of the information Bar Confidant asked clarificatory questions from petitioner who
supplied by Ms. Felipe. Had he done this he could have readily seen appeared together with his father, retired Judge Purisima, and Ms.
that Ms. Felipe had erroneously typed "Philippine Law School," Lilian Felipe.
instead of UST, on the space provided for the school where
petitioner attended his pre-bar review course.
On 7 November 2002 the OBC submitted its Report and
Petitioner was conditionally admitted to take the 1999 Bar
Recommendation the pertinent portions of which are quoted
Examinations. Like many others he was directed "to submit the
Petitioner further averred that on 26 July 1999, a week after the hereunder:
required certification of completion of the pre-bar review course
filing of the Petition to take the bar, he (thru Ms. Felipe) submitted
within sixty (60) days from the last day of the examinations."
the Certification of Completion of the Pre-Bar Review as Annex "D"
"Considering petitioner’s explanation fortified by unquestionably
of his Petition to prove that he actually enrolled and attended the
genuine documents in support thereof, we respectfully submit that
Petitioner passed the 1999 Examinations. But in a Resolution dated pre-bar review course in UST.
petitioner should be given the benefit of the doubt.
13 April 2000 the Court disqualified him from becoming a member of
the Philippine Bar and declared his examinations null and void on
To corroborate his enrollment in UST, petitioner submitted (a) the
two (2) grounds: (a) Petitioner failed to submit the required The Resolution of the Court dated April 2, 2002, in Bar Matter 890,
Official Receipt of his payment of tuition fee for the course; (b) his
certificate of completion of the pre-bar review course under oath for may be cited. In the said case, Victor Rey T. Gingoyon was given the
identification card for the course; (c) car pass to the UST campus; (d)
his conditional admission to the 1999 Bar Examinations; and (b) He benefit of the doubt and allowed to take the Lawyer’s Oath.
individual affidavits of classmates in the pre-bar review course in UST
committed a serious act of dishonesty which rendered him unfit to
that petitioner was their classmate and that he attended the review
become a member of the Philippine Bar when he made it appear in
course; (e) separate affidavits of five (5) UST students/acquaintances In said case, Mr. Gingoyon stated in his Petition to take the 1998 Bar
his Petition to Take the 1999 Bar Examinations that he took his
of petitioner that they saw him regularly attending the review that the charge of Grave Threats (Criminal Case No. 9693) against
pre-bar review course at the Philippine Law School (PLS) when, as
lectures; (f) affidavit of Professor Abelardo T. Domondon attesting to him was still pending before the Municipal Trial Courts in Cities,
certified by Acting Registrar Rasalie G. Kapauan, PLS had not offered
the attendance of petitioner in his review classes and lectures in Mandaue City, Branch 3, when in fact, in the decision of MTC dated
such course since 1967.
Taxation and Bar Review Methods at the UST Faculty of Civil Law; (g) April 8, 1998, he was already convicted. But the Court believed his
affidavit of Ms. Gloria L. Fernandez, maintenance staff at the UST explanation that he had no actual knowledge of his conviction.
Petitioner moved for a reconsideration of the 13 April 2000 Law Department that she knew petitioner very well as he was among
Resolution but his motion was denied. those who would arrive early and request her to open the reading In allowing Mr. Gingoyon to take the Lawyer’s Oath, the Court stated,
area and turn on the airconditioning before classes started; and, (h) thus:
On 29 October 2001, retired Regional Trial Court Judge Amante P. affidavit of Ms. Melicia Jane Parena, office clerk at the UST Faculty
Purisima, father of petitioner, filed a Petition to Reopen Bar Matter Civil Law, that Dean Dimayuga issued the Certification dated 22 July
1999 to the effect that petitioner was officially enrolled in and had ‘It had been two (2) years past since he first filed the petition to take
986. However, the Court in its Resolution of 27 November 2001
completed the pre-bar review course in UST which started on 14 the lawyer’s oath. Hopefully, this period of time of being deprived
"noted without action" the said petition and further resolved "that
April 1999 and ended 24 September 1999. the privilege had been long enough for him to do some
no further pleadings will be entertained."

On 2 July 2002 petitioner filed a Motion for Due Process stating, Petitioner also explained that he did not submit the required
certification of completion of the pre-bar review course within sixty In his letter, petitioner’s father also pleaded that the three (3) years
among others, his reasons why in his Petition to Take the 1999 Bar
(60) days from the last day of the examinations because he thought denial of his son’s request for oath-taking should be enough penalty,
Examinations it was stated that he was enrolled in and regularly
that it was already unnecessary in view of the Certification of if there may be any wrong that his son may have unwittingly
attending the pre-bar review course at the PLS and not at the
Completion (Annex "D" of his Petition) issued by Dean Dimayuga committed.
University of Santo Tomas (UST) where he in fact took the said
course as evidenced by the Certification dated 22 July 1999 of Dean which not only attested to his enrollment in UST but also his
Amado L. Damayuga of the UST Faculty of Civil Law. completion of the pre-bar review course. It is submitted that the same kindness and compassion extended to
Mr. Gingoyon in Bar Matter 890 be given to petitioner. Three years
In a letter dated 17 September 2002, addressed to Chief Justice deprivation of the privilege to practice law may be considered an
Petitioner claimed that the statement in paragraph 8 of his Petition
Hilario G. Davide, Jr., thru Senior Associate Justice Josue N. Bellosillo, ample penalty, not to mention that petitioner has not been
that "he x x x enrolled in and passed the regular fourth year (law)
who took over as Chairman of the 1995 Committee on Bar convicted of any crime.
review classes at the Phil. Law School x x x x" was a "self-evident
clerical error and a mere result of an oversight which is not Examinations, retired Judge Purisima expressed his concern for his
tantamount to a deliberate and willful declaration of a falsehood." son and stated that his son took the pre-bar review course in UST As regards petitioner’s failure to submit within sixty days the
and that he entry in his son’s Petition that he took it in PLS is a required certification of completion of the pre-bar review course, his
"self-evident clerical error." He then poised the question that if there explanation that there was no need for him to submit another
Petitioner explained that upon obtaining a "ready-made form" of the was really a falsehood and forgery in paragraph 8 and Annex "D" of certification because the July 22, 1999 Certification of Dean
Petition and affixing his signature on the space provided therefor, he the Petition, which would have been a fatal defect, why then was his Dimayuga certified not only his enrollment but also his completion of
requested his schoolmate/friend Ms. Lilian A. Felipe to fill up the son issued permit to take the 1999 Bar examinations? the course, is impressed with truth.
form, have it notarized and then to file it for him with the Office of
the Bar Confidant (OBC). Being "consumed with his preparations for
the upcoming bar examinations," petitioner admitted that he did not Pursuant to the Court Resolution of 1 October 2002, the OBC
conducted a summary hearing on 30 October 2002 during which the
Let it be also noted that, in the Resolution dated April 13, 2000, in duly submitted to the OBC a week after the filing of the Petition to November 2002, the prayer in Bar Matters Nos. 979 and 986 is
this Bar Matter 986, the Court declared DISQUALIFIED from the 1999 take the bar appears to be credible. It is supported by documentary granted and examinee MARK ANTHONY A. PURISIMA who passed the
Bar examinations not only Purisima but also Josenio Marquez Reoma, evidence showing that petitioner actually enrolled and completed 1999 Bar Examinations is now allowed to take the Lawyer’s Oath and
Ma. Salvacion Sucgang Revilla and Victor Estell Tesorero for their the required course in UST. be admitted to the Philippine Bar. He is further allowed to sign the
failure to submit within sixty days from the last day of the Roll of Attorneys upon payment of the required fees.
examinations the certification of completion of the pre-bar review
Granting that the Certification of Dean Dimayuga was defective as it
course. However, the Court, in its Resolution dated June 20, 2000,
certified completion of the pre-bar review course which was still SO ORDERED.
acting on the separate motions for reconsideration of the Court
on-going, this defect should not be attributed to petitioner
Resolution dated April 13, 2000 filed by Reoma and Revilla, both
considering that he had no participation in the preparation thereof.
were allowed to take the Lawyer’s Oath.
Whatever it is, the fact remains that there is such a certification
issued by the UST which appears to be genuine. This finding is
In the case of Reoma, his explanation that his failure to submit the backed by the affidavit of Ms. Parena, office clerk at the UST Faculty
required certification was due to his honest belief and assumption of Civil Law, that she was the one who released the Certification to
that the UP College of Law, where he took his review course, had petitioner on 26 July 1999.
filed the required certification together with other required
documents, was accepted.
Indeed, it must be stressed that there is nothing on record which
impugns the authenticity of the subject Certification as well as that
In the case of Revilla, her claim that her failure to submit the of the other documentary evidence proferred by petitioner to
required certification within the 60-day period was due to her establish that he was duly enrolled and took the pre-bar review
erroneous impression that only the certification of enrollment and course in UST, not in PLS. As to the argument that the Certification of
attendance was arequired, was likewise accepted. Dean Dimayuga did not include the "taking and completion" of the
pre-bar review course, the realities of our bar reviews render it
difficult to record the attendance religiously of the reviewees every
The Court also allowed Mr. Tesorero to take his oath, as he stated
single day for several months.
that his f ailure to submit within the 60-day period was due to his
honest and mistaken belief that he had substantially complied with
the requirements for admission to the Bar Examinations because he Considering petitioner’s explanation, fortified by undisputedly
thought that the required certificate of compleltition of the pre-bar genuine documents, at the very least, petitioner should be given the
review course is the same as the certificate of enrollment and benefit of the doubt and be allowed to take his oath.
attendance in the said course.
The Court is well aware of instances in the past when ,as a measure
The OBS respectfully submits that pertitioner’s explanation should of compassion and kindness, it has acted favorably on similar
also be given credit just like his three co-examinees. petitions. In his letter petitioner’s father pleaded that "the denial of
permission for Mark to take his oath for about three (3) years now
should be enough penalty." It is time to move on.
Let it be finally cited that in Bar Matter No. 832, in the Matter of
Admission to the Bar of Blas Antonio M. Tuliao, the Court also
favorably considered the report of the Committee on Legal Education At this juncture it may be well to note the Court’s growing concern
which recommended the admission to the Bar of Mr. Tuliao on over the apparent laxity of law schools in the conduct of their
grounds of fairness, equal treatment and protection, considering that pre-bar review classes. Specifically, it has been observed that the
his co-accused in a criminal case have been allowed to take the attendance of reviewees is not closely monitored, such that some
lawyer’s oath. This Court stated, in its Resolution dated November 27, reviewees are able to comply with the requisite with minimal
2001, that there was no reason to accord a different treatment to Mr. attendance. Enrollment and completion of pre-bar review course is
Tuliao, and that the dispensation of justice should be even-handed an additional requirement under Rule 138 of the Rules of Court for
and consistent." those who failed the bar examinations for three (3) or more times.

The recommendation is well taken. For the Court to insist on strict compliance may be literally asking for
the moon but it can be done. We just have to bear in mind that this
requirement is not an empty or idle ceremony; it is intended to
The foremost question to be resolved is whether petitioner did enrol
ensure the quality and preparedness of those applying for admission
in and complete his pre-bar review course in UST as he herein avows.
to the bar.

The testimony of petitioner and Ms. Felipe during the 30 October

WHEREFORE, premises considered, as recommended by the Office of
2002 hearing that the subject Certification of Dean Dimayuga was
the Bar Confidant in its Report and Recommendation dated 7
GERARD A. MOSQUERA, petitioner, vs. HON. DELIA H. him. As his motion was denied by the Provincial Prosecutor, Petitioner moved for reconsideration but his motion was
PANGANIBAN, in her capacity as Presiding Judge of the Regional petitioner appealed to the Department of Justice which, on July 20, denied.[4] In its order, dated April 24, 1995, the MeTC also set the
Trial Court, Branch 64, City of Makati, Metro Manila, 1994, directed the Provincial Prosecutor to withdraw the arraignment of petitioner and Meneses, Jr. on May 19, 1995.
HON.FELICIDAD Y. NAVARRO-QUIAMBAO, in her capacity as information.
Presiding Judge of the Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch 65, City of Petitioner then filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition in
Makati, Metro Manila, and MARK F. JALANDONI, respondents. Accordingly, Second Assistant Prosecutor Benjamin R. Bautista the Regional Trial Court of Makati. The case, docketed as Special Civil
filed a motion to withdraw the information in Criminal Case No. Case No. 95-718, was assigned to Branch 65, presided over by
This is a petition for review on certiorari of orders dated June 147366. Private respondent in turn moved for reconsideration of the respondent Judge Delia H. Panganiban.
9, 1995 and July 19, 1995 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati resolution of the Department of Justice but his motion was denied.
(Branch 64) sustaining an order of the Metropolitan Trial Court Initially the RTC issued a temporary restraining order but, on
(Branch 65) for the reinstatement of the information for less serious In its order dated October 13, 1994,[1] the MeTC, presided June 9, 1995,[5] it denied petitioners application for preliminary
physical injuries against petitioner Gerard S. Mosquera, which the over by respondent Judge Felicidad Y. Navarro-Quiambao, granted injunction. The RTC upheld the reinstatement of the information
MeTC had previously allowed to be withdrawn by the the motion of the prosecution and considered the information against petitioner and the other accused. With its denial of injunction
prosecution. The reinstatement of the case was made on motion of against petitioner withdrawn. The MeTC stated in its order: the RTC considered the petition for certiorari and prohibition as
the offended party. having been rendered moot and academic.Petitioner filed a motion
Considering the time limit given by the Court to said counsel in for reconsideration which the RTC denied in its order of July 19,
The prosecution in the MeTC arose out of a physical encounter the order dated August 15, 1994 within which to pursue the motion 1995.
between petitioner and private respondent Mark E. Jalandoni within for reconsideration [of DOJ Resolution No. 525, Series of 1994] and
the premises of the Ateneo Law School on June 21, 1993. Petitioner without said counsel having informed this Court of the outcome of Hence this petition for review on certiorari and for an order:
is a graduate of the law school and a member of a fraternity in that the same,[2] it can safely be concluded that private counsel had lost
interest to further prosecute the case. Moreover, Atty. Valdez acting a. Reversing the Orders dated 09 June 1995 and 19 July
school. On the other hand, private respondent was then a third-year
as private counsel in the prosecution of the instant criminal case is 1995 (cf. Annexes A and B) issued by respondent
student enrolled in the law school.There is considerable dispute how
under the direct control and supervision of the Trial Fiscal, who by Judge Panganiban;
the fight took place. Petitioners version was that he had gone to the
law school and happened to meet respondent Jalandoni. Because virtue of the Department of Justice resolution was impliedly ordered
b. Setting aside, as null and void, the Orders dated 29
Jalandoni had a previous altercation with another member of to desist from prosecuting the case for lack of probable cause. In
December 1994 and 24 April 1995 (cf. Annexes R
petitioners fraternity, petitioner tried to talk to Jalandoni, but the view thereof, the Court is of the opinion that the motion of the Trial
and T) issued by respondent Judge Quiambao;
latter reacted belligerently and the two had a fight. On the other Fiscal should be accorded weight and significance, as it was premised
hand, Jalandoni claimed that petitioner and members of petitioners on the findings that the filing of the information in question has no c. Making the preliminary injunction final;
fraternity simply attacked him upon seeing him, for a remark which legal basis.
they claimed he (Jalandoni) had made, which caused a female d. Prohibiting respondent Judge Quiambao from trying
On motion of private respondent, however, the MeTC and hearing Criminal Case No. 147366; and
student to cry. The female student was a friend of one of the
reconsidered its order. In its order dated December 29, 1994, the
fraternity members.
MeTC said:[3] e. Declaring the dismissal of Criminal Case No. 147366
Be that as it may, as a result of the scuffle, a criminal as final and executory in accordance with the Order
After carefully weighing the arguments of the parties in dated 13 October 1994 issued by respondent Judge
complaint for frustrated homicide was filed by private respondent
support of their respective claims, the Court believes that the weight Quiambao.
against petitioner and five others, namely, Gavino R. Meneses, Jr.,
of the evidence and the jurisprudence on the matter which is now
Ronald B. Almeida, Alfredo B. Lagamon, Jr., Walter S. Ong, and Jayme
presented for resolution heavily leaned in favor of complainants Petitioners contention is that, because the direction and
A. Sy, Jr., before the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Rizal.
contention. As held in the cases recently decided by the Hon. control of criminal prosecutions are vested in the public prosecutor,
After the usual preliminary investigation, Second Assistant Supreme Court, once a case is filed in Court, the latter acquires the motion for reconsideration of the order of October 13, 1994,
Provincial Prosecutor Herminio T. Ubana, Sr. recommended the filing complete jurisdiction over the same without regard to technicalities which the private prosecutor filed without the conformity by the
of an information for less serious physical injuries against petitioner, and personal beliefs. public prosecutor, was a nullity and did not prevent the order of
Gavino R. Meneses, Jr., Ronald B. Almeida and Alfredo B. Lagamon, Jr. dismissal from becoming final. Consequently, the MeTC gravely
That while there is merit in the accused Gerard A. Mosqueras abused its discretion in afterward reinstating the information.
and the dismissal of the charges against Walter S. Ong and Jayme Sy,
claim that the institution of a criminal action depends upon the
Jr. The recommendation was approved by Rizal Provincial Prosecutor
sound discretion of the Fiscal who may or may not file the complaint Undoubtedly private respondent, as complainant, has an
Mauro M. Castro on January 10, 1994.
or information, when in his opinion the evidence is insufficient to interest in the maintenance of the criminal prosecution. The right of
Accordingly, an information for less serious physical injuries establish the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, the offended parties to appeal an order of the trial court which deprives
was filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila same is true only when the case is not in Court yet because after the them of due process has always been recognized, the only limitation
on January 17, 1994 against petitioner and Gavino R. Meneses, Jr., case is already forwarded, raffled and assigned to a particular branch being that they cannot appeal any adverse ruling if to do so would
Ronaldo B. Almeida and Alfredo B. Lagamon, Jr. The case, docketed the Public Prosecutor loses control over the case. place the accused in double jeopardy.[6]We recently had occasion to
as Criminal Case No. 147366, was assigned to Branch 65 of the MeTC reiterate this rule in Martinez v. Court of Appeals,[7] where, through
It required the parties to appear before it on January 20, 1995, the Chief Justice, we held:
and tried in accordance with the Rule on Summary Procedure. The
at 9:00 A.M.
arraignment was set on July 29, 1994, at 8:30 A.M., but petitioner
Under Section 2, Rule 122 of the 1988 Rules of Criminal
filed a motion before the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor for the
Procedure, the right to appeal from a final judgment or order in a
reconsideration of the resolution finding probable cause against
criminal case is granted to any party, except when the accused is [O]nce a complaint or information is filed in Court any disposition of weighing the arguments of the parties in support of their respective
placed thereby in double jeopardy. the case as its dismissal or the conviction or acquittal of the accused claims, the Court believes that the weight of the evidence and the
rests in the sound discretion of the Court. Although the fiscal retains jurisprudence on the matter which is now presented for resolution
In People v. Guido, [57 Phil. 52 (1932)] this Court ruled that the the direction and control of the prosecution of criminal cases even heavily leaned in favor of complainants contention and that after a
word party must be understood to mean not only the government while the case is already in Court he cannot impose his opinion on case has already been forwarded, raffled, and assigned to a
and the accused, but also other persons who may be affected by the the trial court. The Court is the best and sole judge on what to do particular branch, the Public Prosecutor loses control over the case.
judgment rendered in the criminal proceeding. Thus, the party with the case before it. The determination of the case is within its The order contains no evaluation of the parties evidence for the
injured by the crime has been held to have the right to appeal from a exclusive jurisdiction and competence. A motion to dismiss the case purpose of determining whether there was probable cause to
resolution of the court which is derogatory to his right to demand filed by the fiscal should be addressed to the Court who has the proceed against petitioner. The statement that the weight of
civil liability arising from the offense. The right of the offended party option to grant or deny the same. It does not matter if this is done evidence . . . lean[s] heavily in favor of complainants [Jalandonis]
to file a special civil action of prohibition and certiorari from an before or after the arraignment of the accused or that the motion contention is nothing but the statement of a conclusion.
[interlocutory] order rendered in a criminal case was likewise was filed after a reinvestigation or upon instruction of the Secretary
recognized in the cases of Paredes v. Gopengco [29 SCRA 688 (1969)] of Justice who reviewed the records of the investigation. Nor could the MeTC rest its judgment solely on its authority
and People v. Calo, Jr., [186 SCRA 620 (1990)] which held that under the Mogul doctrine to have the last word on whether an
offended parties in criminal cases have sufficient interest and information should be withdrawn. The question in this case is not so
personality as person(s) aggrieved to file the special civil action of Petitioner argues that by its order of October 13, 1994, the much whether the MeTC has the authority to grant or not to grant
prohibition and certiorari under Sections 1 and 2 of Rule 65 in line MeTC already exercised its authority under the Mogul doctrine to the public prosecutors motion to withdraw the information it
with the underlying spirit of the liberal construction of the Rules of grant or deny the public prosecutors motion to withdraw the does but whether in the exercise of that discretion or authority it
Court in order to promote their object. . . . information and was thereafter precluded from changing its mind in acted justly and fairly. In this case, the MeTC did not have good
absence of a motion for reconsideration filed by the public reason stated in its order for the reinstatement of the information
Petitioner cites the following statement in Cabral v. Puno[8] in prosecutor. against petitioner, just as it did not have good reason for granting the
support of his contention that private respondent has no personality withdrawal of the information.
to file the motion in question: This argument is untenable. The court could have denied the
public prosecutors motion for the withdrawal of the information The matter should therefore be remanded to the MeTC so
While it is true that the offended party, Silvino San Diego, against petitioner, and there would have been no question of its that it can make an independent evaluation of the evidence of the
through the private prosecutor, filed a motion for reconsideration power to do so. If it could do that, so could it reconsider what it had prosecution and on that basis decide whether to grant or not to
within the reglementary fifteen-day period, such move did not stop ordered. Every court has the power and indeed the duty to review grant the withdrawal of the information against petitioner.
the running of the period for appeal [from the order of dismissal of and amend or reverse its findings and conclusions when its attention
the information]. He did not have the legal personality to appeal or is timely called to any error or defect therein.[11] In this case, the WHEREFORE, the orders dated June 9, 1995 and July 19, 1995
file the motion for reconsideration on his behalf.The prosecution in a motion for reconsideration was timely filed by the private prosecutor of the Regional Trial Court are REVERSED and the orders of October
criminal case through the private prosecutor is under the direction who, as already discussed, has the legal personality to do so. 13, 1994 and December 29, 1994 of the Metropolitan Trial Court of
and control of the Fiscal, and only the motion for reconsideration or Makati, Branch 65 are SET ASIDE and the Metropolitan Trial Court of
appeal filed by the Fiscal could have interrupted the period for Indeed, the MeTC must have realized that it had surrendered Makati is ORDERED within ten (10) days from receipt of this decision
appeal. its exclusive prerogative regarding the withdrawal of informations by to RESOLVE the public prosecutors motion to withdraw the
accepting public prosecutors say-so that the prosecution had no information in Criminal Case No. 147366, stating in its order clearly
The case of Cabral, however, differs materially from this basis to prosecute petitioner.[12] Its order of October 13, 1994 was the reason or reasons for its resolution, after due consideration of
case. In Cabral, the offended party had lost his right to intervene based mainly on its notion that the motion of the Trial Fiscal should the evidence of the parties.
because prior to the filing of the criminal case, he had instituted a be accorded weight and significance as it was premised on the
civil action arising from the same act subject of the criminal case. On findings [of the Department of Justice] that the filing of the SO ORDERED.
the other hand, in the case at bar, the right of private respondent to information in question has no legal basis.
intervene in the criminal prosecution is well nigh beyond question as
he had neither instituted a separate civil action nor reserved or This certainly was not the exercise of discretion. As we said
waived the right to do so.[9] in Martinez, whether to approve or disapprove the stand taken by
the prosecution is not the exercise of discretion required in cases like
For the foregoing reasons, we hold that private respondent this [under the Mogul ruling] . . . What was imperatively required
has the legal personality to file the motion for reconsideration in the was the trial judges own assessment of such evidence, it not being
trial court. sufficient for the valid and proper exercise of judicial discretion
merely to accept the prosecutions word for its supposed
Beyond the personality of the private respondent to seek a insufficiency.[13]
reconsideration of the order of dismissal of the MeTC, the central
issue in this case is whether in ordering the reinstatement of the Unfortunately, just as in allowing the withdrawal of the
information, the MeTC acted with grave abuse of discretion. information by the public prosecutor, the MeTC did not make an
independent evaluation of the evidence, neither did it do so in
The MeTC invoked its authority under Crespo v. Mogul[10] to granting the private prosecutors motion for reconsideration. In its
approve the withdrawal of informations after they have been filed in order dated December 29, 1994, the MeTC simply stated that it was
court, thus: reinstating the case against petitioner because [a]fter carefully
Antonio Carpio: The man on the bench different from his early views as a young student leader, they say. “It was a decision issued under the gun of the martial law regime,”
Carpio is quoted by an associate as having previously said. It was
The repressive Marcos years which he saw and experienced as a law precisely the repression of the period that left an indelible mark on
student at the University of the Philippines from 1970 to 1975 the man who would become SC justice. It would also explain some of
'The most important qualification of a judge is independence, not
shaped and left a deep imprint on him. After all, Edgar Jopson and the important decisions he penned as a member of the High Court.
brilliance,' Justice Antonio Carpio had told a former associate, and
Eman Lacaba, student activists during Carpio’s time, were among the
that explains his actuations in the Supreme Court
Ateneo batchmates whom he lost to the “revolution.” The path to FVR

At UP, radicalism was predominant among students who organized

(Newsbreak wrote this profile on Supreme Court Associate Justice and joined often violent demonstrations against the Marcos regime.
Antonio T Carpio in a Dec 4, 2006 issue. We are republishing it now Although student organizations were not recognized then, “Tony would philosophize the needs of society,” says PR consultant
as Carpio, being the most senior justice in the High Tribunal, fraternities became an outlet of rage and violence, and Carpio, as Antonio Abaya, who recalls that the night before EDSA 1 broke, he,
becomes acting chief justice, following the removal of Renato Corona. head of the Sigma Rho fraternity during his time, got caught in the along with Carpio, were supposed to meet with Jesuit priest Joaquin
A PDF version of the story as published on Newsbreak is embedded tides. Bernas who had access to Corazon Aquino, the widow of slain Sen.
below.) Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. Already in private practice with the firm
Dad's advice he co-founded with partners F. Arthur “Pancho” Villaraza and Avelino
“Nonong” Cruz Jr., Carpio was ready to risk his firm and connect with
MANILA, Philippines - “Let us not…delude ourselves into believing the mutinous Reform the Armed Forces Movement, says Abaya.
that a new constitution would immediately eradicate the ills that
plague our country. Nor can we expect that tinkering with the Sigma Rhoans entangled with rival Alpha Phi Betans who, at the time, Years later, as the Aquino government remained vulnerable to coup
constitution will totally purge it of its defects and make this nation were headed by Oscar Orbos, who would later become congressman attempts—the most serious of which was the 1989 Makati
great again…. One thing we cannot afford to overlook nor and then governor of Pangasinan. The ensuing rumble resulted in siege—Carpio joined the political fray as he got into the circle of Fidel
downgrade is the importance of the human element. A basically casualties on both sides and, following command responsibility, Ramos, whom he did not know personally although they were
workable constitution or law can become defective in the hands of fraternity leaders Orbos and Carpio were suspended from law school neighbors in the posh Ayala Alabang subdivision. Abaya says it was
enthroned rascals, as we are now experiencing,” wrote Antonio Tirol for a year. Orbos managed to have his suspension reduced to one the late Teodoro Benigno Jr. who helped connect them directly with
Carpio. semester, however, and graduated on time in 1975. Ramos.

No, this was not written recently but was penned by him when he Carpio, who was a year ahead of Orbos and was in third year when Regular meetings in Alabang followed in mid-January 1990 for
was a 20-year-old senior economics student of the Ateneo de Manila the rumble erupted, ended up graduating in 1975 instead of 1974. purposes of analyzing the prevailing political situation. These
University in 1969. Published in The Guidon, of which Carpio was “This was part of the adventure of growing up,” says an Alpha Phi eventually gave birth to Ramos’s Alabang Group which was a merger
then editor in chief, the piece mirrored tumultuous times. Beta member who recalls events that happened at the time. of his Rotarians’ group and his neighbors’ circle. That Carpio and
what was then the Carpio Villaraza & Cruz (CVC) law firm would play
Before graduating in 1970, Carpio wrote in his last editorial about the It was in UP, too, that Carpio was introduced by former beauty a major role in the Ramos presidency and become ascendant in the
seeming inevitability of a revolution, given the pervasive and severe queen and later activist Nelia Sancho to his future wife, Vietnamese process is already widely known.
inequity prevailing at the time. Yet he lamented the fragmentation of Ruth Nguyen, with whom he would have two children, now both
revolutionary forces and their inability to overhaul the system. “A college graduates. In the 1992 presidential elections which Ramos eventually won, the
revolution is something that cannot be left to accident. It has to be a three partners of the firm had different political leanings but
deliberate and organized action.” “It was useless to be a lawyer then,” Carpio told people he knew respected each other’s preferences. While Carpio was for Ramos,
before he was appointed to the SC, but he nevertheless pursued his Villaraza was batting for Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco Jr., and Cruz
law studies “because his father wanted him to.” His father Bernardo was for Jovito Salonga.
Carpio, who was former regional director of the Bureau of Internal
NO TO REVOLUTION. Carpio during his younger days at the Ateneo Revenue in Davao, wanted his youngest to be a lawyer like him. All three combined were a formidable team. While Villaraza was
“tactical,” Cruz was “strategic,” and Carpio, the most serious of the
When martial law was declared in 1972, Carpio was in his second three, was “more deliberate,” says Abaya. Carpio put his passion
A son of the First Quarter Storm, the first months of 1970 that were year in law school and like most law students, was reading the SC behind whatever he targeted.
marked by massive student protests against Ferdinand Marcos’s rule, decision on the case of “Javellana vs Executive Secretary,” of then
Carpio would become Supreme Court (SC) justice 31 years later on Alejandro Melchor. In that case, the High Court ruled that the 1973 He took to sailing, hunting, and sharp shooting, believing that the
Oct 22, 2001, and at 52, be the youngest appointee at that by Constitution drafted by the 1971 Constitutional Convention was latter was the best protection he could possibly have.
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. ratified in accordance with the 1935 Constitution.
What is not widely known is Carpio’s reason for leaving Ramos in
Today, he’s caught in the vortex of public opinion because of his What made the decision controversial at the time was the 1996, four years after serving as his chief presidential legal counsel.
biting language in his ponencia on people’s initiative. But declaration of martial law in the middle of the convention in 1972 As legal counsel, he was instrumental in breaking up monopolies in
Carpio—according to those who know him—is just being consistent. and the absence of real debates on the draft Constitution that the telecommunications and shipping industries, the same
His decision on Charter amendments via what appears to be a rushed Marcos wanted the people to ratify through a plebiscite. stranglehold which contributed to societal inequities, and which he
and personal-agenda-driven people’s initiative is not radically already saw as a college student.
time, superintendent of the Department of Education—became a
professorial lecturer at the UP College of Law from 1983 to 1992.
Notwithstanding his one-year suspension, Carpio graduated cum
laude and valedictorian in 1975, and placed sixth in the Bar that
MAN ON THE BENCH. Carpio went against Fidel Ramos, his former same year.
boss, in his ponencia on the PEA-Amari deal, which the High Court
voided in 2003 He went into private practice before forming the firm in 1980 with
Villaraza and Cruz. While the three went their separate ways after
law school (the three are Sigma Rhoans), they promised to keep in
touch and get together when anyone felt he had gained sufficient
Against PIRMA
wingspan. It was Carpio who called Villaraza to tell him it was
perhaps time to come together.

Early talk about constitutional amendments and the possibility of They struggled to build a steady client base as they sought to create
extending the term of Ramos did not sit well with Carpio because he a niche for a firm that they hoped would outlive them. While he was
thought it was not in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution. the managing partner of the firm, Carpio took pains to travel to
And it put him at loggerheads with its proponents. It marked a key Diliman to teach credit transactions and negotiable instruments, two
policy difference between him and his boss who did nothing to stop subjects in law. As professor, he was known for his clarity of thinking
those lobbying for it. and easily recruited to the firm the best and the brightest among his
It was after Carpio’s departure that the People’s Initiative for Reform,
Modernization and Action (PIRMA) was given an aggressive push by To Lani Gomez Somera, one of Carpio’s former students who joined
then Budget Secretary Salvador Enriquez Jr. and spouses Alberto and him in the firm and later in Malacañang, Carpio is a bit standoffish
Carmen Pedrosa, with the backing of then National Security Adviser and is not inclined to smile. Her boss is even-tempered and the
Jose T. Almonte. The efforts came to naught when brought to the SC, closest he got to losing his cool was when he “took off his glasses and
however. put them on the table,” she recalls.

Publicist and Ramos media consultant Ed Malay describes Carpio as A known techie, the associate justice introduced his former firm to
having enjoyed the confidence of the former President. “Hindi computers as early as the 1980s when these were not yet widely
political, tahimik. He would not even exchange banter…. He did not used. Believing that technology is both equalizing and liberating, he
smoke. He would attend meetings and stay for a while; he rarely pushed for an e-library for the judiciary, the “first Web-based
attended political meetings.” searchable electronic library in the Philippine government.”

Malay says that despite the association with Ramos, Carpio showed “He is solution-oriented and likes to think out of the box. He is not
his independence from his former boss. One of his first decisions as predisposed to a linear way of thinking; he likes branching out,”
associate justice involved the Public Estates Authority-Amari Coastal Somera, who has since left the firm, adds. In discussions of cases, he
Bay Development Corp. deal, which the High Court voided in 2003. would always push with his characteristic, “And?” In the aftermath of
the SC ruling on people’s initiative, there was an abundance of loose
Written by Carpio, the decision upheld the Constitution which talk about the firm being behind the Carpio-penned decision and
prohibits the sale of public lands to private corporations. The deal supposed differences between Carpio and Villaraza over Executive
was first negotiated under Ramos’s term and renegotiated under the Order 464, which prevented Cabinet officials from appearing before
administration of Joseph Estrada. “Akala ko ba kakampi natin (I a congressional investigation. Despite seeming evidence to the
thought he was with us),” Ramos is quoted as saying after the SC contrary—given the resignation of Cruz as defense secretary and the
released its decision. firm’s other lawyers in government following suit—Villaraza declared
that the firm remains supportive of the Arroyo administration.
“The most important qualification of a judge is independence, not
brilliance,” Carpio had told a former associate, and that explains his If there is anything that the three partners have in common, it is
actuations in the SC. political astuteness. How tactics, strategy, and deliberation will come
into play bears close watching. For Carpio however, his place is
Out of the box secure for a good 13 more years—unless politicians in Congress try
to impeach him. - published in Newsbreak in
December 2006

Before he joined government as Ramos’s chief legal counsel,

Carpio—perhaps taking after his mother Sol Tirol who was, at one .R. No. 110280 October 12, 1993
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES BOARD OF REGENTS and DR. Moreover, I understand that the University may send a fact-finding application form. Forthwith, she and Bella M. Villanueva, head of the
OLIVIA C. CAOILI in her capacity as Secretary of the team to visit my home/residence to verify the veracity of the Office of Scholarships and Student Services, presented the matter to
Board, petitioners, information provided in this application and I will give my utmost the Diliman Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance.2
vs. cooperation in this regard. I also understand that my refusal to
HON. ELSIE LIGOT-TELAN in her capacity as Presiding Judge of cooperate with the fact-finding team may mean suspension of
In compliance with the said Committee's directive, Bella Villanueva
Branch 87, Regional Trial Court of Quezon City and RAMON P. withdrawal of STFAP benefits and privileges.
wrote Nadal informing him that the investigation showed that he had
failed to declare, not only the fact that he had been maintaining a
In an effort to make the University of the Philippines (U.P.) truly the ——————— 1977 Corolla car which was owned by his brother but also the
university of the people, the U.P. administration conceptualized and Student's Signature income of his mother who was supporting his brothers Antonio and
implemented the socialized scheme of tuition fee payments through Federico. Nadal was likewise informed that the Diliman Committee
the Socialized Tuition Fee and Assistance Program (STFAP), popularly had reclassified him to Bracket 9 (from Bracket 4), retroactive to June
Statement of the Applicant's Parent or Guardian
known as the "Iskolar ng Bayan" program. Spawned by the public 1989, unless he could submit "proofs to the contrary." Nadal was
clamor to overcome what was perceived as the sharpening elitist required "to pay back the equivalent amount of full school fees" with
profile of the U.P studentry, the STFAP aspired to expand the I hereby certify to the truthfulness and completeness of the "interest based on current commercial rates." Failure to settle his
coverage of government educational subsidies so as to include the information which my son/daughter/dependent has furnished in this account would mean the suspension of his registration privileges and
deserving in the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder. application together with all the documents attached. I further the withholding of clearance and transcript of records. He was also
recognize that in signing this application form, I share with my warned that his case might be referred to the Student Disciplinary
son/daughter/dependent the responsibility for the truthfulness and Tribunal for further investigation.3
After broad consultations with the various university constituencies
completeness of the information supplied herein. (Emphasis supplied
by U.P. President Jose V. Abueva, the U.P. Board of Regents issued
for emphasis)
on April 28, 1988 a Resolution establishing the STFAP. A year later, it On July 12, 1991, Nadal issued a certification stating, among other
was granted official recognition when the Congress of the Philippines things, that his mother migrated to the United States in 1981 but
allocated a portion of the National Budget for the implementation of Moreover, I understand that the University may send a fact-finding because her residency status had not yet been legalized, she had not
the program. team to visit my home/residence to verify the information provided been able to find a "stable, regular, well-paying employment." He
in this application and I will give my utmost cooperation in this also stated that his mother, jointly with his brother Virgilio, was
regard. I also understand that my refusal to cooperate with the shouldering the expenses of the college education of his two younger
In the interest of democratizing admission to the State University, all
fact-finding team may mean suspension or withdrawal of STFAP brothers.4
students are entitled to apply for STFAP benefits which include
benefits and privileges of my son/daughter/dependent.
reduction in fees, living and book subsidies and student
assistantships which give undergraduate students the opportunity to Noting further discrepancies between Nadal's application form and
earn P12.00 per hour by working for the University. ————————————————— the certification, the U.P. charged Nadal before the Student
Parent's/Legal Guardian's/Spouse's Signature1 Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) on August 23, 1991 with the following:
Applicants are required to accomplish a questionnaire where, among
others, they state the amount and source of the annual income of From the early stages of its implementation, measures were adopted That respondent RAMON P. NADAL (UP Student No. 83-11640), a
the family, their real and personal properties and special to safeguard the integrity of the program. One such precautionary student of the College of Law, UP System, Diliman, Quezon City, and
circumstances from which the University may evaluate their financial measure was the inclusion as one of the punishable acts under STFAP (ISKOLAR NG BAYAN) recipient (Bracket 4 for SY 1989-1990;
status and need on the basis of which they are categorized into Section 2 (a) of the Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Bracket 5 for SY 1990-1991) in his applications for STFAP (ISKOLAR
brackets. At the end the application form, the student applicant, as Discipline of the University the deliberate falsification or NG BAYAN) benefits which he filed for schoolyear 1989-1990, and
well as his parent, signs a sworn statement, as follows: suppression/withholding of any material information required in the schoolyear 1990-1991, with the Office of Scholarship and Student
application form. Services (formerly Scholarship and Financial Assistance Service)
voluntarily and willfully withheld and did not declare the following:
Statement of the Student
To further insure the integrity of the program, a random sampling
scheme of verification of data indicated in a student's application (a) That he has and maintains a car (Toyota Corolla, Model 1977);
I hereby certify, upon my honor, that all the data and information
form is undertaken. Among those who applied for STFAP benefits for and
which I have furnished are accurate and complete. I understand that
School Year 1989-90 was Ramon P. Nadal, a student enrolled in the
any willful misinformation and/or withholding of information will
College of Law.
automatically disqualify me from receiving any financial assistance or (b) The income of his mother (Natividad Packing Nadal) in the U.S.A.,
subsidy, and may serve as ground for my expulsion from the in support of the studies of his brothers Antonio and Federico,
University. Furthermore, is such misinformation and/or withholding On March 14, 1991, a team composed of Arsenio L. Dona and Jose
of information on my part is discovered after I have been awarded Carlo Manalo conducted a home investigation at the residence of
which acts of willfully withholding information is tantamount to acts
tuition scholarship or any form of financial assistance, I will be Nadal at 31 Twinpeaks Drive, Blue Ridge, Quezon City.
of dishonesty in relation to his studies, in violation of paragraph (a),
required to reimburse all financial benefits plus the legal rate of
Section 2, of the Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and
interest prevailing at the time of the reimbursement without Ms. Cristeta Packing, Nadal's aunt, was interviewed and the team Discipline, as amended. (Approved by the B.O.R. at its 876th meeting
prejudice to the filing of charges against me. (Emphasis supplied for submitted a home visit report. Consolacion Urbino, Scholarship on 02 September 1976, amended at the 923rd B.O.R. meeting on 31
emphasis) Affairs Officer II, found discrepancies between the report and Nadal's
January 1980, and further amended at its 1017th B.O.R. meeting on On March 15, 1993, the U.P. filed an opposition to Nadal's motion for The Chairman gave the following results of the Board action during
08 December 1988).5 reconsideration. Thereafter, the BOR held a special meeting to the Executive Session: four (4) voted guilty; three (3) voted not guilty;
accommodate the request of Regent Shahani with Nadal's case as and three (3) gave conditional votes, pending verification with Father
the sole item on its agenda. Again, Nadal's motion for Raymond Holscher of Ateneo de Manila University of Ramon P.
On October 27, 1992, after hearing, the SDT6 rendered a decision in
reconsideration was included in the March 23, 1993 agenda but in Nadal's statement in his STFAP application that he was granted
SDT Case No. 91-026 exculpating Nadal of the charge of deliberately
view of the absence of Senator Shahani, the decision thereon was scholarship while he was in high school. Should Ateneo confirm that
withholding in his STFAP application form information that he was
deferred. Nadal had not received financial assistance, then the conditional
maintaining a Toyota Corolla car, but finding him guilty of "wilfully
votes would be considered as guilty, and if otherwise, then not guilty.
and deliberately withholding information about the income of his
The Chairman requested the President to make the verification as
mother, who is living abroad, in support of the studies of his brothers At the special meeting of the BOR on March 28, 1993 at the Board
soon as possible the next day. In answer to a query, the Chairman
Antonio and Federico, 7 which is tantamount to acts of dishonesty in Room of the Manila Polo Club in Forbes Park, Makati, Regent
clarified that once the information was received from Ateneo, there
relation to his studies in violation of paragraph [a], Section 2 of the Antonio T. Carpio raised the "material importance" of verifying the
would be no need for another meeting to validate the decision.
Rules [now covered by paragraph (i), Section 2 of the Rules, as truth of Nadal's claim that earlier, he was a beneficiary of a
amended 25 June 1992]." As such, the SDT imposed upon Nadal the scholarship and financial aid from the Ateneo de Manila University
penalty of expulsion from the University and required him to (AdeMU). Learning that the "certification issued by the AdeMU that The President reiterated his objections to the casting of conditional
reimburse all STFAP benefits he had received but if he does not it had not given Nadal financial aid while he was a student there was votes.
voluntarily make reimbursement, it shall be "effected by the made through a telephone call," Regent Carpio declared that there
University thru outside legal action."8 was as yet "no direct evidence in the records to substantiate the
The Chairman himself did not vote. 13
charge." According to Carpio, if it should be disclosed that Nadal
Falsely stated that he received such financial aid, it would be a clear
The SDT decision was thereafter automatically elevated to the
case of gross and material misrepresentation that would even In the morning of March 29, 1993, the AdeMU issued a certification
Executive Committee of U.P. Diliman for review pursuant to Sec. 20
warrant the penalty of expulsion. Hence, he cast a conditional vote to the effect that Nadal was indeed a recipient of a scholarship grant
of the U.P. Rules on Student Conduct and Discipline. On November
that would depend on the verification of Nadal's claim on the matter. from 1979 to 1983. That evening, the BOR met again at a special
26, 1992, the Executive Committee, voting 13:4, affirmed the
meeting at the Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel. According to Regent
decision of the SDT; whereupon, Nadal appealed to the Board of
Carpio, in executive session, the BOR found Nadal "guilty" as the
Regents (BOR). The appeal was included in the agenda of the BOR U.P. President and concurrently Regent Jose V. Abueva countered by
members voted as follows: six members — guilty, three members —
meeting on January 25, 1993.9 stating that "a decision should not be anchored solely on one piece
not guilty, and three members abstained. 14Consequently, the BOR
of information which he considered irrelevant, and which would
imposed on Nadal the penalties of suspension for one (1) year
ignore the whole pattern of the respondent's dishonesty and
On January 18, 1993, upon her assumption to the Chairmanship of effective March 29, 1993, non-issuance of any certificate of good
deception from 1989 which had been established in the investigation
the Senate Committee on Education, thereby making her moral character during the suspension and/or as long as Nadal has
and the reviews." He added that "the respondent's eligibility for his
automatically a member of the BOR, Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani not reimbursed the STFAP benefits he had received with 12%
AdeMU high school scholarship and financial assistance from 1979 to
wrote the BOR a letter expressing her view that, after a close review interest per annum from march 30, 1993 and non-issuance of his
1983 does not in any way establish that he is 'not guilty as charged'
of Nadal s case by her legal staff, "it is only fair and just to find Mr. transcript of records until he has settled his financial obligations with
before the SDT," since the formal charges against him do not include
Nadal's appeal meritorious and his arguments worthy of belief. the university. 15
withholding of information regarding scholarship grants received
Consequently, he should be allowed to graduate and take the bar
from other schools.
examinations this year." 10
On March 30, 1993, Nadal wrote President Abueva a handwritten
letter stating that "after learning of the latest decision" of the BOR,
At the said March 28, 1993 special meeting, the Board decided to go
At its January 25, 1993 meeting, the BOR affirmed the decision of the he had been "intensely concentrating on (his) job so that (he) can
into executive session where the following transpired:
SDT but because "the Board was willing to grant a degree of earn enough to pay for (his) financial obligations to the University."
compassion to the appellant in view of the alleged status and Alleging that he was "now letting nature take its course," Nadal
predicament of the mother as an immigrant 'TNT' in the United The Chairman of the Board, together with the President, directed the begged President Abueva not to issue any press release regarding
States," the penalty was modified "from Expulsion to One Year- Secretary to reflect in the minutes of the meeting the following the case. 16
Suspension, effective immediately, plus reimbursement of all decisions of the Board in executive session, with only the Board
benefits received from the STFAP, with legal interest." The BOR also members present.
However, on April 22, 1993, Nadal filed with the Regional Trial Court
decided against giving Nadal, a certification of good moral
of Quezon City a petition for mandamus with preliminary injunction
character. 11
A vote was held by secret ballot on whether Ramon P. Nadal was and prayer for a temporary restraining order against President
guilty or not guilty as charged of willful withholding of information in Abueva, the BOR, Oscar M. Alfonso, Cesar A. Buenaventura, Armand
Nadal forthwith filed a motion for reconsideration of the BOR relation to his application for Socialized Tuition and Financial V. Fabella and Olivia C. Caoili. The petition prayed:
decision, allegedly against the advice of his counsel. 12The motion Assistance Program (STFAP) benefits which he filed for Schoolyears
was placed on the agenda of the February 25, 1993 meeting of the 1989-1990 and 1990-1991 which is tantamount to act of dishonesty
After trial on the merits, judgment be rendered as follows:
BOR. A day before said date, Senator Shahani wrote the BOR another in relation to his studies, in violation of paragraph (a), Section 2 of
letter requesting that deliberation on Nadal's case be deferred until the Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline, as
such time as she could attend a BOR meeting. amended. a. Making the preliminary injunction permanent;
b. Ordering respondents 'to uphold and implement their decision The petitioner complains that he was not afforded due process when, due process in the administrative disciplinary proceedings against
rendered on 28 March 1993, exonerating petitioner from all the after the Board Meeting on SDT Case No. 91-026 on March 28, 1993 him, and, whether or not the respondent judge gravely abused her
charges against him, and accordingly dismissing SDT No. 91-026; that resulted in a decision of "NOT GUILTY" in his favor, the Chairman discretion in issuing the May 29, 1993 writ of preliminary injunction
of the U.P. Board of Regents, without notice to the herein petitioner, thereby preventing the BOR from implementing the suspension
called another meeting the following day to deliberate on his (the penalty it had imposed on Nadal.
c. Ordering respondents jointly and severally to pay petitioner
Chairman's) MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION, which this time
litigation expenses of at least P150,000.00.
resulted in a decision of "GUILTY." While he main issue of violation of
Before proceeding with the discussion of the merits of the instant
due process raised in the petition pends trial and resolution, the
petition, we shall confront a threshold issue raised by private
Other just and equitable reliefs are likewise prayed for. 17
petitioner prays for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction
respondent, namely, that Dr. Caoili, not having been authorized by
prohibiting the respondents from further proceeding with SDT Case
the Board of Regents as a collegial body to file the instant petition,
The motion for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and the No. 21-026 and from suspending the petitioner for one year.
and Dr. Abueva, who verified the petition, not being the "Board of
writ of preliminary injunction was immediately set for hearing. At the Regents" nor "the University of the Philippines," they are not real
May 10, 1993 hearing, the lower court declared that the only issue to It is a basic requirement in the issuance of the preliminary injunctive parties in interest who should file the same. 21
be resolved was "whether or not the respondents in Civil Case No. writ that there must be a right to be protected. As the issue in the
93-15665 violated (Nadal's) right to due process when it rendered a case at bar is due process in the March 29 Board meeting, there is,
A real party in interest is one "who stands to be benefited or injured
decision finding Nadal guilty of the charges against him" during the indeed, a right to be protected for, in administrative proceedings, a
by the judgment or the party entitled to the avails of the suit.
March 29, 1993 meeting. After the respondents had presented their respondent's right to due process exists not only at the early stages
'Interest' within the meaning of the rule means material interest, an
first witness, Dr. Olivia C. Caoili, the lower court asked respondents' but also at the final stage thereof.
interest in issue and to be affected by the decree, as distinguished
counsel whether they were amenable to maintaining the status quo.
from mere interest in the question involved, or a mere incidental
Said counsel replied in the negative, asserting the University's
With the circulation to the members of the Board of Regents, as well interest."22Undoubtedly, the U.P. Board of Regents has an interest to
prerogative to discipline students found guilty of violating its rules of
as to other UP personnel, of the Minutes of the March 29, 1993 protect inasmuch as what is in issue here is its power to impose
meeting, even after this case had already been filed, the Court is disciplinary action against a student who violated the Rules and
convinced that there now exists a threat to the petitioner Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline by withholding
On the same day, the lower court 19 issued the following Order: (respondent in SDT Case No, 91-026) that the decision of the Board information in connection with his application for STFAP benefits,
of Regents finally finding him guilty of willfully withholding which information, if disclosed, would have sufficed to disqualify him
The parties were heard on their respective positions on the incident information material to his application for Socialized Tuition and from receiving the financial assistance he sought. Such dishonesty, if
(application for preliminary injunction and prayer for temporary Financial Assistance Program (STFAP) benefits, will be implemented left unpunished, would have the effect of subverting a commendable
restraining order and opposition thereto). For lack of material time at any time, especially during the enrollment period, and this program into which the University officials had devoted much time
set this for continuation on May 17 and 18, 1993 both at 2:30 p.m. implementation would work injustice to the petitioner as it would and expended precious resources, from the conceptualization to the
delay him in finishing his course, and, consequently, in getting a implementation stage, to rationalize the socialized scheme of tuition
decent and good paying job. The injury thus caused would be fee payments in order that more students may benefit from the
In the meantime, in order that the proceedings of this case may not irreparable. public funds allocated to the State University.
be rendered moot and academic, the respondents herein, namely:
Jose V. Abueva, President of the University of the Philippines and
Vice-Chairman of the U.P. Board of Regents, Oscar M. Alfonso, Cesar "Damages are irreparable within the meaning of the rule where Having specifically named Drs. Abueva and Caoili as respondents in
A. Buenaventura and Armand V. Fabella, members of the U.P. Board there is no standard by which their amount can be measured with the petition for mandamus that he filed below, Nadal is now
of Regents, Olivia C. Caoili, the officers, agents, representatives, and reasonable accuracy. Where the damage is susceptible of estopped from questioning their personality to file the instant
all persons acting in their behalf, are hereby temporarily restrained mathematical computation, it is not irreparable." (Social Security petition.23 Moreover, under Sec. 7 of the U.P. Charter (Act 1870) and
from implementing their decision rendered on March 29, 1993 in Commission v. Bayona, et al., G.R. No. L-13555, May 30, 1962). Sec. 11 of the University Code "all process" against the BOR shall be
Administrative SDT Case No. 91-026 entitled University of the served on "the president or secretary thereof'." It is in accordance
Philippines vs. Ramon P. Nadal, as reflected in the Minutes of the with these legal provisions that Dr. Caoili is named as a petitioner.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, and so as not to render moot the
1062nd meeting of the Board of Regents, U.P. held at the Romblon Necessarily, Dr. Abueva, the University President and member of the
issues in the instant proceedings, let a writ of preliminary injunction
Room, Westin Phil. Plaza, Manila, until further order from this Court. BOR, has to verify the petition. It is not mandatory, however, that
be issued restraining the respondents, their officers, agent(s),
each and every member of the BOR be named petitioners. As the
representatives, and all persons acting in their behalf, from further
Court has time and again held, an action may be entertained,
SO ORDERED. proceeding with SDT Case No. 91-026, and from suspending
notwithstanding the failure to include an indispensable party where
petitioner, upon the latter's filing a bond in the amount of P3,000.00.
it appears that the naming of the party would be but a formality. 24
Thereafter, Nadal presented as witnesses Regents Emerenciana Y.
Arcellana, Ariel P. Tanangonan, Leticia R. Shahani and Antonio T. IT IS SO ORDERED. 20
No longer novel, as this is not a case of first impression, is the issue
Carpio. The University, on the other hand, presented Dr. Olivia Caoili on the right of an academic institution to refuse admission to a
and Nadal himself as a hostile witness. On May 29, 1993, the lower Dispensing with the filing of a motion for reconsideration, the student arising from the imposition upon him of an administrative
court issued the following Order: petitioners filed the instant petition for certiorari and prohibition disciplinary sanction. In our recent decision in Ateneo de Manila
with prayer for the issuance of an injunction or temporary restraining University v. Hon. Ignacio M. Capulong,25 wherein certain law
order, raising the following issues: whether or not Nadal was denied students were dismissed for hazing resulting in the death of another,
we held that the matter of admission of students is within the ambit support the studies of the children." 30 Two regents shared the view even if other minds equally reasonable might conceivably opine
of academic freedom and therefore, beyond the province of the of Regent Carpio, with the following result: four voted guilty, three, otherwise. 35 In light of the foregoing circumstances, we find that
courts to decide. Certain fundamental principles bear stressing. not guilty, and three cast conditional votes. The BOR agreed that, Nadal has been sufficiently proven to have violated his undertaking
upon the suggestion of Regent Carpio, they would still verify from to divulge all information needed when he applied for the benefits of
the AdeMU about Nadal's alleged scholarship as a student in said the STFAP.
One of the arguments of Nadal in his petition for mandamus below
institution. Consequently, no definitive decision was arrived at by the
was that he was denied due process. To clarify, the so-called lack of
BOR on March 28, 1993, Much less was a verdict of exoneration
due process referred only to the March 29, 1993 meeting of the BOR. Let it not be forgotten that respondent aspires to join the ranks of
handed down as averred by respondent.
As stated by respondent's counsel: "What was conceded by the professionals who would uphold truth at all costs so that justice
undersigned counsel was that Nadal was afforded due process from may prevail. The sentinels who stand guard at the portals leading to
the start of the administrative proceeding up to the meeting of the Regent Carpio testified, with respect to the March 29, 1993 meeting the hallowed Temples of Justice cannot be overzealous in admitting
Board of Regents on March 28, 1993."26 where all twelve members of the BOR were present, that all of them only those who are intellectually and morally fit. In those who exhibit
participated in the voting held to reconsider the previous day's duplicity in their student days, one spots the shady character who is
decision. He stated "I remember Regent Arcellana questioning the bound to sow the seeds of chicanery in the practice of his profession.
With respect to the March 29, 1993 meeting, respondent considers
voting again on the ground that there was already a final decision,
the same as "unquestionably void for lack of due process" inasmuch
but there was a vote taken on whether a motion for reconsideration
as he was not sent a notice of said meeting. Counsel cites the ruling Having reached his senior year, respondent is presumably aware that
can be decided by the board, and a majority of the board ruled that
in Non v. Dames II 27 that imposition of sanctions on students the bedrock axiom, Canon I, Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional
the matter can be reconsidered again upon motion of the
requires "observance of procedural due process," 28 the phrase Responsibility states: "A lawyer shall not engage in
chairman." 31
obviously referring to the sending of notice of the meeting. unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct." Further on,
Canon 7, Rule 7.01 provides: "A lawyer shall be answerable for
At said meeting, six (6) regents voted to find respondent guilty, three knowingly making a false statement or suppressing a material fact in
Attention is drawn to the disparate factual environments obtaining
(3) voted that he was not guilty and three (3) abstained. As succinctly connection with his application for admission to the bar." (Emphasis
in Non v. Dames II and in the instant case. In the former case, the
announced by Regent Carpio, the final decision was that which was supplied for emphasis)
students were refused admission for having led or participated in
rendered on March 29, 1993 as "no other decision was made by the
student mass actions against the school, thereby posing a collision
Board with respect to the same issue." 32
between constitutionally cherished rights — freedom of expression Surely, it is not too early to warn entrants to the noble profession of
and academic freedom. In the case at bar, Nadal was suspended for law that honesty and integrity are requirements no less weighty than
having breached the University's disciplinary rules. In the Non case, Counsel for Nadal charged before the lower court that his client was hurdling the Bar examinations. This is the reason why a certification
the Court ruled that the students were not afforded due process for "not given due process in the March 29 meeting because the ground of good moral character is one of the documents that must be
even the refusal to re-enroll them appeared to have been a mere upon which he was again convicted was not the same as the original submitted in applying to take said examination. In fact, a charge of
afterthought on part of the school administrators. Here, Nadal does charge."33Obviously, he was referring to the basis of the conditional immoral or deceitful conduct on the part of an applicant, when
not dispute the fact that his right to due process was held inviolate votes on March 28, i.e., whether or not Nadal was telling the truth proved, is a ground for disqualifying him.
until the BOR decided to meet on March 29, 1993 with his case as when he claimed that he received a scholarship grant from the
the sole item on the agenda. AdeMU. However, Regent Carpio himself testified that the charge
To revert to the instant case, inasmuch as it has been shown
considered was "exactly the same charge" of withholding
sufficiently that respondent has committed an act of dishonesty in
information on the income of Nadal's mother. 34 It should be stressed
In any event it is gross error to equate due process in the instant case withholding vital information in connection with his application for
that the reason why Regent Carpio requested a verification of
with the sending of notice of the March 29, 1993 BOR meeting to STFAP benefits, all in blatant violation of the Rules and Regulations
Nadal's claim that he was a scholar at the AdeMU was that Regent
respondent. University rules do not require the attendance in BOR on Student Conduct and Discipline of petitioner University, the
Carpio was not "morally convinced" yet as to the guilt of Nadal. In
meetings of individuals whose cases are included as items on the latter's inherent power and authority to impose disciplinary sanction
other words, he sought additional insights into the character of
agenda of the Board. This is not exclusive of students whose may be invoked and rightfully exercised.
Nadal through the information that would be obtained from the
disciplinary cases have been appealed to the Board of Regents as the
final review body. At no time did respondent complain of lack of
As a Bohemian proverb puts it: "A school without discipline is like a
notice given to him to attend any of the regular and special BOR
mill without water." Insofar as the water turns the mill, so does the
meetings where his case was up for deliberation. He would make an In this regard, we find such information to be irrelevant and a mere
school's disciplinary power assure its right to survive and continue
exception of the March 29, 1993 meeting for it was "supposed to superfluity. In his July, 12, 1991 certification aforementioned, Nadal
operating. In more relevant terms, through its power to impose
reconsider the decision made on March 28, 1993 exonerating admitted, although inconsistently, that his mother was a "TNT" who
disciplinary sanctions, an educational institution is able to exercise its
respondent Nadal from all administrative charges against him." 29 could not find a "stable, regular, well-paying employment" but that
academic freedom which is, in the case at bar, the right to suspend
she was supporting the education of his brothers with the help of
and refuse admission to a student who has subverted its authority in
another son. To our mind, this constitutes sufficient admission that
Regent Antonio T. Carpio, in his testimony before the lower court on the implementation of the critically important STFAP.
Nadal withheld information on the income, however measly and
May 25, 1993 admitted that there was no final verdict at the March
irregular, of his mother. Unlike in criminal cases which require proof
28, 1993 meeting in view of the conditional votes resulting from his
beyond reasonable doubt as basis for a judgment, in administrative At the risk of being repetitious, the matter of admission to a
assertion that he was "not morally convinced that there was
or quasi-judicial proceedings, only substantial evidence is required, University is encompassed by the right of academic freedom.
sufficient evidence to make a finding of guilty against Nadal because
that which means more than a mere scintilla or relevant evidence as In Garcia v. The Faculty Admission Committee, Loyola School of
there was no direct evidence that his mother received income from
a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, Theology 36 the Court stated that a school or college which is
the United States and this income was sent to the Philippines to
possessed of the right of academic freedom "decides for itself its disciplinary sanction upon an erring student of an institution of
aims and objectives and how best to attain them. It is free from higher learning.
outside coercion or interference save possibly when the overriding
public welfare calls for some restraint. It has a wide sphere of
From the foregoing arguments, it is clear that the lower court should
autonomy certainly extending to the choice of students." Elucidating,
have restrained itself from assuming jurisdiction over the petition
in Ateneo de Manila University v. Hon. Ignacio M. Capulong, 37 the
filed by Nadal. Mandamus is never issued in doubtful cases, a
Court further expounded:
showing of a clear and certain right on the part of the petitioner
being required. 38 It is of no avail against an official or government
Since Garcia v. Loyola School of Theology, we have consistently agency whose duty requires the exercise of discretion or judgment. 39
upheld the salutary proposition that admission to an institution of
higher learning is discretionary upon a school, the same being a
Hence, by issuing the writ of preliminary injunction, the lower court
privilege on the part of the student rather than a right. While under
dared to tread upon legally forbidden grounds. For, by virtue of the
the Education Act of 1982, students have a right "to freely choose
writ, the University's exercise of academic freedom was peremptorily
their field of study, subject to existing curricula and to continue their
curtailed. Moreover, the door was flung wide open for Nadal to do
course therein up to graduation," such right is subject, as all rights
exactly what the decision of the BOR prohibited him from doing and
are, to the established academic and disciplinary standards laid down
that is, to violate the suspension order by enrolling for the first
by the academic institution.
semester of 1993-1994. It must have been with consternation that
the University officials helplessly watching him complete his
For private schools have the right to establish reasonable rules and academic requirements for taking the Bar. 40 In the event that he be
regulations for the admission, discipline and promotion of students. allowed to continue with his studies he would, in effect render moot
This right . . . extends as well to parents . . . as parents are under a and academic the disciplinary sanction of suspension legally imposed
social and moral (if not legal) obligation, individually and collectively, upon him by the BOR's final decision of March 29, 1993. What is to
to assist and cooperate with the schools. prevent other aspirants for STFAP scholarships from misleading the
University authorities by misrepresenting certain facts or as in
instant case, withholding vital information and stating downright
Such rules are "incident to the very object of incorporation and
falsehoods, in their application forms with impunity? Not only would
indispensable to the successful management of the college. The rules
this undermine the authority of the U.P. to discipline its students
may include those governing student discipline." Going a step further,
who violated the rules and regulations of the institution but, more
the establishment of rules governing university-student relations,
importantly, subvert the very concept and lofty intent to give
particularly those pertaining to student discipline, may be regarded
financial assistance to poor but deserving students through the
as vital, if not merely to the smooth and efficient operation of the
STFAP which, incidentally, has not ceased refining and modifying it's
institution, but to its very survival.

Within memory of the current generation is the eruption of militancy

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED and the lower court is
in the academic groves as collectively, the students demanded and
hereby ordered to DISMISS the petition for mandamus.
plucked for themselves from the panoply of academic freedom their
own rights encapsulized under the rubric of "right to education"
forgetting that, in Hohfeldian terms, they have a concomitant duty, SO ORDERED.
that is, their duty to learn under the rules laid down by the school.
(Emphasis supplied.)

On the second issue presented for adjudication, the Court finds that
the lower court gravely abused its discretion in issuing the writ of
preliminary injunction of May 29, 1993. The issuance of the said writ
was based on the lower court's finding that the implementation of
the disciplinary sanction of suspension on Nadal "would work
injustice to the petitioner as it would delay him in finishing his course,
and consequently, in getting a decent and good paying job." Sadly,
such a ruling considers only the situation of Nadal without taking into
account the circumstances clearly of his own making, which led him
into such a predicament. More importantly, it has completely
disregarded the overriding issue of academic freedom which
provides more than ample justification for the imposition of a
DAVID YU KIMTENG, MARY L. YU, WINNIE L. YU, VIVIAN L. YU, and Sin Chiao Yu Lim filed this Petition under Rule 71 to cite
ROSA GAN, LILIAN CHUA WOO YUKIMTENG, SANTOS YU, MARCELO respondents Atty. Walter T. Young, Anastacio E. Revilla, Jr., Atty. Private respondents also raise the issue of forum shopping in their
YU, AND SIN CHIAO YU LIM, Petitioners, v. ATTY. WALTER T. YOUNG, Jovito Gambol, Atty. Dan Reynald R. Magat, and Judge Ofelia L. Calo Comment because petitioners allegedly filed a disbarment Complaint
ANASTACIO E. REVILLA, JR., ATTY. JOVITO GAMBOL, AND ATTY. in contempt. against them before the Commission on Bar Discipline, Integrated
DAN REYNALD R. MAGAT, PRACTICING LAW UNDER THE FIRM Bar of the Philippines. One of the grounds for disbarment cited by
NAME, YOUNG REVILLA GAMBOL & MAGAT, AND JUDGE OFELIA L. This court required respondents to comment on the petitioners was the use of Revilla's name in their firm name.34
CALO, PRESIDING JUDGE OF BRANCH 211 OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL Petition.16 Respondent law firm Young Revilla Gambol & Magat filed
COURT, MANDALUYONG CITY, Respondents. its Comment17 on April 14, 2014, while respondent Atty. Gambol filed Private respondent Atty. Gambol filed a separate
a separate Comment.18 Comment,35 arguing that from the time Revilla was disbarred, he no
longer practiced law.36
A disbarred lawyer's name cannot be part of a firm's name. A lawyer
On April 16, 2014, petitioners filed a Motion for Leave to File
who appears under a firm name that contains a disbarred lawyer's
Consolidated Reply.19 This was granted in the Resolution20 dated Private respondent Atty. Gambol stated that he passed the 1990 Bar
name commits indirect contempt of court.
June 18, 2014. In the same Resolution, this court denied petitioners' Examination but took his oath in July 2006.37 He is a junior member
Motion to Consider Case Submitted without Comment from [Judge of the Young Revilla Magat & Gambol law firm and "has no power
Through this Petition,1 petitioners ask that law firm, Young Revilla
Calo]21 and ordered the parties to await Judge Calo's comment.22 and/or authority [to decide] who should be removed from the firm's
Gambol & Magat, and Judge Ofelia L. Calo (Judge Calo), be cited in
contempt of court under Rule 71 of the Rules of Court.2 Anastacio
Counsel for petitioners subsequently filed a
Revilla, Jr. (Revilla) was disbarred on December 2009 in an En Banc
Manifestation,23 informing this court that they have yet to receive a Private respondent Atty. Gambol argues that in all the cases he
Resolution of this court in A.C. No. 7054 entitled Que v. Atty. Revilla,
copy of Judge Calo's Comment.24 No Comment was filed by Judge handled after Re villa's disbarment, he omitted Re villa's name from
Calo. the firm name in the pleadings that he signed. Such deletion was
through his own initiative.39
David Yu Kimteng, Mary L. Yu, Winnie L. Yu, Vivian L. Yu, Rosa Gan,
Petitioners cite San Luis v. Pineda25 and United States v. Ney, et
Lilian Chua Woo Yukimteng, Santos Yu, Marcelo Yu, and Sin Chiao Yu
al.26 to support their argument that the use of a disbarred lawyer's Petitioners filed their Reply,40 with petitioners addressing
Lim are the majority stockholders of Ruby Industrial Corporation.4
name in the firm name is tantamount to contempt of court.27 respondents' allegations that they remained silent on the disbarment
case they had filed by citing Rule 139-B, Section 18 of the Rules of
In Majority Stockholders of Ruby Industrial Corporation v. Lim, et
Private Respondents Atty. Young and Atty. Magat counter that they Court,41which provides that:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
al.,5 this court ordered the liquidation of Ruby Industrial Corporation
maintained Revilla's name in the firm name for sentimental Rule 139-B. Disbarment and Discipline of
and transferred the case to the appropriate Regional Trial Court
reasons.28 Attorneys
branch to supervise the liquidation.6
Atty. Young and Atty. Magat explained that they did not intend to ....
The liquidation was raffled to Branch 211 of the Regional Trial Court
deceive the public29 and that in any case, the retention of Revilla's
in Mandaluyong City,7 presided by Judge Calo.8
name "does not give added value to the [law firm] nor does it Section 18. Confidentiality. — Proceedings
enhance the standing of the member lawyers thereof."30 against attorneys shall be private and
Walter T. Young (Atty. Young), Jovito Gambol (Atty. Gambol), and
confidential. However, the final order of the
Dan Reynald Magat (Atty. Magat) are lawyers practicing under the
They further argue that:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Supreme Court shall be published like its
firm, Young Revilla Gambol & Magat.9 They entered their appearance
decisions in other
in the liquidation proceedings as counsels for the liquidator.10
The non-deletion of [Anastacio E. Revilla's]
Petitioners argue that liability for contempt is separate from
An Opposition11 was filed against the appearance of Young Revilla name in the Young Law Firm's name is no more
disciplinary action; hence, no forum shopping was committed.42
Gambol & Magat on the ground that Revilla was already disbarred in misleading than including the names of dead
2009.12 or retired partners in a law firm's name. It is
Petitioners did not address private respondents' allegations
more for sentimental reasons. It is a fraternal
regarding the delay in the liquidation of Ruby Industrial Corporation.
Young Revilla Gambol & Magat filed a Reply to the Opposition
expression to a former brother in the
stating that the firm opted to retain Revilla's name in the firm name profession that the Private Respondents fully
The issues in this case are:
even after he had been disbarred, with the retention serving as an understand, his [referring to Revilla] principled
act of charity.14 albeit quixotic
First, whether private respondents Atty. Walter T. Young, Atty. Jovito
Gambol, and Atty. Dan Reynald R. Magat are in contempt of court
Judge Calo overruled the opposition to the appearance of Young Private respondents point out that the Balgos Law Firm is derailing
when they continued to use respondent Anastacio E. Revilla, Jr.'s
Revilla Gambol & Magat and stated that Atty. Young could still the liquidation of Ruby Industrial Corporation by filing this Petition
name in their firm name even after his disbarment;cralawlawlibrary
appear for the liquidator as long as his appearance was under the for contempt because the Balgos Law Firm resents that its nominee
Young Law Firm and not under Young Revilla Gambol & was not elected as liquidator.32 Private respondents add that
Second, whether private respondents Atty. Walter T. Young, Atty.
Magat.15 Young Law Firm does not exist. petitioners have continuously blocked Ruby Industrial Corporation's
Jovito Gambol, and Atty. Dan Reynald R. Magat are in contempt of
unsecured creditors from obtaining relief, as shown by the number
court for deliberately allowing a disbarred lawyer to engage in the
Thus, petitioners David Yu Kimteng, Mary L. Yu, Winnie L. Yu, Vivian L. of times that Ruby Industrial Corporation's cases have reached this
practice of law;cralawlawlibrary
Yu, Rosa Gan, Lilian Chua Woo Yukimteng, Santos Yu, Marcelo Yu, court.33
Third, whether private respondent Anastacio E. Revilla, Jr. is in (f) Failure to obey a subpoena duly the Firm Name "Sycip, Salazar, Feliciano, Hernandez & Castillo"
contempt of court for continuing to practice law even after served;cralawlawlibrary and In the matter of the Petition for Authority to Continue Use of the
disbarment;cralawlawlibrary Firm Name "Ozaeta, Romulo, De Leon, Mabanta &
(g) The rescue, or attempted rescue, of a Reyes."45 Petitioners prayed that they be allowed to continue
Fourth, whether public respondent Judge Ofelia L. Calo is in person or property in the custody of an officer including Atty. Alexander Sycip's and Atty. Herminio Ozaeta's names
contempt of court when she held that respondent Atty. Walter T. by virtue of an order or process of a court held in their firm names.46 This court denied the petitions, explaining that
Young can appear in court as long as it is under the Young Law Firm, by him. (Emphasis there is a possibility of deception in the use of a deceased partner's
which is a non-existent firm; and supplied)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary name.47 Also, Article 1815 of the Civil Code48 shows that the partners
This court has defined contempt of court in a partnership should be "living persons who can be subjected to
Lastly, whether the filing of this Petition despite the pendency of a as:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary liability."49 Further, the use of a deceased partner's name is not a
disbarment complaint before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines a willful disregard or disobedience of a public custom in the Philippines.50 On the contrary, the local custom shows
constitutes forum shopping. authority. In its broad sense, contempt is a that the firm name usually identifies the senior members or partners
disregard of, or disobedience to, the rules or of a law firm.51 Justice Aquino dissented, stating
II orders of a legislative or judicial body or an that:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
interruption of its proceedings by disorderly I am of the opinion that the petition may be
Rule 71, Section 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure behavior or insolent language in its presence granted with the condition that it be indicated
provides:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary or so near thereto as to disturb its proceedings in the letterheads of the two firms (as the case
SEC. 3. Indirect contempt to be punished after or to impair the respect due to such a body. In may be) that Alexander Sycip, former Justice
charge and hearing.— After charge in writing its restricted and more usual sense, contempt Ozaeta and Herminio Ozaeta are dead or the
has been filed, and an opportunity given to the comprehends a despising of the authority, period when they served as partners should be
respondent to comment thereon within such justice, or dignity of a court. The stated therein.
period as may be fixed by the court and to be phrase contempt of court is generic,
heard by himself or counsel, a person guilty of embracing within its legal signification a Obviously, the purpose of the two firms in
any of the following acts may be punished for variety of different acts.43 (Emphasis in the continuing the use of the names of their
indirect contempt: original, citations deceased founders is to retain the clients who
omitted)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary had customarily sought the legal services of
(a) Misbehavior of an officer of a court in the In this case, respondents committed acts that are considered indirect Attorneys Sycip and Ozaeta and to benefit
performance of his official duties or in his contempt under Section 3 of Rule 71. In addition, respondents from the goodwill attached to the names of
official transactions;cralawlawlibrary disregarded the Code of Professional Responsibility when they those respected and esteemed law
retained the name of respondent Revilla in their firm name. practitioners. That is a legitimate motivation.
(b) Disobedience of or resistance to a lawful
writ, process, order, or judgment of a court, Canon 3, Rule 3.02 states:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary The retention of their names is not illegal per
including the act of a person who, after being Rule 3.02. In the choice of a firm name, no se. That practice was followed before the war
dispossessed or ejected from any real property false, misleading or assumed name shall be by the law firm of James Ross.
by the judgment or process of any court of used. The continued use of the name of a Notwithstanding the death of Judge Ross, the
competent jurisdiction, enters or attempts or deceased partner is permissible provided that founder of the law firm of Ross, Lawrence,
induces another to enter into or upon such the firm indicates in all its communications Selph and Carrascoso, his name was retained
real property, for the purpose of executing acts that said partner is in the firm name with an indication of the year
of ownership or possession, or in any manner deceased.ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary when he died. No one complained that the
disturbs the possession given to the person Respondents argue that the use of respondent Revilla's name is "no retention of the name of Judge Ross in the firm
adjudged to be entitled more misleading than including the names of dead or retired name was illegal or
thereto;cralawlawlibrary partners in a law firm's name."44 unethical.52ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
The use of a deceased partner's name in a law firm's name was
(c) Any abuse of or any unlawful interference III allowed upon the effectivity of the Code of Professional
with the processes or proceedings of a court Responsibility, with the requirement that "the firm indicates in all its
not constituting direct contempt under section Maintaining a disbarred lawyer's name in the firm name is different communications that said partner is deceased."53
1 of this Rule;cralawlawlibrary from using a deceased partner's name in the firm name. Canon 3,
Rule 3.02 allows the use of a deceased partner's name as long as On the other hand, this court has ruled that the use of the name of a
(d) Any improper conduct tending, directly or there is an indication that the partner is deceased. This ensures that person who is not authorized to practice law constitutes contempt of
indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or degrade the the public is not misled. On the other hand, the retention of a court.
administration of justice; disbarred lawyer's name in the firm name may mislead the public
into believing that the lawyer is still authorized to practice law. In San Luis v. Pineda, this court has held that "[n]eedless to say, [the]
(e) Assuming to be an attorney or an officer of practice of law by one who is disbarred constitutes contempt of
a court, and acting as such without authority; The use of a deceased partner's name in the firm name was the issue court."54United States v. Ney, et al. involved J. Garcia Bosque who
in the consolidated cases Petition for Authority to Continue Use of was denied admission to the bar because he chose to remain a
Spanish subject during the cession of the Philippines under the standing.ChanRoblesVirt against a lower court, he may be punished by a
Treaty of Paris.55 Bosque entered into an arrangement with Ney, a ualawlibrary fine not exceeding five thousand pesos or
practicing attorney, and established "Ney & Bosque."56 Bosque did The term "practice of law" implies customarily imprisonment not exceeding one (1) month, or
not personally appear in courts but the papers of their office were or habitually holding oneself out to the public both. If the contempt consists in the violation
signed "Ney and Bosque-C.W. Ney, Abogado."57 The matter was as a lawyer for compensation as a source of of a writ of injunction, temporary restraining
referred to the then Attorney-General, and contempt proceedings livelihood or in consideration of his services. order or status quoorder, he may also be
were instituted.58 At that time, Section 232 of the Code of Civil Holding one's self out as a lawyer may be ordered to make complete restitution to the
Procedure defined contempt of court as:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary shown by acts indicative of that purpose like party injured by such violation of the property
1. Disobedience of or resistance to a lawful identifying oneself as attorney, appearing in involved or such amount as may be alleged
writ, process, order, judgment, or command of court in representation of a client, or and proved.
a court, or injunction granted by a court or associating oneself as a partner of a law office
judge;cralawlawlibrary for the general practice of law. Such acts The writ of execution, as in ordinary civil
constitute unauthorized practice of law. actions, shall issue for the enforcement of a
2. Misbehavior of an officer of the court in the judgment imposing a fine unless the court
performance of his official duties or in his The lawyer's duty to prevent, or at the very otherwise provides. (Emphasis
official least not to assist in, the unauthorized practice supplied)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
transactions.59ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary of law is founded on public interest and policy. In view of Rule 71, Section 7, a fine of P30,000.00 each is imposed on
This court found that Atty. Ney was in contempt of court and held Public policy requires that the practice of law respondents Atty. Young and Atty. Magat.
that:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary be limited to those individuals found duly
Under the second subdivision of [Section 232], qualified in education and character. The IV
Bosque is obviously not answerable, inasmuch permissive right conferred on the lawyer is an
as he was not an officer of the court. On the individual and limited privilege subject to Respondent Atty. Gambol filed a separate Comment, explaining that
other hand, under this subdivision, the withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper he dropped respondent Re villa's name from the firm name in the
defendant Ney, as an admitted attorney, is standards of moral and professional conduct. pleadings that he filed in several courts. Respondent Atty. Gambol's
liable if his conduct amounted to misbehavior. The purpose is to protect the public, the court, explanation is supported by the allegations in the Comment filed by
We are of the opinion that it did. In the offense the client, and the bar from the incompetence respondents Atty. Young and Atty. Magat
of Bosque in holding himself out as a general or dishonesty of those unlicensed to practice stating:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
practitioner Ney participated, and for the law and not subject to the disciplinary control In fact, when co-Private Respondent Gambol,
improper signature of the pleadings he was of the Court. It devolves upon a lawyer to see initially cowed perhaps, by the same
chiefly and personally that this purpose is attained. Thus, the canons intimidation worked upon him by the
responsible.60ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary and ethics of the profession enjoin him not to Complainants' counsel in another case, asked
In Cambaliza v. Atty. Cristal-Tenorio,61 Atty. Ana Luz B. Cristal-Tenorio permit his professional services or his name to permission to delete [Anastacio E. Revilla's]
used a letterhead indicating that Felicisimo Tenorio, Jr. was a senior be used in aid of, or to make possible the name in the Young Law Firm's name in the
partner in the Cristal-Tenorio Law Office when, in fact, he was not a unauthorized practice of law by, any agency, pleadings that he (i.e. Private Respondent
lawyer.62 This court held that:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary personal or corporate. And, the law makes it a Gambol) would subsequently file, Respondent
A lawyer who allows a non-member of the Bar misbehavior on his part, subject to disciplinary Young allowed him to do
to misrepresent himself as a lawyer and to action, to aid a layman in the unauthorized so.64ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
practice law is guilty of violating Canon 9 and practice of law.63 (Citations This court recognizes respondent Atty. Gambol's effort to avoid
Rule 9.01 of the Code of Professional omitted)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary misleading the public by removing respondent Revilla's name in the
Responsibility, which read as From the time respondent Revilla was disbarred in 2009, it appears pleadings he filed. Thus, the Complaint against him is dismissed.
follows:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary that no efforts were exerted to remove his name from the firm name.
Canon 9 — A lawyer Thus, respondents Atty. Young and Atty. Magat are held liable for Petitioners included Revilla as a respondent, but they did not serve
shall not directly or contempt of court. copies of the Petition and subsequent pleadings upon him.
indirectly assist in the Respondent Revilla also did not receive a copy of this court's
unauthorized practice of Rule 71, Section 7 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides for Resolution requiring respondents to comment. Thus, this court shall
law. the imposable penalties for indirect refrain from ruling upon respondent Revilla's liability.
Rule 9.01 — A lawyer SEC. 7. Punishment for indirect contempt.—If
shall not delegate to any the respondent is adjudged guilty of indirect
unqualified person the contempt committed against a Regional Trial
With regard to respondent Judge Calo, petitioners pray that she be
performance of any task Court or a court of equivalent or higher rank,
cited in contempt for allowing respondent Atty. Young's appearance
which by law may only he may be punished by a fine not exceeding
as long as it was under the Young Law Firm. A photocopy of the
be performed by a thirty thousand pesos or imprisonment not
Order65 was attached to the Petition. A portion of Judge Calo's Order
member of the Bar in exceeding six (6) months, or both. If he is
good adjudged guilty of contempt committed
Although this court grants the appearance of after the available judicial remedies have been and
Atty. Walter Young for the Liquidator, his exhausted and the appellate tribunals have
appearance however shall be allowed only if in spoken with finality, that the door to an (c) the identity of the two preceding particulars,
the name of the Young Law Firm, managed by inquiry into his criminal, civil or administrative such that any judgment rendered in the other
the said counsel, and not under the name of liability may be said to have opened, or action will, regardless of which party is
the Law Firm of Young Revilla Gambol and closed.71 (Citation successful, amount to res judicata in the action
Magat. This is to avoid any misconception that omitted)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary under
a disbarred lawyer, Revilla, continues to Whether petitioners availed themselves of judicial remedies was not consideration.75ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
practice law.66ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary stated in their Petition. Nevertheless, this court cannot ignore the This court has explained that disbarment proceedings are sui generis,
Petitioners argue that respondent Judge Calo's Order is an indirect possible effect of respondent Judge Calo's Order. Thus, the and are not akin to civil or criminal cases.76 A disbarment proceeding
violation of "the proscription against the participation of ... disbarred Complaint against respondent Judge Calo shall be re-docketed as an "is intended to cleanse the ranks of the legal profession of its
lawyer[s]"67 in court. Further, the Young Law Firm does not exist.68 administrative matter. Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution undesirable members in order to protect the public and the
provides:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary courts."77
Respondent Judge Calo was required to file a Comment on the SECTION 11. . . . The Supreme Court en bane
Resolution69 dated February 24, 2014, but she did not comply. shall have the power to discipline judges of Also, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines' findings are
lower courts, or order their dismissal by a vote recommendatory, and the power to sanction erring members of the
From petitioners' allegations, it appears that respondent Judge Calo of a majority of the Members who actually bar lies with this court.78
committed an error in judgment when she allowed respondent Atty. took part in the deliberations on the issues in
Young's appearance under the Young Law Firm. However, this the case and voted As discussed by this court in Zaldivar v. Sandiganbayan:79
Petition to cite respondent Judge Calo in contempt is not the proper thereon.ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary The disciplinary authority of the Court over
remedy. Maylas, Jr. v. Judge Sese70discussed the remedies available Also, Rule 4, Section 3(a) of the Internal Rules of the Supreme members of the Bar is broader [than] the
to litigants as follows:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Court72 provides that the administrative functions of this court power to punish for contempt. Contempt of
[T]he law provides ample judicial remedies include "disciplinary and administrative matters involving justices, court may be committed both by lawyers and
against errors or irregularities being judges, and court personnel[.]" non-lawyers, both in and out of court.
committed by a Trial Court in the exercise of its Frequently, where the contemnor is a lawyer,
jurisdiction. The ordinary remedies against VI the contumacious conduct also constitutes
errors or irregularities which may be regarded professional misconduct which calls into play
as normal in nature (i.e., error in appreciation As to the allegation of forum shopping, petitioners do not deny that the disciplinary authority of the Supreme Court.
or admission of evidence, or in construction or they filed a Complaint for disbarment. They argue, however, that Where the respondent is a lawyer, however,
application of procedural or substantive law or they did not mention the disbarment proceedings against the Supreme Court's disciplinary authority over
legal principle) include a motion for respondents in view of Rule 139-B, Section 18 of the Rules of Court, lawyers may come into play whether or not
reconsideration (or after rendition of a which states that disbarment proceedings are private and the misconduct with which the respondent is
judgment or final order, a motion for new trial), confidential.73 In addition, a Petition for contempt under Rule 71 and charged also constitutes contempt of court.
and appeal. The extraordinary remedies a Complaint for disbarment are different from each other. The power to punish for contempt of court
against error or irregularities which may be does not exhaust the scope of disciplinary
deemed extraordinary in character (i.e., The filing of a Complaint for disbarment before the Integrated Bar of authority of the Court over lawyers. The
whimsical, capricious, despotic exercise of the Philippines and the filing of this Petition for contempt under Rule disciplinary authority of the Court over
power or neglect of duty, etc.) are inter alia 71 do not constitute forum shopping. Forum shopping has been members of the Bar is but corollary to the
the special civil actions of certiorari , defined as:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Court's exclusive power of admission to the
prohibition or mandamus, or a motion for when a party repetitively avails of several Bar. A lawyers [sic] is not merely a professional
inhibition, a petition for change of venue, as judicial remedies in different courts, but also an officer of the court and as such, he
the case may be. simultaneously or successively, all substantially is called upon to share in the task and
founded on the same transactions and the responsibility of dispensing justice and
Now, the established doctrine and policy is same essential facts and circumstances, and all resolving disputes in society. Any act on his
that disciplinary proceedings and criminal raising substantially the same issues either part which visibly tends to obstruct, pervert, or
actions against Judges are not complementary pending in or already resolved adversely by impede and degrade the administration of
or suppletory of, nor a substitute for, these some other justice constitutes both professional
judicial remedies, whether ordinary or court.74ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary misconduct calling for the exercise of
extraordinary. Resort to and exhaustion of The elements of forum shopping are:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary disciplinary action against him and
these judicial remedies, as well as the entry of (a) identity of parties, or at least such parties contumacious conduct warranting application
judgment in the corresponding action or as represent the same interests in both of the contempt power.80 (Citations
proceeding, are prerequisites for the taking of actions;cralawlawlibrary omitted)ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
other measures against the persons of the WHEREFORE, respondents Atty. Walter T. Young and Atty. Dan
judges concerned, whether of civil, (b) identity of rights asserted and relief prayed Reynald R. Magat are found in contempt of court for using a
administrative, or criminal nature. It is only for, the relief being founded on the same facts; disbarred lawyer's name in their firm name and are meted a fine of
P30,000.00 each.

The Complaint against Atty. Jovito Gambol is DISMISSED. This is

without prejudice to any disciplinary liabilities of respondents Atty.
Walter T. Young, Atty. Dan Reynald R. Magat, and Judge Ofelia L. Calo.

The counsels are ordered to make the necessary amendments in

relation to the use of the disbarred lawyer's name including changes
in their signage, notice of appearances, stationeries, and like material
within a period of five (5) days from receipt.

The Complaint against respondent Judge Ofelia L. Calo is also

ordered re-docketed as an administrative matter.

Let a copy of this Resolution be furnished the Office of the Bar

Confidant, to be appended to private respondents' personal records
as attorneys, to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and to the
Office of the Court Administrator for their information and guidance.

PATRICK A. CARONAN, Complainant, v. RICHARD A. CARONAN A.K.A. family to support.17chanrobleslaw identity can no longer be raised as an issue as it had already been
"ATTY. PATRICK A. CARONAN," Respondent. resolved in CBD Case No. 09-2362 where the IBP Board of Governors
Sometime in May 2009, however, after his promotion as Store dismissed30 the administrative case31 filed by Agtarap against him,
Manager, complainant was ordered to report to the head office of and which case had already been declared closed and terminated by
PSC in Mandaluyong City where, upon arrival, he was informed that this Court in A.C. No. 10074.32 Moreover, according to him,
the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) was requesting his complainant is being used by Reyes and her spouse, Brigadier
For the Court's resolution is the Complaint-Affidavit1 filed by presence at its office in Taft Avenue, Manila, in relation to an General Joselito M. Reyes, to humiliate, disgrace, malign, discredit,
complainant Patrick A. Caronan (complainant), before the investigation involving respondent who, at that point, was using the and harass him because he filed several administrative and criminal
Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) of the Integrated Bar of the najne "Atty. Patrick A. Caronan."18 Accordingly, on May 18, 2009, complaints against them before the Ombudsman.33chanrobleslaw
Philippines (IBP), against respondent "Atty. Patrick A. Caronan," complainant appeared before the Anti-Fraud and Computer Crimes
whose real name is allegedly Richard A. Caronan (respondent), for Division of the NBI where he was interviewed and asked to identify On March 9, 2015, the IBP-CBD conducted the scheduled mandatory
purportedly assuming complainant's identity and falsely representing documents including: (1) his and respondent's high school records; (2) conference where both parties failed to appear.34 Instead,
that the former has the required educational qualifications to take his transcript of records from the University of Makati; (3) Land respondent moved to reset the same on April 20, 2015.35 On such
the Bar Examinations and be admitted to the practice of law. Transportation Office's records showing his and respondent's driver's date, however, both parties again failed to appear, thereby
licenses; (4) records from St. Mary's University showing that prompting the IBP-CBD to issue an Order36 directing them to file their
The Facts complainant's transcript of records from the University of Makati and respective position papers. However, neither of the parties
his Birth Certificate were submitted to St. Mary's University's College submitted any.37chanrobleslaw
Complainant and respondent are siblings born to Porferio2 R. of Law; and (5) Alumni Book of St. Mary's University showing
Caronan, Jr. and Norma A. Caronan. Respondent is the older of the respondent's photograph under the name "Patrick A. The IBP's Report and Recommendation
two, having been born on February 7, 1975, while complainant was Caronan."19 Complainant later learned that the reason why he was
born on August 5, 1976.3 Both of them completed their secondary invited by the NBI was because of respondent's involvement in a case On June 15, 2015, IBP Investigating Commissioner Jose Villanueva
education at the Makati High School where complainant graduated for qualified theft and estafa filed by Mr. Joseph G. Agtarap (Agtarap), Cabrera (Investigating Commissioner) issued his Report and
in 19934 and respondent in 1991.5 Upon his graduation, complainant who was one of the principal sponsors at respondent's Recommendation,38 finding respondent guilty of illegally and falsely
enrolled at the University of Makati where he obtained a degree in wedding.20chanrobleslaw assuming complainant's name, identity, and academic records.39 He
Business Administration in 1997.6 He started working thereafter as a observed that respondent failed to controvert all the allegations
Sales Associate for Philippine Seven Corporation (PSC), the operator Realizing that respondent had been using his name to perpetrate against him and did not present any proof to prove his identity.40 On
of 7-11 Convenience Stores.7 In 2001, he married Myrna G. Tagpis crimes and commit unlawful activities, complainant took it upon the other hand, complainant presented clear and overwhelming
with whom he has two (2) daughters.8Through the years, himself to inform other people that he is the real "Patrick A. evidence that he is the real "Patrick A. Caronan."41chanrobleslaw
complainant rose from the ranks until, in 2009, he was promoted as Caronan" and that respondent's real name is Richard A.
a Store Manager of the 7-11 Store in Muntinlupa.9chanrobleslaw Caronan.21 However, problems relating to respondent's use of the Further, he noted that respondent admitted that he and complainant
name "Atty. Patrick A. Caronan" continued to hound him. In July are siblings when he disclosed upon his arrest on August 31, 2012
Meanwhile, upon graduating from high school, respondent enrolled 2013, PSC received a letter from Quasha Ancheta Pena & Nolasco that: (a) his parents are Porferio Ramos Caronan and Norma Atillo;
at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM), where he stayed Law Offices requesting that they be furnished with complainant's and (b) he is married to Rosana Halili-Caronan.42 However, based on
for one (1) year before transferring to the Philippine Military contact details or, in the alternative, schedule a meeting with him to the Marriage Certificate issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO),
Academy (PMA) in 1992.10 In 1993, he was discharged from the PMA discuss certain matters concerning respondent.22 On the other hand, "Patrick A. Caronan" is married to a certain "Myrna G. Tagpis," not to
and focused on helping their father in the family's car rental business. a fellow church-member had also told him that respondent who, Rosana Halili-Caronan.43chanrobleslaw
In 1997, he moved to Nueva Vizcaya with his wife, Rosana, and their using the name "Atty. Patrick A. Caronan," almost victimized his
three (3) children.11 Since then, respondent never went back to (church-member's) relatives.23 Complainant also received a phone The Investigating Commissioner also drew attention to the fact
school to earn a college degree.12chanrobleslaw call from a certain Mrs. Loyda L. Reyes (Reyes), who narrated how that .the photograph taken of respondent when he was arrested as
respondent tricked her into believing that he was authorized to sell a "Richard A. Caronan" on August 16, 2012 shows the same person as
In 1999, during a visit to his family in Metro Manila, respondent told parcel of land in Taguig City when in fact, he was not.24 Further, he the one in the photograph in the IBP records of "Atty. Patrick A.
complainant that the former had enrolled in a law school in Nueva learned that respondent was arrested for gun-running activities, Caronan."44 These, according to the Investigating Commissioner,
Vizcaya.13 Subsequently, in 2004, their mother informed complainant illegal possession of explosives, and violation of Batas Pambansa show that respondent indeed assumed complainant's identity to
that respondent passed the Bar Examinations and that he used Bilang (BP) 22.25cralawredchanrobleslaw study law and take the Bar Examinations.45 Since respondent falsely
complainant's name and college records from the University of assumed the name, identity, and academic records of complainant
Makati to enroll at St. Mary's University's College of Law in Due to the controversies involving respondent's use of the name and the real "Patrick A. Caronan" neither obtained the bachelor of
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya and take the Bar "Patrick A. Caronan," complainant developed a fear for his own laws degree nor took the Bar Exams, the Investigating Commissioner
Examinations.14 Complainant brushed these aside as he did not safety and security.26 He also became the subject of conversations recommended that the name "Patrick A. Caronan" with Roll of
anticipate any adverse consequences to him.15chanrobleslaw among his colleagues, which eventually forced him to resign from his Attorneys No. 49069 be dropped and stricken off the Roll of
job at PSC.27 Hence, complainant filed the present Attorneys.46 He also recommended that respondent and the name
In 2006, complainant was able to confirm respondent's use of his Complaint-Affidavit to stop respondent's alleged use of the former's "Richard A. Caronan" be barred from being admitted as a member of
name and identity when he saw the name "Patrick A. Caronan" on name and identity, and illegal practice of law.28chanrobleslaw the Bar; and finally, for making a mockery of the judicial institution,
the Certificate of Admission to the Bar displayed at the latter's office the IBP was directed to institute appropriate actions against
in Taguig City.16 Nevertheless, complainant did not confront In his Answer,29 respondent denied all the allegations against him respondent.47chanrobleslaw
respondent about it since he was pre-occupied with his job and had a arid invoked res judicata as a defense. He maintained that his
On June 30, 2015, the IBP Board of Governors issued Resolution No. Section 6. Pre-Law. - No applicant for lawyers.61 This is imperative in the nature of the office of a lawyer,
XXI-2015-607,48 adopting the Investigating Commissioner's admission to the bar examination shall be the trust relation which exists between him and his client, as well as
recommendation. admitted unless he presents a certificate that between him and the court.62chanrobleslaw
he has satisfied the Secretary of Education
The Issues Before the Court that, before he began the study of law, he had Finally, respondent made a mockery of the legal profession by
pursued and satisfactorily completed in an pretending to have the necessary qualifications to be a lawyer. He
The issues in this case are whether or not the IBP erred in ordering authorized and recognized university or also tarnished the image of lawyers with his alleged unscrupulous
that: (a) the name "Patrick A. Caronan" be stricken off the Roll of college, requiring for admission thereto the activities, which resulted in the filing of several criminal cases against
Attorneys; and (b) the name "Richard A. Caronan" be barred from completion of a four-year high school him. Certainly, respondent and his acts do not have a place in the
being admitted to the Bar. course, the course of study prescribed therein legal profession where one of the primary duties of its members is to
for a bachelor's degree in arts or sciences with uphold its integrity and dignity.63chanrobleslaw
any of the following subject as major or field of
The Court's Ruling
concentration: political science, logic, english, WHEREFORE, respondent Richard A. Caronan a.k.a. "Atty. Patrick A.
Spanish, history, and economics. (Emphases Caronan" (respondent) is found GUILTY of falsely assuming the name,
After a thorough evaluation of the records, the Court finds no cogent
supplied) identity, and academic records of complainant Patrick A. Caronan
reason to disturb the findings and recommendations of the IBP.
(complainant) to obtain a law degree and take the Bar Examinations.
In the case at hand, respondent never completed his college degree. Accordingly, without prejudice to the filing of appropriate civil
As correctly observed by the IBP, complainant has established by
While he enrolled at the PLM in 1991, he left a year later and and/or criminal cases, the Court hereby resolves that:
clear and overwhelming evidence that he is the real "Patrick A.
entered the PMA where he was discharged in 1993 without
Caronan" and that respondent, whose real name is Richard A.
graduating.56Clearly, respondent has not completed the requisite chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Caronan, merely assumed the latter's name, identity, and academic
pre-law degree. (1) the name "Patrick A. Caronan" with Roll of
records to enroll at the St. Mary's University's College of Law, obtain
Attorneys No. 49069 is
a law degree, and take the Bar Examinations.
The Court does not discount the possibility that respondent may ordered DROPPEDand STRICKEN OFF the Roll
later on complete his college education and earn a law degree under of Attorneys;
As pointed out by the IBP, respondent admitted that he and
his real name. However, his false assumption of his brother's name,
complainant are siblings when he disclosed upon his arrest on August
identity, and educational records renders him unfit for admission to (2) respondent is PROHIBITED from engaging
31, 2012 that his parents are Porferio Ramos Caronan and Norma
the Bar. The practice of law, after all, is not a natural, absolute or in the practice of law or making any
Atillo.49Respondent himself also stated that he is married to Rosana
constitutional right to be granted to everyone who demands representations as a lawyer;
Halili-Caronan.50 This diverges from the official NSO records showing
it.57 Rather, it is a privilege limited to citizens of good moral
that "Patrick A. Caronan" is married to Myrna G. Tagpis, not to
character.58 In In the Matter of the Disqualification of Bar Examinee (3) respondent is BARRED from being admitted
Rosana Halili-Caronan.51 Moreover, the photograph taken of
Haron S. Meling in the 2002 Bar Examinations and for Disciplinary as a member of the Philippine Bar in the future;
respondent when he was arrested as "Richard A. Caronan" on August
Action as Member of the Philippine Shari'a Bar, Atty. Froilan R.
16, 2012 shows the same person as the one in the photograph in the
Melendrez,59 the Court explained the essence of good moral (4) the Identification Cards issued by the
IBP records of "Atty. Patrick A. Caronan."52 Meanwhile, complainant
character: Integrated Bar of the Philippines to respondent
submitted numerous documents showing that he is the real "Patrick
under the name "Atty. Patrick A. Caronan" and
A. Caronan," among which are: (a) his transcript of records from the
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
University of Makati bearing his photograph;53 (b) a copy of his high
Good moral character is what a person really is, Certificates issued in such name
school yearbook with his photograph and the name "Patrick A.
as distinguished from good reputation or from are CANCELLED and/or REVOKED;
Caronan" under it;54 and (c) NBI clearances obtained in 2010 and
the opinion generally entertained of him, the and cralawlawlibrary
estimate in which . he is held by the public in
the place where he is known. Moral character (5) the Office of the Court Administrator is
To the Court's mind, the foregoing indubitably confirm that
is not a subjective term but one which ordered to CIRCULATE notices and POST in the
respondent falsely used complainant's name, identity, and school
corresponds to objective reality. The standard bulletin boards of all courts of the country a
records to gain admission to the Bar. Since complainant - the real
of personal and professional integrity is not photograph of respondent with his real name,
"Patrick A. Caronan" - never took the Bar Examinations, the IBP
satisfied by such conduct as it merely enables a " Richard A. Caronan," with a warning that he
correctly recommended that the name "Patrick A. Caronan" be
person to escape the penalty of criminal is not a member of the Philippine Bar and a
stricken off the Roll of Attorneys.
law. Good moral character includes at least statement of his false assumption of the name
common honesty.[60] (Emphasis supplied) and identity of "Patrick A. Caronan."
The IBP was also correct in ordering that respondent, whose real
name is "Richard A. Caronan," be barred from admission to the Bar.
Here, respondent exhibited his dishonesty and utter lack of moral Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the Office of the Bar
Under Section 6, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, no applicant for
fitness to be a member of the Bar when he assumed the name, Confidant, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the Office of the
admission to the Bar Examination shall be admitted unless he had
identity, and school records of his own brother and dragged the Court Administrator.
pursued and satisfactorily completed a pre-law course, viz.:
latter into controversies which eventually caused him to fear for his
safety and to resign from PSC where he had been working for years. SO ORDERED.chanRoblesvirt
Good moral character is essential in those who would be
INTERADENT ZAHNTECHNIK PHILIPPINES, INC., BERNARDINO G. handling sensitive information. She was preventively suspended for trust and confidence was based on self-serving allegations and mere
BANTEGUI, JR. AND SONIA J. GRANDEA, Petitioners, v. REBECCA F. seven days effective July 29, 2010 to August 6, 2010. speculation. She averred that the Facebook entry cannot support the
SIMBILLO, Respondent. charge of breach of trust since it did not mention Interadent or any
of its personnel. She maintained that the message actually pertained
On the following day, Simbillo, through counsel, wrote a
to a friend's predicament in another company. She explained that
DECISION reply-letter10 arguing that she was already constructively dismissed
the term "ng mga b_i_r_" in the Facebook message was short for
even prior to her receipt of the Notice to Explain considering the
“bwitre" and certainly did not refer to the BIR. She claimed that the
discriminatory acts committed by petitioners starting July 23, 2010
DEL CASTILLO, J.: sentiments that she expressed did not refer to herself or her work.
when certain security procedures were directed exclusively and
She denied having been penalized for a past infraction which
solely against her. Simbillo claimed that the Notice to Explain was
This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails the January 4, 2013 involved disclosure of confidential information.
defective and was only used to disguise the intent to dismiss her;
Decision2 and May 24, 2013 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) hence there was no need for her to submit an answer or attend the
in CA G.R SP No. 120474, which set aside the March 24, 20114and hearing. Simbillo further asserted that she committed no violation of Petitioners, for their part, denied Simbillo's claim of constructive
May 19, 20115 Resolutions of the National Labor Relations any rule or law relative to the message she posted on her personal dismissal for absence of proof. They asserted that the security
Commission (NLRC) in NLRC LAC No. 12-003076-10. The NLRC and private Facebook account that would justify any disciplinary measures were implemented company-wide without favoring or
affirmed the October 29, 2010 Decision6 of the Labor Arbiter action. discriminating against anyone.
declaring respondent Rebecca F. Simbillo's (Simbillo) dismissal by
petitioners Interadent Zahntechnik Philippines, Inc. (Interadent) and
In a letter11 dated August 6, 2010, petitioners extended Simbillo's Moreover, Simbillo was terminated for a valid and just cause and
its officers Bernardino G. Bantegui, Jr. (Bantegui) and Sonia J.
suspension up to August 25, 2010 in view of her failure to submit a with compliance with procedural due process. As a managerial and
Grandea (Grandea), as President and Human Resource &
written explanation and to attend the scheduled hearing. In a confidential employee of Interadent, the highest degree of
Organizational Development Manager, respectively, valid on the
reply-letter12 dated August 9, 2010, Simbillo reiterated her claim of professionalism and confidentiality was expected of Simbillo and the
ground of loss of trust and confidence.
constructive dismissal and that there was no need for her to answer presence of the basis for the loss of the trust and confidence reposed
and attend the hearing. upon her has warranted her dismissal. Petitioners posited that
Antecedent Facts Simbillo's Facebook message implying that the BIR is "feasting on"
the company was derogatory because it compromised the company's
On August 9, 2010, Simbillo filed with the Labor Arbiter a
Simbillo worked at Interadent as a rank-and-file employee from May reputation, making it vulnerable to ridicule and suspicion particularly
Complaint13 for constructive illegal dismissal, non-payment of service
2, 2004 up to March 2006. In April 2008, she was rehired by in its dealings with government agencies. Such act violated the
incentive leave pay, 13th month pay, illegal suspension, claims for
Interadent as Accounting Manager. On April 16, 2010, she was company's Code of Conduct as well as the Code of Ethics for
moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees against
promoted to the position of Finance and Accounting Manager. She Professional Accountants. Furthermore, Simbillo's second infraction
was also Interadent’s Treasurer upon being elected by the Board of of divulging sensitive and confidential financial information has
Directors on March 31, 2010. merited the penalty of termination.
On August 24, 2010, petitioners issued a Second Notice14 informing
Simbillo of her termination from service effective August 25, 2010 on
On July 23, 2010, Interadent sought a company-wide implementation Petitioners maintained that they observed due process by serving
the ground of loss of trust and confidence. Petitioners found Simbillo
of the following security measures: body frisking and bag/personal Simbillo both the Notice to Explain and the Second Notice of
to have disclosed sensitive and confidential information when she
items inspection of all employees upon ingress and egress of office, Termination. Simbillo was afforded the opportunity to answer but
posted on her Facebook account on July 15, 2010, the
disconnection of all USB ports and prohibition of cellular phone instead waived her chance to do so by opting not to submit an
following: ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
usage.7 The immediate implementation of these security procedures answer and attend the hearing.
was brought about by an alleged leakage of security information
Sana maisip din nila na ang kompanya
uncovered by Interadent's external auditors. Ruling of the Labor Arbiter
kailangan ng mga taong di tulad nila,
nagtatrabaho at di puro #$,*% ang
On July 28, 2010, upon the directive of Bantegui, all network and pinaggagagawa, na kapag super demotivated In a Decision16 dated October 29, 2010, the Labor Arbiter ruled that
internet connections in Interadent's Accounting Department were na yung tao nayun baka iwan narin nya ang Simbillo was not constructively dismissed because she failed to prove
removed and disabled. Simbillo's electronic mail (email) account was kawawang kumpanya na pinagpepyestahan ng her claim of discrimination. The security measures were
likewise suspended.8 mga b_i_r_. Wala na ngang credibility wala implemented as part of management prerogative to preserve the
pang conscience, portraying so respectable integrity of Interadent's network system and encompassed all
On July 29, 2010, petitioners served Simbillo a Memorandum9(Notice and so religious pa. Hay naku talaga, employees as gleaned from a poster17 Simbillo herself submitted.
to Explain) requiring her to submit a written explanation and to nakakasuka, puro nalang animus lucrandi ang The Labor Arbiter sustained Simbillo's preventive suspension since
attend an administrative hearing on August 2, 2010, regarding a laman ng isip.15 her continued presence during investigation posed an imminent
message she posted on her Facebook account "referring to company threat to the company's confidential information and records.
concerns with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and insulting Parties' Respective Positions
statements against a co-worker." In the Notice to Explain, Simbillo The Labor Arbiter also ruled that Simbillo was validly dismissed. He
was reminded that as Treasurer, as well as Finance and Accounting held that there was no need for an actual leakage of confidential
Simbillo asserted that her dismissal was without just cause or
Manager, he should observe the highest degree of confidentiality in information for Simbillo to be held accountable; her mere laxity and
compliance with procedural due process since the alleged loss of
carelessness in posting a statement on her Facebook account that WHEREFORE, the instant petition of GRANTED. well-settled is the rule that for want of substantial basis, in fact or in
exposed the company to ridicule already rendered her unworthy of The Resolutions dated March 24, 2011 and law, these factual findings cannot be given the stamp of finality and
the trust and confidence reposed on her. The dispositive portion of May 19, 2011 of the National Labor Relations conclusiveness normally accorded to it.32 Hence, the CA can review
the Decision reads: ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary Commission, are hereby SET ASIDE. Finding the factual findings or legal conclusions of the NLRC and "is not
private respondent InteraDent Zahntechnik proscribed from 'examining evidence anew to determine whether
Philippines, Inc. to have dismissed petitioner the factual findings of the NLRC are supported by the evidence
WHEREFORE, premises considered, we uphold
Rebecca Simbillo without valid or just cause, presented and the conclusions derived therefrom accurately
the legality of the dismissal of complainant No
InteraDent is hereby ordered to pay her a ascertained'."33 In the exercise of its power to review decisions of the
pronouncement as to costs.18
separation pay in lieu of reinstatement, of one NLRC, the CA can make its own factual determination when it finds
(1) month salary for every year of service plus that the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in overlooking or
Ruling of the National Labor Relations Commission full backwages, inclusive of allowances and disregarding the evidence which are material to the controversy.34 In
other benefits or their monetary equivalent the instant case, the Court agrees with the CA that the conclusions
In a Resolution19 dated March 24, 2011, the NLRC affirmed the ruling from the time her compensation was withheld arrived at by the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC are manifestly
of the Labor Arbiter that Simbillo was not constructively dismissed until finality of this decision. erroneous because the evidence does not support their findings.
but was validly dismissed for loss of trust and confidence. The NLRC
held that the Facebook entry was "indeed alarming" as it SO ORDERED.25cralawred As a managerial employee, the existence of a basis for believing that
compromised Interadent's reputation and was sufficient basis for the Simbillo has breached the trust of petitioners justifies her
finding of willful breach of trust. It also ruled that Simbillo was not dismissal.35 However, to be a valid ground, loss of trust and
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration but was denied by the
denied due process and that she was the one who did not avail confidence must be based on willful breach of trust, that is, done
CA in its Resolution26 dated May 24, 2013.
herself of the opportunity to explain her side. The dispositive portion intentionally, knowingly and purposely, without justifiable excuse, as
of the NLRC ruling reads as follows: ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary distinguished from an act done carelessly, thoughtlessly, heedlessly,
Hence, petitioners filed this Petition for Review on Certiorari27 and a or inadvertently.36
Motion for Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal
Preliminary Injunction28 to restrain the implementation of the CA
is hereby DISMISSED, and the appealed It bears emphasizing that the right of an
Decision and Resolution.
decision AFFIRMED. employer to dismiss its employees on the
ground of loss of trust and confidence must
Issues not be exercised arbitrarily. For loss of trust
and confidence to be a va1id ground for
Petitioners raise the question on whether the CA may reverse the dismissal, it must be substantial and founded
Simbillo filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was, however, on clearly established facts. Loss of confidence
factual declarations of both the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC that
denied in the NLRC Resolution21 dated May 19, 2011. must not be used as a subterfuge for causes
there was substantial evidence of willful and intentional breach of
trust. According to petitioners, the CA has no power to revisit the which are improper, illegal or unjustified; it
Ruling of the Court of Appeals findings of fact of the NLRC by making the following erroneous must be genuine, not a mere afterthought, to
interpretations in its Decision: a) that the Facebook entry "does not justify earlier action taken in bad faith.
contain any corporate record or confidential information;" b) that Because of its subjective nature, this Court has
Aggrieved, Simbillo filed a Petition for Certiorari22 before the CA been very scrutinizing in cases of dismissal
ascribing upon the NLRC grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack the entry is "[a]t worst, x x x a vague expression of feelings or opinion
towards a person or entity, which was not even identified with based on loss of trust and confidence because
or in excess of jurisdiction in upholding the legality of her dismissal. the same can easily be concocted by an
certainty;"29 and (c) that the term "b_i_r_" "does not, in any way,
represent the acronym 'B.I.R.' or Bureau of Internal Revenue."30 In abusive employer. x x 37
The CA, in a Decision23 dated January 4, 2013, found merit in essence, they insist that, on account of such Facebook post, Simbillo
Simbillo's Petition. It ruled that to constitute a valid cause for has failed to observe the degree of cautiousness expected of a In this case, the act alleged to have caused the loss of trust and
dismissal, the breach of trust should be willful and intentional, which manager like herself and therefore may be dismissed on the ground confidence of petitioners in Simbillo was her Facebook post which
petitioners failed to prove in this case. It rejected petitioners' of loss of trust and confidence. supposedly suggests that Interadent was being "feasted on" by the
allegation that Simbillo divulged confidential company information. It BIR and also contains insulting statements against a co-worker and
noted that the Facebook entry did not contain any corporate record hence has compromised the reputation of the company. According
or confidential information but was merely "a vague expression of Our Ruling
to petitioners, there was disclosure of confidential information that
feelings or opinion towards a person or entity, which was not even gives the impression that Interadent is under investigation by the BIR
identified with certainty."24 It pointed out that the term "b_i_r_" in The Petition lacks merit. for irregular transactions. However, we agree with the CA's
the entry cannot be construed as the acronym “B.I.R." or the Bureau observation that the Facebook entry did not contain any corporate
of Internal Revenue. Finding no willful breach of trust, the CA held record or any confidential information. Otherwise stated, there was
As a rule, factual findings of quasi-judicial agencies such as the NLRC
that Simbillo's dismissal was illegal and ordered the payment of her really no actual leakage of information. No company information or
are generally accorded not only respect but also finality because of
separation pay in lieu of reinstatement due to strained relations of corporate record was divulged by Simbillo.
the special knowledge and expertise gained by these agencies from
the parties plus backwages. The dispositive portion of the CA
handling matters under their specialized jurisdiction.31 However,
Decision reads: ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Simbillo's failure to substantiate her claim that the Facebook entry SO ORDERED.
was posted for a friend who consulted her on a predicament she has
with her company and that the term "b_i_r_" represents ''bwitre"
will not weaken her case against petitioners. It must be emphasized
at this point that in illegal dismissal cases, the burden of proof is
upon the employer to show that the employee's dismissal was for a
valid cause.38''The employer's case succeeds or fails on the strength
of its evidence and not on the weakness of that adduced by the
employee, in keeping with the principle that the scales of justice
should be tilted in favor of the latter in case of doubt in the evidence
presented by them."39 The Facebook entry did not mention any
specific name of employer/company/ government agency or person.
Contrary to petitioners' insistence, the intended subject matter was
not clearly identifiable. As acknowledged by petitioners themselves,
Simbillo's Facebook account contained a list of her former and
present employers. If anything, the entry would merely merit some
suspicion on the part of Interadent being the present employer, but
it would be far-fetched to conclude that Interadent may be involved
in anomalous transactions with the BIR. Clearly, petitioners' theory
was based on mere speculations.

If at all, Simbillo can only be said to have acted "carelessly,

thoughtlessly, heedlessly or inadvertently'' in making such a
comment on Facebook; however, such would not amount to loss of
trust and confidence as to justify the termination of her employment.
When the breach of trust or loss of confidence conjectured upon is
not borne by clearly established facts, as in this case, such dismissal
on the ground of loss of trust and confidence cannot be upheld.

Petitioners' contention that Simbillo's second offense of divulging

confidential company information merits her termination deserves
scant consideration. Other than self-serving allegations of petitioners,
there was no concrete proof that Simbillo had a past infraction
involving disclosure of confidential information of the company. If
indeed Simbillo has been found guilty for not being trustworthy due
to an incident that happened in July 2009 as alleged by petitioners,
she should not have been promoted to a higher position as Finance
and Accounting Manager in April 2010 and elected as Treasurer in
March 2010. Moreover, she was given salary and merit increases for
the period covering June 2009-May 2010,40 which is an indication of
her high performance rating.

All told, we find no reversible error on the CA in finding that Simbillo

was illegally dismissed. The allegation of loss of trust and confidence
was not supported by substantial evidence, hence, we find Simbillo's
dismissal unjustified. A lighter penalty would have sufficed for
Simbillo's laxity and carelessness. As this Court has held, termination
of employment is a drastic measure reserved for the most serious of

WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The January 4, 2013 Decision

and May 24, 2013 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
No. 120474 are AFFIRMED.

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