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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) The advantage of light microscopy over electron microscopy is that 1)

A) light microscopy provides for higher magnification than electron microscopy.
B) light microscopy allows one to view dynamic processes in living cells.
C) light microscopy provides for higher resolving power than electron microscopy.
D) A and B
E) B and C

2) All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell except 2)

B) a plasma membrane.
C) ribosomes.
D) an endoplasmic reticulum.
E) a cell wall.

3) The volume enclosed by the plasma membrane of plant cells is often much larger than the 3)
corresponding volume in animal cells. The most reasonable explanation for this observation is that
A) plant cells are capable of having a much higher surface-to-volume ratio than animal cells.
B) the basic functions of plant cells are very different from those of animal cells.
C) animal cells are more spherical, while plant cells are elongated.
D) plant cells contain a large vacuole that reduces the volume of the cytoplasm.
E) plant cells have a much more highly convoluted (folded) plasma membrane than animal cells.

4) Which of the following is a major cause of the size limits for certain types of cells? 4)
A) the observation that longer cells usually have greater cell volume
B) the difference in plasma membranes between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
C) the evolution of larger cells after the evolution of smaller cells
D) the evolution of eukaryotes after the evolution of prokaryotes
E) the need for a surface area of sufficient area to allow the cell's function

5) Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following 5)
A) lipids B) steroids C) starches D) glucose E) proteins

6) Under which of the following conditions would you expect to find a cell with a predominance of 6)
free ribosomes?
A) a cell that is constructing its cell wall or extracellular matrix
B) a cell that is digesting food particles
C) a cell that is enlarging its vacuole
D) a cell that is secreting proteins
E) a cell that is producing cytoplasmic enzymes

7) Which type of organelle is primarily involved in the synthesis of oils, phospholipids, and steroids? 7)
A) contractile vacuole
B) ribosome
C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D) mitochondrion
E) lysosome

8) Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported from the cell? 8)
A) lysosomes
B) rough ER
C) plasmodesmata
D) Golgi vesicles
E) tight junctions

9) In animal cells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular 9)
components. Which of the following organelles functions in this compartmentalization?
A) glyoxysome
B) lysosome
C) central vacuole
D) peroxisome
E) chloroplast

10) Which of the following statements correctly describes some aspect of protein disposal from 10)
prokaryotic cells?
A) Prokaryotes contain large pores in their plasma membrane that permit the movement of
proteins out of the cell.
B) Prokaryotes are unlikely to be able to excrete proteins because they lack an endomembrane
C) In prokaryotes, the ribosomes that are used for the synthesis of secreted proteins are located
outside of the cell.
D) Proteins that are excreted by prokaryotes are synthesized on ribosomes that are bound to the
cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane.
E) The mechanism of protein excretion in prokaryotes is probably the same as that in

11) Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic abnormality that results in cells accumulating and becoming 11)
clogged with very large and complex lipids. Which cellular organelle must be involved in this
A) the lysosome
B) the Golgi apparatus
C) the endoplasmic reticulum
D) membrane-bound ribosomes
E) mitochondria

12) The liver is involved in detoxification of many poisons and drugs. Which of the following 12)
structures is primarily involved in this process and therefore abundant in liver cells?
A) Nuclear envelope
B) rough ER
C) smooth ER
D) Golgi apparatus
E) Transport vesicles

13) Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted? 13)
A) Golgi apparatus
B) vacuole
C) lysosome
D) mitochondrion
E) peroxisome

14) Which of the following is a compartment that often takes up much of the volume of a plant cell? 14)
A) peroxisome
B) lysosome
C) Golgi apparatus
D) vacuole
E) mitochondrion

15) Which is one of the main energy transformers of cells? 15)

A) peroxisome
B) lysosome
C) mitochondrion
D) vacuole
E) Golgi apparatus

16) Which of the following contains its own DNA and ribosomes? 16)
A) mitochondrion
B) lysosome
C) Golgi apparatus
D) peroxisome
E) vacuole

17) Organelles other than the nucleus that contain DNA include 17)
A) ribosomes.
B) chloroplasts.
C) mitochondria.
D) B and C only
E) A, B, and C

18) A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, 18)
and mitochondria. It could be a cell from
A) any kind of organism.
B) a bacterium.
C) a plant or an animal.
D) an animal, but not a plant.
E) a plant, but not an animal.

19) Which of the following are capable of converting light energy to chemical energy? 19)
A) mitochondria
B) Golgi bodies
C) leucoplasts
D) peroxisomes
E) chloroplasts

20) Why isn't the mitochondrion classified as part of the endomembrane system? 20)
A) It only has two membrane layers.
B) Its structure is not derived from the ER.
C) It is not attached to the outer nuclear envelope.
D) It has too many vesicles.
E) It is not involved in protein synthesis.

21) Which of the following contain the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules? 21)
A) cilia
B) centrioles
C) flagella
D) A and C only
E) A, B, and C

22) Plasmodesmata in plant cells are most similar in function to which of the following structures in 22)
animal cells?
A) gap junctions
B) peroxisomes
C) tight junctions
D) extracellular matrix
E) desmosomes

23) Who proposed that the membrane is a mosaic of protein molecules bobbing in a fluid bilayer of 23)
A) H. Davson and J. Danielli
B) E. Gorter and F. Grendel
C) C. Overton
D) S. Singer and G. Nicolson
E) I. Langmuir

24) Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of the cell 24)
A) phospholipids and cellulose
B) glycoproteins and cholesterol
C) nucleic acids and proteins
D) phospholipids and proteins
E) proteins and cellulose

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

For the following questions, match the labeled component of the cell membrane (Figure 7.1) with its description.

Figure 7.1

25) peripheral protein 25)

26) cholesterol 26)

27) microfilament of the cytoskeleton 27)

28) glycolipid 28)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

29) The presence of cholesterol in the plasma membranes of some animals 29)
A) enables the animal to add hydrogen atoms to unsaturated phospholipids.
B) makes the animal more susceptible to circulatory disorders.
C) makes the membrane less flexible, allowing it to sustain greater pressure from within the cell.
D) enables the animal to remove hydrogen atoms from saturated phospholipids.
E) enables the membrane to stay fluid more easily when cell temperature drops.

30) According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes, which of the following is a true statement 30)
about membrane phospholipids?
A) They are free to depart from the membrane and dissolve in the surrounding solution.
B) They frequently flip-flop from one side of the membrane to the other.
C) They can move laterally along the plane of the membrane.
D) They have hydrophilic tails in the interior of the membrane.
E) They occur in an uninterrupted bilayer, with membrane proteins restricted to the surface of
the membrane.

31) In order for a protein to be an integral membrane protein it would have to be which of the 31)
A) hydrophobic
B) completely covered with phospholipids
C) amphipathic
D) hydrophilic
E) exposed on only one surface of the membrane

32) Which of the following is true of integral membrane proteins? 32)

A) They are usually transmembrane proteins.
B) They are not mobile within the bilayer.
C) They are loosely bound to the surface of the bilayer.
D) They serve only a structural role in membranes.
E) They lack tertiary structure.

33) Of the following functions, which is most important for the glycoproteins and glycolipids of animal 33)
cell membranes?
A) maintaining membrane fluidity at low temperatures
B) facilitated diffusion of molecules down their concentration gradients
C) maintaining the integrity of a fluid mosaic membrane
D) a cell's ability to distinguish one type of neighboring cell from another
E) active transport of molecules against their concentration gradients

34) Which of these are not embedded in the lipid bilayer at all? 34)
A) integrins
B) peripheral proteins
C) integral proteins
D) transmembrane proteins
E) glycoproteins

35) Which of these often serve as receptors or cell recognition molecules on cell surfaces? 35)
A) integral proteins
B) glycoproteins
C) integrins
D) transmembrane proteins
E) peripheral proteins

36) What kinds of molecules pass through a cell membrane most easily? 36)
A) monosaccharides such as glucose
B) large and hydrophobic
C) small and hydrophobic
D) ionic
E) large polar

37) Which of the following is a characteristic feature of a carrier protein in a plasma membrane? 37)
A) It works against diffusion.
B) It exhibits a specificity for a particular type of molecule.
C) It has few, if any, hydrophobic amino acids.
D) It is a peripheral membrane protein.
E) It requires the expenditure of cellular energy to function.

38) Which of the following would likely move through the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane most 38)
A) an amino acid
B) starch
C) glucose
D) K +
E) CO2

39) Which of the following statements is correct about diffusion? 39)

A) It requires an expenditure of energy by the cell.
B) It is a passive process in which molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a
region of lower concentration.
C) It is very rapid over long distances.
D) It requires integral proteins in the cell membrane.
E) It is an active process in which molecules move from a region of lower concentration to one of
higher concentration.

40) Water passes quickly through cell membranes because 40)

A) it moves through hydrophobic channels.
B) it moves through aquaporins in the membrane.
C) water movement is tied to ATP hydrolysis.
D) the bilayer is hydrophilic.
E) it is a small, polar, charged molecule.

41) Celery stalks that are immersed in fresh water for several hours become stiff and hard. Similar 41)
stalks left in a salt solution become limp and soft. From this we can deduce that the cells of the
celery stalks are
A) hypotonic to both fresh water and the salt solution.
B) hypertonic to both fresh water and the salt solution.
C) isotonic with fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution.
D) hypotonic to fresh water but hypertonic to the salt solution.
E) hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution.

Refer to Figure 7.3 to answer the following questions.

The solutions in the arms of a U-tube are separated at the bottom of the tube by a selectively permeable membrane. The
membrane is permeable to sodium chloride but not to glucose. Side A is filled with a solution of 0.4 M glucose and 0.5 M
sodium chloride (NaCl), and side B is filled with a solution containing 0.8 M glucose and 0.4 M sodium chloride. Initially, the
volume in both arms is the same.

Figure 7.3

42) At the beginning of the experiment, 42)

A) side A is isotonic to side B.
B) side A is hypertonic to side B with respect to glucose.
C) side A is hypotonic to side B.
D) side A is hypotonic to side B with respect to sodium chloride.
E) side A is hypertonic to side B.

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Read the following information and refer to Figure 7.4 to answer the following questions.

Five dialysis bags, constructed from a semi-permeable membrane that is impermeable to sucrose, were filled with various
concentrations of sucrose and then placed in separate beakers containing an initial concentration of 0.6 M sucrose solution.
At 10-minute intervals, the bags were massed (weighed) and the percent change in mass of each bag was graphed.

Figure 7.4

43) Which line represents the bag that contained a solution isotonic to the 0.6 molar solution at 43)
the beginning of the experiment?

44) Which line represents the bag with the highest initial concentration of sucrose? 44)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

45) Which line or lines represent(s) bags that contain a solution that is hypertonic at the end of 60 45)
A) A and B B) B C) C D) D E) D and E

46) When a plant cell, such as one from a peony stem, is submerged in a very hypotonic solution, what 46)
is likely to occur?
A) the cell will become turgid
B) the cell membrane will lyse
C) the cell will burst
D) plasmolysis will shrink the interior
E) the cell will become flaccid

47) An organism with a cell wall would have the most difficulty doing which process? 47)
A) osmosis
B) diffusion
C) active transport
D) facilitated diffusion
E) phagocytosis

48) Ions diffuse across membranes down their 48)

A) concentration gradients.
B) chemical gradients.
C) electrical gradients.
D) electrochemical gradients.
E) A and B are correct.

49) The movement of potassium into an animal cell requires 49)

A) an energy source such as ATP or a proton gradient.
B) low cellular concentrations of sodium.
C) a gradient of protons across the plasma membrane.
D) high cellular concentrations of potassium.
E) a cotransport protein.

50) What is the voltage across a membrane called? 50)

A) chemical gradient
B) membrane potential
C) electrochemical gradient
D) water potential
E) osmotic potential

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