Special Effects, The Message That I Got Every I Watched The Movie As Learning For Me

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Name : Ferlian Firmanda Baskoro

NIM : 201601102
Major : S1 Keperawatan
Subject: English Convesation

I like a movie. Actually I like watching a movie. My favourite movie is Action movie.
And ofcourse I have idol actor. The ator is “Vino G Bastian’. I usually watching a movie at my
home, just streaming on Cinema XX1 in the internet and watching in the television , my
favourite TV chanel is “TRANS TV “ because the TV channel always shows good movies and
the subtitels. Their shows not only action movie ,but also comedy, romance and horror movie.
In a long time I hven’t watch scince fiction movie. Because sometimes I feel boring.
Actually I also watching a movie at movie theater but rarely . I usually watching a movie
theater with my friends. When my idol actor plays a role in the new movie, I’m very exciting to
see that in the movie theater. As we know the new comedy movie was relaise in the movie
theater. And the actor is my idol actor. I like the movie, the title is “Wiro Sableng”. I discuss
with my friends to schedule watching the movie in the movie theater. We woud like to booking
some ticket for watching the movie. We always booking for special offer because free popcorn.
We choose the middle seat because it is very effective. In every movie that I watched have a
special effects, the message that I got every I watched the movie as learning for me.

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