Kinnerton: Directory and Business

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Kinnerton Directory and Business....

Kinnerton Village hall 01244 660 907 PCSO Matthew Gordon 07789 272 218
Castell Alun High School 01978 760 238 Cllr Phil Lightfoot 01244 660 884
Ysgol Derwen School 01244 660 291 Flintshire County Council 01352 752 121
HKCC Community Council 01244 660 277 Flintshire Street Scene 01352 701 234

Your Local Nursery

For business entries contact Cllr Gareth Evans on or tel 07825 333 811

Your Monthly Higher Kinnerton Community Newsletter

Our Village ...

Higher Kinnerton Cricket Club The Way We Were
This is by way of a challenge for some of our, dare I say ‘More
We have once again joined the Chester Established’ residents.
Midweek Twenty20 league and will play
in Division 6 in an eight team structure. Below is a photograph taken at the official opening of Kinnerton
The other teams are Abergele, Bank of Village Hall during 1959. Yes we know, because we are still part of
America, Chester Taverners, Ellesmere Europe, that’s almost eight o’clock. Several of the faces featured in
Port Old Boys, MP Plumbing, Northop the picture are still here after all this time, which goes to show just
Hall and Westminster Park and means how special this place is that we are lucky enough to call home.
we will play 14 matches on consecutive
weeks. All our home games will be
played at Westminster Park on
Wednesday evening with a start time of
1830. As yet the fixtures have not been
published. We will commence net
practice on Sunday 3 April at 1100 and
we would love to see some new faces.
Although we play in a competitive league
all games are played in good spirit and
are hugely enjoyable. If you would like to
join us, either just turn up on Sunday or
contact Jim on 660548, Miles on 661811
or Mike on 660974

Now this is simply a bit of fun, which is another way of saying that
there are no prizes on offer but you are welcome to submit your ideas
to us at the Newsletter as to the identities of these Kinnerton stal-
warts. Were you right? All will be revealed in next month’s issue….
Higher Kinnerton Walking Group
The first Tuesday of March saw the group head to Mold. We walked a circular route from the rear
of Tesco car park. The 3 mile walk saw us visit the site where the famous Gold Cape was found in
1883 by workmen quarrying for stone in a burial mound. The cape is one of the finest examples of
prehistoric sheet-gold working and is quite unique in form and design and dates from between
1900BC - 1600BC and is on show at the British Museum in London. We then joined and followed
the bank of the River Alyn before climbing up to the Bailey Hill fortress for a tour and photos. The
fortress was built by the Normans in 1072. We then walked through the town to the Museum
where there is a copy of the Cape on display and finally we headed to JD Wetherspoons for a well
earned beer. The pub is not called The Gold Cape without reason. April will be five years since the group was formed and we have
decided to have two out of village walks. On the first Thursday we will have a circular walk around Chester canal before heading to The
Forest House for a curry and on the second Thursday we have booked the 1539 restaurant at the Roodee racecourse. We walk in all
weather and particularly like mud. If you wish to join us you will be made very welcome. Contact Brian on 07775 424039, Rosalind on
660440 or Mike on 660974. The photo is taken outside the Museum/Library with Daniel Owen.

The Uxbridge English Dictionary Lost Flute

In the spirit of Radio 4’s ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue’, here are some This is possibly a lost cause but has to be
new definitions of old words: worth a try. A Trevor James flute in a black
case was accidentally left on the school bus
Coffee - Person upon whom one coughs from Higher Kinnerton to Castell Alun,
Reincarnation - To die and come back as a tin of condensed milk around 9th February 2016. We are offering
Laplander — A clumsy exotic dancer a reward for its safe return, so should you
Sea Lion—An instrument for removing creases from seals have any information please ring/text
Jayne on 07793 244971. Thank you!

Line Dancing

Higher Kinnerton Line dancing class – On 3rd February a wonderful

afternoon was had by all in Kinnerton Village Hall. Raising money for The
British Heart Foundation. The Line dancers completed a danceathon, held a Have you got what it takes to be a
cake sale and raffle. An amazing amount of £343 was raised. The Line dance Kinnerton Superstar?.
class is held in the village hall every Wednesday afternoon 1pm until 3pm. All
levels catered for. Dads and lads football, Monday night
7.30pm at Castell Alun High School all
Go on, give it a try… weather pitch. All levels of fitness and
football catered for... if you old enough
Keep fit, have fun and (15+) you're good enough! Turn up and
meet new friends. For play (£4). Kinnerton Superstars has been
further information running for over 20 years encompassing
contact Eileen 01978 such delights as the annual free ‘Curry
760070 or Chris 01244 Night’ and of course ‘Superstars Day’ and
660649. See photo the obligatory evening with the Stars (all
below for charity ... of course!!.).

The Changing Seasons in

Higher Kinnerton
Thanks to Cllr. Chris Upton for these

A Note from the Newsletter Team: Entries to the newsletter can be made by emailing us at or by submitting in
person at the Post Office by the 18th of the month. The newsletter is produced by Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC) on behalf of the
community. HKCC reserves the right to amend submissions to ensure best fit. All content provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes
only and HKCC makes no representations as to the accuracy of any information contained herein. If you have a flair for writing and would like to
contribute please get in touch . You may want to share a recipe ,review a local attraction , write a book review, or maybe you could be a regular
contributor giving seasonal gardening tips. Just get in touch with the newsletter email.
KINNERTON WI Books at Bedtime
The WI is a wide ranging organisation covering many aspects of life such Many thanks to the residents of Higher
as educating women. As such the Kinnerton WI is able to take advan- Kinnerton for donating so many children’s
tage of these activities. Our monthly meetings have included many top- books to Books at Bedtime a charity that
collects books to be distributed to refuges
ics from an excellent singer at Christmas to Graham Walton from sextu- around North Wales Chester and the Wirral.
plet fame (bringing us up to date with his family) to a Tribal Dance
Troupe in April and Pat, one of our members is giving us an update on The response was amazing and generous. It
Llanfynydd Horse Riding For Disabled Children in May. is an ongoing challenge so if and when
anyone has more books they can donate
Check out the shop notices for future activities such as the walks in April please ring me on 01244 661115 and I will
collect them from your home
and September, Hope House Fashion show in June and the craft fair in
November. Profits will pay for education of our members. OOPS, SORRY!!
So you see that we are diverse and serious but also like to have a laugh.
We missed a couple last
We collect pennies for disadvantaged women around the world and re- month….
cently sent off children's clothes for Syrian refugees. Some of us from
Apologies to All Saints Church and the
the Federation have visited Styal Prison, organised food for the food congregation for missing out last month’s
bank in Mold, we sing in a choir (which you can book for your own char- notices in what is probably the second most
ity) and lots of crafts are made for the local County Show. We are hav- important month in the Church Calendar
ing a 'craft fair' in November for which you can book a table. These are
“A sincere thank you to the kind gentleman
just some of our 'WHAT WE GET UP TO' items. who stopped to help the lady who had fallen
in Meadowcroft on Thursday 28th. Jan”
WI to even greater heights. HELP!
For information about our speakers contact Hazel on 660751 and for North Clwyd Animal Rescue needs your
other issues contact June on 660388. We will love to hear from you. stamps!! Don't throw your stamps away,
these can help raise money for the NCAR
Meetings are held in the Village Hall on the first Thursday of the month animals. Either drop them off at 23,
apart from May (due to elections ) it will be the second Thursday in Kirkett Avenue or phone me, Mary Rob-
May. erts on 660878 and I will pick them up.

Higher Kinnerton Indoor Bowls Club

Kinnerton Craft Group
Indoor Bowls takes place every Wednesday
evening from 6:30pm in the Village Hall. New
members are always welcome and if you haven't
played bowls before, our members will be happy
to coach you. All you need are flat shoes. The
Club's Singles Competition for members will take Our next meeting is on Friday 8th April
place on Saturday 20 February at 12 noon in the ay 1.30 pm in the Blue room at the
Village Hall. Village hall

This month we are making greetings

It must be Spring! Village Hall
cards. We have several classes already
arranged eg glass painting ,felting but if
Scout Group Jumble Sale
If you like to there is a craft you would like to try we
Held at the Scout HQ, Main Road book our will do our best to help. New members
village hall for are very welcome for more information
Saturday April 16th, at 2.00pm future events, parties or meetings call Margie on 661090 or June on
contact Julie Jones 01244 660907 660615
Admission 30p

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