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Exercise for Tele-Class

We looked at a quest satisfaction questionnaire.

Several people were asked.
Information about socio demographic variables:

Age: 25.3% are between 54-45,

21.1% are between 35-44,
19.3% between 55-64,
9.6% didn’t answer.
7.8% are 25-34,
7.8 % between 65-74,
6.6% are below 25,
2.4 % are 75 and above.

Gender: 57.2% people are male, 34.9% are female, 7.8 % didn´t answer
Nation: 25.3% are from Germany, 14.5% from Great Britain, 9.6% are from Austria,
9% from Canada, 7.8% America, 6% from the Netherlands, 2.4 % from
Switzerland and Sweden…. And many others but the percentage is too low.

1st stay -new Customers: 47.6 % of the people

>1st stay Loyal Customers: 41.6% of the people
No answer: 10.8% of the people

The number of new customers is quite similar to the number of existing customers but the
number of new ones is a little bit higher. It is quite easy to interpret it because the missing
system rate is low.

Number of children: 1 --> 4.2 %

2 --> 13.3 %
3 --> 3.0 %
4 --> 0.6 %
7 --> 0.6 %
No answer --> 87.3 %

Most of the asked people have two children. But the number of responses is very low, because
87.3% didn´t answer. A very small number of respondents have 7 children. The responses are
difficult to interpret because more than the half didn´t answer the question.

Person with whom respondent travelled:

On their own: 6.6 %
With family and children: 32.5%
In a tour group: 9.6 %
With partner: 20.5%
With friends /colleagues: 12.0%
Other: 8.4 %
No answer: 10.2 %
Most of the asked people travelled with a partner, followed by travelling with family and
children and travelling with friends and colleagues. The lowest response comes from
travelling on their own. Again a quite low % of people didn´t answers.

Mean (Durchschnitt):
Age: 3.84
The average value of the asked people is between the ages of 45-54 followed by 35-44.
Number of children: 2.14
The average number of respondents’ children is about 2.14 considering that more than 87.3%
didn´t even answer.
Numbers of stays: 5.23
The average number of stays is 5.23.

Median (Wert in der Mitte):

Age: 4.00
Listing up all ages of the participants “45-54” years is in the middle.
Number of children: 2.00
Listing up all answers about number of children of the participants “2” is in the middle.
Numbers of stays: 4
All answers listed up 4 nights were in the middle.

Mode(kommt am häufigsten vor):

Age: 4
Most of the asked people are between the ages of 45-45 years old.
Nation: 2
The asked people mostly come from Germany.
Number of children: 2
Most of the asked people have 2 children.
Numbers of stays: 3
Most of the asked people stay 3 days.
Person with whom respondent travelled: 2
Most of the time the respondents travelled with family and children.

The asked people were all “very satisfied” with the listed factors:
Friendliness of staff at reservation: 1
Finding the hotel: 1
First impression of hotel: 1
Friendliness of staff at reception: 1
Size room: 1
Ambience / interior of room: 1
Cleanliness of room: 1
Bathroom: 1
Room-service: 1
Atmosphere in breakfast-room: 1
Breakfast – buffet: 1
Friendliness of staff at breakfast: 1
Overall service of breakfast: 1
Atmosphere in restaurant: 1
Set dishes: 1
Quality of food: 1
Drinks in restaurant: 1
Friendliness of service in restaurant: 1
Overall service in restaurant: 1
Offer of leisure/ spa areas: 1
Cleanliness of leisure / spa area 1
Information of leisure/ spa program: 1
Entertainment factor of leisure/ spa program: 1
Overall satisfaction: 1
Chance of visiting the hotel again 1
Chance of recommending the hotel 1

The people were “rather satisfied” with the following:

Satisfaction with price-level 2
Value- for- money restaurant: 2

To the question “Considering my expectation the hotel was” the people answered with exactly
what I expected.
Considering my expectations the hotel was 3

Standard deviation:
Age: 1.424
The standard deviation of age is 1.424 which means below 25 which is really high, because
most of the people are between the ages of 45-54.
Number of children: 1.073
Concerning the number of children the answers are quite the same with 1.073. Most of the
people answered with “2” children, therefore the standard diviation is low.
Number of stays: 4.582
The standard deviation of the number of stays is 4.582 which mean it is quite high because the
minimum stay was 1 day and the maximum 20 days and the mean was 5.23.

Age: 25% are 3
50% are 4
75% are 5
25% of the asked people are between 35-44. 50% are between 45-54 and 75% are between
55-64. Considered that 16 people didn´t answer.

Number of children: 25% are 2

50% are 2
75% are 2
25%, 50% and 75% have 2 children which means that everybody has 2 children if we
consider the 130 missing people.
Number of stays: 25% are 2
50% are 4
75% are 6

25% of the people stay for 2 days, 50% stay for 4 days and 75% stay for 6 days.
But we need to consider that 101 people didn´t even answer.

Confidence interval:
All satisfaction variables:
Friendliness of staff at reservation: lower bound: 1.07 upper bound:1.57
Finding the hotel: lower bound: 1.03 upper bound:1.60
First impression of hotel: lower bound: 1.14 upper bound:1.86
Friendliness of staff at reception: lower bound: 0.98 upper bound:1.29
Size room: lower bound: 1.37 upper bound:2.26
Ambience / interior of room: lower bound: 1.34 upper bound:2.03
Cleanliness of room: lower bound: 0.98 upper bound:1.29
Bathroom: lower bound: 1.20 upper bound:1.80
Room-service: lower bound: 1.04 upper bound:1.42
Atmosphere in breakfast-room: lower bound: 1.19 upper bound:1.72
Breakfast – buffet: lower bound:1.19 upper bound:1.63
Friendliness of staff at breakfast: lower bound: 1.07 upper bound:1.47
Overall service of breakfast: lower bound: 1.11 upper bound:1.53
Atmosphere in restaurant: lower bound: 1.15 upper bound:1.67
Set dishes: lower bound: 1.23 upper bound:1.68
Quality of food: lower bound: 1.11 upper bound: 1.62
Drinks in restaurant: lower bound: 1.19 upper bound: 1.63
Friendliness of service in restaurant: lower bound: 1.04 upper bound:1.42
Overall service in restaurant: lower bound: 1.11 upper bound:.1.53
Value-for-money in restaurant: lower bound: 1.80 upper bound: 2.56
Offer of leisure/ spa areas: lower bound: 1.63 upper bound:2.27
Cleanliness of leisure / spa area lower bound: 1.27 upper bound:1.92
Information of leisure/ spa program: lower bound: 1.36 upper bound:2.09
Entertainment factor of leisure/ spa program: lower bound: 1.61 upper bound: 2.30
Overall satisfaction: lower bound: 1.51 upper bound: 2.40
Satisfaction with price-level: lower bound: 2.56 upper bound: 3.80
Chance of visiting the hotel again lower bound: 1.44 upper bound: 2.11
Chance of recommending the hotel lower bound:1.20 upper bound:1.80

95% of the whole population is very satisfied with the services. Just with the Size room
Ambience / interior of room,Value for money, Offer of leisure/ spa areas, Information of
leisure/ spa program, Entertainment factor of leisure/ spa program, Overall satisfaction,
Chance of visiting the hotel again, they are “rather satisfied”. For the Satisfaction with price-
level they were “neither/nor satisfied”.
Population mean:
The number of stays
The population mean for the number of stays is between 4 and 6 stays when considering that
more than a half (60.8%) is missing. This means that the information is not significant
because only 39.2% were answered.

  Check whether male or females stayed more often in the hotel (--> Analyze + descriptive
statistics + crosstabs + row ( # of stays) + columns (gender) + ok

In total there were 63 people 46 were male and 17 female.

 Create a multiple-response-table for the variables personal recommendation, tourist info,

internet, by-chance, flyer, travel-agent and other (question was: how did you get aware of the
hotel?) --> Analyze + multiple response + define variable sets + awareness + Dichotomies,
Counted value: 1 + Name(aware) + put to the right +add+ close again Analyze + multiple
response + Frequences + Aware to the right + ok --> Take the % of cases (based on the

Personal recommendation: 27.6%

Tourist info: 25%
Internet: 25%
By-chance: 2.6%
Flyer: 3.9%
Travel-agent: 6.6%
Other: 18.4%

The highest awareness arises from personal recommendation with 27.6% followed by Tourist Info and
Internet. The lowest awareness comes from information by-chance.

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