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Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er
Vol. 27 Davis Dyslexia Association International Issue 2 • 2002

Symbol Mastery for Multi-Lingual Students

and Second Language Acquisition
classic Parisian French and visits
Quebec becomes instantly aware of
the difference in the “same”
language. Many people who speak
Spanish can quickly tell what country
a fellow-Spanish speaker comes from
because of accents, idioms and slang.
These vary between Cuba, Puerto
Rico, Mexico, and the other Latin
American countries, and are easily
distinguishable from the Spanish
spoken in Spain. In the United States,
we can differentiate someone from
Texas, Boston, and New York by
their accent or grammar. Brazilian
Portuguese is both written and
spoken differently from the
by Alice E. Davis Recently I consulted with two Portuguese in Portugal. South
wonderful women who have studied Africans, in addition to all the tribal
Once upon a time, before Ron Second Language Acquisition languages in their environment, must
Davis wrote a book called The Gift of extensively. They are Maria Seranno learn both Afrikaans and English.
Dyslexia, we only knew how to who teaches Second Language
provide dyslexia correction with Acquisition at the University of continued on page 4
English-speakers. Today, with the Arizona, and Helen Brittle Matsuki
book available in twelve languages who teaches English as a second In This Issue
and Davis Facilitators on every language in Tokyo, Japan. Both
continent except Antarctica, this is no women are world travelers and speak News & Feature Articles:
longer the case. It is remarkable to two or more languages. Both feel that Symbol Mastery for Multi-Lingual
know that the principles of Davis Davis Symbol Mastery is a very Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Symbol Mastery can be applied in useful tool for not only addressing Dreams Really Do Come True . . . . . . . .3
any language to help dyslexic dyslexia but also mastering a second Davis Symbol Mastery Procedure
learners. language. Here is some of what we
for Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Over the last five years, we have have learned from them and the
accumulated various tips from our many Davis Facilitators world wide Symbol Master Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
colleagues around the world who who provide Davis Programs in Regular Features:
have done Davis programs with multiple languages.
Viewpoints on Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . .2
clients who must learn to read two or In some countries such as
more languages. Language Germany and Switzerland, children Q & A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
acquisition is a fascinating field. It must learn High German in school to Book & Product Reviews . . . . . . . . . . .7
touches on many areas of our lives pass their exams, while speaking a Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 11
including cognitive development, German dialect at home and in their New Facilitators & Specialists . . . . .12-13
cultural identity, and education. community. Anyone who has studied
Davis Providers (U.S. & Canada) . .14-15

1. Help me to focus - Please teach me 7. I didn’t know I wasn’t in my seat!

through my sense of touch. I need - Please remind me to stop, think, Restoring Motivation
"hands on" and body movement. and act.
by Alice. J. Pratt, Facilitator,
2. I need to know what comes next - 8. Am I almost done? - Please give
Jacksonville, Florida
Please give me a structured me short work periods with short
environment where there is a term goals.
dependable routine. 9. What? - Please don't say, "I already Because the Davis methods are
3. Wait for me, I’m still thinking - told you that." Tell me again, in based on utilizing the imagination
Please allow me to go at my own different words. Give me a signal. and creating word concepts with
pace. If I am rushed, I get confused Draw me a symbol. clay, it encourages dyslexics to
and upset. 10. I know it’s all wrong isn’t it? - value their natural picture learning
4. I’m stuck, I can’t do it! - Please Please give me praise for partial style. At the core of motivation is a
offer me options for problem success. Reward me for self- person’s will or intention. When a
solving. If the road is blocked, I improvement, not just for person’s will is engaged in a
need to know the detours. perfection. creative endeavor, the heart is
5. Is it right? I need to know now - 11. But why do I always get yelled involved and motivation is free
Please give me rich and immediate at? - Please catch me doing flowing. We have all seen this in
feedback on how I am doing. something right and praise me for
ourselves when we do something we
6. I didn’t forget, I didn’t hear it in the specific positive behavior.
the firt place! - Please give me Remind me about my good points love. We see this in children when
directions one step at a time, and when I am having a bad day. they are playing earnestly.
ask me to say back what I think The Davis Orientation procedures
you said. submitted by Judy Cohen, use a person’s imagination and
www.pleasetutorme.com perceptual talent to take control of
perceptions when dealing with
symbolic language. The Symbol
Mastery procedure is a rich
language process utilizing the hands
and critical thinking to create
models for the meanings of words.
This creative process connects and
taps the emotional and motivational
systems of the dyslexic learner.
As a parent and/or support
person, it is important to realize that
motivation is restored gradually and
needs time to emerge. The dyslexic
person may need to stop trying to
meet the developmental time table
of word thinking people. They need
time, respect, and freedom to
practice and control using their
newly acquired skills, and thus
Cartoonist, John Baumann, is a 16 year old high school student who recently completed the restore their belief in the validity of
Davis Program at Reading Research Council in California. their natural learning style.

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 245,
Burlingame, CA 94010 USA +1(650) 692-7141. OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia
and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s
abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD: Alice Davis,
Abigail Marshall, Michele Plevin, Maria Fagioli and Dee White. DESIGN: Julia Gaskill. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in
Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS AND LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and
articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1(650) 692-7075 VIA E-MAIL: editor@dyslexia.com INTERNET:
The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol
Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are registered trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 1999
by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

Dreams Really Do Come True

For all of us who have had the
privilege of using the Davis Dyslexia
Correction Program to help
individuals worldwide, we know that
dreams really do come true as
learning barriers are removed. Ron
Davis often begins his workshops by
stating that he is a “lucky
man…because he has a dream and
that dream is coming true.” But what
about Davis Facilitators? Do they
have dreams come true?
Picture this… The mom and dad
with the dyslexic child who 20 years
ago was not learning to read; the
teacher who works with children who
recognize letters, words or concepts Top Photo:
one day, but seems to forget them the Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Gene
next; the learning center director who Winstead of Bloomington,
is trying to unlock a child’s learning Minnesota.
potential, yet for some reason just
can’t find the right key; and the Bottom Photo:
person who cares deeply about others Left to right: Darlene Bishop,
and has a dream. Linda Johannes, Paul Deneson,
Cyndi Deneson, Margie Hayes,
Now picture the dream coming
Ron Davis, Alice Davis, Pam
true…On September 27, 2001 at 7:00 Kretz.
pm at the Creekside Community
Center in Bloomington, Minnesota,
Cyndi Deneson (Davis Facilitator, you realize that she believes if you’re an event and publicly introduce Ron
Specialist, Workshop Presenter), and going to dream, then dream big and to the Twin Cities and Midwest area.
her husband, Paul, co-director of go for it! On Saturday, September 29, As usual, his presentations were
New Hope Learning Centers, Inc. 2001, New Hope Learning Centers informative and encouraging to all
realized a dream come true. Cyndi, continued their outreach to the who attended.
who is the mom, the teacher, the community with a Fall Family Fun During the Festival, a local radio
director, and the dreamer welcomed Festival. station was broadcasting the event
approximately 100 people from the The Festival began under a live, and children were jumping in a
Twin Cities and surrounding area to glorious white tent with a ribbon big inflated castle, getting their faces
hear Ron Davis publicly share his cutting ceremony by Mayor Gene painted, or eating cookies. Twenty-
story and touch the hearts of the Winstead of Bloomington, Minnesota one local businesses gave their
community. Ron and Alice Davis and representatives from the support to the festivities by donating
joined Cyndi, Paul and their staff for Bloomington-Minneapolis Chamber food, beverages and prizes. Many
an evening of public lecture, of Commerce. The sun was shining, spoke about their own struggles and
questions and answers, and personal and the smiles were welcoming. New experiences and became encouraged
greetings as New Hope Learning Hope Learning Centers’ Wisconsin with the potential the Davis Program
Centers commenced the Grand Facilitators Darlene Bishop, Pam holds for the dyslexic learner.
Opening Celebration of their Kretz, Margie Hayes, and Cyndi wanted to let people in the
Minnesota office. Administrative Assistant Linda area know that she cares about them
Among the guests were many who Johannes were present, along with and their families and she did just
have benefited over the years from Minnesota Facilitators Ginny that. Her hope for the future is that
the work of Ron Davis, Cyndi Bushman of New Visions Integrated she will be able to increase the
Deneson and New Hope Learning Learning Systems and Cindy Bauer awareness of what dyslexia really is
Centers. They were excited to of Partners in Learning, and Iowa and how the Davis Program can
welcome many former clients, Facilitator Mary Kay Frasier of bring new hope to the dyslexic
parents, teachers, mental health Innovative Learning Professionals, learner.
professionals, psychologists, and truly making the event a Midwest For Cyndi Deneson, this event
physicians from the surrounding celebration. represented a dream come true. For
community. Once again, Ron was able to share those she and her staff are reaching
The excitement didn’t end there. his story and message of hope. Cyndi in the community, it is a dream
For those of you who know Cyndi, considered it an honor to host such beginning to come true. t

Symbol Mastery . . . Davis Symbol Mastery can be a structure of written language.

continued from page 1 useful tool for both enrichment and For an age 10 or older bilingual
remedial purposes. person, assess strengths in Speaking,
Such examples are endless. Whatever is done should be based Reading & Writing in each language.
Because of such diversity, we are on the client’s goals, age, and Start Symbol Mastery with the
often asked for recommendations educational needs. Bear in mind that strongest language for reading and
about how best to apply Davis the objective of Symbol Mastery is writing.
Symbol Mastery when working with mastery of the three elements of any For someone just starting to learn
students and clients who speak more symbol as shown in the chart [see a second language, begin with
than one language or must learn Fig. 1]. mastering the basics symbols and
another language. There is no one pat For the dyslexic learner, the trigger words of the language that is
formula because of the individual objective is to make sure all three already spoken, before starting this
variations in situation, needs, and elements are mastered and no longer process with the second language.
background. Some people want to cause confusion or trigger If the Davis Orientation
learn a second language for personal disorientation. Counseling procedures are needed,
enrichment. Some need to pass do them in the language that is most
exams to graduate or to better their General Guidelines easily comprehended or with the help
employment prospects. Some When working with children ages of a good interpreter.
children speak one language at home 8-9 or less, it is best to start Symbol Be sensitive to the fact that many
but are being educated in another Mastery on the letters, alphabet and of the words on our Trigger Word list
language at school. Dyslexics want to punctuation marks in the child’s are used to describe our temporal
master reading, writing and spelling mother language. At early ages, (having to do with time) and spatial
no matter the language. Some people cognitive development and language relationship to the world, and that
first experience severe dyslexia development go hand in hand. Thus, these relationships can vary from
symptoms only when trying to learn for the young child first learning to language to language.
a second language. Others find read, the language that is most fluent
learning a second language enriches will be the easiest for opening the Letters, Alphabets, Punctuation,
their skills in their native language. door to emphasizing the basic and Words
1. Do the alphabet and punctuation
Fig. 1 marks together, one language at time,
Three Parts of a Letters Punctuation Marks Trigger Words & in distinctly separate time frames for
Symbol Vocabulary each language. For Roman alphabets
that contain more letters than the
What it means pronunciation or function mental picture of the English, when possible, do the longer
speech sound concept or definition alphabet first (reduction is better than
increasing the number of letters to
What it looks like shape, case, position shape and placement letters in a specific learn). The reason to do them
on a line order/spelling
completely separately is to avoid
What it sounds like* name of the letter name of the mark pronunciation
referencing, e.g., ‘It is the same in
French as in English except for .…”
* For deaf students, “what it sounds like” could be replaced with “what the sign is.” continued on page 5

Davis Symbol Mastery Procedure for Words

1. Look up the word. 8. Say aloud to the word or symbol: “This
2. Pronounce the word. says[word].”
3. Read the first definition and any example sentences Example: “This says [tall ].”
aloud. 9. Make a mental picture of what has been created.
4. Establish a clear understanding of the definition. Intentionally make the picture above eye level.
Discuss it. Make up sentences or phrases using the Looking at the mental picture, name the letters of the
word with that definition. Do this until you can picture word starting from the reverse direction of reading to
this definition in your mind. ensure an accurate picture has been made. Then name
5. Make a clay model of the concept described by the the letters in the normal reading direction.
6. Make the word with clay. Make sure the spelling is Additional Exercises: These are optional.
correct. Make lower case letters unless the word A. Touch and say the letters of the word.
normally begins with a capital letter. B. Write the word.
7. Say aloud to the model of the concept: “This is C. Make up more sentences and phrases until you can do
[word] meaning [definition].” so easily. Be sure the usage of the word matches the
Example: “This is [tall] meaning [of more than
normal height]. definition you just made.

Symbol Mastery . . . commanding tone of voice. This 5. Models of the meaning of nouns
continued from page 4 allows all the mental pictures to stay and adjectives usually remain
separate and distinct in their consistent. But with some languages
as this can prevent true mastery. respective languages. the concept of feminine, masculine or
However, when such comparison/ 4. Trigger words should be done neuter becomes involved in learning
referencing occurs naturally and is separately in each language in their them. So it is best to master all words
“discovered” by the client (as own time frames to ensure mastery. separately in their own time frame.
opposed to being taught or hinted at), Especially the prepositions which can 6. Doing Symbol Mastery on the
it can aid mastery. vary from language to language irregular and auxiliary (helping)
2. To avoid confusion and depending on context. (example: verbs can also be a good opportunity
referencing, it can be helpful to have “for” in English meaning “with the to increase fluency and to master
the client say aloud to the clay letters, intent to present to” as in “I got a gift conjugation and tense in any
“This is the French alphabet!” or for Ann,” would be “para” in language. However, these should be
“You are the letter A in French!” in Spanish. However, “for” with the mastered slowly and thoroughly, in
the respective language. meaning “to get” as in “I went for the short sessions, to avoid confusion.
3. When mastering words, it may groceries,” would be “por” in The basic procedures for Davis
also be helpful to have the client say Spanish.) The model of the concept Symbol Mastery are outlined in detail
aloud to the model, “You are (word) may remain the same but the sound in The Gift of Dyslexia, and in the
meaning (definition) in Spanish!” in and form of the word changes in Symbol Mastery Kit and Teacher Kits
the appropriate language and in a Spanish but not in English. available from DDAI. t

Symbol Mastery Q&A terms of expense. You would end up helping my son with handwriting.
having to buy new clay all the time; Instead, I just decided to focus on
by Abigail Marshall the reason that we use a non- the biggest problem for him–reading
hardening clay with a single neutral –and nothing else. We just asked his
I have “The Gift of Dyslexia” book color is that the same clay can be teacher at school to excuse him from
and have read it to my 13-year-old reused again and again, with no any assignments requiring
son. We are both eager to start the need for special storage handwriting, so that he could print
process. He is definitely a candidate arrangements to keep it fresh. Try a or type instead. Later on, when my
for the program per the Perceptual local art supply store to find the clay son felt ready, he started working on
Ability Assessment we did on you want; the brand we use is called handwriting on his own, using a
Friday. There are some things that I Klean Klay. You might consider workbook he borrowed from his
don’t quite get from the book about purchasing the Davis Symbol younger sister. He was about 12 at
the clay: Mastery Kit from us; this has all the the time and did not need extra
materials you need, including clay. support. This was about a full year
Q1. When doing Symbol Mastery Of course it has much more than after we had completed the Davis
from day to day, do you keep the clay, including a manual and video Orientation, clay alphabet, and
letters previously done or smoosh that will provide you a lot more Symbol Mastery on trigger words.
them and reform them again? information about the process.
Q4. I’ve seen some posts on the
A1. Ordinarily, you would just put Q3. I see that you form lower case dyslexiatalk discussion board that
the clay away and start fresh during and upper case printed letter. Do indicate the letters should be formed
the next session. Some kids like to you do the same with script letters? within a certain amount of time. Is
save letters or even frequently this true? If so, how quickly should
modeled items (such as a model of a A3. With the initial clay modeling, he be forming them before we move
person). There’s no harm in doing it we use only printed letters. The first on?
that way, as long as the model itself objective is to find and eliminate
is new, even though it incorporates confusions associated with A4. You should simply be working
previously-modeled figures. The recognizing individual letters, not at a pace that is comfortable for
main issue is the expense involved if with writing letters. Later on, if you your son. It should not be dragged
you keep running out of clay, and are working on mastering out for too long, but if he can’t
the space to store all the old models. handwriting, you could do some finish in one day and he comes back
Taking photos of the models is modeling of script letters, but I to the task the following day, that is
another way to “save” the creations. would not advise it when you are OK. It just should be done very
just starting out. close in time—that is, he shouldn’t
Q2. The only clay we could find I worked with my own son, and I do half the alphabet, and then wait a
here is self-hardening clay - is this a realized that I did not have the week before finishing. If you can
problem? knowledge or training to do manage it, it’s a good idea to find
A2. That would be a problem in everything that might be done in a some large blocks of time that you
formal Davis program, such as can devote to this. t

Phoneme Awareness be noted that the Davis Dyslexia As this article makes clear, the
Correction program is geared to concept of incorporating visualization
Is direct instruction in phoneme individuals ages 7 and above. Most into reading has been around long
awareness or symbol-sound of our clients have already had basic enough to generate fertile ground for
correspondences necessary to correct instruction in phonetic principles, and studies. Basically, it has been
dyslexia? their problems arise generally from repeatedly shown that readers who
the fact that they cannot apply what have strong mental imagery have
It is important that dyslexics be they have been taught. better recall and comprehension, and
able to perceive phonetic components that the visualizing skill can be
of language accurately - for example, Some possible problems are: taught to students to improve
to be able to hear the difference 1. They cannot hear the difference comprehension. Davis isn’t the only
between the short “e” in “then” and between similar-sounding method that teaches imagery as part
the short “i” in “thin”. It is also phonemes. of an overall approach to improving
important that dyslexics understand 2. They understand phonetic comprehension skills.
that letters generally represent principles, but cannot apply them Picture-at-Punctuation is described
specific sounds, and to make sure because they have inconsistent in the book, The Gift of Dyslexia, in
that they can accurately perceive the perceptions of the sequence, the section called “Three Steps to
letters - for example, to see the direction, and order of letters, or of Easier Reading.” The main
difference between the letter “b” and the sounds of words, due to distinction of Picture-at-Punctuation
letter “d”, and to tell the difference in disorientations or poor sequencing is that we have included it within a
order and sequence of letters in the skills. three-step process that connects to
words “from” and “form.” 3. They understand phonetic building visual tracking, accurate
Davis methods address all of these principles, but are confused by spelling, reading sequencing, and
factors. However, once these basic words that are not spelled exactly word recognition skills. Our approach
concepts are mastered, our reading the way they sound, and are probably encourages more frequent
program is geared to developing impeded by their over-reliance on image association, as opposed to
whole word recognition and phonetic strategies. reading methods that instruct students
comprehension skills, relating words 4. They simply do not think with the to form an image after a paragraph or
to their meanings rather than merely sound of words, and cannot gain passage.
to their sounds. Our primary physical meaning from what they read until We also focus on punctuation
tools are a dictionary and clay. they learn to relate the letters of because our experience has been that
We do not find it necessary to do the words they see to a mental many dyslexic students often don’t
extensive tutoring in phoneme picture of what the words mean. see, understand, or respond to
awareness or symbol-sound punctuation. Our particular approach
correspondence. However, it should Each of these problems can be reinforces the habit of recognizing
solved by providing the student with and responding to certain punctuation
tools geared to mastering the marks that signal a pause or stop in
What is a phoneme? underlying concepts, rather than speech when the text is spoken.
through tutoring, drill or These include commas, periods,
Phonemes are the smallest unit of
memorization. semicolons, and quotation marks.
meaningful sound in a word. When
Our goal is for Picture-at-
we talk about phonemic awareness,
Picture-at-Punctuation Punctuation to become ingrained as a
it refers to the ability to hear these
habit, so that the dyslexic reader
individual speech sounds.
Where can I access some naturally pauses at frequent and
For example- the word "for" has 2
research that tells about the Picture- appropriate intervals in the reading
sounds- two phonemes: /f/ and
at-Punctuation method? process to visualize the meaning of
/the r-controlled o/
the preceding clause or sentence.
The word "example" has 8 sounds -
There’s an excellent article This encourages and utilizes the
8 phonemes: /e/ /g/ /z/ /ae/ /m/ /p/
called Mental Imagery in Reading strong visual-spatial thinking skills
/schwa(uh)/ /l/
which summarizes the many studies which usually go hand in hand with
that have been done in this area. It is dyslexia, and ensures excellent
Submitted by Jen on the
at: comprehension.
DyslexiaTalk Discussion Board.

Visual SAT
by Abigail Marshall, DDAI Information Services Director
One of the toughest hurdles for a techniques to help my average, above by Rebecca L.
dyslexic student is the test of verbal average, and learning-disabled Lev, M.Ed.
reasoning skills that comprises the students learn vocabulary words and
College Board SAT I. The single keep these words in their long-term $19.95
most important thing students can do memory,” and couldn’t believe the Mail order
to improve SAT Verbal scores is to results when she created her Visual only. See our
catalog or visit
increase their vocabulary. But to the SAT Vocabulary Cards: “All of my the bookstore at www.dyslexia.com
picture thinker, studying words by students eagerly learned the words.
reading definitions can quickly Two months later they still was amazed at how easy it was to
become overwhelming. remembered the meanings by retain the meaning of the word. I
That is why I was delighted to associating the words with the don’t know whether the results would
discover a new product, designed by wonderful, and many times actually carry through to increased
reading specialist Rebecca L. Lev, humorous, pictures. As a result, every scores on the SAT, but I am pretty
M.Ed.—picture vocabulary cards. one of my students easily acquired a certain that if a student plans to study
The introductory set has 150 cards, large bank of vocabulary words and vocabulary for the SAT, this probably
each with the definition of an used these cards to increase their is a fun and effective way for most
advanced vocabulary word, scores on the verbal section of the students to learn the words.
pronunciation, sample sentences, and SAT.” I would highly recommend this
a whimsical cartoon illustration to I tried the cards myself, following product to students, home schooling
reflect the meaning of the word. the suggested visualization approach parents, and to middle school and
Ms. Lev says, “I tried many that is included with the card set, and high school teachers.

Humor Corner BOOK REVIEW

by Abigail Marshall, DDAI Information Services Director
One day, the
phone rang, Learning How to Learn is a no- Learning
and a little nonsense, comprehensive source How to
boy book that provides college-bound Learn:
answered. students with the basic facts they
need to know if they believe they will Getting Into
“May I need or want accommodations or and
speak to your support for their learning differences. Surviving
parents?” Students will appreciate the large College
“They’re busy.” print titles and well-organized When You
“Oh. Is anybody chapters. The book takes the student
Have a
else there?” through the process of documenting a
learning disability and asking the Learning Disability
“The police.”
right questions about the type of
“Can I speak to support or accommodations. It offers by Joyanne Cobb
them?” practical suggestions for organization
“They’re busy.” and study at college, and how LD CWLA Press (Child Welfare League of
“Oh. Is anybody students can highlight their learning America)
else there?” strengths. Also included is a guide to ISBN 0878687769
LD-friendly colleges and universities $14.95 118 pages, softcover
“The firemen.” and a list of further resources.
“Can I speak to them?” Although there are other books others to follow, and gives an
“They’re busy.” which provide similar information, empowering message to high school
this book is one of the most useful I and college students with learning
“So let me get this straight— have seen. Joyanne Cobb draws on differences: You can!
your parents, the police, and her own experiences as a student with
the firemen are there, but learning differences—she states that (Note: this book is geared to U.S.
they’re all busy. What are they it took her seven years to complete students. The information concerning
doing?” her undergraduate degree; she since typical accommodations and legal
“Looking for me.” has earned a Masters degree. Her rights may not apply in other
book functions as a road map for countries.)

Improve Children's Reading Skills and Creative Talents

with Davis Learning Strategies® Kits
Designed Especially for K-3
Teachers and Parents of
Children Ages 5-8
Each Kit includes:
• Sturdy Nylon Briefcase
• Reusable Modeling Clay (2 lbs.)
• Kindergarten & Grade One Manual or Grades Two
& Three Manual
• Webster's Children's Dictionary (Hardcover)
• Checking Your Grammar (Softcover)
• Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet
• Two Koosh Balls
• Letter Recognition Cards
• Laminated Alphabet Strip (upper & lower case)
• Stop Signs for Reading Chart
• One-year subscription to The Dyslexic Reader
newsletter ($25.00 value). If you are already a
subscriber, your subscription will be extended for Kit price: $119.95
an additional year
Recommended materials for classroom
What is different in each Kit is the Manual. These implementation:
include suggested curriculum, lesson plans, and
activities appropriate for each grade level and age. • One Kit per teacher or aide
Teachers or home-schooling parents who teach • Four Koosh Balls per Classroom
multiple grade level students may purchase a • Six Letter Recognition Card sets per classroom
combination kit, containing both Manuals for $149.90. • One Alphabet Strip per student
Previous purchasers of the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit • Six Punctuation & Styles Booklets per Classroom
may purchase either Manual separately for $29.95 • Six Dictionaries per Classroom
each. • One Pound of modeling clay per student

ORDER FORM Discount Schedule

Qty Item Price in US Dollars Quantity Non-Member DDAI Member
Davis Learning Strategies® Teacher Kit 0-5 0% 10%
__ K-1 __ Grades 2-3 (Check one) $119.95
6-10 10% 15%
Davis Learning Strategies® Teacher Kit with
11-20 15% 20%
both Manuals $149.90
Davis Learning Strategies® K-1 Teacher Kit Manual 21-40 20% 25%
(sold separately only to previous purchasers of a full More than 40 25% 30%
Teacher Kit or Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) $29.95
Davis Learning Strategies® Grades 2-3 Teacher Kit TO ORDER:
Manual (sold separately only to previous purchasers
of a full Teacher Kit or Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) $29.95 · By phone: Call 1-888-999-3324 toll-free
in the USA or Canada.
Alphabet Strip $7.95
Punctuation & Styles Booklet
Letter Recognition Cards
· Fax this order form with your name,
shipping address, credit card
Pronunciation Key Cards $12.95
Symbol Mastery Procedure Chart $1.95 authorization to +1 (650) 692-7075. We
Stop Signs for Reading Chart $1.95 will add shipping and handling
Koosh Balls (2) $11.00
Clay - 2 pounds $8.00 charges.
Webster’s Children’s Dictionary (Hardcover)
Checking Your Grammar (Softcover)
· E-mail your order to
DDAI Membership $50/year US$60/year non-US
(not including shipping charges) UPS Shipping Charges will be added to all orders

The Light and Knife

Congratulations to Larry Smith,
My name is blue and flowing like the
ripples in a pond Jr. of Calgary, Alberta!
When you skip smooth stones across On November 1, 2001, Larry was
it’s crystal clear surface awarded the Alberta Literacy Award
It moves like a gentle breeze rustling of Merit. This award recognizes and
the leaves and whispering words. highlights individuals for their
It is long and flowing like a pale exceptional performance,
moonbeam accomplishments, and dedication;
Streaming through a window just and significant achievements in
before you fall asleep. service of professional activities in
It means “the bearer of light.” literacy in Alberta, Canada.
My first name, Camille. During the presentation it was
stated, “The nominations we received
My middle name has a sharp edge to for Larry Smith were full of letters
it. from former clients, parents, teachers
When I say it, it feels sharp and doctors who have seen lives
Like my tongue is a knife, dramatically impacted by the help
And I can slice through any word. they received at Rocky Point “Before the program I was trying to
Even so, it is quiet and secretive Academy.” adapt to a world that did not fit. It
And no one can guess it when I ask, Some quotes from nominations that was like putting the wrong puzzle
“What’s my middle name?” were mentioned during the piece in the wrong space. Now I
presentation: know how I learn and I know that I
-Camille Meyers
“The program works wonders.” can do anything that I want to do.”
“My son who has dyslexia and ADD, “I have seen dramatic changes in his
This is a poem my daughter, Camille, spent a week with Larry which has ADD and would no longer consider
wrote in response to a classroom made a very positive change in his prescribing Ritalin. He’s beat it
assignment. It has been four years since personality and the way he looks at himself!”
she went through her Davis Dyslexia learning.”
Correction Program and it has made such “He has a willingness to work and Larry is a licensed Davis
a difference in her life. Words used to Facilitator, and travels to many
read now after 7 years of tears.” schools and communities sharing the
confuse her and control her. Now as you
can see, she is the one in control. I found “ I am so glad I took the program, it positive side of dyslexia and ADD.
it particularly interesting and meaningful has changed me and my family’s He is a credit to us all.
that she alluded to “words” several times. life.” Congratulations again Larry! t

Growing Space isn't

from a seed remote at all. It's
showing beauty
only an hour's drive
fighting weeds.
Velvet petals on the trees. away if your car
So softly buzzing com the bees.
Juicy peaches clinging on, could go straight
warmed and ripened in the sun, upwards.
slightly swaying in the wind.
Peach pie for many families.
Jams and Jellies that we made.
Years of writing diaries in the shade.
-Fred Hoyle,
Axes cut all the memories. Astronomer,
Elena Bronisz, age 10 (4th grade) Elena Bronisz mathematician,
Bellingham, WA 11-5-01 writer (1915- )

Improve Your Primary Classroom Reading & Classroom Management Skills

With the Davis Learning Strategies ® Basic Teacher Workshop
Davis Learning Strategies give K-3 Feedback from Teachers
teachers immediately usable and effective
tools that:
"I really saw
• Tap the creative learning process in all children. a difference.
• Significantly improve language arts skills without I go once a
week with
paper/pencil and worksheets. the class to
• Efficiently and effectively teach reading and pre- the school
reading skills to multiple learning styles. library. In
• Quickly and easily give children self-management previous
skills for paying attention and staying on task. years my
pupils would
• Make classroom and behavior management easy just check
and positive. out the
• Children find fun, engaging, and motivating. picture books. They were content to look at the
• Can be flexibly applied in a variety of school and pictures. This class has become very 'knowledge
thirsty.' They check out general education books,
learning activities. everything from volcanoes to Indians. Better yet, they
look at them AND read them!"
Research Based —AA, primary school teacher
The workshop
represents the results of
six years of research and "The biggest change that I have seen in this first
development in several K- semester of using Davis? Short and simple: energy
3 elementary classrooms management. Nowadays, my class comes back from
by an experienced teacher, even the most turbulent playground breaks and can
Sharon Pfeiffer. In August, quickly adjust to the classroom. They can pay attention
2001, a research paper and actually listen to me."
detailing the effects of —GE, primary school teacher, Switzerland
these strategies on first grade word recognition and gifted education
placement was published in Reading Improvement, a peer-reviewed "I am using it in the class, and yes it's working. In the
journal. Davis Learning Strategies are based on methods developed by children I saw change: caring for one another, helping
Ronald D. Davis.
another and realizing that no one in our class is stupid.
Davis Learning Strategies There is no more such a thing as a naughty child
With Davis Focusing Skills™, a series of exercises which use because you can focus your friend next to you, you can
imagination and coordination, children can easily develop the self focus your group. With spelling and reading there is
directed ability to be physically and mentally focused on the learning definitely a great improvement in my class. I've got 38
task at hand. children in my class (in South Africa we can go up to
Through Davis Symbol Mastery®, children master the alphabet, 45 or 50 per class) all focused. The other teachers
punctuation marks, and basic sight words with a simple, easy and fun often tell me they don't think I have children in my
alternative to pencil-paper activities and drill exercises.
Davis Reading Exercises provide a fun and cooperative method for class: the reason being they are focused AND use there
increasing word recognition and reading comprehension skills. This dial setting! Even if they come to class wild and
reading method can be used alone or as a supplement to a current active, within minutes I have the most well behaved
reading program. class in the whole school. Thanks to Davis Learning
With these Davis Learning Strategies, children become well Strategies!"
prepared for a successful first four years of schooling and for a —Stephany van Dyk,
lifetime of learning! Educator in Johannesburg, South Africa
Visit the Davis Learning Strategies web site:
www.davislearn.com "In essence, I believe that this is the gift that we are
able to give our children if we implement the Davis
2002 DATES & LOCATIONS Learning Strategies in our classrooms. We are able to
June 10-13 San Antonio, Texas give each learner, regardless of their individual
June 24-27 San Francisco, California learning style, the ability and opportunity to learn
July 8-11 Minneapolis, Minnesota successfully. As educators, what greater reward do we
July 15-18 Milwaukee, Wisconsin require? I wish to encourage all educators who have
August 12-15 San Francisco, California the opportunity to learn the Davis methods to do so.
August 26-29 Vancouver, Canada They truly are a life-line to help ALL children, and in
so doing, we can enable them to reach their full
Call 1-888-805-7216 for U.S. Registration
Call +1 (604) 921-1084 for Canada Registration potential."
THREE ACADEMIC UNITS AVAILABLE —Gillian Rookyard, A final year teaching student
(with no homework)

Come Learn and

the Davis Dyslexia
Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction® Workshop
based on the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis

Workshop Outline
Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Orientation Review Procedure (a method for checking
Correction® Procedures orientation skills)
· Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy and · Demonstration & Practice Session
developmental stages of a learning disability. Overview of the Davis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)
steps for dyslexia correction. · What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for dyslexic Mastering Basic Language Symbols
learning styles) · Demonstrations and Group Exercises
· Demonstration and Practice Session Reading Improvement Exercises
Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, · Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation
strengths & weaknesses; set goals; and establish motivation)
· Demonstration and Practice Session DAY FOUR
Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting orientation
DAY TWO using balance)
Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words
control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions) · Demonstrations, Group Exercises and Practice Sessions
· What is Orientation? Demonstration and Practice Session Implementing the Davis Procedures
Release Procedure (method for alleviating stress and
Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling)
· What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration To register for US workshops
Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling ADD call 1-888-805-7216 (toll-free)


9 - 12 April 2002 (English) 30 May - 2 June (German) 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2002 (German) 19-22 October (English)
Instructor: Jürg Peter Instructor: Ioannis Tzivanakis Instructor: Bonny Beuret Instructor: Robin Temple
Location: Ipoh, Malaysia Location: Karlsruhe, Germany Location: Basel, Switzerland Location: Winchester, England
Contact: singapore@dyslexia.com Contact: germany@dyslexia.com Contact: ch@dyslexia.com Contact: uk@dyslexia.com

15 - 18 April 2002 (English) 6-9 June (German) 7-10 or 12-15 Sept (English) 4-7 December (English)
Instructor: Jürg Peter Instructor: Ioannis Tzivanakis Instructor: Bonny Beuret Instructor: Bonny Beuret
Location: Singapore Location: Munich, Germany Location: Sydney, Australia Location: Singapore
Contact: singapore@dyslexia.com Contact: germany@dyslexia.com Contact: australia@dyslexia.com Contact: sg@dyslexia.com

6-9 May, 2002 (English) 4 - 7 July 2002 (French) 7-10 October (English)
Instructor: Bonny Beuret Instructor: Bonny Beuret Instructors: Gerry Grant &
Location: Muscat, Oman Location: Geneva, Switzerland Ronald D. Davis
Contact: Hodge@omantel.net.om Contact: ch@dyslexia.com Location: Toronto, Canada For updated workshop
(Pat Hodge) Contact: canada@dyslexia.com
8 - 11 July 2002 (English)
27-30 May (English) Instructor: Ronald D. Davis 17-20 October (Spanish) schedules visit
Instructor: Robin Temple Location: San Francisco, CA Instructor: Ronald D. Davis
Location: Winchester, England Contact: training@dyslexia.com Location: Monterrey, Mexico
Contact: uk@dyslexia.com Contact: mexico@dyslexia.com

Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators and Specialists and

Davis Learning Strategies School Mentors & Workshop Presenters
Congratulations and welcome to our growing international family of Davis providers!
Margarete (Margie) “brilliant” father was also dyslexic, and it Gerri Cox, BSN, RN
Hayes became interested appears my son as well. How lucky! I am very “My life and my son’s
in the Davis Dyslexia honored to be part of each person’s discovery life were affected in
Correction Program when of talents.” Alternative Learning Solutions, many special ways as a
her granddaughter, 8142 East Briarwood Blvd., Englewood, CO result of a very positive,
Heather, went through the 80112. USA. (303) 850-0581. inspiring and successful
program in January 2000. Pukooi@aol.com Davis program with our,
The positive changes in Facilitator, Bill Allen, in
Heather began that week Susanne Wild. St. Atlanta, Georgia. My son
and continues. Margie wanted to be part of Johannes Strasse 5, D- received confidence and tools which enabled
this exciting program. She holds a BS in 86316 Paar, Germany. him to improve his reading skills and he is
Education. Margie works at New Hope +49 (08205) 95 90 828. now willing to tackle high school honors level
Learning Centers, 2525 N. Mayfair Road, BeratungSWild@aol.com English courses! For me, a journey began to
Suite 107, Wauwatosa, WI 53226. USA. (888) become a certified Davis Facilitator. After
890-5380 or (414) 774-5380. receiving a Bachelor of Nursing degree from
Newhope4dyslexia@aol.com the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill in 1982, I worked in a neonatal intensive
Georgina Dunlop has a Yvonne Preisig. Albistrasse 11, CH-Thalwil, care unit and went on to teach nursing at a
B.Ed. in Physics. She has Sitzerland +41 720 3270. local college. In more recent years, I have
also worked in primary served as the office manager of The Cox Law
schools providing reading Gundula Patzlaff achieved a degree as a Firm. This job allowed me the time to
and literacy support. She medical assistant and physiotherapist. As a volunteer in the school systems as a tutor as
became interested in the physiotherapist, Gundula acquired experience well as see the needs of many special bright
Davis Methods having through her work in various hospitals. Zur children who display the signs of dyslexia. I
seen a close friend (also a Uhlandschohe 12B, D-70188 Stuttgart, am excited to be opening the Coastal
Davis Facilitator) use the Germany. +49 (0711) 23 64 865. Carolina’s Dyslexia Correction Center, located
Davis Methods to help children and adults at the beach!” P.O. Box 2439, Shallotte, NC
improve their literacy skills. Georgina has Angelika Kohn has 28459, USA. (910) 754-9559 or
traveled widely and worked in Hungary. She worked as a teacher in (910) 754-6499. Cox2@mindspring.com
has lived in the US for four years and as a several trade schools
result understands the differences in the where she specialized in Janet Confer has been
British and American education systems. She teaching German. Von married to her husband
has two sons who are currently working their Plieningenstr. 12, D- Russ for twenty three
way through GCSEs and A Levels. Her 71711 Steinheim- years and is the mother of
interests include literature and opera. Dyslexia Kleinbottwar, Germany. three children. After
Correction Centre, Holtwood, Brockenhurst +49 (071) 48 66 08. enrolling her son in the
Road, Ascot, SL5 9HA, United Kingdom. +44 Davis Program and
(1344) 62 21 15. Elisabeth Raberger has observing the academic
Gerogina.dunlop@btinternet.co.uk worked as a goldsmith. success in Ben’s life,
She has made a continued Janet began her training as a Facilitator. “The
Catherine Warner education as teacher, has Davis philosophy, that each person is uniquely
became interested in taught socially created and endowed with personal gifts,
dyslexia through her disadvantaged children, meant that becoming a Facilitator would be an
volunteer work with and has acquired a degree extension of my own heart. One of the
refugee children in in German. She greatest joys I have as a Facilitator is
Geneva, Switzerland. She specialized in teaching watching my clients and their families walk
is looking forward to German to foreigners. Currently she teaches out the door full of hope and knowing their
using her bilingual skills refugees. Bäderstr. 24, CH-5400 Baden, lives will never be the same.” Uniquely
to work with clients, both Switzerland. +49 (040) 82 29 35 69. Created Learning Solutions for Dyslexia, 159
French and English, in this very international Encantado Canyon, Rancho Santa Margarita,
city. 25 Av. Du Mail, CH-1205, Geneva, Richard Whitehead has CA. 92688, USA. (949) 589-9466.
Switzerland. +41 (0223) 21 70 42. a family-run centre conferj @aol.com
Dyslexie@romandie.com specializing in the
correction of a variety of Gabi Justen is both a licensed Curative
Crystal Punch is a learning difficulties using Educator and a licensed Equitational
mother of two and has the Davis Methods, and Therapist. “The most important thing for me
been teaching for ten in the homeopathic in facilitating is to have respect for the other
years at experiential treatment of illness. person. Then to understand my client’s nature.
schools. “I was puzzled Besides English, From this understanding then develops the
because many students Richards is also fluent in German and Polish. form of how we work with each other. A good
were brilliant, out-of-the- Centre for Natural Health and Learning. 75 portion of humor helps.” Schumannstrasse 30,
box thinkers, but could Wheatfield Way, Cranbrook, Kent, TN17 D-66111 Saarbrucken, Germany.
not write down their 3NB, United Kingdom. +44 (1580) 71 30 94. +49-681 595 9623. g.justen@t-online.de
thoughts, or follow through with and complete Dyslexia@cnhl.info
a project. My journey to understand this
dilemma lead me to Ron Davis. After the
Fundamentals Workshop, I discovered my

Jeannette Myers has a Jennifer Delrieu was New Davis Specialist

BA in Psychology with born in the north of
an emphasis on England in 1947. Nic Carter of Basel, Switzerland has been a
kinesthetics. For many Jennifer married a licensed Facilitator since November, 1999.
years she worked as a Frenchman and had three +41 (061) 273 81 85 info@dda.ch
Creative Arts Therapist children, one of whom is
in hospitals and day care married and lives in New Davis Learning Strategies
centers. Jeannette used Arizona, one is teaching School Mentors
art, movement and dance English in Turkey, and
as a way to connect and to help people the youngest is in high school. She has a Marlene Easley of Bellingham, Washington
express themselves. Currently, she has her Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in French has been a Davis Facilitator since August,
own art studio where she paints and creates and Italian and has worked in teaching for 1998. She has been mentoring classroom
ceramic sculptures. “A few years ago, I began over 30 years. It was the certainty that one
teachers in her area to implement Davis
to do volunteer work with local schools day she would find a method to teach those
Learning Strategies since 1999. (360) 714-
tutoring students with reading difficulties. I bright yet bewildered children and adults who
found the Davis program while looking for a “didn’t learn” that led her to train as a Davis 9619. marlene@dyslexiaunlearned.com
new direction in my life. The combination of Facilitator. After traveling and living in
reading and using clay was a natural Europe and North America, she is presently Gerda Barakos-Jeger of Basel, Switzerland
progression and the fit ‘feels’ exactly perfect.” based in France in the Paris area and hopes to was a primary school teacher before
New Perspectives, 2415 Gracey Lane, develop learning differences awareness in becoming a Davis Facilitator in May, 1999.
Fallbrook, CA.92028, USA. (760) 723-2989. French schools as well as accompanying She has been mentoring local primary school
jeannette@tfp.com clients through the Davis Program. teachers to implement Davis Learning
Apprendre, 44 Rue Serpentine, Voisins le Strategies since 1999. +41 (061) 273 81 85
Heidi Gander-Belz Bretonneux, 78960 France. +33 (01) 30-44- info@dda.ch
Himmelsbergstr. 41, CH- 19-91. jenniferdelrieu@yahoo.com
8617 Monchaltdorf, New Davis Learning Strategies
Switzerland. Tamera Richardson found the Davis method Workshop Presenters
+41 (01) 948 1410. while searching for help for her 7-year-old
hganderbelz@gmx.ch daughter, Emily. After attending the Carol Hern of Spokane,
Fundamentals workshop and observing the Washington taught in
dramatic success of her daughter, she decided elementary schools for 15
to pursue a Davis Facilitator License. There years. Currently she is an
are many of Tammy’s family members who adjunct instructor at
Elizabeth (Betsy) Ratliff has a Masters have the gift of dyslexia. During the course of Gonzaga University and
degree in Anthropology and spent two years the Facilitator training she was able to host a supervises student
in the Peace Corps. “While raising three Davis Learning Strategies Workshop at the teachers. She holds a
daughters, I worked in a school as a computer Charter School where she works. “Having the
Masters Degree in Special Education.
lab assistant. While there, I encouraged lab opportunity to do Davis Correction while
(509) 363-1771 hernsie@msn.com
usage for special education students. Since seeing the Davis Strategies begin to be used
my move to North Carolina, I have been a in the classroom is just incredible.” She now Ethel Kellog of Spokane,
vision therapist for six years. Realizing a few works with clients and students at Sequoia Washington taught
clients could not consistently make forward Charter School in Mesa, AZ. Dyslexia
students with learning
progress without an orientation point, I Unlocked, 1050 South McDonald Street,
disabilities for 16 years
trained to become a Davis Facilitator. I have a Mesa, AZ 85210, USA. (480) 649-7737
firm commitment to help a child succeed in ext.2237. tammypr@yahoo.com and is an adjunct faculty
school and have the chance to become member at Gonzaga
whatever he or she wants.” ZYX Learning Wendy Gilley is a University. She holds a
Center, 124 Chimney Rise Drive Cary, NC teacher and mother who Masters Degree in
27511 USA. (919) 461-3948. was looking for a Special Education. (509) 363-1771
beaeff@earthlink.com solution to her daughter's marethk@earthlink.net
dyslexia and discovered
Stacey Smith has a degree in Elementary the Davis Methods. Bonny Beuret, Director of DDA-CH in
Education. In addition to her experience in the "After my Katie's Basel, Switzerland. +41 (061) 273 81 85
classroom, she has been a therapist and a remarkable success, my info@dda.ch
coach with learning and physically challenged interest in dyslexia
individuals. She, her husband, children, continued to grow and I realized that a Davis The Davis Facilitator training program requires
parents, and siblings have all participated in Facilitator was desperately needed in our area. approximately 400 hours of course work.
Davis Correction Programs. “To be a Davis I needed a career change and Davis was the The Davis Specialist program requires extensive
Facilitator is the most fulfilling career I can obvious choice for me. As a science teacher experience providing Davis programs and an
imagine. To work with children and adults with a keen interest and love for children I've additional 260 hours of training. Specialists and
that come in with their heads hanging on taught three-year-old Head Start, middle Facilitators are subject to annual re-licensing
Monday, and then seeing them bounce out the school, high school and college, but nothing based upon case review and adherence to the
door with a smile on Friday is so rewarding.” has given me the sense of fulfillment I have DDAI Standards of Practice.
Rocky Point Academy, 128 Partridge Court. when helping a child discover that he or she Davis Learning Strategies School Mentors and
Calgary, Alberta Canada T3Z 3M2 Tel: 1- can succeed in school. Seeing a young mind Workshop Presenters are experienced teachers
866-685-0067 or fax 1-403-685-0673. flourish and a life change is the ultimate and trainers who have had two-three years of
info@rockypointacademy.com career." Dyslexia Correction Center of specialized training and experience mentoring
Louisiana, 14174 Woodland Ridge, Baton classroom teachers of children ages 5-9.
Rouge, LA 70816. (225) 751-8741. For information about training or a full directory of
Dg663@aol.com Davis providers, see www.dyslexia.com/affil.htm,
or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or toll-free in the US at

Davis Dyslexia Correction® Providers

The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is now available from more than 270 Facilitators around the world.
For updates, call: (888) 805-7216 [Toll Free] or (650) 692-7141 or visit www.dyslexia.com/affil.htm
United States
Alabama Carol Stromberg, Virginia Bushman, New Visions
Paula Morehead, Dyslexia Center of Dyslexia Correction Integrated Learning Systems
the South Toll Free: (800) 290-7605 (320) 845-6455 (Albany)
(205) 822-9050 (Hoover) (970) 487-0228 (Collbran)
Cyndi Deneson,
Arizona Florida New Hope Learning Center
Edie Fritz, New Solutions Dyslexia Randee Garretson Toll Free: (888) 890-5380
Correction Dyslexia Correction (952) 820-4673 (Bloomington)
(602) 274-7738 (Phoenix) (813) 956-0502 (Lutz)
Nancy Kress, Dyslexia Corrector Alice J. Pratt & Gwin Pratt, Nancy F. McClain & M. Elizabeth (Beth)
(602) 291-8528 (Glendale) Dyslexia Plus Cook
(904) 389-9251 (Jacksonville) MDC Mississippi Dyslexia Center
John Mertz, Arizona Dyslexia (866) 632-2900 (Vicksburg)
Correction Center Georgia
Toll Free: (877) 219-0613 Bill Allen,”THE” Dyslexia Coach Missouri
(520) 219-0613 (Tucson) (770) 594-1770 (Atlanta) Patricia Henry,
Dyslexia Correction of KC
Tamera Richardson, Scott Timm, Dyslexia Masters (816) 361-6563 (Kansas City)
Dyslexia Unlocked (770) 516-7294 (Woodstock)
(480) 649-7737 ext.2237 (Mesa) Montana
Hawaii Nancy Sitton, Dyslexia Deciphered
California Scott Shedko (406) 863-9844 (Whitefish)
Dr. Fatima Ali • Ron Davis • Alice Davis (808) 377-3177 (Honolulu)
• Sharon Pfeiffer • Lexie White Strain • Nebraska
Dee Weldon White Illinios Shawn Carlson, Education Insights
Reading Research Council Dyslexia Kim Ainis, (402) 420-1025 (Lincoln)
Correction Center The Reading Center
Toll Free: (800) 729-8990 (312) 360-0805 (Chicago) Nevada
(650) 692-8990 (Burlingame) Barbara Clark, New Foundations for
Indiana Dyslexics
Janalee E. Beals, Myrna Burkholder, (775) 265-1188 (Gardnerville)
The Dyslexia Mentor Michiana Dyslexia Correction Center
(877) 439-7539 (Palm Springs) (574) 533-7455 (Goshen) New Jersey
Charlotte Foster, Multivariant Learning
Janet Confer, Iowa Systems
Uniquely Created Learning Solutions Mary Kay Frasier, (908) 766-5399 (Basking Ridge)
for Dyslexia Innovative Learning Professionals
(949) 589-9466 (Rancho Santa (515) 270-0280 (Des Moines) Nancy Cimprich, Creative Learning
Margarita) Systems
Kansas (856) 358-3102 (Elmer)
Richard A. Harmel, Carole Coulter, Dylsexia Correction of
Solutions for Dyslexia Johnson County New Mexico
(310) 823-8900 (Los Angeles) (913) 831-0388 (Kansas City) Annie Johnson-Goodwin, Dyslexia
Jeannette Myers, Louisiana (505) 982-9843 (Santa Fe)
New Perspectives Wendy Gilley, Dyslexia Correction
(760) 723-2989 (Fallbrook) Center of Louisiana New York
(225) 751-8741(Baton Rouge) Carla Niessen,
Dwight E. Underhill Dyslexia Changed
(510) 559-7869 (El Cerrito) Michigan (845 or 914) 883-5766 (Clintondale)
Ann Minkel,
Colorado Michigan Dyslexia Resources Wendy Ritchie,
Kathy Bacon, Tollfree: (866) 330-3671 Positive Perception Ltd.
Creative Learning Center (517) 365-3176 (Six Lakes) (716) 233-4364 (Hilton)
(970) 669-0170 (Loveland)
Dean Schalow, Tri-Point North Carolina
Terry Demeo Toll Free: (800) 794-3060 Gerri Cox, Coastal Carolina’s Dyslexia
(303) 850-7668 (Littleton) (231) 899-5954 (Manistee) Correction Center
(910) 754-9559 or (910) 754-6499
Crystal Punch, Minnesota (Shallotte)
Alternative Learning Solutions Cindy Bauer
(303) 850-0581 (Englewood) Partners In Learning-Minnesota Erin Pratt, Dyslexia Plus
(612) 483-3460 (Plymouth) (828) 231-2400 (Asheville)

Betsy Ratliff, ZYX Learning Center Laura Warren, Rebecca Luera, Dyslexia Mastery
(919) 461-3948 (Cary) Dyslexia Correction Center (800) 818-9056 (Fall City)
(806) 771-7292 (Lubbock)
Ohio Sharon Polster,
Lisa C. Thatcher, Ohio Dyslexia Virginia Dyslexia Tutoring Services
Correction Center Angela Binns Odom, (206) 780-8199 (Bainbridge Island)
(740) 397-7060 (Mount Vernon) Succeed Learning Center
(804) 833-8858 (Midlothian) Ruth Ann Youngberg,
Oklahoma Dyslexia Mastered
Christina Martin, Washington (360) 671-9858 (Bellingham)
Reading Tree Dyslexia Solutions Marilyn Anderson & Aleta Clark,
(918) 492-0700 (Tulsa) Dyslexia Correction Center of WA West Virginia
Toll Free: (866) 492-0700 (253) 854-9377 (Kent) Gale Long,
New Horizons Dyslexia Correction
Pennsylvania Dorothy Jean Bennett, Jackie Black & Center
Marcia Maust, Laurel Highlands Renie Smith, Meadowbrook Toll Free: (888) 517-7830
Dyslexia Correction Center Educational Services (304) 965-7400 (Elkview)
(814) 267-6694 (Berlin) Toll Free: (800) 371-6028
(509) 443-1737 (Spokane) Wisconsin
Texas (425) 252-5184 (Everett) Darlene Bishop, Margie Hayes &
Kellie Brown, Texas Dyslexia Services Pamela Kretz,
Toll Free: (877) 230-2622 Ray Davis & Suzanne Hailey, Reading New Hope Learning Centers, Inc.
(817) 989-0783 (Ft. Worth) Research Council Northwest Toll Free: (888) 890-5380
Toll Free: (866) 677-7726 (Everett) (414) 774-4586 (Milwaukee)
Rhonda Clemons & Colleen Millslagle,
Success Learning Center Marlene Easley, Canada:
Toll Free: (866) 531-2446 Dyslexia Unlearned Stacey Borger-Smith & Lawrence
(903) 531-2446 (Tyler) (360) 714-9619 (Bellingham) Smith, Jr., Rocky Point Academy
(403) 685-0067
Susan Dickens Kathy Hawley & Meliesa Hawley, Toll Free: (866) 685-0067
Discovery Learning Center Cascade Dyslexia Correction (Calgary, Alberta)
(512) 515-5591 (509) 784-1927 (Entiat)
(512) 267-4156 (Leander) Darlene Brown,
Carol Hern & Ethel Kellogg, Creative Learning Resource
Dorothy Owen Dyslexia Mastery Center (250) 847-3463
DFW Dyslexia Correction (509) 363-1771 (Spokane) (Smithers, B.C.)
(817) 919-6200 (Dallas)
Jo Del Jensen, Gerry Grant,
Margot Sampayo Learning Tools Northwest Dyslexia Solutions Canada, Ltd.
(956) 544-6360 (Brownsville) (360) 679-9390 (Oak Harbor) Toll Free: (800) 981-6433
(Princeton, Ontario)

Sue Hall, Positive Dyslexia

In Fond and Grateful Memory of (604) 921-1084
Elizabeth (Misty) Davis of Richmond, Virginia who (West Vancouver, B.C.)
passed away on February 7, 2002. Brian Grimes
Misty trained in 1997 and became one of the first US (604) 892-9117
(Squamish, B.C.)
Davis Facilitators. She was a good friend and mentor
to many colleagues. Her ever-present wit and wisdom Wayne Wolfram Hassell, Learning-
Abilities Enhancement Programs
are revealed in the following playful sonnet. (604) 988-7680
(Vancouver, B.C.)
The Dyslexic's Dilemma
D’vorah Hoffman,
Is this a passage which I see before Or to use vision against a sea of Living Hands Learning Centre
me, sounds, (416) 398-6779
The meaning toward my eye? Come, And through perception end them. (Toronto, Ontario)
let me grasp thee. To read: to grasp, Jeri Mcleod,
I have decoded thee not, and yet I To grasp? perchance to understand? Dyslexia Mind Masters
perceive thee still. Ay, there's the glory; (403) 503-0108
Art thou not glorious passage, For with thy comprehension what (Calgary, Alberta)
sensible to orientation as to sound? knowledge may be unveiled, Catherine (Cathy) Smith, C.M. Smith
Or art thou but a milieu for phonic To enhance thy life, to increase thy & Associates
babble? wisdom, (905) 844-4144
To think, or not to think, that is the Must give us pause. (Oakville, Ontario)
question: by Elizabeth Armistead Davis, with Wayman E. (Wes) Sole,
Whether `tis nobler to the mind to sincere apologies to William Dyslexia Help
suffer the process of decoding, Shakespeare (519) 472-1255 (London, Ontario)
Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er STANDARD
1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 245
Burlingame, CA 94010 PAID

Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop

Based on the best-selling book 2002 International Schedule
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis Malaysia Ipoh April 9-12
Asia Singapore April 15-18
This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic
theories, principles and application of all the procedures Oman Muscat May 6-9
described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a England Winshester May 27-30
combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, Germany Karlsruhe May 30 - June 2
and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited to Germany Munich June 6-9
ensure the highest quality of training. Switzerland Geneva July 4-7
Who Should Attend: US San Francisco July 8-11
Switzerland Basel Aug 29 - Sept 1
Everyone involved in helping dyslexic individuals over the
Australia Sydney Sept 7-10 or 12-15
age of eight.
Canada Toronto Oct 7-10
Participants will learn: Mexico Monterrey Oct 17-20
• How the Davis procedures were developed. U.S. Course Schedule
• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.” • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)
• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus • 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (Lunch break 12:00-1:30)
attention. U.S. Fees and Discounts
• $975 per person plus $95 materials fee
• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading. • $925 for DDAI members or groups of two or more
• How to incorporate and use proven methods for plus $95 materials fee
• $975 if paid in full 60 days in advance incl. materials
improving reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a • Advance registration and $200 deposit required
teaching, home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting. • Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership,
verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit
See page 11 for more workshop details. • Academic units available

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
DDA-CH DDA-Israel DDA-Nederland DDAI-US
Freie Strasse 81 20 Ha’shahafim St. Kerkweg 38a 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 245
CH 4001 Basel, Ra’anana 43724 6105 CG Maria Hoop, Burlingame, CA 94010
Tel: +41 (061) 273 81 85 Tel: +972 (053) 693 384 Tel: +31 (0475) 302 203 Fax: +1 (650) 692-7075
Fax: +41 (061) 272 42 41 Fax: +972 (09) 772-9889 Fax: +31 (0475) 301 381 E:mail: ddai@dyslexia.com
e-mail: ch@dyslexia.com E-mail: Israel@dyslexia.com E-mail: holland@dyslexia.com

DDA-Deutschland DDA- México DDA-UK For a full

Conventstrasse 14 Privada Fuentes #110, P.O. Box 40 description of the
D-22089 Hamburg esq. con Ricardo Margaín Winchester S022 6ZH
GERMANY Colonia Santa Engracia ENGLAND Davis Facilitator
Tel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Garza García - Monterrey, 66220 +44 (01962) 820 005 Certification
Fax: +49 (040) 25 17 86 24 Nuevo León MÉXICO Fax: +44 (01962) 820 006
Tel/Fax: +52 (08) 335 9435 Program, ask for
E-mail: germany@dyslexia.com E-mail: uk@dyslexia.com
or +52 (08) 356-8389 our booklet.
E-mail: mexico@dyslexia.com
Enrollment Limitedu Classes Fill Early u Call 1-888-805-7216 or 650-692-7141
For updated workshop schedules visit http://www.dyslexia.com/train.htm

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