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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2007) 79(4): 751-765

(Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences)

ISSN 0001-3765

The representation of Caesalpinia echinata (Brazilwood)

in Sixteenth-and-Seventeenth-Century Maps


Departamento de Geografia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338, Cidade Universitária
05508-000 São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Manuscript received on March 15, 2006; accepted for publication on September 4, 2007;
presented by A LCIDES N. S IAL

Brazilwood was the first product found in Terra de Santa Cruz, and the first explored by Portuguese colonization of
Brazil. This study aims at the Occidental Cartography and the historical files represented by Portugal’s interest on
mapping the marketed product found in Brazil. The representation of Brazilwood in maps was possible due to scientific
advancements, new land discoveries, and technological improvement during the 15 th century, which all have taken
cartography to a whole new period, stressing Portuguese hegemony in Asia and in the New World. The goal of this
research was to identify and analyze maps from 16th and 17th centuries that represented the geographical distribution
of Brazilwood, and its trade. Brazilwood was represented in many maps by illumination and detailed by different
cartographers. The maps and other evidence for this research were found in historical files held in both Brazil and
Key words: Brazilwood, cartography, commerce, history, illumination, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

INTRODUCTION seems to be the only name given to a country that rep-

resents or was chosen based on a tree (or plant). What
Brazilwood was the first natural resource found and ex-
made Brazilwood a first explored product and also a spe-
plored (as the oriental spicery was explored in the Old
cial product of exploration was its use to dye fabrics (e.g.
World) by Portugal in Terra de Vera Cruz (Land of Vera
silk, wool, cotton) to the red color.
Cruz), later called Terra de Santa Cruz (Land of Santa
The word “cartography” was first used by the Por-
Cruz). Brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata Lam., botanic
tuguese Visconde de Santarém, in December 8th , 1839,
family Leguminosae) is a tropical arboreous species in
referring to the study of maps in 16th century that he was
the Brazilian Domain of Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlân-
doing in Paris. Many of his works were published in the
tica), which had a big impact with the Brazilwood ex-
“History of Cartography”, France, 1841, 1842, 1844 and
ploration and the Portuguese colonial model. These ex-
1849-1855 (Marques 1994a, Tesouros 1997). The In-
ploratory events started the transformation of the tropi-
ternational Cartographic Association (ICA), defines car-
cal forest in cultures, later in industry and urbanization.
tography as “the discipline dealing with the conception,
The exploration of Brazilwood had great impor-
production, dissemination and study of maps”, and also,
tance and expressiveness and was probably responsible
“the art, science and technology of making maps, to-
for the official name of the country of Brazil. Brazil
gether with their study as scientific documents and works
of art” (Krygier 1995). The cartographic representa-
† In Memoriam
Correspondence to: Yuri Tavares Rocha
tion, maps functions and origin were very well studied
E-mail: and registered by Cortesão (1935), Cortesão and Tei-

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (4)


xeira (1960a,b), Dreyer-Eimbcke (1992), Mapa (1993), tuguese influence reached all cartographic schools in
Marques (1994a), Krygier (1995), Tesouros (1997), O those countries (Marques 1994a). These maps contain
Tesouro (2002). By the 16th and 17th centuries the car- a lot of information and are essential for historical stud-
tography represented the importance of Brazilwood ex- ies which play an important role to understand the past
ploration, focusing on representation of the New World (Guedes 2002, Curtis 2002).
characteristics, which were frequently allusive to the
Brazilian wood. These representations were basically BRAZILWOOD DISTRIBUTION IN THE BRAZILIAN
drawings named illuminations, “the whole of decorative DOMAIN OF THE ATLANTIC FOREST (MATA ATLÂNTICA)

elements and representation with images made by hand Brazilwood for its historical, symbolical and cultural
to beautify” (Ferreira 1998). Illuminations added aes- value, is considered a Brazilian national tree. However,
thetic value to maps, and given the lack of geographic the geographic distribution of Brazilwood was signifi-
information at that time, it covered the map’s emptiness. cantly wider in the past. Economic development (agri-
Besides the general essence of maps, which was to culture, industry and services) along with population
represent science and techniques, they were also artistic growth and the expansion of urban centers since Por-
representations, reflecting the tendency of movements tuguese first landed in Brazil in 1500, contributed to
in history, such as Baroque or Romanticism as well as eliminate a huge area of Atlantic Rainforest. With it
cultural values (Adonias 2002). went Brazilwood wich today is an endangered species.
Maps link science, technique and art. The scientific The natural distribution of Brazilwood is at costal
value played a significant role in the historical develop- forests, the Brazilian Domain of Atlantic Forest, approx-
ment of cartography as a key component of geography. imately between latitudes 5◦ and 23◦ S, in the states of
Advance in science is related to the rise of new tech- Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas,
niques (not only those specific to develop and elaborate Sergipe, Bahia, Espírito Santo, and Rio de Janeiro.
final maps, but with all techniques, mainly the ones that Geographic Information about Brazilwood distribu-
contribute to geographic data collection) such as navi- tion was gathered from literature, herbariums (collection
gation, and naval construction, which involved cartogra- places bearing labels of 196 Brazilwood exsiccates, 21
phers’ skills and artistic influence. Brazilian and Portuguese herbariums), collections, and
According to Miceli (2002, p. 55), “maps contain fieldwork. The reproductive material was collected and
fragments that deserve careful analysis, and became the georeferenced, and stands of Brazilwood were visited in
most valuable details of these cultural monuments elud- extensive fieldwork in Northwest of Brazil from Sergipe
ing the eyes of the careless observer, despite the fact that to Rio Grande do Norte (Rocha 2005).
they are all there before us.” In this sense, illuminations The data contributed to the generation of a geo-
of very high artistic quality in maps are relevant frag- graphic map with the “new” Brazilwood distribution
ments to be observed. (Rocha 2005). However, lack of floristic data collection
The goal of this research was to identify and ana- and fragmentation of natural Brazilwood forests were
lyze maps and illuminations from 16th and 17th centuries some of the challenges that we faced in determining
that mainly represented Brazilwood geographical distri- more precisely the current geographic distribution of
bution and trade. Some illuminations relate to Brazil- Brazilwood.
wood represented the Tropical Forests (Brazilian veg-
etation) with visual aspects very similar to the Euro- THE MAPS AND BRAZILWOOD REPRESENTATION

pean Temperate Forests. Others represent Brazilwood The cartography considered in this article is mainly from
processing, involving cut, transportation, exchange and 16th century documents, which represent Brazil and its
shipping. value as an exploitable place. Brazilwood appeared in
The analyzed maps were found in Portuguese, Span- illuminations, which also represented other elements
ish, French, Italian, Dutch, English, and German sources. (e.g., imaginaries, marine, geographical, marketing, mil-
However, mainly in the 16th and 17th centuries, Por- itary, fauna, flora and ethnography features). Examples

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of such representations are animals, ordinary indigenous Álvares Cabral (1500-1501), Gaspar Lemos (1500), and
landscape, wars, felling of trees, flags, decorative arms, João Nova (1501). It also shows the Portuguese oriental
legendary pictures, ships, monsters in the ocean, flying knowledge (Marques 1994a, Tesouros 1997, Guerreiro
fishes, huge whales, nautical pictures, Neptune king and 1999), the expedition where Gonçalo Coelho was the
siren showing a wonderful “artistic-cartographic wealth” commander, and explored the Brazilian Coast to latitude
(Adonias 2002). With this amount of “things to rep- 26◦ S, between 1501 and 1502 (Tesouros 1997, Maga-
resent” greater cartographers at that time should have lhães 1999).
been greater artists too as suggested by Johann Gottfried The history of Cantino’s map is very interesting.
Gregorii (1685-1770), a German geographer. At the be- The spy Alberto Cantino paid 12 golden ducados for it
ginning of the 18th century Gregorii affirmed that a good which was high price at that time. The map suggests a
cartographer should be, necessarily a good painter, “thus secret or even an unauthorized trade and Cantino pur-
putting art and technique on the same inseparable level” chased in order to send it to Hercule of Este, the duke
(Miceli 2002, p. 101). Paintings were the way Euro- of Ferrara, his Italian boss. The duke kept the map in
peans could use to see in detail the new discovered lands, his library until 1592, when it was transferred to a palace
“as mind-expanding as today’s photographs of Mars or in Modena (Italy), after a command from pope Clement
of a star exploding” (Potter 2002, p. 49). VIII (Gomes 2002).
Brazilian vegetation and Brazilwood had enough During a republican riot in 1859 the palace in Mod-
representation in illuminations plotted in many maps of ena was looted and the aforementioned map disappeared.
the 16th and 17th centuries. As mentioned before, maps It was rediscovered in 1868 in a wall of a sausage place
of the tropical forest present similarities with the Euro- in Modena, by Giuseppe Bonni, director of the Estense
pean temperate forests, and Cantino’s map (1502), and Library (Tesouros 1997, Amado and Figueiredo 2001,
Girolamo Ruscelli’s map (1573) are both good examples Gomes 2002).
(O Tesouro 2002, Guedes 1999).
The map “Brasil Nuova Tavola” – original size: 18 ×
The planisphere known as Mapa de Cantino – original 25.5 cm, Cid Collection, São Paulo, Brazil (O Tesouro
size: 105 × 25 cm, Biblioteca Estense, Modena, Italy 2002) – made by Girolamo Ruscelli (1573) is very poor
(Guedes 1999) – made by an unknown Portuguese car- in geographic names, even though the Brazilian coast by
tographer (1502) with manuscripts and illuminations is that time was well-known. The map has in the center
considered the first modern planisphere and the first map of the territory a phrase which relates natives to anthro-
showing the Brazilian Coast, south of Africa, Equator, pophagi: Gli indi natij di questi paesi mangiano carne
and the tropics. It is evidence of the use of astronomic humana (Miceli 2002). This map represented the Orien-
navigation and of the quality of cartography reached by tal Marine Coast of Brazil in its central part. Compared
Portugal. Besides that it registered the exotic nature in to the majority of maps from 1500’s this was an unusual
the New World with huge parrots and big trees (Belluzzo position. The North is in the right part of the map and
1994, Miceli 1997, 2002). the illumination by Ruscelli is an extremely simple rep-
Cantino’s map illustrates the Brazilian territory as resentation of Brazilian vegetation. The Atlantic Rain
Santa Cruz (Mapa 1993) and shows Brazilian vegetation Forest was not represented as a tropical forest, but similar
similar to that of a temperate forest. There is no indi- to the Portuguese montado, which is a kind of vegetation
cation for a rainforest, and there is no clear reference to consisting of arborous groups, spaced plants and herba-
Brazilwood. The mapmaker follows the Portuguese of- ceous level (relvado), as observed by Pena and Cabral
ficial standard of that time, which was kept in Armazéns (1996, p. 65): “the montados are arborous groups rel-
da Guiné e Índia (Guianan and Indian Storages). The atively open with very simple structure.” The Atlantic
map shows the results of the expeditions by Cristoforo Rain Forest structure contains multiple canopies in dif-
Colombo (1498), Vasco da Gama (1497-1498), Pedro ferent sizes, and irregularity among the trees.

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Some maps from 16th century have precise rep- and bears a stylized and partially reproduced version of
resentations of cut, transportation, trade, and shipping the Carta do Brasil by Lopo Homem-Reinéis (Fig. 2).
of Brazilwood in their illuminations. It is important to There is no reference in the bill to the authorship or
emphasize that “the representation of natives cutting date of the Carta do Brasil. In terms of iconography the
trees is a constant element in decorations of maps from image produced by Lopo Homem-Reinéis is more con-
the 1500’s” (Mapa 1993). This type of illuminations nected to Cantino’s Map (1502), which first showed the
frequently and clearly refers to Brazilwood due to its Brazilian Coast and registered the discovery of Brazil by
red color, both internal and externally. Cabral in the company of a small text and a Portuguese
mark placed in the region of Porto Seguro. Cantino’s
map also appears in the commemorative bill of 150 years
Legend of Carta do Brasil: since the independence of Brazil (five hundred cruzeiros)
“This map is from the region of the great Brazil to represent the Brazil discovery, with Carta do Brasil
and in its western part reaching the Antilleans representing the Brazilwood trade (Fig. 3). Another ex-
of Castela King. As to its people, they are of ample of the use of Carta do Brasil was found in a label
a somewhat dark skin. Savage and very cruel, of a typical Brazilian sugar-cane liquor (in Portuguese
they eat human flesh. These people use, no- “pinga”, “aguardente” or “cachaça”), branded “Terra de
tably, the arch arrow and bows. Here there Santa Cruz” (Fig. 4). As ten reais bill, there is no refer-
are colored parrots and uncountable birds and ence to the authorship or production year of the map.
monstrous beasts. There are several types of Probably the geographic information to elaborate
monkeys, and there is in great number the tree the Carta do Brasil by Lopo Homem-Reinéis (1519)
that, named Brazil, and is considered conve- was gained for the first time by Cristóvão Jaques expedi-
nient to dye apparel with a purple color” tion, by fidalgo D. Manuel, who navigated the Brazilian
(Guerreiro 1999. p. 120). Coast between 1516 and 1519, probably to combat the
presence of Brazilwood French traders in the colonial
The Carta do Brasil – original size: 42 ×59.5 cm
Portuguese territory (Guedes 1971).
– from Atlas Miller, attributed to Lopo Homem-Reinéis
(1519), currently in Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Fran- The Carta do Brasil showed on first hand the Ter-
ce (Couto 1999) – is considered to be the first economic ra Brasilis (Land of Brazil) as a territorial unit. It rep-
thematic document of Brazil. It shows indigenous people resented people with dark skin living in a forest, with
cutting and felling Brazilwood, close to monkeys and colorful birds, other animals, and mainly occupied with
colorful macaws. In ecological terms, it is the first image the felling of trees. The Carta do Brasil was part of the
of deforestation of the country (Mapa 1993). Atlas Miller, which was ordered from Lopo Homem by
This chart had great importance in the cartogra- the Portuguese king D. Manoel I, probably to reward the
phy history because it shows the most complete geo- French king Francisco I.
graphic names of the Brazilian Coast and set aside its Homem in order to develop this order counted on
importance during a long time (Cortesão and Teixeira da the help of the Reinéis’ maps (Tesouros 1997) and may
Mota 1960b). have also received help from the artist Antonio de Ho-
It is possible to observe four indigenous people in- landa, a great illuminist from the Netherlands (Marques,
volved with cutting and transportation of Brazilwood. 1994b).
Trees colored more reddish than other trees, probably The Atlas Miller which contains nine currently
represent Brazilwood already peeled and cut, exposing known maps is also known as Cartes Miller or Cartes
the red core from where the dye was obtained (Fig. 1). de Madame Miller (Cortesão 1935). It is a Portuguese
Illuminations also represent various birds like parrots naval atlas, purchased by the French Miller from the
and macaws. Portuguese Visconde of Santarem, being part of the her-
A side of the plastic bill of ten reais (Brazilian cur- itage to the widow Miller, who sold it to the Biblio-
rency) announces the 500 years of the discovery of Brazil thèque Nationale. After a period being apart from the

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Fig. 1 – Detail of Carta do Brasil, made by Lopo Homem-Reinéis, 1519 (Couto 1999).

Atlas, the Carta do Brasil was incorporated again into lar to the Portuguese model presented in Carta do Brasil
the same library, purchased from Marcel Destombes, a (Marques 1988), demonstrating the Portuguese pattern
historian of cartography and its last private owner (Guer- at that time.
reiro 1999). The Portuguese-French atlas (unknown authorship,
created approximately in 1538) owned by Koninklijke
OTHER R EMARKABLE M APS Bibliotheek, The Hague, Netherlands (Couto 1999) rep-
Other notable maps also deserve an overview. The Ital- resents the Atlantic in 14 maps. Its pattern and coastal
ian map of the New World and Atlantic by Vesconte de representations are very similar to those existing in two
Maggiollo (1519), known as Kunstmann V, is very simi- other atlases authored by the Portuguese cartographer

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Fig. 2 – One side of the plastic bill of ten reais (Brazilian currency, 2000), part of Carta do Brasil made by Lopo
Homem-Reinéis, 1519.

Fig. 3 – Part of one side of the commemorative bill of five hundred cruzeiros (1972) with
Cantino’s map which represents the Brazil discovery, right, and the Carta do Brasil which
represents the commercial use of Brazilwood, left.

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Fig. 4 – Bottle label and the packing of typical Brazilian sugar-cane liquor (Carta do Brasil,
Lopo Homem-Reinéis 1519).

Gaspar Viegas (1537). The Portuguese-French atlas located South of the Prata River, whereas the trading ac-
(Fig. 5) represents cutting, transport, and trade of Brazil- tivity was in the North. This is completely different from
wood particularly in the Carta do Nordeste do Brasil e what really happened in the Brazilian Northeast. This is
Africa Ocidental. Intense red color in trees and in their a way to confirm that Brazilwood illuminations, most of
cuts is visible. This atlas, in contrast to the orientation the times, were only decorative and served to cover the
generally adopted by cartographers, presents American lack of geographical information about the inner terri-
and African continents in a different arrangement. North tory. Also, these illuminations were devoid of a high
in the wind rose is facing the bottom of the map, in other fidelity source of the original Brazilwood geographical
words, the Brazilian coast is placed in the top right cor- distribution. Birds sitting on Brazilwood pieces during
ner of the map, while the African continent is in the bot- transport may be observed in other maps also, probably
tom left corner (Couto 1999). indicating that these birds were also for export. Last,
The detail of John Rotz’s map in the atlas “The it is important to highlight that the name John Rotz ap-
Book of Hydrography” (1542) illustrates very well the pears adapted into French as Jean Roze (Tesouros 1997,
Brazilwood trade (Mapa 1993, Bueno 2002): “the na- Bueno 2002).
tives cut and remove the peel of the precious wood, while The planisphere of Pierre Descelliers (1546) –
others take it to the beaches, where the French ships original size: 59.5 × 77.5 cm, Mapoteca do Itamaraty
are waiting. In a place, the invaders deal with the lo- (Ministério das Relações Exteriores – Brasília), Brazil
cals, trading their quinquilharias for the dying product” (Mapa 1993) – is another example of Viegas’ and Portu-
(Mapa 1993, p. 49). Following the same idea observed guese influence in cartography at the School of Dieppe,
in the Portuguese-French map, Rotz’s map also presents France. Marques (1988, p. 453) suggested that “the full
the north orientation in the lower part of the map. The illuminations of native, animals, and flora, are absolutely
indication of The Fuez of Plata, in the same region where copied from Viegas”. Again, the detail in the American
all the Brazilwood illuminations were plotted, trees were part of the planisphere by Descelliers explicitly shows

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Fig. 5 – Detail of Carta do Nordeste do Brasil e África Ocidental, atlas Portuguese-French, 1538 (Couto 1999).

the Brazilwood cut with trees and their red core. a sort of chalice to one native while native people work
The map Brasil – original size: 27 × 38 cm, Cid felling wood, some using axes” (Miceli 2002). The chal-
Collection, São Paulo, Brazil (O Tesouro 2002) – of Giá- ice in this map probably represents the trading for wood,
como Gastaldi (1550), published at Raccolta di Nave- and in supposition, it may also represent the Christianity
gationi et Viaggi of Giovanni Battista Ramusio (1557) offered to the native people (Belluzzo 1994). Birds like
(Fig. 6) was also published elsewhere (with no colors), parrots and macaws are also on this map.
and gave Ramusio, the editor as author, and not Gastaldi, The Ruscelli’s map (1573) presents the Eastern
the author. In this map “Fernando de Noronha is a single coast of Brazil facing the lower part of the map, with
island, surrounded by a sharply stylized ship and a big the North facing its right part. Moreover, the illumi-
fish in front of the beach, where two Europeans proffer nations related to Brazilwood are, in general, placed in

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Fig. 6 – Detail of Map of Brasil made by Giácomo Gastaldi, 1550 (O Tesouro 2002).

the Northeast part of Brazil, opposite to the location in The Carta das Linhas Costeiras de parte da Europa,
Rotz (1542) and Descelliers (1546). This map has its África e América (Chart of coastline; parts of European,
geographical distribution of Brazilwood and the related Africa, and America) – original size: 83×101.5 cm, The
activities more precisely represented, even considering British Library, London, England (Domingues 1999) –
that the representation of trees still bears similarities to by Sebastião Lopes (1558) “consists of one of the greatest
those of the European temperate climate. gems of the world cartography; besides the wonderful
The Atlas Universal by Diogo Homem (1558) with wind rose, indicating Portugal in the East, it also shows
nine maps “would have been done to the queen of Eng- delicate illuminations, shields and flags spread all over
land, with the purpose of establishing the division of the continents, a beautiful web of guide lines; a notable
Spanish and Portuguese possessions presented in The general equilibrium of composition, that is illustrative
Treat of Tordesilhas” (Belluzzo 1994, p. 66). The map of the high level of the Portuguese cartography by this
Quarta Orbis pars, Mundus Novus – original size: 59× time of its main splendor” (Marques 1994a, p. 58). The
82 cm, The British Library, London, England (Maga- authorship of this work is of “Bastian Lopes – a fez –
lhães 1999) has “visual information about the nature and 1558 – novembro – 15” according to Marques (1994a,
the inhabitants of this part of the continent” (Belluzzo p. 58). In this chart the red color of the Brazilwood core
1994, p. 147). The detail in this map shows a native cut- is observed in already cut pieces of trees, along with birds
ting a tree in the Southern part of the American continent between the Amazon River and Maranhão State.
and the West part of the Prata River. The red color of Illumination of Brazilwood of the Carta do Brasil
the trees’ core, several macaws and parrots are clearly in the Atlas by Sebastião Lopes (1565) is much more
visible. elaborated than others found in his work on maps from

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (4)


1558. The red color of the core of Brazilwood can be do Brasil no Governo do Norte Som?te Asi Como o Teve
observed in the pieces and in the tree that a native is Dõ Diogo de Meneses Até o Anno de 1612”, and proba-
cutting (Fig. 7), possibly already using a metal axe. A bly written by Diogo de Campos Moreno (1616) (Moreno
greater elaboration of this illumination is in two trees’ 1999).
canopies, probably showing drawings of springs, which The author of the Codex 126 is, according to Cor-
have a brown color when matured (the flowers have a tesão and Teixeira da Mota (1987), João Teixeira Alber-
mainly yellow color). Also, two birds, possibly macaws naz I (the Elderly). This set is “the oldest specific Amer-
or parrots, and a native woman caring a baby are in the ican territory atlas known until today and it is considered
illuminations. one of the notable items of the history of cartography”
The Carte du Nord-Est du Brésil – original size: (Moreno 1999). Illuminations in these maps always rep-
47 × 59 cm, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France (Bel- resent a group of trees, possibly related to Brazilwood
luzzo 1994) – by Jacques de Vau de Claye (1579), is con- (Sebastien Münster, 1540; Pêro Fernandes, 1545; Lázaro
sidered one of the most interesting maps produced in the Luís, 1563; Diogo Homem, 1568; Fernão Vaz Dourado,
16th century about the Northeast of Brazil. It shows eco- 1568).
nomic and ethnographic information and “small draw- The map Novus Orbis, Die Nüw Welt – original size:
ings present scenes of indigenous life, among them, na- 34.5 × 55.8 cm, Cid Collection, São Paulo, Brazil (O
tives leaving the forest with a load of woods [Brazil- Tesouro 2002) – by Sebastien Münster (1540) is a xy-
wood] and will take them to the French by the Bay of lographed map published in 1540’s edition of the Geo-
São Domingos” (Mapa 1993, p. 116). The presence of graphia of Ptolomeu, organized by Münster. It was also
a flag with weapons of Strozzi placed in the central part published in Münster’s Cosmografia (1544) and in the
of Brazil shows the firm intention of Catarina of Medici Latin edition of this work (1550). It is noteworthy that
to conquer the Portuguese colony with the support of Lorenz Fries, for the first time, showed in his map of
her cousin, Filippo Strozzi (Dreyer-Eimbcke 1992). This 1522, the cannibals in the Northeast of Brazil (Miceli
map, as others produced by Claye, in Dieppe, helped 2002). The reference to the indigenous cannibalism is
the French project that was to reestablish its domain made through the word Canibali written near the Ama-
in Brazil via the “Antarctic France” colony (Belluzzo zon River estuary and based on the drawings of parts of
1994). Most of the illuminations have North in opposite human bodies hanging on small trees. These trees were
position, as indicated by the wind rose. In fact, this is probably Brazilwood to judge from the kinds of leaves
an example of how Vau de Claye (1579) recorded the and the location nearby the Brazilian Northeast, a natural
French geographic knowledge of the Brazilian Coast. area of the species. In some cases, cannibalism was an
The French probably acquired great knowledge due to indigenous tribal ritual. The native people believed that
their involvement in Brazilwood traffic. At this time if they eat meat from their enemy they would acquire
France did not recognize The Treaty of Tordesilhas, double the strength to fight (Ziebel 2002).
signed at Tordesillas (now Valladolid province, Spain) Another relevant detail is present in Planisphere of
in June 7, 1494, which divided the world outside of Eu- Pêro Fernandes (1545). A Hellenic Indian is shown and
rope in an exclusive duopoly between the Spanish and by his side a cut tree trunk with a red core, acting as
the Portuguese along a North-South meridian 1550 km a stand for a parrot (Fig. 8). The image of a Hellenic
west of the Cape Verde islands, roughly at 39◦ 53’W. Indian is supported by military accessories from ancient
A distinct and curious register of the existence of Greece and Rome, not at all related to the cultural aspects
Brazilwood in Terra de Santa Cruz and of its location of Brazilian native people at that time.
(local scale) is indicated by the writings in red “pao The Carta do Atlântico Sul – original size: 43.2 ×
brasil” found in the Carta da Capitania de Ilheos – orig- 61.3 cm, Academia de Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal
inal size: 42.4 × 56.4 cm – one of the 18 maps presented (Mapa 1993) – from the atlas Livro de Todo ho Uni-
in Codice 126 located in the Biblioteca Pública Munici- verso, by Lázaro Luís (1563), the map “América do
pal do Porto (Portugal). It was named “Rezão do Estado Sul” – original size: 42×58 cm Sächsische Landesbiblio-

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Fig. 7 – Detail of Carta do Brasil of the Atlas of Sebastião Lopes, 1565 (Domingues 1999).

thek, Dresden, Germany (Cortesão and Teixeira da Mota (O Tesouro 2002), the same legend does not present col-
1987, Mapa 1993) – by Diogo Homem (1568) and the ors – 50.3×57.4 cm (Miceli 2002). In terms of author-
Carta do Brasil – original size: 39.5 × 52.6 cm, Biblio- ship, based on evidence from Mapa (1993) the Tusschen
teca Duques de Alba, Madrid, Spain (Cortesão and Tei- Bahia Baxa em Punto de Lucena (Carta náutica da costa
xeira da Mota 1960a) – from the Atlas of Fernão Vaz do Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte e Paraíba, entre a Baía
Dourado (1568) (Cortesão and Teixeira da Mota 1960a) Baixa e a Ponta de Lucena) and also in the atlas where
present illuminations over the trees, probably related to it was published, the suggested author is Claes Jansz
Brazilwood. Vooght. Conversely, it is assumed that he was the re-
At last, the picture of scales from the map Tuss- sponsible for the texts (Miceli 2002) and probably for
chen Bahia Baxa em Punto de Lucena, – original size: some of its editions, and the author of the drawings is
51 × 59 cm – from the atlas Zee-Fakkel (Sea’s Flame), supposed to be Johannes van Keulen.
of Johannes van Keulen (1683) (Amado and Figueiredo
2001) presents interesting illuminations with some na-
tives cutting Brazilwood, in order to obtain the powder
used for dying fabrics (Fig. 9). In the 1709 edition of The Brazilwood represented in many maps of South
the same Zee Atlas – Cid Collection, São Paulo, Brazil America probably gave the official name to the Brazilian

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (4)


Fig. 8 – Detail of the Planisphere made by Pêro Fernandes, 1545 (Farinha 1999).

Fig. 9 – Detail of Chart of Tusschen Bahia Baxa (Punto de Lucena) made by Johannes van Keulen, 1683
(Amado and Figueiredo 2001).

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (4)


territory, which at the first time was Terra de Vera Cruz, Vaz Dourado (1571), who named the country Costa do
then Terra de Santa Cruz, and finally Brazil. Brazil (Góes 1999).
The first map which used the name “Brazil” to point The map made by Diogo Ribeiro, who gave to the
out the Terra de Santa Cruz was the planisphere Orbis ty- Brazilian territory the name El Brazil, was the first in-
pus universalis tabula by Jerônimo Marini (1512) made formational cartographic document mentioning the car-
in Venice, Italy (Matos 1999). However, the Mapa de avels Rosa and Princesa, both used by Martim Afonso
Cantino (1502) already used the name Brazil to identify de Sousa’s expedition. This expedition was motivated to
a river, where the expedition (1501/1502) commanded control the traffic of products (Brazilwood in the Prata
by Gonçalo Coelho found assortments of Brazilwood River) by France and Spain, and traveled the entire Coast-
(Mapa 1993). line of Brazil from December 1530 until August 1533
The expression “The land of Brazil” emerged for (Tesouros 1997). At that time maps presented a lot of
the first time, in writing, in Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis geographic information about the interior of the New
work, by Duarte Pacheco Pereira in 1505, when Por- World (Guerreiro 1999).
tugal had received three loadings of Brazilwood from In the Planisphere of Weimar, also made by Diogo
the New World (Mapa 1993). Ribeiro (1529), Brazil was described in one of the 41
The historian Luís de Matos (L’expansion portu- legends of one chart, in this way: “II Tiera del Brasil:
gaise dans la littérature latine de la Renaissance) sug- Aqui no se alla outra cosa de prouecho mas del brasil q∼
gested that the name Terra do Brasil became popular no les costa mas de hazerlo cortar e traerlo alas naos lo
after 1508 (Magalhães 1999). qual hazẽ los Jndios por poca cosa comẽ carnes umanas
Alexander von Humboldt suggested the name seyedo enemigos. Aqui tiene el Rey de portogal en pernã-
Brazil was used ten centuries before that time to nom- buco vna fatoria donde tiene mucha cantidad de brasil
inate a wood ink that came from the Far East to Eu- cogido para las naos q∼ van acargar:∼ ” (Cortesão 1935,
rope. This trade had been registered by Arabians in 851 p. 130).
(Mapa 1993). To illustrate Humboldt’s observation, the A free translation to the English language could
wood from the Far East had its use registered by French be: “II Terra do Brasil: Here there is no more valuable
in 1085. Other documents from French, Catalans, Dutch, thing than Brazil, it is free, they just need to cut and carry
English, Portuguese, and Irish from the 12th until 16th them to ships, that transportation the indigenous people
centuries had referred to the product (Mapa 1993) much can do for almost nothing. These indigenous people are
earlier than its discovery in the New World. The Far hostile, and eat human flesh. Here lives the King of Por-
East wood was Caesalpinia sappan L., and belonged to tugal, in Pernambuco State, a feitoria (trade and storage
the same botanical family as the Brazilian Caesalpinia point) with a lot of quantity of cut Brazilwood to go to
echinata. The first, C. sappan, was found in Thailand, ships, which will transport them.”
Moluccas Island and Japan, and also had popular names The map La Descrittione di Tutto il Peru – original
such as bakham (Arabian), shappan (Malayalam), and size: 51.8 × 37 cm, Cid Collection, São Paulo, Brazil
patanga (Sanskrit) (Souza 1939). Not surprisingly, when (O Tesouro 2002) – by Giácomo Gastaldi, published
the wood (C. echinata) was discovered in the New World, by Paolo Forlani (1562), named Brazil as Terra del
presenting same properties as C. sappan, the same name Brasil. The Carta do Brasil – original size: 40.8×53 cm,
was used. Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionais/Torre do Tombo, Lis-
Among the maps, those registering the change of boa, Portugal (Góes 1999) – made by Fernão Vaz Dou-
the name from Terra de Santa Cruz to Brazil were made rado (1571) named the country as Costa do Brazil (Mar-
by Diogo Ribeiro (approximately 1532) who used the ques 1994a). Martin Waldseemüller (1470-1521), in a
name El Brasil (Guerreiro 1999). Additional examples map published in the edition of Ptolomeu’s Geography
can be found in the maps developed by Giácomo Gas- (1513), and republished by Lorenz Fries (approximately
taldi, edited by Paolo Forlani (1562), who named the 1490-1532) in 1541, designates Brazil as Terra Papagalli
country Terra del Brazil (O Tesouro 2002), and by Fernão (Land of Parrots), used the term Brazil only to name the

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (4)


river located between Porto Seguro and Monte Pascoal, contribution of this study to the existing framework of
in the actual Bahia State (Miceli 2002). In the Carta geographical procedures and methods. This can be ex-
Marina navigatoria Portugallen planisphere, also made emplified via the methodological approach used in this
by Waldseemüller (1516), Brazil is called Brasilia Sive paper by gathering evidence based on geographical doc-
Terra Papagalli, Brazil or Land of Parrots (Mapa 1993), uments and consultation of historical files in Brazil and
which proves that the first name was already used. In Portugal.
the 1525 edition of Geographia of Ptolomeu, Brazil ap- While conducting this study, we were exposed to
pears as America Vel Brasilia Sive Papagali Terra (Mapa potential future research topics. Further research should
1993). aim at exploring and explaining the variety of ecological
It is not only the Brazilian territory’s name that and anthropological aspects to be found in illuminations.
was changed from Terra de Santa Cruz, but also the
Mundus Novus, to become America, a tribute to Amerigo ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Vespucci by Martin Waldseemüller (Geographia of Pto- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
lomeu 1507). This fact appeared in a map from 1507. It (FAPESP), Brazilwood Project (Process n. 00/06422-4;
ignored that Cristoforo Colombo was the man who first
reached the New World (Mapa 1993).
CONCLUSION O pau-brasil foi o primeiro produto encontrado na Terra de
The illuminations referring to Brazilwood are much Santa Cruz e o primeiro a ser explorado pela colonização por-
elaborated and of high quality, revealing style and rich- tuguesa no Brasil. Este estudo enfocou a Cartografia Ocidental
ness of details. They show from the felling of trees to the e os arquivos históricos que representassem o interesse de Por-
exchange of wood for objects brought from Portugal by tugal em mapear esse produto comercial encontrado no Brasil.
Europeans. The illuminations also give clear evidence A representação do pau-brasil nos mapas foi possível devido
of the red color in the core of Brazilwood. Such illu- aos avanços científicos, aos descobrimentos de novas terras
minations appropriately represent the link between art, e aos avanços tecnológicos alcançados durante o século XV,
technique and science along with its features. The 16th os quais deram à cartografia um papel de destaque no novo
and 17th centuries may have been one of the most artis- período, enfatizando a hegemonia Portuguesa na Ásia e no
tic phases in the History of Cartography, taking benefits Novo Mundo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e ana-
from modern technological resources. lisar os mapas dos séculos XVI e XVII que representassem a
Many analyzed maps (not printed in this paper) distribuição geográfica do pau-brasil e seu comércio. O pau-
showed native Americans as cannibals. This is shock- brasil foi representado em muitos mapas por iluminuras e de-
ing and indicates a lack of anthropological understanding talhes feitos por diferentes cartógrafos. Os mapas e outras fon-
by that time. Also it was exaggerated by the imagination tes presentes nesta pesquisa foram encontrados nos arquivos
of writers and illustrators. históricos sediados em ambos os países, Brasil e Portugal.
Finally, it is very difficult to find information about Palavras-chave: Pau-brasil, cartografia, comércio, história,
the geographical distribution of Brazilwood in 16th cen- iluminuras, séculos XVI e XVII.
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