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CHARACTERS (5 people)

PERSONAJES (5 personas)





NARRADOR Hace muchos años un grupo de amigos que vivian en un

pequeño pueblo el cual estaba lleno de misterios y una historia aterradora
que se contaba entre las personas ancianas del pueblo pero las personas
jóvenes no creían lo que se contaba

NARRATOR Many years ago a group of friends lived in a small town which
was full of mysteries and a terrifying story that was counted among the elderly
people of the town but the young people did not believe what was told.

ANTONELA Friends, I invite you to my house to have dinner today

ANTONELA Amigos los invito a mi casa a cenar hoy

CAMILO Sure, yes

CAMILO Claro que si

SEBASTIAN I am going !!!

SEBASTIAN Yo si voy!!!
KARINA I can not go, my house is very far away, you live near Antonela's

KARINA yo no podre ir, mi casa queda muy lejos , ustedes viven cerca de
la casa de Antonela

CAMILO Come on Karina

CAMILO Vamos Karina

SEBASTIAN if Karina is going

SEBASTIAN si Karina vamos

CAMILO We take you to your house

CAMILO Nosotros te llevamos a tu casa

KARINA I do not think it's a good idea, I really do not like to walk at night, I'm
afraid of what people tell me
KARINA No creo que sea buena idea, la verdad no me gusta andar de
noche , me da miedo lo que las personas cuentan

SEBASTIAN jajajajajaja Karina and you are great to believe those stories
SEBASTIAN jajajajajaja Karina ya estas grande para creer esas historias

CAMILO Well I do not think much about what they talk about, but my
grandmother told me about a story that says that people who wander at night
appear a horrible man
CAMILO pues yo no creo mucho sobre eso que platican, pero mi abuela me
ha platicado sobre una historia que dice que las personas que deambulan de
noche se les aparece un hombre horrible

KARINA the people who have seen him call him the man of horror
KARINA la gente que lo ha visto le llaman el hombre del horror

ANTONELA If I've heard that and my father told me that a father died of
fright many years ago, they say that when he dies his face is left with a
terrifying face
ANTONELA Si eso he escuchado y mi papa me platico que un padre
murió de espanto hace muchos años , dicen que al morir su rostro quedo con
un semblante aterrador

KARINA tells the story that he is a horrible man, he has big fangs and he
has no nose, they also say that his eyes are so black and horrifying that with
his gaze he leaves you immobile
KARINA Dice la historia que es un hombre horrible , tiene colmillos grandes
y no tiene nariz, también dicen que sus ojos son tan negros y horripilantes
que con su mirada te deja inmóvil

SEBASTIAN jajajajaaajaja I can not believe it, that does not exist, they are
only stories that the elders use to scare people and they do not walk at night,
but they are only stories, it is not true all that people talk about.
SEBASTIAN jajajajaaajaja no lo puedo creer , eso no existe , solo son
historias que utilizan los ancianos para asustar y la gente no ande de noche
, pero solo son historias , no es verdad todo eso que la gente platica.
CAMILO I would not be very sure and although I do not believe much in horror
stories I prefer to keep the doubt

CAMILO Yo no estaría muy seguro y aunque no creo mucho en historias de

terror prefiero conservar la duda

ANTONELA Well let's stop talking about this story, maybe Sebastian is right
just be stories
ANTONELA bueno dejemos de hablar de esta historia, tal vez Sebastián
tenga razón solo sean historias

SEBASTIAN That's right, we better go to dinner at Antonela's house

SEBASTIAN Asi es, mejor vamos a cenar a la casa de Antonela

CAMILO if you're right

CAMILO si tienes razón

KARINA I do not want to go

KARINA pues yo no quiero ir

CAMILO Let's go and we'll leave you at home so you do not go back alone

CAMILO Vamos y nosotros te vamos a dejar a tu casa para que no te

regreses sola
SEBASTIAN if Karina we take you to your house

SEBASTIAN si Karina nosotros te llevamos a tu casa

KARINA It's okay

KARINA Esta bien

NARRATOR The afternoon passed and when the night came Camilo and
Sebastian got organized and went to Karina's house to go to dinner with
Antonela. On the way to Antonela's house, they met the old apothecary who
stopped in an unusual way and told them boys today is not a good night to
walk. The friends just greeted the apothecary and continued on their way to
Antonela's house
- Toc Toc Toc Toc Toc knocked on the door and opened the Antonela door,

NARRADOR Transcurrio la tarde y al llegar la noche Camilo y Sebastian se

pusieron organizaron y fueron a casa de Karina para ir a cenar con Antonela.
De camino a la casa de Antonela , se encontraron al viejo boticario el de una
manera inusual se detuvo y les dijo muchachos hoy no es una buena noche
para andar caminando.Los amigos solo saludaron al boticario y siguieron su
camino hacia la casa de Antonela

Toc Toc Toc Toc Toc sono la puerta y abrió la puerta Antonela,

ANTONELA Friends that good that they came, I was waiting for you
ANTONELA Amigos que bueno que vinieron , los estaba esperando

MARRADOR Dinner was over and while they were having dinner Antonela
noticed Karina strange and asked her
MARRADOR Transcurrio la cena y mientras cenaban Antonela noto extraña
a Karina y le pregunto

ANTONELA Karina, what's the matter with you? you're good?

ANTONELA Karina ¿que es lo que te pasa? ¿estas bien?

KARINA If Antonela is fine, I'm just a little scared

KARINA Si Antonela estoy bien , solo me encuentro un poco asustada

ANTONELA ¿ Porque?

SEBASTIAN The old apothecary scared her

SEBASTIAN El viejo boticario la asusto

CAMILO Yes, we met the pharmacist on the way when we came to your
house and he told us that today was not a good night to walk on the street
CAMILO Si, nos encontramos al boticario en el camino cuando veníamos a
tu casa y nos dijo que hoy no era una buena noche para andar en la calle.

SEBASTIAN That man is crazy, he just wants to scare us

SEBASTIAN Ese hombre esta loco, solo quiere asustarnos
NARRATOR the friends dined and continued talking and without realizing
the time it would be midnight
NARRADOR los amigos cenaron y siguieron conversando y sin darse cuenta
del tiempo que trancurria se llego la media noche

KARINA hooooooooooooo and did you see the time? It's too lat
KARINA hooooooooooooo ys vieron la hora? Ya es muy tarde

CAMILO If it's time to leave

CAMILO Si es hora de irnos

NARRATOR friends say goodbye and thank Antonela for the invitation and
leave Antonela's house. While they undertake the walk towards the house of
Karina to leave it
NARRADOR los amigos se despiden y agradecen a Antonela la invitación y
salen de la casa de Antonela. Mientras emprenden la caminata hacia la casa
de Karina para dejarla

KARINA Let's walk fast, it's late and I can not forget what the apothecary said

KARINA Caminemos rápido , es tarde y no puedo olvidar lo que dijo el señor


SEBASTIAN Do not worry, nothing happens, he's just a crazy old man
SEBASTIAN No te preocups no pasa nada , solo es un viejo loco
NARRATOR Young people arrive at Karina's house and leave her and go
out to go to their homes, the next stop being Camilo's house
NARRADOR Los jóvenes llegan a la casa de Karina y la dejan y salen para
ir a sus casas, siendo la próxima parada la casa de Camilo

CAMILO Friend emos come to my house tomorrow see you tomorrow, be


CAMILO Amigo emos llegado a mi casa mañana nos vemos mañana , vete
con cuidado

NARRATOR They say goodbye and Sebastian starts walking towards his
house when he hears a few steps, Sebastisn thought that something had
been forgotten his friend and turns and looks at a person who was
approaching him, but it was not Camilo, seeing that Sebastian begins to
walk faster and speaking for the same says

NARRADOR Se despiden y Sebastian empieza a caminar hacia su casa

cuando escucha unas pasos , Sebastisn pensó que algo se le había olvidado
a su amigo y voltea y mira a una persona que se aproximaba hacia el , pero
no era Camilo , al ver eso Sebastian empieza a caminar mas rápido y
hablando para el mismo dice

SEBASTIAN Quiet Sebastian are just stories that people tell are just

SEBASTIAN Tranquilo Sebastian solo son historias eso que la gente cuenta
solo son inventos
NARRATOR His heart began to beat very fast when he lifted his face and
looked at the man who was a few steps ahead, he could not distinguish who
he was, since this man wore a hooded trench coat Sebastian did not know
what to do and kept walking, as he passed by man

NARRADOR Su corazón empezó a latir muy rápido cuando al levantar su

rostro miro aquel hombre estaba unos pasos adelante , no podía distinguir
quien era , ya que este hombre vestia una gabardina con capucha Sebastian
no supo que hacer y siguió caminando , al pasar junto a aquel hombre

SEBASTIAN Good evening!

SEBASTIAN Buenas noches !!

NARRATOR That man raised his face and with the little light that there was
of the moon answered Sebastian's greeting saying good night and before he
could get away he said jaaaaa Sebastian told you that today was not a good
night to walk alone ...
Sebastian looked at that terrifying man with the face of a monster who had
fangs that went down to his neck and those black eyes that paralyzed him ...

Since that night Sevastian was given diabetes

NARRADOR Aquel hombre levanto la cara y con la poca luz que había de la
luna contesto al saludo de Sebastian diciendo buenas noches y antes de que
el pudiera salir huyendo dijo jaaaaa Sebastian te dijeron que hoy no era una
buena noche para andar caminando solo …

Sebastian miro aquel aterrador hombre con cara de moustro que tenia
colmillos que bajaban hasta su cuello y aquellos ojos negros que lo
paralizaron …

Desde aquella noche a Sevastian le dio diabetes


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