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BattleGoat Studios Presents

Supreme Ruler The Great War

Copyright 1982-2017 BattleGoat Studios
Supreme Ruler The Great War may not be redistributed in whole or in part without the express
written permission of BattleGoat Studios.

BattleGoat Studios regularly releases new features, new content, and other free updates.

Table of Contents

General Notes
- Campaign Map
- Victory Conditions
- Scenarios
- Savegames
- The Modding Community
- Our Websites

- Game Performance
- Multiplayer
- Video Cards
- Sound and Audio

How to Contact Technical Support

Epilepsy Warning


== Campaign Map ==

In campaign mode, players can play as a selection of regions starting in 1914 as France, Great
Britain, The Russian Empire, Germany or Austria-Hungary. Each campaign will present a
different sequence of objectives and challenges. Check campaign descriptions for more details.

NOTE: World Volatility can be adjusted in the Campaign and Sandbox startup lobbies.
Increasing Volatility will change the initial relationships thus increasing the likelihood of
Alliances between nations as well as Wars!

== Victory Conditions ==

There are multiple victory conditions available in game. The Sandbox mode encourages players
to set their own victory conditions including game length and other game modifiers.

i) SPHERE - This Victory is achieved by attracting all other nations into your Sphere of
Influence whether you are playing as the Axis or Allies.

ii) COMPLETE - This type of victory will require you to capture all land from all opponents
within a given timeframe. When you have captured all of a region's cities, the rest of their land
will change ownership at the end of day (divided amongst its neighbors). Any region that
formally surrenders will have the ownership of their land change immediately.

iii) CAPITAL - Instead of having to capture every city from another region in order to get that
region to fall, you only have to capture its Capital City.

iv) CAPTURE - If this is the Victory Condition, each region is assigned a Command Unit that is
located in their capital city at the beginning of the game. To get a region to fall, it is necessary to
destroy their Command Unit. (Command Units are designated by a red star on their roofs.)
Command Units are somewhat stealthy, so finding another region's can sometimes be difficult.
In general it will stay at the Capital until it comes under attack.

v) TOTAL SCORE - As you play, you will accumulate score based on the performance of your
Economy, Diplomacy, Research Department, Domestic Approval, and Military Approval. If the
victory is Total Score, then it will be a combination of all of these factors that will help you win.
Whichever region has the highest total score when the "Game Length" is reached, will be
declared the winner.

would appear, these victory conditions allow the player to concentrate on just one factor in their
government in order to achieve victory.

vii) VICTORY HEX - This victory condition is limited to pre-made scenarios. It stipulates a
location on the map that your Command Unit must reach (generally within a specific time limit)
in order to win.

==Savegames ==

Within the criteria of Games For Windows, savegames for Supreme Ruler The Great War are by
default stored in the My Games folder of My Documents for a given user. This can be changed
in-game to specify a preferred save game location.

Autosaving defaults to once every 7 game days. This can be adjusted in Player Options – Files.

== The Modding Community ==

Although there are no modding tools included with Supreme Ruler The Great War, the game is
very moddable. Regions can be re-aligned, relationships altered, technical knowledge modified,
agendas and aggression levels changed etc... For information on modding the game, please visit
the BattleGoat forum and wiki (see below).

== Our Websites ==

Please visit to learn more about Supreme Ruler The Great War.
Visit our forums at to discuss SR The Great War with others.
Visit the Supreme Ruler Wiki at for
FAQs and other assistance.

== Game Performance ==

If your system seems “sluggish” on large maps here is a list of things you can try to improve
game performance.

- Run Supreme Ruler in Full screen mode

If you are having performance issues, avoid running the game in Windowed mode. Supreme
Ruler will perform faster when in full screen mode.

- Turn off sound (Options Menu)

Depending upon system, Windows config, and sound drivers, sound can either have no effect or
a large effect. If things are really slowing down when a huge battle is on, this may help.

- Leave unit pathing display off (Options Menu / Shift-P)

In certain cases on large maps with lots of units, frame rates may decrease by as much as 50% if
unit path lines are turned on. Using this feature only when needed will help game performance.

When attempting to launch the game, if you encounter only a black screen, this means the game
encountered a video error. Launch game with the '-window' parameter to resets the graphics.
Once in game, select a screen resolution supported by your video card

== Multiplayer ==

Supreme Ruler The Great War supports multiplayer games of up to 16 human players. All
players in a multiplayer game must be using the same version of the game in terms of updates
and mods.

Supreme Ruler The Great War uses Steam's Multiplayer Matchmaking / Lobby services, and
each player must be logged in to a unique Steam account.

As with all network games, there may be issues with certain firewalls, routers, NATS, and
internet security programs.

Supreme Ruler The Great War will add itself to the Windows Firewall exceptions list during
installation. This can be adjusted in the Windows Control Panel.
== Video ==

Most video display problems can be corrected by installing the latest reference drivers for your
particular video card. Please consult your video card documentation for details on how to get the
latest drivers for your card.

If you are using a custom cursor, especially with shadow, it may cause video corruption. We
strongly recommend disabling custom cursors while playing Supreme Ruler The Great War.

Windows 8 users with NVidia Video cards may experience a coloration problem when launching
SR The Great War. This is caused by the 3D Mode of the NVidia Card. It can be easily corrected
by updating the NVidia Video Driver to the latest version or by clicking <CTRL> + <T> to
disable the 3D Mode.

On some S3 chipsets and Intel chipsets there will be graphics glitches.

- For S3, these are usually limited to a glitch on the loading map.
- For Intel, update your system with the latest video drivers and the problems should be

Some old video driver versions will provide very poor performance (Intel, nVidia). Update to
the latest versions to resolve these issues.

Recent nVidia drivers may cause rainbow pattern of discoloration on fade in and fade out due to
a bug in the nVidia driver; update to latest drivers.

== Sound & Audio ==

Most sound card problems can be corrected by installing the latest drivers for your particular
card. Please consult your sound card documentation for details on how to get the latest drivers
for your card.

If your system does not play audio tracks or plays them incorrectly (e.g., too fast or too slow)
you can try reinstalling Microsoft's Windows Media Player, which is responsible for audio track


Troubleshooting Tips
Before installing the game, please try the following:

- Close all other applications.

- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.

If you are experiencing difficulties getting the game to run, please try the following:

- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.
- Obtain the latest version of Direct X (
- Make sure you are running the latest version of Supreme Ruler The Great War.

Should you require further support concerning the operation of this product, please contact our
technical support staff, via the email addresses listed below. Before you contact us, please check
out the Supreme Ruler The Great War and BattleGoat Forums websites to see any last minute
recommendations pertinent to your problem. When sending an email, please be sure to include
the following information:

• Computer Make and Model

• Windows Version
• Total System RAM
• Total Hard Drive Space + Space Available
• Video Card Make and Model

EMail Address:

SUPREME RULER The Great War Web Site:

SUPREME RULER The Great War Forum:



Certain individuals may experience epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when subjected to
strong, flashing lights for long periods of time. Such individuals may therefore experience a
seizure while operating computer or video games. This can also affect individuals who have no
prior medical record of epilepsy or have never previously experienced a seizure.
If you or any family member has ever experienced epilepsy symptoms (seizures or loss of
consciousness) after exposure to flashing lights, please consult your doctor before playing this
Parental guidance is always suggested when children are using computer and video games.
Should you or your child experience dizziness, poor eyesight, eye or muscle twitching, loss of
consciousness, feelings of disorientation or any type of involuntary movements or cramps while


-Do not sit too close to the monitor. Sit as far as comfortably possible.
-Use as small a monitor as possible.
-Do not play when tired or short on sleep.
-Take care that there is sufficient lighting in the room.
-Be sure to take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour.

== Hotkeys ==

Cycle Map Hotspots .......... <TAB>

Open Chat Window (MP) .......... <ENTER>
Cancel Current Action / Open Game Menu .......... <ESC>
Pause Game .......... <PAUSE>
Increase Game Speed .......... <PAGE UP>
Decrease Game Speed .......... <PAGE DOWN>
Increase Map Zoom .......... <END>
Decrease Map Zoom .......... <HOME>
Select Group # .......... <#>
Create Group # .......... <Ctrl> + <#>
Add Group # to selection .......... <Shift> + <#>
Add to Group # .......... <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <#>
Create BattleGroup*** .......... <Ctrl> + <+>
Remove Units from BattleGroup*** .......... <Ctrl> + <.>
Atlas / Scorecard .......... <A>
Open Build Controls .......... <B>
Centre Map on Selected Hex .......... <C>
Centre Map on Capital .......... <Ctrl> + <C>
Open Diplomacy* .......... <D>
Alternate HUD Display .......... <Shift> + <D>
Select Branch “All” in Unit list .......... <E>
Show Garrison Strength Overlay .......... <G>
Show Map Grid .......... <Ctrl> + <G>
Show High Ground Overlay .......... <H>
Toggle Unit Size .......... <Shift> + <J>
Show Fog of War/Line of Sight .......... <L>
Show Loyalty Overlay .......... <Ctrl> + <L>
Mute Sound .......... <Ctrl> + <M>
Pause Game .......... <P>
Toggle Unit Path Lines .......... <Shift> + <P>
Open Research Spending .......... <R>
Toggle 3D Perspective .......... <Shift><R>
Supply Model Map Overlay .......... <S>
Game Settings Overrides** .......... <Ctrl><Shift><S>
Ground Defense Overlay .......... <T>
Show Terrain Layer .......... <Ctrl> + <T>
Low Visibility/Close Combat Overlay .......... <V>
Weather Overlay .......... <W>
Water Overlay .......... <Ctrl> + <W>
Max Zoom Out .......... <Ctrl> + <X>
Normal Zoom Level .......... <Z>
Max Zoom In .......... <Ctrl> + <Z>
Increase Map Zoom .......... <+> (Keypad)
Decrease Map Zoom .......... <-> (Keypad)
Annual/Daily Toggle .......... </>
Next Complex of Selected Type .......... <[>
Previous Complex of Selected Type .......... <]>
Next Facility of Selected Type .......... <{>
Previous Facility of Selected Type .......... <}>

* Certain map or GUI selections must be active for this to work

** Single Player Only
*** Must have units selected to work.

Thank you for your purchase of Supreme Ruler The Great War!

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