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Project Charter for

Delightful Duds Décor

by BluePrint Consulting 11/18/18


The purpose of this Project Charter is to document the parameters of the SimplyOrder
and Customer Service Training Project, agreed upon by Project Sponsor Jane
MacKenzie on behalf of Delightful Duds Décor and BluePrint Consulting.

BluePrint Consulting will develop and deliver the following:

 Develop and deliver a Simply Order and Customer Service Training

 Assist with the layout of the Product Information for Navigation and Usability
 Incorporate the Train-the-Trainer component as part of the project’s Pilot
 Parameters:
 Design one 8 hour course to be delivered in 4-5 sessions.
 Attendees Per Session: 5-7 people
 Budget – Contained in the Budget Section of this document.
 Milestones – Contained in the Milestones Section of this document.
 Assumptions – Contained in the Assumptions Section of this document
 No outside vendors are required at this time.
 Client Constraints are identified in the Constraints Section of this document
 Possible risks are identified in the Risks Section of this document

Project Information
Project Name and Description

The management of Delightful Duds Décor are investigating growth opportunities

for the coming year. Last year’s targets of $5 million in gross sales, netted them a
healthy profit of $1 million. The company hopes to shore up another windfall this
year through the implementation of business investments and other support
systems. The goal is $7 million in gross sales with a Net Profit of $2 million.

The company has concerns about reaching their goals and remaining profitable.
Delightful Duds Décor’s management is looking at each business unit, assessing
the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats which may encumber this
expansion. The consensus is that the company can achieve their goal if they adopt
a strategic effort in two ways:

Document1 1
1. Focus on quality and customer service with 10% improvement in customer
service scores.
2. Focus on quality of the work environment and staff development and

By allocating $400,000 in expenditures, coupled with technical enhancements, the

company is poised to increase catalog sales to the tune of $8 million. The goal is
to ensure that the company’s representatives (Telephone Operators and their
Supervision) are customer-facing.

Customer-facing staff play a crucial role in the experiences that customers have,
and, through social interaction, convey powerful messages directly to the
consumer. Delightful Duds Décor recognizes the value of this powerful
representation, in bolstering customer satisfaction and potentially increasing

To facilitate Delightful Duds’ objectives in enhancing customer service, our team

of BluePrint Consultants conducted a thorough Performance and Gap Analysis to
determine the gaps between the Telephone Operator’s and Telephone Supervisor’s
current state and the company’s goals.

In conducting this analysis, BluePrint Consulting has discovered various issues

that need to be remedied in support of customer service improvement and
increased revenue potential.

Project Manager

BluePrint Consulting’s Project Manager is Emily Gates.

Project Sponsor

The Project Sponsor for Delightful Duds Décor is Jane MacKenzie – Director of
Catalog Sales.

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Stakeholders and Impact

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Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs

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Jane MacKenzie, Project  Is the primary liaison between  Positive partnership with BluePrint
Sponsor Delightful Duds and Décor and Consulting that will result in
BluePrint Consulting. increased revenue due to increased
catalog sales, improved customer
 Oversees the project. service and employee satisfaction.

 Observes and provides comments  Project funding and negotiation

on each phase of the project. experience

 Signs off on each project  Senior management liaison

milestone. experience

 Submits payments.  Business strategy experience in

project planning and scope

 Experience overseeing the Steering

Committee and delegating
management of work

 Experience managing change to

the project environment

 Experience identifying
benchmarks and approving

 Experience negotiating with


 Experience evaluating the project’s

success upon completion

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Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs

Jane MacKenzie,  Arbitrates any misunderstandings  Decisions will impact all aspects
Tie-breaker or tensions on the project or of catalog division.
 Significant time investment in
 Mediates any solutions that cannot project.
be resolved.

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Sheena Perez and Ray  Provide guidance, review, and  Improved catalog sales and
Johnson, SMEs for Product recommendations on product increased revenue will give a
Information information. positive impression of the catalog
division company-wide.
 Give updated and detailed
information about products.  Time for giving recommendations
and review of products.

 Ray can check that all information

about products is included due to
Sheena’s limited time.

 Ray – Gain experience in selecting

and promoting product for the

 Ray – Gain experience vetting


 Ray – Gain experience in product

placement into catalog.

 Ray – Gain experience

collaborating with copywriters and
firms that design and produce the
catalog’s layout, photography, and

 Ray – Gain experience in

interviewing, negotiating,
inspecting, managing, and product

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Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs

SMEs for Customer Service  Will provide information on job  Provide supervisor’s perspective.
and Sales: tasks, goals for customer service
standards, etc.  May become future trainers.
Sarah Commons,
Supervisor/Train the  Will review all versions of the  Improved customer service
Trainer Trainee training documents and provide because supervisors will have the
feedback. skills to effectively train telephone
Maria Gomez, operators.
Supervisor/Train the  Sarah will coordinate the
Trainer Trainee comments and submit to BluePrint  Improve managerial skills
 Improve problem solving skills
 Will assist with the training.
 Improve ability to report call
center metrics to management and
ensure goals are being met

SMEs for Customer Service  Will review all versions of the all  Time investment for input.
and Sales: the training documents and
provide feedback to Sarah.  Offer different perspectives based
Paula Moore, on their different skill levels and
Telephone Operator  Provide information/overview experiences.
about telephone operator job
Rosalinda Sanchez, experience.  Possibility for promotion, to
Telephone Operator become a team lead, or mentor.

 Increased employee motivation

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Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs

SMEs for SimplyOrder:  Assigned to program the changes  Gain Information Design
and additions to the product experience in:
Marge Moorhead information portion of the system.
[Marge] o Writing Skills
Tom Swartz
 Will work with BluePrint o Graphic Design
Consulting on layout and
navigation of the information o E-learning Design
pages. [Marge]
o Functionality
 Review all materials to be sure
they are accurate based on what is o Single Source
being developed. [Marge]
o User Interface Design
 Works on changes to the order
process itself in order to improve o User Analysis
screens and streamline the
o Usability
sequence of the order entry
process. [Tom]

 Will assign someone to provide

BluePrint Consulting with a
sandbox and training database
along with logons and passwords
and, if needed, remote access.

 Will review all training materials

related to the systems portion of
the training to ensure accuracy.

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Stakeholder Responsibilities and Impact on the Impact and WIIFMs

Project Team Members:  Coordinate Project Activities

[Emily]  Fulfilling all obligations outlined in
Emily Gates, Project this outlined in this charter, builds a
Manager/Instructional  Needs Assessment good rapport with Delightful Duds
Designer Décor which serves to secure future
 Task Analysis opportunities (e.g. Train-the-
Carol Garner, Technical Trainer) to provide training and
Writer/Instructional  Outline Objectives instructional design services.
 Design Document
Amy Shipley, Instructional  Builds consulting portfolio to
Designer/Technical Writer exhibit to new clients.
 Prototype

 Storyboards

 Develop Instructional Manuals

 Test, Evaluate, Revise

 Pilot Test, Revise, and Implement

 Evaluate

Sam Fisher, IT Contact  Workstations set up in training  Technical support coordination

rooms and support as needed credit.

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Description of Work
Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to improve quality of service of the telephone

operators and increase customers’ satisfaction of the telephone retail experience at
Delightful Duds and Décor. Telephone operator performance will be improved
through the improved layout and navigation of product information as well as
training on the new SimplyOrder software and standardized training on customer
service, including etiquette, up-selling, and cross-selling.

Business Objectives

By providing telephone operators with a consistent and well-organized layout of

product information, they will have faster access to product information which will
reduce call length, effectively meeting the six call-per-hour requirement. It will
also open the possibility for up-selling and cross-selling which can lead to
increased sales and revenue. Through training on the new SimplyOrder software
features, all telephone operators will be able to work more efficiently and at a
similar pace, eliminating inconsistencies between operators. Standardized training
on customer service, etiquette, up-selling, and cross-selling will lead to improved
customer service, fewer negative interactions with customers, and higher employee
satisfaction. Implementing these improvements will help Delightful Duds and
Décor improve customer satisfaction up to 10%

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Project Deliverables in Scope

The BluePrint Consulting group will work on the following areas to complete the above deliverables. The following tasks are
considered in scope for this project:

Solution Delivery Method Seat Time or Pages Description

Graphic Mock-up Graphic mockup n/a  Consistency to organization, ease of

that showcases well navigation, and increased usability.
Improve layout/organization organized page
and usability of product layout and
information. navigation process

Telephone Operator Training ILT 8 hour/session  A comprehensive course that teaches and
reviews the SimplyOrder Software
 Train operators on the Facilitator Guide One pilot session, Interface and important features.
use of the including four main
SimplyOrder system. sessions with a possible  It will review optimal customer service
fifth for make-ups. practices (ordering, returns, exchanges,
 Train telephone etc) and etiquette.
operators on customer
service skills, up-  Course will contain interactive elements
selling, and cross-
such as role-playing, troubleshooting
scenarios, assessments and self-

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Sub-documents in Scope

BluePrint Consulting will perform the tasks listed to complete the deliverables for
Phase one.
 Project Charter signoff
 Charter with Budget, Milestones, Scope, and Risk Management Plan
 Mock-up for IT Signoff
 Design Document Signoff
 Facilitator/ Student Guide
 Instructional Materials/Training Signoff
 Pilot Conducted; revisions Signoff
 SimplyOrder/Customer Service Training instructor and student guides
 Perform a job task analysis
o Define the tasks
o Define the objectives
o Data Collection through:
 Observation
 Documentation
 Questionnaires
 Interviews
o Assess current knowledge, skills and abilities
o Determine the performance standards
o Target the goal
o Finalize the Analysis
 Performance Analysis Report – Documents BluePrint Consulting’s
findings, and makes recommendations of solutions we can initiate, and
identifies those areas outside of our responsibility.
 Project Charter – Addresses the following:
o Budget – Resource allocation, planning, coordination, control and
o Milestones – To identify what stage of the process the project is in
at any given time. To ensure that the project is on schedule and
meeting the objectives.
o In and Out of Scope – Determines and documents a list of specific
project tasks that or either approved to be worked on or not.
o Evaluation Plan – Provides information to help improve the
project during development and implementation
o Risk management plan. - Identifies areas for potential risk. It will
provide tools, processes and procedures to activate to deal with

Document1 13
incidents that pose a potential negative impact to completing the
 Tracking form for hours and budget – Process to secure expenditures
associated with the project, to prevent project over-run
 Needs assessment – To determine the gaps between the current state and
the desired state
 Task Analysis – To look at the way a task is being performed as opposed to
how it should be performed
 Outline, Objectives and Assessment Documents
 Documentation Deliverables to Client:
o Project Charter
o Project Management Plan with Schedule
o Design Document
o Facilitator and Student Guides

Out of Scope

BluePrint Consulting is not responsible for implementing the following tasks for
Delightful Duds and Décor. The following area(s) is considered out of scope for
this project:
 Supervisor Management Training (TBD)
 A separate Train-the-Trainer Training session or training materials
 All scheduling, website and database development.
 Product information, product database work, or IT Support
 Database functionality of entering new customers, retrieving existing
customer information, or changing customer information.
 Orchestration of the program changes and additions to the product
information portion of the system.
 Changes to the order process itself in order to improve screens and
streamline the sequence of the order entry process.
 Coordination of sandbox and training database or logons and passwords
for remote access.
 Workstations setup in training rooms.
 Any additional training or creation of job aids/documentation not
mentioned in the project deliverables.

Project Completion Criteria

The project will be deemed complete when all specified deliverables have been
signed off by the company sponsor – Jane MacKenzie.

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Project Parameters

Deliverable /Solution Type of Training/ Deliverable Seat Time or Total Hours Rate Cost
Scope Figure Estimated

Graphic mockup of A graphic mockup that n/a 15 - 20 $150.00 $2,250.00 -

organized layout of showcases well organized page /hr $3,000.00
product information and layout and navigation process
navigation process. that includes information design
and layout background
Work with the Marge
Moorhead to develop
information design and
layout background

Telephone Operator Instructor Lead Teaching (ILT). 8 hours 400 - 550 $150.00 $60,000.00 -
Training A total of 4 sessions at 8 hours /hr $82,500.00
each. Two held from 7:00AM- (4 sessions,
3:30PM and two from 5:00PM- with a possible
12:30AM to accommodate both 5th make-up
shifts. session)

Student Materials: content,

exercises, assessments

Facilitator Guide, including

course content and instructions
for trainers.

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Deliverable /Solution Type of Training/ Deliverable Seat Time or Total Hours Rate Cost
Scope Figure Estimated

Total 8 hours 415 – 570 $62,000.00 -

hours $85,500.00

Project Team Members & Roles

Consulting Team
Listed below is BluePrint Consulting’s team members, their role and responsibilities, and estimated time needed for project.

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Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours

Emily Gates Project Manager/  Oversees project at a high level and develops project plan. 180
Designer  Is point person for sponsor communication.

 Identifies and assembles stakeholders, deliverables,

projected hours, and project parameters as stated in

 Delegates tasks and maintains communication

 Sets and monitors budget and delivery timelines.

 Tracks activity/resource requirements.

 Undertakes quality reviews and evaluates project.

 Ensures project stays within agreed scope.

 Performs Duties as Instructional Designer (listed below)

 Edits documents to ensure consistency.

Carol Garner Technical Writer/ 190
Instructional  Formats documents, slides and instructional materials.
 Provides final review of documents prior to submission

 Performs Duties of Instructional Designer (listed below)

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Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours
 Conducts gap analysis and collects data research.
Amy Shipley Instructional Documents findings in a performance analysis report. 200
 Meets with project sponsor to deliver performance
analysis findings.

 Conducts a job task analysis for audience.

 Creates learning activities, assessments, and evaluation.

 Identifies learning objectives, assessments, and mock-ups.

 Develops the instructional design document and creates

facilitator guide.

 Creates all training materials.

 Leads Train the Trainer sessions.

 Create database mock ups.

Total 570 Hours

Client Team
Listed below is Delightful Duds and Décor's team members, their role and responsibilities, and estimated time needed for project.

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Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours

Jane MacKenzie Project Sponsor  Primary contact for Delightful Duds and Décor 50

 Oversees project, budget, payment

 Provides input and arbitrates/mediates when necessary

 Signs off on project

Sheena Perez and SMEs for Product  Supplies all relevant product information 10 (Sheena)
Ray Johnson Information and
Catalog  May request additional company individuals or outside 20 (Ray)
vendor to help populate the product information into the
system when the time comes

Sarah Commons Telephone Operator  Review all versions of all training documents and provide 160 (80 each)
and Maria Gomez Supervisors, Future feedback
Trainers, and
Reviewers  Sarah will coordinate the comments and submit to
BluePrint Consulting

 Sits in on all training sessions

 Co-teach one or two of the later sessions

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Name Role Responsibilities Est. Hours

Paula Moore and Telephone Operator  Review all versions of all training documents and provide 50 (25 each)
Rosalinda Sanchez SMEs and feedback

Marge Moorhead SMEs for  Assist with programing information into the system, assist 10
SimplyOrder with layout and navigation

Tom Swartz SMEs for  Streamlines order sequence of order entry process and 10
SimplyOrder reviews training materials related to system

 Will assign someone to provide BluePrint a training

database and logon information.

Sam Fisher IT Contact  Ensures that the training room is supplied with training 20
room and computers have everything needed for training

Total 330 Hours

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Project Milestones

Milestone Date
Project Charter signoff
November 20, 2018

Design Document Signoff December 4, 2018

Mock-Up Graphic for IT Signoff December 7, 2018

Instructional/Training Materials Signoff January 11, 2019

Pilot Conducted; revisions Signoff January 22, 2019

SimplyOrder/Customer Service Training January 24, 2019

SimplyOrder Rollout February 4, 2019

Vendor Assistance Required

BluePrint Consulting will not require any outside vendor assistance for the graphic
mock-up of the design template. BluePrint Consulting is responsible for creating a
graphic mock-up of the product information design template for Delightful Duds
and Décor’s IT department. Delightful Duds and Décor is responsible for putting
that design into their database and imputing all product information to
SimplyOrder before January 11, 2019 (the date that all Instructional/Training
Materials will be completed). No outside graphic work will be needed beyond
what is being provided by BluePrint Consulting and Delightful Duds and Décor.
BluePrint Consulting will also not be using external services for the Telephone
Operator Training. BluePrint Consulting’s instructional designers will be designing
materials used for the training and role-playing exercies, but Delightful Duds and
Décor will be responsible for printing services (i.e.: student guide, facilitator guide,
BluePrint Consulting will not require assistance directly from SimplyOrder vendor.
If any technical assistance is needed from them, it will be Delightful Duds and
Décor’s responsibility to obtain that information.

Document1 21
Possible Problems and Risks

Problem Area Likelihood Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan

1–5 Project

Any Delightful Duds 3 Delightful Duds Absences or changes  BluePrint Consultants request respective
Décor's SMEs, and Décor SMEs in roles could slow organization to a replacement employee to
Sponsor, Technical progress replace absentee ASAP.
Support, or BluePrint Project Sponsor
Consultants leave the
project or is absent Technical Support
for an extend period.

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Problem Area Likelihood Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
1–5 Project

Client - Changing 4 Delightful Duds Project Plan may need  Be clear on tasks to be completed.
Requirements and Décor SMEs to be altered that
includes milestone  Be clear on how much leeway is needed
Project Sponsor dates, deliverable for big revisions.
signoff dates, budget
Technical Support and training dates.  Establish compensation for large
deviations in the agreed upon project

 Establish the number of adjustments that

can be made by the Client before
BluePrint Consulting increases the cost to
develop and deliver.

 BluePrint Consulting will revisit Project

Plan and alter milestones, deliverables,
budget, and training dates as need.

Document1 23
Problem Area Likelihood Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
1–5 Project

Client – Slow with 2 Delightful Duds Training may need to  Start task based upon the agreements in
Communication and Décor SMEs be pushed back if the Sponsor Agreement. Check in
information is not periodically to confirm the status of the
Project Sponsor provided in a timely development and ask a quick review of
manner. the progress.
Technical Support
 Inquire frequently. Ask for clarification
and troubleshoot to meet pre-planned
deadlines. If timely answers are not given
then timeline, budget, and training
schedule may need to pushed back.

Project doesn’t start 2 Delightful Duds SimplyOrder software  Client Delay - Check in with the Client
on time. and Décor SMEs many need to be and get some clarification as to what the
rolled out later delays are, and how it will impact the
Project Sponsor proposed schedule. Get a new schedule of
Late rollout could events submitted so that everyone is on
Technical Support affect telephone the same page. A sign-off is a good idea
operators’ ability to so that we have the re-scheduling
BluePrint meet the Q1 training documented.
Consulting dates and prepare for
the next catalog.  BluePrint Delay – Call the Client and
discuss their expectation and set a realistic
time frame for the first milestone.

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Problem Area Likelihood Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
1–5 Project

Client doesn’t like 3 Delightful Duds Training dates may be  Be clear on the Client’s technical
the training material and Décor SMEs pushed back. requirements and their rationale for
created. rejection of the design. Make sure that
Project Sponsor BluePrint Consulting understands the
Client’s vision and collaborates

Sponsor is vague on 2 Project Sponsor Project delays due to  Ask for clarity as needed.
information. miscommunication.

Too much time spent 3 Delightful Duds Delays meeting  Keep the benchmarks in mind. Revisit as
on problem solving and Décor SMEs benchmarks. needed.
instead of
development. Project Sponsor

Budget over-runs. 3 Delightful Duds Increase in design and  Remind all parties of the agreed upon
and Décor SMEs development costs, budget. If a revision is needed to
and client accommodate changes, discuss with
Project Sponsor expenditures. Project Sponsor. Provide the rationale and
justification for changes.

Technical 2 Technical Support Impacts the ability to  Defer to the IT Department

Issues/Equipment demonstration
relevant scenarios in

Document1 25
Problem Area Likelihood Problem Owner Possible Impact to Mitigation Plan
1–5 Project

Printing Production 1 Delightful Duds Delay printing of  Company has offered to help with print.
Delays and Décor SMEs student and Worst case scenario out-source the
facilitators guides for printing production.
Project Sponsor training purposes.

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For timely completion of this project Delightful Duds and Décor and BluePrint
consulting, must adhere to the following responsibilities:
BluePrint Consulting is responsible for:
 The design and development of all project deliverables as outlined in the
Project Deliverable section.
 Timely completion of all project milestones as listed in the Project
Milestones section.
 Monitoring and adhering to the project budget and schedule.
 Maintaining communication with Jane MacKenzie, Project Sponsor, and
contacting her should there be any problems that affect the project’s

Delightful Duds and Décor is responsible for:

 Assigning BluePrint Consulting with appropriate SMEs to contribute
input, provide real-world customer scenarios, and review content for
 Responding to all communication in a timely manner by the SMEs and
project sponsor, Jane MacKenzie.
 Permitting BluePrint Consulting to access meetings, internal documents,
product catalog, and IT support.
 Allowing BluePrint Consulting use of branding (e.g.: logo, graphics, and
imagery) on training and printed materials.
 Reserving meeting and training space and preparing that space with the
necessary technical requirements.
 Printing of training materials and providing attendees with the necessary
materials for training.
 Allowing access to staff for interviews and surveys.
 Providing technical specifications for all workstations.
 Provide an extra day for one makeup session, should the need arise due to
illnesses or other unanticipated absences.
 Scheduling attendees for training.
 Working with BluePrint Consulting on the schedule for development and
 Signing off on agreed milestones by Jane MacKenzie.


The following constraints may limit the BluePrint Consulting’s ability to complete
the project on the agree upon scope:

Document1 27
 Holiday schedules may impact the availability of SMEs and Delightful
Duds and Décor's employees.
 Employee turnover, whether by leaving the company or by promotion.
 Call center shifts may limit some SME’s availability.
 Increased workload by some SMEs may limit their availability for input
and/or review of training materials or product information.
 Installation delay or unforeseen issues with the SimplyOrder software.

External Influences/Dependencies

The following external influences outside Delightful Duds and Décor and
BluePrint Consulting’s control could impact successful completion of this project:
 System or power outages
 Extreme weather conditions or natural disaster
 Suppliers - copywriters and firms that design and produce the catalog’s
layout, photography, and printing
 Changes in the economy that impact the Delightful Duds and Décor's
company or client base.
 Installation delay or unforeseen issues with the SimplyOrder software that
occurs outside the workings of Delightful Duds and Décor.


Role Signature Date

Project Sponsor __Jane MacKenzie__ __November 26, 2018____

Project Manager
________ Emily Gates___________ November 20, 2018

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