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 Altech Star Solutions Pvt. Ltd , Dubai

 Wipro, United States
 JAEYOUNG MTS Co. Ltd, Korea
 iTech Solutions (Malaysia)
 TADAKI Corporation (Malaysia)
 Vinarco Services (Thailand) Limited
 GHD (Dubai, Malaysia)
 A pile Foundation Construction Co In
Doha, Qatar
Diploma in CAD 2 Hours / Day [AutoCAD]

Session Topics

 About CADD centre

 Introduction to Engineering Drawings

o Projections (First &Third angle)

o Views (Orthographic,Isometric & Perspective)

Session 1  Introduction to AutoCAD

o History

o Exploring GUI

o Workspaces

 Co-ordinate systems

o Orthographic Views:

o Drawing settings - Units,Limits

o Drawing Tools: Line, Circle,Arc, Ellipse, Donut, Polygon, Rectangle

Session 2 & 3 o Modify Tools: Erase, Oops,Undo, Redo, Explode, Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror,
Array, Align, Scale,Stretch, Lengthen, Trim, Extend, Break, Join, Chamfer, Fillet

o File Management - New, Qnew,Open, Save, Save as, Close, Exit, Quit

o Mini Project 1 - Orthographic Views

 Drawing Tools: Multiline,Pline, Spline, Xline, Ray, Wipeout, Revison cloud

Session 4  Modify Tools: Mlstyle,Mledit, Pedit, Splinedit

 Grip Editing

 Display Control: Zoom, Pan,Redraw, Regen, Clean Screen, Steering wheels

Session 5
 Object Properties: Color,Linetype, Ltscale, Lineweight, Properties, Matchprop

 Layer Management

Session 6 o Adding / Removing Layers

o Layer Status

o New Property Filter

o New Group Filter

o Layer Status Manager

o Plot Control

 Object Selection Methods

Session 7 o Select,qselect, Filter

 Symbol & BOM Creation: Block, Base, Wblock, Insert

 Symbol & BOM Creation:Divide, Measure, Attribute (Attdef, Attedit,Eattedit,

Attdisp,Attdia,Attext, Eattext)
Session 8
 Project: Create a customized Title Block using Attributes and save it as a Template

 Symbol & BOM Creation:Dynamic Block

Session 9  Parametric Modeling:Geometric Constraint, Dimensional Constraint

 Action Recorder, Design Centre, Tool Palette

 Isometric View Drawings

 Perspective View Drawings

Session 10
o One Point & Two Point

 Project: Isometric View, Perspective View: Building Exterior (two point

perspective),Interior(one point perspective)

Session 11  Annotation Tools: Test, Style, Mtext, Scaletext, Spell, Table, Tablestyle, Tabledit

 Hatching utilities - Hatch,Hatchedit, Gradient

 Inquiry commands - Id, Dist,List, Radius,

Session 12

 Angle, Area, Volume

 Fill, Fillmode

 Dimension - Linear, Aligned, Radius, Diameter, Center Mark, Angle, Arc length, Continuous,
Baseline, Tolerance, Dimension Space, Dimension Break, Inspection, Jogged radius,
Session 13 Ordinate dimensions.

 Leader, Qleader

Session 14  Mleader, Multi leader style, Add leader, Align Leaderlines, Collect Leader
 Dim edit, dimtedit, Dimension Associative, Reassociate

 Dimension Style

 Project 1

 OLE concepts - Olelinks,Olescale,Insertobj

 Hyperlink
Session 15
 Copy, Copybase, Copylink,Pasteclip, Pastespecial, Pasteblock, Pasteoriginal

 External references - Xref,Xbind,Circular Xref, Refedit

 Etransmit, Publish, Publish to Web,

Session 16
 Introduction to plotting, Layout, Viewports, Mview, Page setup, Plot Styles, Plot

 Need of 3rd dimension

 The conventions of AutoCAD

 Co-ordinate systems in 3D

Session 17  Types of 3D Models

 Surface Modeling

o Rulesurf, Tabsurf, Revsurf, Edgesurf

 Hide, Shade, Shademode

 Surface Modeling

o 3Dface, Edge, Pface, 3dPoly,

Session 18
o 3dMesh, Planesurf, Vpoint, Ddvpoint, Plan, View Cubic, Vports

 Mini project 9 - Surface Model

 Solid Primitives

o Box, Wedge, Cylinder,Cone, Sphere, Torus, Pyramid

 Region

Session 19  Extrude

 Revolve

 Union

 Subtract
 Intersect

 Interfere

 Polysolid

 Sweep

 Helix

Session 20  Loft

 Press/Pull

 UCS, UCS icon

 Dyncamic UCS

 UCSman

 Mini Project 10 - Solid Model

 Mesh Primitives

 Working with Gizmos

o Move, Rotate, Scale

 Sub-object Filters

 Smooth Object

 Refine Mesh, Facetres

Session 21
 Add / Remove Crease

 Split Mesh Face

 Extrude Face

 Convert to Solid

 Convert to Surface

 Mini Project 11 - Mesh Model

 Fillet

 Chamfer
Session 22
 3DArray

 Mirror3D
 Rotate3D

 3Drotate

 3Dalign

 Slice

 Section

 SectionPlane

 Livesection

 Sectionplanejog

 Solidedit

 Massprop

 Solview

 Soldraw

 Solprof

 Flatshot

 3Dorbit

 3Dcorbit
Session 23
 3Dforbit

 Dview

 Camera

 3Dwalk

 3Dfly

 3ddistance

 Mini Project 12 - Create a 3d assembly and generate various views

 3dswivel

 Using 3D Image Types

Session 24  Render Settings palette

 Understanding lighting principles

 Using lights in Rendering

 Pointlight

 Spotlight

 Distantlight

 Lightlist

 Render

 Rpref

 Geographiclocation
Session 25
 Sunproperties

 Materials

 Renerenvironment

 Background Dialog box

 Image

 Image attach

 Imageadjust

 Imageclip

 Imageframe

 Imagequality

Session 26  Transparency

 Draworder

 Export/Import

 Project 3 -

o Complete an Assembly drawing

o Assign Materials, Lights

o Generate Rendered images for Presentation

o Create various views using Flatshot for Production drawing

o Align the views in Layout

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