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a)Impact of consolidation of small plots on agricultural sustainabily.

b)Effect of submergence of small farms into SEZs on sustainability of agriculture.

c)Second Green Revolution

d)10 things to be done in Indian Agriculture to make India self-sufficient by 2020


 Tell us something about yourself that is not in your C.V

 Why do you want to join Britannia.
 Question about my cv
 What is your favourite subject.
 Question from that subject
 Do you want to ask any question.
 tell something about BANARAS(my place of graduation)
 why there is a gap in your studies?(by the HR)
 if you are made the Agriculture minister,what you would do to improve upon the
 Tell about your home and family?
 If You were the Agriculture minister of India , how could you improve the Agricultural
situation of India.
 Do you want to ask us something?
 Tell me something that not on your cv
 What is your favourite subject in UG?
 No of rose farms in India
 The largest flower market of the world
 Whether black rose exists
 Cost of production of roses
 For what Varanasi is famous?
 No of Ghats in Varanasi
 The five things you would do if you are the agriculture minister
 Ask us a question
 The choice of shooting between me and the next person
 Who is the best person according to you in the 15 shortlisted?
 Why you spoke less in the GDs?
 Why nobody mentions Manikarnika Ghat?
 The place you belong to you

Topics of GD:

1. 20-20Cricket is killing the real cricketing skill.

2. Should Valentine day be celebrated in India.
3. Do filmstars make effective politicians.
4. Impact of boliwood on teenagers.

Interview Ques.

 How are u livin in Hyd when ur father is not here?

 Which subject u like most?
 Rice: Weed, Insect Pest n Diseases.
 What u did in RAWE, Where did u go?
 Why should we take u instead of others.
 Strength n Weakness
 Give eg. Where u used ur strength.
 How much u will give urself out of 5 in this interview.
 What do u expect from company n vice versa.
 How do you rate Amway(she is a member of it) and BASF.
 What do u value more quality or quantity.
 Why BASF n not any other.
 Rice- control of Helminthosporium leaf spot n yellow stem borer; seed rate.
 Which type of soil will you prefer in plantation crop like tea
 If any moment of time u realize ur GD is moving in wrong direction, what will u do?
 U hav a good cv should we take u by just looking at it.
 Tell me abt urself.
 Is ur father a docter?
 One crop famous in ur region (tobacco)
 Seed rate, disease, marketing, bodies givin technical support 2 farmers, few big farmers of ur
 What is Bangalore famous for- rose, grapes, po tato (insect pest, and ctrl.)
 U r a girl sent to Assam with no com[any support , how will u manage.
 Most famous variety of tobacco in ur region.
 Do u have qualities of a manager.
 Hobby; special abt urself.
 Ques on BHU.
 Ques on Inst of Ag Sciences(IAS)
 Dist of home frm institute n frm capital city.
 Why did u travel so much for studies.
 Tell abt our products.
 Plant protection of wheat.
 Why BASF?
 If given a project which area ull prefer.
 Will u prefer to work in T.N.
 Ask a Ques.
 Introduce urself.
 U r an horticulturist why enterin in Ag. input?
 Ques on CV.
 Yoghurt vs Curd
 Ask a ques.
 What r the theater events in which u participated.
 Why did u not opt for PG instead of MBA
 Hobbies.
 Abt urself.
 Why BASF
 Why u opted for dharwar when Bangalore was more accessible.
 Ques on SBI.
 Job profile.
 Ques on rice (seed rate, insect pest, disease n protection)

Taj Mahal details where u belong.
 Salt dept. details where father is working.
 Elaborte ur objective.
 Rawe details, Rice: recommendations 2 farmer, chemical classification of pesticides.
 About banana pesticide treatment.
 Study on chemical formulations.
 Any questions u want to ask?
 How will u manage outside alone?
 Ques on cv
 Introduce urself
 Abt BHU
 Rice and plant protection of it
 Why BASF?
 U have grt achievements in NCC so why not NDA.
 What is ur take on current Business environment.
 Why BASF?
 Where do u find urself after 10 yrs.’
 What u learned abt pady in ur PCP.
 What hav u learnd in vill attachement, and crops grown over there.
 Plantation crops; cardamom.
 Major Rice diseases in Kuttanar.
 What r ag. Prob of ur region.
 Interest n hobbies
 What is Dmat a/c
 Sub prime crisis?
 Intro in Kannad.
 Contri of dharwad in cotton.
 Disease, pest n varieties of cotton.
 For a product launch what will u do.
 Sub prime crisis?
 Role model?
 What all sports did u play?
 Dif between bioinformatics n biotech
 Why did u join UAS dharwad


 tell about urself n ur family.

 why u choosen sub campus rather main campus for UG.
 tell abt ur hobbies.
 why u have so many hobbies and not just one. R u not confused.
 can u draw gromor farmer logo.
 why n how u learn telugu.
 can CHIRU do the same magic as NTR.
 what kind of project u expect from us.
 v have project for outside of A.P., r u willing to do that.
 the entire conversation is in Telugu...... the questions asked were:
GD Topics

1. T.V reality shows a T.R.P drama or a real talent hunt?

2.modern retail and indian agriculture? :

3."Are Indian films influencing the society or are films influenced by the society"

4. "Dryland Agriculture: How to increase productivity


 what was reaction when you were not short listed for ITC?
 do you think this form of selection is fair and just?
 what did your collegues tell you about the environment inside this room?
 how do you rate our organisation?
 justify that you are a innovative kind of person?
 after your 12th why you joined bsc ag. and did not try for medical again?
 what three things did you learn at your university?
 tell me your strengths and weakness and justify them?
 any questions you want to ask( i asked them that they entered india, after a series of M&A, are
there some other ways to make your presence in the market felt, and gain market share)
 why MANAGE?
 why there is gap in ur studies?
 if we select U.. what changes wud u like to bring in SAB's working?
 what are ur preferences for working in SAB?
 if ITC n SAB are in campus ..which one u wud choose n why?
 do u hav any questions to ask
 I'll give you one minute... Tel me what you can give to SABMiller if we select you.
 Tell us something about your family background
 Your college is called College of Horticulture and your course is B.Sc. Agriculture. How can you
explain this?
 What did you do after you completed your degree (in 2007)?
 Tell me one area in which you would like SABMiller to improve upon.
 Any questions?
GD topic for Dupont:

1.GM crops boon or bane:

2.Media and its social responsibility

3.Agri-input retailing: Prospects and challenges

Interview Questions:

 Tell about yourself?

 What is the full form of ICICI?
 Question on CV:
 You have had a good exposure, what did you learn from it?
 What do you carry with you from Tamilnadu?
 Do you remember basics of agriculture? Are you sure?
 Technical & HR questions:
 What is GAAP in BFA?
 What is going entity concept?
 What is PERT?
 Can asset be a loss?
 Tell something about OB?
 What according to you is goal?
 Where do you see yourself 3 yrs from now?
 If a farmer comes to you with a yellow discoloured leaf, how would you test it? Tell within 3
 I m your boss and i give you a product to market, suppose a herbicide, how would you market
 You have been a leader? What are the qualities a leader should have?
 What quality a women entrepreneur should have? Give example of some?
 What you know about Du pont?
 Are you comfortable with sales marketing?
 introduce yourself
 favourite subject
 how does an investor know which company he should invest in?
 what is BCG matrix?
 what is regression?
 what is range?
 what is a fund flow statement?
 Tell us About urself?
 Sell me Ur brand of toothpaste?Why would I stop using Colgate-My trusted brand for so many
years and use an Amway toothpaste instead?
 What product did you sell most and why?
 What courses did you study in your 1st trimester?
 Name 5 leading economists of our country.
 In economics what is:
 PPP(I later came to know its Purchasing Power Parity)
 Inflation ,GDP,GNP,WPI.
 What is the ideal inflation rate for our country?
 How do you differentiate between selling a product and marketing a product?
 What do you value most in your life?
 Where do you see yourself 10-15 years down the lane?
 How is MANAGE's course curriculum?What sort of improvement would you like to introduce in
this course GD topics and PI questions for SABMiller and DuPont:
 Tell me something about yourself
 Why did you join MANAGE, coming all the way from Kerala?
 What are the courses you studied in the first trimester?
 What all did you study in OB?
 What is Management by Objectives?
 What is marketing?
 What is selling?
 What is consumer demand theory?
 Can it be applied in all situations?
 If we select you, what would be your reaction? And if we do not select you?
 You play cricket... Have you played for your state? (!!!!!!!!!!!!)
 Who is your favourite cricketer
 What do you like the most in Sachin Tendulkar?
 Would you like him to continue in the Indian team?
 What is your most important value?



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