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How do sediment, microbes, and

invertebrates vary between
different locations and depths at
the Famosa Slough?

Aidan Guilfoyle
Katelynn Sutton
Alex Lopez
Table of Contents
I) Title Page p. 1
II) Table of Contents p. 2
III) Introduction p. 3
IV) Methods p. 4
V) Results p. 7
VI) Discussion p. 9
VII) Works Cited p. 10
VIII) Research Pictures p. 11-12

I) Introduction

Wetlands are considered one of the most productive ecosystems due to their efficient
waste-reduction systems and benefits to many species (EPA, 2010). Invertebrates play a major role in
wetland productivity. They live within the mud and process inorganic and organic matter. Various
invertebrates live in the different depths in the mud, and each of them have a unique and irreplaceable
job (NPS, 2015).
The depth of a mud sample greatly influences what and how many invertebrates inhabit the
area, invertebrate activity and moisture (Huang, 2014). Sediments also change depending on the depth
of a sample. In wetland soils, there are generally four main layers from top to bottom starting with
organic material, darker organic matter mixed with minerals, an iron-heavy mineral level, and
decomposed organic material level. These layers can be identified by color using color analysis sheets
including the Munsell Color Charts. Identifying the color of a soil indicates what organic or inorganic
material is in the soil (Penn State, 2012). It is important to note that certain invertebrates inhabit each
level of soil, and have different functions (Ecological Society of America, 2005).
The objective of our study is to observe the different sedimentary layers in the Famosa Slough
mud, and measure invertebrate and microbe levels in the soil. Using the results of this study, we may
gain valuable information on the quantity and diversity of invertebrates at the Famosa Slough as well as
how sedimentary layers affect the life in the mud. We will have the opportunity to present our findings
with elementary school students and the workers at the Famosa Slough. Our group predicts that the
deeper the mud sample the more nutrient-rich and decomposed matter we will find, meaning there are
higher invertebrate levels the deeper you go in the soil.


Independent Variable(s)
The independent variables are the soil depth and also the location of of the core samples.

Figure 1: The diagram above shows two sample locations color coded.
YELLOW: Light brown mud, suspected low concentration of organic material
GREEN: Dark brown/green soil, suspected high concentration of organic material

Dependent Variable
The dependent variables are the color analysis results which are found using the color analysis sheet,
invertebrates found in samples, salinity levels, and layer composition and size. The color analisis sheat
will also help answer if the soil has mass amounts of organic matter.

Control Variable
The control variables are how the core samples are taken and processed. Staying consistent with data
collection protocol; depth of sample, width of core, and when tests are being conducted and how the
cores are being stored as not to deteriorate the quality of sample. The samples will be placed in an
incubator at 3 degrees celsius when samples are not in use. All samples will be collected on the same
day in the same time frame and with the same tools. The use of the same tools and the collection of
data during the same time period will avoid the chance of deviance with the data collection.

Confounding Variable
Confounding variables include human error. These errors include but are not limited to; using the core
incorrectly and storing it improperly (sudden weather, air coming in contact with the mud etc.) Another
confounding variable is footsteps which could alter results.

Sample Size
❏ 4 cores total, 5cm in diameter, 65 cm inches in depth

The four core samples will be from two separate locations with two cores from each. All data
will be collected using the same tools and during the same time frame to avoid unnecessary variables.


Bring to Famosa Slough

❏ PVC Piping for Cores: Measure 2” Diameter
❏ PVC Cap
❏ Four 65 cm by 5cm core measurements
❏ Ruler
❏ Rain boots (optional but suggested)
❏ Boots
❏ Gloves
❏ Shovel
❏ Cling wrap
Leave at Lab
❏ Incubator
❏ Cutting tool
❏ Color analysis sheet​(a printed out sheet that you can match up the color of the mud to describe
❏ Protective gear (Eye protection, Lab coat)
❏ Twelve 8-ounce Jars
❏ Spray bottle
❏ 70% concentration Ethanol- regular ethanol that is diluted to 70% with spring water
❏ Tweezers
❏ Dissection Scope
❏ Mixing bowl
❏ Sifters
❏ Clear Nail polish
❏ Tweezers
❏ Microscope slides
❏ Phone (to take photos of process)

On field site procedures
1. Drill four cores at two for each selected location at the slough(see map above.)
a. Twist pvc pipe into the mud
b. Hit pvc pipe into mud until only 5 in. of the the 2 ft. pipe is above the mud
c. Cover the top of pipe with cap in wrap cap in duct tape to create an airtight seal
d. Pull pipe out of the mud because of the airtight seal the mud will come along
with the pipe
e. Cover both ends of the pipe with duct tape to prevent spillage
2. Place the samples in incubator at 3 degrees celsius upon return to HTH

Lab Procedures
1. Cut mud core samples in half lengthwise(side A and side B)
Side A
1. Record the color of the mud in each sample in the three in. areas determined in the last
2. Compare the colors to the hydric soil examples diagram​ ​below to identify what kind of
hydric soil we are observing. Label layers accordingly (eg. O, A, C, AB) in data table #1
Side B
1. Cut an inch off the top an the bottom of the sample to reduce contamination
2. Cut three inches from top and bottom of the core
3. Cut three inches from the middle of what remains of the core
4. Put these samples in jars filled with enough water to cover the mud
5. Label samples accordingly(e.g. M1 for the middle sample from site one’s core)
6. Pour the jars contents into the largest sifter with a large bowl underneath it
7. Spray and pour water onto the sifter until all/most of the mud and sand has passed
through the sifter
8. Pour the contents of the catching bowl into a smaller sifter
9. Repeat step seven
10. Search both sifters for macroinvertebrates under a dissection scope
11. Place any potential finds onto a slide and cover with clear nail polish
12. Look at all finds under a microscope in order to identify the finds
13. Record any finds in the data collection tables
14. The findings will consist of core location/ID, color analisis, and layer size and composition.
15. Repeat each step until every sample has been analysed

V) Results
The research data consists of four mud cores with a diameter of 5 cm and a depth of 65 cm. Two
were taken in an area suspected to have high organic material content. Another two were taken from an
area that was predicted to have low amounts of organic material. The samples were sieved for
The data collected is quantitative. The layers were identified using the Munsell color charts. The
microorganisms were found and obtained by people using tweezers and a dissection microscope. Data is
represented in Figure 1, 2, 3, and 4 below.
Sample 1, displayed in Figure 3, had high iron levels on the surface level of the mud. Deeper into
sample 1, there was a layer of incompletely decomposed organic material, and below that is recently
trapped sediment. Lastly, there was a layer of completely decomposed organic material. The recently
trapped sediment layer supported that the area of the Famosa Slough where sample 1 was collected is
intermittently flooded with water.
Sample 2,displayed in Figure 4, had high concentrations of organic material and lower oxygen
levels. The first and second layer of the soil displayed incompletely decayed organic materials, and the
third layer showed completely decomposed detritus. The fourth layer had streaks of red, indicating a
high level of iron in the soil. Higher iron levels in soil generally indicate lower oxygen levels.
Two items of interest were found in mud sample 2, Figure 4. Fragments of shells of
invertebrates were found in the top layer,see Figure 1, but that was the only evidence of invertebrates
discovered. In addition to the shells, a pod of eggs was found in the third layer of the soil (see Figure 2).


Figure 1 Figure 2















Layers of hydric soil at two locations at Famosa Slough
O: Incompletely decomposed organic debris (high iron content)
A: Surface accumulation of dark grey/brown incompletely decomposed organic material
C: Recently trapped sediment
AB: Buried surface/original soil

O: Incompletely Decomposed Organic Debris
A: Dark green organic material
AB: Completely decomposed organic material
B: Decomposed organic material, low levels of iron
VI) Discussion
The purpose of this research was to identify sediment layers and forms of life in two locations at
the Famosa Slough in order to gain a deeper understanding of the sedimentary makeup of wetlands, and
how pollution and various elements in the soil might affect the quantity and type of life found. We
predicted that soils with higher organic levels would have more invertebrates and microbes.
Additionally, that the deeper down the mud, the more decomposed material, and the more moisture,
thus the higher microbe and invertebrate levels. Data collected shows that the mud in the Famosa
Slough has a higher concentration of organic material the deeper you go in the soil. The data also
suggests that these levels of detritus lead to a greater amount of invertebrates and microbes.
Both samples demonstrated greater detritus levels deeper in the soil. The top layers of both
soils are comprised of incompletely decomposed organic materials. The detritus gives the mud a slightly
gray green tint and a smooth clay like texture. Sample 1 had a slight red tint that would indicate a lower
oxygen level, which indicates a lower microb levels. The lower the microbe the more likely the sample
will only be partially decomposed. Sample 2 had an overall green gray tint indicating a high microbial
level and therefore a higher oxygen level.
Flooding and draining of the area where Sample 1 was obtained pushes the top layer of
sediment down. Sample 1 was collected in the lower salt marsh at the Famosa Slough, an area that is
intermittently covered with water. This is clear through the observations of sediment layers. The
changing tide of this area pushes the top layer of sediment down and leaves a layer of incompletely
decomposed soil on the surface, the sediment that was once the top layer sunk down when the tide
rose (Figure 4).
Sample 2 was collected in an area completely and constantly submerged in water. The sample
had a high detritus level, indicated by the gray green tinted soil. The sample had a higher level of oxygen
then sample 1 indicated by the lack of iron (shown by a red tint to the soil).
There are many confounding variables that make this research inconclusive. Time constraints
did not allow for a thorough search of the mud for microbes and invertebrates. The quantity of the data
is also questionable. Because of humin error there are inevitable errors, there was also an unfamiliarity
with the equipment. Only four accurate samples were obtained and observed. In order to confirm
findings, more samples would have to be obtained and analyzed. The inconsistent weather made all
previous samples inadequate because of the change in climate. Lastly, the sifters used in our experiment
had holes big enough that many microorganisms could have passed through without our noticing. If this
research were to be conducted again, there should be more data collection, smaller strainers, and more
thorough searching for invertebrates and microorganisms.


“Characterization of Bacterial Diversity at Different Depths in the Moravia Hill Landfill Site at Medellín,
Colombia.” ​NeuroImage​, Academic Press, 11 Mar. 2011,​.

Gomez, Andres. “Soil Biology and Biochemistry”. ​, E​ lsevier. February 18, 2011. Web.
<​ X?via%3Dihub​>

“Growing Soil Microbes.” ​Science Learning Hub,​​.

Guzman, Kara, and Santa Cruz Sentinel. “What's That White Ring around Elkhorn Slough? Dead Algae Is
Killing the Marsh.” ​The Mercury News​, The Mercury News, 10 July 2017,

Guzman, Kara, and Santa Cruz Sentinel. “What's That White Ring around Elkhorn Slough? Dead Algae Is
Killing the Marsh.” ​The Mercury News​, The Mercury News, 10 July 2017,

NPS. “Microbes in Wetlands.” ​,​ NPA. April 10, 2015. Web. <​

“Labhuiofrank | PBRC | Kiana Frank.” ​Labhuiofrank | PBRC | Kiana Frank​, ​​.

“Wetlands.” ​San Diego Zoo Global Animals and Plants,​ ​

“Wetlands and Water Quality.” ​PPP: Family-Child Relationships || Children's Reactions to Divorce-Ages &
Stages || What to Expect,​ ​​.

Zedler, Joy B. ​The Ecology of Southern California Coastal Salt Marshes: a Community Profile​. National
Coastal Ecosystems Team, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1982.

​Pollution at Site #2

Drilling of core at site #1.

Pouring ethanol into mud samples to kill animals. Sieving for microbes and invertebrates.

Searching for animals with dissection scope. Splitting core in half for sediment analysis.


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