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1. MicroC software is used to write the source code program.

2. MicroC icon in desktop is clicked to open the software and the
M  M 
tab is clicked.

3. ^he project name is written as ³First_project´. ^he project path is

specified to save the files. ^he Ê    tab is leaved blank,
PIC16F88 is selected as the Ê , 20.000000 is written in the
tab, default setting is used and then OK button is clicked.

4. ^hen the MicroC compiler will prepare the project file and
displays the window editor to write the source code program.

5. ^he program for LED blink module is written in the window
editor. Refer to Data Part to see the source code.

6. After the program is written in the editor, the file is saved and the
  icon is clicked to compile the program. ^hen a .hex file
is created. ^his .hex file will be transferred into Microcontroller.

7. ^o transfer or download the .hex file to PIC, firstly WinPIC800

software is opened.

8. ^hen the PIC Kit board is plugged into Serial Port/COM1 in the
PC. ^he PIC must be connected to Programmer circuit to
download .hex file.
9. PIC16F88 is selected in pull down tab and *  button is clicked
to check the serial port connection of the PIC board to the PC.

10.^he a   icon is clicked to delete all previous programs existing

in the PIC.

11.^he    icon is clicked to select .hex file that will be

downloaded to the PIC.

12.^he M  icon is clicked to transfer the .hex file to the PIC

13.After the .hex file has been transferred, then the PIC board is
unplugged from the serial port of the PC. And the IC is removed to
application circuit. 9v supply is connected to the terminal and switch
ON is pressed.

14.^he LEDs are ON according to the programmed sequence.


1. From MikroC menu, select ^ool>> USAR^ ^erminal (or press
Ctrl+^ .

2. In the Settings section, Select the particular COM Port and set
the Baud as 9600 (because in the programming the Baud rate was
initially set to 9600 through command o  !"##$% .

3. Next, Click Connect, and the dialog box will appear as below
(where in the box the communication details will be shown in
codes . We can view the codes in different formats: Decimal,
HEX or ASCII by selecting the desired value.


1. Connect the programming circuit port to the PC using the

extinction cable given.

2. By using the MikroC for PIC application software, create a

program for the experiment. ^hen check any error for the coding.

4. Put the PIC into the lab kit circuit. Download the coding to the
PIC from the PC by using Winpic800 application.

3. Remove the PIC from programmer socket to application socket.

5. Connect 9V and 6V supply to the terminal and switch ON to test

the circuit.

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