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Kinnerton Directory and Business.... 2016

Kinnerton Village hall 01244 660 907 PCSO Rob Bainbridge 07854 355040
Castell Alun High School 01978 760 238 Cllr Phil Lightfoot 01244 660 884
Ysgol Derwen School 01244 660 291 Flintshire County Council 01352 752 121
HKCC Community Council 01244 660 277 Flintshire Street Scene 01352 701 234

Your Monthly Higher Kinnerton Community Newsletter

Our Village ...

Elan Homes Planning Refused.
But before breaking out the champagne, it’s not over yet.
On Wednesday July 20th F.C.C. Planning Committee voted 9 to 4 against granting Elan Homes permission to
build on Kinnerton Lane but while this battle may have been won, it is merely the opening salvo of the war.
It is certain that Elan will appeal against this decision, using the grounds that there is currently no five year
Development Plan for Flintshire in place and thus, no proposed development can be deemed to be contrary
to the plan. And you thought Catch 22 was a work of fiction?
It seems that the absence of a five year plan and Flintshire’s need for housing outweighs normal planning
concerns, such as flood risk, lack of pedestrian connectivity with the main body of the village and highway
safety issues, in the pursuit of what Elan’s agent called the “ongoing need” for homes in the area. There are,
as I write, eight homes for sale along Main Road alone so I question this notional “need” and I am also at a
loss to understand the nature of the “substantial benefits” they claimed the development would bring.
We are entering this fight not only to protect our own village, but also because should this state of affairs be
allowed to continue, no site in the county will be safe from predatory applications such as this. There have
recently been numerous applications received by the Planning Dept. for speculative development of sites
outside the settlement boundaries set by the now expired Unitary Development Plan. (As is the case here.)
Surely common sense would suggest that just because a plan has expired, it does not suddenly become a bad
idea. Quite the contrary. The original plan was carefully thought through by large teams of people, giving the
consequences for the community and environment the consideration they deserve and to see it overturned
on purely speculative grounds is lunacy. What can we DO?
The regulations that have brought about this comedy of errors were set down by the Welsh Assembly. It is
thus VITAL that we all lobby our AM to explain how wrong it is going and the effects on our communities.
Write to CARL SARGEANT, National Assembly for Wales Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA or e-mail
Your Local Nursery Carl.Sargeant@assembly.Wales

For business entries contact Cllr Gareth Evans on or tel 07825 333 811
If we just do nothing, we have only ourselves to blame.
Kinnerton W.I. Higher Kinnerton Indoor Bowls Club Higher Kinnerton Cricket Club
The Kinnerton WI has just had a very busy but enjoyable month. We wish to thank all Kinnerton residents who helped as The new Indoor Bowls season 2016/17
At the last report we were second in the
models or observers at our recent 'fashion show' held on behalf of Hope House Hospice. We raised over £1,300 which all will commence in September.
league a point behind Abergele CC with
went to the hospice. We also had a very enjoyable evening at Broughton Church listening to Katie playing her
The Club AGM will take place on both clubs having a game in hand.
harps. What an amazing 15 year old! Not only did she play well giving us little talks as she went along but did this so that
she could use the money to help disadvantaged children in Peru. Tuesday 6 September 2016 at 7:30pm Unfortunately things have not
in the Village Hall (Blue Room) with progressed too well in the next games.
We look forward to lots of interesting speakers and have a French Evening in December with wine and cheese. bowling starting on Wednesday 14 With our captain Miles Gillespie injured
September 2016 from 6:30pm in the and key players on holiday we have
New members are always welcome and with over 50 members you will get to know many new faces. struggled against much more
Village Hall (Main Hall).
June Jones (President)
experienced opposition. The next game
If you are interested in bowling the Club normally meets every saw us travel to Abergele on a Friday
Wednesday evening from 6:30pm in the Village Hall. New members are evening where we scored 98/8 in our 20
always welcome and if you haven't played bowls before, our members overs which was easily overcome by our
Higher Kinnerton Post Office
Cakes Taste Better Together will be happy to coach you. opponents who scored 99/1. We then
It is with great sadness that Sue Lightfoot tells us on August 10th, the Post played Northop Hall on their fabulous
They certainly do so please, come and join For further information contact Mel (01244 660784) ground. A privilege to be there. Northop
Office in Bennetts Lane will close its doors for the final time. Having fought
us, meet friends old and new and enjoy a Hall are the best team in North Wales
off two previous closure attempts by Post Office Ltd during her 10 year
lovely afternoon tea. No, it’s not the Ritz
tenure, the prospect of retirement has become too hard to resist. We shall COLOURS (Fun)draising Fashion Shows and they fielded a strong side including
but it’s much nearer… You need only go to
not however be left without a Post Office presence in the village, as the their professional South African fast
Kinnerton Village Hall
branch is to move around the corner into the Premier Store on the Main Kinnerton Village Hall Committee and All Saints Church are proud to present: bowler, who I might add was not
Road. Sue would also like to thank her many customers, numerous of whom Monday September 5th needed as they bowled us out for 43
have become friends, for their support over the years. She’ll miss you. A Ladies Fashion Show & Pop Up Shop
and then knocked off 47/1 in no time.
Friday 23rd September 2016 Our next home game against Abergele
Kinnerton Scout Group
All money raised will go to Macmillan was rained off and then we were away
Doors open 7pm, show starts 7.30pm
Thanks to some fantastic volunteers, Kinnerton Cancer Support and is there a better to Westminster Park. We scored 79 and
Scout Group runs sections across all the ages and we cause? Kinnerton Village Hall, Bennetts Lane, Higher Kinnerton CH4 9AR they passed this total with 82/2. Our
are currently taking names for boys and girls to last game of this Newsletter was at
either join in September, or be added to our waiting Your donation could help give a Macmillan Tickets only £5.00 and includes a glass of wine home to Bank of America. They scored
lists. Nurse more time.
Charity raffle: Fabulous prizes to be won on the night 125/7 in their 20 overs and we could
More time to give medical help, more time only manage 64/9. We now have three
Beavers age 6-8 years. Meeting Thursday 6:15-7:30 pm
to give practical help in the home and more For tickets and further information call Mel Allport on 660796 game to play, with our next match at
Cubs age 8-10.5 years. Meeting Tuesday 6:45-8:00 pm time to give emotional help to those Boughton Park. We are currently 4th in
families who need it most. Or Roberta Mallett on 660311
the league behind Abergele,
Scouts age 10.5-14 years. Meeting Monday 7:30-9:00 pm Westminster Park and Northop Hall.
Any donations of tombola or raffle prizes Higher Kinnerton Walking Group
will be gratefully received. Please contact Anyone wishing to play, you know the
Explorers age 14-18 years. Meeting Wednesday 8:00-10:00 pm
Margie Edwards on 661090 The first Thursday in July saw us head to Flint to walk the coastal path and to numbers.
To register interest, join our team of volunteers, or to find out more please visit the castle. We started from the castle car park and headed west to Flint
contact You can also find further information Dock, build in 1880 to transport lead from Halkyn Mountain and later coal and
on the Scout website:
The Uxbridge English Dictionary timber. We then followed alongside the River Dee to Flint Point where the
photograph is taken and then followed a circular route back to the start. We
New definitions of existing words
then visited the castle which was built in 1277 by Edward I and famously
Advanced Notice. features as a crucial setting in Shakespeare's Richard II - the moment Richard is
Slippery: A bit like a slipper
The Autumn Jumble Sale will be on Saturday October 8th. If you have captured by Henry Bolingbroke, ultimately leading to Richard's abdication and
anything that you would like to donate now, please ring Julie Jones on Philander: The Duke of Edinburgh and the ascension of King Henry IV. We also had our first late afternoon walk
660907 the Queen which started at 4 pm and ended up at the Swan where we all had a meal. This
walk was very successful and on 21 July we will be having another one across
the fields to the Red Lion in Doddleston. Next month we will be heading to
A Note from the Newsletter Team: Entries to the newsletter can be made by emailing us at or by submitting in Basingwerk Abbey and the heritage park and then to St Winefride's Well. We
person at the Post Office by the 18th of the month. The newsletter is produced by Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC) on behalf of the
community. HKCC reserves the right to amend submissions to ensure best fit. All content provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes
may even pop into Holywell town centre and visit The Market Cross for a beer
only and HKCC makes no representations as to the accuracy of any information contained herein. If you have a flair for writing and would like to and curry. Everyone is welcome, you know the numbers
contribute please get in touch . You may want to share a recipe ,review a local attraction , write a book review, or maybe you could be a regular
contributor giving seasonal gardening tips. Just get in touch with the newsletter email.

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