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Director's Note - Twelve Angry Jurors

The search for justice and the search for truth have long been
twisted together. In the play you are about to see, the unnamed
jurors are all fighting for what they perceive to be just. The
conflicts that arise reveal their deepest insecurities and faults,
whether they be a bigot, a pushover, a bully, a crusader, or a
racist. Throughout the events that unfold you'll come to know
each of these people - what makes them tick, and what pushes
them over the edge. Somehow, these twelve extremely different
people need to make a unanimous decision that will irrevocably
change a young man's life. So the question they have to answer
remains - what ls justice?

During rehearsals, I constantly asked the sfudents to "find their

truth". I wanted them to connect with their character on as deep
a level as they could, to find something, anything, redeemable
about their characters. From day 1, the level of maturity and
thoughtfulness each and every student brought to their role
(whether as an actor or a crew member) astounded me. They
pushed each other to continue bearing the weight of their
responsibilities with grace, and to continue fighting for their
character's brand ofjustice. The interactions between the
personalities on stage come from the careful and thoughtful
understanding of the motivations behind every line, and the
students blew me away with the truths they came away with.

I have immensely enjoyed working with these students on this

production over the past two months. The long nights, the
constant tweaking, and all of the days where we left late or came
in early to bring life to this play were so worth it. I sincerely
hope you enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Thank you,

Ms. Samantha Wilson

Drama Director

Cast A
Friday, October 2? @ 7:30pm
Emrnallne I(ent 15 (Jotor I l, Satutclay 2:00 and ?:30), is thrilled to be bock perforrning with Saturday, October 28 @ 2:00pm
'I\velve Angry
the Nipinuc Drarna Guild Bs a Sbpholnore in one of lrer l'avorite plays, 'lurors .
Prior to this, Ernmaline has filled roles in The Boltl, The Young. und The Murlered
(cyhil/Mona), coyote's christm{$ carol (veuado) , and ut Peter Pan /r:. (slree) " outside of
theatre, Emmsline participate in the Niprnuc,a Capetla group, The Hcnuonics arrd dances rvlth a
company lrasetl in her hornetown of Flopkinton, Emmaline would like to thank her entire family
Ibr thBir endless support and enc:ouragoment every ycnr as she stcps on stage. Juror No. 4. .i. ..., . Katie Laurence

Katlc Laureucc 15 (Jrlror 4, Ca$t ic so excited to be iu tlris perftrmrance of 'ltrrelve Atg\'

Jurors, Slte is a sopfionrorc at Nipmuc und this is her lirst perlbrmaltce of her high Echool career'. Juror Nq. 6..:,i..;...i;,a..i,rii.rii.!i,i,.,i,.,...i,..,,,. Alex Perkins
Katie has trscn in thtcc othcr shotys including Annie, The Sountl ol'fr{usic, anti tlre middle
sclrool's productio4 of Rogers and Hqrntnerstein's Cinilerella. She is a utetnbsr of tfie Niprnuc
Clrorus and the Hermonics as weli as' a recording ensemble called the Enhalnronics. She takes
privare voice lessons a$ we ll as Euitar. Kaiie would tike b thank Ms. Wilsou :ind her frierirls and
Juror No. LL. Nyah Gazda (Friday 7;30)
Etlrtn LaPlqnte-Du[e I5 (Juror 7, Cast A), is exuberant to be ln this year's Nipmuc Dratna F,4maline Kent (Saturday 2:00)
Guiitl prtrdricti on of Tweh,e .4ngry ,lurors. As a sophornorc at Nipmuc tlris is Ethan's fourh Juror No. 72.,,,..,.!r;.r ...,. JennaMeleedy
productiol orr the Nipntuc slagc, includil g Tlrc tlokl, the Young, ilni llte Muril<:red (Tylcrtl)r.
Williarn) and Thc lltizard of Oz (Munchkin/Crew). Qutside of the Drama Guild, Ethan can lre
fouird porfonning wirh Take,nore, the jazz choir at Nipmuc. Ile can also be found in ihe cltorus
roorn. Erharl rvould likc to thank lris fnnrily tbr sup;rorting hhn thiouglr his tltcatricaljounrey. Cast B
Saturday, October 28 @ 7i30pm
Krrtle l,uck 17 (Juror 4, Cast ti) i.r heyond excited to be taking pal1 in her lOth Niprnuc Dt'amu Surrdaf, October 29 @ 2:00pm
Guitd pro{uotion. Living in Mentlon all her life, Katie has always had a passion for the arts. In
the past, you mey havc seen lter playing toled sriih as Veta irt lltn'ey, A! in Cave Dre.i,il, atld
Villian in, Molne.Norv a Senior, Katic is ending her iimc with thc Niprnuc Drarna Guild
Foreman of theJuiy.. ........ Miranda dos Santos
and would tike to thank her parents, Mr. Lapete, the ftiends shCs nrade alorrg the way, altd ol'
course her director, Samlnga Williams. Kutie woulcl likc to wish the cast and crew the trect of JurorNo,3.,.:,..:i...! ...,,...Ian Burke Perez
Iuck rvitlr this years per'forrnances.

Jenna N1:leedy 14 (Juror 12, Cast A), is one of the newer menrbers io joirl thc Nipmuc Drama
Cuild. A freshmatr li'onl Upton, shc is happy lo colltinue her jorrrney on stage. Fornrerly, she
pe{fogned in nridelle school productions as Mabel Wastringion n l-aine /rl and Lady Chathsrx Juror No. 7,. ir,.,i.,..,.i.r......,i ..,.. Bridget Clark
Jones in Sahotage and will soon be starring as the title role in the 1950s opera ,4muhl and tlrc Juror No. 8., . ;.. ; .......,. ;. r. ! .. :... :.,.. r i,, 1..,.. i,i.i Thomas Doyle
Nighr I'isitors. She is also part 0f the Niprnuc Clronrs and l{ermonics, and thunks everyol)e
Juror No, 9,,.,,,,.,,...;..-i ii,.r i..,,,r:,;.' i i i. | |.. !....i; Paige Alcott
who's ever pushed her (o aurlitiort.

\ nsn Juror No. 11,.. ..... Emmaline Kent (Saturday 7;30)

Nyah Gazda (Sunday 2:00)
\N\tn JurorNo. 12.;;.ii...i!..,..r.;,...;..r...,........ AbbyAdams
\J.IO.\Y Guard,,..,, ...,.rr-, ,..JacksonChace

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