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C H A P T E R 41 


Robert P. Hebbel and Gregory M. Vercellotti

Since it was recognized as the “first molecular disease,” sickle cell these define discrete β-locus background haplotypes, referred to as
anemia caused by homozygosity for the mutant sickle beta globin the Senegal, Benin, Bantu, Cameroon, and Arab–India haplotypes
gene has provided the classic paradigm for single-gene disorders. (Fig. 41.2). Each designation refers to an ethnographic region in
Predominant clinical features include hemolytic anemia, episodic which the sickle mutation achieved high gene frequency (typically
painful events, chronic organ deterioration, disparate acute and peaking at 0.10 to 0.15). In most cases, the sickle gene resides on one
chronic complications, and a foreshortened life span. The genesis of of these five major haplotypes.
clinical sickle cell disease is complicated, and an understanding of its
pathophysiology integrates concepts from multiple disciplines,
includes contributions from the red blood cell (RBC) membrane and Origin, Selection, and Dispersion of the Sickle Gene
the vascular wall endothelium, and recognizes the likely participation
of multiple genetic influences. This chapter addresses the pathophysi- The residence of both βA and βS alleles on the distinct regional β
ology that underlies the sickle cell disease syndromes described in cluster haplotypes suggests that the sickle mutation arose indepen-
Chapter 42. dently in the five regions. The βC mutation arose only once. Historical
and biologic data argue that frequency of the βS gene greatly expanded
in Africa about 3000 years ago and in South Asia about 4000 years
EARLY YEARS OF SICKLE CELL DISEASE RESEARCH ago, following the introduction of iron tools. That led to adoption
of an agricultural system that promoted both increased human habi-
Sickle disease syndromes were known in folk medicine for centuries tation density and favorable breeding conditions for the mosquito
in parts of Africa, but the eponymous RBC was first reported in vector, Anopheles, which in turn enabled development of endemic
the medical literature in 1910 when Herrick described a young Plasmodium falciparum. In this context, high fixed βS gene frequen-
Grenadian man with recurrent pain, anemia, and sickle-shaped red cies were reached because of a balanced polymorphism, such that
corpuscles in the blood (Fig. 41.1). In 1940, Ham and Castle pos- heterozygotes (HbAS) have an adaptive advantage over either homo-
tulated that sickle disease pathophysiology resulted from a “vicious zygote. Thus the Old World geographic distributions of the sickle
cycle” involving mutually promotive erythrostasis and RBC sickling gene and historical endemic malaria are notably concordant (see Fig.
with adverse viscosity changes. In 1949, Neel validated the Men- 41.2), suggesting that the sickle gene represents “a biologic solution
delian autosomal dominant inheritance of sickle cell anemia, and to a cultural problem.”
Pauling demonstrated presence of an abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) in In hyperendemic areas, falciparum malaria uniformly infects the
patients and carriers. This was followed by observation of the poor young and is the primary cause of death for children with sickle cell
solubility of deoxygenated sickle Hb (HbS) and the reversible sol-gel anemia. However, those with sickle trait are less likely to develop
transformation of HbS solutions. In 1957, Ingram identified the high-level parasitemia or to have severe malaria, an effect largely
underlying amino acid substitution. Thereafter, increasingly detailed exerted early in childhood. At the level of the RBC, this protection
investigations began to reveal the striking complexities of sickle cell reflects steps after initial parasite invasion. One proposed mechanism
disease pathobiology. links protection to the instability of HbS, immune status, and splenic
function. Infection of sickle trait RBCs with P. falciparum leads
sequentially to augmented Hb denaturation, clustering of membrane
GENETIC CONSIDERATIONS protein band 3, attraction of band 3 autoantibody, complement
binding, and enhanced erythrophagocytosis, even of the early ring
Molecular Context forms. Thereby, an accelerated clearance of parasitized RBC by the
spleen could protect those with sickle trait, while HbS homozygotes
The sickle mutation in the HBB gene is a GAG→GTG conversion would lose this protection because of acquiring functional asplenia.
that creates a β6Glu→Val substitution and thereby forms βS globin In synergy with this scenario, presence of HbS (via a different mecha-
chains. Genes for other β-globin variants are allelic to the βS gene nism) impairs microvascular endothelial cytoadherence of infected
and have a codominant impact. Examples include genes for the RBC, thereby diminishing cerebral symptoms and impeding the
normal β chain (βA), β mutants (e.g., βC, β° or β+ thalassemia), and sequestration that protects parasitized RBC from splenic exposure.
deletional hereditary persistence of fetal Hb (HPFH). Compound The protective benefit of HbAS is lost if there is concurrent alpha
heterozygosity for βS and each one of these results in well-defined thalassemia (which lowers proportion of HbS). Yet, the blunted
clinical syndromes, such as HbAS (i.e., sickle trait), HbSC disease, malarial susceptibility in sickle trait reflects a complex interrelation-
HbS–β-thalassemia, and HbS-HPFH. Eight percent of African ship among the sickle gene, host biology, and environmental factors.
Americans have a βS gene, 3% have βC, 1.5% have β-thalassemia, Malarial severity is affected by polymorphisms in nonglobin genes
and 0.1% have HPFH. Among African Americans, about 1 in 600 such as CR1 (complement receptor 1), CD36, TGFB1 (transforming
births results in the homozygous state, sickle cell anemia (HbSS), and growth factor β), and HMOX1 (heme oxygenase 1); a polymorphism
about 1 in 400 results in some form of sickle cell disease, which in TLR4 (toll-like receptor 4) prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa exerts
additionally includes the compound heterozygous variants other than a protective effect. Both carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide
sickle trait. Worldwide, about 75% of sickle cell anemia births now (NO) blunt severity of experimental malaria. And certain microRNA,
occur in sub-Saharan Africa, 15% in India, 5% in the Americans, enriched in HbS-containing RBC, can inhibit P. falciparum growth.
4% in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1% in Europe. Eventually, the sickle gene spread geographically by means of
The HBB gene resides in a cluster of β-like genes within which commerce, migration, and the slave trade. This dispersion has been
are various nonexonic polymorphic sites. Different combinations of tracked by analyses of regional β haplotypes, a biologic marker that

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
572 Part V  Red Blood Cells

Fig. 41.1  SICKLE RED BLOOD CELL (RBC) MORPHOLOGIES. Blood smears prepared under differing
conditions, using antecubital blood from the same sickle cell anemia patient. (A) Venous blood at a PO2
~40 mm Hg was fixed immediately to document RBC shapes occurring in vivo. Several RBC morphologies
are evident, including two granular (raisin-like) cells, five somewhat elongated cells, and two highly elongated
and curved cells. (B) Unfixed blood was fully oxygenated. Most cells resumed normal shape, but one elongated,
irreversibly sickled cell remains present. (C) The oxygenated cells from (B) were then partially deoxygenated,
upon which they assumed classic holly-leaf forms typical of rapid deoxygenation. (D) The partially deoxygen-
ated cells from (C) were then fully deoxygenated (PO2 ~ 0 mm Hg) and display the more elongated shape
having fewer spikes that is assumed by sickle RBC that have deoxygenated more slowly. The physical–chemical
basis for these shapes is presented in Fig. 41.5. (Reproduced with permission from Obata K, Mattiello J, Asakura K,
et al: Exposure of blood from patients with sickle cell disease to air changes the morphological, oxygen-binding, and sickling
properties of sickled erythrocytes. Am J Hematol 81:26, 2006).


Cameroon Bantu

Sickle cell gene

Fig. 41.2  SICKLE GENE AND MALARIA. The five regions in which the sickle gene achieved high allelic
frequency are superimposed on shading that identifies the Old World distribution of the sickle gene and of
historic, endemic malaria. (Reproduced with permission from Friedman MJ, Trager W: The biochemistry of resistance
to malaria. Sci Am 244:154, 1981; and from Nagel RL, Steinberg MH: Genetics of the βS gene: origins, epidemiology,
and epistasis in sickle cell anemia. In Steinberg MH: Forget BG, Higgs DR, Nagel RL, editors: Disorders of hemoglobin:
Genetics, pathophysiology, and clinical management, Cambridge, 2001, Cambridge University Press, p 711.)

largely corroborates predictions of gene flow derived from historical

Relationship of HbS Molecular Behaviors to Disease Features
records. As a generalization, it spread on the Benin haplotype to
North Africa and then across the Mediterranean. All three major Altered dimer assembly → RBC Hb composition
African haplotypes are present in the western Arabian Peninsula; but Hb phenotype and diagnosis
on the eastern side, the sickle gene tends to be on the Arab-India Polymerization risk
haplotype. This is also true in India, although sub-Saharan haplotypes HbS instability → Membrane defects
are represented as well. In the Americas, the βS gene is mostly found RBC dehydration
on the Benin, Senegal, and Bantu haplotypes. Hemolysis
Malaria resistance
HbS polymerization → Sickling
Because the β6Glu→Val substitution entails a loss of negative charge and
gain in hydrophobicity, HbS exhibits three abnormal molecular
behaviors of direct relevance to pathophysiology.

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 41  Pathobiology of Sickle Cell Disease 573

Hemoglobin S Charge and Tetramer Assembly

Hemoglobin S Solubility and Hemoglobin S
Formation of Hb tetramers requires proximate assembly of stable Polymerization
dimers from unlike monomers (e.g., α + β → αβ), an event governed
by electrostatic attraction. The normal α and β chains are positively Oxy-HbS, oxy-HbA, and deoxy-HbA have very high solubilities, but
and negatively charged, respectively. In heterozygous states for deoxy-HbS aggregates into densely packed polymers, a process that is
β-globin mutants, β-chain competition for dimer assembly is a fully reversible with reoxygenation.3,4 This abnormal property causes
determinant of the relative proportions of the Hb variants.1 Mutant the eponymous RBC shape change from polymer-mediated distor-
β chains with lowered negative charge form αβ dimers more slowly; tion, the fundamental basis for disease promotion in sickling disorders.
the relative rates for dimer association are αβA >αβS >αβC, with αβA
dimers formed about twice as rapidly as αβS dimers. This explains
why those with sickle trait typically have only 40% HbS and why the Polymer Structure
proportion of HbS exceeds this in HbSC disease. It also explains the
effect of concurrent α-thalassemia on the proportion of HbS in sickle Deoxygenation transforms soluble HbS into a highly viscous and
trait; as availability of α chains becomes limiting, the percentage of semisolid gel that behaves thermodynamically similar to a crystal in
HbS typically drops from 40% to 35% (one α deletion), 30% (two equilibrium with a solution of individual tetrameric Hb molecules.
α deletions), or less than 25% (three α deletions). Even complete deoxygenation does not convert all deoxy-HbS to
polymer. The insoluble phase is a collection of domains of aligned
polymers, the basic unit of which is a double strand in which two
Hemoglobin S Stability and Oxidant Formation strings of deoxy-Hb tetramers make multiple contacts with each other
(Fig. 41.3).
HbS is modestly unstable, observed in vitro as instability to various Each HbS tetramer has two βS chains, the β1 and β2. Deoxy-HbS
applied stresses. Two stresses that are most clearly physiologic involve undergoes a slight structural shift so that the A helix β6Val “donor”
Hb oxidation.2 HbS has an abnormal redox potential compared with site of the β2 chain in one tetramer can contact an EF helix “acceptor”
HbA that may underlie its only modestly (~40%) increased auto- site (formed mainly by β85Phe, β88Leu, and β70Ala) in the β1 chain of a
oxidation rate. Yet, HbS exhibits markedly (~340%) augmented tetramer in the neighboring single string. This critical, lateral associa-
instability and oxidation upon interaction with aminophospholipids tion can be made only when HbS is in its deoxy conformation; the
characteristic of the membrane’s inner leaflet. Its behavior once it EF helix hydrophobic pocket is not a favorable acceptor site for the
enters the plasma environment (caused by intravascular hemolysis) is charged β6Glu of the βA in HbA. In HbS, the β6Val in the β1 subunit
unknown. Although the physical–chemical mechanism of the desta- is located so it cannot participate in such contacts. However, the β2
bilizing role of the β6 valine in HbS is not known, this instability chain of the second single string can form chemically similar β6Val-
leads to accumulation of various Hb and iron forms at the cytosol– dependent contacts with the β1 chain of the first single string. There
membrane interface.2 The resulting occurrence of abnormal, oxidative are multiple additional axial and lateral contacts, but these are largely
biochemistry promotes a number of prominent defects of the sickle the same for deoxy-HbA and deoxy-HbS and are not themselves
RBC membrane. sufficient to stabilize a polymeric structure.

a1 b1
a2 b2 b1 a
b2 a
a1 b1 2

a2 b2 b1 a
b2 a
a1 b1 2

a2 b2 b1 a
b2 a


Fig. 41.3  DEOXYGENATED HEMOGLOBIN S (HbS) POLYMER. (A) Electron micrograph of a fiber of
polymerized HbS obtained from a sickled red blood cell. (B) Electron density surface map, modeled from
authentic HbS fibers, shows pairings that create double strands plus a helical twist. (C) Model of the HbS
fiber, with Hb tetramers rendered as solid spheres. (D) Protein backbone shows tetramer staggering in the
HbS crystal. (E) Schematic representation of a double strand, emphasizing that only one of the two β6 valine
residues in each HbS tetramer participates in critical lateral contacts. (F) Sickled red blood cells, showing
various morphologies (top to bottom): granular, holly leaf shaped, classically sickled, and smoother and irrevers-
ibly sickled. (G) Electron microscopy of sickled RBC cytoplasm reveals highly ordered polymer domains, as
seen from the side (bottom) and on end (middle), or highly disorganized domains (top). (A and C, Reproduced
with permission from Dykes G, Crepeau RH, Edelstein SJ: Three-dimensional reconstruction of the fibres of sickle cell
hemoglobin. Nature 272:506,1978; B, reproduced with permission from Carragher B, Bluemke DA, Becker M, et al:
Structural analysis of polymers of sickle cell hemoglobin. J Mol Biol 199:315,1988; D, reproduced with permission from
Harrington DJ, Adachi K, Royer WE, Jr: The high resolution crystal structure of deoxyhemoglobin S. J Mol Biol 272:398,
1997; F and G, courtesy Dr. James G. White and reproduced with permission from White JG: Ultrastructural features of
erythrocyte and hemoglobin sickling. Arch Intern Med 133:545, 1974.)

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
574 Part V  Red Blood Cells

In the physiologic form of the polymer, the component strings of 35

Hb molecules in a double strand are half-staggered and have a slight
twist, creating a fiber that is approximately 21 nM in diameter and
is composed of one central and six peripheral double strands. The
crystal formed in vitro lacks the twist, but its molecular structure is
known in great detail. 25

Hb solubility
Role of Hemoglobin S Solubility 20
The RBC’s hydration state dominates the physical-chemical behavior 15 HbA2
of HbS. The solubility of deoxy-HbS (approximately 16 g/dL, HbA
measured under laboratory conditions) is much lower than the RBC HbC
mean cell Hb concentration (MCHC). So, even partial cellular 10
deoxygenation can raise deoxy-HbS concentration above its solubility 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
limit, allowing polymerization to occur. The biophysical effect of A Fraction Hb X
macromolecular crowding (boosting a protein’s activity far above that
predicted from concentration alone) confers nonideal behavior upon
cytoplasmic constituents, augmenting likelihood for polymerization 0.7
at any given degree of deoxygenation. SS
In vitro studies carried out under (nonphysiologic) equilibrium
conditions of stable oxygen tension and long-time scale corroborate
crystallographic identification of critical amino acids involved in

Polymer fraction
atomic contacts by revealing the influence of other Hbs on HbS solu-
bility (Fig. 41.4).3 When different Hbs are mixed together, the tetra- 0.35 +
mers dissociate into dimers that intermix and randomly assemble in +

a binomial distribution to reform tetramers. This clarifies the impact

of naturally occurring, intracellular Hb mixtures. In mixtures of HbS AS +

+ +
and HbA, overall solubility is improved because the hybrid αβS/αβA

tetramer integrates into polymer only one half as well as the αβS/αβS


tetramer (Fig. 41.4A). Addition of HbF to HbS has a greater sparing + + +

+ ++
effect because neither the αγ/αγ nor the hybrid αβS/αγ tetramer can 0
be incorporated into polymer. In this regard, HbC has the same effect 0 50 100
as HbA, and HbA2 has the same effect as HbF (see Fig. 41.4A). This B Oxygen saturation (%)
sparing effect of HbA is such that much lower Hb oxygen saturation
is required for polymer to form in HbAS than in HbSS RBCs
(Fig. 41.4B).
other hemoglobins with hemoglobin S raises overall solubility in absence of
oxygen. The x-axis indicates the proportion of admixed nonsickle Hb. (B)
The hemoglobin oxygen saturation required to initiate intracellular polymer
Kinetics of Polymerization formation (i.e., polymer fraction) is much lower for HbAS RBC than for
HbSS RBC. (A, Reproduced with permission from Poillon WN, Kim BC, Rodgers
Laboratory measurements of polymerization kinetics, enabled by
GP, et al: Sparing effect of hemoglobin F and hemoglobin A2 on the polymerization of
inducing (nonphysiologic) near-instantaneous and complete conver-
hemoglobin S at physiologic ligand saturations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90:5039,
sion of HbS from R (oxy) to T (deoxy) state, reveal a delay until
1993; B, reproduced with permission from Schechter AN, Noguchi CT: Sickle hemo-
polymer forms explosively.4 This inherent delay time is inversely
globin polymer: Structure-function correlates. In Embury SH, Hebbel RP, Mohandas
related to an extremely high power of the initial Hb concentration;
N, Steinberg MH, editors: Sickle cell disease: Basic principles and clinical practice,
it is approximately 10 ms at Hb of 40 g/dL, but it is 100,000 seconds
New York, 1994, Raven Press.)
at Hb 20 g/dL (Fig. 41.5A). HbS solutions and sickle RBCs behave
similarly in this regard. Delay times must vary enormously from cell
to cell because they are dominated by the marked heterogeneity in
MCHC (i.e., shorter delay for more dehydrated cells) and are influ- short delay times (Fig. 41.5D) reflect simultaneous formation of
enced by the presence of any non-S Hb (i.e., longer delay for presence multiple nucleation sites in cells that polymerize rapidly.
of HbA, C, or F) (Fig. 41.5E). Admixture of 20% to 30% HbA with
HbS (simulating HbS-β+-thalassemia) increases the delay time
10 to 100 fold, and admixture of 20% to 30% HbF with HbS Polymerization Under (Patho)physiologic Conditions
increases it by 103- to 104-fold.
The mechanism of such polymer formation is hypothesized to In physiology, sickle RBCs are neither at equilibrium with constant
proceed by a two-step, double-nucleation process (Fig. 41.5F). oxygen tension nor undergoing instantaneous or complete deoxygen-
Accordingly, the initial homogeneous nucleation takes place in bulk ation. Rather, irrespective of the inherent delay time, the rate of
solution, during which small numbers of tetramers associate, with deoxy-HbS polymer growth in vivo is limited by the rate at which
accumulation not favored until a critical nucleus size develops (esti- RBC deoxygenation develops during microvascular passage. Since
mated to be 30 to 50 tetramers). Only then can new tetramers be this transit time is on the order of ~1 second, it probably effectively
added lengthwise to form a large polymer. After this occurs, hetero- renders irrelevant any inherent delay times of less than ~1 second
geneous nucleation causes explosive, autocatalytic polymer formation (Fig. 41.5G).4 Thus kinetic considerations argue that most RBCs in
as new fibers form and extend on the surface of the preexisting patients with sickle cell anemia are unlikely to sickle during their
polymer. It is the time until this explosive formation occurs that labo- passage through the microcirculation unless something, such as
ratory experiments detect as the inherent delay time. It is believed RBC–endothelial adhesion, slows their transit.
that the striking irreproducibility of long delay times (Fig. 41.5B) Predictability is complicated by the marked heterogeneity among
reflects stochastic formation of a single (or at least very few) homo- sickle RBCs in MCHC and HbF content, as well as the natural
geneous nucleation event(s) in cells that slowly polymerize and that biologic variability in capillary transit times. A good qualitative

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 41  Pathobiology of Sickle Cell Disease 575

Concentration (g/dL) Fibers Cells 40

20 30 40 30 S/S disease
5 20
4 “Sickle” 10

Number of cells
B 0 150 200 0
Log delay time (sec)

3 20 S/C disease

2 10
1 “Holly leaf” A/S trait
C 0 5 10

“Granular” 0
:3 :2 :1 0 1 2 3
Log delay time (sec)
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
0 0.5 1
Log [concentration (mM)]
A D Time (sec) E

Log time to reach 10% (sec)

Homogeneous nucleation
Critical in 1 sec
nucleus 0


0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
F Heterogeneous nucleation
G Log concentration (mM)
AND COMPLETE DEOXYGENATION. (A) Extreme dependence of delay time on hemoglobin concentra-
tion. (B−D) Kinetic progress curves for polymer formation show that long delay times are highly variable (B),
but very short delay times are highly reproducible (D). To the right is a representation of domains and cor-
responding RBC morphology postulated to result from these different scales of polymerization rate (see Fig.
41.1B–E; and Fig. 41.3F). (E) Delay times for individual RBCs are influenced by substituent hemoglobins.
(F) A double nucleation process underlies polymer formation, with unfavored homogeneous nucleation (top)
followed by explosive heterologous nucleation (bottom). (G) Physiologically, the finite rate of deoxygenation
effectively caps the polymer growth rate and eliminates the relevance of delay times that are short relative to
deoxygenation rate (<1 second). (A–E, Reproduced with permission from Eaton WA, Hofrichter J: Hemoglobin S
gelation and sickle cell disease. Blood 70:1245, 1987; F, reproduced with permission from Ferrone FA, Hofrichter J, Eaton
WA: Kinetics of sickle hemoglobin polymerization II. A double nucleation mechanism. J Mol Biol 183:611, 1985; G,
reproduced with permission from Ferrone FA: Oxygen transits and transports. In Embury S, Hebbel RP, Mohandas N,
Steinberg MH, editors: Sickle Cell Disease: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, New York, 1994, Raven Press.)

correspondence between polymerization in solution and within HbF and Its Protective Effect
RBCs argues that the fundamental polymerization mechanism (Fig.
41.5F) is not altered by membranes. Yet, emerging evidence indicates In sickle cell anemia, HbF in RBC lysates averages ~5% to 8% (range
that the abnormal sickle RBC membrane can accelerate nucleation, 1% to 25%). However, this HbF is not distributed evenly amongst
in essence eliminating the inherent delay time. A similar effect would RBCs.5 Rather, its heterocellular expression is evident in the presence
be exerted by any preexisting polymer not completely melted during of F cells (RBC particularly enriched in HbF) that comprise anywhere
prior pulmonary transit (expected for fewer than 1% of RBCs). between 2% and 80% of all RBCs. For most patients, only the small
However, neither of these effects would alter the physiologic con- proportion of their F cells that contain at least ~10 pg HbF (roughly
straint that bulk polymer growth rate can only parallel RBC deoxy- one-third of RBC Hb content) are expected to be protected from
genation rate. polymerization under physiologic conditions.5 Nonetheless, on
In vitro, sickle RBC can become classically sickled or assume holly average, F cells remain better hydrated and exhibit better survival.
leaf or granular forms, depending on deoxygenation rate (slow to
rapid, respectively), which determines the number of nucleation
domains created (Fig. 41.5B–D; and see Fig. 41.1B–E). In the Alternative Ligands: Carbon Monoxide
microcirculation, granular forms are most likely to occur; in contrast, and Nitric Oxide
frankly sickled forms are most likely to develop during venous return
to the heart. The RBC shape per se is not a determinant of RBC Patients with sickle cell anemia can have nontrivial elevations of
deformability, but rigidification caused by polymer can impede CO-Hb levels (reportedly as high as 7.6% in children) because of
microvascular passage. This would develop dynamically during hemolysis. Hb that is partially liganded with CO is shifted to the
microvascular transit. R state conformation but has lost a portion of its oxygen carrying

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
576 Part V  Red Blood Cells

capacity. It is difficult to predict whether this produces a net benefit

or loss. RBC and Hb appear to participate in NO transport to
the microcirculation, although both magnitude of the effect and
mechanisms involved are debated. NO is asserted to improve RBC
deformability and impair HbS polymerization. Reaction of NO with
oxy-Hb causes Hb oxidation to met-Hb and reciprocal consumption
of NO.6


Even oxygenated sickle RBCs exhibit a variety of cellular and mem-
brane abnormalities that contribute directly to pathophysiology. A B C D
Some are the consequence of proximate polymer formation, while
others result from oxidative biochemistry. An overarching theme in Fig. 41.6  MARKED HETEROGENEITY IN SICKLE RED BLOOD
sickle disease pathobiology is that individual sickle RBC exhibit CELL HYDRATION. Compared with normal RBCs (A) studied by discon-
remarkable heterogeneity in various cellular characteristics. The strik- tinuous density-gradient centrifugation, RBCs from a sickle patient with four
ing variability in hydration status and HbF content is particularly α genes (D) include cells of unusually low density (mostly reticulocytes) and
important. abnormally high density (dehydrated cells). Sickle patients with three and two
α genes are shown in (C and B), respectively. (Reproduced with permission from
Embury SH, Clark MR, Monroy G, Mohandas N: Concurrent sickle cell anemia and
Membrane Iron and Oxidant Generation alpha-thalassemia. J Clin Invest 73:116, 1984.)

An abnormal oxidative biochemistry takes place at the cytosol–

membrane interface of the sickle RBC.2 The avidity of HbS for
bilayer lipid, and perhaps its modestly enhanced auto-oxidation in deformation (mechanosensitivity).7 Sickling induces calcium influx
solution, result in augmented formation of superoxide and met-Hb. and a slight acidification, occurring stochastically and only in some
This, in turn, can become denatured and lose its heme to the lipid cells at any one time. This results in net potassium and water loss
bilayer, where it is easily destroyed by lipid hydroperoxides to mediated mostly by activation of a Ca2+ activated (Gardos) K+ channel
liberate “free” iron. Forms of iron associated with the membrane and potassium chloride (KCl) cotransport. The latter can be activated
are catalytically active, generating highly reactive oxidants. Also, by lowered pH, endothelin-1, thiol oxidation, and a membrane
membrane “free” iron can form a redox couple with soluble oxy-Hb interaction effect of hemoglobins that are relatively positively charged
to promote further hemoglobin oxidation, denaturation, and deposi- (HbC > HbS). It is influenced by macromolecular crowding of
tion. The sickle RBC membrane thereby acquires abnormal amounts cytosolic proteins caused by the high MCHC. Even at steady state,
of various iron forms: Hb, denatured hemichrome, free heme, and sickle RBCs contain increased Ca2+ because it is sequestered in
nonheme iron.2 A large portion of sickle RBC oxidant generation cytoplasmic inside-out membrane vesicles, providing evidence of
and stress is from enhanced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide prior cytosolic Ca2+ transients.
phosphate (NADPH)-oxidase activity, probably in reticulocytes These aberrancies lead to decrements in RBC hydration and
and exhibiting a responsiveness to certain plasma substances, e.g., deformability.7 However, hyperdense RBCs—mostly ISCs—are not
endothelin-1. necessarily older cells with longer histories of sickling and unsickling.
Of equal importance to excessive oxidant generation, the mem- Rather, they can develop via a rapid reticulocyte-to-ISC transforma-
brane location of catalytic iron establishes in sickle RBC a unique tion, with those RBC having lower HbF levels being particularly
oxidant risk (not present in normal RBC) because it effectively targets susceptible. It is unclear whether this rapid induction of cation loss
oxidative damage to membrane components. Further, the juxtaposi- or the gradualism of classic interpretations is the dominant mecha-
tion of iron with bilayer lipid allows reinitiation of peroxidative chain nism underlying sickle RBC dehydration. Dehydrated RBCs have
reactions, effectively bypassing protection by vitamin E. Deficient diminished deformability and increased propensity for polymeriza-
levels of antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E, glutathione, ascorbic acid) in tion, the mutually promotive effects of dehydration and sickling
sickle RBC, caused by oxidative consumption and dietary insufficien- comprising a vicious cycle. RBC dehydration is particularly likely to
cies, contribute. The result is abnormal oxidation of membrane be exaggerated by the renal medullary environment and possibly by
protein thiols and peroxidation of membrane lipids. Among the nocturnal arterial desaturation accompanying disordered sleep.
many sickle membrane defects, evidence for an oxidative origin or
contribution is strongest for Band 3 clustering, abnormal membrane
stiffness, formation of irreversibly sickled cells (ISCs), aberrant cation Deformability, Fragility, and Vesiculation
homeostasis, tendency toward microvesiculation, abnormal mecha-
nosensitivity, and erythrophagocytosis.2 Even oxygenated sickle RBCs are poorly deformable.7 The dominant
cause of this is the abnormally high cytoplasmic viscosity of dehy-
drated cells. Additional factors include abnormal stiffness of the RBC
Cation Homeostasis and Dehydrated Cells membrane caused, in part, by thiol oxidation and, in part, by a poorly
understood direct effect of hemoglobin upon the membrane. Upon
For normal RBCs, MCHC averages ~32 g/dL and varies from 27 to RBC deoxygenation in vitro, there is a temporal correspondence
38 g/dL, with fewer than 1% of cells having MCHC greater than between appearance of polymer-induced shape change and deteriora-
38 g/dL. In contrast, the MCHC of sickle RBCs averages ~34 g/ tion of deformability, as measured by micropipette and laser dif-
dL and ranges from 23 to 50 g/dL, with up to 40% of cells having fractometer. On the other hand, filtration studies found decreased
MCHC greater than 38 g/dL. This extreme density heterogeneity deformability before morphologic change, and viscometry reveals a
results from reticulocytosis (low-density, low-MCHC cells) and dehy- large deterioration in bulk viscosity caused by deoxygenated dense
drating mechanisms (higher density, high-MCHC cells) (Fig. 41.6). discocytes that show little shape change.
The most dramatic ion-handling abnormality of the sickle RBC Sickle RBCs are somewhat mechanically fragile, which may be a
is sickling-induced permeabilization of the RBC membrane to cations consequence of dehydration and a weakening of critical skeletal
(Na+, K+, Ca2+). Since this depends on cell deformation, it probably associations caused by oxidative protein damage. The tendency of
partly reflects the sickle RBC’s exaggerated leak susceptibility to sickled RBCs to lose membrane microvesicles reflects separation of

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 41  Pathobiology of Sickle Cell Disease 577

band 3
bound 30 µm
band 3
Band 3
Band 3
Denatured Hb on the RBC membrane, is associated with clumping of Band
3, and opsonization by naturally occurring anti-Band 3 antibody. Clusters of
band 3 are colocalized with immunoglobulin on the membranes of sickle red
blood cells (left). The drawing shows the colocalization scheme (right).
(Reproduced with permission from Schluter K, Drenckhahn D: Co-clustering of
denatured hemoglobin with band 3: Its role in binding of autoantibodies against band
3 to abnormal and aged erythrocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 83:6137, 1986.) Fig. 41.8  RBC ADHESION TO ENDOTHELIUM. RBCs adhere to the
vascular wall endothelium under flow conditions in the microcirculation of
a rat infused with human cells. Immobile RBCs are on walls of the postcapil-
lary venule, and the smaller feeder microvessels (small arrows) have no flow
Major Sickle RBC Membrane Defects because of the logjam of RBC. (Reproduced with permission from Kaul DK, Fabry
ME, Nagel RL: Microvascular sites and characteristics of sickle cell adhesion to vascular
Membrane iron deposits → endothelium in shear flow conditions: Pathophysiological implications. Proc Natl Acad
Band 3 clumping → Ig attraction → erythrophagocytosis
Sci U S A 86:3356, 1989.)
Oxidative reactions targeted at membrane →
Thiol oxidation →
ISC formation
↓ Deformability and ↑ fragility
PS externalization contributes to various sickling-induced RBC responses, e.g.,
Cation leak microvesiculation.
Lipid peroxidation →
Mechanosensitivity Irreversibly Sickled Cells
Abnormal cation homeostasis → The sickled RBCs seen on a typically-obtained blood smear are
RBC dehydration → ↓ deformability mostly ISCs (see Fig. 41.1). Their permanent shape abnormality is
Abnormal microrheology →
↓ Deformability
caused not by retained polymer but rather by membrane retention of
PS externalization → an elongated shape, explained by thiol oxidation of β-actin such that
Coagulation acceleration the spectrin–actin-4.1 complex exhibits abnormally slow dissocia-
Erythrophagocytosis tion. Otherwise, ISCs are similar to other equally dense RBC in
Adhesion to endothelium, monocytes, and macrophages having high MCHC, poor deformability, externalized PS, and low
Enhanced mechanosensitivity → ↑ responsiveness to deformation HbF content. ISC counts on average are higher in male patients,
perhaps reflecting their average lower levels of HbF. The fundamental
requirements for ISC formation seem to be RBC dehydration, pro-
longed deoxygenation, and assumption of a fixed membrane shape.
the bilayer from the underlying skeleton due to spicules of polymer- Perhaps there is a prior “conditioning” residence in the
ized hemoglobin, with enhanced susceptibility caused by protein microcirculation.
thiol oxidation. The clinical importance of ISCs lies in their ability to prompt
diagnosis of a sickling disorder when seen on blood smear and in
their short life span that contributes to overall hemolytic rate. They
Membrane Proteins and Lipids would contribute to the RBC logjam involved in occlusion, but it is
unclear whether ISC count correlates with vasoocclusive manifesta-
Sickle RBC membrane protein function is adversely affected by thiol tions. Although still adhesive to endothelium, ISCs are less so than
oxidation and possibly other oxidative protein modifications.2 other sickle subpopulations, but they exhibit greater adherence to
Ankyrin interactions with spectrin and Band 3 are abnormal, gly- macrophages.
cophorin and Band 3 exhibit decreased mobility, and thiol-oxidized
β-actin displays abnormal associations in the spectrin–actin-4.1
complex. Band 3 is abnormally clumped from binding of denatured Endothelial Adhesivity
HbS, which enables attraction of naturally occurring anti-Band 3
immunoglobulin (Fig. 41.7). Oxygenated sickle RBCs are abnormally adhesive to vascular endo-
Normal enforcement of bilayer phospholipid asymmetry is thelial cells (Fig. 41.8). About 20 candidate mechanisms have been
impaired in sickle RBCs. A scramblase that moves phosphatidylserine implicated, most involving adhesion molecules on endothelium,
(PS) outward is activated by calcium transits, and a translocase that adhesive structures restricted to reticulocytes or present on all RBCs,
restores PS inwardly can be inhibited by thiol oxidation. RBC sickling and with or without bridging by adhesogenic plasma proteins.8 Some
promotes PS externalization, especially in ISCs, but also in some mechanisms require RBC signaling responses to plasma factors for
reticulocytes. Other changes include presence of peroxidation activation. Involvement of mixed cell interactions with endothelium
byproducts such as malondialdehyde (MDA) that can cross-link has been proposed. Most described candidate mechanisms involve
proteins. Notably, the increased presence of bilayer lipid hydroperox- adhesive reticulocytes and are high affinity, identified using flowing
ides appears to account for the sickle RBC membrane’s abnormal conditions. Yet, in the biologic context microcirculatory blood flow
mechanosensitivity, evident in its enhanced cation leak response can be intermittent and occurs within vessels of constraining diam-
to deforming stress. Presumably, this deformation susceptibility eters enabling greater potential contact surface area. It seems probable

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
578 Part V  Red Blood Cells

that low-affinity adhesive mechanisms would gain relevance in that determinants of RBC adhesivity and endothelial activation play an
situation. Indeed, an unanswered question is whether or not RBC important role in vasoocclusion pathobiology. Consistent with this,
adhesion occurs via a single, dominant mechanism in vivo. To date, clinical vasoocclusive severity correlates with the endothelial adhesiv-
only RBC/endothelial adhesion mediated by αvβ3 and P-selectin have ity of sickle RBCs in vitro.
been verified in vivo in the sickle mouse, in which blockade of Impairment of microvascular flow also derives from the dimin-
P-selectin inhibits adhesion of both RBCs and white blood cells ished deformability of dehydrated sickle RBC. Dense cells (especially
(WBCs) to endothelium and effects improvement in blood flow. ISCs) can have difficulty entering the microvasculature, e.g., at
Participation of sickle RBC adhesion in pathophysiology is gov- bifurcations. Whether RBC adhesivity and poor deformability
erned, in part, by endothelial activation state. For example, adhesion perhaps exert combined or synergistic effects within the smallest
events mediated by endothelial vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 vessels has not been studied, nor has any role for dynamic change of
(VCAM-1), αvβ3, and P-selectin are activated, respectively, by tumor rigidity as deoxygenation progresses during microvascular transit.
necrosis factor (TNF), platelet activating factor, and thrombin. Each Clinical vasoocclusive severity in humans correlates with preservation
of these endothelial stimulants is elevated in sickle blood. However, of RBC deformability rather than with impairment thereof,7 perhaps
there is a multitude of biologic modifiers in the sickle context that because more dense cells tend to be misshapen and less able to make
can influence endothelial surface features (see Box on Complex Sickle close adhesive contacts with endothelium.
Milieu). Additional influencing factors would include: the reticulo-
cyte count; flow and shear rates; vessel diameter, geometry and
vasomotion; marginated WBCs; mixed blood cell interactions with Hemolytic Anemia
endothelium; concurrent processes (e.g., degree of platelet activation
or dehydration); and possibly even environmental exposure to endo- RBC life span in sickle cell anemia averages about 15 days but
thelial toxins such as tobacco smoke. with marked interindividual variability (from ~7 to ~30 days); in
HbSC disease, the average is about 30 days.12 All four fundamental
mechanisms that can underlie RBC removal in hematologic
Macrophage Interaction disease—erythrophagocytosis, fragmentation, trapping, and osmotic
lysis—probably contribute (Fig. 41.9, bottom). These are conse-
Sickle RBCs are readily phagocytosed by macrophages because of quences of the proximate aberrancies of the sickle RBC discussed
RBC membrane modifications by malondialdehyde, PS externaliza- earlier (Fig. 41.9, middle) that result from the specific molecular
tion, and opsonization by immunoglobulin. The latter process is behaviors of the mutant HbS (Fig. 41.9, top). Although speculative,
triggered by abnormal clustering of membrane protein Band 3 (see the illustrated, integrated synthesis of extant research data presents a
Fig. 41.7) and possibly by modification induced by malondialdehyde. plausible mechanistic blueprint.12
The most dense cells have the most surface immunoglobulin and Although complex, the routes to accelerated RBC removal seem-
higher PS externalization, and they exhibit the greatest interaction ingly resolve into two contributory mechanistic cascades: one from
with macrophages and potential for erythrophagocytosis. polymer formation that underlies three terminal processes (trapping,
fragmentation, osmotic lysis) that cause intravascular hemolysis; and
one from HbS instability that leads to erythrophagocytosis and
THE ROLE OF RED BLOOD CELLS IN extravascular hemolysis. Notably, intravascular hemolysis seems to
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS account for only one-third of overall hemolysis, while two-thirds
seemingly is explained by extravascular hemolysis. The influence of
Vascular Occlusion the instability-based cascade is most evident in enhanced erythropha-
gocytosis of sickle RBC, promoted by denatured Hb causing Band 3
Notwithstanding the conceptual simplicity of the sickling phenom- clumping causing attraction of immunoglobulin.
enon, when acute microvascular occlusion occurs, causing an acute The shortest survival is exhibited by the sickle RBCs that are most
painful episode, it is a complex and evolving process. It seems prob- dehydrated and that have the lowest amounts of HbF,13 consistent
able that similar events, but of less severe degree and remaining at a with the polymerization-based abnormalities (see Fig. 41.9, left side).
subclinical level, are a recurrent or even near-constant feature of sickle Yet, it is not known whether these two RBC features fully explain
vascular pathobiology. The current understanding of microvascular the very wide range of hemolytic rates. Presumably, the sickle RBCs’
vasoocclusion in sickle cell anemia does carry lingering enigmas.9 fragility is related, and sickled RBCs do lose Hb via microvesiculation
Insofar as sickling is responsible, risk factors would include any- when sickling is reversed. Improved RBC hydration caused by con-
thing that would increase RBC dehydration and MCHC (e.g., current α-globin gene deletion improves RBC survival.14 Sickle RBC
insufficient clinical hydration, injudicious use of diuretics), foster survival drops substantially during acute painful episodes, but whether
arterial oxygen desaturation (e.g., lung disease, sleep-disordered this precedes or follows vasoocclusion onset is not known. The only
breathing), prolong microvascular transit time (e.g., inflammatory biomarkers so far documented to correlate strongly and quantitatively
milieu), increase blood viscosity (e.g., transfusion, clinical dehydra- with measured RBC lifespan in sickle cell anemia are the (uncor-
tion), right shift the oxygen binding curve (e.g., acidosis), or disturb rected) reticulocyte percentage and HbF level.12
vascular dynamics (e.g., cold, aberrant neurochemical responses,
vasomotive rhythms). The extraordinary heterogeneity amongst
sickle RBC undoubtedly confers enormous variability in behavior of Consequences of Hemolysis
individual RBC as they lose oxygen while traversing the microcircula-
tion single-file. Although such behavioral heterogeneity is perhaps the Hemolysis exerts complex effects. Some are indirect, stemming from
dominant feature of sickle disease pathobiology, it currently is expanded erythropoiesis, such as enhanced production of highly
immeasurable at the level of microcirculatory physiology. At the adhesive reticulocytes and augmented elaboration of placental growth
sensitivity of epidemiology, HbF level is inversely related to frequency factor. This growth factor activates blood monocytes and promotes
of vasoocclusive painful crises.10 augmented production of endothelin-1 (ET-1) that can exert multiple
Enabling vasoocclusion, adhesion of sickle RBC to endothelium effects relevant to sickle pathobiology: induce vasoconstriction, cause
allows greater deoxygenation by slowing microvascular flow. Indeed, nociceptive hypersensitization, activate RBC NADPH oxidase activ-
in transgenic sickle mice, vascular occlusion is a two-step process.11 ity, and prompt release of inflammatory mediators. Other hemolysis
This model holds that adhesion of less dense (reticulocyte-enriched) effects derive directly from RBC components released into the blood.
sickle RBCs to endothelium in the postcapillary venule initiates Arginase diminishes plasma arginine, possibly impeding endothelial
vasoocclusion, after which logjamming by dense, poorly deformable, nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). A robust elaboration of PS-positive
and sickling cells creates retrograde propagation (Fig. 41.8). Thus, RBC microparticles exerts a signaling impact upon endothelial cells,

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 41  Pathobiology of Sickle Cell Disease 579

β6 glu→val

αβ dimer assembly Hb polymerization Hb instability

Hb oxidation
% HbS
+ Mechano-
sensitivity Membrane • O2−
MCHSC HC, heme, Fe H2O2
• OH
K+ & H2O PSout
? Vesicles
Dehydration C5b-9 clustering

+ Ig + Ig
↓ deformability

Trapping Fragmentation Osmotic lysis Erythrophagocytosis

synthesis proposes how the molecular behaviors of hemoglobin S (HbS) (top) cause development of multiple
RBC abnormalities (middle) that lead to the four mechanisms of accelerated RBC destruction (bottom).
(Reproduced with permission from Hebbel RP: Reconstructing sickle cell disease: A data-based analysis of the “hyperhemolysis
paradigm” for pulmonary hypertension from the perspective of evidence-based medicine. Am J Hematol 86:123−154,

accelerates thrombin generation, promotes pulmonary sequestration

The Complex Sickle Milieu
of WBCs, and protects disgorged cell-free Hb from scavenging pro-
teins. The oxy-Hb liberated from lysing sickle RBCs can consume Anemia (altered wall shear stress, tissue hypoxia, HIF-1 signaling)
NO,6,15 thus augmenting the diminished NO bioavailability primar- RBC abnormalities (rigidity, sickling, abnormal adhesivity)
ily caused by endothelial dysfunction. It has been argued that this Hemolysis (plasma Hb and heme, RBC microparticles, arginase)
phenomenon is the specific cause of multiple specific complications Blood cell activation (signaling and adhesive interactions with
of sickle disease, based upon correlations between them and indirect endothelium)
hemolytic biomarkers.16 However, this assumption is belied by the Systemic inflammation:
extreme complexity associated with hemolysis. It is very likely that Mediators (TNF, IL-1β, MCP-1, prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
biodeficiency of NO in sickle disease contributes to sickle disease others)
Endothelial glycocalyx degradation
complications, but it is improbable that it is a sole causal factor.12 Activated monocytes, granulocytes, and lymphocyte subsets
Deficiency of NO does restrain its normal braking effect on platelet Microparticles (endothelial, monocyte, platelet)
activation and inflammation, as well as its vasodilatory and superoxide Mast cell activation (neuroinflammatory mediators)
buffering functions. NETs
Once HbS in plasma oxidizes to met-HbS, it is abnormally likely Oxidant stress (activated WBC, xanthine oxidase, NADPH oxidase,
to lose its heme2 and thereby: oxidize blood lipids, induce endothelial mitochondrial, others)
activation, stimulate blood monocytes and endothelial cells to Growth factors (VEGF, PlGF, erythropoietin, others)
produce TNF-α and express tissue factor, and trigger disgorgement Dehydration (vasopressin)
of neutrophil extracellular traps, among other effects. Some cell Hemostatic system abnormalities:
Coagulation activation (thrombin, others)
responses to heme are mediated by its binding to TLR4; e.g., in sickle Fibrinolysis (D dimer, others)
mice this causes enhanced endothelial surface expression of P-selectin Platelet activation (platelet microparticles, plasma TSP, others)
and triggers vascular stasis.17 In the sickle context any potential effects Vasoactive agents (hypoxia, ET-1, thromboxane, vasopressin,
of liberated cell-free Hb would be augmented because of the greatly prostaglandins, adrenergic agonists, peroxides, CO, NO, others)
limited levels of scavenging proteins, haptoglobin and hemopexin. Adhesogenic proteins in plasma
Ischemia/reperfusion physiology
Endothelial cell activation and dysfunction
UNIQUE SYSTEMS BIOLOGY OF SICKLE CELL ANEMIA Endothelial cell injury (from occlusion, oxidants, oxidized plasma
lipid, mechanic forces)
Inadvertent effects of therapies (iron overload, opioid angiogenesis
Sickle cell anemia is unique amongst human diseases because of the signaling)
extraordinary complexity arising from concurrent disturbance of
multiple biologic processes, such that blood cells and the vessel wall CO, Carbon monoxide; ET, endothelin; Hb, hemoglobin; HIF, hypoxia inducible
are exposed to a broad spectrum of abnormal inputs (see Box on The factor; IL, interleukin; MCIP, monocyte chemotactic protein; NETs, neutrophil
extracellular traps; NO, nitric oxide; PlGF, placenta growth factor; RBC, red
Complex Sickle Milieu). Remarkably, this complexity derives from blood cell; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; TSP, thrombospondin; VEGF, vascular
only two proximate events, vasoocclusion and hemolysis. Although endothelial growth factor; WBC, white blood cell.
it is not possible to identify the proportionate contributions and
importance of the resulting disparate aberrancies, two themes emerge.

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
580 Part V  Red Blood Cells

HbS RBC responses. As one example, the growth factor angiopoietin-2, released
polymer sickling from Weibel-Palade bodies, sensitizes the endothelial cell toward
deoxyHbS Vascular TNF-α and consequent adhesion molecule expression. It is not pos-
Stasis sible to identify proportionate contributions of the many specific
+ Hemolysis
inflammatory inputs, but ligand-triggered TLR4 signaling is emerg-
ing as an important contributor.17
↑ RBC & WBC adhesion Free heme & In summation, sickle cell anemia is a chronic, systemic inflamma-
to endothelium hemoglobin tory state.19 Characteristic features include: leukocytosis; activation
Vascular of granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocyte subsets, and mast cells;
Occlusion elevated levels of proximate inflammatory mediators, acute-phase
reactants, and distal effectors; abundance of soluble adhesion mol-
Systemic ecules; activation of coagulation; presence of microparticles from
Endothelial Systemic multiple activated cell types; and generation of excess oxidant via
Dysfunction Inflammation Ischemia multiple mechanisms. Importantly, this systemic inflammatory state
reperfusion is perpetual, with footprints of active inflammation apparent even
between acute clinical events. Clinically, leukocytosis in sickle cell
disease is a risk factor for mortality, clinical and silent stroke, and
FORCE IN SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. As the consequence of vasoocclusion,
acute chest syndrome, and it helps predict which babies will develop
ischemia–reperfusion provides an incessant driving force causing systemic
a severe clinical course. Conversely, several clinical complications are
inflammation with microvascular dysfunction. The adhesion biology result-
themselves overtly inflammatory, in particular acute painful episodes
ing from activated/dysfunctional endothelial cells creates a positive feedback
and acute chest syndrome.
loop that slows microvascular transit and enables polymer formation. (Modi-
fied from Hebbel RP: Reconstructing sickle cell disease: A data-based analysis of the
“hyperhemolysis paradigm” for pulmonary hypertension from the perspective of
evidence-based medicine. Am J Hematol 86:123, 2011.) Hb, Hemoglobin; PS,
Endothelial Activation and Dysfunction
The vascular endothelial cell receives and responds to disparate
inputs, both sensing and modifying its environment. Although
First, vasoocclusion and hemolysis are interrelated and mutually normally adaptive, the endothelial response can become maladaptive.
promotive. Second, there is an apparent unifying explanation for In the sickle context, the extreme complexity of the sickle milieu (see
emergence of this panoply of biologic mediators. Box on The Complex Sickle Milieu) molds endothelial cell function,
leading to a harmful state. The core inflammatory and oxidative input
causes a high level of endothelial activation with adverse consequences
Ischemia-Reperfusion Physiology such as coagulation activation, degradation of the endothelial glyco-
calyx (a critical determinant of endothelial cell homeostasis), and
The abnormal adhesion of sickle RBC to endothelium creates a posi- endothelial dysfunction. An often-overlooked principle predicts that
tive feedback loop that slows microvascular transit and thereby endothelial dysfunction in the sickle context creates unique risk (see
enables deoxygenation, polymerization, sickling, and occlusion. Mortality and Sudden Death, later).
Experimental studies in transgenic sickle mice indicate that the
enabling, proximate instigation of endothelial activation derives from
ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury physiology, a process that would Aberrant Vasoregulation
comprise an incessant driving force for systemic inflammation (Fig.
41.10).18 This combination of inflammation and endothelial dys- Sickle cell anemia involves deficient endothelial-dependent, flow-
function can provide a unifying explanation for the multitude of mediated conduit artery dilation.20 Beyond the dominant role of I/R
vascular biologic abnormalities in sickle cell anemia, and it establishes and inflammation-induced endothelial dysfunction, there are several
a contextual and generative explanation for several of the specific additional contributing processes: TNF-α induction of endothelial
clinical complications. L-arginase, limiting L-arginine availability to eNOS; NO consump-
The complicated biology of I/R injury occurs when a proximate tion by excess superoxide and cell-free oxyHb; elevated asymmetric
vascular occlusion causing ischemia is followed by reperfusion that dimethylarginine; plus other aberrancies (e.g., microparticles, abnor-
reintroduces oxygen to the formerly ischemic area. In the unique mal wall shear stress, elevated phospholipase A2).12 The proportionate
sickle context, the initiating occlusive event(s) would be microvascular contributions of these processes is unknown. NO bioavailability
and multifocal, and they would happen recurrently. As revealed by seems to be higher for females than males, who exhibit substantial
studies of sickle transgenic mice, this triggers the classic, reperfusion- non-NO regulation of flow.
dependent, early I/R events of localized and rapid onset of oxygen Perfusion patterns are complex in sickle cell anemia but can gener-
radical generation, nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB) activation, TNF-α ally be described as impaired microvascular flow and augmented
production, and WBC activation. Research on I/R generally illustrates macrovascular flow.21 Aberrancy of both endothelial-dependent and
that its pathobiology thereafter explosively arborizes to become vastly endothelial-independent vasoregulation is apparent, and the milieu
complex. Its hallmark, however, is conversion of this localized process is replete with a multitude of vasoactive substances. A state of vascular
into a sterile inflammatory response that is robust and systemic. It instability may derive from tonic upregulation of both vasoconstric-
initiates widespread microvascular dysfunction and organ accumula- tive and vasodilatory systems, in addition to exaggerated α1-adrenergic
tions of inflammatory cells by infiltration from blood plus activation vessel wall responsiveness. Sickle humans reveal disruption of auto-
of tissue resident macrophages and mast cells. This can lead to disease nomic regulation (e.g., with augmented risk for hypoxia-induced
remote from the initiating occlusion, and it can explain emergence perfusion decrements).22 Systemic blood pressure in patients with
of macrovascular disease from inciting microvascular events. sickle cell anemia is lower than in nonanemic controls, yet is higher
than in comparably anemic β-thalassemics.

Coagulation Activation
Many agents comprising the exceedingly complex sickle milieu (see
Pink Box) exert proinflammatory effects; a number interact with each The interplay between inflammation and coagulation often seen in
other in ways that alter the nature or complexity or magnitude of biomedicine is generally highly evident in sickle cell anemia, with

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 41  Pathobiology of Sickle Cell Disease 581

chronic activation of coagulation, fibrinolysis, and platelets.23 This is Thrombosis

accompanied by increased whole blood tissue factor (TF) and its
increased expression on endothelial cells and blood monocytes. Such The hypercoagulable state suggested by blood biochemistries is
abnormalities can follow signaling via heme/TLR4 or TNF or various accompanied by a thrombotic diathesis.23 Arterial thrombosis occurs
other perturbing factors. Presence of PS on released microparticles in areas of vasculopathy in the circle of Willis in association with
and on some sickle RBC promotes accelerated thrombin generation. childhood ischemic stroke, and in lungs exhibiting pulmonary
Oxidation appears to create resistance to cleavage of ultra-large forms hypertension. Incidence of venous thromboembolism is increased,
of von Willebrand factor by ADAMTS13. There is excessive con- and sickle cell anemia is a complicating condition for pregnancy.
sumption of antithrombotic proteins. The extant biodeficiency of Downstream consequences of the coagulation system activation may
NO would contribute to TF expression and augmented platelet play a greater role than is currently appreciated.
activation because it normally inhibits these. Products of platelet and
coagulation activation undoubtedly exert signaling and perturbing
effects on endothelium. Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease
Several stroke syndromes occur in sickle disease and may have differ-
Genesis of Clinical Disease ing pathogeneses. Ischemic stroke with clinical deficit develops in 5%
to 10% of children with sickle cell anemia, with arterial wall changes
For the individual patient, evident clinical disease may not parallel that narrow vascular luminal diameter within the circle of Willis
or accurately predict the extent of underlying overall disease burden. being the strongest risk factor and presumptive cause. Completion of
It has been argued that some clinical complications (pulmonary the actual stroke tends to involve thrombosis at the site of vessel wall
hypertension, leg ulcers, priapism, stroke) are caused by hemolysis, disease. Despite this, most clinical research has focused upon stroke
while others (acute chest syndrome, acute painful episodes) are caused events per se rather than upon separate risks for the apparent funda-
by vasoocclusion.17 That different processes underlie different clinical mental underlying processes, arterial wall disease and thrombotic
complications is entirely possible, but evidence for there being such diathesis. Concurrent α-thalassemia or HbSC disease lowers the risk
dramatic dichotomy of phenotype pathogenesis is very indirect.12 It of this stroke type, and HbF level is not protective. It can be suspected
is important to recall that effects of the proximate inputs (hemolysis that elevated growth factors are participants in arterial wall disease
and vasoocclusion) are undoubtedly modulated by the complex sickle and the sometimes-associated Moyamoya. In a seemingly separate
milieu, and that multiple biologic systems are concurrently activated. syndrome, “silent” strokes (but associated with time-dependent
Also, the vessel wall is exposed lifelong to the great variety of stressors degradation of neuropsychologic function) accumulate throughout
and perturbing substances of the complex sickle milieu. Few data in childhood and are believed to derive from inadequate microvascular
the research literature, whether from general medicine or study of blood flow eventuating in multifocal microinfarcts. Yet another
sickle disease, can be extrapolated with any confidence whatsoever to syndrome, hemorrhagic stroke, can complicate the vessel fragility of
chronicity of this magnitude and complexity. Moyamoya and sometimes aneurysm; otherwise, risk factors and root
causes of hemorrhagic stroke are unknown.

Pain Syndromes
Pulmonary Disease
In adults, a higher frequency of acute painful episodes is associated
with increased mortality,10 presumably reflecting derivation of both The spectrum of sickle pulmonary complications includes chronic
from severity of underlying disease activity. The immense further restrictive lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, asthma, infection,
disturbance of multiple biologic processes during such episodes in situ and embolic thrombosis, and acute chest syndrome (ACS).
augments risk for complications like acute chest syndrome and The acute inflammatory syndrome of ACS is associated especially
sudden death. Pain frequency is higher in association with higher with infection in children and fat embolism (probably from marrow
hematocrit and lower HbF level, consistent with the concept that infarction) in adults, but other presumptive triggers are similarly
acute painful episodes involve ischemic pain from vasoocclusion. implicated. Risk factors include leukocytosis, lower levels of hemo-
However, pain in sickle disease appears to be multimodal and globin and HbF, and a history of asthma. The nature of ACS and its
complex. There probably is a substantial inflammatory contribu- occurrence and timing during acute vasoocclusive episodes raise the
tion to both acute and chronic sickle pain, involving many factors question whether it might be an event of remote organ injury com-
including inflammatory neuropeptides and mast cells.24 It probably plicating I/R physiology.18 Regardless of specific proximate trigger, in
involves a state of nociceptive hypersensitization. The chronic, daily this syndrome it is likely that inflammation, adhesion biology, NO
pain affecting many patients seems to be both inflammatory and deficiency, and endothelial permeability conspire to augment the
neuropathic in origin. deleterious effects of hypoxia on the lung. Mast cell activation,
another consequence of I/R, may contribute to pulmonary suscepti-
bility generally and to pathobiology of ACS and asthma specifically.
Chronic Vasculopathy Pulmonary hypertension occurs in about 6% of adults with sickle
cell anemia,25 in half from pulmonary venous disease, in half from
The macrovascular component of sickle vascular disease is a chronic pulmonary arterial disease. Genesis is almost certainly multifactorial,
inflammatory vasculopathy. Histopathology from the large and as the sickle context involves multiple features associated with pul-
medium vessels at the circle of Willis, where some sickle children monary hypertension in the general population: absence of splenic
develop occlusive disease, is characterized by intimal hyperplasia, function and presence of activated platelets, an inflammatory state,
fibrotic and proliferative changes, and damage to internal elastic and endothelial dysfunction. It is difficult, however, to distinguish
lamina. Pathology of arterial lesions at other sites is described simi- between causes and consequences of this pathobiology. Further, the
larly. This typical arterial wall response to inflammation occurs, in pulmonary arterial wall in sickle cell anemia is awash with suspect
the sickle case, without the fatty streak and foam cells of atheroscle- mediators, and the biodeficiency of NO emasculates a normal braking
rosis, probably reflecting the absence of hyperlipidemia plus the mechanism on inflammation, proliferation, and vasoconstriction.
different spectrum of proximate inflammatory inputs. It is quite Notably, both children and adults with sickle cell anemia not infre-
possible that the specific generative stressors for vasculopathy could quently exhibit sleep-disordered breathing with nocturnal hypoxia,
vary somewhat from organ to organ, but it seems likely that universal the major pulmonary vasoconstrictor. This justifies suspicion that
contributors include inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, growth long-term, repeated exposure to this major stressor plays a role in
factor excess, and aberrant wall shear stress. development of pulmonary hypertension in sickle disease. There may

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
582 Part V  Red Blood Cells

be a substantial problem in sickle cell anemia of transient elevations evident in countries where greater survival and stability derives from
of pulmonary pressure unrelated to histopathologic pulmonary accessible medical care, lower infant mortality, and lesser childhood
hypertension, as discussed later under “Mortality and Sudden Death”. infection burden. The innumerable questions regarding phenotypic
diversity are of great importance. In sickle cell anemia, why do some
children, but not others, develop stroke? Why do only a small fraction
Kidney Disease of adults develop pulmonary hypertension, even though all have
ongoing hemolysis? Why does pain severity vary so widely irrespective
In sickle cell anemia renal hyposthenuria is a nearly universal problem of globin genotype? And so on.
arising from medullary hypoperfusion resulting from the harsh renal
medullary environment; its hypoxia, acidosis, and hyperosmolarity
all would promote HbS polymerization and adverse changes in blood Level of Hemoglobin F
viscosity. Indeed, this even occurs in sickle trait as well. The renal
cortex, on the other hand, exhibits hyperperfusion, believed to HbF level varies amongst individuals as a quantitative trait and is
underlie glomerular dysfunction with albuminuria.21 Patients can also determined approximately 80% by genetics.5 After its decline over
develop acute renal injury, papillary necrosis and chronic renal the first 6 months of life, most of the antisickling protection from its
disease, the latter being a significant contributor to mortality. Hema- high level at birth is lost, but its level still varies among sickle adults
turia from papillary damage is very common. over a 20-fold range. HbF level reflects the number of F cells, the
amount of HbF per F cell, and the preferential survival of F cells.13
Known determinants account for perhaps one-half of its variance: a
Mortality and Sudden Death polymorphic XmnI site (11p) upstream of the Gγ gene; the HBSIL-
MYB intergenic region (6q23); SNPs in TOX (8q12.1); and poly-
Mortality rate is increased in sickle cell anemia patients having higher morphisms of BCL11A (2p16), a transcriptional silencer of the HBG
rates of acute painful episodes,26 with notable risk indicators includ- gene.5 HbF is somewhat higher levels in females, hinting at a con-
ing low HbF, high WBC count, chronic renal failure, and elevated tributing locus on the X chromosome. Polymorphisms in trans-acting
tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity. Among apparent causes of death at enhancers of BCL11A account for some, but not all, of the regional
autopsy, cardiopulmonary disease is most prominent.27 In 1994, a variations in HbF level. Among the African autochthonous haplo-
large study from the United States identified a median survival of 42 types, the Benin haplotype is associated with higher HbF level;
years for men and 48 years for women with sickle cell anemia; the however, it is twice again as high among those with the Arab-India
comparable ages were 60 years and 68 years, respectively, for HbSC haplotype.
disease.26 This reflected large past improvement after introduction of
prophylactic penicillin for children, revealing the earlier dominance
of pneumococcal sepsis in disease natural history. Further improve- α-Thalassemia
ment has derived from chronic use of hydroxyurea, an agent that
boosts HbF level, lowers WBC count, improves RBC hydration and The normal genotype is αα/αα, but about 30% of African Americans
survival, and blunts inflammatory biology and RBC adhesivity. have a single α deletion (–α/α), so concordance with sickle cell
Unfortunately, survival is much worse in parts of the world with less disease is common; and homozygosity for the allele is seen (–α/–α).
access to medical care and greater abundance of comorbidities (e.g., Its prevalence elsewhere varies regionally. An α-gene deletion has
malaria, diarrheal disease). minimal effect on the HbF level but results in improved RBC hydra-
Sickle cell anemia entails risk for sudden death, tending to occur tion (see Fig. 41.6), a lower ISC count, improved RBC survival, and
during painful episodes or other acute events. Although unexplained, less severe anemia.14 Perhaps loss of one α gene nudges α/β chain
this suggests acute cardiac catastrophe. A candidate mechanism may balance toward normal, given the mild instability of βS globin.2 Yet
be occurrence of transient, explosively abrupt elevations of pulmonary there is no amelioration of pain severity, and some complications
artery pressure, even in absence of histopathologic pulmonary hyper- (osteonecrosis, retinopathy) increase, possibly because of the increased
tension.12 This derives from an important principle: the underlying, blood viscosity.
preexisting endothelial dysfunction of sickle disease enables and
predicts exaggerated vasoconstrictive responses to unrelated potential
vasoconstrictors such as hypoxia, augmented NO consumption and β-Globin Alleles
inflammatory signaling. Each can fluctuate in short time scale, e.g.,
during acute painful episodes, and thereby might create risk for Compound heterozygosity for the sickle gene and another β allele
sudden death from rapidly elevated right heart pressure. can affect clinical phenotype, with amelioration to, e.g., in the direc-
tion of amelioration by admixing βA or γ chains with βS. However,
HbSC disease presents a unique case caused by the lesser electronega-
Sickle Trait tivity of HbC compared with HbS.28 Rather than simulating sickle
trait (see Fig. 41.5A), presence of HbC stimulates of KCl cotransport,
Sickle trait typically is associated with renal hyposthenuria. More causing RBC dehydration and increasing concentration of HbS.
seriously, it comprises risk for exertional sudden death, probably Combined with a concurrent augmentation of HbS proportion
precipitated by effects of dehydration on RBC and blood viscosity. (~50% versus ~40% in HbAS), this creates a sickling disorder only
At an epidemiologic level, trait also involves heightened risk for somewhat less severe than sickle cell anemia. Although pain and
venous thromboembolism, chronic renal disease, and thromboembo- anemia are lessened a bit, there is an increased propensity for retino-
lism complicating pregnancy. It may predispose toward ischemic pathy and osteonecrosis. It has been assumed that this derives from
stroke. the somewhat higher blood viscosity when anemia is less severe.
Other less common β gene alleles can likewise interact with HbS and
affect clinical phenotype via impact on polymerization.
Factors aside from the beta globin contribute to the remarkable Unexplained Phenotypic Diversity
interindividual diversity of clinical phenotype and severity in sickle
cell anemia. Both can be significantly influenced by environment, Beyond these well-defined influences, there is still enormous unex-
nutrition, socioeconomic status, endemic infectious agents, and avail- plained variability in the clinical phenotype of sickle cell anemia. The
ability of medical care. Therefore, phenotypic variability is most disparate biologic processes that participate in vasoocclusion,

Descargado para Luis Francisco Guerrero Martinez ( en Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga de por Elsevier en julio 08, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 41  Pathobiology of Sickle Cell Disease 583

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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